The church candle burns evenly. Magical abilities of a candle

About such household items as candles, folk signs can tell you a lot. Beliefs were formed in those times when they replaced unknown to man electricity. Candles have always been an important part of everyday life, religious services, magical rituals and fortune telling.

Superstitions about candle flames

By the burning of the flame of an ordinary candle lit in a house, you can learn a lot about the energy of the home and its inhabitants. So, if candles are burning clearly and calmly in your house, the signs promise a calm life. A candle flame is serene near a person - the absence of damage, evil eyes and other negative programs.

“The game is not worth the candle” - originally a proverb among gamblers, which reflected high price candles of that time.

Does the tongue of fire sway from side to side? There is no need to count on peace. This is a belief in travel, adventure, bright events. The flame rises in a spiral or describes a circle - a warning. Enemies are making plans and are going to harm you. A weak light means illness.

Crack - bad sign. If candles crack near you, they warn of damage. They go out as soon as you get close - a sign of imminent death, but about such superstitions and the removal of their negativity - a little lower.

Shoots sparks - arrival evil man to the house. Hisses - to disappointment. When a candle smokes, it burns negative energy. A blue flame warns of death in the house. But blue fire also indicates that there is a spirit in the room. One version of superstition combines both options. The spirit of a deceased relative has appeared in the house and will soon take someone with him.

The knowledge described above can be used to diagnose your home and biofield. You can also find out the guest's intentions. Light the candle and follow the flame. You can cleanse your house of negativity by walking around its perimeter with a candle in your hand. Stay where it begins to smoke and the fire becomes restless. Baptismal and wedding candles are watched to predict the future.

How to light and extinguish correctly

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From time to time it is worth lighting candles in the house. They bring comfort, reconciliation, and get rid of negativity, quarrels and scandals. Once upon a time, every house had a source of living fire, home. In modern realities, this has become difficult to obtain; candles are sold in almost every store.

Candles need to be lit correctly. So, you cannot light more than two others from one candle. This brings poverty into the home. The same rule exists for splinters or matches. Set it on fire from a stove fire - to poverty. Don't burn at all? So it will rain.

You can light incense from a candle or, for example, a piece of paper with wishes or a list of what you want to get rid of. But you can’t smoke from its flame. This portends trouble.

There are many superstitions about extinguishing candles. It is believed that they cannot be blown out. One of the superstitions explains the ban by the resentment of the fire element for being expelled with the help of the air element. Another connects it with the sign of spitting in the fire. Extinguish candles with your fingers or special caps. This is especially true for candles near which prayers or conspiracies were read.

It is customary to blow out only those on the birthday cake. This brings good luck to the birthday person, according to birthday signs. If he makes a wish at the same time, it will come true.

Accidentally extinguishing a candle means unexpected guests. True, it is not a fact that they will be pleasant.

Goes out - a bad sign

In general, if a candle goes out on its own, it is unfortunate, even death. Even if it burned near a seemingly healthy and strong person. But this sometimes means the completion, the death of a certain business, project, relationship.

During the wedding, the newlyweds are given a candle in their hands. If one of them goes out in the hands of the bride or groom, the person will die soon. According to other beliefs, the marriage will soon fall apart, there will be betrayal of one of the partners.

If a candle placed for health goes out, this also foreshadows the death of the person for whom it was placed. You cannot put out such a candle. Therefore, it is necessary to look after the candles placed for health until they burn out. They can be removed by church servants. Healthy candles that have not burned out completely can be taken by black magicians for their business.

When we're talking about about a candle being lit for the repose, the omen changes its meaning to positive. By extinguishing the candle, the soul of the deceased gives a sign that it has found peace in the afterlife.

Extinguished baptismal The candle promises the child a life full of difficulties. There is another opinion on this issue. According to him, the baptism of the child was necessary - it removed the mortal threat hanging over him from the baby.

A dream in which a candle goes out most often has the same meaning as a sign. But other events from the dream also influence here. By interpreting them, you can get full meaning sleep.

What to expect if a candle falls, breaks, or candlestick bursts

Dropping a candle from your hands or, for example, a table means an imminent wedding. If a candle falls in a church, this promises trouble for the person who dropped it in the near future. If it falls out of the candlestick, expect problems.

