Alexey Romanof: “My music will never be the same. Vintage History of the group (Vintaj Photo) Russian group, Anna Pletneva, Alexey Romanov Alexey Romanov vintage biography

Alexey always communicated with the press very selectively and reluctantly. Since January of this year, he has generally remained silent, sometimes posting posts on Instagram - mainly about the history of the hits he wrote or congratulations on the premieres of friends. And the public has accumulated questions, judging by the comments on social networks.

It seems to me that Romanof has become even more productive. Despite or thanks to the current circumstances, I don’t know. I took advantage of my friendship and tried to find out. Perhaps I was able to get answers to some questions that interested fans. Or perhaps composer Alexei Romanof is simply more interested in moving forward. Judge for yourself.

— Viewers are interested in what’s new with you, what you’re doing in currently? What can listeners expect in the near future?

— I have more time that I can devote to different artists. And not write songs between tours. I work a lot. For example, with Lolita on the song “Ranevskaya”, the second title is “Bury me behind the baseboard”. We are in no hurry, we are in no hurry. We are in the process of recording. We want it to be perfect.

Also with my school friend Olya Orlova, with whom I will soon release an EP “Hello, it’s me,” which will include several of my songs, as well as songs by Igor Maisky and Maxim Fadeev.

I wrote new song for Anya Semenovich - “I want to be with you”, which will soon appear on the radio and on the Internet. Olya and Anya are different artists, both former soloists group "Brilliant". We are friends, we all come from the same nest and have always supported each other.

Of course, I'm glad that I'm working with Zara again. We recorded a completely new song created specifically for her. It's called "Peace to Your Home." I hope it will appear as a single this summer.

Several new artists have appeared, very diverse. My friends brought me poems by an eighteen-year-old girl, I was amazed at the depth of thought. I can only compare it with the poems of my beloved Eva Polna. I wrote several songs at once. Now we have tried to make several demo recordings and I am happy with the result. The girl's name is Karina Nazarova. She is very talented and we started collaborating – both as co-authors, and Karina is trying herself as a singer.

Of course, the previously announced “Bango and Strike” remain. I continue to think through the details of the project, I have written two songs. I sent Artyom to the gym to “dry” and lose weight. And for vocal lessons. And Sergei asked to go to China for several months. I didn't mind modeling business he still earns much more than in music. But in mid-May we get together in the studio and finalize the first song, which we will immediately release. I really like how it turns out!

And of course we continue to work with Alex Malinovsky. We are recording his first album.

— A song from the Agaya project that you wrote was recently released. Tell us about your role in this story.

— This project stands out because she is a completely cosmic girl, out of this world! Very interesting character, Human. I am extremely interested in communicating with her. I had the song “Game”, written with Alexander Sakharov. I thought for a long time who could sing it. And I accidentally gave her an example of how I would like to see her project. Agaya was amazed and really liked it. She has recorded several songs that will be released soon.

— You understand that I cannot help but ask about the situation with Anna Pletnyova. Moreover, you did not give any comments to the press. There were only vague, uninformative posts on social networks.

— I did not comment because, even after a certain amount of time, this still remains a private matter between two people. Who went through a huge part of their lives together. Done great job, made a serious contribution to Russian pop music. Together. Those who truly lived it, were proud of what they had created, and fought for their place in the sun. Due to the circumstances, I try not to remember what happened. I think about our successes, there were many of them. I think that's right. Now I have normal, stable emotional condition. I stopped worrying and getting upset. I have established a clear routine for my work.

- So will there be any specifics about the reasons for the breakup?

— I don’t like the word “gap.”

- “Divorce”, “separation”? How are you this situation Are you positioning for yourself?

— This is Anna Pletneva’s decision. At that moment, I was ready to forget all differences and continue cooperation. I called for an end to all mutual claims, to urgently get together, breathe out and continue to work together. It was my word. But the decision was not mine. I won’t voice the reason, I don’t want to. I don't think it's serious. But that's how it happened. Coming from my lips, it would look like an accusation, and I don’t want to publicly accuse anyone of anything. Everything happened, the facts are a given and nothing can be done about it. I repeat: I was ready to continue working. I did this honestly and with dignity for 11 years, I sincerely loved my artist, and it seems to me that this was noticeable to everyone. And without this love, certainly mutual on Anya’s side, we would not have achieved any results. Because we started very difficult. Together we went through a huge number of barriers and obstacles, which was extremely valuable for her and for my experience. I have no complaints for several reasons. First: I respect jurisprudence and the law. Second: I am a fool myself - our work was based on friendly and human relations, we did not have legally certified agreements with each other. I'm used to trusting people. Now, from the perspective of time and experience, I will formalize all relations with beginning and continuing artists legally.

