All about the dragon man according to the horoscope. The Dragon

Nata Karlin June 13, 2018

A person born in the Year of the Dragon according to the Chinese calendar personifies luck, power and success in business. Statistics show that many great minds are born this year, successful in everything - career, family and social life.

Power, financial independence and wisdom are indispensable companions in the life of a Dragon man

He is strong, determined, educated and clever man. He is a reformer and pioneer, a reservoir of new ideas and a transformer of life. Power always comes to a person of this zodiac sign deservedly, and he uses it skillfully. The dragon has excellent intuition, thanks to which he can calculate any matter several moves ahead.

Dragon people are attracted to others by their inner strength, irrepressible energy and enthusiasm. They know how to compromise, but they know perfectly well how to impose their will. However, they will not allow themselves to dictate any conditions. Above all, these people value independence, freedom of choice and action.

Dragons strive for knowledge, education and self-education. Their remarkable intellectual abilities evoke respect from others, allow them to give the right advice and guide them in the right direction. However, Dragons do not include everyone in their circle of relatives and friends. They are very selective about people, so “trusted persons” can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Strategist and successful person in everything, born in the year of the Dragon

All the goals pursued by Dragons are good. Therefore, while defending their point of view, they may not notice how they insulted their opponent in the heat of the struggle. In most cases, these are excellent strategists and tactful people. Their inquisitive mind simply penetrates into the very essence of things, which is why they often become politicians, psychologists, investigators, and scientists.

As well as with himself, the Dragon makes too strict demands on those around him

According to the Chinese, happy is the people ruled by a person born in the year of the Dragon.

What is the year of birth of the Dragon?

When the Year of the Dragon begins, the fifth of the 12-year cycle of the Chinese horoscope begins. The dragon is associated with masculine , it is owned by the element “earth”. In ancient times in the East, people believed that there were only 5 substances in the world, from which all living and nonliving things consisted. These are earth, water, fire, metal and wood. That's why there are 5 types of Dragons, each of which has certain qualities and properties.

The Dragon:YearPositive characteristicsNegative characteristics
Metal1940, 2000 Originality, activity, willpower, courage, determinationExcessive temper, aggression
Water1952, 2012 Lucky, dynamic, friendlyLack of sense of humor, short temper
Wood1904, 1964 Practicality, friendliness, innovation, generosity, great sense of humor, generosityHot temper, harshness of judgment
Fiery1916, 1976 Ambition, responsibility, resistance to disruption, outstanding leadership skillsEmotional closedness and aggressiveness
Zemlyanoy1928, 1988 Balance, inquisitive mind, perseverance, successEmotional closedness and indecisiveness

Next year 2024 will be the Year of the Wooden Dragon

The Dragon Guy inherited many mythological character traits of the true fairy tale character. For example, it has inner freedom, craving for beauty, relaxed thoughts and movements, love of freedom. Man of this zodiac sign can ignite people's hearts with an idea, to convince of the correctness of this or that idea, gathers a sea of ​​fans around him.

Dragon Guy: a mythological character with human features

However, according to astrologers, the guy of this zodiac sign is an egoist with pronounced character traits of a man. He is loyal, brave, caring, enterprising. The Dragon man will stand out from the bulk in any team with his charisma and extravagance. Women love him very much, but the man himself rarely loves this zodiac sign.

His splendor and universal admiration can play cruel joke. Spoiled by attention the Dragon man becomes arrogant and absolutely authoritarian. That is, someone else’s opinion, with all its validity, simply ceases to be of interest. He is absolutely sure that he can never make mistakes in anything. The Dragon man is self-confident, does not know how to lose, and sincerely believes that he can do anything in this world. His ambitions and plans sometimes go beyond the boundaries of reality, so it is simply impossible to implement them.

Calm and calm Dragon guy

The Dragon Man is phlegmatic, he is always calm and calm. He has inconsistent, fragmented thinking; very often there is simply no logic in his conclusions. The Dragon man attaches special importance to career issues. He is confident in his strength, authority and always keeps his promises.

In a team, he is a leader who is able to captivate anyone with his magnetism, brightness of plans and make even utopian projects real.

He always achieves success in his chosen field because he considers his career an important part of his life and devotes most of his time and effort to it . He is an excellent leader and an active boss who is demanding of himself and his colleagues.

In family and love, the Dragon man is a despot and tyrant, although he cannot be called evil. He easily changes lovers, because he is not inclined to be satisfied with the admiration of only one woman. For marriage he chooses a soft, flexible and patient woman. In love, he is more interested in the process of conquest than in maintaining the flame of the hearth.

