Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Mudras and mantras among the Slavs

Neopaganism is gaining momentum every day. True, not everyone who calls themselves pagans really knows the meaning of symbolism and the Vedas. For the most part, young people get the impression that all pagans are bearded men and women with long braids behind the back. But what is worth knowing about the pagan Vedas, and what is it, anyway?

Slavic-Aryan Vedas

They consist of several books. The first book, “Slavic-Aryan Vedas,” is divided into several parts: First Circle,” “The Saga of the Ynglings,” “Ingliism.” There is also an additional appendix called “Organizations and communities of the Old Russian Church of the Ynglings-Old Believers.” This book talks about the commandments , which Perun left to the peoples of the Great Race, as well as a number of events. This book and its appendices tell about the Yngling ancestors, provides information about the teachings of this church, the calendar, describes the pantheon, hymns, and general commandments of each God. In a word, “Slavic. -Aryan Vedas. Book 1" is quite large, but

This provides very significant knowledge both about the Old Believers in general and about traditions in particular.

The second book consists of two parts. This is the “Book of Light” and “Words of Wisdom of Velimudra the Magus”. This book is some mystical work, which was translated from runic writing, and also contains the testaments of the ancient sage and sorcerer Velimudr. only the first part of the covenants. The second part comes in the third book "Slavic-Aryan Vedas". The third book also consists of two parts: “Ingliism” and “Words of Wisdom of the Magus Velimudr”. "Ynglism" is a symbol of the Yngling belief. Well, the “Words” are the very second part of the covenants that came to us from antiquity. The fourth book consists of “The Source of Life” and “The White Path,” which contain legends and tales of the ancient Slavs, as well as an indication of their path.

What is most remarkable is that in the predictions that are given in these books, there are truly fulfilled events on a global scale. The description of the structure of the world and the universe is quite close to modern description, and reading these books will allow you to develop not only your mind, but also your spirituality (unless, of course, you look for hidden meanings).

Problems of Old Belief and Slavic-Aryan Vedas in the mud

Now this knowledge is used by two types of people. The first type are completely peaceful pagan Old Believers. They base all the Vedas for peaceful purposes, simply perform rituals and observe traditions, enriching themselves with the knowledge and spiritual treasures of their faith.

The second type of people are rigid ideologists. For the most part, they justify their cruelty with certain instructions, which they twist in their favor. As a matter of fact, it is because of them and the Nazis of World War II that public aggression is caused not only by mentions of the books “Slavic-Aryan Vedas”, but also by swastikas. People simply forgot that swastikas were in the most ancient civilizations and carried a bright beginning. However, no one is instilling paganism on anyone. The main thing is that faith is close to the spirit and does not go beyond what is permitted. And let the Slavic-Aryan Vedas have different comments, but true Old Believers will follow the path that Perun and others assigned to them

The Vedas (Sanskrit - “knowledge”, “teaching”) - a collection of the most ancient sacred scriptures of Hinduism in Sanskrit (XVI-V centuries BC). Initially, Vedic knowledge was transmitted from mouth to mouth in poetic form; only in the Middle Ages did this knowledge become written down on the leaves of areca trees. It is believed that they arose from the Almighty himself, who is the source of all knowledge. The scientific knowledge contained in the Vedas was in many ways ahead of modern science. The scientific community has come to some discoveries quite recently, while others have not even come close yet.

Many famous scientists and prominent figures XIX-XX centuries recognized the value of ancient teaching. For example, Leo Tolstoy, in a letter to the Indian guru Premananda Bharati in 1907, wrote: “The metaphysical religious idea of ​​Krishna is the eternal and universal basis of all true philosophical systems and all religions.” He wrote: “Only such great minds as the ancient Hindu sages could have come up with this great concept... Our Christian concepts of spiritual life come from the ancients, from the Jewish ones, and the Jewish ones - from the Assyrian ones, and the Assyrian ones - from the Indian ones, and everything goes along vice versa: the newer, the lower, the older, the higher.”

Albert Einstein specially learned Sanskrit in order to read the Vedas in the original, since they described general patterns physical nature. Many other famous people, such as Kant, Hegel, Gandhi, recognized the Vedas as a source of diverse knowledge.


Indian Vedic knowledge is divided into four groups:

Rigveda is a collection of religious chants for brahmins, intended to be performed during sacrifices.

Yajurveda - also includes hymns for the clergy. It is a storehouse of mathematical knowledge of the ancient world.

Samaveda - partly consists of tests from the Rigveda, but in a slightly modified form and sometimes with commentaries.

Atharva Veda has survived to this day in a couple of editions that shed light on unknown aspects of the life of the ancient inhabitants of the Hindustan Peninsula.

Modern scientists have proven that such works as the Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and Mahabharata were written down about five thousand years ago. These texts are collections of epic narratives, parables, legends, discussions of theological, political, legal nature, cosmogonic myths, genealogies, hymns, laments. According to the Vedas themselves, the era of Kali Yuga began five thousand years ago. During this era, there is a widespread influence of Kali energy, which contributes to the degradation of all positive qualities people and increase negative qualities accumulated over previous reincarnations. In this regard, five thousand years ago, people's memory underwent degradation processes. The knowledge that was passed on from mouth to mouth was written down in material carrier, since memory no longer met the requirements that would meet the full transmission of sacred knowledge.


But besides the ancient Indian Vedic knowledge There are Slavic (Russian) Vedas. Although, it would be fair to note that there are many scientists who question the very fact of the existence of the ancient Slavic Vedas. However, a number of researchers believe that this is essentially the same concept.

After all, the Russian language and Sanskrit are the closest languages ​​to each other, if we take into account the large family of Indo-European languages. Both of them call the books of knowledge Vedas. The Vedas, as is already known, are “knowledge”, hence words such as “ved” - “know” and “ignorance” - “lack of knowledge” come from. This word is familiar to us as well as component words “legal science”, “commodity science” and so on.

