Real test for date of death. Numerology secrets: how to find out the date of death

Many people want to look into the future and calculate dates important events. Among the burning questions is the question of how much time is left until the end life path. It is impossible to predict the date of death with absolute accuracy, but you can try to calculate it. Numerological teachings, rooted in ancient times, offer two ways to find out the age at which death is most likely and certain circumstances the latter way adding the numbers of the date of birth or the digital values ​​of the letters of the name. The correspondence table is given for two alphabets - Cyrillic and Latin. A detailed interpretation is given for each result.

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    Death date prediction and numerology

    Many people want to look into the future and know in advance what tomorrow has in store for them. One of the most pressing questions is how much time is left until the end of life’s journey. It is impossible to predict the expected death with absolute accuracy, but you can try to calculate how long to wait for someone to die, based on some facts. People have been trying to determine how long someone’s life will last since time immemorial, so most of the esoteric teachings developed by humanity have ways to get an answer to this question. Having familiarized yourself with them, you can make an assumption about how long a person will live in this world or calculate the critical moments when death comes very close and you need to be vigilant so as not to fall into its hands.

  1. birth, including not only the day and month of birth, but also the year.
  2. 1. All numbers of the date of birth must be added. It can be a single or double digit number.
  3. 2. If the result is two-digit, the numbers are added again, achieving a number from 1 to 9.

3. The calculation is completed, it’s time to interpret the resulting symbol.

By last name and first name

This method is based on replacing the letters of the first and last name with numerical equivalents. Middle name data is sometimes also taken into account. The method of further calculation coincides with that described above.

  1. The most truthful calculation will be one made on the basis of the most current information - the name with which a person is accustomed to associate himself, and not the one that appears in the documents. This means that those who usually call themselves by a diminutive form or by a pet nickname should make calculations for both options - both the running form and the full form. It is believed that the latter contains programmatic, ideal information about fate, while the real situation is reflected by the name by which a person is called, so the calculation for both options will be as complete as possible. If you need to choose one thing, it is recommended to prefer actual data to passport data. 1. Using the above table of correspondences, you should present the data in the form number sequence
  2. (hint: the number of characters must match the original number of letters).

2. All numbers are added together until a result from 1 to 9 is obtained.

Interpretation of results

Number 1 suggests that you don’t have to worry about death until you are old enough. The death of such a person is expected between 80 and 85 years.

The number 3 portends relative calm until old age: at the middle stage of life, numerologists recommend paying attention to only one age: 44 years. Last years The owners of such a result are often overshadowed by diseases, which accelerate the decline of life.

The number 4 gives the impression of being happy: it is a sign of a long-lived person. Crossing the century mark is a common occurrence for this group of people. They live out their lives to the fullest, without being prone to suffer from health problems.

The number 5 has common features with a four and a two. These people balance on the brink, living through several critical periods: 3, 15, 24, 48, 62 and 76 years. However, luck accompanies them: they miraculously escape danger. Correct behavior can save the life of the owner of this result for a long time.

The number 6 is a mystery for numerologists. We can only say that the 13, 22, 47 and 68 years of life are risky. When seeking information about end-of-life, it is recommended that you look at your individual circumstances. Life expectancy is associated with karma.

People who receive the number 7 are considered lucky in terms of avoiding danger, but protection weakens around the 24th, 36th and 61st years of life. The death of those born under the sign of seven is associated with the action of the water or fire elements.

If the calculation results in the number 8, numerologists suggest that death is often close to a person. For this reason, any risky situation poses the greatest danger to this group of people. “Caution above all else” is the actual motto recommended to members of this group.

The number 9, although it is the largest on this list, predicts a short life that will end abruptly and suddenly. Nine warns those born under its sign against bad habits, alcohol and nicotine consumption. It is recommended to be attentive to your body and take diligent care of its condition. Particular zeal should be shown at the ages of 16, 23, 38, 47 years. This tactic increases the chances of getting into the ranks of the lucky ones who survived the fifth anniversary. This period of half a century seems short, but for Nine people it represents a good and very rare result.

