Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history as a method of mind control

On the issue of falsification of history and crippled consciousness

My research into truth official version The stories began with small observations and information obtained in personal communication. The essence of the information was the statement that until recently there was a nuclear war all over the world and after that we were occupied and history was rewritten(including our consciousness was broken by this action).

This information itself turned out to be so shocking, unusual and completely contradictory everyone our beliefs and views, which I did not immediately consider seriously. Many of us have read many books in our lives, including on history, about Borodin, about brave knights, about Robin Hood, about Denis Davydov, etc. Many have watched quite a lot of popular science films on similar topics (and feature films, glorifying the exploits of heroes). Some visited museums where mammoth bones and tools were exhibited primitive man And, the most important – evidence that era– copper cannons, uniforms of Russian soldiers and generals, weapons of those times.

Doubts about authenticity The official version of the story did not appear to me immediately, but after the discovery of a number of objects, the so-called. artifacts whose existence historians have not even tried to explain clearly. Such artifacts can easily be attributed to the marble sarcophagus exhibited in the Historical Museum located on Red Square in Moscow. This sarcophagus is similar to the sarcophagus of the Altai princess, described in the article “Tisul Find”.

The most interesting thing is that although it was allegedly found in another place, it seems to be only two and a half thousand years old, but it was made with a quality that is difficult for us to achieve even now. Then, examining other extraordinary objects, for example, the Atlanteans of the Hermitage and their level of manufacture, I was able to assume that the sarcophagus and the Atlases were made of geopolymer concrete. It turns out that both 2500 years ago and 200 years ago our ancestors knew the secret of geopolymer concrete, and we, with our level of development, were only able to rediscover this material at the end of the 20th century. And if just 200 years ago this was the most common material, then What happened something that has so dramatically shortened our memory and impoverished our knowledge?

All studies whose results were published in official sources did not provide answers to questions asked that arose when analyzing this amazing information. Therefore, based on the “technological reconstruction method” successfully applied Alexey Artemyev and described by him in the article, a method was proposed for studying the authenticity of history, based on the reconstruction of the technological level of development of society necessary for the manufacture of artifacts and (or) the construction of mega-structures. After all, knowing a tool, we can assume what can be made with it, and, seeing a manufactured object, determine the tool. For example: if in the tomb of Tutankhamun we find a modern T-80 tank, then we can assume that at the time of its manufacture there were lathes, rolling mills, and a developed electronics industry comparable to our modern one.

Objects of my research became megaliths and incredible (in terms of significance and beauty) buildings. As a result of these studies, described in the article, it was discovered that many buildings and structures built 200-300 years ago, for example, such as the Hermitage, St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals, Alexandria Column, were made using technologies whose level far exceeded the level of society of the time described by official history. Moreover, it turned out that 200 or more years ago, many buildings built in different parts of the world were built using the same technologies and in the same cultural tradition. For example, buildings such as: the British Museum, the White House in Washington, the Capitol, the lesser known church on top of the pyramid in Mexico and the mosque near Baalbek).

Construction with the massive use of huge columns made of monolithic rocks stopped everywhere and at once approximately at the turn of the century 1812-1815. Modern science cannot or does not want to report anything reliable about megaliths, such as the Egyptian Pyramids, Baalbek and the like. All this is very reminiscent of bedtime stories (technology of “Egyptian slaves”). But the technique of making megaliths required a level of technological development at least comparable to ours. All theories about the origin of these objects are based on the assumption that they were built by “someone else”: Gods, Aliens, Atlanteans, etc., since people at that moment were supposedly wild (underdeveloped) and could not (certainly could not ) build such objects.

Certainly, all these facts separately– loss of technology, climate change, destroyed forests and a large number of craters (presumably from nuclear explosions) – cannot explain what exactly happened at the turn of 1812-1815. But taken together they fit into our idea of nuclear war, O small nuclear winter and its consequences.

For most people, these facts in themselves do not mean anything, much less serve as evidence. But for smart people they are a very important and interesting basis for thought. After all, if the truth is established and proven fact of high-tech warfare at that time, then our entire subsequent history can be presented in a completely different way!

For example, many, if not all, wars and revolutions may turn out to be stages of our ancestors’ constant struggle for independence: what is presented to us as peasant uprisings in the 19th century, and the revolutions of 1905 and 1917, and the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

For example, it is well known and allegedly documented that in Leningrad before the war the power consumed was 1400 MW, and during the war years (including electricity from the Volkhov hydroelectric station) - only 58 MW. And we are also officially told and even written that with such a catastrophic shortage of energy, the entire industry was working, and even trams were running! Moreover, we are told that from surrounded Leningrad A huge amount of freshly manufactured weapons and ammunition was regularly sent to the front!

Polls public opinion conducted by VTsIOM in the 1990s showed that during this period, collective ideas about the past occupied an increasingly significant place in the identity of Russians. At the same time, such a component as “antiquity, antiquity” had highest value, firstly, for people under 40 with a high level of education, and secondly, for those who were oriented towards democracy and reform. This was also matched by an exaggerated craving for the “small homeland,” which was far ahead in its importance in the self-awareness of Russians of such indicators as “our land” and “the state in which I live.”

Obviously, many people were frightened by the bloodthirsty image of Bolshevik Russia, which had been painted for several years by means of mass media. In the national republics, the image of imperial Russia, which had its own crimes on its record, was even less attractive, and much was written about them in the 1990s, for example, in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and the republics of the North Caucasus. In such a situation, it seemed quite natural for many people to want to distance themselves from all these crimes and injustices. This goal can be achieved in two ways: firstly, by appealing to a more ancient past, which was not perceived so painfully and which could be given a heroic appearance, and secondly, by focusing on “ small homeland”, which made it possible to avoid direct identification with the activities Russian state. The first led to the creation of romanticized, idealized images of antiquity, and the second led to the flourishing of local history.

