Raskolnikov is an extraordinary killer and a gifted young man. "Crime and Punishment" main characters

F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” is one of the most psychologically complex works of Russian literature. The novel raises the most important questions, questions that are relevant at all times. The writer talks about the moral vices of society and people.

The main character of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikov, is certainly an extraordinary person. We understand this as soon as we meet a poor student. Rodion Raskolnikov creates his own theory. He divides people into “ordinary” and “extraordinary”. The latter, in his opinion, have the right to everything. They make history and are great personalities. They cannot be judged by the standards of ordinary people. They deserve better.

Reading the novel, we understand that Raskolnikov’s theory testifies to the moral vices of society. In a normal, healthy society such a theory could not have been born. Dostoevsky's novel shows the reason for the appearance of the cruel theory: the environment itself provokes people to inhuman cruelty.

Raskolnikov's theory haunts him. The young man wants to test the theory on his own. In his opinion, the old woman-pawnbroker is not a worthy person, which means she can be calmly killed. In this case, we clearly see a collision of a dead, unnatural theory with life. No matter how hardened and spoiled a person is by his environment, there still remain moral boundaries in his soul, which are incredibly difficult to cross. However, Raskolnikov commits a crime. His mind, cold, gloomy, which created this theory, suppresses the living human soul. Raskolnikov justifies his crime, considers himself a superman who has the right to everything. According to his own theory, he has the right to cross the line that separates a normal person from a criminal.

Raskolnikov did not even imagine what impact the crime committed would have on his own consciousness. It seemed that the “superman” should triumph. After all, he proved that he was right, demonstrated his superiority over those around him. However, after the murder of the old pawnbroker and her sister, Raskolnikov loses contact with the outside world. Now he feels like an unhappy and hunted creature. Rodion Raskolnikov is tormented by the thought that everyone around him suspects him. It seems to him that his surroundings are about to bring him out into the open.

By committing a crime, Raskolnikov thereby distanced himself from other people. He is aware of this and suffers because of it. The student is now on the verge of mental illness. His soul argues with his cold mind. In his soul, Raskolnikov is not at all as cruel and inhuman as he wants to convince himself. After all, his attitude towards the Marmeladov family shows that he can experience compassion.

By depicting the mental anguish of Rodion Raskolnikov, the writer proves his position regarding the idea of ​​a “superman”. Dostoevsky is convinced that no theory can justify crimes of moral boundaries. The writer adheres to Christian ideas. “Thou shalt not kill,” a person must observe this commandment. From Dostoevsky’s point of view, one should live only according to the dictates of the soul, and the human soul belongs to God. After all, there is only twenty percent of a person’s mind, and the rest is the soul. You cannot commit a crime, this will first of all be a conflict with your own soul. Christian commandments and laws help a person not to lose touch with the world and his own soul.

The image of Sonechka Marmeladova is the embodiment of Dostoevsky’s idea of ​​“physical dirt” and “moral dirt.” Sonya’s “physical dirt” nevertheless does not prevent the heroine from being morally pure. After all, Sonya is ready to sacrifice in the name of her neighbor, she considers this the norm. Faith in God allows her not to lose her best human qualities, not to become bitter, despite the fact that conditions contribute to this. Sonechka saves her loved ones from death at the cost of her own humiliation. She goes to the panel.

Sonechka Marmeladova personifies faith and love for all humanity. She saves Raskolnikov, because it was after a conversation with her that he decides to repent of his crime.

Raskolnikov was already convinced of the inconsistency of his theory; he failed to feel like a superman. His mental anguish clearly testifies to this. Raskolnikov's true punishment is his own torment of conscience. Legal punishment is a formality, but it gives the main character the opportunity to “resurrect.” It is no coincidence that it was in hard labor that Raskolnikov felt his rebirth. Now he realized how erroneous and criminal his theory was.

Dostoevsky's novel “Crime and Punishment” makes the reader think about moral laws that cannot be crossed. A person cannot contrast himself with others, consider himself exceptional, and others as only “material”. The truth of the Christian commandments is undoubted. And no matter how the circumstances develop, a person should not violate them.

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(Un)mown meadows exude a wonderful aroma.

(Un)able to realize himself in life, Bazarov shows his best qualities in the face of death.

The still (not) dry house was damp and cold.

The birds are driven south by the (not) approaching cold, but by the lack of food.

(Un)luck ensures success in the exam, but good knowledge of the subject.


A person (not) knowing what he is doing.

I was upset by a friend’s (im)polite, rude remark.

Not at all embarrassed, she just smiled in response.

The rains continued for a long time, and I was (un)prepared for the wet weather and got wet to the skin.

This is a (not) finished work, but some sketches.



The paintings of I.K. Aivazovsky received recognition from the audience (NOT)USUALLY early: already in his youth, the artist was awarded a silver medal for the sketch “Air over the Sea”.

The poetry of A.A. Akhmatova returns things to their original meaning and draws attention to what we normally (NOT) EVALUATE.

A strong east wind that continued all night raised large waves.

From the dark sky, from the shaggy clouds, crushing each other in confusion, (NON) Ceasing, thunder rolls are heard.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

When we were sailing on a boat along a flooded river, every now and then we came across dirty gray spots - (NOT) FLOODED hillocks.

During the day the city was always very (UN)QUIET.

Solntseva was sitting in the compartment, (NOT) REMOVING her coat and scarf.

The sofa turned out to be (NOT) HEAVY at all, and two movers carried it into the apartment without difficulty.

Nina looked at Yegorushka (NOT) LOVINGLY, but somehow evilly, aloofly.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

A deep silence, (UN)TOUCHED even by the rustle of a dry leaf, stretched across the meadows.

This reservoir had (UN)USUAL hard banks, and a dense plexus of whitefly, wild rosemary, grasses, roots and mosses.

I have (NOT) TIMES in my life found myself in difficult situations, but I always met good people along the way who helped me.

A (NOT)BRIGHT, but very beautiful sunset was burning outside the window and could not go out.

The conversation was still (NOT) FINISHED when the secretary entered the office and said that Nikolai Sergeevich was being asked to urgently go down to the workshop.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

By midnight, all the guests had left, Maria was left alone, but now she was no longer (NOT) SO sad.

Natalya Petrovna’s new acquaintance turned out to be a far from (NOT) SIMPLE person.

