Anna Shulgina biography personal life husband children. Anna Shulgina: “I used to regret that I was Valeria’s daughter

August 25, 2016

Anna Shulgina's fiance has already become an integral part of the famous family

Anna Shulgina's fiance has already become an integral part of the famous family.

The last month of summer Valeria with Joseph Prigogine and children. The singer’s daughter from her first marriage to producer Alexander Shulgin, Anna, also traveled with her mother. True, the girl did not go on vacation alone, but with her new lover, a young man named Sergei. As it turned out, the chosen one of the famous heiress has long become a member of the family, despite the fact that Anna and Sergei have not yet officially declared themselves a couple. All the secret became clear when the young man appeared at the same table with Shulgina’s parents in one of the photographs. As it turned out, the star couple celebrated their engagement, so very soon Valeria will receive the status of mother-in-law, and Anna will become a legal wife. As Shulgina said earlier, her lover is calm about Shulgina’s popularity and is not at all jealous of her fans.

“I always choose only those who perceive me as I am. I love what I do, it's part of me, so he understands everything. He takes my popularity calmly. Even if one of the young people tries to win my attention, he does not make scandals, because he knows that I am an adequate girl,” Valeria’s heiress shared with reporters.

Despite the fact that at first the famous parent was partial to the tenderness of the couple, which her daughter demonstrated on her personal page, she gradually accepted Anna’s choice and wished her happiness.

Anna Shulgina in Lately became more popular than her mother, singer Valeria. The girl has become a real it-girl: she runs a stylish Instagram page, travels around the country giving performances and, of course, relaxes beautifully, which she also shares with her subscribers.

Biography of Anna Shulgina

The singer, actress and TV presenter was born into the family of the popular singer Valeria and producer Alexander Shulgin. Anna has two younger brothers - Artemy and Arseny. After her parents' divorce in 2002, the girl found new family: in 2014, her mother married producer Joseph Prigozhin, with whom she is still happy today.

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Apparently, worries because family drama left their mark on the character of young Anya. She became an easily vulnerable and easily angered difficult teenager. But this did not affect the acting data in any way. From the age of 10, Anna studied at the Studio Theater at the Academy. Gnessins, which, however, she did not graduate from. At the age of 13, Anna’s parents send her to the Swiss Institute for Noble Maidens in the hope that there the girl’s character will become softer and she herself will learn manners. At the institute, Shulgina studied English and Spanish, cooking, horse riding, and read Shakespeare in the original. After several years in Switzerland, the girl returns to Moscow to hometown finish school and go to university. In 2009, Anna was enrolled in the Theater Institute named after. B. Shchukin, from which in 2013 she successfully graduated with a degree in “Dramatic Theater and Film Actress” and “Variety Artist ( artistic reading)". During her studies, Anna Shulgina did not waste time and built up an acting portfolio. The girl’s collection includes roles in the plays “Dog in the Manger”, “My Poor Marat”, “8 loving women", "Caught Swallow", "They Build Fools by Their Height", "Happiness", "Dulcinea of ​​Toboso", "Rats", "Turning", "The Jester Balakirev", "The Witch", "Mademoiselle Nitouche".

After graduating from higher education educational institution Anna Shulgina did not rest for a long time and a couple of months later she made her debut on the central television channel as the host of the “Our Way Out” program. And - what a coincidence - the central place on the jury of the project was occupied by none other than... singer Valeria, mother of Anna Shulgina! Now Anya was noticed by the whole country, and her popularity began to gain momentum. By the way, at the same time the girl began to appear in episodic roles in domestic television series.

Having noticeably lost weight and looked prettier, in 2014 Anna Shulgina decided that being just an actress and TV presenter was boring, and released her first single “Give a Chance to a Dream”, a little later - lyrical song“You are mine,” which she performed together with... (unexpectedly!) her mother, singer Valeria. A year later, Anna presented her solo composition “Knife”, then appeared naked in a photo shoot for a men’s magazine.