Many people try to find out what awaits them in the future and whether it is possible to somehow predict events in life. Among the important but sad dates is the day of a person’s death. It is impossible to predict exactly when a person will die, but it can be estimated approximately. The date of death from the date of birth is easily calculated.

Numerology and time of death

Everyone has thought at least once about how long they have in this world. This question was relevant even in ancient times, and even now many want to know this terrible date, but no one can predict it absolutely accurately. But you can try to calculate year of death using facts, figures etc.

Our ancestors tried their best to find ways to predict death or those moments when death was already creeping up. It got to the point that people came up with tests for the date of death based on the date of birth. This was done in order to protect the person and prolong life for the maximum possible amount of time.

Numerology is the science of numbers. It has been known for a long time and has changed over time. Now her popularity is growing every day. Numerology is based on the knowledge that any object, event, and even the world can be reduced to some numerical value. It is the numbers that will tell all the necessary information. Numerologists have invented several ways to calculate future death.


In numerology, it is generally accepted that the numbers in a person’s birthday can tell all important and secret information about their bearer. This list also includes the so-called dangerous years, when a person is as close to the edge as possible, and any mistake can be fatal. That is why it is possible to calculate the possible date of death or dates.

In this science, there is a whole hypothesis about the relationship between the date of birth and the number of years lived. There are even special calculation schemes that allow you to set such a date. To do this, you just need to perform simple arithmetic operations. In numerology, for such calculations you need all the data: your year, month and date of birth. It is best to have all the necessary information in front of your eyes when making calculations. You can write them down on a piece of paper or open the document on your computer, etc. This will make the counting process very simple:

  • Birth numbers add up to each other. The result is a single or double digit number;
  • If the result is two digits, the numbers must again be added together. For example: 18 = 1+8. The result is 9. That's the whole calculation. You can use a calculator for speed or do it online. All that remains is to correctly interpret the resulting number.

First and last name

There is another way to calculate. Only in this version, the letters of the first and last name are replaced with numbers. Sometimes in special cases the fortuneteller’s middle name is also taken into account. Here is an approximate calculation method:

It would be better if, when making calculations, you use the name that is associated with yourself, and not what is written in the documents. This way the calculations will be the most accurate and truthful. So in some cases, you can make several calculations at once: with a name that has become attached to a person and with a pet nickname or diminutive form of a name.

It is generally accepted that settlement with full name contains all the information about a person, his fate. And the named person’s name reflects the real situation. Because of this, these calculations together will provide complete and reliable information. And if you need to choose one of two calculations, then it is better to do it according to your passport data.

Approximate results

Now that after all the calculations, calculations and mathematical operations one number has been obtained, we can begin to interpret. Each number has its own meaning:

Determination of dangerous periods of life

Numerology is a science that predicts dual and strange events and periods in a person’s life. Using the date of birth, calculating the date of death in numerology is quite simple, so the calculation can easily result in several dates. This happens because human life changeable and mobile. It all depends on the person himself, his lifestyle and external factors.

Below we will indicate a method that helps to calculate not the day of death, but the most dangerous periods of life, during which there is a high risk of poor health. To make the calculation, you need to add up all the numbers from the date of birth. The result should be a prime number. For example: 07/03/1974 = 0+3+0+7+1+9+7+4 = 31 = 3+1 = 4.

And in the end, all that remains is to find out what the resulting number means:

Specific examples

These theories about predicting death by date of birth are easily confirmed by the example famous people and answer the question of how to find out when a person will die. For example, Michael Jackson died at 50 years old. Was born famous singer 08/28/1958. The sum of the birth numbers makes 5. This number predicts one of the dangerous periods - 47 years. As a result, the discrepancy was only 3 years.

Boris Yeltsin. The leader was born on 02/01/1931. The sum of the numbers is 8. The number indicates death between 65 and 75 years. The politician died at 76 years old. So we can conclude that the numerological prediction of the day of death is quite correct. And the differences are very small.

If the calculation indicates several options for the time of death, then this sign is best considered as a warning. During these periods you need to be most careful, monitor your health and avoid dangers.

