The nicest words in the world. The most tender words to your beloved girl

What drives your loved one crazy? Here are 50 beautiful compliments to a girl, the most beautiful, gentle, pleasant, affectionate words and phrases that will make your beloved happy and make your cheeks burn with the bright flame of love.

Making an impression on a girl and pursuing (in the sense of courting) her is the first and surest, time-tested way to charm, win a girl and be with her.

But the relationship between a man and a woman is more than a simple pursuit, a Predator chasing a Victim.

And the more love there is in the relationship between a guy and a girl, the more valuable are the most minimal signs of attention from lovers to each other.

N Tender, beautiful words, pleasant and affectionate compliments to your beloved girl simply need to be said from time to time.

Isn't it flattering for you to sometimes hear a well-deserved compliment about your intelligence, strength, beauty, caring nature? Isn’t it nice to listen to a high assessment of your abilities and talents, especially from the lips of a loved one?

So your girlfriend, too, sometimes just needs to HEAR that she is super, that she is the most beautiful, the most attractive, the most charming, the most delightful.

And even more so when it comes to girls, romantic gestures and heroic deeds, sweet, sweet, kind words, meaningful quotes about love are so important, but, most importantly, real deeds and attentive attitude, which again and again prove a guy’s love for a girl .

After all, we do not waste time on those whom we do not love, who are indifferent to us. We don’t give compliments to a random passer-by without any particular reason. But the girl you love is not random and not just any girl.

You need to invest in her not only in effort and time, money and energy, but also in words, with a high appreciation of her achievements - so that she wants to become better for your sake.

How to give a girl a nice compliment? Yes, very simple. Pay attention to what she is most proud of about herself - and praise it, be it talent, appearance or a special wardrobe.

And don’t forget about the 50 beautiful compliments to a girl that I publish below - they will help you speak tender and kind words at the very first stage of mastering the difficult science.

50 beautiful words to a girl, gentle and pleasant compliments to the woman you love

These compliments will make your girlfriend feel special. These compliments to your favorite girls really work - and they work “Excellent”.

But, before using them as a weapon to lift the mood of your beloved lady, consider a number of important points - otherwise they will not work.

How to compliment a girl

  • Choose the right moment - when she is not in a hurry, not in a hurry, not busy with anything, and does not crave solitude at any cost.
  • Be truthful and don't lie: say only what is really in your heart. Lying or making fun of romantic feelings will be taken as mockery and will hurt your girlfriend to the core - especially if the first part of the compliment was true.
  • You can say these beautiful words and compliments to a girl eye to eye, hugging her, or you can send them via SMS, e-mail and other modern methods.
  • The most important - FEEL IT FIRST, AND LATER SAY IT.

