Fear of Russians, or what the word “Russophobia” means. Academicians of the wounds angered Vladimir Putin with their outright corruption and Russophobia

Shadow of Beria. Intergirl academics angered the president

Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who have profited and privatized state funds for science, want to sell themselves to everyone, and not at a high price, they told Putin about this. And the President of Russia wants their efforts in organizing science “like a pump here”!

The President held a meeting of the Council for Science and Education in Novosibirsk. And on it, academics, like inter-girls in hotels in the early 90s, chirped to the whole world about traveling and working abroad in a very sensitive area. And they masked these passionate desires to be in demand behind the cordon with the term “international”.

It was clear from Putin’s face, from his remarks and final phrases that he very disappointed level of speeches at the Council " old robbers", which emphasized the thesis: abroad will help us. And clearly, I am not ready to condone the foreign aspirations of snickering science leaders.

Meeting of the Council for Science and Education

Quotes about the president's dissatisfaction with proposals inter-girl academics:

« Vladimir Evgenievich gave an example of how easy it used to be to decide on some basic areas, but it is impossible for us to return to the previous system, because under the previous system, when Sakharov wrote this paper... What is written on top? " Top secret".

And behind all this was a famous nuclear physicist and organizer of this work Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria. Try not to! Therefore, we cannot transfer the previous methods here. And the fact that these citizens, gentlemen, write like this, on one piece of paper - yes, they do it, Andrei Alexandrovich is right. But when they go for money, I assure you, I know this, you won’t be limited to so many documents, you know? Everything is quite strict there too».

« ...Our agenda today is “ On the global competitiveness of Russian science" The point is not at all to achieve some medals. No! We just need to create conditions for country development, and without the development of science there will be no development of the country. Conditions must be created! This is what we talked about today».

« … When we talk about international cooperation, this is extremely important because it makes our science part of the global scientific process. But this is also not an end in itself. Under no circumstances should we, in this area, as in others, create conditions under which this cooperation will lead to further outflow. Vice versa, we need to make sure that this cooperation works like a pump here ».

Maybe the president realized that these people cannot create a system for domestic science “HOW TO PUMP HERE”? And it was not for nothing that he called Lavrentiy Beria a nuclear physicist and organizer? Will there be landings among thieves, plunderers and imitators of science? They imprison governors, ministers, senators, and generals. But only a few rectors.

Maybe we should take scientists, fundamental scientists, more seriously? Or, as experts advise, especially in medicine, they say that among academics and their circle there are hundreds of billions of dollars of stolen funds. Do inter-academics all dream of Provence, Lebanon, or Beijing?

Putin, although he joked at the Council about the organizer of the atomic project Lavrenty Beria, who very effectively promoted science, but this formidable figure It was not without reason that it surfaced from the depths of Putin’s consciousness?

The President held a meeting of the Council for Science and Education in Novosibirsk

More details and a variety of information about events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website “Keys of Knowledge”. All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite everyone who wakes up and is interested...

Russophobia- biased, hostile, suspicious, hostile attitude towards Russians and/or Russia; a special case of xenophobia, represents a specific direction in ethnophobia.

The opposite in meaning term “Russophilia” is also known - love for everything Russian, for Russia, for Russian culture, as well as for the Russians themselves.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Portrait by Alexandrovsky

The word “Russophobia” was first used in 1867, in a letter from the great Russian poet and diplomat Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev to his daughter. Tyutchev’s remark turned out so well that it can be inserted into modern articles without correcting a single word in it:

“This is the Russophobia of some Russian people - by the way, very revered ones. They used to tell us, and they really believed so, that in Russia they hate the lack of rights, the lack of freedom of the press, etc., etc., that it is precisely because they love Europe so dearly that it undoubtedly has everything that is not in Russia. What do we see now? As Russia, seeking greater freedom, asserts itself more and more, the dislike of these gentlemen for it only intensifies. On the contrary, we see that no violations in the field of justice, morality and even civilization that are allowed in Europe have in the least reduced the predilection for it. In a word, in the phenomenon that I have in mind, there can be no talk of principles as such; only instincts are at work here, and it is precisely the nature of these instincts that should be understood.”

The emergence of Russophobia in the West

Russophobia as a trend of ideology arose in the West in the 16th century, which was associated with the expansionist policy of Poland, which sought to subjugate lands in the East (that is, Russian lands).

Poland was the closest major Catholic country to Russia, and much of the information about Muscovy came to Europe from the Poles, who worked hard to form negative image“barbaric” “Asian” Russia, with which Poland fought repeatedly during the 16th-17th centuries. Then these Russophobic ideas were picked up by other Western countries, which came into conflict with Russia as its geopolitical positions strengthened in the 18th-20th centuries.

6 Most Famous Russophobes in Russian History

Chevalier d'Eon, aka Mademoiselle de Beaumont (1728-1810)

French secret agent, famous fencer, transvestite, spent the first half of his life as a man, and the second half as a woman. The question of the Chevalier's true gender remains open.

According to the publishers, d’Eon “discovered” the so-called in St. Petersburg and took it to France. This falsification was published in French in 1812 (immediately after the collapse of Napoleon’s invasion of Russia) in Lesure’s book “On the growth of Russian power from its very beginning to XIX century" According to the publishers, the document was a strategic plan of action for the successors of Peter the Great for many centuries to come, with the goal of establishing world domination by Russia; the goal was “to get as close as possible to Constantinople and the Indies.” This fake was originally created in the political interests of the French ruling circles and was then widely used in anti-Russian propaganda of the 19th-20th centuries, especially during the wars (Crimean and World War I). The origin of the “will” is not entirely clear, but at least some historians believe that d’Eon, who spied on the Russian Empress Elizabeth (daughter of Peter I) and tried to disrupt the Russian-Austrian alliance, could actually be involved in fabricating the original version of this forgery .

Michal Sokolnicki (1760-1816)

Polish general, participant in the Russian-Polish War of 1792, the Kościuszko uprising and Napoleonic wars on Napoleon's side.