Another interesting fact is that our national currency is called “ruble”, while in India... that’s right, “rupees”.

In the fifties of the last century, Indian Sanskrit scholars began massive travels around Soviet Union and are surprised to discover a huge number of similarities in the culture, in the language, in the rituals of our two groups of Indo-Europeans. And these similarities are much greater than, say, between Indians and Europeans. simplest language example: comparison of some words in Russian, Sanskrit and English: “fire” - “agni” - “fire”, “darkness” - “tama” - “darkness”, “spring” - “vasanta” - “spring”. After such discoveries, Indian professor Rahul Sanskrityayan writes an entire work entitled “From the Ganga to the Volga,” where he introduces the concept of “Indo-glory.” This work was intended to show the special kinship in ancient times of the two branches of the Indo-Aryans and Slavic-Aryans.

Slavic written Vedic sources are divided into groups according to the material on which they were written. Santia - plates made of gold and other noble metals that are resistant to corrosion; texts are applied by stamping signs and filling them with paint; harathys - sheets or scrolls of high-quality parchment with texts; harathys were periodically copied, because parchment becomes dilapidated over the years; Magi - wooden tablets with written or carved texts. Santiy or Vedas of Perun- the oldest known documents related to the Vedic culture of antiquity.


Comparing the information presented by both Vedas, one can easily note obvious similarities.

In Ancient Rus' there was such a thing as Triglav or three main deities. They were called the Most High - the one who is above all. Svarog is the one who bungled the world, created it. And Siva. In India these three main deities were called "three murtis". "Three" is also "three", "murti" is "form". What the Slavs called Vyshny is called Vishnu in India. The Slavs called Svarog Brahma. Brahma=Creator. Siva in India sounds like Shiva. And they have three functions. Brahma or Svarog is a creation. Vishnu or the Supreme is maintenance. And Shiva or Siva is destruction. These are the three main deities, since according to the Vedas, all processes in this world go through three phases - creation, maintenance and destruction.

The next parallel is related to the chakras. Most people associate “chakras” with yoga. It turns out that the seven chakras were also known in Rus'. These chakras have their gross embodiments in the form of glands of the endocrine system and are connecting elements connecting our subtle body (psyche) with physical body. In Rus', chakras were called by words more familiar to us. If in Sanskrit the lower chakra, which is located in the perineum, is called Muladhara, then in Rus' it was called Zarod. The next chakra of Swadiskhana was called the Belly. The third is Manipura - among the Slavs it was called Yaro or Solar Plexus, Yaro is the sun. The fourth chakra, which is called Anahata in Sanskrit, sounded like the Heart in Rus'. The fifth chakra, which is called Vishuddha in Sanskrit, was called the Throat. Then comes the chakra, which is called Agya or Azhna, in Russian it was called Chelo, i.e. This is the forehead, it is located in the area of ​​the third eye, in the area between the eyebrows.

The calculation of time in both traditions is also very similar: the year began in the spring. In March, in April, which corresponds to the passage of the sun through the first sign of the zodiac Aries and marks the awakening of nature after winter.

There is another similarity in the ancient cultures of the Indians and Slavs - this is the position that God exists in each of the people. In the Indian Vedas, this presence of the divine principle in a person is defined as superconsciousness. Among the Slavs, this very superconsciousness is represented through the well-known concept of “conscience.”

The Milky Way in both places is considered the path to the highest planet of this world, where the Creator of this cosmos, Brahma or Svarog, is located. And the North Star was considered both in India and in Rus' - the throne of the Almighty. Indeed, the situation North Star unusual - this is the only stationary star and therefore navigators are guided by it.

Historical, cultural and linguistic ties between Rus' and India are obvious, but typical mistake– is to look for who influenced whom. Relatively speaking, Vedic culture can be called universal. It is easier to understand the connection between these two cultures of ancient Rus' and Ancient India through the adoption of a single spiritual protoculture that preceded both. From which both civilizations drew knowledge and culture. The Vedas speak of the existence of a higher ideal world. But its representation naturally becomes distorted over time. If you believe the Vedic culture, initially there was a single civilization, with a single culture, a single language. Under the influence of the universal law of entropy, consciousness began to narrow, culture began to be simplified, disagreements appeared, literally, different languages. And now people are having great difficulty finding only the remnants of their former community.

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), which belong to the category of shruti (heard).

The main part of the Vedas are the Samhitas - collections of mantras, to which are adjacent the Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads - texts that are commentaries on the Vedic Samhitas. The mantras contained in the Vedas are repeated as prayers and used in various religious rituals.

For many centuries the Vedas were transmitted orally in poetic form and were only written down much later. Hindu religious tradition considers the Vedas apaurusheya - uncreated by man, eternal revealed scriptures that were given to humanity through holy sages. Authorship details are provided in the anukramani.

Origin story

The Vedas are considered one of the most ancient scriptures in the world. They were first passed down orally from generation to generation, and before the Vedas were written down, there was an oral tradition of their transmission for many centuries.

In Hinduism, it is believed that at the beginning of each cosmic cycle, immediately after the creation of the Universe, Brahma (God the Creator) receives Vedic knowledge. At the end of the cosmic cycle, Vedic knowledge goes into an unmanifested state, and then appears again in the next cycle of creation. Great rishis (sages) have received this knowledge and passed it on orally for millions of years.

Hindus believe that more than 5,000 years ago, the surviving part of Vedic knowledge was written down and divided into four Vedas by the great sage Vyasa (Vedavyasa), who also outlined its main essence in the form of aphorisms of the Vedanta Sutra.