The most beautiful compliments to girls - affectionate and the best

  1. Thanks to you, I believed that there really are soul mates.
  2. You gave my life meaning - you are now the meaning of my life.
  3. I can't imagine life without you.
  4. How do you always manage to look so beautiful and amazing?
  5. When I'm next to you, I feel lucky. All my friends are jealous of me because of you.
  6. You always know how to surprise me and please me. You just read in my heart, like in a book.
  7. You are the reason why I consider my life perfect.
  8. You look so cool when you laugh.
  9. You light up my day every time I see you.
  10. I dreamed about you all last night.
  11. I thought about you and kissed my pillow before I woke up. Can you imagine?
  12. I can look at you forever. And I always have the feeling that I am constantly missing you. I can never get enough of you. Can't get enough of you.
  13. I like the scent of your body.
  14. I feel so happy when I'm next to you, and when you're not around, my heart hurts.
  15. Spending time with you is my favorite hobby. At work I only live in hope that I will see you later.
  16. You dance so well! You move so organically.
  17. You understand me so well - you directly read in my soul, as if from a book. Even I don’t know myself as well and don’t understand me as you do.
  18. I can't wait for our wedding - I really want to spend the rest of my life with you.
  19. I'm happy simply because I have you.
  20. You are my best friend.
  21. Thanks to your beautiful smile, all my stress, troubles and problems disappear. You are like the morning dawn, like the sun that drives away the darkness.
  22. No, you're not fat at all. You are perfect - just the build I like. There is something to take on, it’s nice to hold on to.
  23. You could have had any guy in this world, but you chose me - and I thank you for that.
  24. When I see you, I feel an incomprehensible trembling in my knees and an irresistible desire to touch, hug, caress you...
  25. When I'm with you, I want time to stop. But, alas, it flies too fast.
  26. I regret that I didn’t meet you much earlier, that I wasted so many years.
  27. Just hearing your voice in the morning gives me a huge boost of energy and vigor for the whole day.
  28. From your smile I melt, fly away, and...
  29. When we part and you look at me as we part, my heart literally skips a beat and I really don’t want to go anywhere...
  30. You made all my dreams of an ideal girl come true - beautiful, smart, strong, and confident.
  31. I have never met such a wonderful person like you before.
  32. I love you so much that I can’t even explain it to you, although I tried many times. I love you more than any strongest love!
  33. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met.
  34. I love touching your soft skin with my hands - my hands take pleasure in giving you a massage.
  35. I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy.
  36. Never change - I love you exactly the way you are.
  37. Thanks to you, I feel like a little joyful child in an extreme park. You are my adrenaline pump.
  38. It really hurts me to see you sad.
  39. You have such expressive eyes and an amazingly deep, wise look... I adore you and I love your eyes.
  40. Because of you, I want to become better, change for the better - I really want to be worthy of your love.
  41. I get butterflies in my stomach when your hands touch my face.
  42. You look so chic and luxurious, and at the same time childishly naive, that I am afraid to touch you - you seem so airy and fragile.
  43. I think that no other girl is anywhere near as perfect as you.
  44. You are exactly the person who makes me want to thank my fate.
  45. I love you.
  46. I love the way you tell me “Good night, honey” and kiss my cheek over the phone.
  47. I love it when your hair touches my fingers.
  48. I love it when you hug me and stroke me with your hands.
  49. I want to kiss every inch of your body.
  50. I got up in the morning thinking about you and go to bed with a dream about you.
  51. I love you so much that I simply cannot imagine life without you.

Do you want to check out these 50 affectionate and pleasant, beautiful compliments to your beloved girl in practice? Just say tender words to the girl from the bottom of your heart, from the bottom of your heart right now - and share the result!

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My girl, I am sure that you were sent to me from heaven.
You are my goddess of all goddesses and queen of all queens. The splendor of your beauty fascinates me.

Your voice calms me, your lips beckon. You know how to be serious, and funny, and passionate, and sweet.
All the best qualities a woman can have have come together in you. You are the best and I love you very much.

I love you with all my heart, I love absolutely everything about you: your gentle and languid look, your touch, your every word, your interesting thoughts, your unique imagination, your sense of humor. Every minute spent with you makes me even happier. It would seem that it is no longer possible to love anymore, but this is not so.

My favorite girl, smart, beautiful,
The most desirable, long-awaited fairy,
Feelings for you are tender, strong, sinless.
The feelings are real, bright, alluring!

The heart beats strongly and unbearably
He wants to be with you, to see your image.

Let the fairy tale come true, everything will work out for us:
Children and family.

After all, I love you!

Tips on how to congratulate correctly:

1. Keep it short, don't make long speeches.

2. Wish only what can really come true

3. Be sure to send mms your wishes in the morning or early afternoon

Even when things get tough,
You're still laughing, friend.
Smart, know-it-all
Beautiful hostess.
May your wildest dreams come true,
There will be more kindness around!

Relationships will be pure
Reached new heights!

Better days will always come,
They will bring many miracles!

My beautiful daughter
Let your eyes glow
From wonder, joy, fun,
Have wonderful days and magic!

Let them shine joyfully
From eternal, fabulous love,
And happiness gently warms,
And dreams come true!

Happy birthday to the baby!

His days will be unique -
They will be joyful and warm,
It will be sunny and bright!

May you live well and have fun!

