What are permanent epithets? The meaning of a constant epithet in the dictionary of literary terms.

What's happened " permanent epithet"? How to spell this word correctly. Concept and interpretation.

permanent epithet one of the tropes of folk poetry: a definition word that is consistently combined with one or another defined word and denotes some characteristic, always present in the subject generic sign(Pillar path, red maiden, good fellow, blue sea, clean field, black clouds). Such P. e. (see epithet) were a means of typification. Moreover, a word used with P. e. acquires a new quality, a meaning that differs in meaning from each of the words separately. The combination red maiden means “ beautiful girl, no different from others in anything special: neither more beautiful, nor smarter, nor richer than others.” If an ancient storyteller or singer needed to characterize the special properties of his characters, he looked for an epithet of an individualizing nature. Prince Vladimir, who is planning to get married, wants to find a bride worthy of his princely title, and creates the image of an ideal, from his point of view, girl: As if that girl were stately in figure, stately in figure and accomplished in mind, her white face, as if white snow... The role of P. e. in folklore is huge. They are one of the main means artistic expression epics and songs, tales and legends. Some P. e. widely used in all types of folklore: good fellow, the field is clean, the sea is blue, the forests are dark, the meadows are green. Others are found primarily in certain genres of folk poetry, while performing specific ideological and artistic functions. For example, P. e. is widely used in fairy tales. fantastic character: golden palace, crystal bridge, underground kingdom, firebird, flying carpet. In the epics of P. e. serve as an important tool in creating images of heroes, describing their armor and the situation of battles: mighty hero, good horse, red-hot arrow, damask club. In contrast to the epic genres of folklore, where P. e. play a mainly descriptive and figurative role; in folk poetry, the function of poetic e.g. predominantly expressive, emotional and evaluative. For example, in traditional lyrical songs the following emotional and evaluative E. are often found: dear mother, dear father, dear friend, soul-maiden, poor little head, burning tears. P. e. are specific. ditties: cheerful little girl, dear fun, sweet drolya, desperate little head. P. e. found in epic poetry different nations. Thus, Homer’s “Iliad” is characterized by P. e.: cloud-catcher Zeus, pink-fingered Eos, silver-legged Thetis. Lit.: Epithet in Russian folk art. - M., 1980; Lazutin S.G. Poetics of Russian folklore. - M., 1981; see also lit. to the article Epithet. L.E. Tumina

An epithet is a kind of verbal definition that can update the overall semantic load of a word or enhance one of its characteristic features.
The epithet is characterized by constancy or attachment to certain archetypes. That is, it can be constantly used along with certain words. So, for example, the sea is always dark, the bridle is silk, the yar is deep, the heart is sincere, the mother is dear, and spring is red.
Such constancy was formed as a result of the evolution of lyric-epic creativity with its heroic and historical songs. Using constant epithets, the author draws inspiration from the depths folk wisdom and completely trusts the charms folklore images. Such artistic media express national mentality, found in the pearls of folk song literature.
Constant epithets have a generalized meaning that characterizes the word regardless of the context. Thus, a noun, along with a definition that highlights its main feature, merges into a constant artistic technique, who travels the paths of works.
There are two significant groups of permanent epithets that are tied to a Person or natural phenomena. You can often find images of a beautiful girl with brown eyes, a light brown braid and a delicate condition, next to whom her sweet boyfriend, a brave warrior, is riding on a black horse with a sharp saber. The listed definitions act as permanent epithets that convey appearance.
The epithets “orphan girl” and “idler boy” have a social orientation, indicating the hero’s position in society. Separately, there are constant epithets with a touch of tautology: dark dungeon, stone wall, young girl. They have a bright stylistic meaning and are more pronounced for emotional perception. Epithets that are assigned to specific nouns have become abstracted over time, acquiring a generalized symbolic content. On their basis, some writers create their own neologisms with characteristic means of expression and semantics. Others use those already developed by the people in oral creativity samples that reflect the song charm native language.