Numerological interpretation

This calculation based on numbers is more vague; with its help, it is unlikely to be able to accurately calculate how many years you have left to live, at what age you will leave this world. With its help, it is possible to find out what life will be like. This fortune telling is for those people who want to know information about the date of death, but are afraid of an accurate forecast. In order to calculate it, you need to refer to the date of your birth. To do this, you just need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth, you should get a number from 1 to 9. This number will determine the approximate time of death:

Existing prejudices

Many people think about the date of death and strive to find out how to calculate the date of death; they are not afraid to think about the topic “how many years will I live according to my date of birth.” But when they find out, they begin to experience stress and anxiety, so it is not recommended for sensitive and nervous people to engage in such calculations.

But if the received date does not leave your head, then nothing can be done. You just need to remember that life depends on the person himself, his actions, character, and actions. So there is no need to be puzzled by the not-so-favorable prognosis and assume anything. Life can always be changed.

Test for the date of death: tips from numerologists + advice from palmists + 5 online fortune telling + 8 bad omens+ life story.

You are one of those brave people who are not afraid not only of the sounds of thunder, spiders and being late for the train, but also a little

How about finding out how long you'll live? Will you have time to raise your son, plant that notorious tree and build family nest somewhere outside the city?

It is for such brave souls that there are tests for the date of death. Moreover, each direction in esotericism has its own way of determining life expectancy.

Numbers are our everything: test for the date of death from numerologists!

Who else should you ask about how long you will live if not numerologists - these masters of numbers?
They claim that you first need to “sum up” your exact date of birth to get it down to a single number.

For example, you were born on December 19, 1980. Add the numbers: 1+9+1+2+1+9+8+0=31. We repeat mathematical operation one more time: 3+1= 4.

Now let’s look at what the number from the numerology test for the date of death portends for you:

  1. rejoice and have fun, because you will live to an old age (over 80 years old), and most importantly, your life will be easy and fun;
  2. the test advises you to be careful, as there is a high probability of dying in an accident at a young or middle age. Hmm, hold off on buying a motorcycle!
  3. a good option for the date of death: you will live to old age, and only in old age will illnesses occur;
  4. everything is perfect here: there is every chance, according to the test for the date of death, to live up to 100 years, to become a real family legend. Moreover, you will feel good until the end of your days;
  5. you have a very strong guardian angel who has saved you from death more than once (accidents, drownings, fires, etc.). If you do not cause harm to others, you can live a long and rich life;
  6. the duration of your life depends on your closest ancestors: if they did not spoil your karma too much with bad deeds (murder, adultery, abortions, etc.), then you will live a long time, there is nothing to worry about.

    Otherwise, make amends for the sins of your relatives good deeds– give alms often, visit lonely old people, make a donation to a charitable foundation.
    And then you’ll be great at pushing back the date of death.

  7. the test for the date of death warns: you need to be wary of the effects of natural elements (water, fire, strong wind, etc.).

    Accordingly, you should not apply to become a sailor, firefighter or rescuer. A little caution - and you will live to old age surrounded by loving children and grandchildren;

  8. Are you sure you're wondering when you'll die? The test states that you sometimes take life lightly and higher powers get the impression that you don’t really need it. Maybe slow down a little?

    Otherwise, there is a high probability of dying without caring for your grandchildren;

  9. the test predicts you will die before the age of 50 if you take your health lightly. This is the rare case when tobacco, alcohol and even coffee and strong tea are contraindicated.

    But yoga, a swimming pool and annual preventive examinations with doctors are highly, highly recommended.

Test for the date of death from palmists: studying the life line on the hand

They like to shock their clients with information not only about the number of future marriages and children, but also to conduct their own test on the date of death:

A friend of the author of the article, Svetlana Arkadyevna, has always been a sick woman: either sand in her kidneys, appendicitis, purulent tonsillitis, or even a heart attack. But, as an amateur palmist, she did not take all these ailments seriously:

“Come on, I’ll get through it, my life line says that I’ll live at least until I’m 80 years old. You can’t wait to die soon,” the woman smiled radiantly when she was asked about her well-being.

