Expression of comparative relations in Russian. What is comparison in literature and Russian language

Ticket number 9

The concept of participles.

Signs of verbs and adverbs in gerunds.

Participle- this is an independent part of speech, which denotes an additional action with the main action expressed by the verb.

Participles are formed from a verb and have something in common with it lexical meaning. But

The participle also has the characteristics of an adverb: it does not change, it appears in the sentence

circumstance . As a rule, the gerund can be replaced with a verb -


Participles answer questions and etc.

Participles are formed from verbs using suffixes:

-a- (-i-), -v, -lice, -shi : blink - blinking, sit - sitting, talk - after talking,

wake up - having woken up, lean - leaning.

The participle unites signs of verb and adverb and shows how, why, when an action called a predicate verb is performed. The participle answers questions doing what? what did you do? How? how? Why? When? and etc.

Signs of a verb in a gerund:

1. Participles can be returnable And irrevocable :

1. return: It has suffix – sya;

2. non-refundable: doesn't have suffix – s.

2. Participles can be perfect And imperfect type:

1. nesov. V. - answers the question what are you doing ?

2. owls V. - answers the question what did you do ?

3. Participles spread like verbs :

Signs of an adverb in a gerund:

1. Participles - immutable words.

2. In a sentence there is a gerund depends on the predicate verb

and is circumstance .

Spelling particles NOT with nouns,

Adjectives, adverbs.

Spelling NOT with nouns.

1.Writing seamlessly With Not nouns that are without Not are not used.

2. Are written seamlessly With Not nouns that, when combined with Not Not .

3.Writing seamlessly With Not nouns denoting persons and expressing a qualitative connotation; in combination with Not words with the meaning of opposition are formed.

4.Apart is written Not with a noun in an interrogative sentence, if the negation is logically emphasized.

Spelling NOT with adjectives.

1.Writing seamlessly With Not adjectives that are without Not are not used.

2. Are written seamlessly With Not adjectives that, in combination with Not acquire opposite meaning; Usually such words can be replaced by synonyms without Not .

3. Writing apart With Not adjectives if there is or implied opposition.

Spelling NOT with adverbs.

1.Writing seamlessly With Not adverbs that are without Not are not used.

2. Are written seamlessly With Not adverbs on -O , which in combination with Not take on the opposite meaning; Usually such words can be replaced by synonyms without Not .

3. Writing apart With Not adverbs if there is or is implied opposition.

4. Writing apart With Not adverbs on -O , if they have a negative adverb as an explanatory word, starting with neither, or a combination far from it, not at all, not at all.

5. Writing apart or together with Not adverbs on -O (words state category) type not difficult see- not difficult see; when affirming, they are written together, when negating, they are written separately.

Name of parts of speech Together Apart
noun 1) tell a lie- can be replaced with a synonym false; 2) what a slob— not used without NOT to tell a lie, not to tell the truth -
adjective 1) small house - can be replaced by the synonym small; 2) nondescript– not used without NOT 1) not a big, but a small house - there is a contrast with the conjunction a; 2) not at all indifferent – ; 3) not blue, not glass, not harder - ◄ with adjectives denoting color, ◄ relative and possessive adjectives, ◄ with adjectives in comparative degrees.
adverb 1) speak quietly - can be replaced with a synonym quietly, 2) write carelessly - not used without NOT 1) speak not loudly, but quietly - there is a contrast with the conjunction a; 2) not at all interesting - with the words not at all, far from, not at all, not at all, not at all

Comparison and ways of expressing it.

Everything is relative.


Compare- consider one thing with another to establish similarities or differences, compare, relate, distinguish, catch. Comparisons are referred to as means of artistic representation - this is trope.

The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
That, like a beast, she will howl,
Then he will cry like a child,

Then on the dilapidated roof
Suddenly the straw will rustle,
That, like a belated traveler,
There will be a knock on our window.

Comparisons in this text: “ like a beast”, “like a child”, “like a belated traveler”.

A beast is a sign of rage, embitterment, rage.

A child is a sign of playfulness, unpredictability, tenderness, and loudness.

A traveler is a sign of surprise, suddenness of appearance.

