The most terrible people in the world. The most terrible person - mutations and deformities Unknown with a horn

Event marketing involves a sensory impact on a person and appeals to the emotional sphere of the individual.

For an event to stand out from all others today, it must surprise, infect and inspire its participants. But what are the internal mechanisms of such an event? What tools can you use to infect your audience?

Experts suggest using the very nature of human needs and their motivations for this. And they will explain all this by the principle of attractionism.

We will list some of the popular attractions that marketers use when organizing events in Samara.

1. Surprise attraction

The effect of surprise must be present in any event.

Surprise should be part of the event program, a skillful twist in the script's dramaturgy. The surprise is designed to maintain the interest of the participants and keep them on their toes throughout the entire event.

Surprise sets an element of unusualness and does not allow the event to slide into banal everyday life.

2. Attraction-record

He gained fame thanks to the appearance of the “Book of Records of Russia” and the “Book of Records of the CIS”. These publications turned the record into a tool for non-standard brand promotion. Just remember the number of dishes washed with one bottle of Fairy!

The record attracts the attention of target audiences. True, this strategy is focused on promoting only mass brands, mainly consumer goods.

3. Attraction-beauty

Prevails in the fashion industry, promotes brands whose value category is dominated by beauty as visual appeal. An example would be a competition like “Miss...” (ellipsis is a place for your brand).

Brands that associate themselves with beauty exploit two human desires at once: to gain recognition as the most attractive and to join the world of beautiful people, thereby enhancing their individual identity.

4. Attraction-ugliness

It should not be used to promote a brand. It is well suited for all kinds of promotions designed to arouse disgust in consumers towards something (for example, alcohol, smoking or violence, killing animals). An example of such an event could be various performances, green campaigns, flash mobs, etc.

5. Curiosity attraction

Based on demonstrating the unique consumer qualities of the brand. Most often used in events of a training nature, during which the consumer can test the product. A characteristic feature of such an attraction is that at the moment of contact, possession of the product does not yet become an urgent need for the consumer. In this case, the emotional value for him will be the result that the consumer receives after contact. This is often used when demonstrating new types of gadgets, such as phones. The set of functions is familiar, but some new unusual option that no one else has yet could make such a phone desirable.

6. Miracle attraction

It is rarely found in its pure form. This includes various kinds of performances by illusionists, psychic shows, etc. We are, of course, talking only about creating the illusion of miracles. However, the “Santa Claus system” will work here - the lack of faith in the reality of what is happening does not exclude warm feelings from the participants in the event. This also includes all events that use the attributes of something “wonderful.”

7. Attraction incident

This means a minor incident or misunderstanding. This type is more of a micro-event and is more suitable for promoting a personal brand. A striking example is the case of Marilyn Monroe's dress. Of course, this method will only work if the audience pays close attention to the person.

8. Mystery attraction

This method is often used when introducing a new product to the market. Consumers' attention is attracted by unusual brand names without revealing its consumer essence. An example is opening a new restaurant.

9. Attraction-ban

Similar to the previous method. First, consumers are told for a long time about some rule, taboo. And during the event they solemnly violate it, thereby causing the effect of “biting off the forbidden fruit.” What could be more pleasant?

Incredible facts

This list will tell you about ten unfortunate people suffering from severe deformities.

Some of them, with the help of modern medicine, were able to live more or less normal lives.

Some of the stories are tragic, others are hopeful. Here are ten shocking stories:

Human deformation

10. Rudy Santos

Octopus Man

Attached to Rudy's pelvis and abdomen another pair of arms and legs, belonged to his brother, whom Santos absorbed while in the womb. Also on his body there is an extra pair of nipples and an undeveloped head with ears and hair.

Rudy became a national celebrity during his freak show travels in the 1970s and 1980s. Then he earned about 20,000 pesos per day, being the main “attraction” of the show.

It was then that he received his stage name - "octopus". Rudy was likened to God, and women lined up just to stand next to him or take pictures with him.

Oddly enough, Rudy disappeared from screens in the late 1980s and eventually He has been living in poverty for over ten years now. In 2008, two doctors examined him to see if he could survive surgery to remove unnecessary body parts.

9. Manar Maged

Two-headed girl

Less than a year later, Manar herself died due to a brain infection, the development of which was provoked as a result of complications that arose after the operation.

Unusual people of the world

8. Minh Anh

Boy is a fish

Minh Anh is a Vietnamese orphan who was born with an unknown skin condition that causes his skin to peel off massively and form scales. His condition is expected to be was provoked by a special chemical (Agent Orange), which was used by the US military during the Vietnam War.