Characteristics of the Dragon Woman according to the Eastern calendar

Dragon Girl bright, regal, prone to delusions of grandeur and exaggeration of one's own merits. She is easy to communicate with and easily forgives insults if she sees that the person is the first to take a step forward. A woman of this zodiac sign is attractive, witty, energetic and ambitious. She is easy to spot in a crowd by her well-groomed appearance, incredible ability to present herself with the best side, inner radiance and serene calm.

Dragon women are characterized by emancipation, independence, independence

She is absolutely sure that can handle any task as well as a man. And this is true, her innate talent and activity helps her in this. She cannot stand criticism and takes everything with hostility. She is ready to do anything for friends and family, but many are afraid to approach her because of her seeming arrogance and indifference.

Royal and mystical Dragon Girl

Very often, matriarchy reigns in the Dragon woman’s family; she prefers to decide everything herself, because she considers her own opinion to be the only correct one. For a lady of this zodiac sign, love is not at all the most important thing in life. Recognition and authority are much more important. She will never become a housewife if she has the opportunity to have a career. If a man resists this, he will incinerate the relationship without even thinking about the wrongness of this step.

The Dragon Woman is quite attractive in the eyes of men. It is very easy for her to win the gentleman she herself chose

However, he should remember that for the rest of his life he will have to fight with rivals literally surrounding the lady of his heart. A woman of this zodiac sign will never wait for recognition from her partner if necessary, she will buy a ring and invite him to become her husband. However, he will never do this, valuing his own independence too much.

Everything goes well in the career of women of this zodiac sign if they do not set themselves utopian goals. Dragon Ladies are respected and honored, are moving quickly through career ladder and make great money.

Compatibility of people born under the sign of the Dragon

Excellent compatibility in love between a Dragon woman and a Monkey man

Better than others in love and marriage The Monkey suits the Dragon. She is close to this mythical creature in energy and temperament. Both are determined, proactive, enterprising and fearless. They will become a wonderful couple who will realize only their best qualities.

Good compatibility with a person born in the year of the Rat. The energy of the Dragon and the insight of the Rat will find each other in this tandem

In the union of the Dragon and the Tiger, you won’t have to expect anything good. These are two people who will constantly fight for power and prove their independence to each other.

Excellent relationships await in the Rooster-Dragon tandem. Despite the fact that the Rooster is used to establishing his own rules and command everywhere, in this case he will bow to the power and energetic strength of the Dragon.

Compatibility table Dragon with other signs of the eastern zodiac:

Moderate compatibility Minimum compatible
Rooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Bull, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog
Monkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar
Goat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
Horse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull
Snake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Bull, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, Rabbit, DogTiger
Dragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat
Rabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Bull
Tiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Bull, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake
Ox, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster
Rat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog
Boar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeMonkey
Dog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat

Which zodiac sign corresponds to the Year of the Dragon?

Dragon Element - Earth, the zodiac sign to which the mythical monster corresponds is Aries. The main colors in the life of the Dragon are golden and red. They give him vital energy, balance and elevate above the rest of the world. The lucky talisman for people of this zodiac sign is amethyst.

Aries is the Western zodiac sign corresponding to the Dragon.

Children born in the year of the Dragon

Dragon Child With early years becomes the center of the company. However, gradually gaining popularity, he is increasingly losing the boundaries of reality and what is permitted. If parents do not help the child “return from heaven to earth,” he will face communication problems at school and among friends.

Astrologers say that a baby born in the year of the Dragon has the following features character:

  • pride,
  • independence,
  • militancy,
  • insight,
  • energy,
  • charm,
  • nobility.

Dragon Child according to the eastern horoscope

Parents should Special attention pay attention to the ambition of the young Dragon. Occasional aggression shown by the child should be leveled with explanations about the wrongness of such actions. Otherwise, it may turn out that the surrounding children will quietly fear and hate the Dragon child for his selfishness, despotism and explosive temper.

The ideal for a child of this zodiac sign is a person who does not hide a warm attitude towards him. The little dragon really likes the expression of sincere feelings, in response, he also demonstrates affection and joy. You should never feel sorry for a child of this zodiac sign kind words and positive emotions.

Celebrities-Dragons according to the eastern horoscope

Pele is an ideal for football players, born in the Year of the Dragon

People born in the year of the Dragon can succeed in any field of activity. They are able to earn a living anywhere, even where others do not receive a penny. They always have a lot of friends who are ready to come to their aid at any moment. In addition, they themselves can work tirelessly until success comes to them.

Among famous men those born in the year of the Dragon are as follows:

  • Salvador Dali,
  • Charles Darwin,
  • Placido Domingo,
  • Michael Douglas
  • Sigmund Freud,
  • Martin Luther King,
  • Gregory Pack,
  • Pele,
  • Martin Sheen.