Vyasa gave each Veda to one of his disciples for ordering. Paila arranged the hymns of the Rigveda. Mantras that were used in religious and social ceremonies were collected by Vaishampayana in the Yajurveda. The Samaveda hymns were collected by Jaimini. The Atharva Veda, which is a collection of hymns and charms, was ordered by Sumanta.

The Vedas were supposedly compiled over a period that lasted about a thousand years. It began with the composition of the Rig Veda around the 16th century BC. and ended in the 5th century BC. However, since the Vedas were written on short-lived material (palm leaves, tree bark), the age of the manuscripts that have reached us does not exceed several hundred years.

On this moment The Vedas are the most ancient philosophical teaching that was brought to India by the Aryans. The Vedas are very strong, powerful, super-logical and humanistic knowledge! In the “wrong” hands this knowledge can turn into a terrible poison, in the “right” hands it can become the salvation of humanity. For a long time this knowledge was under the protection of the Brahmin priests. The Vedas contain the Great Truth. There is an opinion that the Vedas are the legacy of an ancient highly developed civilization that has survived to this day.

What are the Vedas? Why was this knowledge kept secret? Where did this knowledge originally come from, who wrote the Vedas? How was the transfer of knowledge going? After watching the video, you will come closer to understanding what this mysterious and powerful Vedic knowledge contains.

Basic texts of the Vedas

The Vedas include four samhitas (collections of mantras):

1. The Rig Veda (Veda of Hymns) consists of mantra hymns intended to be repeated by the chief priests.

The Rig Veda is considered the oldest surviving Indian text, from which the other three Vedas borrow some material. The Rig Veda consists of 1,028 hymns in Vedic Sanskrit and 10,600 texts, which are divided into ten books called mandalas. The hymns are dedicated to the Rigvedic gods, the most frequently mentioned of which are Agni, Indra, Rudra, Varuna, Savitar and others. All the mantras of the Rig Veda were revealed to 400 rishis, 25 of whom were women. Some of these rishis were celibate, while others were married.

Scholars believe that the books of the Rig Veda were compiled by poets from various groups priests over a five hundred year period. According to Max Muller, the Rig Veda was compiled between the 18th and 12th centuries BC. in the Punjab region. Other researchers indicate later or later early dates, and some believe that the period of compilation of the Rig Veda was not so long and took about one century between 1450-1350 BC.

There are great linguistic and cultural similarities between the Rig Veda and the early Iranian Avesta. This kinship goes back to pre-Indo-Iranian times and is associated with the Andronovo culture. The oldest horse-drawn chariots were discovered in Ural mountains and approximately date back to the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC.

2. Yajurveda (Veda of sacrificial formulas) contains mantras intended for priestly assistants to adhvaryu.

The Yajurveda consists of 1984 verses, partly borrowed and adapted from the Rigveda and presented in prose. The Yajurveda mantras have a practical purpose - each mantra is intended to be used during a specific part of the sacrificial ritual. The mantras of this Veda were compiled for all Vedic rituals, and not just for the Soma ritual, as in the Samaveda.

There are two main editions of this Veda - Shukla Yajurveda and Krishna Yajurveda. The origin and meaning of these editions are not precisely known. The Shukla Yajurveda contains exclusively the texts and formulas necessary for performing sacrifices, and their explanation and philosophical interpretation are highlighted in a separate text to the Shatapatha Brahmana. This is very different from the Krishna Yajurveda, in which explanations and interpretations of mantras are integrated into the main text and usually follow immediately after each mantra.

3. Samaveda (Veda of Chants) contains mantras intended to be repeated by the Udgatri priest-chanters.

The Samaveda consists of 1875 verses, most of which are taken from the Rigveda. Rigvedic texts are modified and adapted for chanting, some of them repeated several times.

Samaveda served as a collection of hymns for priest-choristers who took part in the liturgy. The priests who chanted hymns from the Samaveda during Vedic rituals were called udgatri, a word that comes from the Sanskrit root ud-gai ("to sing" or "to chant"). The style of chanting played a key role in the use of hymns in liturgies. Each hymn had to be sung according to a strictly defined melody - hence the name of this Veda (saman translated from Sanskrit - the melody of a praise song or hymn).

4. Atharvaveda (Veda of Spells) is a collection of mantra-spells.

The Atharva Veda consists of 760 hymns, a fifth of which are shared with the Rig Veda. Most of the texts are metrical, and only some sections are written in prose. According to most scholars, the Atharva Veda was composed around the 10th century BC, although some parts of it date back to the Rigvedic period and some are even older than the Rig Veda.

The Atharva Veda contains not only hymns, but also comprehensive knowledge devoted, in addition to the religious aspects of life, to such things as the sciences of agriculture, government and even weapons. One of the modern names of the Atharva Veda is Atharva-Angirasa, named after the holy sages and great magicians of this line.

Linguistically, the mantras of this Veda are among the most ancient examples of Vedic Sanskrit. Unlike the other three Vedas, the Atharva Veda mantras do not have direct relationship for solemn sacrifices. Its first part consists mainly of magical formulas and spells, which are devoted to protection from demons and disasters, healing diseases, increasing life expectancy, fulfilling various desires and achieving certain goals in life. The second part contains philosophical hymns. The third part of the Atharva Veda mainly contains mantras intended for use during wedding ceremonies and funerals.

Additional texts

The Vedas consist of basic texts (Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Samaveda, Atharva Veda), which are called Samhitas. Each samhita is accompanied by three collections of commentaries: the Brahmanas (hymns and mantras used for Hindu rituals), the Aranyakas (commandments for forest hermits) and the Upanishads ( philosophical texts). They reveal the philosophical aspects of the ritual tradition and, together with the Samhita mantras, are used in sacred rituals. Unlike the main texts, this part of the Vedas is usually presented in prose.