Written in February 1812 detailed plan attack on Russia and its subsequent dismemberment “On ways to rid Europe of the influence of Russia, and thanks to this, of the influence of England.” IN last years it is believed that this document played a crucial role in the beginning of the War of 1812. In the summer of 1812, Sokolnitsky was seconded to Napoleon as the main “expert” on Russia, which he called in his work the “Empire of Darkness.” At the same time, Sokolnitsky himself willingly passed off typical Russophobic myths as real intelligence data. Here, for example, is what he wrote, justifying the possibility of stirring up unrest on the outskirts of Russia:

“As for the Crimean Tatars, they could be easily influenced with the help of their neighbors - the Tatars living in Lithuania. For all their lack of education and downtroddenness, these nationalities are endowed with a certain natural ingenuity, and even a certain sublimity of feelings, which is not at all characteristic of the Russian nation.”

It goes without saying that in Sokolnitsky’s plan there was a place for Poland from sea to sea. However, the real significance of this plan is that Napoleon, far from sympathizing with such grandiose Polish plans, nevertheless accepted Sokolnitsky's derogatory characterizations of Russia and its people at face value and, as a result, started the War of 1812.

Astolphe de Custine (1790-1867)

French aristocrat and ardent monarchist, allegedly bisexual; gained fame through the publication of his notes on Russia. “Custine is considered a classic of world Russophobia, its champion and record holder.”

The author of the Russophobic book “Russia in 1839”, reprinted many times in Europe, where he described Russia as a country of “barbarians” and “slaves”, “universal fear” and “bureaucratic tyranny”.
The author of the meme about Russia as a “prison of nations”, in which Tsar Nicholas I is the “overseer”.

He accused Nicholas I of allegedly “being mired in debauchery and dishonoring a huge number of decent girls and women,” despite the fact that both contemporaries and historians consider Emperor Nicholas a man of extremely strict rules and a monogamous man who loved his wife all his life.

He colorfully described the severe Russian frosts, although he traveled around Russia in the summer.

Charles Stratford-Canning, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe (1786-1880)

English diplomat. By 1832, he had created such a reputation for himself that Nicholas I flatly refused to let him into St. Petersburg when he was appointed ambassador to Russia.

Later, in 1841-1858. (with breaks in 1847 and 1852-1853) was ambassador to Turkey, where he contributed by all means to the beginning and growth Crimean War. Upon his retirement in 1858, he also wrote Russophobic articles on the Eastern Question.

Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)

The founders of communism. For many years they lived and worked with all the comforts in Britain - the center of world capitalism - calling from there for revolutions in their native Germany and in other countries. Because of large number Russophobic passages in their works, in the Soviet Union (where Marx and Engels were considered luminaries of science and the highest authorities) they were never published full meeting essays.

They considered Russia the main obstacle to the implementation of their plans for world revolution: “Slavic barbarians are natural counter-revolutionaries, special enemies of democracy” (Marx).

Engels created and spread the myth about the threat of Pan-Slavism to the “civilized nations” of Europe: “this is an absurd, ahistorical movement, which has set itself the goal of nothing less than to subordinate the civilized West to the barbaric East, the city to the countryside, trade, industry, spiritual culture to primitive agriculture.” Slavic serfs... Behind this ridiculous theory stood a formidable reality in the face Russian Empire... in every step of which one discovers a claim to consider the whole of Europe as the property of the Slavic tribe.”

Engels wrote that there was a need for “a ruthless life-and-death struggle against the treacherous Slavs, traitorous to the revolution... a war of extermination and unbridled terror.” “Yes, the coming world war will wipe out from the face of the earth not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also entire reactionary peoples - and this will also be progress!”

Franz Joseph I (1830-1916)

Emperor of Austria, and later of Austria-Hungary almost until the very end of the latter's existence. In 1848 it was very close to to the Russian Emperor Nicholas I, who considered Franz Joseph literally his son and even helped keep Austria from collapse in 1848 during the Hungarian Revolution. Franz Joseph “repaid” for this during the Crimean War, demanding that Russia accept the terms of the ultimatum of the Western allies.

Soon, Austria was severely punished for betrayal by proxy - the country, which had lost its key ally, was immediately taken away from a significant part of its possessions in Italy, and then deprived of leadership in the German Confederation and turned into an unstable Austro-Hungarian Confederation, but Franz Joseph did not rest on this and accepted active participation in depriving Russia of any achievements based on the results Russo-Turkish War 1877-1878 Throughout his reign in Subcarpathian Rus' and, especially, in Galicia, persecution of Orthodoxy and local Russians continued. Under him, with the help of the specially created department of “history” of Lviv University and the NGO “Prosvita”, the history and ideology of “Ukrainianism” was composed.

In 1908, by exposing the insufficiently cautious Russian Foreign Minister, he provoked the Bosnian crisis. In 1914 he became one of the instigators of the First World War, during which he carried out the genocide of the Russian population of Galicia and Subcarpathian Rus. It is also famous for the fact that Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, the widow of Nicholas I, on her deathbed, in response to the priest’s call to forgive everyone, stated that “Yes, I forgive everyone except the Emperor of Austria!”

In Russia and some other countries it is often used the concept of “Russophobia”. However, the authors who use this term usually do not explain: “Russophobia” - what is it?

Is it an ideology, a worldview (most of the numerous “phobias” are mental disorders)? Let's try to figure it out.

Definition of the concept

What does Russophobia mean? "Phobias" psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, teachers, cultural experts call unfounded irrational fears.

Xenophobia- fear of strangers who do not resemble the patient. They may differ in skin color, religion, adhere to other cultural values and norms (being representatives of another culture or some subculture) - it doesn’t matter.

These are all types of xenophobia. Xenophobia can manifest itself in aggressive behavior, but this is not necessary and does not constitute the essence of this pathology.

Russophobia- this is a type, a special case of xenophobia.

If we call a xenophobe anyone who fears people who are somehow different from himself, then a Russophobe is someone who is afraid of Russians.

