What awaits the snake maiden in the year. Compatibility of snake and dog in the Chinese horoscope

In year Yellow Dog Snakes can be pythons, boa constrictors, and cobras - depending on the specific environment. If desired, you can show the sting to your competitors. But you should curl up in a ball next to your business partners - in 2018 they will be absolutely delighted with you. Legends will be made about the wisdom and intuition of the Snake. Representatives of this sign calculate any situation many steps ahead and take the most correct solution. Snakes will especially succeed in creative activity- the world will gasp at their talents.

Fire Snakes (1977)

In 2018, the period of calm will be replaced by vigorous activity. Snakes will bypass obstacles, solve problems and turn competitors into partners. The Yellow Dog wags its tail and stretches out its paws all year round - the four-legged animal is in admiration of their abilities and talents. The fiery skins of the Snakes shine with pleasure. How could it be otherwise, because the whole world is at their feet. Also, representatives of this sign love to take risks and do not miss a single deal. Their thirst for adventure will definitely be appreciated by fortune and will help them get out dry and unharmed from all sorts of adventures.

Decisive and hardworking Fire Snakes know nothing about poverty and lack of money. And even famous spendthrifts will envy their spending. Snakes can spend their entire salary on complete nonsense in a day, and within a day their wallets will be stuffed with brand new, crisp bills. Usually, impulsiveness interferes with solving financial issues, but in the case of representatives of this sign, the opposite is true. Snakes have a nose for the best deals. They can even find treasure without a compass or map. And the Yellow Dog is nearby - with such an honest partner, the Snakes will never disappear.

Water Snakes (1953, 2013)

The natures are sociable and broad, hospitable and kind. It is not surprising that all the business partners lined up for the reception (they wait day and night for an invitation to tea). Water Snakes masterfully circumvent sharp corners and decide conflict situations. All their competitors are shocked by this and quickly prepare a retreat plan (don’t let them go, call them to your team - it will be a lot of fun). Snakes know how and love to lead. In 2018, they will be able to realize all their talents. If you work as a hired worker, be sure to open your own business. You are quite capable of this!

“Where can I get finance so that every relative can get an apartment?” - the Water Snake asks in bewilderment, looking into the wallet with a dissatisfied expression. "No problem!" - answers the Yellow Dog and advises you to check your bank account balance. Just don’t rush to faint when the money is cashed out - the staff themselves held their breath in the presence of the Water oligarch. In general, Snakes have nothing to worry about. They are the first candidates for the title “Lucky of the Year”. But there are also warnings about this: you need to spend carefully and wisely - you shouldn’t buy fifteen gold rings and chains. It's all tinsel. Better to start investing.

Wood Snakes (1965)

Decisive and stubborn Snakes will have room to turn around in 2018. They easily get along with people, which will help them acquire many useful connections. Just don’t forget about the cunning of respectable and influential people. For this reason, you do not need to show all your cards to them (relatives may be an exception to the rule). The Yellow Dog will appreciate hard work and diligence Wooden Snakes, sending them a sea of ​​lucrative offers. But sometimes you need to dive in and look around: aren’t your competitors putting a spoke in your wheels?

In 2018 money issue worries many, but not the Wood Snakes. Although some representatives of this sign are constantly shaking over their own chests of jewelry. In order not to worry about their safety, call the Yellow Dog, and no one will come close to your wealth. Snakes are always in search of something new, and 2018 will be a perfect year for them to realize their talents in any area they are passionate about. If you work hard, the reward will soon come.

Earth Snakes (1929, 1989)

2018 will be rich in corporate events for them, although Snakes are not very fond of public events. It's just time to show your leadership skills and command people. It’s quite possible to hire a secretary - that’s all business people they will eventually acquire them.

Despite the crisis and constant price increases, financial horoscope Earth Snakes are very auspicious. In this regard, they can be considered lucky. And the Yellow Dog will recommend several banks for storing and increasing savings.

Metal Snakes (1941, 2001)

They love to brag about their achievements and successes, but in 2018 it is better to slow down, because they will have enough envious people. The snakes are doing great! Necessary people They themselves will admire and be proud of them. Especially business partners who, as soon as they hear your name, will start jumping up and clapping their hands joyfully. The dog generally barks enthusiastically throughout the year and does not leave the throne-box. The stars suspect that Snakes are chess players at heart, because only this can explain their ability to think and calculate several moves ahead.