If you fell yourself, it’s bad news. Sometimes it predicts an unexpected unpleasant event. A couple lives where the candle spontaneously fell; the family is on the verge of divorce.

A broken candle, like broken dishes, should not be used. But you can make a new product from it by melting wax or paraffin and pouring it into a mold. If this is a special candle, for example, wedding, its damage indicates damage. Moreover, we mean a really serious negative, and not an everyday evil eye.

The candlestick bursts - to loss loved one. But this sign is true only when this could not happen for adequate reasons such as overheating. She can promise a quarrel, separation and even the death of a friend or relative. To neutralize the meaning, the fragments of the candlestick should be thrown away on the street without touching them with your hands.

Beliefs about church candles

If you believe one of the superstitions, put for health dead person the candle will not burn. But it's not worth checking. Anyone who lights a candle for the health of the deceased will not live long.

The remains of wedding candles are stored in the red corner, near the icons. Whose candle is smaller will die earlier. They are lit during difficult childbirth, serious illness of spouses or their children, serious quarrels, problems with conception. Antique wedding sign- the one of the spouses who holds the candle higher will be the head of the family.

In the old days there was a ritual. If a girl lights a candle in the church before everyone else on Intercession, she will soon get married. Epiphany and Easter candles have the ability to help women in labor, drive away illnesses and reconcile people. And the Thursday ones drive out witches and destroy their spells. Black magicians use inverted church candles to appeal to the forces of darkness.

Contemplating the fire of church candles helps to calm down and clear your thoughts. You can view it both in the temple and at home. You don't need a lot of time for this - ten minutes is enough.

Sometimes it happens that a person’s clothes or hair catches fire from a candle flame in a temple. This shows the influence on him dark forces. It is quite likely that this is the case damage, love spell or strong evil eye.

Signs to find, give and others

In America they believe that you can find a drowned person in a pond with the help of a candle. For this you also need a loaf of bread - you are supposed to insert a candle into it and then let it float on water. A piece of bread with a candle will stop where the drowned man lies.

During Samhain celebrations, or Halloween, there should be burning candles on the windowsills. They drive away trouble and evil spirits from the house. On New Year It is recommended to place green candles on festive table. They attract good events. Lighting pyramid candles for Christmas will bring good luck for the whole year.

Wax candles are not the best gift. Wax perfectly absorbs information and is used in witchcraft. Therefore, it is not customary to give candles made from it. Paraffin does not have this property and decorative candles made from it can be given and accepted as gifts.

What to do if you find a candle? Do not lift or touch it with your hands. It could have been used in a ritual, the details of which you know nothing about. It’s also not worth stepping over such a candle. Especially if she's lying down on walking at the crossroads.

In general, a lot of beliefs are associated with a candle. This - mystical item, constantly used not only in everyday life, but in witchcraft and religious services. Candles can not only predict the future and remove negative energy, but also help the black sorcerer bring his enemy to the grave.

Fire in magic has always been used as an indicator of a person’s personality and his state of mind. By the flame of a candle you can determine your energetic state and identify the most important problems in life.

Light a candle, turn off the light. This ritual is best performed in all alone and silence. Look carefully at its flame and try not to think about anything. Bring your palms to the fire, holding them near the candle for a few seconds. Next, observe the behavior of the candle.

  • If the candle burns evenly without forming influxes, it means that everything is going well in your life.
  • If the candle "cries"- numerous waxy deposits appear - this is a sign of an unstable state of mind. Something is bothering you, you cannot solve your problems.
  • If after you have lit the candle, a drop of wax flowed down it from top to bottom, this means that the evil eye is on you, or someone wishes you harm to such an extent that problems and troubles appear in your life from the negative thoughts of your ill-wisher.
    • If the dissolve lines intersect, then this is a very bad sign, indicating a serious illness.
    • If the candle goes out- this is an omen of something inevitable, very dangerous. In such cases, you urgently need to correct your mistakes - repent for what you have done, ask for forgiveness, forgive yourself, get rid of everything that makes life miserable.
    • If the candle begins to crack, This means it’s time for you to free yourself from your negative emotions. Try to let go of all negative feelings, guilt, resentment.
    • If the candle wick is bent too much, then this may mean that you are at the end of your moral and physical strength. You need to rest and gain energy.
    • If the sagging on the candle is black, this means that now you are unable to fight the circumstances and problems that have befallen you. You feel that you cannot go further, you do not feel the strength in yourself. You have a bad streak in your life.
    • Right during this ritual you can get rid of the negativity sitting inside. To do this, you need to place your palms to the left and right of the candle, look at its flame and think about what concerns you most. At this moment, you also need to sincerely ask for forgiveness from those whom you might have offended during your life and say goodbye to your grief, grievances and guilt.