Russophobe is afraid of Russians not because they caused him real harm. If this is true (real harm occurs), it is not a phobia, but a completely rational fear.

Russophobe does not control his emotional condition, is not able to understand himself: absolutely all Russians seem to him dangerous, hostile, aggressive.

Xenophobia is a social and psychological deviation (deviation from the norm). Russophobia too. Mentally, almost all Russophobes are healthy. Their pathology is personal, mental.

However, it causes them a lot of inconvenience, and if it manifests itself in aggressive behavior, aimed at the phantom object of their fears (all Russians), can become dangerous for other people.

Russophobes - who are they?

In 2017, the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, signed a decree that actually banned from a certain point the use of the Russian language on the territory of Ukraine for teaching, including in elementary school.

This is typical manifestation of Russophobia and people who support such laws can be called Russophobes. It is obvious that the Russian language does not threaten Ukraine and Ukrainians. Moreover, without exception, all outstanding figures of Ukrainian culture and science of the past wrote and spoke in Russian.

European culture also penetrated into Ukraine through the Russian language. This language is one of the six officially recognized international languages ​​of UNESCO. Ukrainian and Russian languages ​​are related (as are these peoples themselves).

We see here irrational fear before something that is not only not dangerous, but even useful. This is a typical phobia, and specifically Russophobia.

Why are they afraid of Russians?

As with any illness, body or soul, the cause of this illness lies in the patient himself. It is with him that something is wrong, and not with the one he is afraid of.

The cause of xenophobia considered an inferiority complex. Feeling weak and defenseless in a certain way, a person finds (sometimes quite randomly) an external object to which he transfers his fears.

Why does the patient need this? If fear is personalized, the patient clearly understands who he is afraid of, which people are dangerous to him, and he has the illusion of control of the situation.

Since I know who is dangerous to me, I can avoid meeting these terrible people or protect myself from them, take action against them in advance.

In fact, the fight against phantoms only deepens the pathological condition of the patient, since the real cause is in himself, and it is this that needs to be eliminated.

Source of the disease- in the soul of the patient, and not in those whom he fears.

By taking the problem outside, the patient does not notice its real cause and is not treated, which aggravates his condition.

Currently, Russophobia is the most widespread in Ukraine. What is the specific reason for the widespread prevalence of this pathology in this country?

In 2014, a revolution took place in Ukraine. The people of Ukraine themselves called it the Revolution of Dignity. It was difficult and bloody. The exact number of deaths has not yet been established.

According to some estimates, more than a thousand people were killed and maimed. The rebels managed to overthrow Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to Russia. After which other politicians came to power.

However, the situation in Ukraine Not only has it not improved, but it has also gotten worse. Unemployment is growing, the level of income of the population is falling. Active citizens are gripped by apathy, as they see that corruption in the country is still thriving, it even intensified after the last Maidan.

It is this situation that causes the feeling of fatigue, powerlessness, emptiness, provoking the appearance of an inferiority complex. It may be recalled that the Maidan of 2014 was by no means the first. And now, after all the effort, the result is zero.

This is why an unconscious psychological need arose project your internal problems outside of yourself, as always happens with any type of xenophobia. Russians have become such a phantom object of fear and hatred.

The reason for the country's problems is seen not in the insufficient efforts made by the Ukrainians themselves, not in their mistakes - but in the Russians. It's all their fault.

Such a choice of the object of one’s phobia is associated with the political and even partly military conflict between Ukraine and Russia. That is, to some extent he provoked by Russia itself.

However, at its core, fear of the Russians, the proclamation of Russia as the main enemy of Ukraine is an irrational phenomenon.

Illness always arises because a person lacks the courage to see the problem in himself, and he transfers it to others. Russophobia in this sense is a typical example.

Is there Russophobia in Russia?

Are there Russophobes in Russia itself? If you get to know social life modern Russia, read the press, you can confidently answer: Yes! There are a lot of Russophobes.

For example, publicist Boris Stomakhin, who has long been serving a sentence on falsified charges of inciting national hatred and extremism. He is constantly called a “Russophobe.”

Boris Stomakhin is a publicist. He did not beat anyone, did not kill, did not carry out terrorist attacks. He wrote articles. Few people read these articles. Boris Stomakhin's texts are sharply critical of not only to the Russian state, but also to the population of Russia.

Boris Stomakhin even attributed to the words that all Russians should be killed.

This is a bit of an exaggeration.

In one of his texts, he actually wrote that those who took up arms to fight in Eastern Ukraine should be killed. But he did not call to kill all Russians.

Many other famous people in Russia have been called and are called Russophobes: publicist and satirist Viktor Shenderovich, musicians Yuri Shevchuk and Andrey Makarevich.

All of them are united by a very critical attitude towards Russian statehood, the moral and mental qualities of the Russian people.

However, none of them experience any irrational fears. They are not afraid of Russians. Moreover, Boris Stomakhin is Russian himself. He is not afraid of himself. Yes, this is impossible.

Let us recall that the essence of any type of xenophobia is the transfer of the source of one’s fears to an external object, something clearly different from the patient himself. The patient cannot be afraid of himself. He is afraid of a stranger, some person unlike himself.

In Russia, therefore, the concept of “Russophobia” is completely distorted and is not used at all in the meaning that it actually has. In fact, the inhabitants of Russia are called “Russophobes” anyone who speaks critically about their country, tells them the unpleasant truth about themselves. The term “Russophobia” actually does not have such a meaning.

So, those who in Russia are usually called “Russophobes” are healthy, opposition-minded people with developed critical thinking. They differ to a greater extent intellectual and civic maturity than others.

Why are they called “Russophobes”? To not take what they say seriously. A they tell the truth, and a very unpleasant one. But if these people are sick, then what they say is delusional fabrication. Why listen to them?

In fact, it is not those who are proclaimed “Russophobes” who are sick, but those who call them such.

This disease is immaturity, reluctance to grow up.