The idea of ​​the significance of school history education in the process of legitimization state power now seems trivial. At the same time, without clarifying the features of the ideological landscape of Ukraine, the place of school textbooks in the structure of the ideological market and the definition of concepts, the topic of the image of Russia in Ukrainian school history textbooks turns into only a set of grievances, mutual accusations of falsification, ingratitude, betrayal, separatism, chauvinism, and thus loses all practical significance. However, in order not to avoid the stated problem, we can only outline certain initial positions without discussing them in detail. Are school history textbooks a segment of the ideological market? Is the state a monopolist in this market? How effective is this monopoly, if it exists? What are the goals and objectives of coding the historical consciousness of schoolchildren? What are the similarities and what are the differences in the forms and methods of conquering the ideological market by the ruling circles in the USSR and in independent Ukraine? Is the current state of affairs compatible with the proclaimed democratic values? If we are talking about the image of Russia, then which Russia are we talking about - the Moscow State, the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, the RSFSR or the current Russian Federation? Is it possible to identify the modern Russian Federation as Russia without Ukraine and outside Ukraine?

There is an opinion that the history of Russia and Russians was deliberately distorted.

Why was the history of Russia written in the 17th century by the Germans, and the greatest Russian academician and historian Lomonosov was sentenced to death? death penalty? And who was interested in the kidnapping scientific library Mikhail Lomonosov and the destruction of his numerous manuscripts?

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov fell into disgrace because of his disagreements with German scientists who formed the backbone of the Academy of Sciences in the 18th century. Under Empress Anna Ioannovna, a stream of foreigners poured into Russia. Starting from 1725, when the Russian Academy was created, and until 1841, the foundation of Russian history was remade by the following “benefactors” of the Russian people who arrived from Europe and spoke little Russian, but quickly became experts in Russian history.

IN Lately The “Russian theme” has become very relevant, actively used in the political sphere. The press and television are full of speeches on this topic, usually muddy and contradictory. Some say that the Russian people do not exist at all, who consider only Orthodox Christians to be Russians, who include in this concept everyone who speaks Russian, etc. Meanwhile, science has already given a completely definite answer to this question. The scientific data below is a terrible secret. Formally, this data is not classified, since it was obtained by American scientists outside the field of defense research, and was even published in some places, but the conspiracy of silence organized around it is unprecedented. The atomic project at its initial stage cannot even be compared, then some things still leaked into the press, and in this case, nothing at all.

What is this terrible secret, the mention of which is a worldwide taboo?

A number of prominent scientists in Russia and abroad question the generally accepted version of the history of the world.

In this book you will become acquainted with numerous factual materials that reveal a striking picture - it turns out that most of the discoveries in the field of archeology and geology, which indicate that man did not descend from apes at all, and has been on Earth for a very long time, were hushed up and hidden from the public. The version about the origin of man from the monkey was based on fabricated evidence, which, despite this, was presented in largest museums peace for decades.

Upon a thorough study of the facts and evidence of the use of high technology in the creation of the pyramids, it becomes obvious that these ancient monuments were not created as history suggests. And, most likely, they were created, at least with the participation of other Races - just as Traditions and Legends say. The studied similarities in methods suggest that in South America, Egypt, the Middle East and India, they were built by representatives of the same culture. Once upon a time, apparently, it was a huge Country - the same Babylon, which is equally mentioned in the Bible and ... the Bonpo tradition!

In the past, presumably - during the Renaissance in the West and during the Great Troubles in Russia, the largest forgery in the history of mankind took place. Was confiscated and destroyed old story of the world and a new, false picture was compiled, which placed people in the narrow framework of ignorance both in relation to their own nature and in the knowledge of their place in the Universe.

Exactly four hundred and thirty years ago, the greatest battle of Christian civilization took place, which determined the future of the Eurasian continent, if not the entire planet, for many, many centuries to come. Almost 200 thousand people fought in a bloody six-day battle, with their courage and dedication proving the right to exist for many peoples at once. More than 100 thousand people paid with their lives to resolve this dispute, and it is only thanks to the victory of our ancestors that we now live in the world that we are accustomed to seeing around us. In this battle, not just the fate of Rus' and the countries of Europe was decided - it was about the fate of the entire European civilization. But ask anyone educated person: What does he know about the battle that took place in 1572? And practically no one except professional historians will be able to answer you a word. Why? Because this victory was won by the “wrong” ruler, the “wrong” army and the “wrong” people. Four centuries have already passed since this victory was simply prohibited.

While independently studying northern languages, I caught one characteristic pattern that eludes anyone who is still at the very beginning of the path of studying northern languages: from edition to edition, words with a Russian root base are gradually removed from all dictionaries... and replaced by words with a Latin root base ... Official linguistics insists that, they say, the Veneti who lived in Scandinavia, who in ancient times formed a single cultural and linguistic community with the Slavs, were closer in language to the Latins. This may be partly true, I don’t dare to argue with the luminaries of linguistics. But the fact that in the modern Newspeak of the Norwegian language (nyno(r)shk), composed of hundreds of local dialects, “Russian” words are carefully removed is a fact... And if this cannot be done for some reason: there is only one argument - these words have not a “Russian” root basis, but… an “Indo-European” one. Or - which is completely out of the ordinary - they (words) in these hundred dialects were somehow borrowed from Russian... Curious, in some way? By word of mouth? If we take into account the very complex geophysical location of this country and the peculiarities of the landscape, then we can assume that the inhabitants who inhabited it a thousand years ago were undisputed innovators in terms of mass communication and... put Russian words into circulation... well, as is done through the same television , Internet or radio, finally.