This condition is associated with constant overheating of the body, so it becomes extremely uncomfortable for a person to “wear” the skin without regular showering. The same orphans from the orphanage nicknamed him “fish”.

Previously, Minh was subjected to violence by staff and other children living in the orphanage. They tied him to the bed and did not allow the boy to go to the shower so that "remove" old skin.

When Minh was just a child, he met Brenda, a 79-year-old resident of the UK. Now she travels to Vietnam every year to see him. Over the years, the woman visited the boy and became his good friend.

Brenda helped improve the life of the boy in the orphanage in many ways. She convinced the staff not to restrain him when he had another seizure, and she also found him a friend to take the baby swimming every week, which is now Min's favorite pastime.

7. Joseph Merrick

Elephant Man

Probably the most famous person on this list is Joseph Merrick, the elephant man. Born in 1836, the Englishman became a London celebrity, and later gained fame all over the world.

He was born with Proteus syndrome, a condition that causes unusual tissue growth on the skin that causes the bones to become deformed and thicken.

Joseph's mother died when the boy was 11 years old, and his father abandoned him. So he left home as a teenager, then worked in Leicester and a little later became a showman. He was extremely popular and at the peak of his popularity he received his stage name: “the elephant man.”

Due to the size of his head, Joseph had to sleep sitting up. His head was so heavy that the man could not sleep lying down. One night in 1890, he tried to go to the kingdom of Morpheus "like all normal people," and dislocated his neck in the process.

The next morning he was found dead.

The most unusual people

6. Didier Montalvo

Boy - turtle

Didier was born in the Colombian countryside with a congenital melanocyte virus, which causes the birthmark to grow throughout the body at an incredibly fast pace.

As a result of this disease, the birthmark became so huge that covered Didier's entire back. Didier's peers nicknamed him "the turtle boy" because his incredibly large "mole" was very similar to a turtle's shell.

Apparently, Didier was conceived during an eclipse, because the locals considered him "the work of the devil." For this reason, he was not allowed to communicate with other children and was banned from attending the local school.

When British surgeon Neil Bulstrode learned of Didier's problem, he headed to Bogota, where operated on the child and completely removed the unfortunate “mole”.

When the operation was performed, the boy was barely six years old. It was a real success, because the specialists were able to remove the entire birthmark. After the operation, Didier was allowed to go to school and began to live a normal and happy life.

People with unusual appearance

5. Mandy Sellars

Mandy Sellars from Lancashire, UK, was diagnosed with the same diagnosis as Joseph Merick - Proteus syndrome. This resulted in Mandy's legs becoming incredibly huge, with a total weight of 95 kg and a diameter of 1 meter.

Her legs are so big that she orders herself specially equipped shoes that cost about $4,000. She also has a personalized car that she can drive without using her legs.

The tumor mass was completely removed after the first operation, the remaining three were aimed at facial reconstruction. The operations were successful, and a few weeks later, José was already on his way to Lisbon.

People with the most unusual disabilities

2. Dede Koswara

Man is a tree

Dede Koswara is an Indonesian man who has suffered from a fungal infection called epidermodysplasia verruciformis for most of his life. It causes the growth of large, tough fungal growths that look much like tree bark.

Over time, Dede became extremely uncomfortable using his limbs, they became so large and heavy. The fungus grows throughout the body, but manifests itself mainly on the arms and legs.

In 2008, Dede underwent a course of treatment in the United States, as a result of which 8 kg of warts were removed from his body. After this, skin grafts were done on the face and hands. Unfortunately, the operation failed to stop the growth of the fungus, so another surgical intervention was performed in 2011.

There is no cure for Dede's disease.

1. Alamjan Nematilaev

Fetal congestion is an extremely rare developmental anomaly that occurs once in 500,000 births. The reasons for this anomaly are unknown, but many scientists believe that it occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, when one embryo is literally “enveloped” by another.

In 2003, the school doctor noticed that the child's stomach was very swollen and sent him to the hospital. Doctors examined him and concluded that the patient had a cyst. The following week the boy was operated on and, to everyone's surprise, A child weighing two kilograms and 20 centimeters long was found in Alamyan’s stomach.

The doctor who performed the operation noted that the boy looked like he was six months pregnant. The boy's parents believe that the development of such an anomaly was provoked as a result of radiation after the Chernobyl disaster, but experts rejected this idea.