The still (UN)furnished room seemed frighteningly huge, alien and cold.

(NOT) FAR from our house there was a birch grove, and I could walk there for days on end.

Maksimka, (NOT) THINKING about the danger, rushed to help his friend.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The tight buds of still (NOT) BLOWING roses exuded a delicate aroma.

A (NOT)LOUD but unexpected knock on the door scared Yuri.

Marusya could not be called a beauty, but she was (NOT) devoid of charm.

(NOT) WAITING for permission, Grigory resolutely entered the room.

It was (NOT) ANYONE other than my friend Borka.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

There was silence in the garden: not a single bird CHIRLED in the trees.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The lilac bush under the window is (NOT) LESS than ten years old.

(IN)CORRECT, but pleasant facial features gave Nastya a resemblance

with Mother.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

I received a (NOT) MEANINGFUL explanation in response.

Even the stone (NOT) PROCESSED by the master amazed with its original design.

There was (NOT) childlike diligence in Natasha’s singing.

The depth of the idea in the novel is (IN)SEPARATELY combined with artistry.

From above one could see several (UN)COVERED buildings.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Griboedov also introduces realistic techniques into comedy: the main character is far from (NOT) IDEAL and chooses the worst of her rivals in love.

I am convinced of one thing: inspiration is (NOT) BORN on its own, but comes during work.

Masha looked at me the way a dreaming person looks at a distant object: it was (NOT) POSSIBLE to tear himself away from it.

The public baths in Rome soon turned into magnificent buildings, housing (NOT) ONLY swimming pools and gymnastics rooms, but also libraries.

Our house was (NOT) REPAIRED: the glass was tarnished, the walls looked dull and were not pleasing to the eye.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

It is impossible to master higher mathematics without (NOT)KNOWING elementary mathematical concepts.

We cannot allow any (UN)JUSTIFIED denial of what is new in science.

The heroine was (NOT)DESTED to connect her life with the life of her loved one.

When Arthur got out to the opposite bank, he found himself at a sheep pen he had previously (NOT) NOTICED.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Lingonberry bushes are strewn with (UN)RIPED berries.

Even the smell of gasoline (NOT) COULD drown out the aroma of the meadow.

IN THE (NOT) LARGE, but spacious hall it was light and quiet.

(NOT) RECOGNIZING their purpose, the heroes of A.P.’s plays. Chekhov often live their lives mechanically.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

M. Vrubel created a fabulously symbolic image of girlish beauty, freshness, mystery and majesty (not) fading over the years.

The Don at the crossing point is far (not) wide, only about forty meters.

According to Bazarov, the role of society is more important than the influence of the individual: “Correct society, and there will (not) be diseases.”

Somewhere here, a few steps away, the (un)forgettable trills of a nightingale were heard, and the silence was filled with wondrous sounds.

Bunin depicts in the story an (un)defined personality, but an established social type.


Indicate all the numbers where E is written.

Out of nowhere, a puppy jumped out, which n (2) was a little frightened of the horse, on the contrary, began to desperately attack it, which did not amuse passers-by a little.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

I.A. Bunin leads to the idea that, obviously, the meaning of life is not in acquiring wealth, but in something else, (NOT) Amenable to monetary valuation or aesthetic wisdom.

Based on subtle, seemingly (NOT)SIGNIFICANT details, a specialist is able to accurately attribute an archaeological find.

In the forest, in addition to the well-known boletus mushrooms, Masha found a mushroom that was (NOT) FAMILIAR to any of the summer residents.

(NOT) ONLY in the kitchen, but also in the rooms there was a delicious smell of baked apples.

(UN)WISHING to upset her mother, Natasha did not dare tell her about Alexei’s illness.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Raskolnikov is a (NOT) ORDINARY killer, but a gifted young man with a philosophical mind.

IN THE (UN)FINISHED youthful “Tale” by M.Yu. Lermontov describes the childhood of Sasha Arbenin, a double of the author himself.

I will tell everything as it really happened, (NOT) DISTORTING a single word.

There was everything: a sea of ​​music, beautiful costumes, luxurious scenery and that very atmosphere of the Bolshoi Theater, which for many years has kept a secret (UN) REVEALED by anyone.

Petka slept a lot, but for some reason he wanted to sleep more, and it often seemed that everything around him was (NOT) REALITY, but a long, unpleasant dream.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The (UN)WANTING partners decided to break the contract.

The nearest station turned out to be very (NOT) CLOSE, so I was pretty tired by the time I got there.

Varya’s new admirer turned out to be a (NOT) BEAUTIFUL, but incredibly charismatic person.

One secret in this whole story remains (NOT) REVEALED.

Due to injury, the athlete, a fan favorite, (DID NOT) REACH the finish line: he retired from the race on the first lap.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

A group of scientists had to go to a still (NOT) EXPLORED section of the island.

After everything Nikita heard that evening, he realized that his position was by no means (UN)FAVORABLE.

An old house, decorated with wooden carvings, stood on a (NOT) HIGH hill, but for some reason it stood out against the background of the other hillocks.

Some fragments of the manuscript are still (NOT) FOUND.

(UN)DECIDING to approach his father, Deniska stood and shifted from foot to foot.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

In some places the light (DID NOT) PENETRATE at all under the thick canopy of pine branches.


The (UN)CLEAR outlines of huge trees appeared ahead.

The far (IN)HOSPITABLE forest stretched all the way to Nerekhta.

Every writer has a single, main, (NOT)WRITTEN book.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The recruits were (NOT) LIKE the locals.

Hermann heard an (UN)FAMILIAR gait: someone was walking, quietly shuffling their shoes.

I began to explain to him the position of a second, but Ivan Ignatich could not understand me in any way.

Although it was a cold autumn, the soldiers were forced to spend the night in barracks that had long been (UN)HEATED.

The window in the small room was (NOT) CURTAINED.


Determine the sentence in which NOT (NOR) is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Archaeologists of the Rostov region are concerned about the development of territories (UN)RESEARCHED by scientists.

It was not (NOT) Idle curiosity that brought us to this city.

Through the (NOT) CLOSED curtains a large, brightly lit room could be seen.

The book has still (UN)READ.

(NO) MORE than a third of students gave correct answers to tasks of increased complexity.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

What was scary in childhood was now completely (NOT) SCARY.