The state of modern historical science has become especially clear this year - 2012 was declared by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev as the “Year of Russian History.” As of July 15, 2012 (exactly six months have passed) no results of this Year have been presented to the public. Not one of the specialized history institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences has issued either to the Russian people or to the Russian president any work, the results of which in any way shed light on at least some controversial aspects of Russian history.

And there are many such moments. Suffice it to say that we “officially” know nothing from the history of our people, which clearly took place before the 9th – 10th centuries AD. “Official” historical science to this day forces us to teach our children on historical materials formed back in the 18th and 19th centuries. And this despite the fact that such materials were openly concocted by individuals who in those years took an openly criminal position towards Russia. We do not specifically name any historical names here, because this article is intended for historians, who, of course, must independently recognize the characters described in it.

Is history a science? It would seem that the answer is known. Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC, is called the father of history. Is Augustine the Blessed considered the founder of Christian philosophy of history?

After the “founding fathers,” thousands and thousands of historians worked diligently for centuries in the fertile field of history. They created both history and philosophy of history, they founded many historical disciplines, identified and substantiated numerous historical periods. In France, already in 1701, academic historians were part of the French Academy of Inscriptions and Beaux-Letters, which had 95 full members, 40 of whom were foreign subjects. History, which became a university subject in the 19th century, is how science was taught and is taught today in many ways. educational institutions all countries of the world by thousands of specialists, teachers, associate professors and professors. All of them constitute a large and powerful army of official historical science.
And this powerful army cannot and does not want to agree with statements similar to those made by Alexey Kungurov in his article. Meanwhile, criticism of official history and chronology goes back many centuries. It began almost when, in the precise words of A. Kungurov, “...Europeans began to compose their great past...”. It is about this, about the falsification of European history and its chronology, that I would like to tell the reader.

Ilya Glazunov’s programmatic canvas “Eternal Russia,” which crowds of Muscovites and visitors once flocked to see, was originally called “One Hundred Centuries.” The period is counted from the supposed exodus of the ancient Aryans from their ancestral home, which marked the beginning of the collapse of the primary ethnolinguistic community and the emergence of independent peoples and languages ​​(previously the language was common). The symbol of the former Ancestral Home - the polar World Mountain, placed in the upper left corner, opens the visual range of Glazunov's composition.

But is it really a hundred centuries? Or is the long journey and thorny history of the Slavic-Russian tribes and other peoples of the earth not exhausted by ten thousand years? After all, Mikhailo Lomonosov named a completely different date, far beyond the boundaries of the most daring fantasy. Four hundred thousand years (more precisely, 399,000) - this is the result obtained by the Russian genius. And he relied on the calculations of Babylonian astronomers and the testimony of the Egyptians, recorded by ancient historians. It was then that one of the most severe planetary catastrophes in terms of its consequences occurred: according to Lomonosov, the earth’s axis shifted, the location of the poles changed, and ultimately, as described by Plato in the dialogue “Politician,” the Sun, which had previously risen in the west (!), began to rise in the east. According to Herodotus, this happened twice.

In the “Tale of Bygone Years” reconstructed by modern scientists, presumably belonging to the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, Monk Nestor, the first real date the year 852 AD is listed. (or in accordance with the Old Russian chronology - 6360 years “from the Creation of the world”). That year, a powerful Russian fleet appeared at the walls of Constantinople, which was recorded in the Byzantine chronicles, and from there it entered the Russian chronicles. The next, truly significant, date - 862 - is associated with the calling of Rurik and his brothers to reign. It was from then on that it was accepted for a long time count down Russian history: in 1862, the so-called 1000th anniversary of Russia was even celebrated, on the occasion of which an impressive monument designed by the sculptor Mikhail Mikeshin was erected in Veliky Novgorod, which became almost a symbol of Russian statehood and monarchism.

Generations of Russian people were brought up on textbooks and multi-volume publications on the History of Russia by Schletser, Karamzin, Solovyov, Polyakov, Kostomarov, Ilovaisky, Klyuchevsky, Pokrovsky, Tarle, Likhachev and the like. Since these authors created entire schools and tens of thousands of people repeat the ideological cliches and characteristics of the characters in History that they created, then everything that is written by these Interpreters of History and repeated tens of thousands of times is perceived as the immutable Truth. But this is far from true. An analysis of the works of representatives of this cohort of historians allows us to conclude that many of the facts and assessments presented by these “interpreters” of Russian History as Truth have not been proven. V.L. spoke out in a deadly caustic manner about this feature of the works of the “interpreters” of History. Yanin:

“Such assessments, repeated many times in different works, seem to have been justified by someone and not subject to doubt, while a study of the literature on the issue reveals that in reality the evidence never existed” (Yanin, 1990, p. 8).

Almost all of the authors listed were under the strong influence (if not the dictate) of the democratic and Masonic trends fashionable in their times, which were inherently hostile to the Russian Idea. There were other reasons for these authors, which we will consider in this chapter, to distort Domestic History. As will be shown below, this “substitution of concepts” and direct falsification of Russian History has been going on for more than 1000 years.

Connection of times of History modern Russia With the era of the Middle Ages, it was subjected to an even more fierce “attack” by interpreters of History hostile to us. Colossal resources have been spent on breaking this link of time. This "attention" is explained by the special importance medieval history Russia to understand the current stage of the struggle between Russian and Jewish ideas.

It was in the Middle Ages, after a centuries-long break, that the Jewish idea found its own state, the Khazar Kaganate, which immediately put the Idea into practice, turning the tribes living between the Urals and the Dnieper into powerless slaves. There was no more terrible yoke than this in the history of mankind. For the first time, genocide of the indigenous population was carried out on such a massive scale. Everyone who could even think about resistance (tribal leaders, warriors, priests, kulaks) was completely destroyed. The Jews, who lived in fortified settlements on the territory of the Kaganate under the protection of hired guards and their own national army, were proclaimed a superior race, to which everything was allowed in relation to the Slavs, “subhumans,” “second-class people.”