Fans and celebrities love to compare Anya with the singer Valeria. The girl was pretty tired of this, she even said: “Mom and I are not Siamese twins! If she’s perfect, then I’m not!”

Personal life of Anna Shulgina

A damn unloving person, as Anna Shulgina calls herself, is happy in a relationship today. A couple of years ago, the girl had an affair with pianist Maxim Tarasov. During the filming of the project “Our Exit,” Anya was credited with falling in love with co-host Alexei Vorobyov. But, according to the artist, they were connected only by friendship. Anna does not disclose the name of her current chosen one, she only admits that he is much older than her and is also associated with creativity. "I believe that a real man“must have a goal in life,” says Shulgina. - He should strive to earn money for the sake of his family, set higher goals for himself, because this will motivate him even more. The higher you set the bar for yourself, the higher you begin to jump. Even if you don’t make it, you will have much more than if you set the bar that you supposedly will reach. A man must want to have children. He must have an inner core, he must be a man next to whom you feel completely protected. You know, I realized that appearance is not the main thing in a man. I had sympathy for different young people, this is normal for my age. For some reason, it didn’t happen that there were romances with smart and courageous people. When I was almost disappointed in young people, I suddenly met my man, who is responsible for his words, down to the smallest detail. He never lets me be sad, he feels me. I pick up the phone, smile, and he understands that something is wrong with my mood. We have similar interests and even have the same dreams. We text each other at the same time and call each other at the same time. He doesn't allow me to overwork, he takes all my problems upon himself. I'm not used to this and for a long time she said: “Wait, is this really necessary?”, and he says that’s exactly how it should be! So I’m over the moon now because I found a real man.”

The daughter of singer Valeria openly told Woman's Day how Joseph Prigogine replaced her father and with whom she truly fell in love.

The 21-year-old daughter of the popular singer Valeria Anna Shulgina is a TV presenter, aspiring singer and actress. A talented and purposeful girl is actively gaining popularity in the world of show business, trying on different roles. IN exclusive interview Woman’s Day artist told how they take part in her career famous parents and who she truly fell in love with.

Anna, your first solo video “Knife” has been released. Tell us about the team that helped you record the song “Nozhevaya” and shoot the video. Who wrote the song?

The song “Knife” was written by a talented young man from Kyiv named Arkady Alexandrov. The team that worked on the video and with whom I continue to actively collaborate is also from Kyiv. I accidentally met a rapper under the pseudonym SLeM. Last summer, a classmate whom I had not seen for five years called me and said that there was a talented rapper who had a big creative team, wants to record a duet with me. I thought for a long time and finally decided to meet him. At first I didn’t quite understand what kind of person he was and what he could do. And then we went to the studio, recorded the song - and everything turned out so well! Now we are friends, it turns out we have so many common interests. There are big creative plans ahead.

Do you write songs yourself?

There was a time when I wrote music, but I'm not ready to release it. I write poems, but they are gloomy, and it’s unlikely that anyone will sing them. They are not for entertainment.

Why did you choose such a harsh plot for the video?

How did people react to your video?

The reaction was different. I was glad that most of the reviews were positive, although I thought it would be 50/50. I noticed that older people found the work gloomy, but my generation was simply delighted. Perhaps this was the only point of disagreement among the public.

How do you deal with criticism? Are you offended by negative reviews on social networks?

I never take offense at adequate criticism. I don’t respond well to criticism that turns into humiliation and insults. People just show their envy this way. I have said more than once that I don’t perceive the singer Madonna at all. Her character, manners and politics are unpleasant to me. At the same time, I don’t sit on her pages on social networks and write all sorts of nasty things. I just don’t subscribe to it, and when it’s on TV, I change the channel. I don't care! When people begin to splash out their negativity, it means that I have offended them in some way.

Anna, your producer will probably be Joseph Prigogine? How does he help you in your work? Gives fatherly advice?