The Samhitas and Brahmanas are classified under the karma-kanda (ritual section), while the Aranyakas and Upanishads belong to the jnana-kanda (knowledge section). While the Samhitas and Brahmanas focus on ritual practices, the main theme of the Aranyakas and Upanishads is spiritual self-realization and philosophy. They discuss, in particular, the nature of Brahman, atman and reincarnation. The Aranyakas and Upanishads are the basis of Vedanta.

We invite you to additionally watch Ilya Zhuravlev’s lecture, in which he introduces listeners to ancient philosophy described in the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Tantras and others ancient sources on yoga. Description of chakras, mudras, yoga practices (asanas, pranayama, meditation) in ancient texts. Difference between ancient and modern practices.

The Upanishads are ancient Indian treatises on religious and philosophical themes. They are a continuation of the Vedas and belong to the sacred scriptures of Hinduism in the category of shruti (“heard from above, revealed by God”). They mainly discuss spiritual philosophy, meditation, issues of God, soul, karma, reincarnation, development of consciousness, liberation from suffering. These works, written in Sanskrit, are characterized by the depth and poetry of their presentation, and reflect the mystical experience of the yogis of antiquity. Ilya Zhuravlev's lecture discusses the main subjects, ideas and terms, and the main practices described in these ancient treatises on yoga.

Other post-Vedic texts, such as the Mahabharata, Ramayana and Puranas, are not considered Vedic scriptures, although in some areas of Hinduism they are positioned as the fifth Veda.

There is also a category of texts called the term "upaveda" ("secondary knowledge"). This term is used in traditional literature to designate a number of specific texts that are not related to the Vedas, but simply represent interesting subject for studying. This includes:

- “medicine”, adjacent to the “Atharva Veda”.
Dhanurveda - “martial arts”, is adjacent to the “Yajurveda”.
Gandharvaveda - “music and sacred dances”, is adjacent to the “Samaveda”.
Astra-shastra - “military science”, is adjacent to the Atharva Veda.

In other sources, the following are also considered upavedas:

Sthapatya Veda - architecture.
Shilpa Shastras - Arts and Crafts.

Neo-pagans attach great importance to the sacred writings of the Magi, the priests of Perun and Veles, and there are more than one books of this kind. In addition to the old one, revealed in mid. XIX century, which all scientists recognized as a fake made by Sulakadzev, in late XIX V. in Belgrade and St. Petersburg, “Veda of the Slavs” was published by S.I. Verkovich (1881), supposedly a collection of songs of the Bulgarian-Pomaks. Nowhere in professional works I did not find any references to this fake from Bulgarian and Serbian folklorists. But our ultra-patriots included the main myths from this book in the collection “The Book of Kolyada” (Asov 20006; 2003), a model for domestic falsifiers. By the way, they mistake Kolyada (Old Russian kolyada, read deck) for an Old Slavic god, although this is only a borrowed name for the holiday, derived from the Roman-Latin calendae (“calends”). The Romans called the first days of the month Kalends (hence our word “calendar”).

After the Second World War, in 1953, a new shrine appeared - the “Vlesov Book”, which was allegedly found in the form of tablets covered with runes in 1919 by a white officer Ali Izen-bek, baptized Theodor Arturovich Izenbek, in Kursk or Oryol province or not far from Kharkov at the Velikiy Burliuk station in the destroyed noble estate of the Donsky-Zakharzhevsky or Zadonsky princes, where it supposedly came from Sulakadzev or his widow (in his surviving catalog there was something similar). Isenbek took the tablets abroad. In Belgium, another White emigrant, engineer and journalist Yu. P. Mirolyubov, became interested in mysterious tablets in 1924, “unraveled” the pre-Kiev antiquity of the tablets (for some reason he called them “doshki”), by 1939 he allegedly copied them and translated them into Cyrillic, but he died (in 1970) without waiting for full publication (and Isenbek died back in 1941). Copies were published in parts in 1957-1959. in the Russian emigrant press (primarily in the magazine “Firebird”. Other emigrants began studying the contents of the book - Mirolyubov’s friend A. Kur (former general A. A. Kurenkov) and S. Lesnoy, who had appropriated Kur’s translations and settled in Australia (under this The pseudonym refers to S. Ya. Paramonov, a doctor of biological sciences who fled with the Germans). They were the first publishers of the book (Lesnoy also introduced the title), and the tablets themselves were allegedly confiscated by the SS during the war.

And since 1976, after an article by journalists Skurlatov and N. Nikolaev in Nedel, a stir began in the Soviet press.

Did Izenbek have the tablets in Mirolyubov’s hands too, or is this just another journalistic craft and forgery? Reading a book that is even more obvious rubbish than Sulakadzev’s fake immediately convinces of the latter.

For non-specialists it is clearer than the ancient Russian chronicles. But for specialists it is completely absurd (Buganov et al. 1977; Zhukovskaya and Filin 1980; Tvorogov 1990). It contains a lot of names and terms that are only apparently related to the Old Russian language. Sinich, Zhitnich, Prosich, Studich, Pticich, Zverinich, Dozhdich, Gribich, Travich, Listvich, Myslich (publication Kurenkova, 11b) - all this is the formation of names, alien to the Russian language: after all, these are like patronymics from the names Mysl, Grass, etc. . etc., but neither in the recent past nor in ancient times were such names given to men (Mysl Vladimirovich? Grass Svyatoslavich?). The name of the Slavs is explained in the text (Mirolyubov archive, 8/2) from the word “glory”: “they sing glory to the gods and therefore they are Slavs.” But in Old Russian there was no self-name “Slavs”, but there was “Slovene” - from “word”. One psychological difference in the text is striking. Typically, the chronicles of any nation (and Russian chronicles are no exception) contain not only reports of glorious deeds, but also descriptions of dark spots - fratricide, betrayal and greed of princes, crowd atrocities, drunkenness and fornication. In the Book of Vles, the Slavs are completely devoid of these weaknesses; they are always ideal.