Already in the very name of the Antiquity era there is a direct allusion to the most important role of the Slavic ethnos in those distant times, for “Antiquity” is difficult to translate otherwise than: “the era of the Ants.” But the Antas, according to most ancient and modern historians, are Slavs. Perhaps the name given to the era after the names of the works ancient art and crafts, reflects the fact that throughout the Mediterranean at that time, artisans were slaves, and most of the slaves were Slavs (Antes). Unfortunately, this is no more than a hint, although regardless of this assumption, Yegor Klassen cites many facts indicating the wide participation of the Slavic ethnic group in the formation ancient culture. In particular, he cited dozens of inscriptions on ancient tombstones and sculptures (6th century BC – 5th century AD) in languages ​​“unknown” to Europeans. It turned out that these were inscriptions made in the ancient Slavic language in Latin letters. And now we write our return addresses in Russia on letters to Europe in the same way. But modern Historiography, written by professional interpreters of history, conceals a deaf silence about ancient history our ancestors, the genesis of the Russian Idea and the Russian people, which took place precisely at this time. We will talk about the reasons for such silence, and even direct falsification of our history, in this chapter.

The Romanov dynasty had “its own interest” in falsifying History.

Most of the most famous historians of that time, listed in the introduction to this chapter (Schletser, Karamzin, Solovyov, Ilovaisky, Kostomarov, Klyuchevskoy) were professionals. their well-being, like that of any professional, directly depended on those in power, who had their own ideas about what the people needed to know and what they should better forget. Let us remember once again that all these historians “created” and edited Russian History during the reign of the Romanov dynasty.

History, describing the events of the twentieth century seventy years ago, claims that the Second World War began on September 1, 1939 as a result of the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany. What was the reason for choosing this date? The main reason for taking this date as a starting point was the fact that it was then, for the first time since the end of the First World War, that hostilities began again in Europe. Another argument was the elementary convenience of calculating the duration of wartime. If we count the period from the date of entry into Poland until the date of Japan’s surrender, which occurred in early September 1945, then the duration of the Second Imperialist War was limited to six years. However, the start of the countdown to the resumption of armed conflict in Europe does not seem entirely logical. In this case, the Eurocentrism inherent in Soviet historical science comes to the fore.

Someone wants to know the truth, but someone wants to be deceived all their lives.

Humanity has secrets that are best left undiscovered.
And WE have such a secret that it’s better not to even think about it. I won’t tell anyone about her even on my deathbed.
S.P. Kapitsa

We continue to ask questions ourselves and try to find answers to them, bypassing the false official science and history. Moreover, often the artifacts and oddities of history lie under our feet. We just don't notice something...Or we don't want to notice. Stop your gaze and ask yourself: how can this be?

A friend unwittingly suggested the topic of this post to me. By asking your very interesting question - a guess. And this post will concern our forests. Yes, yes... don't be surprised...

I understand your age-old sadness...

Most of our forests are young. They are between a quarter and a third of their lives. Apparently, in the 19th century certain events occurred that led to the almost total destruction of our forests. Our forests keep big secrets...

I once came across Alexei Kungurov’s statements about Perm forests and clearings. He hinted at the hundreds of kilometers of clearings in the forests and their age. Then I thought: I walk through the forest, although not often enough, but far enough, but I didn’t notice anything unusual.

And this time the amazing feeling was repeated - the more you understand, the more new questions appear. I had to re-read a lot of sources, from materials on forestry of the 19th century, to the modern “Instructions for carrying out forest management in the forest fund of Russia.” This did not add clarity, rather the opposite. But there was a certainty that something was fishy here.

First amazing fact, which was confirmed - the dimension of the quarterly network. A quarter network, by definition, is “a system of forest quarters created on forest fund lands for the purpose of inventorying the forest fund, organizing and maintaining forestry and forest management.”

The quarterly network consists of quarterly clearings. This is a straight strip cleared of trees and shrubs (usually up to 4 m wide), laid in the forest to mark the boundaries of forest blocks. During forest management, quarterly clearings are cut and cleared to a width of 0.5 m, and their expansion to 4 m is carried out in subsequent years by forestry workers.

Fig. 2.-Picture-of-forest-quarters-in-Udmurtia

In the picture you can see what these clearings look like in Udmurtia. The picture was taken from the Google Earth program (see Fig. 2). The blocks are rectangular in shape. For measurement accuracy, a segment of 5 blocks wide is marked. It was 5340 m, which means that the width of 1 block is 1067 meters, or exactly 1 mile of travel. The quality of the picture leaves much to be desired, but my friend, who asked me a guess question, walks along these clearings all the time, and what you see from above knows well from the ground. Until that moment, he was firmly convinced that all these forest roads were the work of Soviet foresters. But why the hell did they need to mark out the quarterly network in miles?

I checked. The instructions state that blocks should be 1 by 2 km in size. The error at this distance is allowed no more than 20 meters. But 20 is not 340. However, all forest management documents stipulate that if block network projects already exist, then you should simply link to them. This is understandable; the work of laying clearings is a lot of work to redo.

Today there are already machines for cutting down glades (see Fig. 3), but we should forget about them, since almost the entire forest fund of the European part of Russia, plus part of the forest beyond the Urals, approximately to Tyumen, is divided into a mile-long block network.

Fig. 3. This is what a machine for laying clearings looks like

There are also kilometer-long ones, of course, because in the last century foresters have also been doing something, but mostly it’s the mile-long one. In particular, in Udmurtia there are no kilometer-long clearings. This means that the design and practical construction of a block network in most of the forested areas of the European part of Russia were made no later than 1918. It was at this time that the metric system of measures was adopted for mandatory use in Russia, and the mile gave way to the kilometer.