Perhaps the phrase “Talent must be hungry” fits perfectly into my current situation. Thanks to drastic changes in my life, I have written more than 40 songs since January. I haven't created so much for a long time. I am a person who tries to find something good even in the worst, to redirect my thoughts. On this moment I'm absolutely calm.

— Let’s summarize purely for the fans: is further cooperation with Anna Pletnyova impossible for you?

“I understand the feelings of the fans, but they should also understand us.” Still, in addition to feelings, there are two living people who see the situation radically differently. There are always two opinions, I don’t deny this, I only tell you how I see it all. Many friends and commentators online said that we need to make peace. But we didn’t quarrel! It’s just that circumstances have developed in such a way that I don’t see the possibility of cooperation for myself, even on a commercial basis.

— Accordingly, the question is: is your collaboration with the new team “Vintage” also completed?

- These are wonderful, wonderful girls! I am very sorry that I will no longer work with them; today their producer is Anna Pletnyova. I would love to take them with me, but this is impossible.

— What about collaboration with Velvet Music?

— I no longer cooperate with this company.

— What will happen to the songs from the announced album “VVV”, which, as I know, was practically written?

— At the moment I live for completely different things. A lot has changed categorically. Accordingly, the plans announced earlier are no longer feasible. There's a lot left there good songs, the album was collected. Further fate I will decide the songs myself, but later. I can't say anything yet. For the reason that I don’t yet see artists who could sing them. As soon as the artists appear, the songs will be released immediately. For example, Agaya will sing the song “A Free Bird in Captivity,” which was announced in the first edition of the album’s playlist. I also really love the song “Huge Heart” and am looking for an artist for it. This song absolutely needs to be heard.

— You mentioned the people who supported you.

— There are not many of them and I am incredibly grateful to them. These are people close to me who were imbued with the whole situation and pulled me mentally all this time. These are Lolita Milyavskaya and Roman Emelyanov. It would be very difficult for me without them. They encouraged me morally in every possible way and spoke a lot of kind and friendly words. Also Zara, who supported me not only in word but also in deed, she asked me to write her several songs for the new album. And employment for creative person- it is most important. And the poet Mikhail Gutseriev, who sent me many of his new poems, also understanding the priority of being busy. Many of his poems turned out to be close to me and I wrote music on them. Arthur Vafin and I were in working contact almost every day. I threw myself headlong into creativity and tried to create something every day, without being distracted from the process. I am very grateful, they pulled me out of a bad state, almost out of depression.

— Given your composing and producing experience and reputation, isn’t it time to open your own production center?

“You’re not the first person to ask me this question.” I am against offices, personnel, and the image of visibility of activity. You know, a lot of people rent an office, hire a secretary, print Business Cards...And I’m used to just acting! The Vintage group's album "Sex" was made on my knees on the second floor of an unheated dacha. I didn't need an office or a business card for this. Or a PR agent. I understand perfectly well that I need to grow somewhere. Perhaps this will lead to something; I am receiving proposals of this kind. From various big serious people. I haven't made a decision about my PC yet. The basis of such a center should be artists and songs. When I have enough of one and the other and the need arises to create a PC, I will organize it. For now, I feel comfortable working on my own, with my co-authors, partners, and friends.

— So, this topic is still in limbo?

— To be honest, I simply don’t need such a center! Because the “Production Center of Alexey Romanof” is Alexey Romanof. I don't need paraphernalia for this. Those who want to work with me do so.

- In fact, for Lately you are the most productive and sought-after composer.

- Maybe. Maybe. I don't know.

- I know. I talk to many artists and they say they would love to work with you.

“It just makes me feel good.” When I work with artists, I feel each one in a special way, in my own way. This is probably why there is a good result. All these years I've felt this way about every song. If I don't like something, I just don't continue making that song.