I've never been a big fan of keeping birds in (NOT)WILL, but sometimes in the winter I've had woodland songbirds.

The blue feather grass, still (NOT) BLOWING, spread across the vast plain.

(NOT) LOOKING around, Mikhail confidently walked towards the stage.

“(Isn’t) it better for you, son, to postpone your trip?” - the mother asked carefully.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word.

Open the brackets and write down this word.

Life in camping conditions is far from (NOT) EASY.

Drops of (UN)DRY dew sparkled on the birches and bushes.

It was dark in the windows, although the shutters were (NOT) CLOSED.

The thunderstorm was (NOT) FAR, but very close: the sky was splitting into pieces, roaring so much that the ground shook underfoot.

Nothing is (NOT) VISIBLE, only the sound of the wind can be heard in the treetops.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

I have been to the Caucasus (NOT) ONCE, but still every visit opened up something new for me, and I loved this region more and more.

Before the reform, the Russian peasantry was a far from homogeneous mass.

They say that stupidity is an (IN)CUREable disease.

The morning air, (NOT) HOT from the burning sun, was fresh and pleasant.

Maria stood in the gallery and looked at the great painting of (NOT) BREATHING, with reverence and awe.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

If a person is used to quitting something without (NOT) finishing it, it is very difficult to eradicate this bad habit.

The closer we came to the sea, the more clearly we could hear the (NOT) SILENT noise of the restless waves.

The dish was still (NOT) READY, but a delicious aroma was already flowing throughout the kitchen.

For the inhabitants of the taiga, hunting was (NOT) FUN, but a way of survival.

Indifference is by no means (NOT) FAR from vice.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

M. Gorky received (NOT) LESS than five or six letters every day.

The air, which has not yet become sultry, is pleasantly refreshing.

(NOT) SOUND the pie in the sky, give the bird in your hands.

(IN)CORRECT, but pleasant facial features gave Nastya a resemblance to her mother.

Ambition is a (NOT) DESIRE to be honest, but a thirst for power.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The puppy, who had NOT yet LEARNED how to bark, whined pitifully.

Ivan was a (NOT)DISTANT man, but extremely self-confident.

Tatyana reacted to the latest news (NOT) JOYFULLY, as we expected, but with sadness and longing.

(HAVING NOT MANAGED to take a proper rest from one job, the master immediately set to work on another.

During excavations, archaeologists discovered (NOT) ANYTHING other than a food storage warehouse.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The boy, (NOT) NOTICEING anything around, continued to build his sand castles.

Lucy answered her father's questions incoherently, (IN)INTELLIGIBLY.

Among the gloomy trees still (NOT) DRESSED with foliage, this bush with green leaves seemed like a miracle.

Although the chick was (NOT) VERY strong, it was already trying to fly.

It was not at all (UN)INTERESTING for me to listen to the same story again, so I wished everyone good night and went to my room.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Everything in nature froze before dawn: the rye was (NOT) WORRIED, and the rustling of its stems did not disturb the birds.

The father stood with a sullen look, and a crease of (UN)PATIENTLY waiting for an answer was clearly visible on his forehead.

The sea has merged with the blue southern sky and is fast asleep, reflecting the fabric of clouds that (NOT) HIDE the stars.

It is often difficult to draw the line between languages ​​and dialects, since (NOT) ALL their features are still known to linguists.

NOT INTERESTED in anything, Natalya indifferently looked at the blackening sky and the raging ocean.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

A (NOT) HIGH cloudy sky was visible above the mountains.

There are, as we often think, meetings with people that are (NOT) MEANINGFUL, but communication with them can be the beginning of a long friendship.

In this city you rarely meet an idle, (NOT) BUSY person.

Our short acquaintance did not in the least prevent us from talking in a friendly manner.

The buildings of St. Petersburg with its brown iron roofs are not at all DESIGNED to be viewed from above.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The meeting took place in the (NOT) LARGE but luxurious apartment of Lyubov Markovna.

The story “Heart of a Dog” is distinguished by an extremely clear author’s idea: the revolution that took place in Russia was (NOT) THE RESULT of the natural spiritual development of society, but irresponsible and premature


The envelope with the wax seal is still (UN)OPENED.

The man took a deep breath, pulled his hat down and left in an (UN)KNOWN direction.

In the evenings, I painstakingly wrote down all the thoughts (NOT) SPEAKED out loud in a thick notebook.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The action of V. Nabokov’s novel “Under the Sign of the Illegitimate” takes place in an (UN) NAMED police state led by the dictator Paduk.

In the story “Cut”, Shukshin showed a villager in a completely (UN)CHARACTER role.

Our trains stood side by side, like twin brothers who (DID NOT) RECOGNIZE each other, and separated forever.

(NOT) LOOKING at his comrades, Kirill walked quickly down the corridor.

In life, he was overly diplomatic and tried to act (NOT) DIRECTLY, as his father would have done, but indirectly, with hints.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

It was already a far (NOT) HOT, but sunny September day, and the huntsman and I went to the swamps to watch the birds.

Cold moonlight poured into the (NOT) CURTAINED windows.

When Elizabeth, the writer’s muse, left him, he began to draw inspiration from (NOT) WHERE.

Valuing sincerity in people and (NOT) ACCEPTING falsehood most of all, this nobleman preferred to be friends with the peasants than with his people


Olga, having learned about Sasha’s arrival, ran out with her head (NOT) COVERED into the snow-covered yard.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

During the Great Patriotic War, (NOT) FEW poems appeared, but the most significant work was “Vasily Terkin” by Tvardovsky.

The basis of the plot becomes a far (NOT) NEW in literature clash between a strong personality and a crowd.

“Sometimes it’s more important (NOT) WHAT is said, but how it is said!” – with this phrase Igor concluded our argument.

The door was (UN)LOCKED, and I carefully entered the house.

Having (UN)SHAVED for almost a week, with disheveled hair, haggard, my brother was a pitiful sight.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

We lived poorly, constantly (NOT) EATED, and exchanged the things we brought with us for food.

My trained eye determined that the area was (UN)INHABITABLE, but I still decided to look for at least some signs of human presence.

It is still far (UN)CLEAR whether such an evaluation criterion is applicable to everyone and to the same extent.

