Horoscope for the year woman wooden snake.

2017 promises many good things and interesting events for representatives eastern calendar- snakes, which is filled with both pleasant moments and difficult and unpleasant ones.

Snake Woman: Horoscope for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, Snake women will turn out to be trendsetters. This is one of the important reasons why they are advised to give up the habit of spending a lot of time alone and get out into society more often.

The Snakes' ability to work will be increased, and personal charm will come to the rescue - there are good chances for career growth. But to do this, you will have to sacrifice your character a little - you should not conflict with colleagues and especially with your superiors. Mercantile interests require some skill in dissimulation. If you use them in moderation, there is nothing wrong with it.

On a personal level, Snake women have the right to hope for the support of loved ones in difficult situations. The year is also favorable for having children.

Although at the beginning of the year some Snake women may feel a loss of strength and mood, overall the year will be quite successful, and all efforts will be adequately rewarded.

Snake Man: Horoscope for 2017

In the foreground they will have such a quality as determination. The snakes will be full interesting ideas, their plans will resonate with others and will be successfully implemented. This will require a lot of work, and perhaps a long-planned vacation will have to be postponed. But as a result, the Snake will experience significant success, for which it is worth trying.

Personal life will be almost cloudless. Snakes will receive the active support of loved ones in the implementation of all their plans. Those of them who are married will enjoy the love and respect of their spouse and children. Of course, minor quarrels cannot be avoided, but essentially these will be minor misunderstandings, and everything will be settled literally in minutes.

For better results, Snake men should remember that it is not always worth sharing your plans with the first person you meet. Sometimes it's better to hold your tongue.

Snake: Love horoscope for 2017

Snakes are serious people; many petty affairs rarely suit their interests. More often they are committed to a long-term romance or marriage, and expect affection, care and fidelity from their partner.

This will be the case in the year of the Rooster, and Snakes can expect to get what they want. A successful romance or a happy life awaits them family life provided that they are determined not only to enjoy communication with a partner, but also to give it.

The best option would be some kind of romantic surprise - a trip, a trip to the theater or restaurant, a gift with a hint. Snakes' partners will definitely appreciate this.

Snakes can count on the help and support of their partners, but they themselves must do the same. It will be useful for them to be interested in work problems and career growth spouses or lovers, actively participate in raising children and jointly solve everyday problems. This guarantees peace, harmony and mutual understanding.

Snake: Finance and career horoscope for 2017

The Snakes can’t count on stunning success, but overall it’s going to be a good year. It favors starting your own business - things will go well. In the service, it is better to maintain peaceful relations with colleagues and not rush upward career ladder too zealous - there will be no benefit. But conscientious work will allow you to get a promotion, although not a very significant one.

There is enough money for everything you need and for pleasant little things, but you need to spend it wisely. However, Snakes know how to do this. Problems are most likely at the end of the year, so it is better to have some kind of reserve for this case.

But what is contraindicated for Snakes in the year of the Rooster is debts. Moreover, you can neither give nor take. In both cases, losses and problems are possible. You also shouldn’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of financially—not everyone who needs help really deserves it.

Snake: Health Horoscope for 2017

Snakes' immunity is low, so it will have to be maintained, otherwise a cold cannot be avoided. Problems with the thyroid gland are also likely.

You will definitely have to undergo treatment, and you don’t need to trust the “miraculous” remedies of your grandmother or friend. It is much safer to contact a specialist with your problem.

Snakes will need to strictly monitor their diet. It is undesirable to overload the body with fatty foods, but dairy products are recommended. Rest should be active. In summer you can go to the sea or go hiking. In winter - skiing or playing hockey.

The most common preventive measures are prescribed - a course of vitamins, stimulation of the immune system and consumption of vegetables and fruits.


Their intelligence will show itself most in the best possible way. But you should avoid empty dreams and focus on practical things.


It's time for them to go to a psychic show - Taurus will suddenly discover the ability to guess the future. But the question arises: is this always good and is it always worth doing it out loud?

Snake Gemini

This is what you need. Balance and pragmatism will help you achieve significant success in the Year of the Rooster.


Rakov will find a verse of undignity. Their behavior will be unpredictable, their character will be eccentric, and it will be difficult for others to understand them.


They will turn out to be doubly dangerous. Moreover, a certain “poison” may appear in their character, which is usually not characteristic of Leos. Many old friends may be disappointed in them.


They will be the very charm, any company will strive to get them. But you should not count too much on their reliability and loyalty.


They are shown a pilgrimage to Tibet. Libra will be very interested in spiritual practices and will be able to achieve noticeable success in this area.