We met one afternoon
And time suddenly stopped
Then I dreamed of one thing:
You are as beautiful as a star
And more refined than flowers,
I wish, at least sometimes,
Be the knight you want.
I wish you tenderness
I hasten to give it to you,
After all, this is happiness on earth -
To love a girl like this!

Let's run away from the grayness of everyday life


When will this torment end?
This merciless separation?

In a magical world, where there is only He and She, where every day is filled with lightness, light, warmth and love, there are their own little secrets that unite stronger than “we”, and into which no one else is dedicated except two loving hearts.
By calling our beloved girl with warm, affectionate words, we express to him our exceptional attitude, our gratitude, love and tenderness. Diminutive, affectionate and tender words for a girl give confidence, lift her spirits and inspire her - the main thing is that they are spoken sincerely. invites all those who have a loved one to quickly switch to an affectionate and gentle form of communication!

This post contains gentle words for a girl that will be pleasant, and we have collected gentle words for men here.

Attention competition with gifts!
Add a unique greeting and receive a valuable prize

Lovely words for your beloved girl. To make your beloved smile and feel happy, say it as often as possible.
Loving and being loved is a great happiness. Sincere, tender phrases of declaration of love are the best that a woman can hear from her man. And don't listen to those who tell you that words are not important. They are just as important as actions. If you want to feel light and comfortable with a woman, you need to light her up. After all, if a woman is happy, then everyone is happy...

Never change because I love you for who you are.

Spending time with you is the highlight of my day.

You give meaning to my life.

I'm so glad I met you.

“Kitten - you are a miracle! I'm waiting for you for new charms..."

“With your appearance, my life has become brighter”

“I am captivated by your beauty, mesmerized by your charisma and enchanted by your love.

My angel from heaven, you are my soul and joy!

My kitty, my sweet girl, my sweet candy, my marmalade!

The most desirable, long-awaited fairy.

You are the taste of my life. I don't want my life to become tasteless again;

I finally found what I've been looking for all my life;

You are the precious pearl of my life...

You are the best thing I had and still have;

Life without you is “Mission Impossible”;

Your natural beauty, kindness and responsiveness amaze in its scope. A perfect, amazing combination of everything beautiful in you:

You are the closest person to me in this world;

You are my breath of fresh air;

You are my little sunbeam;

"You are my world, baby, I'm lonely without you" "Light of my soul"

You are soft as silk, pure as a mountain stream, your lips are soft like a rose petal;

You are charming. Your body is gracefully alluring!

Your care and tenderness are like a lifeline for me in the abyss of life;

You are an amazing massager;

I will be with you no matter what happens;

You are the missing piece of the puzzle that I am;

You are the taste of my life. I don't want my life to become tasteless again.

Do you know what happiness means to me? Happiness is You and Me!

I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason until I met you. Stay mine.

I want to be the air that surrounds you; just as invisible, but very necessary.

I fall in love with my life when I know you are in it.

I looked at the beautiful rose, and then continued to look at you, because the rose is not as beautiful and cute as you.

With your love and care, I feel like I can conquer the whole world.

Love, which is expressed in kind, sweet, gentle words, in quiet, even communication, makes life easier and brings light and joy into every heart, like the sun looking into every corner of a modest home to warm and sanctify it. Section topic: Cute phrases, words for your beloved girl.

We met one afternoon
And time suddenly stopped
Then I dreamed of one thing:
So that you fall in love with me too.

You are as beautiful as a star
And more refined than flowers,
I wish, at least sometimes,
Be the knight you want.

I wish you tenderness
I hasten to give it to you,
After all, this is happiness on earth -
To love a girl like this!

Let's run away from the grayness of everyday life
Where dreams and dreams come true.
Let's forget about boring reality,
Let's forget about the world of silent emptiness.

Let's turn away from evil and deception.
I know a place where there is no fuss.
Let's fly away from the dirt and trash
To my world, where flowers are always full of flowers.

Every day without you, I have no peace!
My memory paints your portrait again.
When will this torment end?
This merciless separation?

Don't cry my dear
After all, our love is strong!
Soon we will be together again,
We will never forget each other!