The zoo is accepting (NOT) SOLD OUT fruits for the New Year, which will be enjoyed by elephants, kangaroos, bears and artiodactyls.

She is an amazing Russian actress, he is an (UN)KNOWN genius teacher, and both are true servants of the theater.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

People who (DID NOT) WANT to submit to the pressure of militant indifference came to the aid of the city, memory, and art.

He imagined himself as a martyr and partly even proudly thought that the cup had not yet been drunk to the bottom, that he would still suffer for his honesty.

I shook her hand twice; the second time she pulled it out, (NOT) SAYING a word.

The French were repelled at all points, but we (DID NOT) have enough strength to cross the river that same day and complete the defeat.

Let it be (NOT) IN MY opinion, I am ready to compromise.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Winter is (NOT) for nothing angry, its time has passed...

His home life, which was (NOT) INTERESTING to anyone around him, went on as usual.

It was a month of happiness (NOT) marred by bad events.

My new friend was by no means a (NOT)POOR man, but his stinginess discouraged me.

Stas greeted Olga (NOT) cordially and warmly, but coldly and aloofly.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The door to the veranda was (NOT) CLOSED.

This manuscript sheds light on a country that was (NOT) KNOWN in detail to anyone until now.

The robe had in Oblomov’s eyes a darkness of (UN)VALUED merits.

The air here was (NOT) OURS, alien, and my heart sank.

The box turned out to be (NOT) ANYTHING other than a storage area for cartridges.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

This (UN)FAMILIAR person behaved as if he knew everyone well.

Our hero constantly (NOT) had enough money, because it was spent quickly and stupidly.

Today's performance turned out to be no more (NOT) INTERESTING than yesterday's.

(UN)ABLE to speak in public, Demidov was very worried before the meeting.

I didn’t know how to start a conversation in such an (UN)USUAL environment.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

That long conversation, which was not at all understandable to other people’s ears, brought Oleg and Nastya closer together.

(NOT) DOUBTING his decision for a minute, Arkasha left the house.

Vasily (DID NOT) HAVE the courage to admit to himself that it was time to retreat, to give up.

The (NOT) bank overgrown with reeds attracted us, and we decided to spend the night here.

I was offended by my friend’s (UN)POLITE remark, but by the icy tone in which it was made.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The son’s (IN)AUDIBLE answer aroused suspicion, and the father was forced to ask a few more questions.

Vasilisa returned home, (NOT) HAVING done the most important thing: she did not learn anything about Andrei’s fate.

Former students, in shabby overcoats, with still (NOT) HEALED wounds, returned to their families.

In I. S. Turgenev’s story “The Unhappy,” the hero talks about the impression that a sonata made on him, which he had (NOT) HEARD before.

(UN)AWARE of their purpose, the heroes of A.P. Chekhov’s plays often live their lives meaninglessly.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word.

Open the brackets and write down this word.

We met in an (UN)FURNISHED room to discuss its future design.

All this testifies to the extreme kindness of his quiet and not at all (NOT) GREAT heart.

Some of the tasks were (NOT) COMPLETED, so Sasha had to hurry.

This box is (NOT) SMALLER than that one, but much lighter.

(HAVING NOT MANAGED to finish one novel, he immediately began writing the next one.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

A (UN)FAMILIAR person entered the living room, but numerous guests did not even pay attention to him.

The day was (NOT) HOT, but stuffy: the wind had completely died down.

(NOT) LOOKING back, Katya left the room.

Ripened bread, corn, sunflowers - where they are harvested, where they are (NOT) TOUCHED yet.

A (UN)CONTINUOUS downpour for three days turned our garden plot into a swamp.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word.

Open the brackets and write down this word.

He entered a room that was not at all similar to the first one.

Although Edward spoke (NOT) LOUDLY, everyone in the room heard his every word.

At this time Alla put the potatoes on the fire, which for some reason were (NOT) WASHED.

“I got this product (NOT) FOR FREE, I paid for it in gold!” – the father explained.

The gray irons of the British battleships sat low in the water of the bay, among the still (NOT) MELTED ice floes.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word.

Open the brackets and write down this word.

Daughter Zoya, not at all similar to her mother, was thin, narrow, ethereal blonde.

The windows in the room were washed, but (NOT) wiped dry.

Is it (NOT) TIME to take a break and get some rest?


FULL. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Willow vines and oak leaves shine like lips (not) wiped with a hand.

We were left in (UN)CONSISTENCY when the strange guest suddenly left.

(NOT) RECOGNIZING their purpose, the heroes of A.P.’s plays. Chekhov often live their lives meaninglessly.

The potatoes in the gardens are still (NOT) DIGGED.

The small tragedies of an individual remain (NOT) NOTICED by anyone.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is written with the highlighted word FULL. Open the brackets and write down this word.

This Martyr was (NOT) ANYONE other than Gavrila Severov.

The foreigner spoke Russian very (NOT)BADLY, but sometimes he made long pauses: he selected the right words.

The office is (NOT) EQUIPPED with everything necessary.

(UN) UNDERSTANDING by anyone present, Merkulov decided to leave the audience.

In this strange book, under the cover there were (UN)USUAL white pages with printed words, and dark gray sheets with yellowish cloudy spots.


Determine the sentence in which NOT and the highlighted word are written CONCLUSION. Open the brackets and write down this word.

A (NOT)BRIGHT, but very beautiful sunset burned over the lake.

The still (UN)FINISHED conversation was forcedly interrupted when a frightened maid flew into the office.

“(NOT) NEEDED to think about it,” she whispered to herself.

The doctor (SHORTLY) put on his gloves and muttered something under his breath.

We were absolutely (UN)PREPARED for the difficulties we are now facing.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

This young actress, who (NOT) CLAIMED at all for worldwide fame, but at the same time possessed healthy ambitions, captivated the journalist.

Grandfather Vadim had the opportunity to live a long and very (not) EASY life.

Elvira told him (NOT) TIMES that there was no need to accompany her.

I myself read the book only a month after taking office and, I admit, I did not (NOT) OFTEN re-read it afterwards.

The boy spoke as dryly as possible, (NOT) going into details.


Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the word FULL. Open the brackets and write down this word.

We pretended that nothing (UN)PLEASANT had happened.

A (NOT) DECENT person does this, but one who has not a penny of honor.