It is the ability of an adult to be critical of himself and his country. The attitude of Russians (the vast majority of them) towards themselves and their country is childish and immature. That's why the unpleasant truth causes such a reaction on their part.

For residents of Russia phobia of criticism. It is they who are sick, and not those whom they label “Russophobes” and persecute. In fact, in Russia the situation described by A.S. is being reproduced. Griboyedov in the comedy "Woe from Wit". The smartest and most critical person is declared crazy.

Are there real Russophobes in Russia? Yes. These are representatives of other nations who live in Russia, but are afraid of the Russians, although the Russians did not cause them any real harm.

About the prevalence of phobia

It is very difficult to assess the prevalence of this pathology. Residents are currently suffering from it Ukraine, Moldova, Baltic countries, Georgia and many European countries, as well as the USA.

However, we can definitely say that in the CIS countries this is a fairly widespread problem (especially in Ukraine). But in countries Western Europe and the USA is a rarity.

Residents of Western countries are rationally afraid of Russia and Russians, but there are reasons for this. Russia has the second-largest nuclear potential in the world, a huge army, and often behaves aggressively towards its neighbors. This rational concerns. Irrational fears are not very common in Western countries.

There are no statistics on this disease. Residents of Ukraine, where there is now an epidemic of Russophobia, do not recognize themselves as sick at all. It is not possible to estimate the exact number of cases.

Everyday Russophobia and how to deal with it:

Treatment and prognosis

Since this pathology is a type of xenophobia, the treatment is fundamentally the same as for any type of xenophobia. First of all, you need to understand your problem and admit it.

Since deviation is deeply personal in nature, getting rid of it against the patient’s wishes is impossible. You need to contact a psychotherapist or psychologist. A psychiatrist will not help here.

If the patient realized his problem, he is on the road to recovery. The doctor will conduct a series of conversations, it is possible to use group therapy methods and hypnotherapy.

The goal is to strengthen self-confidence, overcome the inferiority complex, thereby relieving the patient of phantom fears.

Although Russophobia is a disease, its aggressive manifestations can represent public danger, and we have the right to fight them.

However, prevention of this pathology is more effective, which consists in strengthening friendly ties between Russians and other peoples. They must be convinced that the Russians are their friends.

This is what knocks the mail out from under the feet of the delusional state that has gripped the emotional sphere and consciousness of a person. This path can be recommended to those who desire contribute to the fight against Russophobia.

On the attitude towards Russia on the part of Western elites and most means mass media:

Specialists, and not only them, know an incredible number of different phobias. For example, someone is terribly afraid of spiders, while others have a clearly expressed fear of loneliness, closed space, heights, and much more. It even gets to the point of being completely absurd - fear of receiving gifts, the sight of buttons, etc. But there are also more serious, in a global sense, phobias, which include Russophobia.

What this means is easy to guess - the term is directly related to Russia and the Russian people. Moreover, such a concept today explains not only the fear of this country, but also represents a whole collection of homogeneous concepts, as well as ideas relating to the Russian population.

Essentially, russophobia is bright expressed feeling hostility, suspicion and hostility both towards the Russian people themselves and towards Russia as a whole.

From the point of view of some experts, Russophobia is a separate manifestation of ethnophobia. Others believe that, in comparison with other national phobias, this type of national hostility has taken the form of a certain ideology, which has its own development, genesis, terminology, structure and even a special manifestation, and also contains a certain historical context.

A little history

The term “Russophobia” itself became widely known thanks to the great Russian poet F. Tyutchev, who, according to some researchers, contrasted this word with another concept - pan-Slavism.

As for the emergence of the ideology itself, it appeared in the 16th century, when Polish and Lithuanian figures opposed to the Russian state were engaged in hostile propaganda. These included not only politicians, but also writers, historians, and church ministers. Such a worldview arose against the backdrop of what was happening at that time historical events, when many wanted to possess Russian lands. In addition, a confrontation emerged between Orthodox and Catholics. Among the most famous and aggressive Russophobes is the Polish king Sigismund.

Among the most famous ardent Russophobes, the following figures can also be noted:

  • Chevalier d, Eon (1728-1810).
  • Mikhail Sokolnitsky (1760-1816).
  • Astolphe de Custine (1790-1867).
  • Charles Stradford Canning (1786-1880).
  • Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895).
  • Franz Joseph (1830-1916).

Also in the 16th century, the so-called European Russophobia appeared, the emergence of which was due to the discovery of Russia by the peoples of Western Europe. Europeans began to get acquainted with Slavic traditions and everyday life, some of them treated this with great interest, while others, on the contrary, were horrified by everything related to the Slavs.

Now in the archives you can see negative reviews foreigners who visited Rus' in those days. Despite this, Russophobia of the 16th century still did not represent a whole system. At that time, such an ideology either did not exist at all, or it was carefully veiled for the reason strong fear before the Turks. After all, Europeans saw Russia as a force capable of containing the Ottoman Empire.

The full formation of Russophobic ideology began to be observed only end of the XVIII century, when it was clear from the changes that had taken place that Russophobia had turned into a system that worked to promote the hostile policies of states against Rus'. At first this was observed in France, and after the defeat of Napoleonic troops, Russophobia also captured England. From the point of view of most historians, the final formation of the Russophobic system took place there.

Experts, analyzing the reasons for the emergence of Russophobia, believe that such behavior of Western European states is associated with their desire to point out to the Russian people their “non-compliance” with European norms.

Classification definition

Although many of us are well aware of the word Russophobia, it is quite difficult to classify this concept. In fact, there are two theories for dividing Russophobic ideology into types. According to the first, which belongs to Semyon Charny, Russophobia is divided into elite and grassroots:

  • Elite is of a political nature and involves the commission of anti-Russian actions by any power or its regions.
  • The grassroots refers to the broad masses who are opposed to Russia.

These two varieties do not always exist in parallel with each other. It happens that they unite, thus forming a goal leading to the expulsion or liquidation of a people.