Marlene Dietrich - famous woman, born in the year of the Dragon

Female celebrities born in the year of the Dragon can be listed as follows:

  • Joan of Arc,
  • Tatyana Peltzer,
  • Florence Nightingale,
  • Marlene Dietrich,
  • Shirley Temple.

To a greater extent, this applies to success in your career and in life. After all, in order to earn trust and worship, they do not have to put a lot of effort into it. Dragon People float royally through life, overcoming the most serious barriers and almost always winning.

Cycle of the Year of the Dragon according to the Chinese horoscope
1904 1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976
February 16 February 3rd January 23 February 8 January 27 February 13 January 31
1988 2000 2012 2024 2036 2048 2060
February 17 February 5th January 23
*Dates indicate New Year's Day.

Chinese horoscope about people born in the year of the Dragon

The dragon symbol in the manuscripts of ancient Chinese astrologers was recorded earlier than other animal symbols of the Chinese horoscope. The Chinese had a special relationship with this symbol: a dragon flying among the clouds personified the highest spirituality and great power.

People born in the year of the Dragon have absorbed part of the spirituality and great power of this mystical creature. For many millennia, the Dragon has been a central symbol not only in China, but also in other Eastern cultures. The dragon embodies wisdom, strength and endless energy changing the world. The ancient Chinese believed that the Dragon, while flying high above the earth, looked down and looked back to see what had changed after it flew past.

Enormous energy is given to the Dragon from birth - this is the potential for effortless movement, the ability to easily start a business of any complexity, and find solutions the most complex tasks, work with great enthusiasm and have big success. Dragon people are very determined and are ready to challenge anything, answer any request and adapt to constant changes in plans. Dragons are born leaders. Possessing innate charisma, they are able to lead others. They enjoy the support and respect of those with whom they deal in life.

Dragons are very dreamy and impressionable. They feel at home in their fantasy world. It is not difficult for them to detach themselves from unfavorable realities Everyday life and relax by imagining something pleasant. Dragons are very creative. From them, as a rule, one learns good actors and seers. In their fantasies, everything is possible and even the most ridiculous thoughts can seem like reality. Despite their rich imagination, Dragons are very persistent in achieving their goals and are focused on their work. They are resistant to various challenges and easily overcome obstacles that stand in their way. Forcing the Dragon to change his goal, change his life priorities, if he does not see the need for this, means challenging him, because he believes that he is always right.

Dragons are very open, which gives them the opportunity to expand their circle of acquaintances without much effort. Their successes, ample opportunities and strengths often cause the envy of others, but Dragons do not enter into conflicts over such trifles; they consider it unworthy of their attention. Dragons, thanks to their ability to respond in a timely manner to rapid changes in the pace of life and current circumstances, are lucky in all matters; they go through life side by side with it.

Character traits

You have natural charisma and are unlikely to get lost among the guests at a party. You are a pleasant companion and are excited by new perspectives. You are very energetic, confident and know how to impress. Many of those born in the Year of the Dragon love to show off, are full of energy and enthusiasm, and are proud, but this pride is sometimes interpreted as arrogance.

You are truly confident and enjoy being the center of attention, but at the same time you have a sympathetic heart. If a friend has problems or is faced with a choice, you always come to the rescue. And when others might back down, you step forward and help solve the problem with your inherent authority and self-esteem. You intervene in most situations without thinking, and if you become disappointed in people, it is only because they are not as persistent and responsive as you. You set high standards for yourself and are surprised when others do not meet your level; in your quest to complete a task, you do not take into account human weaknesses.

The Chinese say that heaven and earth are harmoniously represented in the lives of those born in the Year of the Dragon, so success will always accompany you. You are determined and honest, capable and happy. Fortune is favorable to you, and you yourself are able to assess the situation and come up with attractive or creative proposals at the right time.

You can be inflammatory and stubborn, sometimes too outspoken, but your criticisms usually contain good advice. You act with good intentions and are confident of a positive outcome, but often events do not develop as you expected.


Do you like positions of responsibility? appearance inspires respect from subordinates. You know how to gain authority, you come naturally to leading and giving orders, fortunately, most people recognize your authority. New and interesting challenges and freedom of action are important to you, and if you feel that you have become dependent on your career or on the will of other people, you are likely to pack your things and leave.

You are a capable and intelligent worker, you have established views on the planning and implementation of projects. When in doubt, you ask for advice or wait until you are absolutely sure that you are right. You have all the qualities of a leader, you are usually honest in your dealings, but your energy can be excessive, you should keep in mind that not everyone has your energy, even if they are inspired by your ideas.