— Should we slow down or refuse cooperation if it doesn’t work out?

- Give up one idea and take on another. I have never had any refusal to cooperate. I'm used to getting things done. I just didn't show artists songs that I wasn't happy with.

I'm a little confused by the current speed. I have never worked at such a pace. But I understand that I have to do this. To continue to develop.

- So maybe this is morally good?

- Certainly! I keep myself busy. This keeps me afloat, there is no room for unnecessary emotions.

- Well, we communicate often and I can say that your mood is more than positive! And you have quite clear prospects, goals and plans.

— Probably, it would be ideal to do several of your own projects. But this requires strength and support. I don’t yet see anyone on the market with whom I could closely cooperate. Except for the ZION company. Perhaps we will release several songs with Irina Shcherbinskaya. I respect her very much, she is a professional. I believe that ZION is one of the few worthy companies left now. They are great guys.

— Within almost just a couple of weeks, 2 tracks by artists from the Black Star label were released, in which your music is quoted. What is your attitude towards this and how do you like the result?

“Probably, someone in my place would immediately run for a lawyer, or better yet two, considering that this is Black Star.” But I’m incredibly glad that this is actually happening. This suggests that I still made some contribution to Russian pop music. And that makes me happy! This happened involuntarily to Misha Marvin and Emma M. There’s a very small piece from the song “Eve” and I’m pleased with it. I deeply like both artists and I really like this song – “Rewind”. I have serious suspicions that the song will become a hit. I wish them great success. And if suddenly this little piece of mine helps them, I will be the happiest composer in the world.

With Vander Phil and the song “You are Venus, I am Earth” the topic is a little different. In addition to the text, he uses a piece of the phonogram from the same “Eve”. And here I am unwittingly a co-author of this song. A few years ago, Vander Phil himself wrote to me. I referred him to the Velvet company, which I trusted completely. I myself did not conduct any negotiations. “Velvet” did not draw up the agreement very clearly in some ways. Therefore, in the very near future I will re-sign the contract with Vander Fil without any money. I'm ready for this. And I’m certainly not going to play the “evil guy”, this is not my method. I want the music to play. Moreover, I like the song. I know how long this guy has been waiting for Black Star to sign a contract with him - in my opinion, one of the most successful companies on the market now, I admire them in terms of productivity and the quality of the content they produce.

— So, as a composer, are you satisfied?

— I like that quoting occurs. I'm glad about this. I myself really like to make new songs based on any samples. This was the case with “Eva”, this was the case with the song “Pinanero” by the Pet Shop Boys group, on the basis of which the song “Lights” was created big city» Mitya Fomina. But I always cleared my rights, I did it officially, legally, I paid money.

— I’m going to pester you once again with a question about your solo performance of songs. Well, it’s true that this question interests many!

- You know, here you want it and it hurts. Still, I really believe that the stage is the work of young people. By God, I don’t want to overestimate myself. Although, of course, I am terribly pleased when the same artists to whom I show a demo of my performance with new songs compliment me. You see, there are people who were born to be artists, who cannot live without a stage, who cannot imagine themselves without an audience. And I'm not an artist. It seems to me that I was there, on stage, giving up all of myself a long time ago - a long time ago. In the "Amega" group, in the "Vintage" group. It seems to me that when going on stage causes you nothing but irritation, you shouldn’t go on stage. No matter how people ask. No matter how much your ego would like it.

And then, for such publicity you need to be a very thick-skinned person. And I’ve already used all my thick-skinned resources. I react very sharply to any criticism. They simply throw words at the opinions of people who come and move on. There are two brilliant examples of singing composers in the world: Sia and Zemfira.

- Let's end our interview somehow beautifully and life-affirmingly. You really have a lot of fans, reach out to them.

“I want to thank all the people who have taken and are taking part in my life in one way or another. It doesn’t matter: positive, negative, neutral – they still participate. They are still spectators of this performance. I am truly truly grateful to them. I will try to justify the hopes of many people and continue my creative activity. Of course, my music will not be the same and people should be prepared for this. Moving forward and new repeaters. Any changes, even if they are sad, are still for the better. They force you to move on. Perhaps thanks to this, my vision and my musical history will start their new circle. Judging by the songs that are already out there, this is exactly the case. I have always fed on the emotions of artists. I am grateful to the people who believed in me as an author and believed in my songs. I am grateful to every artist who sang and sings my songs. Thank you!