Alamyan fully recovered from the operation, but to this day he does not know that his twin was growing inside him.

Are you unhappy with something about your appearance? Just look at these people and you will instantly forget about some non-existent flaws in your own body. Today we will talk about those who in modern society are usually called freaks.

1. Ulas family

The Ulas family lives in Hatay province in Turkey. Of its 19 members, five brothers and sisters walk on all fours. Scientists have concluded that they all suffer from a rare type of disability. They cannot master upright walking simply because they lack balance and stability. Interestingly, scientists still cannot give an exact explanation of why this happens. Professor Nicholas Humphrey notes that this is a striking example of a strange disorder of human development. Moreover, some scientists believe that the family problem is proof that people can devolve, while others are of the opinion that the poor fellows suffer from some kind of hereditary disease, for example, Youner Tan syndrome or cerebellar hypoplasia.

2. Aceves Family

This Mexican family is also called the hairiest in the world. All its members suffer from a rare disease - congenital hypertrichosis. People with this genetic mutation have an extra piece of DNA that affects nearby genes that control hair growth. This pathology manifests itself in the fact that not only the whole body, but also the face becomes hairy. In the Aceves family, about 30 people - both women and men - suffer from this disease. It’s hard to imagine how much bullying these unfortunate people suffered from society...

3. Jose Mestre

The face of this poor fellow from Portugal was “swallowed” by a tumor whose weight reached 5 kg. Moreover, he lived with her for 40 years. It all started when Mestre was born with a vascular malformation, also called a hemangioma. It grew uncontrollably until the age of 14. These types of tumors tend to increase during puberty and distort all facial features. A simple meal cost Jose his tongue and gums to bleed. The tumor literally consumed his face and completely destroyed his left eye. To date, the man has undergone a number of operations. While his face looks like it's covered in burns. But, despite this, Jose is overjoyed that he has finally gotten rid of the unfortunate tumor.

4. Unknown with a horn

We often joke about the fact that someone has grown horns, but we don’t even realize that there are people in the world who actually have them. It turns out that cutaneous horn is a rare disease formed from horn cells. To date, the exact cause of the formation of a cutaneous horn has not been identified. The development of such a process can be provoked by both internal (endocrine pathology, tumors, viral infection) and external (ultraviolet radiation, trauma) factors. Fortunately, this can be treated with surgery.

5. Bree Walker

The American TV presenter from Los Angeles lives with a congenital defect called ectrodactyly (“claw-shaped hand”). The defect consists of underdevelopment of one or more fingers on the hands or feet.

The personality of this young man can inspire many. He is the one who managed to turn his rare disease and unusual physique into a special effect, into something that will bring him fame and financial independence. Being 2 m tall and weighing just over 50 kg, Spanish actor Javier received many alien, horror roles. At the age of 6, Botet was diagnosed with Marfan syndrome, a rare genetic pathology that is accompanied by elongation of fingers and limbs, as well as tall stature combined with extreme thinness. Now he can be seen in “Crimson Peak” (where he played ghosts), “Mama” (Javier as the main character), “The Conjuring 2” (The Hunchback) and many other films.

7. Petero Byakatonda

This boy comes from an African village in Uganda. He suffers from a genetic disease - Crouzon syndrome, which leads to abnormal fusion of the bones of the skull and face. In Crouzon syndrome, the bones of the skull and face fuse too early, and the skull is then forced to grow towards the remaining open sutures. This results in abnormal shape of the head, face and teeth. Usually this disease is treated within several months after birth, but the 13-year-old baby lived in isolation and it is still a miracle that he survived. Today he is undergoing treatment. The basic operations have already been done, thanks to which the guy’s head has a shape familiar to all people.

9. Harry Eastleck

During his lifetime, this man was nicknamed “the stone man.” He suffered from fibrodysplasia ossificans, a very rare disease characterized by the transformation of connective tissue into bone. Eastleck died at the age of over forty, before which he bequeathed his skeleton to the Mutter Museum of Medical History (Philadelphia, USA).

In 2013, at the age of 62, Paul Karason, known throughout the world as the “blue man” or “Papa Smurf,” died of a heart attack. And the cause of his rare disease was... ordinary self-medication. An American tried to fight dermatitis at home, which he treated for about 10 years with colloidal silver. After 1999, drugs based on it were banned in the United States. It turns out that when silver is taken internally, there is a high probability of argyrosis, a disease characterized by irreversible skin pigmentation. Blue skin prevented Karason from living, and he moved from state to state (he had to leave his native California largely because of the curious looks that local residents and tourists cast at him), sought doctors and understanding, went to various talk shows, talked about himself, smoked a lot.