Indeed, Svetlana Arkadyevna passed away at the age of 82, and in her sleep. And no hospitals and torment...

Online test for date of death

For the curious but lazy, the Internet helpfully offers online tests on the date of death, for example:


Here are just 5 online resources where you can find out the estimated date of death.

IMPORTANT! Do not take such online fortune telling too seriously, because their creators know nothing about your lifestyle, health, work, etc.

Let these tests just make you think that it would be a good idea to join a gym, meet a charming young man in your face (life is short, you can't miss the chance!) and adopt a puppy from the shelter.

Interesting facts about death:

Test for the date of death in folk style: 8 very bad signs

Even if you wouldn't consider taking a date of death test, there are folk signs, which foreshadow a person’s imminent death:

  1. The fall of an icon (or simply when the glass on it cracks) has long frightened people. Like, soon there will be death in the house. Therefore, the images on the walls were attached almost tightly, using several nails.
  2. In the old days, cats were not allowed to lie on the table. It was believed that this was how he prepared a place for the coffin. So you drive away your furry scoundrel as soon as possible!
  3. Under no circumstances should you rock a baby's cradle if it is not there. This portends death for the child! Although, of course, you shouldn’t scold your older brother if he accidentally touched the crib.
  4. A bird that suddenly lands on your shoulder also promises death. Naturally, we're talking about not about your pet parrot or the pigeons you feed in the park.

    A bird (no matter which one) flying into the house is also considered a bad sign. To prevent her from bringing death to someone in her household on her wings, she must be caught and released away from her home.

  5. You should be wary if you see a light in a cemetery in broad daylight. Esotericists claim that this is how the spirits of the dead warn a person that he does not have long left in this world.

    But don’t rush to get scared - perhaps someone just came to visit the graves of relatives and lit a cigarette.

  6. When in absence strong wind suddenly the roof was torn off or it fell through - this bad sign for the inhabitants of the home.

    Our ancestors believed that this foreshadowed the imminent death of someone in the household.

  7. A woodpecker chiseling the wall of a house thus shortens the life of the owner. To avoid inviting death, the bird must be driven away.
  8. The dog howls with its muzzle down - it mourns the imminent death of someone with whom it lives in the same house.

And this is only a small part of what, according to our ancestors, portends death to a person.

However, even if this happened to you, and the test for the date of death frightened you, do not despair!

In that case, our grandmothers argued that in order for the sad prediction not to come true, you need to talk about it to a loved one. The energy of his love will overcome the bad omen.

Believers, in order to feel relief, should go to church for confession and communion. After all, no date of death test is 100% accurate. So live and enjoy every day!

This calculator will allow you to calculate the duration own life and find out the estimated date of natural death. Our service was developed based on the methodology of the famous American geriatrician (a specialist in age-related changes), a researcher at Harvard Medical School, Thomas Perls.

Answer 25 simple questions about your life and find out how long it can last.

Please indicate gender:

(Required to fill out)

Please indicate your date of birth

(Required to fill out)

Do you smoke (or often spend time in smoking company)?

You eat more than two donuts, buns, pies, etc. in a day?

Do you often eat deep-fried meat and fish?

Do you try to eat sweets and/or fatty foods as little as possible?

Are you trying to limit your meat consumption?

Alcohol: do you drink more than 0.5 liters of beer, two glasses of wine or 70 g of vodka every day?

Do you live in a big city?

Do you drink a lot of coffee (more than two large or three small cups per day)?

Do you regularly (at least 2-3 times a week) take aspirin or other painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs?

Do you brush your teeth every day and visit the dentist regularly (at least once every 6 months)?

Do you have regular bowel movements (at least once every two days)?

Can we say that you often engage in promiscuous sexual relationships?

Do you take drugs?

Do you often sunbathe?

Do you live in an area with increased level radiation? (If you don't know the answer, put "no".)

Are you married?

Do you know how to cope with stress without getting depressed?