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15.10.2014 11:57

Vintage History of the group (Vintaj Photo) Russian group, Anna Pletneva, Alexey Romanov

“Vintage” is a Russian pop group consisting of singer Anna Pletnyova and singer, composer and sound producer Alexey Romanov. Previously, the group included dancers Miya (2006-2008) and Svetlana Ivanova (2008-2011).

Since its inception, the group has released five studio albums: “Criminal Love”, SEX, “Anechka”, “Very Dance” and “Decamerone”. The group also released eighteen radio singles, seven of which topped the Russian radio chart, staying in first place for a total of 23 weeks. “Vintage” has become the most rotated group since the introduction of the Russian radio chart. For two years in a row, the group has been among the top five most rotated artists of the year, and in 2009 it took first place. The team achieved commercial success with the singles “Bad Girl”, “Loneliness of Love”, “Eve”, “Roman” and “Trees”, which became successful in digital sales.

The group's musical style was Europop, mixed with different styles music (electronics, dance-pop, psychedelic pop, etc.), into which elements were introduced, both from classical music, and from images of Russian and foreign popular culture, inspired by Madonna, Michael Jackson, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren, Eva Polna and Enigma.

The group is a laureate and nominee of various music awards, including “RMA”, Muz-TV Award, “Golden Gramophone” RU.TV Award and “ Steppenwolf" Since 2008, “Vintage” has been an annual laureate of the “Song of the Year” festival. In 2011, 2012 and 2013 they were recognized best group at the ZD Awards, according to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

2006: Formation of the group

The Vintage group was formed by the ex-soloist of the Lyceum group Anna Pletneva and the former lead singer of the Amega group Alexei Romanov in mid-2006. The story of the group’s origins from the mouths of the soloists goes something like this: Anna was in a hurry to an important meeting, but her plans were not destined to come true. She collided with Alexei Romanov's car. While the artists were waiting for the traffic police officers, they made a mutual decision to create a pop group.

According to Alexey Romanov, after meeting with Pletneva, the group worked in the studio for six months, trying to find their own sound: “We really locked ourselves in the studio. We spent six months searching for sound. We didn't understand. We were like blind kittens back then. Now, of course, it’s cool to remember this. We then created our own new story, which had nothing to do with previous projects.” Initially, it was decided to name the team “Chelsea”, but then the name “Vintage” was chosen. Alexey said that at that time the group submitted a request to the London law firm that owns the Chelsea brand, but after a while they saw on TV how Sergei Arkhipov presented a diploma with the same name to a group from the “Star Factory”. Anna Pletnyova also said in an interview: “We even negotiated with the English record company on this occasion. They considered our proposal. But then there was an embarrassment. The head of a well-known media group, having received the rights to the name, presented a diploma with the name “Chelsea” now famous group“Chelsea”, graduates of “Star Factory”.

On August 31, 2006, it was announced official creation group and its name. It was also reported that the band was filming a video for the first single “Mama Mia” and that two-thirds of the band’s debut album was ready, which was recorded at Evgeny Kuritsyn’s studio. Later, the group’s second single was released - the song “Tselsya”, which rose to number 18 on the Russian radio chart.

2007-08: Album “Criminal Love” and single “Bad Girl”
2010-11: Album “Anechka”
2012: Album “Very Dance”
2013 - present: Album “Decamerone”

Alexey Romanof (Perepelkin)
basic information
Full name

Alexey Romanof-Perepelkin

Date of Birth
Years of activity

1998 - present time

A country



Alexey Romanof (Perepelkin)(born April 14, Moscow) - Russian singer and composer, lead singer of the Russian pop group “Vintage”. Former lead singer Russian group"Amega" (1998-2005). Alexey is the author of almost all the songs of the Vintage group.