11. Dede Kosvara

“Tree Man”, Indonesian Dede Koswara suffered from a rare disease - his immune system was not able to fight the growth of warts. His arms and legs resembled tree roots, all the result of a mutated papilloma virus that science had never been able to cope with. This virus is not contagious, but Dede’s wife left him, took the children, and passers-by turned away. Despite the fact that doctors initially cut off the growths on his body, over time they reappeared. As a result, in 2016, alone and with heartache at the age of 42, Dede Kosvara left this world.

12. Didier Montalvo

And this baby was previously called a turtle. Fortunately, in 2012, doctors freed the 6-year-old boy from the terrible shell that occupied 45% of his body. The Colombian child suffered from a rare form of congenital disease called melanocytic virus. Fortunately, doctors removed the tumor in time, and it did not have time to become malignant.

Tessa suffers from aplasia - a congenital absence of any part of the body or organ, in this case the nose. In addition to aplasia, the girl suffers from heart and eye problems. At 11 weeks she had cataract surgery on her left eye, but complications left her completely blind in one eye. Today, the baby is preparing for a series of nasal prosthetic operations, although it is already known in advance that she will still not be able to smell.

14. Dean Andrews

This Briton looks at least 50 years old, but in reality the unfortunate man is only 20. He suffers from progeria. This is one of the rarest genetic defects, which results in premature aging of the body. By the way, the world-famous American motivational speaker Sam Burns, who died at the age of 17, had this disease. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no effective treatment for the disease and patients affected by it die very quickly.

15. Unidentified woman with Treacher Collins syndrome

As a result of this disease, patients experience craniofacial deformation. As a result, strabismus occurs, the size of the mouth, chin and ears changes. Patients have problems swallowing. Cases of hearing loss are common. In some cases, these defects can be corrected with plastic surgery.

16. Declan Hayton

Declan lives with his parents in Lancaster, UK. This baby has been diagnosed with Mobius syndrome. Until now, science has not been able to fully understand the causes of the development of the disease, and the possibilities of its treatment, unfortunately, are limited. People with such a rare congenital anomaly lack facial expression, which is explained by facial paralysis.

This man has pituitary dwarfism, in other words, dwarfism. His height is only 80 cm. But this did not prevent him from realizing himself in life and revealing his creative potential. Today, Vern acts in films, and is also a famous stand-up comedian and stuntman. By the way, he became famous for his role in the film “Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me,” where Verne Troyer played the role of Mini-Me, a clone of Dr. Evil.

18. Manar Maged

19. Sultan Kesen

This man from Turkey is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest man in the world. His height is 2 m 51 cm. He is associated with a pituitary tumor. This young man never managed to graduate from high school. As a result, he works as a farmer, and moves exclusively on crutches. Since 2010, Sultan has been undergoing radiotherapy in Virginia. Fortunately, the course of therapy was able to normalize the hormonal activity of the pituitary gland. Doctors managed to stop the Turk’s constant growth.

The Elephant Man was the name given to this man who lived in Victorian England. He lived only 27 years. Due to his deformed body, Merrick was unable to get a job. In addition, he had to run away from home for the reason that his stepmother constantly humiliated him. Soon Joseph got a job at a local circus to participate in a freak show. In his 27 years, this young man accomplished so much... So, he was a gifted person. He wrote poetry, read a lot, visited theaters, and collected a collection of wild flowers. With only his left hand he assembled models of cathedrals from paper, one of which is still kept in the Royal London Museum. The surgeon Frederick Reeves took him under his wing, thanks to whom Joseph received a room at the Royal London Hospital. In his memoirs, Dr. Reeves wrote:

“When I met this guy, I thought he was weak-minded from birth, but later I realized that he was aware of the tragedy of his own life. Moreover, he is smart, very sensitive and has a romantic imagination.”

Joseph Merrick suffered from a genetic disease called Proteus syndrome, which causes unusual growth of the head, skin and bones. On April 11, 1890, Joseph went to bed with his head on the pillow (due to growths on his back, he always slept sitting up). As a result, his heavy head bent his thin neck, and he died of asphyxia.