But this is not enough. In the 1990s. a certain Bus Kresen (aka Asov or A.I. Barashkov) published a new version of the “Veles Book”, declaring that this particular one is the only correct translation of Mirolyubov’s texts. However, in each edition (1994, 2000) this “canonical” text also changed. In fact, the reader received another “Veles Book”.

Asov also began defending the Veles Book from revelations. The journal “Questions of Linguistics” published an article by paleographer L.P. Zhukovskaya (I960) “Fake Pre-Cyrillic Manuscript”, in “Questions of History” - a critical note by a group of authors with the participation of Academician Rybakov (Buganov et al. 1977), in “Russian Speech” "The same note by the same Zhukovskaya and Professor V.P. Filin (Zhukovskaya and Filin 1980), in the Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature of the Pushkin House - a lengthy revealing article by a famous specialist in ancient Russian literature Doctor of Philological Sciences O. V. Tvorogova (1990).

Zhukovskaya pointed out language inconsistencies in the book. For all Slavic languages until the 10th century Nasal vowels were characteristic, denoted in the Cyrillic alphabet by two special letters - “big yus” and “small yus”. In the Polish language these sounds were preserved (“maz.” “husband”, “mieta” “mint”), but in modern Russian they disappeared, merging with “u” and “ya”. In the “Book of Veles” they are conveyed by the letter combinations “he” and “en”, which, however, are every now and then confused with “u” and “ya”, and this is typical for modern times. In the same way, the sound designated “yatem” and eliminated in spelling after the revolution, because by that time it had already merged with “e,” sounded different from “e” in Old Russian. In the “Veles Book”, in the places where there should be “yat” there are either “yat” or “e”, and the same thing in the places where there should be “e”. Only a modern person could write like this, for whom it is the same thing and who did not know not only the history of the language, but even the rules of pre-revolutionary spelling, thoroughly.

Buganov and others pointed out that among the Russian princes there were no Zadonskys or Donskys. Together with Filin, Zhukovskaya drew attention to the fact that for some reason the paleographic character of the font was taken from India - from Sanskrit (the letters seem to be suspended from one line), and the transmission of sound in some places seems to show the influence of Semitic alphabets - vowels are omitted, only given consonants. “Veles” was turned into “Vlesa” in the Bulgarian manner. Zhukovskaya had no doubt that this was a falsification, and believed that its author was Sulakadzev, and Mirolyubov was her victim. Tvorogov published and analyzed in detail the entire “Vlesov’s Book” and all materials related to it. He noted the extreme suspicion of its discovery: how were the “cracked and rotten” (Mirolyubov’s words) tablets preserved for many years in a bag lying around? Why didn’t the finders show them to specialists from the University of Brussels? - after all, at this very time, Lukin’s brochure “Russian Mythology” (Lukin 1946) was published in Brussels. Why weren't the experts called? Why did Mirolyubov first announce that the writings were “burned” on the “boards”, and then that they were “scratched with an awl”?

The history of Rus' as it appears in this source is completely absurd. Where science very slowly deepens Slavic roots into the past from Kievan Rus(so far it has advanced only three centuries), the book abruptly takes events many millennia deep into the depths - to where there were no Slavs, Germans, Greeks, etc. simply yet, but there were their ancestors that had not yet separated, with a different language and names. And he finds ready-made Slavs there. When we're talking about about closer events, the book names several Gothic names, vaguely known from the “Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and the writings of Jordan, but avoids naming Greek and Roman kings and generals - naturally: ancient history is too well known, you can easily make a mistake if you don’t know it well. The book talks all the time about the Greeks and Romans, but without specific names.

Further, it is curious that all the critics of the book are famous specialists, professional Slavists: paleographer, historian, archaeologist, specialist in ancient Russian literature, linguist. And everyone who defended the book has no special education, is ignorant of Slavic studies and paleography - engineer-technologist in chemistry Mirolyubov, General Kurenkov (Kur), who was interested in Assyriology, doctor of biology entomologist (insect specialist) Lesnoy, that is, Paramonov (whose works on “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” was publicly rejected by professionals and journalists. In the monograph “Veles’s Book,” the writer Asov (1994; 2000a) tries to refute the arguments of specialists in Russian antiquities, but he has nothing substantive to say.

And in another book, " Slavic gods and the birth of Rus'" (2006), he mainly focuses on non-Russian surnames and the Jewish interests of some of their opponents: Walter Lacker - professor at the Washington University for Strategic Studies, leading employee of the Institute of Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. A. Shnirelman teaches at the Hebrew University of Moscow and collaborates with Jerusalem - what to expect from them (or, as another zealot of the Russian people says , deputy Shandybin, “what do you want?”). There, the classic of Russian linguistics Vostokov spoke disparagingly about the “Veles Book” - Asov (20006: 430) immediately nods: he is Osten-Sacken by birth! Well, maybe that's all bad people, but they can say the right things - it’s not the individuals that need to be considered, but their arguments. What about Zhukovskaya, Tvorogov and Filin? And the situation is really bad with another revealing article, which Asov simply suppresses, because among its authors is none other than Academician B. A. Rybakov (Buganov, Zhukovskaya and Rybakov, 1977). Finally, let’s take a closer look at those through whom “The Book of Veles” was allegedly revealed to the world - Sulakadzev (Sulakadze, after all!), his widow Sophia von Goch, Ali Isenbek... Why shouldn’t we suspect these?