Literature (real) represents the true craft of creating texts, the creation of a new object through words. As with any complex craft, literature has its own special techniques. One of them is “comparison”. With its help, for greater expressiveness or ironic contrast, certain objects, their qualities, people, and their character traits are compared.

The kettle with its raised trunk puffed on the stove, like a young elephant rushing to a watering hole..

─ Ironic likening a small inanimate object to a large animal by juxtaposing the long spout of a teapot and an elephant's trunk.

Comparison: Definition

There are at least three definitions of comparison in the literature.

For a literary text, the first definition would be more correct. But the most talented authors of fiction successfully work with the second and third definitions, so great is the role of comparison in the text. Examples of comparisons in literature and folklore of the last two types:

He is stupid as an oak, but cunning as a fox.

Unlike Afanasy Petrovich, Igor Dmitrievich was built as thin as a mop handle, just as straight and elongated.

The pygmies of the Congo Delta are like children in stature; their skin is not black like blacks, but yellowish, like fallen leaves.

In the latter case, along with the use of “negative comparison” (“not”), direct assimilation (“as if”) is combined.

The Russian language is so rich that authors of literary works use a huge number of types of comparisons. Philologists can only roughly classify them. Modern philology identifies the following two main types of comparison and four more comparisons in fiction.

  • Direct. In this case, comparative phrases (conjunctions) “as if”, “as”, “exactly”, “as if” are used. He bared his soul to him, like a nudist bares his body on the beach..
  • Indirect. With this comparison, no prepositions are used. The hurricane swept away all the garbage from the streets with a giant wiper.

In the second sentence, the noun being compared (“hurricane”) is used in the nominative case, and the noun being compared (“janitor”) is used in the instrumental case. Other types:

Back in the 19th century, philologist and Slavist M. Petrovsky identified the “Homeric” or “epic” likeness from extensive comparisons in literature. In this case, the author of a literary text, not caring about brevity, expands the comparison, distracting from the main storyline, from the object being compared as far as his imagination will allow him. Examples can easily be found in the Iliad or among postmodernists.

Ajax rushed at his enemies, like a hungry lion at the frightened sheep that had lost their shepherd, who were left without protection, defenseless, like unattended children, and could only timidly moan and back away in fear of the lion’s thirst for blood and murder, which seizes the predator like madness, intensifying when he senses the horror of the doomed...

TO epic type It is better for a novice author of literary texts not to resort to comparisons. A young writer needs to wait until his literary skill and sense of artistic harmony develop. Otherwise, an inexperienced beginner himself will not notice how, winding around one another, like threads from different balls, such “free associations” will carry him away from the plot of his main narrative and create semantic confusion. So the comparisons in literary text can not only simplify the understanding of the subject being described (a tiger is a huge predatory cat), but also confuse the narrative.

Comparison in verse

The role is especially important literary comparison in verse. The poet uses the richness of language to create a unique and aesthetically valuable piece of art, more accurately convey your idea to the reader.

It's often hard and bad for us

From the tricks of tricky fate,

But we are with the humility of camels

We carry the humps of our misfortunes.

With these lines, the poet explains to the reader his own idea that most of the troubles that happen in life are natural, like the humps of camels, that sometimes you simply cannot get rid of them, but you just need to “carry through” them for a while.

Without you, no work, no rest:

are you a woman or a bird?

After all, you are like a creature of air,

"balloon" - pampered girl!

In most poems, the authors use comparisons to create a bright, beautiful, and easily memorable image. Most of all such colorful comparisons are in the texts of N. Gumilyov and Mayakovsky. But I. Brodsky remains an unsurpassed master of using detailed comparisons in artistic literary versification.

Comparisons are also used in spoken language. When writing any text, even school essay, one cannot do without comparisons. So you need to firmly remember several rules of punctuation of the literary Russian language. Commas are placed before comparative phrases with words:

  • as if
  • as if,
  • as if,
  • like,
  • exactly,

So when you write:

  • He was taller than the teenager she remembered.
  • The day flared up quickly and hotly, like a fire into which gasoline was suddenly poured.

