How to be a wife? How to be a good wife? How to become a wonderful wife.

A man wants to have a perfect companion. However, how to meet his ideal?

The stronger sex has different needs. Some people like their wife to be beautiful; he loves to bring her into the “society.” The latter idolize plump, good-natured, cheerful wives who love to receive guests. The third appreciates his wife for her understanding, for her intelligence and interesting conversations, her ease of “getting up.”

Psychologists believe that some qualities of the ideal homemaker are established at birth, while other traits can be developed later.

The ideal wife through the eyes of men:

  • a modern lady must be financially independent, not drown in everyday life, improve her qualifications in her profession and move up the career ladder;
  • if your wife earns enough and is too busy with work, he may lack care, her culinary success and comfort in the house, try to pamper him with this at least sometimes;
  • be smart so that your beloved feels that you understand him perfectly. Listen to him, show your respect for his point of view, especially in public;
  • always look attractive and sexy. If a woman does not take care of herself, she is not interested in worthwhile men. There are no unique recipes when it comes to sexuality, but your life partner will not look for entertainment if you are open and relaxed in bed. It depends on whether you are temperamentally compatible. To enlighten yourself on this, read specialized literature, look at thematic forums, sign up for courses;
  • know that your husband does not like it when his freedom is encroached upon. Let him choose what show to watch on TV, where to go, where to relax, who to be friends with. Find a common language with your husband, talk, reason with him, look for a common solution to problems that would suit both of you;
  • a good wife is also a housewife, but cleanliness and order should not turn into a cult for you, otherwise a man will simply begin to avoid his own home;
  • learn to cook his favorite dishes, he will appreciate it;
  • do not change: the stronger sex is attracted to the role of “monopolist”.

And finally...

The list of rules for the best life partner may vary depending on the circumstances and ideals of your lover, but it is important to follow them with joy and desire if you truly value and respect your spouse and, of course, yourself.

Remember that he was attracted by the radiating happiness from you, and believe me, he will not leave you if it continues to illuminate you. You will never get tired of such a friend.

Here is the answer to the question of how to become a good wife - this means being happy and making the days of your loved ones cloudless next to you.

If you are reading this article, it means that you want to be not just a wife, but a wonderful wife and an excellent housewife. But what does this mean and how to become a good wife? Well, ultimately it depends not only on you, but also on your husband. After all, a good wife should be able to determine the needs of her husband, and she should act according to these needs. It is important to remember that marriage is a partnership, so you have the right to expect that your husband will also make some efforts for your well-being. But now we're talking about you.

Qualities of a good wife

Every married man wants a good wife. And at the wedding, every bride hears the wish to be a good wife to her husband and a good housewife. But what does this mean - a good wife? Many girls do not know what inclinations can make her an ideal wife, and the qualities of good housewives can only be judged by the stories of more experienced married women. But many of these qualities are inherent in women by nature. If something is missing, it is quite possible to cultivate it in yourself.

So, what qualities that a man usually looks for in a woman should he cultivate in himself?

  • Pleasantness and ease of communication

As they say, be what you want others to see. Never be rude to your husband, children, friends. Be warmer, kinder, more positive. Don't forget about the need for mutual understanding. Don't be one of those people who keeps everyone on their toes all the time just because they had a hard day themselves. A good wife always talks to her husband in a pleasant tone of voice and always greets her husband with a smile and not a sour expression.

  • Feeling respect for your husband

If you want your husband to respect you, treat him with respect. Respect begins to show itself in the way a person speaks and behaves with others. When talking with your husband, you must refrain from harsh statements. A good wife will never humiliate her husband or talk to him disrespectfully - neither in public nor in private. Accept your husband for who he is, and do not try to change him according to your understanding. He will do a lot for you if only you give him the opportunity to be himself. Your husband, like you, is a personality, and a developing personality at that. Just help him grow in the direction he chooses and give him a chance to help you develop your personality.

  • Mutual understanding and connection

Good communication between spouses builds trust and makes the bond between them stronger. Do not make any decisions regarding family matters without consulting your husband.

  • Providing support

The husband expects support and understanding from his wife, especially when failures begin to haunt him. What does it mean to be a good wife in difficult times? This means continuing to love your husband in times of failure just as much as when he is successful. This means supporting your husband at all stages of his career and life. Never belittle a man’s achievements or hurt him with reproaches. There is no faster way to make your man angry than by criticizing or humiliating him, especially in front of strangers. Be proud of his achievements and praise him sincerely. If you do this, you can be sure that your husband will do the same with you, and will also respect you and appreciate your support.