It turns out that it was done with axes and jigsaws, if we, of course, correctly understand historical reality. Considering that the forest area of ​​the European part of Russia is about 200 million hectares in size, this is a titanic task. Calculations show that the total length of the clearings is about 3 million km. For clarity, imagine the first lumberjack, armed with a saw or an ax. In a day he will be able to clear on average no more than 10 meters of clearing. But we must not forget that this work can be carried out mainly in winter. This means that even 20,000 lumberjacks, working annually, would create our excellent verst block network for at least 80 years.

But there has never been such a number of workers involved in forest management. Based on articles from the 19th century, it is clear that there were always very few forestry specialists, and the funds allocated for these purposes could not cover such expenses. Even if we imagine that for this purpose peasants were driven from surrounding villages to do free work, it is still unclear who did this in the sparsely populated areas of the Perm, Kirov, and Vologda regions.

After this fact, it is no longer so surprising that the entire quarter network is tilted by about 10 degrees and is directed not to the geographic north pole, but, apparently, to the magnetic one (the markings were carried out using a compass, not a GPS navigator), which should have been located approximately 1000 kilometers towards Kamchatka at that time. And it’s not so confusing that the magnetic pole, according to official data from scientists, has never been there from the 17th century to the present day. It’s no longer scary that even today the compass needle points in approximately the same direction in which the quarterly network was made before 1918. All this cannot happen anyway! All logic falls apart.

But it is there. And now I will finish off your consciousness, clinging to reality, and inform you that all this equipment also needs to be serviced. According to the norms, a complete audit takes place every 20 years. If it passes at all. And during this period of time, the “forest user” must monitor the clearings. Well, if in Soviet time If anyone was watching, it’s unlikely that over the past 20 years. The foresters themselves say: NOBODY CLEARS!!!
But the clearings were not overgrown. There is a windbreak, but there are no trees in the middle of the road. But in 20 years, a pine seed that accidentally fell to the ground, of which billions are sown annually, grows up to 8 meters in height. Not only are the clearings not overgrown, you won’t even see stumps from periodic clearings. This is all the more striking in comparison with power lines, which special teams regularly clear of overgrown bushes and trees.

This is what typical clearings in our forests look like. Grass, sometimes there are bushes, but no trees. There are no signs of regular maintenance (see Fig. 4 and Fig. 5).

Fig. 4. This is what a hundred-year-old clearing looks like

Fig. 5.-This is what a hundred-year-old clearing looks like

The second big mystery is the age of our forest, or the trees in this forest. In general, let's go in order. First, let's figure out how long a tree lives. Here is the corresponding table.

Height (m)
life (years)

Homemade plum

Gray alder
15-20 (25)*
50-70 (150)

up to 35
80-100 (150)

Common rowan.
4-10 (15-20)
80-100 (300)

Thuja occidentalis
over 100

Black alder
30 (35)
100-150 (300)

20-30 (35)
150 (300)

Smooth elm
25-30 (35)
150 (300-400)


Siberian fir
up to 30 (40)

Common ash.
25-35 (40)
150-200 (350)

Apple tree wild
10 (15)
up to 200

Common pear
up to 20 (30)
200 (300)

Rough elm
25-30 (40)
up to 300

Norway spruce
30-35 (60)
300-400 (500)

Common pine.
20-40 (45)
300-400 (600)

Small-leaved linden
up to 30 (40)
300-400 (600)

25-30 (50)

Cedar pine
up to 35 (40)

Prickly spruce
30 (45)

30-40 (50)
up to 500

up to 45
up to 500 (900)

1-3 (12)
500 (800-1000)

up to 100
up to 700

Cedar pine
up to 25
up to 1000

Yew berry
up to 15 (20)
1000 (2000-4000)

English oak
30-40 (50)
up to 1500

* In brackets - height and life expectancy in particularly favorable conditions.

IN different sources the numbers are slightly different, but not significantly. Pine and spruce should live up to 300...400 years under normal conditions. You begin to understand how absurd everything is only when you compare the diameter of such a tree with what we see in our forests. A 300-year-old spruce should have a trunk with a diameter of about 2 meters. Well, like in a fairy tale. The question arises: Where are all these giants? No matter how much I walk through the forest, I haven’t seen anything thicker than 80 cm. There aren’t many of them. There are individual specimens (in Udmurtia - 2 pines) that reach 1.2 m, but their age is also no more than 200 years.

In general, how does the forest live? Why do trees grow or die in it?

It turns out that there is a concept of “natural forest”. This is a forest that lives its own life - it has not been cut down. It has a distinctive feature - low crown density from 10 to 40%. That is, some trees were already old and tall, but some of them fell affected by fungus or died, losing competition with their neighbors for water, soil and light. Large gaps form in the forest canopy. A lot of light begins to get there, which is very important in the forest struggle for existence, and young animals begin to actively grow. Therefore, a natural forest consists of different generations, and crown density is the main indicator of this.

But if the forest was clear-cut, then new trees grow simultaneously for a long time, the crown density is high, more than 40%. Several centuries will pass, and if the forest is not touched, then the struggle for a place in the sun will do its job. It will become natural again. Do you want to know how much natural forest there is in our country that is not affected by anything? Please, map of Russian forests (see Fig. 6).

Fig. 6.-Map-forests-Russia

Bright shades indicate forests with a high canopy density, that is, these are not “natural forests.” And these are the majority. The entire European part is indicated in rich blue. This is, as indicated in the table: “Small-leaved and mixed forests. Forests with a predominance of birch, aspen, gray alder, often with an admixture of coniferous trees or with separate areas of coniferous forests. Almost all of them are derivative forests, formed on the site of primary forests as a result of logging, clearing, and forest fires.”