But the author of the second concept, A.I. Fursov, is confident that Russophobia cannot always be an integral ideological system, but simply represent a temporary deterioration in attitudes towards the Russian people, caused by the onset of certain events.

Reasons for appearance

The exact causes of Russophobia have not yet been established. Meanwhile, three concepts can be roughly distinguished:

  • Aggression. According to the first, belonging to Nikita Sokolov (historian), worldwide hatred of Russians arose as a result of the state’s aggressive foreign policy. And this applies to both Ancient Rus', and modern Russia. Sokolov’s point of view is also shared by the philosopher Alexander Tsipko, according to whom Russophobic ideology arose as a result of ill-conceived propaganda Russian leadership against fascism.
  • Fear. Competition is considered another reason for the emergence of Russophobia. According to Yuri Pivovarov, the formation of a Russophobic system is associated not only with competition, but also with xenophobia, which the European peoples suffer from. And Dmitry Rogozin added to all this the hostility of European peoples towards each other, which was the reason for the emergence of European Russophobia. Some researchers believe that hatred of Russia arose thanks to the European media, which constantly support it in every possible way. But this attitude of the media is again caused by the desire of European states to surpass Russia both economically and politically.
  • The history of Russophobic ideology also suggests the presence of another reason for the emergence of this concept - cultural and ideological. It appeared thanks to the confidence of Western states that the Russian people, in essence, are barbarians who have no material culture and are characterized by a strong autocracy.

Similar allegations reappeared after the fall of the Iron Curtain. In addition, this attitude towards Russia was fueled by the involvement of Russians in criminal activities abroad.

In the 19th century, Russian-language media abroad began to conduct active propaganda against Russian migrants. Nowadays, the Internet is widely used for these purposes.

However, despite the current situation, some experts still believe that ordinary Europeans are quite loyal to Russians, so there can be no talk of total Russophobia.

We should also talk about Russophobia in Ukraine. After the breakup Soviet Union In all former Soviet republics, the process of revival and cultivation of national consciousness began. The peoples who were once one big family distanced themselves from Russia. The Ukrainians were especially successful in this when oppositionists came to power in the country, who ardently advocated unity with the States and against Russia. History was rewritten on the fly, starting with the Principality of Moscow, when supposedly free Ukraine fell under the yoke of the Russians.

Substituted values ​​and altered history played an important role in the process of raising children and adolescents, as a result of which the country received a whole generation of true Russophobes. They were the ones who took an active part in organizing the Maidan and the bloody revolution in 2014. The events taking place affected the consciousness of millions of Ukrainians, and for the residents of Crimea they served as an impetus for holding a referendum on joining a large and strong Russia.

At the same time, the southeast of Ukraine (Donbass) demanded federalization from the authorities. Two regions of Donbass declared themselves independent republics. From that very moment, the attitude of the Ukrainian people towards Russians completely deteriorated, and a fierce hatred of Russians arose. Russia was declared an aggressor, and fascism, once defeated, was revived in Ukraine.

Even despite the fact that about a quarter of the population of “Nezalezhnaya” considers themselves Russian, and more than 50% speak Russian, Russophobia has become almost national pride. The Ukrainian media tirelessly promote hatred of everything Russian in the minds of the people, positioning Russia as the main enemy of the Ukrainian people.

IN Lately the fight against Russophobic ideology is gaining everything higher value against the background of the rise of national patriotic consciousness. Moreover, this applies not only to the global space, but also to individual regions within the country.

Since the customs, way of life and way of life of the Russian people still remain a mystery to foreigners, it is very important aspect is cultural interaction. It is necessary to conduct active educational activities among the population of other countries, conveying to people true information about the essence of the Russian nation and about Russia as a whole.

This seems especially relevant for residents of Ukraine, whose consciousness has come under the influence of Western media, conducting propaganda against Russia, providing false and distorted information. The fear of Russians in the West has deep roots, so it is believed that it is completely impossible to defeat it. However, it is still necessary to study this issue in order to determine the dynamics and develop ways to influence manifestations of Russophobia.

It so happened historically that hatred of Russians was present almost constantly, especially in Western countries, who considered themselves the most civilized and tried in every possible way to impose their culture and way of life on the Russian people. But Russians have always been independent and proud, which allowed Russia to survive even in the most unfavorable times, preserving the integrity of the state, as well as national customs and foundations.

As a famous DNA geneticist, Anatoly Klyosov, who made a revolutionary breakthrough, fights pop geneticists and Russophobia in science.

DNA genealogy in Russia and the world continues to actively develop as a promising field scientific discipline, and the controversy around it has long left the academic corridors and now does not fade away on the Internet. This development is largely due to Doctor of Chemical Sciences Anatoly Klyosov, who continues to popularize his brainchild, open new horizons and break stereotypes. “The Bell of Russia” with Anatoly Alekseevich last year, and the excellent reason for a new meeting was the publication of the book “Who is stopping DNA genealogy?”, as well as the imminent opening of a DNA genealogy laboratory in Moscow.

“The Bell of Russia”: The title text on the cover of your new book reads: “Lies, insinuations and Russophobia in modern Russian science.” You directly blame opponents of your work for these sins. In our last conversation, we already discussed the letter “DNA-demagoguery of Anatoly Klyosov,” which was signed by 24 Russian scientists. Have you made any new enemies since then?

Anatoly Klyosov: In the book we're talking about not just about these 24 scientists. Yes, in fact, most of them can only be called scientists conditionally; several people from this list do not have academic degrees at all. The work has several sections where the categories of my opponents are described in sufficient detail and with examples. The largest category is simply illiterate people who reason “in terms of concepts” and not in terms of science. They are ignorant and therefore categorical. The other category is charged with Russophobic ideology; for them, the honest history of Russians and Slavs is simply unbearable. The third category is close to Russian academic science and is associated with population genetics.