─ in these situations, make no mistake, commas are necessary. Much more problems awaits you with the conjunction “how”. The fact is that, even if the particle “how” is part of a comparative phrase, a comma in front of it is not needed if:

It can be replaced with a dash. The steppe is like a sea of ​​grass.

This union is part of a stable phraseological unit. Faithful as a dog.

The particle is included in the predicate. For me the past is like a dream.

The conjunction, within the meaning of the sentence, is replaced by an adverb or noun. He looked like a wolf , possible substitutions: looked wolfish , looked like a wolf .

Where else are commas not needed?

According to the rules of punctuation, commas are not needed before “as” and when it is preceded by adverbs or particles in a sentence:

It's time to finish, it seems like midnight has struck.

“How” is not separated by commas if it is preceded by negative particle.

He looked at the new gate not like a ram.

So, when you resort to comparisons to decorate or make your text more understandable, remember the insidiousness of the particle “how” and the rules of punctuation, and you will be fine!

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary comprehensive school No. 49 Shakhty, Rostov region

Lesson summary on the topic: “Ways of expressing comparison” 8th grade


teacher of Russian language and literature

Petrova Natalya Vasilievna


Lesson objectives.
    Create conditions for repetition and learningways of expressing comparison; practicing the ability to find comparisons in a sentence; repetition of spelling and punctuation; the ability to use comparisons in speech; Form regulatory universal learning activities goal setting, control, correction, evaluation. Develop communication skills.
Lesson type: learning new material. Equipment: textbook, worksheet. During the classes - Modern youth increasingly use short, similar sentences in their speech, similar to SMS messages. How does this threaten the Russian language?(Loss of expressiveness, impoverishment of language, distortion of information). - The potential of the Russian language is enormous. Our language is rich in means that allow us to convey all shades of feelings, emotions, and describe any object or phenomenon. We will talk about one such tool today in class.The worksheet assignments will help you recognize and study this means of expression. Write down your first and last name. Complete task #1.

Task No. 1 (independently)

Separate definition

Verification, mutual verification.Rate the work:Made a mistake 0Separate definition

Which sentence turned out to be “superfluous”?(“Sentence No. 4 will be superfluous”). - How does it differ from other proposals?(There are no separations stated in the assignment). - What phenomenon is reflected in sentence No. 4? Formulate the topic of the lesson.(Comparison and ways of expressing it). - Write down the topic on your worksheet.- Think about what you could learn by studying this topic?(Find comparisons, determine ways to express comparison, use it in speech). - Write down the purpose of the lesson on the worksheet. Indeed, this topic is important because the use of comparisons allows you to diversify your speech. Moreover, tasks for finding comparisons are included in the final certification. Let's check what knowledge you have. Complete task #2.

Task No. 2 (work in pairs)

    Out of anger Kazbichwolfish bared his teeth.

    Joycrawls like a snail.

    Is it truemore expensive than gold.

    Our river, just like in a fairy tale, frost hit the pavement overnight.

    By his behavior helooks like a child .

    I suddenly felt good in my soulIt’s as if my childhood has returned.

Rate the work:Did the job correctly 1

Made a mistake 0

- What new things did you learn from the educational article?(Comparison has a large number of ways of expression. In addition to the usual comparative phrase, an instrumental comparison is used in speech, a combination of an adjective in the form comparative degree with a noun). - Apply the knowledge gained in practice, complete task No. 3, working in pairs.

Task No. 3 (work in pairs) Distribute the sentences according to the method of expressing the comparison, write the sentence number in the table. Exercise No. 527 p. 262 (the teacher can offer his own task).Method of Expressing Comparison

Assessment.Didn't understand the topic 0

Task No. 4 (independently)

Answer: 3 5 6Checking the progress of the work.Rate the work:Did the job correctly 1

Made a mistake

Reflection. How did I learn the material?

How did I work?

    Failed - 1 point.

final grade10 – 9 points – “5”8 – 7 points – “4”6-5 points – “3”

Homework: ex. 530.

Application. Worksheet. F.I______________________________________________________________Lesson topic_______________________________________________________________The purpose of the lesson_______________________________________________________Task No. 1 (independently) Determine why the sentence is complicated. Write down the proposal number in the table.