Archaeologists, historians and linguists are struggling with the material in order to enlighten the dark distances of the 6th century century after century. n. e. - there, already four centuries before Kievan Rus, everything is controversial and unclear. But everything, it turns out, has already been decided. If academician Rybakov extended the history of Russian culture and statehood by 5-7 thousand years, and the brave science fiction writer Petukhov spoke about 12 thousand years “ true history Russian people,” then Asov (20006: 6) read from the “sacred books” the truth “about twenty thousand years, during which Rus' was born, died and was reborn again.” Who is bigger? (There is more: the Ynglings trace their ancestry back to 100 thousand years ago, and in the Russian “Rig Veda” by V. M. Kandyba, the Aryan forefather of the Slavs, Orius, moved to earth from space 18 million years BC. This is all, if I may say so , in all seriousness).

To feel the flavor of the writings of Bus Kresen, that is, Asov, let’s take his last book. I will quote several passages from the section “Slavic myths”. The myths were “restored” by Asov from the “Vedas of the Slavs”, “The Book of Kolyada” and other sacred books of equal authenticity.

“At the beginning of time the world was in darkness. But the Almighty revealed the Golden Egg, which contained the Rod - the Parent of all things. Rod gave birth to Love - Mother Lada... The Sun God Ra, who emerged from the person of Rod, was established in a golden boat, and the Month in a silver one. Rod released from his lips the Spirit of God - the bird Mother Swa. By the Spirit of God, Rod gave birth to Svarog - the Heavenly Father... From the Word of the Most High, Rod created the god Barma, who began to mutter prayers, glorifications, and recite the Vedas” (Asov 20006: 21).

So, the author of the scriptures ascribes to the ancient Slavs faith in the Almighty, the Spirit of God and the Word of God, knowledge Egyptian god the sun Ra (where is Egypt, and where are the primitive Slavs!) and the Indian term Vedas (unknown as a designation for sacred books anywhere except India). Barma (apparently from the Old Russian “barmy” - mantles in princely vestments) resembles the Indian “karma”, but he knows how to babble and mutter age-old Slavic prayers.

And now the myths about Perun:

“Veles and Perun were inseparable friends. Perun honored the god Veles, for thanks to Veles he gained freedom, was revived and was able to defeat the fierce enemy of his Skipper-beast. But the story about the struggle between Perun and Veles is also known. Perun is the Son of God, and Veles is the Spirit of God... The reason for this struggle is also named: incitement of the Dyya family. The fact is that both Perun and Veles fell in love with the beautiful Diva-Dodola, daughter of Dyya. But Diva preferred Perun and rejected Veles. However, then Veles, the god of Love, nevertheless seduced Diva and she gave birth to Yarila from him.

But then, in sadness, rejected, he went wherever his eyes led him and came to the Smorodina River. Here he met the giants Dubynya, Gorynya and Usynya. Dubynya pulled out oak trees, Gorynya moved mountains, and Usynya caught sturgeons in Currant with his whiskers.” Then we drove together and saw a “hut” on chicken legs. “And Veles said that this is the house of Baba Yaga, who in another life (when he was Don) was his wife Yasunya Svyatogorovna”. Etc. (Asov 20006: 47).

I will omit the Slavic myths, in which the gods Vyshny and Kryshny, unknown to Slavists, appear (the reader, of course, will easily recognize the Indian Vishnu and Krishna, but how they got to the Slavs is left to the experts to guess).

A little more about Perun. Peruna gave birth to mother Sva from the god Svarog, having eaten the Pike of Rod. When Perun was still a baby, the Skipper Beast came to Russian Land. “He buried Perun in a deep cellar and took away his sisters Zhiva, Marena and Lelya. Perun spent three hundred years in a dungeon. And three hundred years later, the bird Mother Swa beat her wings and called the Svarozhichs.” The Svarozhichi Veles, Khors and Stribog found Perun, fast asleep. To wake him up it took living water, and the mother turned to the bird Gamayun:

“- You fly, Gamayun, to the Riphean Mountains beyond the wide Eastern Sea! Like in those mountain ranges of Ripay on the mountain on that Berezan you will find a well...” Etc. (Asov 20006: 98-99). Mother Sva in Asova’s program speaks just like the Russian epic storyteller of the early 20th century. By the way, only ancient Greek geographers called the Ural Mountains the Riphean Mountains, and in the ancient Slavic environment this name was unknown. In general, the names are partly taken from literature on mythology and folklore collections (Perun, Vsles, Svarog. Stribog, Horse, Rod, Dodola, Zhiva. Marena, Baba Yaga. Gamayun, Usynya. Gorynya, Dubynya), partly distorted (Lelya from Lel) , partly made up (Sva, Yasunya, Kiska).

And here is the glorification of Perun from the hymn to Triglav in the “Book of Veles”:

And to the thunderer - God Perun,
God of battles and strife
"You. animating what appears.
don't stop turning the wheels!
You who led us on the right path
to the battle and great funeral feast!
About those. that fell in battle.
those. who walked, you live forever
in Perunov's army!

“Hail Perun - the Fire-haired God!
He sends arrows at his enemies,
He leads the faithful along the path.
He is honor and judgment for soldiers,
He is righteous, golden-hearted, and merciful!

(Asov 20006: 245-298)

According to East Slavic ideas. Perun was black-bearded (in folklore) or (among princes) gray-haired (his head was silver), and only his mustache was “golden”. but the authors of the “Veles Book” did not know Russian folklore and mythology in such detail.