You don’t have to stop at the mountains and tundra zone, where the rarity of crowns may be due to other reasons. But the plains and middle zone are clearly covered with young forest. How young? Go and check it out. It is unlikely that you will find a tree in the forest that is older than 150 years. Even a standard drill for determining the age of a tree is 36 cm long and is designed for a tree age of 130 years. How does forest science explain this? Here's what they came up with:

“Forest fires are a fairly common phenomenon for most of the taiga zone of European Russia. Moreover: forest fires in the taiga are so common that some researchers consider the taiga as many burnt areas of different ages - more precisely, many forests formed on these burnt areas. Many researchers believe that forest fires are, if not the only, then at least the main natural mechanism for forest renewal, replacing old generations of trees with young ones..."

All this is called “dynamics of random violations.” That's where the dog is buried. The forest was burning, and burning almost everywhere. And this, according to experts, main reason the age of our forests. Not fungus, not bugs, not hurricanes. Our entire taiga is in burnt areas, and after a fire, what remains is the same as after clear cutting. Hence the high crown density throughout almost the entire forest zone. Of course, there are exceptions - truly untouched forests in the Angara region, on Valaam and, probably, somewhere else in the vast expanses of our vast Motherland. It's really fabulous there big trees in its entirety. And although these are small islands in the vast sea of ​​taiga, they prove that a forest can be like that.

What is so common about forest fires that over the past 150...200 years they have burned the entire forest area of ​​700 million hectares? Moreover, according to scientists, in a certain checkerboard order, observing the order, and certainly at different times?

First we need to understand the scale of these events in space and time. The fact that the main age of old trees in the bulk of forests is at least 100 years old suggests that the large-scale burns that so rejuvenated our forests occurred over a period of no more than 100 years. Translating into dates, for the 19th century alone. To do this, it was necessary to burn 7 million hectares of forest annually.

Even as a result of large-scale forest arson in the summer of 2010, which all experts called catastrophic in volume, only 2 million hectares burned. It turns out there is nothing “so ordinary” about this. The last justification for such a burned-out past of our forests could be the tradition of slash-and-burn agriculture. But how, in this case, can we explain the state of the forest in places where traditionally agriculture was not developed? In particular, in Perm region? Moreover, this method of farming involves labor-intensive cultural use of limited areas of forest, and not at all the uncontrolled burning of large tracts in the hot summer season, and with the wind.

Having gone through all the possible options, we can say with confidence that scientific concept"dynamics of random violations" nothing in real life is not justified, and is a myth designed to mask the inadequate state of the current forests of Russia, and therefore the events that led to this.

We will have to admit that our forests either burned intensely (beyond any norm) and constantly throughout the 19th century (which in itself is inexplicable and not recorded anywhere), or burned at once as a result of some incident, which is why we furiously deny scientific world, without having any arguments, except that nothing of the kind is recorded in official history.

To all this we can add that there were clearly fabulously large trees in old natural forests. It has already been said about the preserved areas of the taiga. It is worth giving an example regarding deciduous forests. In the Nizhny Novgorod region and Chuvashia there are very favorable climate for deciduous trees. There are a huge number of oak trees growing there. But, again, you won’t find old copies. The same 150 years, no older. Older single copies are all the same. At the beginning of the article there is a photograph of the largest oak tree in Belarus. It grows in Belovezhskaya Pushcha (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.-The largest-oak-of-Belarus

Its diameter is about 2 meters, and its age is estimated at 800 years, which, of course, is very arbitrary. Who knows, maybe he somehow survived the fires, this happens. The largest oak tree in Russia is considered to be a specimen growing in the Lipetsk region. According to conventional estimates, it is 430 years old (see Fig. 7).

Fig. 7.-The largest-oak-in-Russia

A special theme is bog oak. This is the one that is extracted mainly from the bottom of rivers. Friends from Chuvashia said that they pulled out huge specimens up to 1.5 m in diameter from the bottom. And there were many of them (see Fig. 8).

Fig. 8.-Stained oak

This indicates the composition of the former oak forest, the remains of which lie at the bottom. This means that nothing prevents current oak trees from growing to such sizes. Did the “dynamics of random disturbances” in the form of thunderstorms and lightning work in some special way before? No, everything was the same. So it turns out that the current forest has simply not reached maturity yet.....!!!

Let's summarize what we learned from this study. There are a lot of contradictions between the reality that we see with our own eyes and the official interpretation of the relatively recent past:

There is a developed block network over a vast area, which was designed in versts and was laid no later than 1918. The length of the clearings is such that 20,000 lumberjacks, using manual labor, would take 80 years to create it. The clearings are maintained very irregularly, if at all, but they do not become overgrown.

On the other hand, according to historians and surviving articles on forestry, there was no funding of comparable scale and the required number of forestry specialists at that time. There was no way to recruit such a number of free work force. There was no mechanization to facilitate this work.

We need to choose: either our eyes deceive us, or the 19th century was not at all what historians tell us. In particular, there could be mechanization commensurate with the tasks described. It’s interesting what this steam engine from the film “The Barber of Siberia” could have been intended for (see Fig. 9). Or is Mikhalkov a completely unimaginable dreamer?

There could also be less labor-intensive efficient technologies laying and maintaining clearings, lost today (some distant analogue of herbicides). It is probably stupid to say that Russia has not lost anything since 1917. Finally, it is possible that clearings were not cut, but trees were planted in blocks in areas destroyed by fire. This is not such nonsense compared to what science tells us. Although doubtful, it at least explains a lot.

Our forests are much younger than the natural lifespan of the trees themselves. This is evidenced by the official map of Russian forests and our eyes. The age of the forest is about 150 years, although pine and spruce under normal conditions grow up to 400 years and reach 2 meters in thickness. There are also separate areas forests of trees of similar age.