In the meantime, read these poems
About my boundless love!
After all, that love is crazy,
What makes the heart beat again and again!

The days are getting brighter,
Because I will see your eyes again!
I'll hug you tenderly and tell you,
How much I love you!

I would like to become your tear,
To be born in fairy eyes
And, rolling down your cheek,
Melt on your lips...

I will never tire of thanking fate
For the happiness that came to me with you.
I will always stand up for you,
If something suddenly happened to you.

For the twinkle in your beautiful eyes
I'll lay the whole world at your feet,
I will make your every day clear
And I won’t give you to anyone, dear.

You warm my soul
You illuminate my life.
With you I'm like in a happy dream!
You are a miracle! I love you!

Loving you selflessly and passionately,
I will try to convey feelings in words -
You, my Sunshine, are soulful and beautiful,
Oh, how happy I am to have this miracle!

I love you for your warm and soft palms,
For the kisses of the taste of summer on your lips,
For your graceful habits cats.
The words are over... I want to hug you!

I fell in love at first sight
You are my joy!
I will scream about my love for you
I can't be silent anymore!

I will repeat the words of love again and again,
Until my blood runs cold!
Oh, how grateful I am to heaven,
For sending you to me.

Love and take care of her yourself... -
Heaven told me.
I write poems about my love, I will read them to you.
And let me myself consider them mediocre.

This is how I express my feelings
I adore you very much!
I'm crazy, I'm intoxicated by you!
Because I'm in love with you!

I won't give it to anyone or anything.
I will tear anyone to pieces for you.
I can wake up like a wild animal.
Just your word is enough.

Be with me in my strange forest.
He is entirely under your control.
I will win you back, I will save you
And, hugging, I will fall to my knees.

You sing and the stars melt,
Like kisses on the lips.
Look - the heavens are playing
In your divine eyes.

You walk - and all your movements,
Smiles, looks and features
So full of feelings and illusions,
So full of wondrous simplicity!

Fate gave you to me, dear,
And I don’t know a better gift!


It's rare to meet a romantic man or someone who knows what to say to make a girl lose her head. Many people do not even understand that words play an important role in expressing feelings. And kind words to your beloved girl are a great way to express yourself.

I'll tell you a secret. There is a huge difference between what a woman wants to hear and what she doesn't.

It’s a fine line, now I’ll tell you what it’s all about and give you 100 ready-made expressions that will make any girl’s heart melt.

As an additional bonus, below are 84 gentle qualities-characteristics that can be used in any situation and examples of cute nicknames for a girl.

A girl wants to know that you want her, but not too much. She wants to know that you think she's beautiful all over, not just her breasts. I understand that it sounds very confusing, but this is women's logic in its simplest form. What you think is a nice thing to say to a girl may not be so nice at all.

Despite what most men think, not all women like to hear about how beautiful their body parts are. They want to know that you like the entire package, not just individual items. I hope it has become clearer.

If you want a girl to think that you are the perfect man, then from time to time open your mouth and say sweet words to her, this will easily melt her heart.

To make the words more sensual and individual, add her name in a diminutive sound to each phrase: Lena - Lenochka, Katya - Katyusha, Masha - Mashenka and so on.