Amega Group

The team was formed by producer and composer Andrei Grozny. The leader of the group was to be Alexey Romanov (Perepelkin). But in 2001, with a scandal, he left the project for solo work. But in 2005, Alexey Romanov returned to the group for a short time, but a week before the filming of the video for the song “Running Away” he unexpectedly announced his departure. The group released hits that became beloved throughout the country due to the fact that their work was distinguished by deep, meaningful texts by poetess Tatyana Ivanova and original arrangements by Andrei Grozny and sound producer Sergei Kharuta. At the end of October 2001, the MTV channel reported that Alexey Romanov had left the group. He returned to the Russian stage in September 2002. Before this, he spent about a year in Spain, where he lived with friends and prepared his own project. In 2003, Alexey released his own EP “Nunca Olvidare: I’ll Never Forget.”

Group "Vintage"

In 2006, together with the ex-soloist of the Lyceum group, Anna Pletneva, he created the Vintage group. The story of the group’s origins from the mouths of the soloists goes something like this: Anna was in a hurry to an important meeting, but her plans were not destined to come true. She collided with Alexei Romanov's car. While the artists were waiting for the traffic police officers, they made a mutual decision to create a pop group.

According to Alexey Romanov, after meeting with Pletneva, the group worked in the studio for six months, trying to find their own sound: “We really locked ourselves in the studio. We spent six months searching for sound. We didn't understand. We were like blind kittens back then. Now, of course, it’s cool to remember this. We were then creating our own new story, which had nothing to do with previous projects.” Initially, it was decided to name the team “Chelsea”, but then the name “Vintage” was chosen. Alexey said that at that time the group submitted a request to the London law firm that owns the Chelsea brand, but after a while they saw on TV how Sergei Arkhipov presented a diploma with the same name to a group from the “Star Factory”.

Discography in the group “Amega and Solo Album”

  • "Up. Part 1" - 1999
  • "Up. Part 2" - 2000
Solo album
  • EP “Nunca Olvidare: I’ll Never Forget” - 2003

Discography in the group “Vintage”

  • "Criminal Love" - ​​2007
  • "SEX" - 2009
  • "Anechka" - 2011
  • "Very Dance" - 2013
  • Alexey's real name is Perepelkin, and “Romanof” is his pseudonym. But according to rumors, Alexey is “Romanof” even according to his passport.

According to the spectacular brunette, there was no drama or conflict at the time of her farewell to Vintage. Colleagues in the team were sympathetic to Anna’s decision to perform solo. “When it became known that I left the group, they started asking me: “What happened? Didn’t you divide the money?” And I didn’t even have anything to answer. Apparently, over all these years I was never able to become a person in show business, because I couldn’t come up with a scandal,” Pletneva noted with a smile.


Alexey Romanov, who created “Vintage” together with the performer, responded to her resignation letter due to at will surprisingly calm. “He answered me only one thing: “Thank God that you suggested this yourself: I didn’t know how to tell you the same thing.” He felt that I was becoming cramped within the group and I was ready to move on,” explained the ex-soloist “Vintage.” “In this situation, he behaved like a friend, not like a colleague.”

39-year-old Pletneva, who always performs in erotic outfits, promised that she will continue to " bad girl". "This stage image was chosen by me consciously. Fortunately, no one dictated to Lesha and me how to behave, how to dress and what to sing - we were our own producers. I can’t say that solo singer Anya Pletneva will be very different from the lead singer of the Vintage group Anya Pletneva, because that was me too,” the star emphasized.

However, the singer made some adjustments to her appearance. “Of course, there will be changes, otherwise why would I leave the group then? I have many serious songs that I have not performed at concerts before, and I want them to be heard. This does not mean that I will now sing exclusively lyrical ballads, I’ll turn into a kind of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva and become correct. No, I’ll still remain a hooligan and a “bad girl,” HELLO! magazine quotes the performer.

By the way, earlier Pletneva admitted to journalists for the first time that in her youth she was crazy about Vladimir Presnyakov. At the same time, at that time Anna did not perceive the artist’s beloved woman, singer Kristina Orbakaite, as a rival. “I saw him on TV and fell in love, despite the fact that I was brutal in my musical tastes, I listened to St. Petersburg rock - Tsoi, “Nautilus Pompilius”, and so on. The Doors, Björk. Pop music didn't interest me. But Volodya appeared, and I stopped eating, sleeping and breathing without his music,” the artist recalls. – I didn’t perceive Kristina Orbakaite as a rival; she seemed to me a temporary phenomenon in Presnyakov’s life. My intuition did not disappoint."

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