The names of the German god Odin and the Roman emperor Trajan, who entered Balkan-Slavic folklore, are combined and “systematized” in Asov’s Veles Book in a very Russian way: the descendants of the forefather Bogumir are “the brothers Odin, Dvoyan and Dvoyan’s son Troyan” (Asov 2000b: 259) . Then it was necessary to remake Odin into Odinyan, but it would have sounded too Armenian. The historical narratives of the “Book of Veles” are about the first Kyiv on Mount Ararat (in the fourth millennium BC), Moscow as the first Arkaim (the second - in the Urals in the second millennium BC). about father Yarun-aria. hero Kiska. country of Ruskolani, etc. - I won’t analyze it here. Historians have said enough about their fantasticality and absurdity. This is ultra-patriotic nonsense.

Unfortunately for Asov and others like him, after the death of Mirolyubiv (1970) in Munich, his admirers, full of the best intentions, published (in 1975-1984) his archive in seven volumes (!), which Tvorogov also analyzed. And what happened? The publications include Mirolyubov’s previously unpublished manuscripts “Rig Veda and Paganism” and his other works on the origin of the Slavs and their ancient history, written in the 50s. Mirolyubov was fanatically obsessed with the idea of ​​proving that the “Slavic-Russian people” were the most ancient people in the world. He came up with a fantastic story - that the ancestral home of the Slavs was located next to India, that from there they moved about 5 thousand years ago to Iran, where they began breeding war horses, then their cavalry attacked the despotism of Mesopotamia (Babylon and Assyria), after which they captured Palestine and Egypt, and in the 8th century. BC e in the vanguard of the Assyrian army they invaded Europe. All this nonsense does not fit at all with the archeology and written history of all these countries, well known to specialists, but completely unknown to the engineer Mirolyubov.

So, in 1952, in the manuscript “Rig Veda and Paganism,” Mirolyubov complains that he is “deprived of sources,” and only hopes are expressed that such a source “will one day be found.” How “devoid of sources”?! And “Vlesova Book”? Not a word is mentioned about the presence of the “Vlesovaya Book”, the tablets, which by that time, as they were assured, he had supposedly copied for 15 years and then examined! All his information about Slavic myths is provided with references to his nanny “great-grandmother” (great-grandmother?) Varvara and a certain old woman Zakharikha, who fed in the “summer kitchen” of the Mirolyubovs in 1913 - it is, of course, impossible to verify this information. Meanwhile, exactly the information that later ended up in the “Vlesovaya Book” is presented! Those same nonsense - Reveal and Rule as the main holy concepts, the forefathers Beloyar and Ar, etc. Only in 1953 was the discovery of the “Vlesovaya Book” announced, but only one photograph was presented, which caused criticism - and no more photographs presented. The first publications of sketches began in 1957.

Tvorogov (1990: 170, 227, 228) comes to the impeccably substantiated conclusion that “Vlesova’s book” is “a falsification of the middle of our century” (it began to be made in 1953), “a gross hoax of readers by Yu. P. Mirolyubov and A. . A. Kur", and its language is "artificially invented by a person who is not familiar with the history of Slavic languages ​​and who was unable to create his own, consistently thought-out system."

The smart and intelligent leader of some neo-pagans, Velimir (Speransky), analyzing the “sacred scriptures” of neo-pagans on the Internet, cannot hide his impression that both the “Vlesov Book” by Mirolyubov-Kura-Lesny and the “Veles Book” by Bus Kresen (Asov-Barashkov) were written not by ancient Magi, but by modern Magi, and in this sense - falsifications. But he does not consider them any less interesting or less pagan. Does it really matter when they are made? What matters is what they teach. “The point is not the truth of ideas, but their functionality” (Shcheglov 1999: 7). Shcheglov (1999: 8) admires “the immortal idea of ​​the usefulness of myth for the masses.”

Fragment from the book by L.S. Klein "The Resurrection of Perun". St. Petersburg, 2004

On November 2, 2015, the Slavic-Aryan Vedas were recognized by the Central District Court of Omsk as extremist material.

It should be noted that lawyers defending the Slavic-Aryan Vedas filed an appeal of this decision to a higher court.

On February 3, 2016, the Omsk Regional Court dismissed the appeal of A. Khinevich and other interested parties against the decision of the Central District Court of Omsk to recognize the collection of books “ Slavic-Aryan Vedas» extremist materials.

Thus, on February 3, 2016, the decision of the Central District Court of Omsk dated October 30, 2015 came into force and accordingly the books are recognized as extremist material:

« Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Santi Vedas of Perun. Book of Wisdom of Perun. First lap. Saga of the Ynglings", publishing house "RODOVICH", 2011-2012 edition;
« Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book two. Book of Light. Word of Wisdom of the Magus Velimudra", publishing house "RODOVICH", 2011, 2012 years of publication;
“Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book three. Englishism. Ancient faith of the Slavic and Aryan Peoples. Word of wisdom of the Magus Velimudr", publishing house "Rodovich" 2009, 2012 years of publication;
« Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book four. Life source. White Path. Tales", publishing house "RODOVICH", 2011, 2012 years of publication;
« Slavic World understanding. Confirmation of the "Book of Light"", publishing house "RODOVICH", 2009, 2013 years of publication.

Dear users of the Veles website, due to the fact that the legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits the distribution of extremist materials, including the above-mentioned books of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas collection, the site administration when posting content on topics related to the Slavic-Aryan Vedas:

  • does not publish books from the collection “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” specified in the decision of the Central District Court of Omsk dated February 3, 2016, as well as materials containing quotes from the Slavic-Aryan Vedas indicated by this court;
  • does not use photos, video and audio materials, as well as all materials that advertise publications of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, indicated by the Central District Court of Omsk on February 3, 2016, where they are mentioned to a sufficient extent that it could be recognized as advertising ;
  • does not post publications and video materials that, although they do not contain quotes from the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, can be regarded as their propaganda or advertising of the above publications;
  • uses only those sources of information that are not specified in the decision of the Central District Court of Omsk dated February 3, 2016 and do not relate to extremist materials in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Slavic-Aryan Vedas are a unique source of Ancestral wisdom. Sacred experience is collected in this living ocean of knowledge Slavic people. To some extent, the Slavic-Aryan Vedas are the beacon of modern literature, useful for both adults and the younger generation.