100 affectionate phrases for a girl that she would like to hear

  1. I remember the moment when I first saw you.
  2. I knew that you would be mine from the first day we met.
  3. You are awesome.
  4. I'm so in love with you.
  5. Meeting you made my life bright and full of meaning.
  6. I finally know what love is.
  7. If you had to choose one person to spend forever with, it would be you.
  8. I am so pleased to know that you love me and feel it.
  9. Your smile makes my heart beat joyfully.
  10. You are my universe.
  11. You are perfect.
  12. How lucky I was to find you.
  13. I am grateful every day that I can look into your eyes.
  14. You are like oxygen to me, I can't live without you.
  15. You're so beautiful even when you're angry.
  16. along with all your quirks.
  17. My life was black and white until I met you, now it's in color.
  18. You're on my thoughts all day.
  19. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy.
  20. I never believed in the existence of soul mates until I met you.
  21. You my sun
  22. Even when we grow old, my love for you will still be just as strong.
  23. You are my best friend and greatest love rolled into one.
  24. Nothing makes me happy if you're not around.
  25. There are times when my heart skips a beat because of my feelings for you.
  26. Sometimes I just can't take my eyes off your beautiful face.
  27. You make me laugh genuinely and uncontrollably.
  28. I never thought I was capable of such feelings.
  29. Take my hand and never let go.
  30. Be careful, you have taken my heart and soul forever.
  31. Your smile is simply magical.
  32. All I want is to be the best man in the world for you.
  33. Beauty and brains in one girl. You are the most wonderful gift.
  34. When I need someone's advice, I turn to you.
  35. I need you.
  36. Thank you for everything you do for me.
  37. My day starts with thoughts of you.
  38. I'm counting down the minutes until I feel your lips on mine again.
  39. There's nothing about you that I don't like.
  40. I love you, although I don’t always know how to show it.
  41. When I think about my future, you are always present in it.
  42. You looked very seductive today.
  43. I couldn't sleep last night and watched how beautiful you are.
  44. There is no one in the world who could inspire and motivate me to act the way you do.
  45. Your love is more important to me than air.
  46. I want you to always be by my side.
  47. Meeting you was the best event of my life.
  48. You are sweet, gentle and beautiful, caring - you have all this in you.
  49. I love you more every day.
  50. You surprise me in a new way every day.
  51. I rarely say I love you, but I always think about it.
  52. If I didn't have you, I wouldn't have happiness.
  53. I can not stop thinking about you.
  54. Your smile is always on my mind.
  55. You are the most special and desirable girl in the world for me.
  56. If you look at the sky on a cloudless night, you will see billions of stars. Each of them is a reason why I love you.
  57. I have seen many precious things in my life, but you, my love, are the most precious of them all. I will never let you go.
  58. Time spent with you makes me incredibly happy.
  59. I dream of you coming into my dreams tonight.
  60. I want to hug you and...
  61. You make me the happiest person in the world.
  62. I want to always take care of you.
  63. I want to kiss you all night.
  64. A film could be made about our love story.
  65. In you I feel understanding and my soul mate.
  66. I am pleased that you accept me for who I am and don’t try to change me.
  67. You are the only one for me.
  68. The whole world ceases to exist for me when we are together.
  69. My love for you has no explanation. I just love you for being such an amazing and wonderful person, I adore everything about you.
  70. A day without you lasts forever, but when you are near, it passes in seconds.
  71. I want to wake up with you every morning.
  72. I wish there was a pause button in life. I would focus on those moments when we are together.
  73. I would like to become an octopus so that I can hold and feel you close to me even more.
  74. You are the embodiment of my dreams. And as my parents said, never give up on your dreams.
  75. You are so beautiful and attractive that every parting is difficult for me.
  76. When I close my eyes, I see your image in front of me.
  77. You are the only girl I love now. In a few years I will have another one. She will call you "Mom".
  78. Our love is like waves in the sea: sometimes calm, sometimes stormy, but it is always very strong.
  79. They say that photos and pictures are worth a thousand words. But when I look at yours, I only see 3: I... love you.
  80. I've never felt this way before.
  81. You are the only one I trust with everything and in whom I am always confident.
  82. Do you even understand how much I love you?
  83. I feel such a connection between us, as if we were together in a past life.
  84. You always know how to cheer me up.
  85. Before I met you, I thought “happily ever after” was just a fairy tale.
  86. I can't imagine life without you.
  87. Your warmth, beauty, tenderness and love never cease to amaze me.
  88. I cherish every moment I spend with you.
  89. You are sweeter than a box of chocolates.
  90. You are such a bright light in my life that I almost don’t remember what my life was like before you came along.
  91. You are the most amazing person I have ever known.
  92. One look at you helps me forget about all my problems.
  93. I love touching and running my fingers through your hair.
  94. Your love and support help me get through the most difficult days.
  95. Your lips are so sweet, like chocolate. And I'm ready to kiss them forever.
  96. The best days of my life are connected with you.
  97. Your kiss is pure magic.
  98. Nothing in this world can change my love for you.
  99. My home is where you are waiting for me.
  100. The fire in my heart burns only for you.