There is no need to worry about the financial sector. Either a diamond avalanche, or a golden snowfall, or a rain of money. Metal backs are not afraid of precipitation, but you should think about where to store your jewelry. Mattresses and chests are not in fashion - you need to build your own bank. According to the stars, there are no other options. Well, a couple of million dollars can be given to charity. To some, this prediction will seem like a utopia, but not to the Metal Snakes. They know that Her Majesty Fortune is favorable to them.

Years of birth of representatives of the Snake sign: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

Snake: briefly about the sign

Representatives of the Snake sign are charming, insightful, agile, have a little “devilishness” and have a passion for everything secret and mystical. Snakes are gourmets in everything, graceful and refined, and never doubt themselves. Possessing subtle and captivating beauty, they rarely face financial problems, which are well known to other representatives of the eastern horoscope signs. Snakes make excellent politicians, philosophers, doctors, scientists and archaeologists.

Eastern horoscope for the Snake for 2018: the main thing

In 2018, the earth dog, the Snake will have to be more strict and restrained. 2018 is a calm and rather serene year for the Snake, when it will smoothly follow the flow of life without stress and risk.

2018 Score for Snake: 6/10

Motto for the Snake for 2018:"Getting rid of everything unnecessary"

Predictions for the Snake for 2018

In general, in 2018, the Snake will have deep thoughts about its values ​​and priorities, which will allow it to get rid of everything unnecessary and leave only what is useful, in order to choose the right direction in life and strengthen its socio-professional position.

However, before trying to achieve high results, the Snake must get rid of unimportant elements and unnecessary people in its environment, especially distance itself from those individuals who insidiously prevent it from progressing. For the Snake, 2018 is more of a correction in life directions and A New Look on ambitions rather than profound changes in life and aspirations. Once the Snake's environment has been "cleansed" of all unnecessary things and thanks to its unique ability to look through walls, the Snake will rise to the peak of its form, and will be able to effectively organize its life during the 2018 of the Yellow Earth Dog.

Thus, 2018 is a calm and easy year for the Snake, where success can be achieved, provided that the Snake puts in all the efforts that are prescribed to it.

Family and relationships

At the inception stage love relationship The snake may have to prove its love for its companion. Most likely, the time has come to reveal some deep secrets to each other in order to strengthen mutual trust, mutual respect and strengthen the relationship as a couple.

In order to win a loved one, the Snake will without hesitation begin to regularly make small gifts and show signs of attention to the object of adoration. However, winning the favor of a loved one is possible only if the Snake can overcome his impatience and act consistently and judiciously. In this situation, the Snake can hope to get the desired and long-awaited success and create a harmonious couple.

In 2018, the single Snake will feel mature enough to enter into a serious new relationship. However, any promises or hasty commitments should be avoided if the Snake wants to maintain its freedom in the long term. In 2018, the attractive and seductive Snake will be able to easily wrap itself around the neck of any “victim” it likes. While in a relationship, the Snake fully shares the interests and hobbies of its other half and strives to build a promising bright future together. However, carefully and in detail studying the past of your chosen one is always more reasonable than thoughtlessly throwing yourself into the pool headlong.

In 2018, the Snake is open to everything new, including starting a family. Marriage is only possible if you get rid of all the people who in any way jeopardize one of the most happy days in your life. Jealous and envious people are much closer to you than you could imagine.

Regarding the possibility of having a child, you should know that the birth of a child in the year of the Dog is a sign of joy and prosperity for the parent - the Snake. The Dog child will always want to learn from the Snake parent and listen to his opinion. However, it is important to remember that if one of the parents eastern horoscope has the sign of the Dragon, then in case of disagreement and contradictions between him and a child born in the year of the Dog, conflicts are inevitable, especially in adolescence.

Work and social life

In the professional sphere, 2018 also promises to be successful for the Snake. The Snake manager has a chance to put his business in order and develop new strategies for his future projects, and the Snake employee can count on promotion and an increase in his salary.

Luck and prosperity of the Snake in 2018:

In 2018, the Snake is also strongly recommended not to neglect its health, to start leading a correct lifestyle in order to avoid any possible problems with health. Snakes must be vigilant and monitor everything that happens around them. Try not to give in to temptations and do not allow yourself to be seduced, otherwise your enemies may take advantage of your weaknesses.

Lucky and favorable months for the Snake in 2018: month of the Monkey (August 2018), month of the Rooster (September 2018), month of the Buffalo (January 2019)

Unfavorable months for the Snake in 2018: month of the Pig (November 2018).