Are there any diabetics in your immediate family?

Did either of your parents die before the age of 75 (the answer is “yes” only in case of natural death, from disease...)?

Were (or are there) long-livers in your family - over 87 years old?

Do you not like sports, do you try to sit or lie down more?

Do you regularly take a multivitamin (or vitamins A and E separately)?

Live to be a hundred: a plan for active longevity

Prospects to live not to the average (in Russia) 66 years, but at least to 80-85 years, and not just live, but save high quality life, which directly depends on health, is available only to those who follow the 10 golden rules...

Rejection of bad habits

No matter how trivial it sounds. Smoking shortens life expectancy by an average of four years. Smokers are 10.8 times more likely to develop lung cancer than people without the habit.

Healthy lifestyle

This phrase means not only proper nutrition– it is also important to adhere to a daily routine with a mandatory 8-hour night sleep. And we must not forget about moderate physical activity.


Avoid situations where you could get injured. Any injury is damage to the body, which makes itself felt over the years and limits mobility. But, as you know, movement is life.

Taking care of your health

Try to undergo an annual medical examination, which includes: examination by a therapist, general tests urine, blood, biochemical blood test, fluorography, ultrasound of internal organs. And also carry out disease prevention - get annual flu shots, vaccinations when traveling to exotic countries, and take out health insurance.

Fresh air

It is advisable to spend as much time as possible in nature, away from major cities. Most centenarians live in villages. The temperate mountain climate is especially useful in this sense.

Good psychological state

The most important pillar of positive well-being is a strong family. Try to keep healthy family relationships. It is known that married people live longer. For example, in Japan, the mortality rate of single men aged 35-44 is 4.3 times higher than that of married men.

Agility of mind

Be interested in new things, explore new horizons. Systematic mental activity trains the brain, just as fitness classes train the body. Particularly important here creative activity. Many scientists, directors, artists, writers maintain clarity of mind until old age. Getting used to a new environment stimulates adaptation processes in the body, which counteracts its aging.


When retiring, many people do not know what to do with themselves. Think about this in advance. It is advisable to decide what you will do when you leave your job long before this moment. Labor activity prolongs life, because among long-livers there is not a single lazy person known.

Changing your diet as you age

After 30 years, the level of basal metabolic rate begins to decline, which means the body requires fewer calories. But most people don’t think about it and continue to consume food in the same volume and quality. Top tip: Gradually reduce calories and give preference to plant foods. There are studies showing that low calorie diet increases lifespan in mice. And people who have ever experienced famine live longer on average than others.

Optimistic attitude towards life and constructive life position

In old age, the attitude towards life does not change, but it manifests itself more clearly. Therefore, positive, non-depressive people who lead active image life, despite their passport age, they maintain social contacts longer, and in general their life expectancy is higher.

10 steps to a long life

Although humans are genetically guaranteed to live 150 years, our lifetime is significantly shorter. And if the average Japanese manages to live to 79 years, then Nigerians and Somalis barely reach 47.

Our compatriots are somewhere in the middle. Meanwhile, having carefully studied the experience of centenarians, experts have developed 10 rules, following which you can prolong your earthly existence.

Rule 1: Don't overeat

If you do not do heavy physical work, 2000 kilocalories per day will be enough for you. In this way, you will provide relief to your cells and support their activity.

Rule 2: the menu must be age appropriate

For 30-year-old women, the first wrinkles will appear later if they regularly eat nuts and occasionally liver. People over 40 years old benefit from beta-carotene, which is abundant in carrots, as well as other orange, yellow and red vegetables and fruits. After 50 years, calcium is in the form of bones, and magnesium is in the heart.

Men over 40 need selenium, found in cheese and kidneys: this mineral helps relieve stress. After 50, eating fish, the stronger sex will protect the heart and blood vessels.

Rule 3: Don't rush to retire

Those who do not work look, on average, 5 years older than their age, researchers have found. By the way, some professions, according to sociologists, help preserve youth.

Among the most centenarians are conductors, philosophers, artists and priests.