You can pursue a career in law, religion or the arts. You may also be a skilled manager, entrepreneur, doctor or actor


You interesting appearance, so it’s not at all surprising that you are popular with members of the opposite sex. You know how to impress, so your partner quickly falls under the influence of your charms. You easily get carried away and find it difficult to stop - numerous love affairs are quite typical for those born in the year of the Dragon.

Without meaning to, you win partners and then leave them for a new hobby: you simply become frustrated by identifying their shortcomings. You don't like it excessive emotional dependence or uncertainty, so you go in search of a new romantic adventure.

Love is like a game for you, so you rarely miss the past or have any regrets. However, the same cannot be said about your ex-partners, who may continue to love you for a long time after the end of the affair. You want someone who gives you space to express yourself, who plays an active role and is not intimidated by your loveliness.


Yellow. The dragon is associated with yellow, it was the imperial color of China - the color reserved for the emperor. Yellow associated with progress, fame and success. It is also associated with the earth element, as fertile soils in many areas of China have a yellow tint.

Side of the world

East - southeast. Each of the twelve signs corresponds to the direction of the compass needle. The dragon is associated with the east-southeast direction, which in turn is associated with the early hours of the day when the sun begins to rise. This direction is also associated with the end of spring, when the power of yang increases.

In China. For many centuries they have been considered a symbol of the country, they are worshiped, they are raised to heaven. On the one hand, no one has seen these creatures, but on the other, it is difficult to say that they are fictional, because people describe their appearance and character with amazing accuracy. For a Chinese, being born in the Year of the Dragon is considered great happiness, because this sign endows a person with intelligence, luck, originality, pride, longevity, and good health. Such people will always be in the spotlight, and their opinion will be especially valuable.

Dragon Men

Fire Dragons- gifted individuals suffering from egocentrism and arrogance. Such men are showmen by nature, they know how to stand out from the crowd, and are constantly surrounded by fans. Dragon men are too scattered, and this greatly hinders them in life. They are incapable of doing just one thing and tirelessly change their interests. Their behavior is often shocking; many will call typical Dragons boring. Their main areas of interest are psychology, electronics, technology, and magic. Fire Dragons fall in love easily and behave gallantly with ladies, but the girl will have to make a lot of effort to keep her gentleman near her. Such men often marry for convenience, because they are not capable of deep feelings.

Dragon Women

Representatives great article Those born in the year of the Dragon have a very complex character. They have a predominantly masculine type of energy, a lot of reason and logic, but they leave very little room for feelings. Such women are primarily career-oriented, they are smart, prudent, and lucky in life. Despite their ostentatious coldness and arrogance, they manage to acquire a wide circle of loyal friends and profitable partners. The Dragon woman is strict and tough with her subordinates, but she is not alien to kindness. He establishes his own rules in the family and demands complete obedience from members of the household. she immediately crushes under herself, very often the Dragon woman has a psychological one because she does not give free rein to her feelings.

Positive traits

Fire Dragons are very hardworking, so they quickly climb the career ladder, achieving their goals. People around them respect them for their honesty and directness; they will not fuss or deceive. The Dragon has pronounced traits, so he will make an excellent organizer and boss. the ability to present himself beautifully allows him to always remain in the center of attention and stand out from the crowd. The opinion of this person will always be interesting and informative for others. The year of the Fire Dragon endows people with exquisite taste and musicality. The representative of the sign can be classified as a connoisseur of art and an ardent music lover.

Weaknesses of Drakosh

It should be noted that the Fire Dragon places his personal opinion above all else. The characteristics of the sign show that people born this year are distinguished by a nervous and explosive character. No one dares to doubt the veracity of their judgments, they openly neglect the feelings and thoughts of others, for them there is only an unshakable “I”. Fire Dragons are secretive and reserved. They need to learn to open up to people, to involve others in their plans more often.

The desire to constantly lead sometimes leads to unforeseen situations, because this sign quickly runs out of steam and needs a break. Dragons are hampered by internal nervousness, dissatisfaction with themselves, their surroundings, and life in general. They worry about trifles, do not like to pay attention to little things, for which they later pay. People born in the year of the Dragon need to learn to respect the opinions of others, try to find peace and harmony, devote less to their careers, and spend more time with loved ones. Only then will they feel happier.

Year of the Dragon
Let us remind you that 2012 according to the Chinese calendar is the year of the Black Water Dragon (1916,1928,1940,1952,1964,1976,1988,2000,2012).
In Chinese, Dragon sounds like Lung. He is the fifth sign of the zodiac.

The time of day over which this sign rules is the period from seven to nine in the morning.
The most corresponding European sign (Western zodiac) for the Dragon is Libra.
The element to which the Dragon corresponds is wood. This sign has a positive polarity.
Zodiac (Chinese) characteristics of the Dragon sign.