      A candle will relieve your tension and harmonize your state of mind. This ritual is best done at least once a month. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

      19.05.2015 09:40

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1. If everything is in order in a person’s life, the candle he placed burns with an even, high flame, without forming any sagging.

2. As soon as any mental problems arise, the candle begins to “cry”: flows run through it.

3. If a flow line runs along a newly placed candle from top to bottom, this means: a curse has fallen on the person. If there are two lines, there are two curses. Large quantity, according to the academician, he has not encountered.

4. If the flow lines go obliquely and intersect, this means that a person is in danger of dying from a serious illness, and he himself or the one who “made” him such a fate may be to blame for this.

5. If a burning candle is moved clockwise in front of a person’s body from the head and it begins to smoke black smoke in some place, it means that the internal organs in this place are blocked by disease and they must be treated until (upon re-diagnosis) the candle stops smoking .

6. Keep in mind that the candle should always be held with one side facing the patient. If influxes form on his part, he himself is to blame for his illnesses. If it’s the opposite, it means the disease was “made” for him.

7. If a “tear” rolls down the candle to the left or right, this is a sign that there is an energetic struggle between the patient and someone else. If the “tear” is black, it means that the person is in a state of negative energy. If the marks on the candle are the same color as itself, it means that the end of the melting is near.

8. When candles are placed in a church, the picture remains approximately the same as at home, but in the temple the candles sometimes bend. This means: a person is obsessed evil spirit. The influxes sometimes resemble the profiles of the devil or the person who cast the curse.

9. If the candle goes out, it smells like death and you need to urgently take action: repent, ask for forgiveness from those you offended, and forgive those who offended you.

10. You can place a stearin candle near your feet, heating its lower end and sticking it to a large saucer. If, having started to “cry”, the candle forms cakes with a diameter of 2-3 cm adjacent to it at its base evenly around its circumference, this is a serious indication of possible cancer.

"Candle - required attribute my work. A man comes, we sit down at the table, and the first thing I do is light a candle. If the fire is even and calm, it connects our words and thoughts, helps us understand a person’s fate. If during a conversation wax, like tears, slowly flows into a candlestick, this is the first sign that the human soul is crying, that it is in pain. Sometimes the conversation doesn't go well. You look, and the candle is crackling, smoking, almost all darkened. And it’s immediately clear: in the person sitting next to you there is a lot of darkness and anger, insidious thoughts. The candle senses this and therefore smokes. And if the person who comes lies, he begins to burn out on one side. There is no need for any witchcraft, the candle will tell you who is who. If you want, check for yourself: a person will come to you, put a candle between you and him, you will find out who came to you.”

And here are a few more simple secrets Moscow sorceress. If you have been greatly offended, insulted in the best of feelings, and sleep does not come to you late in the evening, go to the kitchen or room - where no one will disturb you - and light a candle. Put her on the windowsill, sit next to her and, slowly, in a whisper, tell her about what happened. Tears will appear, don’t be shy about them, cry. Let the resentment and pain come out in tears. The candle fire will tremble, flicker, listen to you and calm you down. And as the wax melts, your grievances will melt away and seem not as significant as at first.

Another secret: if there was a scandal at home and a lot of rude, cruel words were said, patiently wait until the night when everyone falls asleep and silence reigns. Light a candle and with it in your hand, go around all the household members. Standing at the head of each bed, mentally wish them Good night. Don't think negative thoughts.

Remember how many happy, joyful days you lived together.