    Early sunlight, falling on the foliage, seemed cold and pale.

    Memory, this scourge of the unfortunate, revives even the stones of the past.

    The cranes, calling to each other, carefully move in a crowd.

    The moon, like a pale spot, turned yellow through the dark clouds.

Separate definition
Rate the work:Did the job correctly 1Made a mistake 0Task No. 2 (work in pairs) Read the sentences, find comparisons, underline them.

    Out of anger, Kazbich bared his teeth like a wolf.

    Joy crawls like a snail.

    Truth is more valuable than gold.

    Our river, like in a fairy tale, was paved with frost overnight.

    His behavior is like that of a child.

    I suddenly felt good in my soul, as if my childhood had returned.

Read the article in the textbook (pp. 260 – 261), evaluate the correctness of the task.Rate the work:Did the job correctly 1

Made a mistake 0

Task No. 3 (work in pairs) Distribute the sentences according to the method of expressing the comparison, write the sentence number in the table. Exercise No. 527 p. 262Method of Expressing Comparison Assessment.I completed the task confidently, I can explain it to my classmate 2Partially completed the task, need help 1Didn't understand the topic 0_______________________________________________________________________________________ Task No. 4 (independently) Write down the numbers of sentences with comparison.

    Everything was quiet. 2. Nature breathed the impending thunderstorm. 3. Clouds ran across the sky, looking like clouds of black smoke. 4. Occasionally Sunbeam applied to the birch trees. 5. They flared up like golden candles. 6. The pre-storm wind howled like an animal.

Answer____________________________________________________________________________Rate the work:Did the job correctly 1

Made a mistake 0

Evaluate your work in class:How did I learn the material?

    Gained solid knowledge. Mastered the material – 7 points.

    Got it new material partially - 5 points.

    I understood little. Still need to work - 3 points.

How did I work?

    Completed all tasks independently and provided assistance to others – 3 points.

    Made mistakes, coped, but asked for help - 2 points.

    Failed - 1 point.

final grade10 – 9 points – “5”8 – 7 points – “4”6-5 points – “3”


    Lvova S.I. Russian language. 8th grade: textbook for educational institutions. At 2 p.m. Part 1 / S.I. Lvova, V.V. Lviv. – 5th edition, erased. – Mnemosyne, 2012. GIA-9. Russian language. Senina N.A. Legion, 2014.

Municipal budgetary educational institution


"Secondary school No. 32"

“Ways of expressing the meaning of comparison in Russian”


teacher of Russian language and literature

Class: 9

Subject: Ways of expressing the meaning of comparison in Russian

Textbook: Russian language: Textbook. For 9th grade general education. institution/ and others. Ed. , . – 6th ed., stereotypical.

Goals:educational 1) determine in what ways the language expresses

comparison value; 2) teach how to use synonymous replacement; 3) repeat the punctuation marks in the comparative phrase, as well as cases when the comparative phrase is part of the predicate;

developing 1) development of students’ speech, their creative abilities; 2) development of the ability to generalize and analyze; 3) development of creative imagination;

raising 1) fostering love for native language, to the Motherland.

During the classes.

1. Updating students' knowledge. Determining the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher's word: today I brought winter photo sketches to class. What mood do these pictures of Russian nature create? And what poem do we remember when looking at a photograph of a birch tree covered with frost? (Children remember S. Yesenin’s poem “Birch”.)

Working with a passage.

White birch tree under my window

She covered herself with snow, like silver.

On fluffy branches with a snow border

The tassels bloomed with white fringe.

(S. Yesenin)

What means of expression did you find in this passage? (Comparisons)

So today in class we will work on comparison. The topic of the lesson is “Ways of expressing the meaning of comparison in Russian.” Today in the lesson we will find out what language structures are used in speech to compare, compare one object or phenomenon with another.

2. Laboratory work.

Analyze the examples, fill in the blank column of the table.

Ways to Express Comparison Value


Smile like a child, move like a cat, jump like a frog.

White drifting snow rushes along the ground like a snake. (S. Marshak)

Snow dust stands in the air like a column.