A very unsafe creature that it is better not to anger. But it makes sense to ask him for advice on a fashion purchase - the Scorpio-Snake’s taste will be impeccable.


A very unusual situation - Sagittarius, eternal adventurers, will turn into homebodies this year. You need to take a break from your exploits sometime.


These are, in principle, pleasant people, and even more so in the Year of the Rooster. Everyone can hope for their support and truthfulness in relationships.


Another surprise - those who would like to have a passionate romance should turn to Aquarius. Best lovers there won't be any this year.


In the year of the Rooster, the Snake should be especially careful. In any situation, both victories and failures can await her. There will be a natural alternation of both bad and good events throughout the year. It is very important not to worry too much about this and treat what happened jokingly, the horoscope for 2017 advises. The snake may not be afraid serious conflicts, and solving various problems will be quick and easy. The main thing is not to get confused and make the right decision in time. In any situation, you need to be a little philosophical and try to analyze events without making hasty conclusions.

Don't be afraid to get rid of a conflicting person from your environment. You shouldn't carry this unnecessary ballast. Don't be afraid to take risks, and take responsibility for making decisions so that you are not seen as weak-willed. Now is the time when you shouldn't break the wall with your forehead. It is better to avoid direct collisions. But if you find yourself at a dead end, then stop in time and take a break.

Maybe right now, you need to give up on everything and go on a long trip.

Job career and money

In the year of the Rooster, the Snake must soberly assess the results of the past year. If before this relations with colleagues were not very smooth, then this year all conflicts may return as a boomerang. But, if you know how to control your emotions, then your employees will answer you in the same way.

The Snake’s career at work will proceed in two keys: either there will be an opportunity for a new impetus for development, or she will have to swim in the ocean of hostility from her colleagues. There will be no compromise, says the horoscope for 2017; the Snake itself must choose its own path and be consistent.

It should be remembered that success can only be achieved in a team. Individualism will not lead you anywhere good. At the end of the year, intrigues from ill-wishers are possible; the Snake may simply be framed.

But, as usual, the Snake does not forgive insults, and will always release its sting. This character trait can lead the Snake to cool relations with colleagues, but this useful quality will be noted by the authorities.

In the summer, the Snake may have the prospect of investing in a promising investment fund. But you shouldn't make rash decisions. First you need to weigh everything thoroughly. There is a danger of great risk. The money you earn is better spent.

IN financial relations in the year of the Rooster, the Snake will mark time.

You need to be especially careful with money. There is a danger of losing your wallet or becoming a victim of thieves. You shouldn’t go into debt; you won’t be able to pay back the money quickly.

Love horoscope

This year, the Snake can finally say goodbye to single life and find its soul mate. Marriage in the year of the Rooster will be romantic and reliable, and the family will be friendly and large. The downside of the Snake in this world is the desire to make quick acquaintances, but they are not always successful.

It is worth being more picky and tolerant, and Snakes, by tradition, try to fix the world, all without exception. And because of this, conflicts occur.

Representatives of this sign need to learn to give in to others, so as not to regret mistakes later.

IN romantic relationship more flirting should be introduced and life should not be taken too seriously.

Relationships and family

Children and elderly parents should be remembered more often.

Leave your career for a moment, pay more attention to your family, and you will be loved and respected more. You shouldn’t become a dictator in a relationship, this will negatively affect your image. Learn to give in within reason, and you will notice that your other half has also become more flexible. Children should also not be treated too harshly, because children’s psychology is different from that of adults, and they see life in pink color. Know how to forgive their innocent pranks, because they do not do it out of malice. Visit your parents; it is very important for them to receive not only money from you, but also signs of attention.


This year the health of the Snake does not inspire much confidence. There may be relapses of old diseases that should not be started. Don't just rely on traditional medicine, it is better to trust the doctors.

At the end of this year, there is a high chance of getting injured by vehicles. You must be more careful when traveling in a car, do not exceed the speed limit and follow the traffic rules.

This year you should not take long trips by personal transport. There is a danger of getting into an accident.

Horoscope for those born under the Snake zodiac sign in 2017 prepares difficult tests in almost all areas personal life And labor activity. But the Snake, assertive and tenacious by nature, will cope with all difficulties and critical situations, but hot temper and emotional outbursts during problem resolution will be very inappropriate. Only serenity, patience, and peace of mind will help you cope with all adversities. People born under this sign have well-developed intuition, which will certainly help in making a choice. right decisions and will help you avoid unpleasant situations. Wisdom and the ability to look into the distance will save you from unnecessary rashness. Moreover, you will experience many fateful moments and you will only need to be able to listen to your inner voice.