The dragon is full of health, it has it in abundance, and representatives of this sign also have a lot of vitality and strength. The dragon is always open and pure, like gold, he is incapable of meanness, pettiness and slander.
However, one cannot call him a diplomat either. Although not as naive as the Pig, the Dragon can still be deceived due to its gullibility.
He is very sensitive and often gets worried and upset for reasons that should not be paid attention to. Demandingness is in his blood, both towards others and towards himself. His character reveals scrupulousness and the already mentioned exactingness, although it is worth recognizing that if the Dragon demands something, he will return more than he demanded.

The dragon, as a rule, is easily irritated and is stubborn - often because of this he can blurt out too much. He is capable of giving good advice, so others should listen to him and his opinion.
He has influence in society and is distinguished by pride and ability. Throughout his life, the Dragon will not have to feel the need for anything.
In any business, success awaits him. Having taken on any position, he will achieve success in any field and will be able to do brilliant career. Unfortunately, the same success awaits the Dragon in dark side life, in bad deeds, if only he crosses the border between white and black.

Often the Dragon can be called loved, but not loving. The feeling of love disappointment or grief is unknown to him. Women of this sign will always enjoy success and receive numerous signs of attention from the opposite sex, including marriage proposals.

You can hardly see a young Dragon getting married; mostly representatives of this sign marry as mature people, and many remain bachelors all their lives. Loneliness often brings the Dragon more happiness than family.
Having tied his fate with the Rat, the Rat will be head over heels in love with him and will tolerate anything from him, even complete indifference. But at the same time she will not forget what the Dragon will bring to the world. family nest, and will generously enjoy the fruits of his hunt.
Taking advantage of his generosity, the Rat, as a sign of gratitude, will bestow his intelligence on him and teach him to love money the way she loves it.
Almost the same can be said about the union with the Snake. The Dragon man will always be attracted by the beauty of the Snake woman. And having become her close man, he will always be proud of her.
The Rooster financier will also be able to achieve a good alliance with the Dragon. He will use the crumbs from his table, and not without success for himself.
Having united with the Monkey, the Dragon will give her all his power, and in return she will give him her cunning and complement him in business and love. These two signs will always need each other.
But in such an alliance, the Dragon should be careful, since of all the other signs, only the Monkey can make fun of him.
Having united his fate with the Tiger, the Dragon will not find peace.
But whoever the Dragon should generally avoid is the Dog. The Dog always keeps his pessimism and realism to himself and will in no way trust the Dragon.

The dragon will experience great difficulties in the first phase of its life.
Basically, these difficulties will be due to the fact that he will demand too much from those around him and his loved ones.
And in the second phase of life, the Dragon will experience difficulties due to its unbridled temperament. Many will admire the Dragon. No less enthusiastic fans will listen to him. His sorrows will be small, but his success will be enormous.
The dragon, in fact, has a difficult character, and the reason for these difficulties is his constant dissatisfaction. The last phase of life will give him everything he ever dreamed of, including happiness.
But, unfortunately, the Dragon does not realize that happiness has come to him.

The dragon is able to bring four prosperity: harmony, virtue, wealth and longevity. Many may have the impression that the Dragon has an easy fate, but this is an illusion.

The daily sparkle and brilliance of the Dragon is only an appearance. They don't blind. His apparent strength is just an appearance. This animal is intended for holidays and parades, after which it will be burned. But, like the Phoenix bird, it will be reborn from the ashes.
This is its chimerical nature.

They say that the Dragon loves himself more than anyone else in the world. He can be loyal and caring, brave and enterprising, but on the other hand, he can display amazing selfishness. Their temperament is fiery and most of its energy can be spent on romance. He likes to seduce the female sex and, to his credit, he does it very well. He knows on a subconscious level what strategy to apply to this or that person so that she melts and succumbs. And, what’s most interesting, if something untoward comes across his way, this will not only not make him retreat, it will kindle even greater interest in him and he will not rest until he achieves his goal.

Aries Dragon Man

This combination of energetic signs makes its owner doubly energetic. They are great enthusiasts, but at the same time they have the willpower to finish the job they start. Often their lives are full of various kinds fun and stormy pastime. When communicating with others they are often arrogant, and sometimes even arrogant. In general, the Dragon is considered one of the most powerful signs, so it gives its bearers incredible confidence and an amazing aura. And in combination with Aries, these men are distinguished by amazing courage and intelligence. Their intelligence attracts people, so they are almost constantly surrounded by their fans.

They can think impartially, so often their decisions turn out to be correct. These are cheerful, cheerful and simply funny personalities with whom it is always interesting. They are witty and think quickly. But his sense of humor can take on a dark tint. Dragon-Aries is not so curious and they are not at all interested in what is happening and where. Due to this, they are not inclined to delve into details and details.