It turned out that this was (NOT) ANYONE other than the same seller that Bison remembered for no reason before leaving.

I waited for an answer (NOT) MORE than ten minutes.

The territory was wild, not yet inhabited, and there was a lot of work to be done.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The (UN)CONTAINED stone quickly rolled down the slope.

The house was (UN)HEATED, and we could not get warm in any way.

It is impossible to blame anyone, (NOT) UNDERSTANDING it.

She was afraid of (NOT) GETTING, not seeing, not experiencing everything that was possible in life.

Vera's mother was a completely (NOT) EVIL woman.


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

It is (NOT) EXCLUDED that solving this issue would bring us closer to solving another.

Here is the color of some new society, not yet (NOT) ESTABLISHED, still boiling in the whirlpool of selection.

This theme in the story sounds (NOT) EXPLICITLY and openly, as often happens in the works of this author, but gradually, muffled.

Did your (NOT) FRIEND send this letter?

And somewhere not far from this sacred place (NOT) ANYONE was buying mahogany palace furniture, crystal, porcelain, paintings in gold frames on the cheap.


Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the word FULL. Open the brackets and write down this word.

This room only seems big, but it’s not at all more spacious than ours.

(UN)ABLE to cope with emotions, the guest behaved rudely.

Olya was (NOT) TELLING us something all the time, hiding it.

He tried to convince me that my attempt to avoid the conversation was (NOT) NOTHING more than a fear of facing the truth.

I told all this simply, calmly, (NOT) HURRY.

F. M. Dostoevsky's novel “Crime and Punishment” is one of the greatest philosophical and psychological novels. The author told us about moral upheavals and daring that cannot but excite a reader of any era. The writer focuses on the terrible reality of Russia in the mid-19th century, with its poverty, lack of rights, oppression, suppression, corruption of the individual, suffocating from poverty and the consciousness of his own powerlessness and rebellion. The writer penetrates into the depths of the human spirit, intense thoughts about the meaning and laws of existence. The novel Crime and Punishment was published in 1866. This was an era when old moral laws were rejected by society, and new ones had not yet been developed. Society has lost its moral guidelines, which were embodied in the image of Christ, and Dostoevsky was able to show the horror of this loss.

The main character of the novel, Raskolnikov, was worried about intractable questions: why should some, smart, kind, noble, eke out a miserable existence, while others, insignificant, vile, stupid, live in luxury and contentment? Why do innocent children suffer? How can I change this order? Who is a person - a “trembling creature” or the ruler of the world, “having the right” to transgress moral principles? Incapable of anything or omnipotent, despising human laws and creating his own? Raskolnikov is not an ordinary killer, but an honest and gifted young man with a philosophical mindset, carried away by a false theory into a criminal path. Raskolnikov's poverty humiliates his pride.

At the beginning of the novel, Raskolnikov leaves not from the room, but from the “closet,” which the author later compares to a closet, chest, coffin, describes its squalor, emphasizing the extreme poverty of the occupant: “... he was crushed by poverty.” At the police station, Raskolnikov admits: “I am a poor and sick student, dejected by poverty...” This is how the writer characterizes Raskolnikov’s internal personality: “... gloomy, gloomy, arrogant and proud, suspicious and a hypochondriac. Generous and kind. He doesn’t like to express his feelings and would rather commit cruelty than express his heart in words... He values ​​himself terribly highly, and, it seems, not without some right to do so.”

Later, when the murder has already been committed, the characterization of the hero will be replenished to let the reader understand why it was committed: “... a poor student, disfigured by poverty and hypochondria, on the eve of a cruel illness with delirium, which may already have begun in him, suspicious, proud, who knows his own worth... in rags and boots without soles - stands in front of some quarters and endures their abuse, and here is an unexpected debt in front of his nose, an overdue bill...” Here, the reasons put forward in the first place are those that caused by the social status of a poor student. And the author reveals what is happening in the hero’s soul, his painful experiences to the reader, describing Raskolnikov’s dreams. The dream before the murder deepens the colors, dark details appear. Raskolnikov sees himself as a child and witnesses the beating of a cornered horse, which in stupid anger the owner beats to death. The boy experiences this death very strongly. The hero's dream has many meanings. Firstly, it expresses a protest against murder, senseless cruelty, and sympathy for the pain of others. This testifies to the subtle, kind soul of the hero. Secondly, sleep is a symbol of existing orders.

Life is unfair, rude, cruel: its owners, the riders, ride along, chasing unfortunate, downtrodden nags, mock them, and if they want, they can kill them. Thirdly, the hero’s dream is a kind of prologue to the subsequent narrative. An analogy arises with the behavior of the Svidrigailovs and Luzhins, to whom everything is allowed in this life, they are its stewards. And the attempts of disadvantaged people (Marmeladovs, Raskolnikovs and others) to find justice in this terrible world are powerless. It is no coincidence that Ivanovna Marmeladova, tortured and crushed by poverty, compares herself to a hackneyed nag. Her husband drank himself to death from grief. On the panel is her daughter Sonya. There is one more, perhaps the most important meaning of the dream - Raskolnikov’s internal attitude towards crime.

The terrible scene and the shed blood are connected in Raskolnikov’s mind with the planned murder. Waking up, the shocked Rodion immediately remembers what he was planning to do - the upcoming murder of the old pawnbroker: “God! - he exclaimed, “is it really possible... I’ll really take an ax, hit her on the head, crush her skull... I’ll slide in the sticky warm blood... Lord, really?” This is the beginning of the “experienced idea”. While she was mastering it logically, there was no fear. But then the hero’s feelings came into their own. Human nature rebels, and a confession appears: “... after all, I knew that I couldn’t stand it... I won’t stand it... it’s vile, disgusting, low... after all, just the thought in reality made me sick and terrified ..."

But, pondering this dream, Raskolnikov more clearly imagines the motives for the murder. Firstly, hatred towards the tormentors of the “nag” is growing, and secondly, the desire to rise to the position of a judge, to “have the right” to punish the presumptuous “masters” is growing. But Raskolnikov did not take into account one thing - the inability of a kind and honest person to shed blood. Having not killed anyone yet, he understands the doom of the bloody idea.