People born under the sign of the Snake are distinguished by their mystery and wisdom. Such people should be called thinkers. They love to live in style. Snakes have always been natural aesthetes and elegant. It’s quite rare that you listen to other people’s opinions. Even if the Snake has listened to the interlocutor, he will still do it his own way, since he is very confident in himself. Sometimes this frivolity drives you into a dead end. Stubbornness is to blame.

General horoscope

The Year of the Dog will be quite ambiguous for the Snake. Uncertainty and anxiety in their actions will literally haunt representatives of this sign. Every now and then the Snake will begin to hesitate, making the wrong choice from time to time. These doubts affect absolutely all areas of life. For example, people in love will lose confidence in their partner, and careerists will lose confidence in their endeavors and long-established and developed strategies.

If you want to avoid the doubt that haunts you, then make a decision here and now. The less time you spend thinking, the less reason to worry.

Snake Man

The stronger half will need rest. For the Snake, the horoscope for 2018 insists that thanks to a pause in business, you will cope with the piled-up number of problems and tasks. If the Snakes begin to avoid rest and want to settle everything at once, they will get bogged down in a very unfavorable period. The stars advise you to calm down your ambitions and not try to take the initiative into your own hands.

At the beginning of the year, the Snake man can expect conflicts with his superiors. There is no need to worry or tear out your hair here. Colleagues will definitely side with the Snake, so the problem will be resolved in your favor. As for the financial situation, it will suffer. The Snake man is in danger of losing everything he has accumulated over a long time.

Snake Woman

Women in the Year of the Dog will have to be careful. The hostess of the year is able to give generous gifts, as well as take away what you are already accustomed to. 2018 promises to be full of conflicts with loved ones. But no difficulties are foreseen in terms of health and finances.

The stars show that single Snakes will face difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex in 2018. Promising acquaintances are ready to become nothing. So astrologers recommend that Snakes do not rush headlong into the pool. First of all, a cool and common sense will help you. You shouldn’t place high hopes on new men either. They are capable of offending and betraying.

Most areas will settle down by the end of the year, however, health may suffer. So Snake girls are advised to take care of themselves. Good nutrition, good sleep and physical activity will solve your problem quite quickly.

Love horoscope

Lonely representatives of this sign will find plenty of acquaintances. More than ever, the aristocratic taste that is inherent in Snakes will come in handy here. As soon as you start choosing your partner, use manners and do not stoop below what you deserve. The stars recommend making a choice both with your heart and with your natural instincts.

If you take into account the family Snakes, then you will try not to quarrel with your loved ones. The horoscope for 2018 shows that conflicts will be inevitable in everyday life. But this sign is not able to smooth everything out with his own hands. Sometimes you have to make compromises, listen to your relatives and sometimes give in. Expects you by the end of the year love adventure. This includes not only single Snakes, but also those who are in relationships.

Money horoscope

The dog will begin to mischief and show its sharp fangs. The Snakes have a chance to be left without cash and waste the money they left for a rainy day. It is worth noting that even adventurers or thrifty individuals are not immune from this turn of events. Everything will happen on its own.

The most important thing in 2018 is not to give up and not get hysterical. Try to avoid loans and debts. Borrowed funds will not last long, but it will be very difficult to return them. It is best for representatives of this sign to keep theirs to themselves. Do not distribute debts yourself, especially to relatives. In general, 2018 will not be very difficult in terms of finances. The main thing is to sensibly evaluate all strata and manage them.


The main task in 2018 will be maintaining immunity. Snakes are required to fill their bodies with vitamins. Maintain balance, because excess nutrients and microelements are ready to show harmful influence for general well-being. During the wet period of the year, an exacerbation of colds will begin. In this situation, it is better to forget about the grandmother’s methods and turn to modern means pharmacies.

The Year of the Dog in general does not speak about serious problems with health. All limited to colds. Psychological condition The snakes will also not be harmed. Of course, in the autumn period the blues will begin. Only this condition can be easily eliminated through short-term rest and entertainment programs.