Affectionate words to your beloved girl: 84 adjectives

Our women are not very spoiled by compliments and gentle words. Therefore, even using one sweet word in your address to her can be the little thing that makes her whole day. Use it, men.

insanely good
the only one

How to affectionately call a girl

You can come up with a nickname based on:

  • her favorite activity: “Yogin”;
  • character traits: “adventurous”;
  • love of food: “Beans”;
  • remember the zoo (“Bunny”, “Hedgehog”);
  • introduce divine origin or stardom: “Aphrodite”, “Asterisk”;
  • decrease: “Honey”,
  • with a hint of sexuality: “Hot thing.”

You might be interested in: (opens in a new window).

You can use classic tenderness. I’ll give you a list, and you, knowing your girlfriend, come up with a cute “name” that suits her.

  • Berry
  • Minx
  • Chocolate
  • Angel
  • Goddess
  • Squirrel
  • Sweetie
  • Birdie
  • Joy
  • Chit
  • Chick
  • Cherry
  • Dewdrop
  • Pumpkin
  • Lovely
  • Sweetie
  • Sparkle
  • Vredinka
  • Miracle and so on.

All these kind words to your beloved girl are the best way to tell your beloved what she means to you. Don't think about the deep meaning of these phrases and words, just say them or send them in a message and enjoy the effect.

Make your girlfriend feel loved and desired.

Your Tatyana Kreker.

P.S. Well, if this didn’t seem enough to you, then watch the video with a continuous stream of kind words for a woman. If you can stand it :) I advise you to turn it off. 🙂 🙂

Good morning, beloved Good night, beloved I miss my beloved Apologies, beloved For the mood Love girl Love wife

Thank you, sun, for your love and warmth,
For every look and every moment.
Thank you for your hope, tenderness, kindness,
For our happiness and for this inspiration.

My dear, I’m madly in love with you,
Until the sweet stupor, forever and seriously.
Draws happiness for me in its ornament
Your eyes, the curve of your shoulder, your mop of hair.

And I’m choking on warm tenderness for you,
I dream about you, I breathe, my love, about you.
After all, I know, our meeting was inevitable,
Two roads have converged to become one.

I may not always be able to carry you in my arms, but I always carry you in my loving heart. I may not be able to cover your path with rose petals, but I will always be able to protect you from sharp thorns. I may not be able to give you fabulous riches, but I can selflessly give you my love and care.

You have no equal, dear, in the world,
And your beauty knocks you off your feet.
You are more open than little children,
And your gaze is so enchantingly deep.
You are my happiness, joy and salvation,
My favorite, dear inspiration.

Darling, do you believe, I’m flying away again,
As soon as I heard a clear, crystal-ringing laugh,
I get up and fall asleep with a beautiful name,
You are a fairy tale, a song, happiness. You are simply the best!

Even if it sounds banal, you look like the sea -
Either soft as velvet, or with a crazy jock,
And every day I dream of seeing in my own eyes:
“Darling, I fly... You are mine. Yes, yes, only mine!”

Darling, for me you are a gentle spring morning, a passionate summer afternoon, and sometimes, a sweet autumn cloud, pouring capricious rain on me. Just don’t try to be a piece of ice: nothing will work out - I love you dearly and deeply!

Your kiss is fire and honey,
He burns my heart and soul,
Your gaze is my true beacon,
Show the way, drive away the darkness!

I imagine in my mind
How do you walk with a flying gait,
And I think: I don’t need someone else’s,
I'm full of real love!

I don't need pranks and fun,
I'm waiting for you like wheat is waiting for rain,
And I remember how you look slyly,
And a ray of sunshine dances on the eyelashes.

I am not a poet, but an ordinary romantic in love. Thinking about you, my soul rejoices and sings, my beautiful chosen one, the delightful mistress of my feelings, my charming muse. And every second love lifts me on its wings to heaven, to where you are.