A terrible decision nevertheless continues to ripen in Rodion’s soul. A conversation between a student and an officer overheard in a tavern about the murder of an old woman for the sake of money, with which one can do “a thousand good deeds and undertakings... In one life - thousands of lives saved from rotting and decay. One death and a hundred lives in return - but this is arithmetic!..” The phrase about the multiplicity of sufferers turned out to be very important for Rodion.

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Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Raskolnikov is a (NOT) ORDINARY killer, but a gifted young man with a philosophical mind.

IN THE (UN)FINISHED youthful “Tale” by M.Yu. Lermontov describes the childhood of Sasha Arbenin, a double of the author himself.

I will tell everything as it really happened, (NOT) DISTORTING a single word.

There was everything: a sea of ​​music, beautiful costumes, luxurious scenery and that very atmosphere of the Bolshoi Theater, which for many years has kept a secret (UN) REVEALED by anyone.

Petka slept a lot, but for some reason he wanted to sleep more, and it often seemed that everything around him was (NOT) REALITY, but a long, unpleasant dream.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Let's give the correct spelling.

Raskolnikov is NOT an ordinary killer, but a gifted young man with a philosophical mindset (contrast with union A).

IN THE UNFINISHED (participle without dependent words) youthful “Tale” by M.Yu. Lermontov describes the childhood of Sasha Arbenin, a double of the author himself.

I will tell everything as it really happened, WITHOUT DISTORTING (not written separately with gerunds) a single word.

It was all there: a sea of ​​music, beautiful costumes, luxurious scenery and that very atmosphere of the Bolshoi Theater, which for many years has kept an UNDISCOVERED secret (the participle in the participle phrase is written with NOT separately).

Petka slept a lot, but for some reason he wanted to sleep more, and it often seemed that everything around him was NOT REALITY (the contrast follows), but a long, unpleasant dream.

Answer: unfinished.

Answer: unfinished

Rule: Task 13. Integrated and separate spelling of NOT and NI with different parts of speech

Spelling NOT and NOR.

According to the specification, a task of this type checks:

− the ability to distinguish a NOT particle from a NI particle;

− ability to distinguish the prefix NOT from the prefix NI;

− the ability to write together or separately NOT with all parts of speech.

In this regard, we draw attention to the fact that the conditions of tasks, depending on its goals, may vary significantly. At the same time, we also note that in standard Unified State Examination tasks (authors Tsybulko I.P., Lvov, Egoraeva) only the ability to write together or separately NOT with different parts of speech is tested, but in tasks by other authors, including Senina, MMIO (StatGrad) There are also tasks to choose between NOT and NOR. The editors of RESHUEGE also consider it necessary to expand the types of this task within the specifications of the current year.

We also draw your attention to the fact that a number of rules by which spelling is checked are not taught in the school course. Such rules are marked with *.

12.1 Combined and separate spelling of particles NOT and NI.

The particle is not written separately:

1) If there is or is implied a contrast with names, adverbs and participles.

It is necessary to distinguish between direct opposition, in which one of the two features, called adjectives, is denied, and the second is affirmed, and opposition with a concessive shade of meaning, in which both features, called adjectives, are attributed to the subject, i.e. there is opposition, but without negation .

Wed: The lake is not deep, but shallow (the attribute “deep” is denied and the attribute “shallow” is affirmed). - The lake is shallow, but wide (both attributes are affirmed: “both shallow and wide”; “although shallow, but wide”) .

1) This is not happiness, but grief. The river is not shallow (deep). You are not my friend. They walked not quickly, but slowly. Not a silent, but a growing rumble.
2) *With adjectives, adverbs starting with -o and participles, words starting with -my, if the opposition is implied and the negation is strengthened by the words:

a) not at all, not at all, far from, not at all, not at all;

b) negative pronominal words: not at all, not at all, no one, no one, no one, never, nowhere, no, no, nothing, nothing, nothing, etc.

For convenience of explanation, we call them negatives and amplifiers.

a) This is not true at all; This case is not at all unique; This is by no means obvious; She is far from brave; He is not at all stupid; It's no fun talking about it; Not at all embarrassed; She is not at all more educated than her husband;

b) The case is in no way suitable; A worthless project; He's not my friend; not at all envious, not needed by anyone, not in any way useless, good for nothing, incapable of anything, not interesting in any way; He is not at all more beautiful than his sister;

3) *With short adjectives that are not used in full form.3) not happy, should not, is not right, is not visible, does not intend, is not disposed, is not ready, is not obliged, is not needed, does not agree.
4) With full participles in the presence of dependent words (except for words of degree intensifiers, see the list) or opposition (as a general rule)4) Fields of rye that had not yet been harvested could be seen. Not a laughing, but a crying child.
4) *With verbal adjectives formed from imperfective transitive verbs using the suffixes -em-, -im- only if there is a dependent word in the instrumental case.4) The subject I didn’t like was to be taken this year.

This case requires further clarification. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling not with words in -my, formed from transitive imperfective verbs: such words can be either passive participles of the present tense or adjectives (in the first case, the spelling with is not separate, in the second - continuous). They are participles if the instrumental case of the character, or less often the instrumental case of the instrument (the so-called instrumental) is used as an explanatory word; in the presence of other explanatory words, they become adjectives (they lose the passive meaning and the meaning of time and acquire a qualitative meaning). Compare: a child not loved by the mother - unloved games in childhood (in the second case, the word unloved indicates a constant sign, means approximately the same as “unpleasant”, “undesirable”); movement not inhibited by air - the side of the Moon invisible from Earth.

Adjectives of this type include: invisible, irresponsible, inflammable, inextinguishable, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, unvisible, unchangeable, unloved, unthinkable, untaxable, unalienable, untranslatable, untransferable, unknowable, unverifiable, unconjugated, intolerant and etc. Wed. their writing in the presence of explanatory words: a number indivisible by three, unforgettable meetings for us, through tears invisible to the world, records unthinkable in the recent past, feelings inexpressible in simple words, accounts unverifiable for a long time, dirt impassable in the spring, indeclinable nouns in the Russian language , intolerant behavior in our society, etc.