21. Unknown Chinese boy

Polydactyly is an anatomical deviation characterized by a greater than normal number of toes or fingers. In addition, it can occur not only in people, but also in cats and dogs. And in the photo you see the hands and feet of a boy who was born with 5 extra fingers and 6 extra toes. Doctors were able to remove the extra fingers so that the child could live a full life and not feel like an outcast in society.

22. Mandy Sellars

The 43-year-old British woman, like Joseph Merrick the Elephant Man (item #20), has Proteus syndrome. During her life, she underwent many operations, and one of her legs had to be amputated at the knee. Now her legs weigh 95 kg. The girl notes that she is proud of herself, that she managed to love her body and accept herself for who she is. Moreover, Mandy is a great smart girl. Despite her disability, she graduated from college with a bachelor's degree in psychology.

23. 27-year-old unknown Iranian

Did you know that there is a person on Earth whose pupils grow hair? And the reason for this is a tumor. Fortunately, doctors were able to cut it out.

24. Min An

This Vietnamese boy is called a fish, and all because he was born with an unknown disease, as a result of which his skin constantly peels off and forms a kind of scales. That's why he showers several times a day. And swimming is his favorite activity. Doctors believe that the cause of the disease could be Agent Orange. This is the name given to a mixture of defoliants and artificial herbicides. It was used by the US military during the Vietnam War.

1. Hilton Sisters
Violet and Daisy Hilton

These sisters are Siamese twins. They shared a common circulatory and nervous system. This meant that they experienced one pain between them. The sisters were sold into slavery by their midwife mother, who greedily took advantage of their misfortune. They sang, danced, played various instruments in the circus. Their slave owner took all their income and forbade them to communicate with anyone. In the end, one lawyer helped them escape the shackles, and even bought back all the money they earned. The sisters continued to work in show business and at the peak of their careers earned $5,000.

2. Wild men from Borneo

These "wild men" were actually doppelgängers, mentally retarded dwarves who had no hope of employment other than to entertain circus audiences. At the age of 26, they were purchased from their natural mother by a man named Lyman Warner. They were taught acrobatics and dances, with which they performed in front of the audience. Enslaved by the Warner family, they continued to bring wealth to the family for fifty years.

3. Woman doll
Lucia Zarate

Lucia was born in Mexico in 1864. She weighed 8 ounces and was 7 inches tall. She weighed less than a kitten. To this day she is the smallest woman on Earth. Arriving in the United States at the age of 12, she was the highest paid midget at the time ($20 per hour). Unfortunately, she died at the age of 26 on a train.

4. Texas Giant
Jack Earl

Al had a condition called acromegaly. Jack Earle performed in the circus with famous circus performers. He also starred in movies like Jack and the Bean Tree (guess who?). Despite the fact that it was difficult for freaks to find work, Earl showed everyone that you can use your extraordinary appearance in any profession. He was a salesman for a wine company and later became their PR representative. He also sculpted, painted, and wrote poetry (his book Long Shadows was published in 1950).

5. "The Hunchback"

Quasimodo is not a fictional character. The eponymous Hunchback of Notre Dame in Victor Hugo's story actually lived in Notre Dame. One British researcher found fragments of a memoir that told of a “hunchbacked stone carver” who worked at Hugo Cathedral. It is not difficult to understand why he was given the nickname "Le Bossu" - the Hunchback.

6. The woman with the face of a mule
Grace McDaniels

This woman was born with a facial deformity that made many people uncomfortable looking at her. She was declared "the ugliest woman in the world." This is also a kind of achievement. Despite her appearance, she was a very good person. Grace got married and had a child who did not inherit her facial features, but he became a drunkard and a social outcast.

7. Jo-Jo, the boy with the dog face
Fedor Evtishchev

The boy, like his father, suffered from a rare disease - hypertrichosis. His father lived alone in the forest, away from people, so as not to listen to their ridicule. To earn money, he performed in the circus. After Fedor was born, they began to tour together. Soon his father died, and the boy performed for a long time in shows organized by the famous American entrepreneur F. T. Barnum. Like a trained dog, Fedor could bark and growl on command, but he was not a dog. He could speak English, Russian and German.

8. Julia Pastrana

This girl suffered from hypertrichosis - her face and body were covered with black, coarse hair. Outwardly, Julia resembled a gorilla. Her height was a little more than 137 cm. Despite her deformity, Pastrana danced well and was very kind and welcoming. She had a husband, Theodore, who bought her and taught her everything she surprised people with in the circus. Soon, Julia gave birth to a child who lived only 3 days, and she herself died 5 days after this event. Theodore mummified the corpses of his wife and child, and later their bodies were displayed in various Panic Rooms.