According to experts, all our forests are burnt. It is fires, in their opinion, that do not give trees a chance to live to their natural age. Experts do not even allow the thought of the simultaneous destruction of vast expanses of forest, believing that such an event could not go unnoticed. In order to justify this ashes, official science adopted the theory of “dynamics of random disturbances.” This theory proposes that forest fires are considered a common occurrence, destroying (according to some incomprehensible schedule) up to 7 million hectares of forest per year, although in 2010 even 2 million hectares destroyed as a result of deliberate forest fires were called a disaster.

We need to choose: either our eyes are deceiving us again, or some grandiose events of the 19th century with particular impudence were not reflected in the official version of our past. The simultaneous destruction of 200...400 million hectares of forest is even easier to imagine and hide than the undying, 100-year fire proposed for consideration by science.

So what is the age-old sadness of Belovezhskaya Pushcha about? Is it not about those severe wounds of the earth that the young forest covers? After all, giant fires don’t happen by themselves... What happened then and what is being so carefully hidden from us???

And finally, a little riddle-question for you :-)) Regarding my favorite city on the Neva:

Many of you have seen the Atlanteans of the Hermitage. According to the latest data from independent experts, the Atlases are made of geopolymer concrete. It turns out that 200 years ago our ancestors knew the secret of geopolymer concrete, and we, with our level of development, were only able to rediscover this material at the end of the 20th century.

QUESTION: If just 200 years ago this was the most common material, then what happened that so sharply shortened our memory and impoverished our knowledge?


While historians continue to scrutinize the Pugachev uprising and the Great Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries, Napoleonic wars– and other “true” events, representatives of alternative history are slowly but surely destroying the foundations of official historical science.

Peter I? Catherine the Great? Vladimir Red Sun? – Forget about these mythical characters imposed from school.

The time has come to talk seriously about the colossal manipulation of historical facts, the nuclear war of the 19th century, the miraculous technologies of our (or not quite our) ancestors and the unbridled appetite of creatures from other galaxies, sucking minerals from the bowels of the Earth and cutting off the fertile layer from our planet along with trees and shrubs , grass, streams and lakes.

Until recently, the literary works of the great classics remained one of the few obstacles before which representatives of alternative history gave in.

In fact, if representatives of alternative history are right in their statements, then why didn’t Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and other classics say anything about the military conflict on a planetary scale that happened in the 19th century? – Alexey Kungurov, a supporter of alternative history, speaks quite confidently about this event in his videos.

“Demons” by Dostoevsky – a novel about alien invaders of the Earth?

“Demons” is a novel written by Dostoevsky in 1871-1872. Perhaps it was in this work that Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky encrypted a grandiose message for readers, amazing in its content.

In the very first chapter of “Demons,” which tells about Stepan Trofimovich Verkhovensky, Dostoevsky, with the sarcasm and tendency to inflate mystery characteristic of his narrative style, retells the plot of the poem that Stepan Trofimovich wrote in his young years.

It’s difficult for me to tell the plot, because, in truth, I don’t understand anything about it.“,” the character in the novel “Demons,” on whose behalf the narration is told, speaks of Stepan Verkhovensky’s poem. What is the writer talking about here?

Let's imagine that during Dostoevsky's life on Earth really some grandiose event occurred that he could not tell his readers directly about. And, talking about Verkhovensky’s poem, the writer is actually talking about a large-scale conflict between the civilizations of the Earth - or between the humanity of the Earth and entities from distant stars, which happened in the 19th century. And about which official historical science does not know.

One civilized young man wanders between the cliffs, picking and sucking some herbs, and when asked by the fairy: why is he sucking these herbs? - answers that he, feeling an excess of life in himself, seeks oblivion and finds it in the juice of these herbs; but that his main desire is to lose his mind as quickly as possible...”

Who is this young man? “Perhaps this is an image of the civilization of that time, which was spiritually so degraded that in its madness it desired to “lose your mind as quickly as possible.”

It is also likely that with the words “to lose your mind as quickly as possible,” Dostoevsky expressed the goal of some powerful world forces who wanted to reshape the consciousness of humanity in their own way, to erase people’s memory of the past in order to lay the foundations of a new – “official”, as it is now called, history.

By the way, special attention deserve the abnormal actions of one of the main characters of the novel, Nikolai Stavrogin. One of these actions was that Stavrogin grabbed a socially respected man by the nose and dragged him in this position for several steps. The writer seems to be telling us: “Look, humanity! So they drag you around by the nose throughout your entire story, and you don’t notice it.”

Then suddenly a young man of indescribable beauty rides in on a black horse, and a terrible multitude of all nations follows him. The youth represents death, and all nations thirst for it.”

Here Dostoevsky is not even encrypted. Almost directly he writes about a certain enemy of humanity, so powerful that the peoples of the Earth see in him the death that they themselves crave. But what kind of enemy is this? Maybe these are some highly developed creatures from an unknown Universe who decided to subjugate people? Or maybe it's deadly dangerous virus spiritual decline, which originated within the earthlings themselves and forced them to go to war against each other? It is also likely that we are talking about weapons of mass destruction like nuclear bomb.

Indications of distortion of human history in other works of Dostoevsky

In Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov’s dream (already in hard labor, after his conviction) is noteworthy:

“In his illness, he dreamed that the whole world was condemned to be a victim of some terrible, unheard of and unprecedented pestilence coming from the depths of Asia to Europe. All were to perish, except for a few, very few, chosen ones. Some new trichinae appeared, microscopic creatures that inhabited people’s bodies. But these creatures were spirits, gifted with intelligence and will. People who accepted them into themselves immediately became possessed and crazy. But never, never have people considered themselves as smart and unshakable in the truth as the infected believed. They have never considered their verdicts, their scientific conclusions, their moral convictions and beliefs more unshakable. Entire villages, entire cities and peoples became infected and went crazy.”.