5) With verbs, gerunds, short participles, with numerals, conjunctions, particles, prepositions:5) was not, could not, without recognizing, not ordered, not removed, not one, not five, not that... not that, not only, not above us.
6) *With adverbs and words of the state category

a) to a comparative extent

b) in the role of a predicate impersonal predicate

6) moved no louder, spoke no faster

I don't need it, she doesn't need it

7) in negative pronouns with a preposition with stress7) not with anyone, not in anything, not about anyone
7) in negative pronouns with a preposition without stress7) with no one, in nothing, about anyone

12.2 Continuous spelling of NOT and NOR.

The particle is not written together:

1) If the word without NOT is not used.A) Nouns: fable, tumbler, ignorance, ignorant, adversity, unseen, invisible, slave, scoundrel, touchy, ailment, forget-me-not, hatred, bad weather, problems, fidget, slob, foolish, loser, unchrist;

b) adjectives and adverbs formed from them: careless, inconspicuous, irrevocable, unharmed, inevitable, unchanging, absurd, necessary, invincible, unceasing, inseparable, unspeakable, never-ending, unceasing, undoubted, incomparable, awkward, unfortunate, clumsy, intolerable, unshakable, indisputable, indomitable; careless, absurd, necessary, undoubtedly;

V) Verbs: to dislike, to dislike, to be indignant, to be unwell, to be unwell, to hate, to be unwell, to be unwell, to be perplexed, to be unable to come, to be numb;

G) adverbs and other unchangeable words: unbearably, unbearably, unbearably, unknowingly, by chance, inadvertently, impossible, inadvertently, really, reluctantly; despite, despite (prepositions)

2) *NOT part of the prefix NEDO, which gives verbs the meaning of incompleteness, insufficiency compared to some norm.” The same rules also apply to participles formed from verbs with the prefix NEDO. The prefix UNDER- is often antonymous with the prefix OVER-: under-salt - over-salt, under-full - over-full, under-full - over-fill, under-over-transfer.2) The child really missed the care of his parents. During the war, children were UNDERFOODED and LACKED OF SLEEP. Rozhdestvensky believed too much in his own abilities, considering himself a genius, but underestimated the abilities of his opponent.
3) With nouns, adjectives, adverbs ending in -o, -e, when a new word, a new concept is formed, often with a negative quality.3) misfortune (trouble), not easy (difficult), not easy, ugly, not far (close), nearby
4) *In combination with adjectives and adverbs, words denoting the degree of quality: very, extremely, very, extremely, clearly, quite (pretty much), quite, blatantly, exclusively, extremely do not affect continuous or separate writing, therefore it is NOT written together.

For convenience of explanation, we call them strengths and degrees.

4) A very unpleasant incident. A completely uninteresting game was invented. He spoke rather incomprehensibly.
5) With full participles in the absence of dependent words or *when dependent words are intensifiers5) We walked along the unlit streets of the town. I made a completely rash decision.
6) *In verbal adjectives formed from intransitive verbs or transitive verbs of the perfect form using the suffixes -em-, -im-. These are not participles, since participles with the suffixes -em, -they should only be of the imperfect form, they are the present tense.6) unfading, inexhaustible, irreconcilable, insurmountable, indomitable, inexhaustible, indestructible.
7) in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs, depending on the stress, E or I, but together.7) nobody-nobody, nothing-nothing, nobody-nobody, nothing-nothing, nowhere-nowhere, nowhere-from-nowhere, no-no-nothing, no-time-never.

12.3. The particles NOT and NI differ in meaning:

To correctly select the particles NOT and NI, their semantic differences should be taken into account. Let's display them in tables.

Main uses of negative particles

The particle is NOT usedNI particle is used
1) to express negation:

There were no letters or telegrams.

Brother doesn't look like a liar.

It’s not the moon or the stars that interest me, but only meteorites.

1) to strengthen the negation expressed by the particle NOT

There were no letters or telegrams.

The brother does not look like a deceiver or a joker.

I'm not interested in the stars or the moon.

2) to express a statement with a connotation of obligation (double negative):

He couldn't help but call.

We couldn't help but notice.

2) to express quantitative negation:

The sky is clear.

Not a drop of dew in my mouth.

3) to express impossibility in impersonal sentences:

You won't be able to catch up with the crazy three!

There will be no war or fire!

3) for emotional expression of prohibition, order, obligation:

No step back!

Not a sound! Not a day without a line!

4) when expressing uncertainty, fear or admiration:

Aren't you my guest?

No matter how cold the frost hits!

Why not a hero!

4) to express uncertainty:

He is neither old nor young, neither fat nor thin (cf.: He is either old or young).

In phraseological units: Neither this nor that, neither fish nor fowl.

5) in interrogative and exclamatory sentences when expressing an underlined statement:

Who hasn’t cursed the stationmasters, who hasn’t scolded them!

(A. Pushkin)

Isn't it true that we have become wiser?

With your condition, how can you not get married? (L. Tolstoy)

5) in subordinate clauses with a generalized intensifying meaning (with allied words: whoever.., whatever.., wherever.., etc.).

Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he doesn’t cry.

Whenever you ask him, he won’t mince his words.

Complex cases of distinguishing between NEI and NOT

1.In subordinate clauses. Compare:
Does NOT express negation:

When my brother didn't come, everyone felt bored.

There are no wars where soldiers do not die.

NI expresses the statement with a touch of generality:

Whenever my brother came, he always brought excitement and joy.

Wherever soldiers die, they should be remembered and honored.

2. In revolutions not one and none; not once and not once. Compare:
Does not express negation:

Not one of us (that is, many) was ready for the ascent.

More than once (i.e. many times) I had to meet a wild beast.

Neither expresses increased negation:

Neither of us (that is, no one) was up to the climb.

Not once (that is, never) have I encountered a wild animal.

3. In pronominal phrases. Compare:
Expressive phrases with NOT contain the meaning of hidden opposition and are used in affirmative sentences (cf.: no one else, but..)

None other than a woodpecker was knocking dully in the forest.

Before us was nothing more than an ancient cave.

These phrases are used in negative sentences and serve to strengthen the negation: no one... not; nothing is not:

No one else could have led us to the right path.

Nothing else but music captivated me so much.


Compound amplification turns with particle ni:

at all costs, no matter what, wherever, wherever, as if nothing had happened, etc.

Spelling varies Not with verbal adjectives -my and with participles -my; if there are explanatory words, the first ones are written together (like denominate adjectives), the second ones are written separately, for example:

A) uninhabited since ancient times the island insoluble crystals in water, indistinguishable figures of people in the dark;

b) reserves not visited by hunters, unreadable non-specialist magazines, not my favorite mother child.