Wish them to be repeated many, many times. The candle will burn in your hands, and words of kindness, tenderness and love will begin to fall like smoke onto the faces of those sleeping. All the good that is in your heart will be imprinted on the faces of your family and friends through the fire of a candle.

And finally the last secret. If you yourself have sinned, acted dirty, or hurt someone, it is never too late to admit it and apologize. First - to yourself. Light a candle in front of the mirror. Looking at your reflection through her fire, tell everything how it was. Don't lie

/03-08-2012 /Olga/ I caught my husband with his cousin and it’s still bad. I was in church, lit a candle, and it began to melt black. What is this???
/17-12-2014 /Irina/ I had 5 parallel influxes on my candle when, on December 14, 2014, on the World Day of Remembrance for Dead Children, I lit a candle in memory of the person who died on October 5, 2014. 37 year old son. The candle cried and I cried too.
/14-06-2015 /Ksenia/ Hello, I burned my husband with candles and the candles turned black from below, why from below? After the burning, I dreamed about my husband’s mother. What should I do next?
/15-08-2015 /Inna/ Why did the non-black influx form on the wedding candle, on the left?
/31-10-2015 /Galya/ While in church, I lit a candle in front of the image of the Son of God, mentally asking for help, when suddenly the candle went out and a moment later my husband, with whom we have not lived for a year and a half, came up to me.
/02-11-2015 /Nastya/ I have a figurine of Jesus Christ, what could this mean and the candle has been burning all night and won’t go out
/10-12-2015 /Larisa/ please tell me why there are cat heads on my candles, what does this mean, tell me what to do
/23-06-2016 /Natalia/ Hello, for many years now my candles have turned black as soon as I light them. It doesn't matter where I am, at home or in church.

Fire can cleanse rooms, sanctify things, heal a person, and restore his integrity.

There are several ways to use fire to cleanse a person. It's nice to sit by the fire or fireplace, thinking about life. Both hardships and troubles seem to become less... The living light of a candle also works. Light a candle, say out loud what torments and worries you, take your mistakes and mistakes, sins and vices out of your soul and burn them in the candle fire. The soul will be cleansed, it will be easier for the body.

Purification of a person by candle fire

Candle fire can cleanse the subtle fields of a person. Encircle yourself with candle fire in your right hand along the contour of your body, starting from the head, along the left arm and side, left leg, right leg along the outer and inner side surfaces. Then, taking the candle in left hand, surround with fire right hand, return to the top of your head. Then, taking the candle in your right hand, make 3.5 or 7 circular movements clockwise over the crown of the head, at the forehead, at the throat, at the chest, at the stomach, at the pubis and at the tailbone (i.e. all seven chakras ).

The candle that remains after this procedure must be cleaned of carbon deposits and set to burn out for your health to the end, without extinguishing it. And wrap the soot in paper and throw it into a river or stream, turning your back and throwing the paper over your left shoulder.

When cleansing a person with fire, the candle should always be held with one side facing the patient. The candle may appear streaked or begin to smoke black smoke. This means that the internal organs in this place are blocked by disease and need to be treated. When the organ is healthy, the candle burns evenly and without soot. If the swelling on the candle is caused by the patient, then he himself is to blame for his illnesses. If it is the opposite, it means that the disease was “made” for him. If a tear rolls down the candle to the left or right, this indicates an energetic struggle that the person being purified by fire is waging with someone. If the “tear” is black, it means that the person is in a state of negative energy.

Candle fire treatment

The cleansing properties of living candle fire can be used to treat many diseases. It is known that organ disease physical body usually occur due to poor circulation vital energy at the entrance or exit.

Violations at the input lead to the organ suffering from a lack of energy. This manifests itself in the form of various atony, hypofunctions and organ weakness. Disturbances at the output lead to stagnation, slagging and inflammation.

You can remove all disturbances in the circulation of vital energy with candle fire, using it taking into account the phases of the Moon.

On the growing Moon, fire opens blockages and fills the diseased organ with life-giving, healing energy. On the waning Moon, fire removes toxins and relieves inflammation.