(S. Gorbatov)

Flowers are the last mile

Luxurious firstborns of the fields.

They are sad dreams

They awaken in us more vividly.

So sometimes there is an hour of separation

Livelier than a sweet date.

(A. Pushkin)

On the branches of birches, like diamonds,

Drops of suppressed tears burn.

(S. Yesenin)

Heavy snow, spinning,

Covered the sunless heights,

It's like hundreds of white wings

They rushed by silently.

(V. Tushnova)

Conclusion: the meaning of comparison in Russian is expressed by the adverb of manner of action, a combination of a verb and a noun in TV. case, a combination of the comparative form of an adjective and a noun, a comparative phrase, SPP with a comparative clause.

3. Training exercises.

No. 142 (oral), No. 143 (written)

4. Punctuation in comparative phrases.

2) Creative task“I’ll start, you continue.”

Add a word: It’s like snow... It’s like frost on the birches... Snowflakes for sure...

Transform the resulting sentences first into sentences with a comparative clause, then into NGN with a comparative clause.

Which linguistic construction most fully and vividly expresses the meaning of comparison in Russian? What is the role of comparisons in artistic speech?

3) Game “Competition with the poet.”

The artistic power of comparisons means of expression speech is directly dependent on surprise and novelty. Our imagination will not be amazed by the comparison of blush with a rose, blue eyes with the sky, gray hair with snow.

Compete with the poet and come up with your own unexpected comparison.

He was red, like...

Red, like...

Here's what the kids came up with:

He was red, like the foxes in the meadow,

Red, like the sun in a glass.

He was red, like a little squirrel on a bitch,

Red, like a boletus in the forest.

He was red, like the autumn forests,

Red, like a cunning fox.

And the poet Robert Rozhdestvensky it was like this:

He was red, like a stew of saffron milk caps,

Red, like oranges in the snow.

4. Generalization, summing up the lesson.

5.Homework: Place punctuation marks in M. Tsvetaeva’s poem, which consists of one complex sentence.

My poems written so early

That I didn’t know that I was a poet

Falling like spray from a fountain

Like sparks from rockets

Bursting in like little devils

In the sanctuary where sleep and incense

To my poems about youth and death

Unread poems

Scattered in the dust around the shops

Where no one took them and no one takes them

My poems are like precious wines

Your turn will come.

Ways of expressing comparison in the poetry of S.A. Yesenina

At present, interest in studying artistic means expressiveness, determining their place in the language of a particular writer or poet.

The article examines the morphological and syntactic means of expressing the meanings of comparison, identifying their role and features of functioning in the lyrics of S.A. Yesenina.

1. Morphological methods

a) Creative comparisons

The language material presents numerous examples of using a noun in the instrumental case as a comparison (an instrumental comparison).

Noun in the form T.p. can be single:

Bird cherry pours snow ,

Greenery in bloom and dew . “The bird cherry tree is pouring snow”

The West turned up ribbon pink,

The plowman returned to the hut from the fields,

And beyond the road in the birch thicket

The nightingale sang a song of love . "Spring Evening"

I'll grow my beard

AND tramp I'll go through Rus' . "Do not swear. Such a thing!”

Tin the puddle grass glows... “Black, then smelly howl!”

Leaves the stars are pouring

In the rivers in our fields . "Heavenly Drummer"

Noun in the form T.p. may carry the following definition:

The dog's eyes rolled

Golden stars in the snow . "Song of the Dog"

golden frog moon

Spread out on the still water . "I left home»

Moon golden powder

Scattered the distance of villages. "Anna Snegina"

On fluffy branches

Snow border

The brushes have blossomed

White fringed . "Birch"

Zarya red prayer book

Prophesies good news . “Oh, I believe, I believe, there is happiness!”

The poet actively uses this form of conveying comparison.

b) Adjectives in the comparative degree

We also find such examples in Yesenin’s poetic language.

O age of autumn!

You to me expensive youth and summer . “Let others drink you”

No matter how beautiful Shiraz is,

He not better Ryazan expanses. “Shagane, you are mine, Shagane”

Let them caress me with a gentle word,

Let sharper razors evil tongue,

I have been living for a long time ready for anything,

I got used to everything mercilessly. “Horror - deception with enchanting melancholy...”