This passage can be safely taken in its entirety and understood as the writer’s testimony (albeit artistic) about the incomprehensible events that happened on Earth in the 19th century.

Other indications of the reformatting of human history in Dostoevsky’s works concern St. Petersburg.

Fans of alternative historical concepts cite the complexity of the architecture of St. Petersburg as the main argument indicating a distortion of history. Allegedly, this city is too amazing and fantastic to be built by backward feudal Russia without the use of sophisticated technologies.

Dostoevsky also loved St. Petersburg in his own way. In “Notes from Underground” their hero lives in St. Petersburg,” himself abstract and deliberate city on everything globe “. – A rather meaningful phrase that gives adherents of alternative history the opportunity to interpret it in their own way.

It is obvious that many such passages from the works of the great writer can be unearthed.

Where is the truth?

Historical science will never accurately and clearly describe this or that event of the past. And what does it mean to “describe accurately and clearly”? After all, we write history ourselves. And people suffer from bias. That's why we are people.

In addition, the power elite in any country is interested in writing the “correct” (convenient for them) history. Just look at how the same event is interpreted in different countries. As a rule, people who control the main levers of society do not hesitate to give recommendations on how to cover events.

Anyone who doesn't like the official story makes up one my version of events. Believe this alternative version or deny it is the independent choice of each person.

As for Dostoevsky, he is too inaccessible in his genius creativity so that someone could shake his greatness. And such a frivolous and partly humorous article like this is even more incapable of doing this.

Official history is a screen for hiding the truth. But this screen is of poor quality and is torn more and more every year, patches no longer help. The blinders of matrix perception are pulled over our eyes and do not allow us to see the reality behind the virtual images that have been instilled in us since childhood. We have forgotten how to distinguish the virtual picture shown to us from real life. This is used by the people who control our world to keep us in slavery, giving us the illusion of freedom.

We think that we are being deceived in small things, but in general we are in control of the situation. However, in reality we are being deceived in a big way and in the main thing. We have lost the ability to correctly perceive reality.

The formation of human consciousness begins with kindergarten and continues throughout life. The virus, introduced into our consciousness in the form of an idea and stereotyped materialistic thinking, forms in us a slavish perception and inability to distinguish truth from lies. Many facts and artifacts lie before our eyes, but we pass by them and do not notice, preoccupied with a barrage of continuous problems and satisfying constantly growing needs.

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history. Part 1. Armor

From program to program, Alexey Kungurov shows how distortion of real history has a detrimental effect on the formation of a correct, critical perception of the world around us and the processes taking place. Convincingly proving that we can hardly imagine what happened 200 years ago. And more ancient history goes, already, into the realm of guesswork.

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history. Part 1.1. Armor. Continuation

Alexey Kungurov provides explanations for Part 1, responding to numerous comments. Once again emphasizing that the level of armor manufacturing technology suggests that our ancestors were not illiterate barbarians, this is just an example of our distorted idea of ​​the Middle Ages.

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history. Part 1.2. Armor. Addition

The author once again addresses the topic of armor. Corrects mistakes made and deepens consideration of the issue from the perspective of alternative history. It is emphasized that the approach to the topic is carried out from the position of technological reconstruction. Some points of justification for the theory of nuclear war 200 years ago are given. The issue of global catastrophe will be discussed in more detail in a separate program.

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history. Part 2. Greek temples

Alexey Kungurov continues the theme he started, using examples of Greek architecture, showing the failure of the “antiquity” of some temples. Once again drawing attention to the discrepancy between classical history and factual material.

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history. Part 3. Technologies

Alexey Kungurov shows how a product can be used to judge the technological level of production at which it was made. The question is raised about where all the machines, technologies and skills of Rus' of the 18th and 19th centuries went. Prerequisites are given for the possibility of a nuclear war about 200 years ago, which destroyed technology and production.

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history. Part 4. Alexandria Column

How, by whom and when was it built Alexandria Column? What technologies were used? And where are they? Why is information about construction given only by Montferan? And what is the generally accepted opinion so assiduously hiding?

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history. Part 5. St. Isaac's Cathedral

A grandiose building - St. Isaac's Cathedral. And again, upon closer examination, everything that is “known” about its construction turns out to be falsification.

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history. Part 6. Hermitage

The Hermitage was built, officially, in 8 years. At the same time, it was rebuilt several times. But the fact is that even at the current level of production, the state will not be able to build such a structure now. There are no technologies, skills, or machines to produce individual parts with such quality and quantity. If we try to do this, the cost will exceed the preparation of the Olympics in Sochi. The question is: how high was the level of technology in Rus' in the 18th-19th centuries?

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history. Part 7. Stone-cutting art

Modern master stone-cutters say unequivocally: such stone bowls cannot be made without machines. If you look closely at the stone decoration of St. Petersburg, where all the embankments and canals for tens of kilometers are treated with stone, it is simply ridiculous to talk about the manual production of so many products.

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history. Part 8. Cold snap. Steam locomotives

Continuation of the theme of deliberate distortion of history. The author draws your attention to the dramatic climate change, which is easily visible in known facts. Its possible causes and consequences are touched upon. Using steam locomotives as an example, the obvious discrepancy between steam traction and technology is shown. A short overview of metal processing technologies presented in the Nizhny Tagil Museum.

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history. Part 9. Religions

The program gives ideas about the now forgotten Solar Cult (as a single worldview system of views and knowledge). An alternative view on the history of the emergence and advancement of religions is considered.

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history. Part 10. Impact

Alexey Kungurov. Distortion of history. Part 11. Deception

The final episode of the “Distortion of History” series. The film tells about a whole system of changing the consciousness of humanity. Alexey Kungurov reveals step by step the mechanisms for creating a closed matrix for the Mind. The film was created for thinking people.

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