The dragon is very amorous, so he can have relationships with several partners at once, but only until he decides which one is better. They have one peculiarity - for example, if he is upset or upset about something, then he becomes deaf to other people's advice. They generally tend to listen only to themselves and make decisions only on the basis own analysis. At the same time, they make excellent advisers who can charge others with positive energy. There are no gaps for them; they are ready for everything or nothing. But their inherent courage can border on recklessness.

Dragon Taurus Man

This is the most down-to-earth type of Dragon, but it still has a lot of imagination. There is a huge amount of energy hidden in him, sentimentality and sensitivity are not alien to him. He is charismatic and original person who is endowed with a wonderful imagination. Gives the Dragon thoughtfulness, determination and practicality. All together this results in a collected and balanced person who, although not impulsive, is still hot-tempered.

He always thinks several times before saying something, he is friendly, which makes them pleasant personalities to talk to. They are distinguished by a serious approach to life, they are far-sighted and reasonable. But at the same time they will never refuse to have fun. Taurus-Dragon knows how to competently manage its resources, both mental and material. This allows you to avoid stress and overwork. A special place in their life is occupied by the house, which can rightfully be called their fortress. They tend to indulge in daydreams and are attentive to their family and loved ones.

His weak point is that he can take a long time to make a decision. And although he strives to be confident everywhere and in everything, he succeeds poorly. And very often such hesitation and uncertainty leads to an increase in missed opportunities. They give the impression of being reliable people who you can rely on, and this is true.

These men are responsible, conscientious and can properly manage themselves. They are romantic and loyal. They may give in, but at the same time they will never allow themselves to be bypassed. It is common for them to achieve their goals without causing pain to others and without destroying everything in their path.

Gemini Dragon Man

These are cunning and dexterous, talkative and active men. It is very difficult to deceive them, as they are endowed with an amazing penetration quality. These are principled people who almost always achieve what they want. They have a wonderful sense of humor, which they always use.

Their high intelligence and penchant for analysis often allows them to correctly predict the future development of situations. They are always very attentive to their surroundings, treat the problems of others with respect and understanding, so the Dragon can be called very good friends. They always have an open soul and kind heart, they will help in any trouble.

They have a lot of talents, which they diligently implement in life. Their hard work and luck allow them to live easily and successfully. They take a responsible approach to completing the tasks assigned to them and always finish what they start. The paradox of Geminis born in the year of the Dragon is that they prefer peace and quiet. They take good care of their time, so they never do trifles that waste it. Gemini Dragon is very demanding not only of himself, but also of others, however, the older he gets, the more accommodating his character is.

They have a lot of potential and have every chance of achieving great success. But at the same time, they also have negative sides. So, for example, it is very easy to anger them and they also lack patience. And if some work drags on for a very long time, they may become cold about it. But here, too, age has a positive effect, with which comes the missing wisdom.

Dragon Cancer Man

Interesting, but Chinese legend states that if an individual with such a combination of signs appears in a person’s life, then he is promised great luck and success. These are very responsible people who carry out tasks conscientiously. They always protect their family and friends and take care of their home with special care.

They are very charming and can create a positive impression on others even without words. Dragon-Cancer is well aware of this talent of his and often uses it to achieve his goals. People are drawn to him like a magnet, which is why he has many friends and fans. They can a short time adapt to a new environment, quickly establish mutual language with people.

Cancer-Dragon can show its stubbornness and lack of contact, it can constantly rush somewhere and does not know how to wait calmly. But such negativity, as a rule, manifests itself only in exceptional cases when he is not in the mood. But most of the time, these are peace-loving and friendly people who give their surroundings a feeling of security, calm and warmth.

Dragon Leo Man

He has a lot of self-esteem, nobility and a wonderful sense of humor. He is always generous to those who are not as successful in life as he is, the Dragon is always open and happily receives guests in his home. Like other Leos, this one loves to be the center of attention. Thanks to the sign of the Dragon, these Leos are doubly lucky. But at the same time, they are capricious, and sometimes also overly self-confident, but it is worth recognizing that natural leaders are born under these signs.

They are optimists, which allows those around them to consider them not the most serious individuals who take life too easily. But actually it is not. Yes, they are really easy, but at the same time responsible. They often lack sensitivity, and their very actions may reflect badly on others, but they can show sympathy in time, although they will again do as they consider necessary. They become doubly happy when not just a friend appears in their life, but also a person whom they can trust more than themselves.