But I'm ready to swear

With a pure heart

What are the lanterns

More beautiful stars in Baku . "Stax"

Brighter than a pink shirt

Dawns spring ones are burning...

You sang: “Beyond the Euphrates

Roses better mortal maidens" "You said that Saadi..."

c) Prepositions like, like, like

And the snow falls

Like piglets ,

And no beyond the grave

No wife, no friend . "Answer"

This method of expressing comparison is practically not used by Yesenin. Out of a hundred examples, only one was found.

2. Syntactic methods

a) Comparative turnover

Analysis of the linguistic material showed that the poet’s favorite method of conveying the meaning of comparison is sentences with comparative constructions. Such examples are typical and numerous. We noted the variety of comparative models.

Model “comparative conjunction with a noun in I.p.”

Noun in I.p. can be single, and can also have dependent words - definitions.


I'll kiss you when I'm drunk, I'm exhausted, like the color ,

There is no gossip for those drunk with joy. “The scarlet color of dawn was woven on the lake”

They hit the windows without missing a beat

Crows wing,

Like a blizzard , bird cherry

He waves his sleeve. “You are my abandoned land”

The cheerful birds were singing,

Pop splashed from handfuls,

Chirping magpies, like matchmakers ,

We called rainy guests. “The drought has drowned out the seeding”

The dawns foamed unsteadily behind the grove,

Like canvases the clouds were creeping,

And foggy in the skinny tale

The river cooed between the bushes. “The drought has drowned out the seeding”

And he looks out of the clouds, like a drop ,

Lone Star . "On a heavenly blue platter"

With dependent words:

And the birches stand

Like big candles . “It’s already evening. Dew.."

Like a white snowflake , I'm melting in blue

Yes, I’m covering my tracks to the homewrecker fate. “Mother walked through the forest in Bathing Suit”

Like a visiting pilgrim ,

I'm looking at your fields . “Go away, Rus', my dear”

Like an owl's eyes , behind the branches

Looking at the blizzard lights in the shawl . "Rus"

Years have emerged from the darkness again

And they make noise like a chamomile meadow . "Son of a bitch"

Model “comparative conjunction with a noun in the indirect case”

And deaf like a handout ,

When they throw a stone at her to laugh,

The dog's eyes rolled

Golden stars in the snow . "Song of the Dog"

That’s why I’m sad, settled down,

Like leaves, slanted eyes “You are as simple as everyone else”

This is what I see:

Sunday villagers

Near the volost, like going to church , gathered "Soviet Rus'"

Now it's all sadness

We live like in the dark . "Letter from Mother"

White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver . "Birch"

Night, like a melon ,

Rolls the moon . "The Ballad of Twenty-Six"

Model “comparative conjunction with a noun in I.p. + noun in oblique case"

I would like to be in the cloudy smoke

Set the forests on fire with that star

And die with them,

Like lightning in the sky . "On a heavenly blue platter"

The dawn fogs with foam,

Like the depths of the bride's eyes . “Hides the month behind the barns”)

Golden leaves swirled

In the pinkish water of the pond,

As if butterflies light flock,

Flies breathlessly towards a star

I've never been thrifty before

So did not listen to rational flesh,

It is good to, like willow branches ,

To capsize in the pink waters . “Golden foliage began to spin”


It's already dawn.

Zarya, like a fire in the snow

Reminds me of something ... "Anna Snegina"

Model “comparative conjunction with adverb”

You are a parable of darkness, like before , alive . "Blue Sky, Colored Arc"

And the one you were waiting for in the night,

Passed like before , past the shelter . “Now my love is not the same”

I still love this life

Loved it so much as if at the beginning . "The wind whistles, the silver wind"

An adverb can be an adverb - a quantitative-nominal combination:

I'll be back when the branches spread out

In spring our white garden.

Only you have me already at dawn

Don't wake me up like eight years ago . "Letter to Mother"

Model “comparative conjunction with an adjective”

It bloomed like a sword, it grew like a knife,

And now suddenly she's hanging down as if lifeless . « Song"

Wet wild grapes

Pressed against the wall like a homeless person.