  • Never saw

No man likes it when his wife starts lecturing him. But many women, unfortunately, mistakenly believe that this is the only way to force their husband to do something the right way. The truth is that this behavior on your part can significantly undermine your relationship; The relationship may deteriorate and even break up. Your husband is an adult with his own thoughts and desires. He can see the situation in his own way. And just because you think he should do something one way or another does not mean that he really should do it that way.

  • Ability to clearly express your feelings and needs

Except in rare cases where your husband is psychic, don't expect him to be able to guess your thoughts and desires. If you want something, tell him about it. If he did something wrong, calmly explain it to him, and don’t sulk silently, sitting in the corner. Be direct when you need something, rather than dropping hints or beating around the bush. Any, even the most complex problem should be discussed openly and clearly, without allegory. Expressing your emotions calmly and directly is what it means to be a good wife in the understanding of a man.

  • Give him freedom

As a person close to your husband, you must understand that he has other interests in life besides you. He has parents, friends and colleagues who are also part of his life. He, like you, may have hobbies and interests. Don't expect constant attention from him. Don't stop him if he wants to go hang out with friends or go to the gym. A wife who tries to prevent this only causes a man to become irritated and want to do everything out of spite out of protest.

  • Make surprises

Men also love surprises and attention. This could be anything - for example, organizing a birthday party in secret from the birthday boy, or preparing a scenario for a stormy night of passion, where you will act as a seductress. Your surprises do not have to be complicated or expensive - the main thing is that they are made from the heart and with love. Even if it’s just an inscription on a beautiful postcard, the man will be touched, and on the very first romantic evening he will be especially gentle with you. And if you don’t skimp on pleasant surprises for your husband, then you already know how to be a good wife.

  • Talk more often about love and gratitude

Men love praise and gratitude very much. Do not spare kind words for him. Men, just like women, love to hear the words “I love you.” Give him gifts that contain your care and love, instead of getting away with meaningless souvenirs. Let it be a very inexpensive thing, the main thing is that it is something that he will probably like or find useful. Pamper him with something, especially if you are at home and no one is bothering you. For example, you can give your husband a relaxing massage. Men love to be pampered! If you spoil him often, he will dream of getting home faster, will miss you and think about you often. Your love and care will not go unnoticed; they may even inspire your husband to perform a “feat” for you. For example, you will receive flowers not for a holiday, but just like that.

  • Honesty, loyalty, devotion

When discussing what it means to be a good wife, it is impossible not to say at least a few words about these qualities. It goes without saying that a good wife should be honest, faithful to her husband, dedicating her life to him. After all, this is exactly the commitment you both made when you got married. And this is the most important thing that a man values ​​in his wife. Much can be forgiven to the woman you love, but not betrayal or deception.

  • Home comfort

Despite all the seeming inability of a man to maintain cleanliness and order, he values ​​home comfort very highly. And he will also appreciate a wife who constantly tries to be an exemplary housewife, maintains order in the house and keeps all things clean and in order. In addition, men really like it when their wife takes care of money and takes the family budget seriously.

  • Make him happy in bed

Sexual intimacy is a vital part of any marriage. Most men have strong emotional and physical needs and desires related to sex, and your attitude toward intimacy with your husband is often critical to his happiness in particular and to the strength of the marriage in general. And if you deprive your husband of this happiness, he will go where he can get it.

In the end, a man is always a man first! Without affection, intimate conversations, without the love that could come from your relationship in bed, a man will become irritable and grumpy. He will suffer from a feeling of rejection and will cease to have tender feelings for his wife. Remember that loving caresses make you closer, which is important for both of you. Therefore, try to make your intimate life more interesting and varied, and in everyday life, do not skimp on affection and physical contact with your husband - hug, touch his hand, stroke his cheek.

Any man would be glad to get a wife with all the above qualities. Maybe we missed something? Let men correct us if these lines come across their eyes. And you, dear women, tell me honestly - is it really so difficult to fulfill the wishes of men on each item mentioned? No, of course, our men do not expect anything impossible from us. And they are ready to pay with gratitude and love for our attention to them.