Indeed, after the first publications of my research, pop geneticists immediately became tense because I demonstrated an objective tool for describing the genealogy of people, populations and nations based on mutations in DNA. The most important feature of DNA genealogy methodology is the determination of mutation rates in different areas DNA and the application of these rates to calculations of the chronology of ancient events - ancient human migrations, the lifetimes of the common ancestors of the populations being studied. DNA genealogy examines the patterns of inheritance of changes in non-recombinant (“junk”, as they were previously called - approx. KR) sections of human DNA during its evolution on a time scale from tens and hundreds to millions of years.

These calculations are closely related to history, because this method allows you to calculate, for example, when ancestors modern man came to Europe. I came up with a figure many years ago - approximately 4800 years ago. And pop geneticists constantly named other data - about 30 thousand years ago. I tried to figure out where this figure came from. And it turned out that there are no calculations confirming it, the data was simply taken from the air.

And pop geneticists have a lot of similar unverifiable data. For example, they give the following argument: the age of the drawings discovered in caves in Western Europe (Spain, France) is exactly about 28-30 thousand years. At the same time, the Neanderthals disappeared, and it was immediately assumed that the ancestors of modern Europeans then supplanted them. Moreover, it is precisely the “ancestors of the present”, who else? But this is more like working “on concepts” rather than on direct evidence. On average, the error in the dating of pop geneticists is 300-350%, that is, the time periods differ from the real ones by 3-3.5 times. It also happens much more, as in the example above - with a difference between 30 thousand and 4800 years.

Another example: haplogroup (a group of fundamentally similar mutations in DNA that determines a person’s gender - approx. KR) R1a was conventionally called Ukrainian by them, because it supposedly first appeared in Ukraine. Where does this data come from, where is the confirmation? It simply doesn't exist. I began to look for the original source, and it turned out that about 20 years ago two Italian scientists first voiced such an opinion and indicated that they had supporting facts. But they have not yet been announced; obviously, it was their mistake. But pop geneticists still called haplogroup R1a “Ukrainian” for many years, and in the academic press. This is how they work, this is their style.

From our direct experimental data it turns out that according to group R1a, Ukrainians and Russians are one people, therefore, the haplogroup itself was formed neither in Ukraine nor in Russia. It came to the territory of the Russian Plain as a result of migrations about 5 thousand years ago. Therefore, it would be a mistake to say that this is a purely Ukrainian or Russian group. And according to other haplogroups, Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are one people. They differ in territory, although only very recently, by historical standards, they differ quite a bit in language, and in origin they are almost identical, with the exception of purely geographical reasons, this will also be discussed a little below.

I'll give you another one shining example: According to the findings of pop geneticists, haplogroup R1a allegedly appeared in India about 15 thousand years ago. On this basis they declared that no Aryans existed at all, and repeated this in article after article. The famous population geneticist Lev Zhivotovsky caused enormous damage to science by publishing, together with the Indians, a series of articles developing the idea that the Aryans were supposedly invented by the Anglo-Saxons in order to completely enslave India during colonization. Here, Indian authors, at the instigation of Zhivotovsky and other pop geneticists, make the assumption that the R1a group came to Europe from India, which is complete nonsense, because changes in human DNA allow us to clearly trace in which direction the migration went - precisely from Europe towards India. Archaeological data also speaks to this.

At first, pop geneticists, caught falsifying facts, hid for several years. But gradually they realized that I was creating a system of knowledge in which they had no place without recognizing their theories as erroneous. And they decided to go on an aggressive offensive: at the end of 2014, at the Moscow conference at the Russian Academy of Sciences, pop genetics Elena Balanovskaya, Oleg Balanovsky and Svetlana Borinskaya They announced from the podium that they would now take up my “pseudoscience.” I believe that the slander against DNA genealogy is done precisely for the purpose of self-defense of pop geneticists. After all, it is very difficult for them to accept the fact that they have been wrong for 20 years.

The group of my opponents also included a famous archaeologist Lev Samuilovich Klein. He has nothing to do with pop genetics; it would seem that he has nothing to defend in this field. We had a long correspondence, later published, during which I explained to him in detail what DNA genealogy was and how it could benefit the historical sciences. He apparently felt offended - how come some chemist suddenly appears (Klein constantly emphasizes my specialty) who crosses out part of the historical works of his entire life. He really didn’t like the fact that I conventionally called R1a an “Aryan haplogroup”; he immediately began writing publicly about my “racism.” I understand that Jews are sensitive to the concept of “Aryans,” but what does this have to do with the ancient Aryans and the Third Reich? After Hitler, the word “Aryans” became dirty and forbidden for a long time, although the historical Aryans were not to blame for anything. And so Klein decided to play on the phobia of a number of people towards the word “arias”, keeping silent that in his historical works he uses the concept of “arias” many hundreds of times. This is such a double standard.

Balanovsky said from the rostrum of the Russian Academy of Sciences that my book on the origins of the Slavs was published by the Algorithm publishing house, which also published the diaries of the Nazi ideologist Joseph Goebbels and the memoirs of the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. Can you imagine to what level this scientist has sunk? I looked at the publishing house’s website and discovered that Algorithm also published the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov, the ex-owner of YUKOS Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the philosopher Alexander Zinoviev, the journalist Oleg Kashin, the economist Sergei Glazyev, the politician Dmitry Rogozin, that is, a wide variety of topical journalism... The case It’s not this, but the fact that Balanovsky indirectly threw a hint at me: studying the history of the Slavs is the same as promoting Nazism.

It is obvious to me that Klein, Balanovsky and others like them are open Russophobes, so for these gentlemen, DNA genealogy, showing the deep antiquity of the Slavs and ethnic Russians, is like a bone in the throat. At one time, the Balanovskys wrote an article in which they argued that Ukrainians gravitate towards Poles in DNA and are very different from Russians. They published DNA maps showing genetic populations Ukraine and Russia are painted in different colors, and these maps became tabletop for Ukrainian nationalists.

In fact, this is a lie, because our comparisons showed that the difference between Ukrainians and Russians is very small. We have a common group R1a, the only difference is in the Baltic substrate, which is more abundant among Russians (and Belarusians), since Ukrainians live geographically further from the Baltic Sea. Lithuanians and Latvians, for example, have approximately the same content of this N1c1 substrate as “northern Russians” - about 40% and higher. For the rest of the Russians, the figure is no more than 14% (for Ukrainians - 7.5%, Belarusians - 10%).