Execution method

Place a third of a thin church candle on inside metal lid from a glass jar. Read a prayer, turning to higher powers for help, and light a candle for health. Place a candle on a sore spot on yourself or another person who must lie down. For stability, you can place a book under the lid with a candle. It is advisable to have another person nearby and watch the candle so that it does not fall.

When candles are placed for your health in a temple, the picture will be the same as at home, but in a temple the candles sometimes bend. This suggests that the person who lit the candle is possessed by an evil spirit. The swells on candles sometimes resemble the features of the person who sent the curse. If the candle goes out, you need to urgently take action: repent, ask for forgiveness from those you offended, and forgive those who offended you.

Walk with a candle around the perimeter of your home, from front door clockwise until the crackling and soot stop. You can also clean shoes and clothes.

A candle placed by a person in a temple or at home for his health is an indicator of his state of mind; it behaves as if alive, telling with its appearance about what is very important for a person.

If everything is in order in a person’s life, the placed candle burns with a high flame, without forming any influx. If in inner world Not everything is going well for the person, the candle begins to “cry”, and flows run through its body. If a flow line runs along a newly placed candle from top to bottom, this means that a curse may have fallen on the person.

If the flow lines go obliquely and intersect, then this person may get sick.

In religion and magic, a candle is the main attribute when conducting religious sessions, rituals, and ceremonies. Candles cleanse both the church and the house from various evil spirits. By the wax drips on the candle, by the combustion characteristics, and the bends of the candle, one can with a high degree of probability judge the source of the troubles that befell a person. If your troubles suddenly increase... snowball, and you cannot understand what is the matter, what is the reason, then take advice: go to church, go there to ancient icon and light a candle for your health. Look carefully: if the placed candle burns with a high, even flame, without forming wax deposits, then everything is fine. If there is an influx along the candle you just placed from top to bottom, this means that a curse has fallen on you or someone has cast a spell on you. If there are two swells along the candle, then two damages have been made. If the flow lines go obliquely and intersect, a serious illness awaits you, and you yourself are to blame for this.

If you move a burning candle clockwise in front of a person’s body and it suddenly begins to smoke, this is a direct indication of diseases of the internal organs. If a candle goes out three times in a row, then this is a sign of imminent misfortune, even death from an accident.

If you undertake to help a patient, then remember one condition: you do not need to turn the candle one way or the other towards the patient. It is an indicator of the patient's condition. If the influxes are formed on the part of the sick person, then he himself is to blame for his illnesses. If it’s the opposite, it means the illness was sent to him. If a tear - a drop of wax - rolls down the candle left and right and the candle cracks violently, mobilize: a serious energetic struggle is taking place between the patient and the dark force sent to him by someone. If a tear of wax is black, it means that the person is dominated by negative energy, and in this case it is necessary to take urgent measures, otherwise irreparable things may happen to you.

You can watch how the candle bends during the ritual. This indicates that the person is possessed by an evil spirit. The influxes sometimes resemble the profiles of a devil or a person who has cast spells on you; to do this, you just need to look closely. If the candle placed next to the icon goes out, take serious measures: repent of your sins, ask for forgiveness from those you have offended, and forgive those who have offended you. These actions will relieve you of stress - fertile ground for most diseases. modern man. If something prevents you from going to church to see a priest (for example, you are not a baptized person), then choose a time when no one will be in the house, open a window or window, light a candle and read the “Our Father” in front of the icon. Then place the candle on the table and sit on a chair, straightening your back, put your feet together, and place your hands on your feet, palms up. Ask for forgiveness out loud three times, calling by name and surname (if you know) those who offended you. After this, blow out the candle. After this ritual, you will feel better psychologically, and it is possible that you will soon find out “by chance” that those who offended you were judged by the Lord’s court. It is not for nothing that the Bible says: “Judge not, lest ye be judged, for with the judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (New Testament, Matthew 7:1). If you need to ask someone for forgiveness, then light a candle in front of the mirror and, looking through the flame at your reflection, honestly and frankly tell out loud what and how it happened, condemn your actions and words; and then your offense will, as it were, burn out in the cleansing flame of a candle, you will feel better and find the strength to ask for forgiveness from real person(if he is alive).

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