I love you and adore you,
I can admire you for hours,
I thank heaven for the meeting,
Now two hearts are knocking in unison!

I would like to become the radiance of a ray,
Get through the window onto the pillow
To touch the white shoulder,
Run gently over your ear,

And lie down on the locks of hair,
Seeing your smile bloom...
I fell in love sincerely, seriously,
Let this torture last forever.

No one in this world knows love more beautiful than my feelings for you! After all, you are my unique flower, which bloomed only for me and is fragrant only for me.

With you, dear, I want to fly,
Like two beautiful, free birds.
Thank you for being able to understand me,
Made my heart beat faster.
And I will never get tired of repeating,
That you, my love, are my destiny.

I want to give you tenderness
And rather call it yours,
Prove that love is infinity,
And dream about the future together.

I want to give you a fairy tale
It contains bliss, delight, beauty,
There is love in it, your feminine caress
And my unearthly dream.

For your sake, I will fly up the highest mountain, jump into any abyss, and without fear throw myself into a pack of ferocious lions! For you, I will pluck all the stars in the sky to give you a sparkling huge bouquet. I am afraid of only one thing - your unkind gaze, my love!

Alina Ogonyok

We met one afternoon
And time suddenly stopped
Then I dreamed of one thing:
So that you fall in love with me too.

You are as beautiful as a star
And more refined than flowers,
I wish, at least sometimes,
Be the knight you want.

I wish you tenderness
I hasten to give it to you,
After all, this is happiness on earth -
To love a girl like this!

Let's run away from the grayness of everyday life
Where dreams and dreams come true.
Let's forget about boring reality,
Let's forget about the world of silent emptiness.

Let's turn away from evil and deception.
I know a place where there is no fuss.
Let's fly away from the dirt and trash
To my world, where flowers are always full of flowers.

Every day without you, I have no peace!
My memory paints your portrait again.
When will this torment end?
This merciless separation?

Don't cry my dear
After all, our love is strong!
Soon we will be together again,
We will never forget each other!

In the meantime, read these poems
About my boundless love!
After all, that love is crazy,
What makes the heart beat again and again!

The days are getting brighter,
Because I will see your eyes again!
I'll hug you tenderly and tell you,
How much I love you!

I would like to become your tear,
To be born in fairy eyes
And, rolling down your cheek,
Melt on your lips...

I will never tire of thanking fate
For the happiness that came to me with you.
I will always stand up for you,
If something suddenly happened to you.

For the twinkle in your beautiful eyes
I'll lay the whole world at your feet,
I will make your every day clear
And I won’t give you to anyone, dear.

You warm my soul
You illuminate my life.
With you I'm like in a happy dream!
You are a miracle! I love you!

Loving you selflessly and passionately,
I will try to convey feelings in words -
You, my Sunshine, are soulful and beautiful,
Oh, how happy I am to have this miracle!

I love you for your warm and soft palms,
For the kisses of the taste of summer on your lips,
For your graceful habits cats.
The words are over... I want to hug you!

I fell in love at first sight
You are my joy!
I will scream about my love for you
I can't be silent anymore!

I will repeat the words of love again and again,
Until my blood runs cold!
Oh, how grateful I am to heaven,
For sending you to me.

Love and take care of her yourself... -
Heaven told me.
I write poems about my love, I will read them to you.
And let me myself consider them mediocre.

This is how I express my feelings
I adore you very much!
I'm crazy, I'm intoxicated by you!
Because I'm in love with you!

I won't give it to anyone or anything.
I will tear anyone to pieces for you.
I can wake up like a wild animal.
Just your word is enough.

Be with me in my strange forest.
He is entirely under your control.
I will win you back, I will save you
And, hugging, I will fall to my knees.

You sing and the stars melt,
Like kisses on the lips.
Look - the heavens are playing
In your divine eyes.

You walk - and all your movements,
Smiles, looks and features
So full of feelings and illusions,
So full of wondrous simplicity!

Fate gave you to me, dear,
And I don’t know a better gift!

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