These are men of high intelligence who know how to clearly plan their future, they always know where to go. These are organizers who can solve problems of any complexity. They know how to properly manage their finances and, compared to other Leos, those born in the year of the Dragon are somewhat restrained in spending. Most of all, they like to relax in a calm environment and preferably alone. Alone with yourself, you can always assess the situation in life, think about how to proceed and read interesting book. They can be unrestrained and hot-tempered in places, but still they are one of the calmest and most balanced Dragons, which, however, it is better not to provoke into conflict.

Virgo Dragon Man

These are intelligent men with a refined nature. They are distinguished by a sense of taste and style, and they themselves pay attention to this in other people. They can be passionate from time to time, but more often they are calm. Among their talents is the ability to manipulate people, but whether he will use this and for what purposes depends on the level of personal development. He will never get down to business without thinking anything through, and will not work chaotically and carelessly.

They have a persistent character and look at life realistically. They do not like to communicate with strangers, so they often stay in the circle of long-time acquaintances and relatives, trusted people. This is very smart people who attract others with their unique charisma. There is always a goal in their life, and they simply cannot do otherwise.

Among them you can find many scientists, which is due to the flexibility of the mind and the desire to invent something new and useful. Virgo-Dragon is very persistent and will never give up halfway. If something doesn’t work out, they will meticulously get to the bottom of the truth, even if it takes a year. They really like to learn something new, so these people often have a large personal library containing books of various genres.

They show their indecision and shyness in love. At the same time, without the words of their other half, they understand perfectly well what she needs. They themselves never demand much, and are always ready to come to their defense. But they are more demanding of other people, which is due to the desire for the ideal. Sometimes it is precisely due to this minus that the Dragon can become simply an unbearable person.

Libra Dragon Man

These are the most intelligent and sophisticated men born in the year of the Dragon. They know perfectly well how to manipulate people without them noticing anything. Sometimes they can become inconsistent, which is due to the influence of the sign of Libra, but at the same time they are restrained in showing their emotions, almost never criticizing anyone for anything. -The dragon hates violence and simply cannot stand it if injustice happens somewhere, so it often acts as a reconciliator.

These are very beautiful and pleasant-looking people who always look stylish and dignified. They enjoy shopping and buying beautiful things. But this quality often leads them to impulsive spending, so it is necessary to develop a reasonable approach. Dragon-Libras are creative and talented, they often find a calling in several professional fields at once. They prefer professions where they can be useful to others. As soon as the working day comes to an end, they first of all rush home, where their loved ones are looking forward to it.

It’s generally very easy to find a common language with them and even easier to get along with, because they are very harmonious. Family relationships, as a rule, fold successfully and firmly. These are reliable partners in all areas who are ready to forgive a lot. Sometimes they and their surroundings can suffer from sudden swings in mood, and they also have a negative trait - exaggerating everything. Even the most insignificant problem can be inflated into a catastrophe on a universal scale. But positive sides they still prevail. A peaceful and friendly man can turn into an unrecognizable person if his family and friends are in danger. And in quiet times they are the very charm and embodiment of regularity and calm.

Dragon Scorpio Man

These are passionate, determined and unpredictable men who can react very violently and with a degree of drama to what is happening. He will never give up and will never compromise. The Dragon's suspicion and jealousy is multiplied here by the presence of the Dragon, who is also vindictive. Frankly speaking, it is better to either be friends with this person or not to get in his way at all. But for all their inner danger, they are very cute. Like a magnet, they begin to attract people to themselves from a young age. If you don’t awaken the inner monster in him, then he is pleasant and even positive, although sometimes he is impossibly capricious and demanding.

These men are an inexhaustible source of optimism! They are never afraid of difficult and time-consuming work and are ready to go to great lengths for their goal. They are born organizers who value order and composure in everything. Their attitude to such things is so serious that they choose people who adhere to similar principles as friends.

They have a lot of ambitions, and their measures and standards are significantly higher. No matter what obstacles stand in his way, he will never give up what he wants and will find a way go through them. This rule applies to absolutely all areas of his life. They have an amazing talent - to be in right time in the right place. How they manage to do this is a mystery, but the fact remains.

They have amazing powers of observation and are noted for their inventiveness, thanks to which they always find the right way out of a situation. The combination of Dragon and Scorpio is very interesting due to the difference in the temperaments of the signs, so you should not be surprised by these people who are different and stand out from the crowd.

Sagittarius Dragon Man

These are amazingly calm and friendly people who have an optimistic outlook on life and are almost always in a great mood. They do not know how to lie and can easily find a common language with others. They are not afraid of even great risks, so they often go far and do a lot. Their undertakings are often successful, which is not to a small extent characterized by simply fantastic imagination. They perceive the world very subtly, love life very much, and every moment is worth its weight in gold to them. These are very fast-paced and active people who, thanks to their intelligence, can quickly adapt to a new place and in the company of unfamiliar people. But despite his sociability and openness, Sagittarius-Dragon needs to be alone with himself from time to time. It is important for them to have people nearby whom they can completely open up and trust. They value such friendship very much, respect it and will never destroy it.