Now that we have “overheard” men’s thoughts, we can be firmly confident in what it means to be a good wife for your husband and how you can make him happy. And so as not to forget anything, we put the rules in a frame and hang them in the brightest and most comfortable corner of our soul:

How to become an ideal wife for your husband?

  1. Always prepare to meet your husband;
  2. Dinner should always be ready before your husband gets home

    Even if he returns late, dinner should be waiting for him. This is your way of showing your husband that you are thinking about him and caring about his needs;

  3. Put on clean clothes, check if your hair is in order

    Rest for at least fifteen minutes before your husband arrives so you don't look exhausted. Your husband has already spent the whole day in emotional stress among tired people. He will be very happy to return home and see his wife fresh and beautiful.

    Before your husband arrives, make sure the house is orderly and clean. Turn on the TV on your husband’s favorite channel, place a fresh newspaper near his chair. Ask the children not to make noise. When you return home, your husband will feel like he has returned to a quiet, cozy haven where he can relax and enjoy peace.

  4. Rejoice in your husband's return by going out to him with a smile

    Listen to him when he wants to talk about his day.

  5. Even if you yourself wanted to tell him a lot, let your husband talk first

    It is important to show that his topics of conversation are more important to you.

  6. Don't meet your husband with complaints and problems right on the doorstep

    Let him have dinner and rest a bit first.

  7. Don't grumble if he is late for lunch or dinner

    You must understand that important matters could have delayed him. Even if these things don't seem very important to you, they may be really important to your husband.

  8. Criticism can ruin relationships

    Let your husband do things his way. Don’t worry about the little things – the main thing is that the end result suits both of you.

  9. Sometimes you will be wrong

    You must learn to calmly listen to your husband's arguments, admit your mistakes and ask for an apology.

At first glance, it looks like we are encouraging you to become your husband's slave, doesn't it? Just like a page from modern Domostroy. But if you think critically and ask yourself, isn’t that what a woman who loves her husband does every day? If we love our husbands, then we will do everything in our power to ensure that he is happy and always happily goes home, where he is not only loved, but also respected, appreciated, and his peace is protected.

And he will pay us with love, care, protection, creating for us conditions for a prosperous and prosperous life. Modern women may be progressive, educated and successful, but modern men still want to see qualities that have been valued for centuries in their wives. Therefore, do not forget how to become a good wife, and remember - the happiness of the family is in your hands!

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What does a man need?

To become a good wife, alas, it is not enough to be “an athlete, a Komsomol member and simply a beauty.” If everything were so easy, so many women in the world would not suffer from family problems, infidelity and divorce would not happen, and the advice of family psychologists would not be required.

You need to understand male psychology, what a man needs and how to achieve it.

Have you ever wondered why men get married at all? They also have needs that they realize in family life. And this is not only regular sex, pies on the table and comfort in the house... A man needs to feel needed, loved, he expects support and respect, devotion, understanding. Conditionally and schematically, psychologists reduce the basic expectations of a man from a woman to the following:
- well-equipped life;
- lightness;
- devotion;
- calmness.

What does it mean? That he feels good at home physically and mentally, it is pleasant and easy for him to communicate with his wife, he is confident in her fidelity, devotion and love, and he is “filled” with her state of calm confidence and enjoys femininity. And now specific advice, point by point.

Make your home warm, cozy and smell delicious

You may not have surgical sterility at home, but it should be cozy. Even if he says that he doesn’t care, he doesn’t. Every man wants to come home and relax. Delicious meal.

Creating an appropriate environment is a woman’s task. This does not mean that you need to be busy with household chores from morning to night - you can organize a housekeeper to help around the house or children, if they are already grown up, and order pizza.

But keep in mind that food prepared by you with your own hands and with love for your husband has a completely different energy. This is your form of caring for him.

Be positive, light and playful

Not like in the joke: “It’s okay that my character is heavy, but my behavior is easy.” No. Here we are talking about the ability to enjoy simple things, a smile on your face. A man can look at a cheerful, smiling, satisfied woman endlessly.

When you know how to find and manifest in yourself that little girl, enthusiastic and light, who you want to carry in your arms, protect and pamper. When you are in a good mood and your eyes radiate light and love.

Who said that if he is your husband, then you don’t need to flirt with him and write intriguing text messages or sometimes arrange pleasant surprises?

Believe in him and be faithful to him physically and mentally

Devotion to a man is not only about cheating. “Faith” and “loyalty” are words with the same root. This means devotion to your man, trust, acceptance, belief in his strength and masculinity and that this man is the best for you.