You know, our work is divided in half. It’s clear that Joseph is also involved with me. He will never let me go free, because he really understands the ins and outs of this business. And it’s always calmer to work with your own person. Now is a time when people are being deceived at every step. I am a kind and trusting girl. So, out of harm’s way, I didn’t look for someone on the side. And here creative processes rapper SLeM is engaged, after our collaboration We became friends over the song “Give a Dream a Chance.” He has a large creative team that helps find songs. We are recording an album now. I want to say that when they filmed last clip, Joseph was there exactly five minutes. He stopped by to say hello and make sure I was okay. I always ask him for advice before taking any important step. I prefer not to stand on the rake, but to find out where it is located and calmly walk around it.

“I studied vocals with Katy Perry’s teacher”

Did you do a lot of vocal training? Who was your teacher? Maybe your mother taught you?

I have been studying all my life, as far as I remember. I had different vocals. As a child, I went to the opera and theater department. At the institute there was folk vocals, academic, jazz, and everywhere I was a soloist. After graduating from college, I started studying pop vocals. So I think I've tried everything in my life. For some time I even studied with a teacher from America via Skype. The teacher was very good, he has been working with Katy Perry for a long time, and also taught at the famous “American Idol” competition. He also worked with Jennifer Lopez for some time. His name is Mike and he is a very busy man. We studied for about six months. Working online is very difficult and inconvenient, as the sound often lags. However, I learned a lot from this kind, talented man.

Mom and Joseph are glad that I myself decided what I want to become. They warned me that the path I had chosen was not easy. They said that I would always be in everyone's sight and would encounter big amount criticism addressed to you, so you have to plug your ears, have a shell so as not to break. This is true. It’s one thing when they talk about you behind your back and you don’t know about it. And now, thanks to social networks, it’s easy to throw mud at a person, and this is completely unpleasant. In general, as a child I dreamed of becoming many things. When I was little, I wanted to be a dolphin and seal tamer, then I wanted to become an interior designer. Then I dreamed of working as a zoologist-biologist. But still I was more drawn to the stage. At school I was an activist, I performed at concerts all the time, and took part in all productions. As a result, she began to become interested in acting, read professional literature, prepare diligently, and entered the acting department at the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute.

Anna, tell us about filming the movie. What new films can we see you in?

This month I was supposed to go to Thailand for filming for six months. Thank God, this filming was postponed until the winter. Moreover, I am currently writing an album and would not be able to split into two countries. Fate played into my hands, and now I have time to do everything. The second season of a multi-part film about a plane crash, a desert island, adventure and romance will be filmed in this paradise. The series is being produced by one of the central channels. Also in Ukraine, I have several proposals for projects that are currently frozen due to this whole situation in the country.

You also tried yourself as a TV presenter. Is this matter over now or not?

No way! I really like it, it's completely different, it's funny, it's fun. I already good experience: led programs, events, weddings and continue to do so with great joy. Six months ago I hosted a concert at the Olimpiysky. When good offers come in, I happily agree.

You have tried yourself in many areas. It seems that you wanted to become a singer, an actress and a TV presenter. Have you already decided who you really want to be?

You know, I like all three directions at once. I cannot separate these professions or choose one. An artist must be able to do everything! He sings and dances, plays various roles both on stage and in films. How many people have amazing voices, but when they go on stage, their eyes are empty, and that's boring. I must say that I have enough work in all three directions. And after the release of the “Knife” video, I just have time to give interviews and go to filming. Sometimes I’m so tired that I call my mom and complain that I can’t do this anymore. And she replies that when there is work, it’s great. Here I immediately begin to scold myself for complaining! After all, I absolutely love what I do. As they say, choose a job you love, and you will never work again.

“When I was almost disappointed in young people, I suddenly met my man”

You have already found your love! Tell us about the man who managed to conquer you.