This syntactic model is quite rare.

b) Complex sentences with comparative clauses

The sickle cuts the heavy ears of corn,

How swans are slaughtered up to their necks . « Song of Bread"

Rowan berry brushes will not get burned,

Yellowness will not make the grass disappear.

Like a tree silently shedding its leaves ,

So I drop sad words. “The golden grove dissuaded me...”

Under your windows

Now the snowstorms are whistling,

And in the chimney

A prolonged howl and noise,

It's like a hundred devils

Climbed into the attic . "Letter to Grandfather"

I calmed down. The years have taken their toll

Traveled all over the country . “I remember, darling, I remember”

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest sleeps under dream tale,

Like a white scarf

Pine tied up . "Porosh"

Golden leaves swirled

In the pinkish water of the pond,

Like a light flock of butterflies

Flies breathlessly towards a star . “Golden foliage began to spin”

c) Predicate with comparison value

And love, isn’t it a funny thing?

You kiss and lips like tin . “Don’t torment me with coolness”

In my country I like a foreigner . "Soviet Rus'"

Sky - like a bell

Month - language,

Mother My motherland,

I am a Bolshevik. "Jordan Dove"

Years are distant,

Now You like in fog . "My way"

All the ears in field

Like swan necks . "The Tale of the Shepherd Petya"

But people are all sinful souls.

For many eyes - that fangs . "Anna Snegina"

d) Application with comparison value

And they call to the rosary

And you- meek nuns . "Beloved Land"

Autumn - red mare – scratches his mane . "Autumn"

Behind the dark strand of copses,

In the unshakable blue,

Curly lamb - month

Walking in the blue grass . "Behind the Dark Strand is a Forester"

About Russia- raspberry field

And blue, fell into the river -

I love you to the point of joy and pain

Your lake melancholy . “The hewn horns began to sing”

3. The meaning and role of comparisons in poetic text S.A. Yesenina.

S.A. Yesenin left us a wonderful poetic legacy. His talent was revealed especially brightly and originally in the lyrics. Lyric poetry is amazingly rich and multifaceted in its emotional expression, sincerity of feelings, in its heartfelt emotion and humanity, laconicism and picturesque images.

Yesenin had a unique gift of deep poetic self-disclosure:

Ineffable, blue, tender...

My land is quiet after storms, after thunderstorms,

And my soul is a boundless field -

Breathes the scent of honey and roses.

All the wealth of Yesenin’s verbal painting is subordinated to a single goal - to make the reader feel the beauty and life-giving power of nature:

The bird cherry tree is pouring snow,

Greenery in bloom and in dew.

In the field, leaning towards escape,

Rooks walk in the strip.

Silk herbs will disappear,

Smells like resinous pine.

Oh, you meadows and oak groves, -

I'm besotted with spring.

In Yesenin’s poems, nature lives a rich poetic life. She is all in perpetual motion, in endless development and change. Like a person, she is born, grows and dies, sings and whispers, is sad and rejoices. In depicting nature, Yesenin uses the rich experience of folk poetry.

S.A. Yesenin was close to nature and therefore his object of comparison was also the world of birds, animals and plants. In this his work is similar to folk poetry. The use of comparisons is not accidental; it was associated with the environment and way of life that are familiar to this or that creator. Yesenin’s comparisons are close to folklore and lead us to the environment where the poet was born and grew up and was brought up. For example, the happiness and joy that quickly passed from the hero’s life is compared to a lively whirlwind and a madly racing troika (“The snowy jam is spinning briskly..”). In the poem “unspeakable. Blue, tender..." the poet compares his past years, which flew by so quickly, with a trio of rabid horses:

I calmed down, the years have taken their toll,

But I don’t curse what has passed.

Like a threesome of horses running wild

Traveled all over the country.

In Yesenin’s lyrics there are often comparisons in the form of descriptive and visual paintings, individual poetic landscape sketches. For example, the poem “Autumn” is all based on comparisons.