9. Schlitzi
Simon Metz

Schlitzi was very popular in the circus. He was a microcephalic - a man with a small skull and a small brain. His child's head sat incongruously on the shoulders of an adult. His brain was about 3 years old, yet he sang and danced like a 10 year old. Already physically an adult, he starred in the film “Freaks” (1932), then “Island of Lost Souls” (1933). After his death, Schlitzi became a true legend.

10. Caterpillar Man
Prince Randian

Prince Randian was a striking man - he wore sleeveless clothes and no socks. He had only a head and a torso and looked like he was paralyzed, although he could light a cigarette with just his mouth. He had a wife, with whose help he learned to move. He became famous in 1932 after a cameo role in Tod Browning's film Freaks. Prince Randian lived to be 63 years old.

The most anticipated show at the last Fashion Week in Paris, of course, was the Balenciaga show - in place of Alexander Wang, who left the brand last year, they called the controversial and young Georgian designer Demna Gvasalia, and everyone was terribly interested in what this founder of the Vetements brand, which makes clothes in the spirit of a local second-hand store, he will take it and show it to everyone. And Gvasalia demonstrated not just a collection, but a whole trend - the shift of beauty in favor of ugliness, the ideal - in favor of unpretentiousness, the chic - in favor of the everyday secondary - which is now unfolding in fashion.

Praised for his unorthodox approach to creating things even during his debut at Vetements, Demna Gvasalia followed the path of his colleagues Hedi Slimane and Alessandro Michele, who came to famous fashion houses (Hedi at Yves Saint Laurent, Michele at Gucci), “wiped legs" about the historical heritage, did not give a damn about all this nonsense about the "DNA of the brand" and began to create what they wanted, albeit on the basis of some already developed styles and silhouettes, and everyone began to desperately praise them for this - they say, this is new, unusual and interesting. From a person whose main item in his own collection is a top with the inscription “You Fuck”n Asshole, you somehow don’t expect aesthetically beautiful things, but everything that happens on the Balenciaga catwalk from Gvasalia is not a Gucci tent or a Saint Laurent brothel, and a certain gloomy thrift store, where a marginalized audience sells goods. The series of suits, in which, according to the idea, it seems to be a Balenciaga-esque futuristic silhouette, and ski jackets, which have that very favorite Cristobal neck in the shape of a bud, and the final one, are doomfully ugly. a series of patchwork dresses, which were initially accompanied by colored tights, and then even shoes with an identical pattern.

As a stylist, Gvasalia could have a lot of orders in fashion magazines for those wonderful photo shoots with semi-drug-looking girls in very strange outfits (if not “rags” - this is the word that is asked for those same patchwork dresses of the updated Balenciaga), but is it worth it so persistently praise as a designer? Definitely, he turned out to be more far-sighted than many of his colleagues in predicting the very moment when ugliness fully came into fashion. If earlier these were only “peripheral” designers of the industry with their crazy experiments like Vivienne Westwood or Rick Owens, now this very anti-beauty is everywhere - an unsightly baggy silhouette, incomprehensible shoes akin to market slippers, a frankly cheap-looking dress and stylization in the spirit of “I’m just I went to take out the trash.” You can no longer take hooligan designers, but look at those who are always featured on the front page of fashion magazines, and here it is - imperfection, reaching the point of ugly or simply banal human “no, guys, I’ll never wear that”, comes out on surface.

Ugliness has become part of fashion, its way to turn into news, into that very unpleasant “squeak” that everyone will definitely share on social networks. Disharmony and defectiveness have become a lure in an era when closets are full of clothes, and couture collections differ from each other from year to year only by the number of supermodels who were invited to them. Designers are looking for a way to interest us in something new, but it turns out as if they diligently drank all the working hours allocated to create the collection, and then woke up with a hangover and came out with what came to mind. From extraordinary fashion shoots on ruins in the mud and atypical faces of models who seemed to be an informal minority in the 2000s, now through a motley range of street-style images in the spirit of “who will dress the weirdest”, we have come to the conclusion that designers no longer dictate fashion, they just create something as strange and unrealistic as possible, and then the PR people invite the Kardashian family to promote it all, and sales grow. Ugliness is making its way to the masses, and now, perhaps, to look fashionable, you don’t even have to try very hard - you can just find worse leggings in the closet, tear an old sweater, forget to wear jeans under a sweatshirt, and that’s it - you’re ready to get caught into photographers' lenses.

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