I believe that a real man should have a goal in life. He should strive to earn money for the sake of his family, set higher goals for himself, because this will motivate him even more. The higher you set the bar for yourself, the higher you begin to jump. Even if you don’t make it, you will have much more than if you set the bar that you supposedly will reach. A man must want to have children. He must have an inner core, he must be a man next to whom you feel completely protected. You know, I realized that appearance is not the main thing in a man. I had sympathy for different young people, this is normal for my age. For some reason, it didn’t happen that there were romances with smart and courageous people. When I was almost disappointed in young people, I suddenly met my man, who is responsible for his words, down to the smallest detail. He never lets me be sad, he feels me. I pick up the phone, smile, and he understands that something is wrong with my mood. We have similar interests and even have the same dreams. We text each other at the same time and call each other at the same time. I think you understand perfectly well what it means to forget when you... last time they shook hands, gave flowers, paid for you in a restaurant. For some reason we have completely lost this. From the first time I met my boyfriend, I understood what it was to be a girl. He doesn't allow me to overwork, he takes all my problems upon himself. I’m not used to this and for a long time I said: “Wait, is this really necessary?”, and he says that this is exactly how it should be! So I’m now in seventh heaven because I found a real man. He is older than me and is also associated with creativity, like me. So I can say that I found my love.

Tell us about your negative qualities and positive ones.

Hot temper is one of those qualities that bothers me. If I have any problems, I cannot leave them aside. I will definitely pour out all the negativity on someone. Because of this, I often ask people for forgiveness. This is my most poor quality, although I am not evil and wish everyone well. Concerning positive qualities, then this is hard work. I can stay awake for days for the sake of my favorite job. I am also overly kind, and many take advantage of this kindness. And I believe a person to the last, then I forgive him, I give him a hundred and fiftieth chance. This is probably both a plus and a minus. I pride myself on being sociable and approachable cheerful people. Sometimes I’m so cheerful it’s like I’m five years old. I can start fooling around, doing something, and behaving absolutely frivolously. But it puts me in the right mood, because it’s impossible to be serious all the time. So I allow myself to be a child. Not everyone, of course, understands and thinks that everything is not right in my head!

They say you were an obstinate child. That's why your parents sent you to study in Switzerland at the Institute for Noble Maidens. Has everything changed with age?

I still haven't moderated my ardor. With age, she gained wisdom and stopped attacking her own people. I get angry very easily, but I cool down quickly. I'm a girl with character, and there's no getting around that. As a child, I rushed at everything like a mad puppy. Now I am quite adequate, I try to control myself.

Have you ever been told that you and your mother are alike? What is your relationship like, do you share everything with her as a friend?

My mother and I are not at all alike, although with age I have learned to understand and find her mutual language. Previously, we rarely saw eye to eye. Now we communicate like girlfriends, we share everything. As for clothes, I dress more sportily, and sometimes in gothic style, I can, for example, make my lips black. Mom loves classics more; she can, of course, wear jeans with sneakers, but this happens extremely rarely.

The famous singer and mother of three children Valeria became the main character of the first episode of the new season of the project “Secret for a Million” on the NTV channel.

The vocalist’s heirs are already quite old. Valeria's daughter Anna Shulgina lives independent life, builds creative career, happy in a relationship. The girl has a civil marriage with rapper Slam. However, during an interview with Lera Kudryavtseva, Valeria made it clear that she was not happy with her daughter’s choice.

“It’s hard for me to imagine him as a husband and father of children. I do not know why. And as a young man, let it be, yes,” said singer Valeria.

Anna Shulgina, who also appeared in the studio of the program, said that she and her mother are very friendly, and she has no secrets from her. But at the same time, the girl emphasized that if Valeria is against her choice, she is unlikely to listen to her.

“Eighty percent out of a hundred, I will do it my own way,” said Anna Shulgina. - This is my life. And even if I step on a rake, it will be my rake.”

Valeria immediately remembered that at one time she did not listen to the opinions of her mother, who desperately did not like her daughter’s chosen one, producer Alexander Shulgin. Even while meeting her future son-in-law, the woman realized that her heiress would have a very difficult time with him.

This marriage was indeed not a happy one. But despite the difficult relationship, Valeria gave birth to her husband three beautiful children. And then she left him, unable to withstand the violence to which her husband constantly subjected her and their heirs. During the program, Valeria once again remembered what she had to endure in her second marriage.