In Yesenin’s lyrics there are a lot of direct comparisons of similes, such as:

Bird cherry fragrant

Bloomed with spring

AND branches golden,

What curls , curled.

They hit the windows without missing a beat

Crows wing,

Like a blizzard , bird cherry

He waves his sleeve.

Metaphorical comparisons are often found:

There are comparisons and personifications:

Showed himself to her month above the hut

One of her puppies.

Blue dusk is like a flock of sheep.

Golden frog moon

Spread out on calm water.

Ginger a month old as a foal

Harnessed in our sleigh.

In quiet times, when dawn on the roof,

Like a kitten , washes.

There are also negative comparisons characteristic of folklore in Yesenin’s poetry:

Not morning bells, but wedding echoes...

It’s not the cuckoos who are sad – Tanya’s relatives are crying...

Negative comparisons allow the poet to show in one negative judgment simultaneously the past, old, negative - and the present, new, positive.

There are also detailed comparisons in which many features are compared:

O month, month!

My grandfather's red hat

Thrown by a mischievous grandson onto a branch of a cloud...

For comparisons, the poet takes material for the image from the same rural world and from the natural world and seeks to characterize one noun with another. Here, for example, is the image of the moon. The poet says:“The moon spread out like a golden frog on the still water!” or“It would be nice to sit on a haystack, smiling, and chew hay with the moon’s muzzle.” . Or“The moon, like a yellow bear, tosses and turns in the wet grass.” The frog, the muzzle, the bear - everything is very specific and immediately and immediately transports you to the situation that the poet describes in this poem.

Epithets, comparisons, metaphors in Yesenin’s lyrics do not exist on their own, for the sake of a beautiful form, but in order to express themselves more fully and deeply. Hence the desire for universal harmony, for the unity of all things on earth. Therefore, one of the basic laws of Yesenin’s world is universal metaphorism. People, animals, plants, elements and objects - all these, according to Yesenin, are children of one mother nature.

An example of the complete interpenetration of nature and man is the poem “Green Hairstyle”. It develops in two planes: birch tree - girl.

What does the wind whisper to you?

What is the sand ringing about?

Or do you want to braid branches

Are you a moon comb?

With scarlet berry juice on the skin,

Tender, beautiful, she was,

You look like a pink sunset,

And like snow, radiant and light.

The structure of comparisons, images, metaphors, all verbal means, is taken from peasant life, native and understandable.

Here even the mill is a log bird

With only one wing, he stands with his eyes closed.

The sun is compared to a plow, the month to a lamb or a shepherd's horn. Such metaphors and comparisons saturate almost every poem.

Appeal to comparisons reveals the deep connection of images, symbols, poetic realities surrounding Yesenin’s hero. This is also the image of suffering - the heart, transformed by Yesenin into a branched metaphor, involving images of eyes, face, hair, etc. in its field. This is the image of a horse - fate with tragic ending, the fate of a star, a dark autumn night, a path - a road, time.

Yesenin’s nature motif is complemented in a unique way by images of animals. The poet wrote about love for animals and condemned cruelty to them. These images are used in the poetry of S. Yesenin and as traditional literary and folklore symbolism. In the poem “Rus”, crows are the messengers of misfortune:

The black crows cawed:

There is wide open space for terrible troubles .

The red-maned foal symbolizes the old patriarchal village, which has not yet realized the transition to a new life.

Doesn't he know that live horses

The steel cavalry won.

In Yesenin’s works, an animalistic (depiction of animals) comparison or zoomorphic metaphor often develops into an expanded image:

Quietly in the juniper thicket along the cliff.

Autumn - a red mare - scratches her mane.

Yellow autumn leaves evokes an association with a red mare. But autumn is not only a “red mare” (similarity in color), it “scratches its mane”: the image is revealed through comparison with an animal visibly, in colors, sounds, movements.

For the poet, nature is a wonderful and vast temple in which everything is beautiful. The lines of poetry are imbued with love for the earth, for meadows and grasses, forests and lakes. They sound soulful melodies, as if conveying the breath of nature itself: gusts of wind, whispering leaves, birdsong. For Yesenin, nature is not a frozen landscape background: it is all in motion, in renewal, in unity with man.

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