After all, you chose him. It's about respect. About being proud of your husband. That he is your hero. Be a devoted close friend to him who is always there. "I believe in you. I know you can do it,” is a magic phrase for a man.

If you see him as a winner, appreciate him, admire him and thank him, he simply grows wings! This is the very “inspire a man” that is talked about so much at women’s trainings.

I'll surprise you: Respect for a man is even more important than love for him. And criticism expresses distrust and disbelief in him.

Be calm and confident

It is always uncomfortable to be around a nervous and always fussing and dissatisfied woman. A woman, with her inner state, creates a field around herself in which people, when they find themselves, experience a certain state.

So, a man loves precisely his condition next to a woman. First of all.

And then - everything else. If your condition as a woman is not improved, if you suffer from low self-esteem, are unsure of yourself, prone to hysterics, whining, outbursts of anger, attacks of jealousy, it will be difficult to call you a good wife.

By the way, jealousy is the other side of fidelity. Ask yourself the question: “How does your husband feel when he is next to me? Does he calm down in my company or, on the contrary, tense up?”

It is important for men to be needed and simply need to be an authority in the family. Therefore, consult with him more often, be interested in his opinion, and share yours. Listen to him. And tell him directly about your needs and desires, without expecting him to guess them himself.

It's great if you have common interests and hobbies, and not just common children and an apartment. Shared experiences always bring us closer together. A good wife is not only a mistress in the house and a mistress in bed. This is a like-minded person, an interlocutor and a congenial person.

What not to do

Do not argue. Remember the “magic words”

Remember the magic phrases: “You’re right!”, “Of course, beloved.” Agree with him and you will be surprised how soft he will become. Give him the lead.

You can gently lead a man to the right decision, but using feminine methods, and not head-on. And the words “I'm sorry, dear, I was wrong” generally work wonders. Ask yourself: is it important for you to be right or happy?

Don't blow his mind

Don't get hysterical. Don't make a scene. We didn't drink. Don't be smart and don't criticize. Forget the phrases “I told you so,” “I knew it,” “but I think”... You shouldn’t fight with him, you’ll lose. War is a man's business.

Don't whine or complain

You don't like whiners yourself. A man will help you solve all your problems if you don’t burden him from morning to night and dump all your fears and complexes on him. He is not your psychologist, not your mother or girlfriend.

Don't compare him to anyone

Comparisons are unacceptable, neither with Steve Jobs, nor with Vasya from the next door. If you want to continue being with this man.

Don't feel sorry for him

Never feel sorry for a man! The other side of pity is faith. If you regret it, it means you don’t believe in him. And keep in mind: supporting a man and feeling sorry for him are completely different things. Support. But don't be sorry.
Here I am deliberately not talking about regular good sex and the fact that you need to take care of yourself, watch your figure and develop as a person. And also in different ways to show a man that you love him - this is obvious.

If you use the tips above, believe me, receiving all this from you, your husband will throw the whole world at your feet!

Many girls have a question, how to become a good wife? It is not easy to answer, because there are a lot of different opinions, which are almost impossible to cover at the same time. Of course, some women prefer to choose their own path, but they often fail, so it is worth reading some advice from professional psychologists. No one says that each of them guarantees a long happy life, but it helps to get to know men better.

1. Forget about friends and acquaintances.

Perhaps the first problem in the life of spouses is always friends and acquaintances. They try to give some advice, suggest what to do in a given situation, and some are simply outright jealous. Most often, the consequences turn out to be the most deplorable, that is, the relationship gradually heats up and, in the end, breaks down.

Often girls believe that a man needs freedom. “It’s better to let him go fishing with friends than to look at a dissatisfied face,” they say, and they are very wrong. Yes, you can’t set conditions, because many people, without thinking, act contrary. However, in this situation, it is the wife who should be the reason that forces the husband to stay at home. To do this, it is enough to interest him in something. After this, you will be able to spend extra time alone, reinforcing the warmth of the relationship with pleasant communication.

2. Diversity is the key to married life.

“No matter how tasty a dish is, it will eventually get boring.” These words of a great man should be remembered throughout your married life. Moreover, it should not be attributed only to cooking; it is better to apply it in practice in everything. Even the wife must change a little so that everything becomes stronger and stronger.