4th rule: sex is the elixir of youth

During sexual intercourse, the body produces endorphins - the so-called hormones of happiness. They help strengthen the immune system. A man who has sex twice a week looks 14 years younger than his peers.

5th rule: do not be discouraged under any circumstances

Doctors no longer have any doubt: optimists live much longer than pessimists.

Rule 6: Move

Even a few minutes of exercise a day can prolong your life. During training, growth hormone is released, the production of which declines sharply after 30 years.

Rule 7: Sleep in a cool room

Anyone who sleeps at a temperature of +17+18°C remains young longer. After all, metabolism in the body and the manifestation age-related changes depend on the ambient temperature.

Rule 8: try to get as many positive emotions as possible

From time to time we need to allow ourselves unreasonable pleasures: a large piece of high-calorie cake, a late-night spree with friends, dancing until you drop, reading a detective story for several hours in a row - all this helps us live long!

9th rule: do not extinguish your anger, let it break out

It turns out that 64% of cancer patients have always suppressed anger in themselves.

Rule 10: Give the gray cells work

Solve crosswords, read a lot, study foreign languages, count in your mind... By forcing the brain to work actively, a person not only keeps a clear head, but also simultaneously activates the activity of the heart, circulatory system and metabolism.

Article provided by the magazine website

Most people would like to know their future and the dates of important life events. One of the burning issues is the moment of the end of life's journey. Some people would like to have this information, others, on the contrary, are afraid to even think about it. own death. Unfortunately or fortunately, the end of life date can only be calculated astrologically, and then only under the condition that the place and time of birth is absolutely known down to the minute.

But for those who are especially curious, you can do numerological calculation in two ways. He will give an approximate forecast. Don’t be surprised if the numbers turn out different in each case - this once again confirms the fact that life scenario has many options, and their embodiment in reality is determined by a person’s choice.

1. In order to find out the date of death of a person born, for example, on November 19, 1955, you need sum the date, month and year of birth and bring the resulting value to a single digit number as follows: 1+9+1+1+1+9+5+5=32=3+2=5

2. Replace the letters of your first and last name with numbers(it is worth considering that if in life you call yourself by a name other than that written in your passport, for example, not Anastasia, but Stasya, it is worth calculating both options) as follows:

Unit (1) replaces letters: A I S b, Deuce (2)B Y T Y, Three (3)V K U L, Four (4)G L F E, Five (5)D M X Y, Six (6)E N C Y, Seven (7)Y O H, Eight (8)F P, Nine (9)Z R Sh.

Now choose the method that you like best and read the forecast:

1 – You have every chance of becoming a long-liver. 80 is not the limit for you. A bright and full of events life, and death will be easy and quick.

2 – You should be afraid of dying from an accident at 7, 19, 29, 45 or 67 years old. Take care of yourself and live happily ever after.

3 – Health is not yours strong point, however, until the age of 44 you should not worry too much. But at this age (plus or minus a couple of years) there is a risk of becoming seriously ill and, so that the disease does not lead to a sad outcome, do not let it go and undergo regular examinations.

4 – Your health may be the envy of all the other “numbers”. You have every opportunity to live to a ripe old age with a sound mind and lead an active lifestyle.

5 “You’ve been walking on the edge all your life, but a lucky chance helps you avoid death every time.” Critical years can be: 3.15, 24, 48, 62. Don’t play with fate - get a chance for a long life.

6 – You are the owner of burdened karma, and it is this that will influence the outcome of life. You should be especially careful at 13, 22, 47 and, if you live, 68 years of age.

7 – You risk dying in a disaster, most likely on water or in fire. Try to avoid these elements if possible. You should be especially careful at 24, 36 and 61 years of age.

8 – The date of your death partly depends on you, since you like to take risks. There is a high probability that you will die through your own fault, and this can happen at any age.

9 – You are a follower of bad habits, you don’t care about your own health, so even 50 is lucky for you. A particularly dangerous time is childhood and adolescence, and later 38 and 47 years old, since life can end suddenly. Change your lifestyle to live a long life.

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