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What are permanent epithets?

IN school curriculum The epithet receives a lot of attention: entire lessons are devoted to it, from the fifth grade to the ninth. Epithet is important means of expression, used not only by writers, but also ordinary people in everyday speech. Perhaps they are not so ornate and do not represent any artistic value, but each of us uses them almost every day.

This figure of speech was actively used by poets and writers of the 18th and 19th centuries, thanks to whom the modern Russian language emerged. These are Pushkin, Derzhavin, Baratynsky and others. The epithet is artistic definition phenomenon or object, helping to more vividly imagine this object, to feel how the author relates to it. As we are used to saying - a colorful definition. The word in a figurative sense is an epithet. Examples: sad man- here the word is used in its literal meaning; sad weather- figuratively. Dictionaries give other, more detailed definitions.

Expanded definition of epithet

An epithet is a word or an entire expression that, thanks to its structure and special functions in the text, is capable of acquiring a new semantic connotation or even meaning, thus highlighting unique individual characteristics in the depicted object and forcing it to be evaluated from a new, unusual point of view.

An epithet can interact with any type of semantic transfer - metonymy, metaphor, hyperbole, oxymoron, etc., coloring the text in a certain key. The expressive function of this figure of speech becomes most noticeable when it forms a synonymous (sometimes quasi-synonymous) series, in which each of its members shades or complements the epithet. Examples: dull, sad weather; sad, mournful reflection of withering.

Permanent epithet

One that, when combined with the defined word, forms a stable figurative and poetic expression. That is, these are phrases or phrases that, when we hear them, we no longer feel that they are an epithet. Examples: Golden autumn , blue ocean. We find especially many constant epithets in folklore: red maiden, good fellow, clear field.

In addition, there are groups of epithets that are found primarily in certain specific genres of folk poetry: fairy tales are characterized by constant epithets of a fantastic nature - crystal bridge, golden palace.

Grammatical form of epithets, its characteristics and functions

The opinions of philologists differ on these issues. Some are sure that only a definition expressed by an adjective can act as an epithet. Others are inclined to believe that the grammatical function of an epithet word can be different, the main thing being the defining position of another word. In other words, both a verb, an adverb, and a gerund under certain circumstances are an epithet. Examples: reigns ghostly(I. Brodsky), sneaking, playing hide and seek, the sky comes down(B. Pasternak). As we can see from the definition and explanations, epithets actually occur in everyday speech: don’t we talk about a gloomy sky or sad rain? These figures allow us to make our speech figurative and pleasant.

The main task of oral and writing is communication between people, the ability to convey to each other their thoughts, judgments, assessments and emotions.

At the same time, the emotional side is no less, and sometimes even more important, than the actual component. To express their feelings and impressions, humanity has come up with many ways, one of which is the use of various epithets in speech. What it is? Let's figure it out.

Word "epithet" It has Ancient Greek origin and means "applied". Essentially, it is an addition to the main word or concept, designed to make it more expressive and vivid.

Most often, adjectives become epithets, but other parts of speech can also play this role - adverbs, numerals and even nouns. The epithet usually comes before the main word, but this is not necessary. This may not be one word, but a whole expression that gives a stable concept a new semantic or emotional connotation.

IN literary creativity epithets are used extremely widely. Most saturated with them poetic works, however, in prose and even in everyday speech, this powerful speech tool is also actively used.

Like any others visual arts, epithets have developed and improved over time, which can be seen by analyzing literary works of the past and present.

In folk art and in the earliest literary works, epithets, as a rule, describe the properties of objects and phenomena, highlighting their key features, but practically without touching on the emotional, personal component: beautiful maiden, red gold, untold riches .

With the development of literature, the role and structure of epithets became more complex, acquiring new properties and functional content. This was most clearly expressed in the works of poets Silver Age and subsequent period: the stupid plate clanged out, the edge of the limit, the lazy-passionate rosehip etc.