It is not typical for them to be afraid of difficulties and hard work, and they prefer to choose a profession that requires a lot of communication and their help to others. In love, they are not at all demanding and really do not like conflicts. They choose active, positive and cheerful women as life partners who also value sincerity between partners.

In an effort to help everyone, the Dragon often forgets about himself and his needs, paying less attention to his health than necessary, which often leads to exhaustion and nervous breakdowns. He is patient, but if you piss him off, you can be amazed at how a nice person overnight turns into an evil and dangerous creature. Therefore, it is better not to look for the limit of his patience and forgiveness.

Capricorn Dragon Man

They are eloquent and excellent at expressing their feelings. Although outwardly he may appear rough and thick-skinned, in reality he is nothing more than a mask behind which both compassion and sensitivity are hidden. Dragon - can show obstinacy and dominance. These men are always self-confident, and sometimes even self-confident, moderately sensitive, although Capricorn himself is poor in feelings. Often people with this zodiac combination are happy optimists who can threaten others from time to time. It is not common for them to complain about fate and life; they like variety and even in everyday work they cannot stand routine.

They are sociable, but can often be alone, because outwardly they do not look friendly at all. It would be hard to call them talkers and gossips if the conversation has no practical meaning and does not convey useful information, then they will not continue it. Such a strict approach to everything allows Capricorn-Dragon to gather around him people with the right mentality. He will prefer quality to quantity, even in matters of communication.

This man will always help if necessary, not in word, but in deed. He is harsh in his statements and too straightforward, but you can always trust his words and opinions. He never lies and tells the truth, which can offend and even embarrass others. Such a man changes significantly, loses peace and regularity when he falls in love. His secrecy may lead to the fact that the chosen one will not soon find out about his feelings. Even if inside his heart is torn with passion and lust, appearance will remain cold and impartial. But it is precisely thanks to their love of stability, innate reliability and attentiveness that they make wonderful husbands and wonderful fathers.

Dragon Aquarius Man

Such a Dragon becomes the calmest and has the ability to self-criticize. They are friendly, endowed with a talent for inventing something original, and they are also friendly and always independent. They are often so sociable and charming, but once you talk to them longer and closer, it turns out that they are pessimists by nature. They find it difficult to relax and are overly eccentric. These men can look far ahead, are endowed with excellent intuition and are very resourceful. Often it may seem that they are constantly living in some kind of own world, but this is an illusion, which is explained by the originality of thinking.

Yes, they really tend to have their head in the clouds, and the story of their travels often turns into poetry and musical compositions. If this man manages to realize his full potential, then great success will undoubtedly await him.

These men get real pleasure when they help someone, but because of a sense of pride they will never ask for help for themselves. For this reason, they really need real friends who will feel it and help without asking them. It’s just that making friends with them is problematic, due to the difficulty of gaining their trust. But if you achieve this, then a reliable friend and comrade will appear in your circle.

They value freedom very much and are very emotional, their mood often changes, from fun they can move to deep depression and vice versa. They are used to constantly moving forward, expanding the horizons of their capabilities. They are not interested in a family and they do not strive to have one; they belong to themselves and do not want to change that.

Pisces Dragon Man

The fiery potential of the Dragon is successfully diluted here by the water element. They are no longer so impulsive, but they are endowed with a powerful mind, amazing intuition and practicality. The emotionality of Pisces is dulled by the sign of the Dragon. The combination of these signs makes a person more balanced and allows them to move in the right direction. However, there is no escape from constantly internal struggle between seriousness and emotionality. Pisces-Dragon does not trust strangers and keeps to himself in their circle. But in the company of people he knows, he feels great, becomes sociable and interested. They are active and creative, there is a lot in their heads interesting ideas, which they love to share with like-minded people.

The weakness of these men is that even the smallest failures can unsettle and upset them. In love, they are very open and romantic, and they expect the same from their chosen one. The one who can provide this man with reliability will be able to understand his rich inner world, will become an ideal companion for him, whom he will carry in his arms.

They are very ambitious and carry out their assigned work with dignity; if they don’t know something, they won’t do it. Thanks to his amazing intuition, he can predict events in advance. Dragon-Pisces is a very touchy and hot-tempered sign, but at the same time it quickly calms down and moves away. However, you should not assume that if he began to communicate normally with a person, this means his forgiveness; a little time will pass and revenge will overtake the offender.

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