The host of “Secret for a Million” Lera Kudryavtseva could not resist asking a provocative question. She asked if the singer Valeria was ready to become a grandmother. But the vocalist had a ready answer. As it turned out, this topic had been raised more than once in the family.

“I often tell children: guys, if you start a family, decide to have children, then this is your responsibility,” said Valeria. “But the word “grandmother” itself is strange to me. I can’t try this on myself. And I probably wouldn’t want to be addressed like that. Better - by name."

Valeria's daughter is Shulgina Anna Alexandrovna. The young girl actively manifests herself in various fields. Anna takes part in the filming of television series and films, records songs, and also tries herself as a TV presenter. How old is Valeria's daughter? And how does it turn out personal life? We will talk about this in our article.

Biography of Anna

She was born in June 1993. On this moment The girl is 24 years old. The girl was born in musical family. Her mother - People's Artist Russia - Valeria, and dad - Alexander Shulgin - famous producer. Anna has two siblings: Arseny and Artemy.

The childhood years of Valeria's daughter (Anna Shulgina) can be considered quite active. The girl studied at the capital's school, a studio at the Gnessin Academy, after which Valeria sent her to the Institute of Noble Maidens, which is located in Switzerland.

In 2009, Valeria’s daughter entered the Theatre Institute them. Shchukin, who graduated 4 years ago. During her studies she played theatrical performances, was interested in studying foreign languages, literature, horse riding and cooking. Thesis work Anna became the role of Lizonka in “Vassa Zheleznova”, as well as the official Bordyurov in a production called “Friends of Writers”.

Now the girl continues to develop her Creative skills. She appears in Russian films, takes an active part in the filming of TV series, and is also developing her singing career. She can be seen at concerts that take place in Russia and abroad. The girl works with several authors and is recording solo compositions. The first one will be out soon music album Anna Shulgina.

Duet of Valeria with her daughter

In 2014, Anna recorded a composition with her mother called “You Are Mine,” in which charming female representatives spoke about touching relationships between themselves. Does the girl and her mother get along outside? film set, i.e. V real life, the same touching and tender relationship?

As Valeria said in one of her interviews, her daughter Anya adolescence was an angel. She grew up as a very obedient, pliable and understanding child. However, within 5 years, during adolescence, the girl became obstinate and ruff. Popular singer taught Anna and her brothers to healthy image life, punished by reading books.

Now Valeria and her daughter Anna Shulgina have friendly relations. The pop diva believes that children should listen to their parents, and parents should listen to the problems of their children. The singer says her relationship with her daughter is similar to the one she had with her mother. She respects her mother, and she reciprocates. Both Valeria and her mother and daughter have a need for communication and moral support for each other.

Personal life of daughter Valeria

When the girl was 21 years old, she had an affair with a musician named Maxim Tarasov. Anna posted a photo with a young man in in social networks and introduced him to the family. But the relationship did not last long; soon the young singer broke up with Maxim.

A little later, namely in January 2015, Anna’s video clip was released together with rapper Slam for the song “Give a chance to a dream.” In the video, Valeria’s daughter not only sang a duet, but also starred in the video as an actress. The young man is also a producer talented singer. Since that time, the girl began dating hip-hop singer Sergei Slam. In one of the interviews, she admitted that Seryozha is exactly the man with whom her interests and views on life completely coincide.

Not long ago, Valeria’s daughter introduced him to her family. It is known that back in the summer of 2017, she visited Sergei in one of the capital’s registry offices, but the couple has not yet announced the official date of their relationship.

Disagreements in the family

After meeting Slam, disagreements arose in the family of Valeria and Joseph Prigozhin. Sergei immediately found a common language with Prigozhin; they had many common topics of conversation, since they were united by a common type of activity.

The pop diva turned out to be against her daughter’s choice. She stated that young man It’s hard to imagine being a husband and father of children. Valeria also shared that she does not yet see herself in the role of a grandmother, and even if one of her grown-up children has a child, it will be entirely under their responsibility.

However, Anna continues to insist on her own. At the moment, she lives an independent life, separate from her parents in a civil marriage with a hip-hop artist.

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