In some cases, even the unexpected attracts much more than a long romantic dinner. Because of this, psychologists advise girls to remain unpredictable even 10 years after marriage. Surely unpredictable actions and words will intrigue a man constantly. He will begin to return home after work with anticipation, not imagining what surprise awaits him.

3. You can’t adapt.

After the wedding celebration, some women begin to change. Many try to become an integral part of a man’s life, so they prefer to fulfill all his desires. On the one hand, such a step can be understood, because the wives believe that after this they can look to the future with confidence. On the other hand, the husband does not need a “mother”. Psychologists are already tired of reminding the fair half of humanity that a man loves a woman for who she is, which means he doesn’t need another.

So, first of all, the question of how to become a better wife should be answered by remaining yourself. If the husband understands that the stamp in the passport has not changed their relationship, he will remain a spouse for the rest of his life. Moreover, looking at his beloved, a person will be immersed in memories, which will bring him even more joy and pleasure.

4. Spend time alone.

Warm marital relationships are maintained with consistency. A girl should constantly be next to her man, attracting his gaze, forcing him to look away even from a football match of his favorite team. Even though an active lifestyle and being overly busy often force you to look for difficult paths, you shouldn’t stop and give up, it’s better to overcome all obstacles and at least be alone for a couple of minutes.

The easiest way is to combine breakfast and dinner, even if you really want to go to bed and relax. Sometimes it’s worth getting up early to please a man’s eyes with your splendor during breakfast, rather than forget about married life in a few years. In this case, everything depends only on the woman, or rather, on her desire to remain a wife.

5. Money doesn't solve anything.

A woman is the keeper of the home. This principle is inherent in the genes of every man, and if he suddenly invites her to go to work under some pretext, it means that he is not satisfied with the way she runs the household. Most often, a man subconsciously wants to provide for his own family. Yes, situations often arise when it is not possible to earn the necessary money alone, but you should not destroy the masculine spirit in your soul mate.

Psychologists remind us that money should never remain the main topic of conversation between spouses. Any reproach from the beautiful keeper of the hearth remains a terrible wound in the soul of a man. It is better to leave the earnings on his shoulders, but never forget about support. It is the spouse who should become the real “other half”, who prompts and reassures even in difficult situations. History shows many cases where families in poverty lived much happier lives than rich people, and this should be remembered.

6. The husband is a king and a god.

The husband appreciates his wife for everything if he feels that he remains his whole life for her. He is a provider, he is a master, he is a protector. Every woman should remember these words, even if things don’t work out. By praising a man, a girl will be able to push him to new achievements. Yes, the wife will still remain behind her, so she will continue to support and even guide her husband, but he will not suspect anything. This situation in the family is always observed, and young people often automatically create it themselves. In this case, the expression “henpecked” does not suit the spouse, because he continues to be the head of the family and, if necessary, reminds everyone of this. It’s just that the other half provides him with invaluable help in everything.

Becoming a better wife is not easy. To do this, you need to learn how to maintain the integrity of the family. The strong half of humanity is capable of much, but banal home comfort or neatness are unknown to them. Although it is impossible to talk about this and, especially, point out shortcomings. Still, psychologists say that it is enough to simply love each other in order to maintain warm relationships between spouses throughout your life. Moreover, such married couples, indeed, remain happy and joyfully remember every minute of their lives, where there was everything: both bad and good.

How to become a good wife, lover, housewife and mother? Learn lots of tips. We reveal the typical mistakes of wives, from which their husbands immediately leave.

Do you want to become a good wife and housewife for your husband? It's actually not difficult. The most important thing is to be willing to admit your mistakes and have the incentive to change.

First you need to pay attention to the shortcomings that imperfect women make every day:

  1. Controversy. Are you proving that you are right or are you making sure that your word is the last? This means that you constantly humiliate the dignity of your man. Such wives are never good, no matter what they do...
  2. Obstinacy. If you want to do as you wish, you can forget about a happy and peaceful family life.
  3. Self-deprecating attitude. Do you only clean yourself up when you leave the house? Congratulations! Your husband is already looking at other women!
  4. Discontent. Is your husband somehow bad for you? There will be someone who will rejoice in him, not paying attention to his shortcomings.
  5. Little attention. Are you in a hurry to get everything done quickly, and push your spouse aside when he gets in your way? One kiss and a couple of affectionate words at such moments would definitely eliminate 30% of all your scandals. And even more.
  6. Indicating errors. Your husband is wrong in many ways, and you are not embarrassed to talk about it? Don't think that this is sincerity and honesty. It is nonsense. Big.