Astrologer's advice: By looking at planets and stars late in the evening or at night, it is quite possible to find out the answers to various dilemmas, although without additional skills. Take advantage of this opportunity in deadlock situations.

  • Family

Horoscope for Snake for 2017 reminds of the opportunity to start a family in the coming year, since the year of the Red Rooster is the most favorable for concluding marriages in terms of their strength and durability. And couples who are in no hurry to have offspring should think about having a child, since protracted romance makes it difficult to really look at the fact that the time has come to create a full-fledged family.

Snake in 2017 according to the horoscope should reconsider her behavior with loved ones and in particular with her other half. You need to reboot the relationship and surround your loved one with care and tenderness. This will help restore the old passion and maintain the idyll. It is possible that the restraint and certain composure inherent in this sign negatively affects relatives; they lack even basic attention. The time has come to tame your energy and eternal busyness, and devote most of your time to your family.

  • Work, career, finances

In the first half of the year, in terms of money, representatives of the sign will feel instability, which will be brought by delays in wages or temporary lack of work. However, the return of an old debt may be a pleasant and unexpected surprise. And by the second half of the year everything will work out as well as possible, the financial imbalance will finally find balance. It's time to show all your enthusiasm and perseverance in achieving a higher position in the service. You should not reveal your soul to your work colleagues, because among them there will always be envious people and ill-wishers. You just need to hide and wait for the right moment.

Astrologer's advice: Being born in a certain year is important, and also being born in a month has a huge impact on an individual. Interesting article by zodiac, available to read on this resource, in the section -.

  • Health

You should take care of your immune system in advance, since the spring exacerbation of colds can undermine your health. But, in general, you won’t have to go through the troubles associated with serious illnesses.

And yet, you should not neglect basic safety rules and be more prompt, since the year of the Red Rooster promises a high probability of domestic injuries . Snakes in 2017 according to horoscope predictions you will have the opportunity to go on a health trip and spend the most unforgettable and happiest days there.

Svetlana Rozhenko

At first, it may seem to the Snake that the cocky owner of the year treats her with coolness, but this is only an illusion. The Rooster will just look closely at his scaly ward for some time, and then, having discerned her wisdom and tact, he will shower her with gifts from the top of her head to the tip of her tail. Curious what changes await the Snake in 2017 for the Rooster? Horoscope to help!

Love and family: horoscope for 2017 for the Snake

Sensing the first rays of the April sun, single Snakes will rise on their tails and begin to perform a bewitching dance of love, hypnotizing all members of the opposite sex without exception. Or rather, the asps will have the opportunity to conquer and rule, since 2017 will endow them with truly irresistible charm, but not every Snake will take advantage of this. And he will do the right thing! It is better for reptiles not to waste themselves on random relationships, but to patiently wait for real feeling. But wait actively - travel, go to exhibitions and movies, make dates. Leave it to the Rooster more chances confront you with your future Destiny.

True, the Serpent who is lucky enough to meet his love will face a fly in the ointment in the form of disapproval from his relatives. Use your inherent diplomatic skills and be patient: sooner or later your loved ones will recognize your choice as the right one.

Peace and idyll await family reptiles, provided that they do not spare warmth for their partner. Respond to your spouse’s calls for help, listen to the advice of your significant other, and discuss emerging problems gently and in a timely manner. It is especially important to maintain harmony in the second half of the year, when the hearth begins to sparkle and crackle from quarrels breaking out out of nowhere. Don't be tempted to rip off your satellite nervous tension

, and the Rooster will bring your couple even closer. It is very important for parents to try to establish trusting relationship

with children, otherwise their offspring will bring them a lot of grief this year. For Snakes, eager to crawl to the top of their careers, best time

Financially, the year is very promising - you will be able to afford not only bread and butter, but also caviar. Do not be afraid from time to time to moderately indulge yourself with unreasonable, but such pleasant excesses. You need to increase your capital, not squander it. In August, a period of successful investments will begin and... a time of increased risk of falling for scammers. Invest money only after consulting with a person whose opinion you trust.

  • Try not to change your job. It will be difficult for you to establish yourself in a new team in 2017.
  • Don't lend. Is there an opportunity to help a friend or relative in need? Do it for free. Shocked by your generosity, the Rooster will return everything in full.
  • In the summer, pay attention to your well-being. No significant problems are expected, but prevention will not hurt.

Snakes should remember: “Everything that is done is for the better.” If some projects fall through and your friends disappear from your horizon, it means you didn’t really need them. It is Fate that is actively clearing a place for happiness in your life.

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