Snakes are rightfully proud of their appearance and inner beauty, allowing them to easily penetrate even places where everyone else is denied entry. The situation will not change during the reign of the Yellow Dog. The snakes will quickly charm this strict mistress, winning her over to their side with the help of feigned flattering behavior. Immediately after meeting (that is, starting from mid-February 2018), the Snakes will begin to behave exactly as the Yellow Dog likes most. Representatives of this sign will give up their craving for luxury, giving preference to distinctly strict things that have great functionality. The leisure time of representatives of this sign will no longer be as reckless as it was a year ago, and the Dog will certainly appreciate all these sacrifices. She will nobly allow each representative of this sign to build their own life path. At the same time, the Yellow Earth Dog will under no circumstances allow the Snakes, out of their “good” habit, to bring their cherished success closer by acting by cunning or immoral measures. No, in 2018, luck awaits the Snakes only if they are extremely honest and learn to play according to the rules accepted in society. It is not surprising that Snakes, willy-nilly, will have to make friends with work colleagues or with partners in the implementation of their personal business projects. Having considered the character of all these people a lot positive traits, Snakes will understand that in vain they always tried to rise above others in the past. It turns out that the Dog will still teach the intractable Snakes something, and their character will change for the better at the end of 2018. There is a chance that the income of representatives of this sign will increase significantly, although not immediately. Having switched to economical mode in the first ten days of the Year of the Dog, Snakes will soon understand that even without luxury their existence is quite harmonious. Snakes will like the renunciation of unjustified expenses, and their capital, as a result of the renunciation of these unjustified expenses, will itself begin to increase progressively. Concerning personal life people born in the year of the Snake, then in this aspect in 2018 big changes not expected. Snakes, who have already managed to create a strong family home, will do everything in their power to ensure that inside their family home it is always comfortable and very cozy. Representatives of this sign, who are in search of the greatest love in their lives, will learn to understand the moods of people of the opposite sex in the year of the Yellow Dog. Snakes will no longer “melt” when they hear another compliment or receive some luxurious gift. Only those who back up their every word with concrete actions can conquer the representatives of this sign. By becoming more selective and wiser in the sphere of their personal affections, lonely Snakes will have a chance for great success. In the first ten days of August, in the lives of representatives of this sign there will be crucial moment, and worthy life partners will appear next to them. It is obvious that in 2018 the Snakes will be able to achieve a lot both in their careers and in personal affairs if they are not lazy and stop looking at the world, holding his head high. Horoscope for 2018 for the Water Snake (1953, 2013) Water Snakes will be able to conquer the Yellow Dog, convincing her that they deserve great success in all areas of life. Another thing is that the Dog is not so simple as to give someone major success just because of his beautiful eyes. The conclusion is this: the mistress of this year will treat the Water Snake favorably, but will not give her undeserved gifts. Everything that representatives of this sign achieve in 2018 will depend only on their own entrepreneurship and hard work. So, those Water Snakes who will begin to work hard and hard from the end of February will be right. The most promising professional areas for Water Snakes in the year of the Dog will be politics, business and law. At the same time, success to one degree or another will go to everyone who is engaged in other types of work. The main thing is that the Water Snakes do not rush to spend all their earned capital overnight, but make this finance the foundation for their new projects.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Wood Snake (1965) The Year of the Yellow Dog for Wood Snakes will pass quite conservatively. Representatives of this sign will continue the previously started path, slowly, step by step, bringing themselves closer to the realization of their high ambitions. The most triumphant period of 2018 for Wooden Snakes will be June, when their personal business project will operate at full capacity or they will receive a promising assignment at their main place of work. There is some tar in this barrel of honey. The tar for Wood Snakes will be their insufficiently strong immunity. He will give his at the end of August, before the onset of a long season of winds and frosts. In order to avoid this kind of problem, Wood Snakes need to have time to strengthen their body in every possible way (it is recommended to do this no later than July). An excellent immune stimulator for Wood Snakes would be a trip to a resort area or a stay in one of the health resorts.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Fire Snake (1977) The life of Snakes belonging to the element of Fire during the reign of the Yellow Dog will not change either for the better or for the worse. the worst side. This is quite understandable, because in the coming months the Fire Snakes will voluntarily decide to somewhat slow down their pace of life, and the Dog will fully support them in this decision. While everyone around them is fighting until they sweat for potential success, Fire Snakes will read a lot, think and compare some facts. Most likely, they will be so fascinated by the analysis of their existence, which in the past was not typical for Fire Snakes. A period of long reflection for representatives of this sign will ultimately not be in vain. They will make a new life plan for themselves and set new goals for themselves. But the Fire Snakes have not yet decided to realize these goals. All this will be postponed by them until a later date, but for now, in such a calm and prosperous period, the Fire Snakes will take care of themselves, put their appearance in order, simultaneously getting rid of many of their long-standing ailments.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Earth Snake (1989) Earth Snakes will call their main task for the year of the Yellow Dog the fight for their place in the sun. Representatives of this sign are famous for their straightforwardness and simplicity, but in 2018 these qualities in the character of the Earth Snakes will disappear without a trace. They will cease to unconditionally trust anyone who tries to infiltrate the ranks of their friends, lovers or business associates. As a result, Earth Snakes will protect themselves from many problems (including betrayal and betrayal). Having restored calm in their personal affairs, representatives of this sign will begin to persistently make their way to the heights of their careers. Earth Snakes have a lot of persistence, which means there is every chance that they will be able to realize each of their ambitious desires. However, there is a risk that in the pursuit of financial well-being, Snakes will exhaust their bodies and face chronic stress. To avoid it, Earth Snakes should take care of quality relaxation in advance. Yoga or effective spiritual practices will help them with this.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Metal Snake (1941, 2001) In the year of the Yellow Dog, Metal Snakes will rest both physically and mentally. Representatives of this sign will mark 2018 as a short respite on the journey they began during the last annual cycle. TO unpleasant consequences this delay in the path of the Metal Snakes will not lead. Moreover, representatives of this sign, by deliberately slowing down their life path, will become noticeably stronger. The Yellow Dog, in turn, having great respect for these strong and hardworking individuals, will do everything so that they are not tormented big problems. As a result, Metal Snakes will spend the Year of the Dog, although without new large-scale victories, but with great benefit for their body. A vacation scheduled for the first ten days of summer and spent in some picturesque place will bring especially tangible benefits to representatives of this sign.