Based on these false data, some Ukrainians begin to talk about their exclusivity and call Russians “Mordovians” or “Horde”. This is outright sabotage on the part of popgeneticists. In those Ukrainian books on DNA genealogy that I mentioned above, there is obvious Nazism. For them, Adam was Ukrainian, and Noah’s Ark landed off the coast of Ukraine after the flood - in a word, utter nonsense. So it becomes clear who is being hindered by my research in the context information war. The main thing is that if scientific discussions make sense, then ideological disputes are completely useless - it is impossible to find a compromise in them. Likewise, a debate between a liberal and a patriot is counterproductive.

It turns out that DNA genealogy, in its objectivity, is also a patriotic science. It shows the true state of affairs, saying that the Slavs and their ancestors lived on the Russian Plain 5 thousand years ago, and not at all from the middle of the 1st millennium AD, as is commonly believed. This very concept of modern historical science can ultimately also be considered Russophobic. She replaces the historical concept of the Slavs with a linguistic one, but is silent about this. She keeps away historical concept Slavs and Russian ancestors in general, as if they did not exist at all. After all, no one uses the terms “proto-Germans” or “proto-Scandinavians”; they say “ancient Scandinavians”, “ancient Germans”, and going back thousands of years. However, for some reason, the “ancient Slavs” were allowed to exist only until the middle of the 1st millennium AD, and then they were not there, and this is considered the norm, as if they were somehow inferior, did not have a rich and deep history. And our discipline breaks into history and demands to reconsider hypotheses that have already been “bronzed”, revealing what many do not want to reveal. It is clear that this bothers many people.

KR: If I'm not mistaken, then your approach has obvious advantages in terms of the accuracy of the data obtained...

A.K.: Let's look at it this way - archeology often makes mistakes in determining the directions of migration of peoples. Historians know the famous aphorism: “pots are not people,” that is, it is difficult to determine the boundaries of the settlement of peoples based on the artifacts found. Linguistics works reliably only with written sources, and the further we move into ancient languages, the more philologists get lost there. And DNA genealogy, which studies haplogroups and haplotypes and is capable of determining the chain of primary and subsequent mutations in them, is obviously in many cases a more reliable tool.

There are two brave historians - Lydia Grot And Vsevolod Merkulov- who actively use DNA genealogy in their work and note that it helps to find answers to many questions. And the rest prefer to keep a low profile with her for now, since modern historical science is very conservative, and it tends to trust “authoritative opinions” rather than facts. I do not envy the historians within the RAS system who were attracted to my new discipline. After all, they may be deprived of grants or simply shown the door...

KR: I remember a lesson from the past: In 1749, the historiographer of the Russian Empire, German Gerhard Friedrich Miller, gave a speech at the Academy of Sciences entitled “The Origin of the People and the Russian Name,” after which Russian scientists, led by Lomonosov, filed a complaint with Empress Catherine II, demanding that Miller be executed as traitor. In their opinion, the speaker “in the entire speech did not show a single incident to the glory of the Russian people, but only mentioned more that could lead to dishonor, namely: how they were repeatedly defeated in battles, where they devastated and The kings were robbed of their treasures. And finally, it is worthy of surprise with what carelessness he used the expression that the Scandinavians, with their victorious weapons, successfully conquered all of Russia.”

A.K.: I constantly have to debunk opinions approved by science: they say that the Scandinavians brought crafts to Rus', they also engaged in diplomacy and military affairs, and the Slavs who lived here were stupid, essentially, they could not do anything. All this began precisely with the founding of the Academy of Sciences by German scientists, with whom Mikhail Lomonosov led an active polemic. The Norman theory of the emergence of statehood in Rus', supported by Miller, has become part of the flesh and blood of our science; in our country this is now considered the only correct concept. Listen to the Normanists, so Scandinavians lived in Rus', apparently or invisibly, they started with 20 thousand Scandinavians, then 50 thousand, then 100 thousand, and the same Klein says that previously up to 13% of the total population lived in Rus', that is, about 500 thousand people!

But DNA genealogy has clearly shown that this is all a lie. Scandinavia has a specific genetic mark called the Scandinavian haplotype group. I decided to check which ethnic Russians I could find it with. And he found only four descendants of Scandinavians with this mark from a huge number of DNA samples. I looked in Ukraine and didn’t find any there at all. In Belarus and Lithuania it’s the same. You see, even if 200 Scandinavians lived among us in ancient times, their descendants could not even disappear. I looked at world map DNA has become obvious - the clusters of this group are located in the Scandinavian countries and then go to the West, especially in the British Isles. And they practically did not go to the East, except perhaps with the troops of Charles XII, and there was a Scandinavian garrison in the area of ​​​​the Oreshek fortress. Perhaps someone stayed with the French deserters Scandinavian origin from Napoleon’s army, but in any case, their DNA trace in Russia is below a significant statistical level.

Okay, then supporters of this theory begin to talk about Scandinavian swords found in Rus'. But, you know, I also had a computer from Taiwan in Moscow, does this mean that the Taiwanese founded Moscow? And if a Walter pistol was found buried in the ground in Vladivostok, does this mean that the Germans reached Vladivostok in World War II? How can one make such global conclusions based on individual findings? Why should hexagonal logs in Ladoga, processed according to the Scandinavian method, be an indispensable evidence of the dominance of the Scandinavians in our country?

KR: Can we put an equal sign between those interested in DNA genealogy and patriots?

A.K.: Of course, DNA genealogy is based on patriotism. If only because only a patriot can want an honest history of Russia. When that same “liberal” wants to see her, she always ends up covered in black paint. For example, I don’t know a single person who is interested in and loves this discipline and at the same time says: “Let’s take Crimea back!” And vice versa, those who throw mud at my research would gladly give it to Bandera’s Ukraine. There is a very clear line of demarcation: either a person loves and is proud of the history of his country, or he does not consider it his own.