Modern literature, especially postmodern works, have further complicated both the structure and semantic content of epithets, sometimes allowing for very unusual expressive techniques: Diathesis bloomed, the diapers turned golden .

Epithets are an important element of speech, giving it expressiveness, prominence and emotionality. With their help, the narrator gets the opportunity to express his attitude towards the objects being described or present them to listeners/readers in a new, unusual light.

Often, with the help of epithets, the atmosphere is recreated historical era, social group or ethnic flavor. It is a powerful tool for communicating in words. visual images, their emotional and artistic content.

Both epithets and metaphors are widely used by poets and prose writers to create vivid works of art. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish which is an epithet. However, if you approach the issue thoughtfully, the difference becomes obvious.

An epithet is a figurative definition that describes a stable attribute of the depicted object, creature or concept: fragrant apple, instant reaction, silent witness . Most often it is expressed in one word, complementing the main word and describing its inherent property. An epithet cannot exist on its own and is always an addition.

At the same time, a metaphor is almost always a speech construct of several words that carry an independent semantic function - they transfer the properties or image of one object or concept to another.

The metaphor evokes in the mind an associative connection between seemingly completely different concepts, actions or things. This association only works for this specific case: a scattering of dewy pearls on the grass, the winter cold reigned in the heart etc.

It is easy to see that an epithet can be part of a metaphor. Metaphor will never be part of an epithet.

Descriptive epithets: lead cloud, fragrant flower, fun bouncing, gentle waves .

Constant epithets, or folklore and poetic: good fellow, open field, clear falcon, sharp sword .

Metaphorical epithets: winter silver, sad friendship, mourning border, piercing gaze .

Metonymic epithets: scratching whisper, birch cheerful tongue .

Any classification is quite conditional, since the same epithet can successfully be included in several different classification groups.

one of the tropes of folk poetry: a definition word that is consistently combined with one or another defined word and designates in the subject some characteristic, always present generic sign (a pillar path, a red maiden, a good fellow, a blue sea, a clean field, black clouds) . Such P. e. (see epithet) were a means of typification. Moreover, a word used with P. e. acquires a new quality, a meaning that differs in meaning from each of the words separately. The combination red maiden means “a beautiful girl, no different from others: neither prettier, nor smarter, nor richer than others.” If an ancient storyteller or singer needed to characterize the special properties of his characters, he looked for an epithet of an individualizing nature. Prince Vladimir, who is planning to get married, wants to find a bride worthy of his princely title, and creates the image of an ideal, from his point of view, girl: As if that girl were stately in figure, stately in figure and accomplished in mind, her white face, as if white snow... The role of P. e. in folklore is huge. They are one of the main means of artistic expression of epics and songs, tales and legends. Some P. e. are widely used in all types of folklore: good fellow, clean field, blue sea, dark forests, green meadows. Others are found primarily in certain genres of folk poetry, while performing specific ideological and artistic functions. For example, P. e. is widely used in fairy tales. fantastic character: golden palace, crystal bridge, underground kingdom, firebird, flying carpet. In the epics of P. e. serve as an important means in creating images of heroes, describing their armor and the situation of battles: a mighty hero, a good horse, a red-hot arrow, a damask club. In contrast to the epic genres of folklore, where P. e. play a mainly descriptive and figurative role; in folk poetry, the function of poetic e.g. predominantly expressive, emotional and evaluative. For example, in traditional lyrical songs the following emotional and evaluative E. are often found: dear mother, dear father, dear friend, soul-maiden, poor little head, burning tears. P. e. are specific. ditties: cheerful little girl, dear fun, sweet drolya, desperate little head. P. e. found in the epic poetry of different peoples. Thus, Homer’s “Iliad” is characterized by P. e.: cloud-catcher Zeus, pink-fingered Eos, silver-legged Thetis. Lit.: Epithet in Russian folk art. - M., 1980; Lazutin S.G. Poetics of Russian folklore. - M., 1981; see also lit. to the article Epithet. L.E. Tu mine

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