The eastern horoscope for 2018 for the Snake zodiac sign is generalized astrological forecast events for 2018 typical for all representatives of your zodiac sign. To more accurately present the upcoming events of 2018, it is necessary to compile personal horoscope for 2018.

Many people who are interested in astrology are interested in the compatibility of Snake and Dog. And this couple is really quite colorful. Well, it’s worth talking about how their relationship develops, and before that, pay attention to the characteristics of each individual.


People born in the year of this animal are loyal and devoted individuals. And it is vital for them to find that person with whom they could be until the end. This is the meaning of their existence. After all, Dogs always think first of all about their partner and his comfort.

Also these people are hardworking. They are ready to work constantly. More of them key quality- honesty, sincerity and adherence to one's principles.

In love, Dogs are true romantics. And for them, the intimate component is very important in a relationship. And understanding with respect. If the Dog’s chosen one makes too high demands on her, or, in other words, puts her on a chain, then this will not lead to good. These people value trust and friendship. And if the relationship is built on them, then the partner can count on boundless love and care.


We also need to talk about people born this year. The Snake man, like the woman, are individuals who try to take everything from life. They not only live for their own pleasure, but also try to use all their abilities with opportunities to achieve their own well-being. But they also value a quiet and calm lifestyle. It is worth noting that the Snake is the person who is very lucky with money.

These people do not like to make immediate decisions. However, they always act quickly. And, after an important task, they rest, replenishing their strength.

Such people are calm, but reserved. They find it difficult to trust others. And such people choose their friends very carefully. And if the Snake finds a partner for whom he really feels strong feelings- then she won’t let him go for anything. They are terrible owners. And terribly jealous, sometimes even too jealous. But if they see that their partner exudes loyalty and devotion, they will become calm and even trusting.

Prospects for relationships

Compatibility of Snakes and Dogs often develops well. And you can understand why. The Snake needs a faithful, devoted and loving partner who will definitely not deceive or let you down. And the Dog is just such a person. They often have sympathy at first sight, which then develops into something more.

A dog, for example, seems so open and friendly to the Snake that it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to it. This man just oozes positivity. And honesty and straightforwardness inspires trust. And Snakes, in turn, can charm these people with their courtesy, mystery and intelligence.

Relationships are especially successful in those couples in which the Dog is the girl. She and her Snake boyfriend can make a great family. She will be a wonderful housewife and sensitive, caring wife. And he, in turn, will become a real support for her, behind which she will feel like stone wall. And by the way, it was said above that sex is very important for Dogs. So, this couple has simply excellent compatibility in this regard. Snakes and Dogs in bed get all the pleasures available. They satisfy each other in everything. In general, Snakes in this regard are real tempters, especially men. Behind his demonstrative calm lies a volcano of passions.

Will the spark go out?

As you can already understand, the compatibility of the Snake and the Dog is very successful. But many people are interested in whether their relationship will be the same as at the very beginning? Will that same spark disappear? It’s safe to say that every day these people live together will be filled with romance and interesting communication. They are educated individuals and will not tire of each other. This is a clear advantage of such a couple as the Dog and the Snake.

Compatibility in marriage can be extremely successful if both partners learn one nuance. It is very important to give each other personal space. And the Snake needs to learn to trust. Although, the Dog will demonstrate to this person his faith and devotion, and will more than once prove the presence of these qualities. So the relationship will be successful.

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