And for me personally, DNA genealogy helped me clarify my own roots; I got to the bottom of the 14th generation of my ancestors who lived in the 16th century. I found out that they were “boyar children” and belonged to the Russian hereditary military personnel. And how can I support the position that Crimea was annexed if my ancestors shed blood for it? Only those who do not remember their kinship can desire this.

KR: So, in addition to opponents, you definitely had to find like-minded people.

A.K.: I have like-minded people on different levels, they're just less noticeable. Firstly, I receive a lot of letters and approving comments on social networks, on my official website. People are interested, ask questions, and often write very touching things. For many, DNA genealogy has allowed them to discover their ancestors, their family history. Not long ago we organized a gathering of the Klyosovs in our family village in the Kursk region, which is called Klyosovo. We gathered near the old cemetery, spread out a tablecloth, and remembered our ancestors. A certain Konstantin Klyosov from Volgodonsk came to the meeting, who did not know his roots, he simply had the same last name. I took his DNA for analysis, like all the other guests. And as expected, his genes coincided with all the other participants in the meeting. He was happy to find his ancestry, the world blossomed with new colors for him.

Also, residents of the Caucasus often contact me, for whom it is vital to know their roots and honor their ancestors. For many, this memory has already been lost, and they are grateful for the opportunity to restore their family tree. The Karachay-Balkars want to objectively confirm their origins from the Alans, the same goes for the Ossetians, the Tajiks - from the historical Aryans, the Jews - from Abraham, and so on. Numerous projects of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, which was officially established in the Russian Federation in July 2015 and operates in Moscow, are aimed at this.

There are also those who practice DNA genealogy professionally. I recently received a book in Slovenian, “The Origin of the Slovenes and Other Europeans,” and there are several pages of bibliography - about a hundred links to my books and articles. In general, of course, it takes time for science to fully recognize something new. For example, the first serious work on Sumerian civilization was published in 1869, and science recognized the Sumerians and Akkadians only in 1918.

KR: Among your supporters you can find fans of the so-called. “folk history”, that is, fantasizing on the theme Slavic-Aryan Vedas or completely outright freaks. They don’t discredit DNA genealogy and give skeptics another reason to criticize you?

A.K.: How can alchemy discredit chemistry? The presence of those whom you call freaks is inevitable in any field of science - in physics, astronomy, and history. We’re not going to drive them all away, but how can we? It's just fun for them, and it should be the same for us. I am not a purist here, because I see how much garbage gets into academic publications, including one of the most respected scientific journals, Nature. And I am read by non-specialists of broad views, who are interested in many things. There's nothing wrong with that.

In addition, if I publish articles in the light genre in the Bulletin of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, there is always a preface at the beginning, which explains what should be taken seriously and what not. But in reality scientific level I don’t give such people permission; I always explain that their thoughts should be based on a hypothesis, and the hypothesis should be based on facts. If they like to seriously argue that the Aryans flew from Alpha Centauri, or came from the Arctic a hundred pounds of years ago, who forbids it? Fiction does not discredit science in any way.

KR: After a three-year wait, information has finally appeared about the imminent opening of a DNA Genealogy Laboratory in Moscow. What problems did you encounter and continue to encounter while working on its discovery, and why did the matter take so long?

A.K.: Now we are at the final stage of agreeing on the agreement, but signatures have not yet been delivered, so we will not get ahead of ourselves. The main problem here is the following: as several years of experience have shown, for performers the people being tested are a certain mass that brings in money and takes away results. For the existing Academy of DNA Genealogy, these are living people, we know many of them personally or by correspondence, and we sincerely want them to pay the minimum and receive results as quickly as possible. In short, everyone with whom we have worked so far did not suit us in the end - due to outright greediness, work ethics, or the fact that they turned out to be intermediaries in testing, although they positioned themselves as performers. And mediation inflates the price of tests beyond what is reasonable, because the intermediaries, naturally, did not forget about themselves. Now the situation is developing well, and we are careful that things are moving towards creating a laboratory. Our whole idea is to create a Laboratory in Russia, and so that money does not leave the country, and so that there is no need to send samples abroad, and to work on DNA fossils here, and much more that is important for the development of this area in Russia, and not somewhere else.

KR: What kind of DNA test are you planning to conduct and how much will it cost?

A.K.: The contractor, that is, our laboratory partner, wants to start with minimal tests, namely a 17-marker haplotype and haplogroup, plus one or two SNPs (mutations of the nucleotide sequence in DNA - approx. KR). And this already comes to a cost of approximately 15 thousand rubles. We continue to reduce the price, but so far we are faced with the reluctance of the contractor to reduce it, at least significantly. The performer is afraid of a small clientele and suggests starting small, this will be enough for most beginners.

KR: What will the result of such research give to people and science?

A.K.: The result obtained is written in the form of numbers and letters; by itself, it will not tell you much. Therefore, additional decoding will be required, which is included in the profile of our academy. And this is our main advantage - a personal interpretation of the results obtained, which has no analogues in any laboratory in the world. They provide only template information about what a particular haplogroup means. Nobody interprets haplotypes at all... The Academy of DNA Genealogy has long maintained a database of personal data on haplogroups received from abroad. Even by collecting a minimal set of haplotypes, we can fundamentally advance historical science; this will be a very big deal. Over time thanks working together with archaeologists we find out, for example, who the ancient Russian Slavs were based on their haplotypes. And then we will be able to determine for any person exactly whose descendant he is, what clan and tribe. On the time scale it will be possible to go very far into the past, this will reveal more full story Slavic tribes. The same applies to other haplogroups. As soon as data on fossil DNA becomes available (that is, from analyzes of the remains of ancient people - approx. KR), we can expect a real breakthrough in archeology - many will probably be discovered unknown facts. And then opponents will simply be forced to listen to us and even cooperate.

The conversation was conducted by Ivan Vaganov

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