The runic texts of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas preserve the original images accessible to reading only by dedicated sages of the Priestly class. But fortunately these Ancient writings were translated into modern language and today they are available for free reading.

“Some consider the Santias and Sagas to be genuine historical ones, others consider them to be fascinating mythical tales worthy of comprehensive study; someone, calling them an early medieval forgery, is trying to declare himself as an “omniscient and competent” person and seeks to show his “significance” and “learnedness” in our not simple world. Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Santi Vedas of Perun"

Many are trying to slander and humiliate the Spiritual significance of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, turn their essence around and present the authors and custodians in not the best light. Some sources of information even say that the Slavic-Aryan Vedas were given by French masons, and perhaps this is so, but I believe that the main thing is not where they came from, but their moral richness and benefit for the reviving Rus'.

The reader of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas can extract the missing grains of knowledge and the foundations of the worldview of our Ancestors. Thanks to the Vedas, a waking person is able to compare modern model peace with that unshakable or even “eternal path” that noble people followed and still follow. This is not a simple path, it leads travelers to the highest Spiritual planes of existence, being the basis of the worldview, and over time, the worldview.

There are numerous disputes around the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, and one of the main topics is the dating and “antiquity” of the sources. But does this matter to modern people? After all, we need knowledge that can be applied today, and in my opinion, the Slavic-Aryan Vedas can contribute to this. A striking example may become the “Laws of Rita” described in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, thanks to which modern Slavic society is able to reconsider its views on the creation of family unions and learn the correct approach to conceiving virtuous offspring.

Thanks to the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, a person is able to expand the measure of understanding and become familiar with the proposed multidimensional model of the Universe, as well as discover many Worlds and dimensions located on the “Golden Path” of Spiritual development. The reader will even be able to see our World, the World of People, on the pages of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas and fully realize their significance and purpose.

And finally, I would like to say this. The reader of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas should discard all prejudices and opinions and try to impartially become familiar with this system of knowledge. We should discard the two prisms of “good or bad” that limit us and see many facets, many shades revealing themselves somewhere in the depths of the subconscious, and your emotions and experiences will become a mirror of their influence. Your feelings will be an indicator of the expediency and benefits of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, both in particular and for modern society generally. Happy reading.

Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book One

  1. “Santiy Vedas of Perun - First Circle” are written in the form of a dialogue between Perun and people. The First Circle tells about the commandments left by Perun to the peoples of the “Great Race” and the “Descendants of the Heavenly Family,” as well as about upcoming events over the next 40,176 years. Very noteworthy are the comments to the santias, in which the word “earth” is interpreted as a planet, the celestial chariot as spaceship, “fiery mushrooms” - like thermonuclear explosions. The preface says that the santii were the first to be translated back in 1944 AD for the newly revived Slavic Communities, and that the community preserves ancient plates of noble metal, covered with runes more than 40 thousand years ago. These runes are not letters or hieroglyphs, but “ secret images, transmitting a huge amount of Ancient Knowledge,” written under a general line.
  1. “The Saga of the Ynglings” is the Old Norse Saga of the Ynglings from the Earthly Circle. The connection of the Yngling family is explained in the text by the fact that the Ynglings are the ancestors.
  1. Appendix 1. “Ingliism”. Contains general information about the teachings of the church, a description of the pantheon, the texts of hymns and commandments. However, here too there are direct borrowings without indicating the authors.
  1. Appendix 2. “Daariysky circle of Chislobog.” Contains information about the Yngling calendar.
  1. Appendix 3. “Communities and organizations of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings.”

Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book Two

  1. Book of Light (Kharatiya of Light) Haratya 1-4 - Ancient Aryan Tradition about the birth of the World. One of the sacred books of the Old Believers-Ynglings, along with the Indian Vedas, Avesta, Eddas, Sagas (Saga of the Ynglings). The translation was carried out in the 60s of our century by several communities of the Old Russian Church. The book is sacred, but now the time has come when everything is coming to light, and the elders of the Old Russian Church allowed publication at the end of 1999.
  2. Word of Wisdom of the Magus Velimudra. Part 1 - The statements of the Ancient Sages were written down in Runes on oak tablets, clay tablets, in Santiy and were called - the Word of Wisdom. Get acquainted with some sayings of one of the Ancient Sages of Belovodye, whose name was Velimudr.

Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book Three

  1. Ingliism - Ancient Faith The first ancestors of the Slavic and Aryan peoples.
  2. Word of Wisdom of the Magus Velimudra. Part 2 - The statements of the Ancient Sages were written down in Runes on oak tablets, clay tablets, in Santiy and were called - the Word of Wisdom. Get acquainted with some sayings of one of the Ancient Sages of Belovodye, whose name was Velimudr.

Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book Four

  1. Source of Life - From time immemorial, ancient traditions and legends have been passed down from generation to generation, from Family to Family. Each Slavic or Aryan Clans has preserved its own piece of the ancient World of Images.
  2. The White Path is a legend, small in volume, but large in content of ancient Images, that speaks about the foundations of the Slavic worldview. The Slavs have always been Free People, for Will and Conscience led them along the White (God's) Path.

Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book Five

  1. Slavic World Understanding - this book is intended for an inquisitive reader looking for answers to the questions of why the Slavic world is in this situation, as well as what the Slavs were like in the past
  2. Confirmation of the Book of Light - the reader can become familiar with many points confirming the knowledge contained in the Book of Light.
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