To adjectives on -my include words formed from intransitive verbs (for example: independent, waterproof, fireproof) or from perfective verbs (for example: incorrigible, impracticable, indestructible). These words are subject to general spelling rules. Not with adjectives, i.e. they are written together and with explanatory words (see examples above), as well as in a short form (for example: island uninhabited, disease incurable, these countries are economically independent). However, the rule of writing adjectives separately with Not, if explanatory words are pronouns and adverbs starting with neither, or combinations far from, not at all, not at all(see above, paragraph 6, note 1. subparagraph 2), for example: with nothing incomparable the impression is that countries are not dependent on anyone, by no means insoluble crystals; This is a phenomenon neither from life nor from art irreparable. The exception is words that, without Not not used, for example: by no one invincible army, for no one incomprehensible case, under no circumstances unique experiment.


It is necessary to distinguish between spelling Not with words on -my, formed from imperfective transitive verbs: such words can be either passive present participles or adjectives (in the first case, spelled with Not separate, in the second - merged). They are participles if the instrumental case of the character, or less often the instrumental case of the instrument (the so-called instrumental) is used as an explanatory word; in the presence of other explanatory words, they become adjectives (they lose the passive meaning and the meaning of time and acquire a qualitative meaning). Wed: not my favorite mother child - unloved in childhood, games (in the second case, the word unloved indicates a constant feature, means approximately the same as “unpleasant”, “undesirable”); movement, uninhibited by air - invisible from the Earth side of the Moon.

Adjectives of this type include: invisible, irresponsible, inflammable, inextinguishable, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, unvisible, unchangeable, unloved, unthinkable, untaxed, unalienable, untranslatable, untransferable, unknowable, unverifiable, unconjugated, intolerant, etc. Cf. their writing with explanatory words: indivisible by three number, unforgettable for us to meet, through invisible tears to the world, unthinkable in the recent past records, indescribable in simple words of feeling, unverifiable accounts from a long time ago, impassable mud in the spring, unyielding in Russian nouns, intolerant behavior in our society, etc.

In the novel Crime and Punishment, the hero Rodion Raskolnikov hatches and carries out the idea of ​​​​killing an old woman involved in usury. The image of the old woman evokes negative emotions in the hero, and he, having a gloomy and arrogant character, develops a new theory of life. The murder of Alena Ivanovna is a test of this theory: “Am I a trembling creature, or do I have the right?” The novel takes place in St. Petersburg; in the last part, the main character of Crime and Punishment finds himself in Siberia. “Crime and Punishment” is a deeply psychological and philosophical work by Dostoevsky.

Characteristics of the heroes of “Crime and Punishment”

Main characters

Minor characters

Alena Ivanovna

An old woman of about 60 years old, a widow, lives in a clean apartment together with her sister, whom she considers mentally handicapped, and constantly mocks her. By engaging in usury, she accumulated a decent fortune. He treats others with caution and distrust, and does not communicate with anyone. He takes things as collateral, does not deceive anyone, and behaves honestly. He is Raskolnikov's unfortunate victim.

Marmeladov Semyon Zakharovich

A drunken former official of mature age. Kind and responsive. When I first lost my job, due to my weak character, I became addicted to alcohol. His alcoholism led his family into poverty.

Sonya Marmeladova

The main traits of her character are meekness and timidity. At the behest of his stepmother, he goes to the “panel” to feed the stepmother’s younger children. It is her love that pushes Raskolnikov onto the path of repentance.

Pulcheria Alexandrovna Raskolnikova

She is Rodion's mother. He lives with his daughter Dunya, without sufficient funds, and is exhausted in order to financially help his son, a student. In order to get rid of poverty, he wants to marry Dunya to Luzhin.

Dunya Raskolnikova

An educated, attractive girl. She worked for Svidrigailov and left after his obscene behavior. Loves his brother dearly. For the sake of helping the family, I agree to marry Luzhin. In the end, she becomes Razumikhin's wife.

Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova

Sonechka's stepmother. She suffers from her husband’s endless drinking bouts and constant poverty. Still a young woman, she dies in agony from tuberculosis.

Luzhin Petr Petrovich

A wealthy man of about 45 years old. He dreams of opening his own business. A calculating and unpleasant man, he is thinking of marrying Dunya so that she will feel obligated to him, in order to amuse her vanity.

Razumikhin Dmitry Prokofievich

The characterization of the hero Razumikhin contains only positive features. This is an honest and noble young man, a faithful friend of Raskolnikov. Despite the difficult circumstances, he finds the opportunity to continue his studies. Marries Rodion's sister.

Svidrigailov Arkady Ivanovich

We can say that Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov are moral twins. He has the same understanding of a crime that can be justified.

Marfa Petrovna Svidrigailova

A rich woman bought Svidrigailov from prison and married him. She loves her husband very much, but allows him fleeting affairs with peasant women; only love for women equal in status is prohibited. She died under mysterious circumstances.

Lebezyatnikov Andrey Semenovich

A nasty guy, a ministry employee, Luzhin's younger friend.


Alena Ivanovna's dumb sister became an accidental victim of a student.


He is on friendly terms with Razumikhin, doctor. He treated Raskolnikov when he was ill after his crime.

Zametov Alexander Grigorievich

A young secretary of a small office, a bribe-taker. I talked with Raskolnikov about the crime.

Nikodim Fomich

He works in the police, a serious and intelligent man. An open and good-natured person in communication.

Porfiry Petrovich

Conducting an investigation into the old woman's case. Smart, uses psychological techniques in his work. It is he who convinces Raskolnikov to confess to the murder.

Ilya Petrovich

Serves as Nikodim Fomich's assistant. Man of principle. Raskolnikov tells him that he killed the old women.

Amalia Ivanovna Lippevehzel

A contentious woman, of German origin, does not know Russian well. Rents out housing to the Marmeladovs.


A young village boy comes under suspicion of murdering old women and admits to something he did not do, but a smart investigator, through psychological analysis, concludes that the painter is not guilty.

In Dostoevsky’s book, the main theme is not only Raskolnikov’s idea of ​​“Napoleonicism,” but also discussions about the social reasons why a person is ready to commit a crime. This table provides a list of characters; a brief description of each character can be used for an essay on the novel “Crime and Punishment”

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