Analyze your behavior: what else do you think is unpleasant for your husband? To make it easier, put yourself in his place. Be honest with yourself, because now no one can hear your thoughts.

Only one who knows that she is imperfect can become an ideal wife. This is what gives her the opportunity to strive for the best.

How to become a good wife

Take care of yourself

Many argue that you need to constantly do a beautiful hairstyle, apply makeup and walk exclusively in heels - on weekends, at home - always! No, not necessarily.

The main thing is that your appearance is completely well-groomed: your hair is combed, your teeth are brushed, your eyebrows are plucked, your nails are painted, etc. Maintaining this is not difficult at all.

As for spectacular images (beautifully styled hair, a bright and attractive outfit, etc.), you don’t have to resort to all this every day. This will not only save your energy and time, but will also make your husband admire you from time to time when you use such techniques.

But, of course, this should not be once every six months, but much more often. Only at these moments be sure to say that all this is only for him alone.


  • give preference not to TV series, but to educational programs;
  • read interesting articles on topics that you could later discuss with your spouse;
  • spend your leisure time reading a good book;
  • set goals for yourself and go towards them;
  • change externally, find more suitable images for yourself - this is also a kind of development.

Be sure to tell your husband about your development achievements. Otherwise there will be no point in your efforts. He simply won’t see it, which means he won’t appreciate it.

Create comfort

Nobody wants to live in a mess. There is such a tendency - the more comfortable the house, the better the mood. Even people who seem oblivious to the clutter.
“I didn’t have time”, “I’m tired” - these are excuses that do not suit husbands.

Remember: it's better to do a little every day than to accumulate clutter to clean up on the weekend.

Well, or there is another tricky way out: if you “shirk” things, then do it competently - so that your husband will enjoy it (lying with him, stroking him, giving him a massage, etc.).

Be wise

Never argue with a man. Remember: he is never wrong! Just for you! It's just his point of view. And it will be better for you if you start thinking the same way.

And to achieve this, when talking with your husband, ask more questions rather than assert.

  • Now he's angry? Don't tell him that he's always in a bad mood and you're tired of it! Better hug him and tell him how much you love him.
  • Today he again did not do what he promised? Don't rush to cut him down. It’s better to say something like, with a smile and in the form of a joke: “And I know who forgot to do this (something) ...”


“Love me as I am” - this phrase is common among... single women or divorcees. If your man asks you to change, don’t resist. This is how he makes you the ideal woman for himself, from whom there will be no point in leaving.

One girl wrote that her boyfriend constantly demanded something from her: “Change your hair color to such and such!”, “Don’t forget to clean up!”, “Don’t behave like that in public!” etc. It would seem boring, and there is no end to it. The girl had almost given up when the guy told her: “Now you’re perfect, and I won’t let you go anywhere!”

Changing for the sake of a loved one is not spinelessness, but a smart approach. He is the one who will help bring peace and love to your home. After all, if a wife meets all the basic requirements and does not irritate her in any way, how can you argue with her?

Respect and value your spouse

This point implies several rules:

  1. Don't insult. Unless, of course, you want a backlash.
  2. Don't say that his thoughts or ideas are funny/stupid/unwise. Here it is better to ask questions to find out why he decided to act this way, whether this or that fact will interfere with him, etc.
  3. Don't argue. Let your man remain right for you. Think, maybe there really is logic in his words?
  4. Always support his side. Especially in front of people. Keep silent if you disagree with him, and then, at home, when you are alone, ask why he thinks this way - act cunningly.
  5. Pay attention not to your husband's shortcomings, but on its merits. The first kills love, and the second helps strengthen it. Always look for the good in everything, justify it to yourself - this is how you will learn to appreciate your man.

Praise successes

Is your spouse doing something good? Don't be indifferent! After all, he is so looking forward to your joy for his success! By receiving this, he will become even more attached to you.

Praising can also make a man a little better. For example, if you like the way he does something, focus on it. He will definitely want to listen to your kind words again, so he will do the same again.

But, if something suddenly goes wrong for him, support him with affection, tell him that he will definitely achieve everything (just don’t overact, otherwise you risk getting the opposite effect from your efforts), offer options for getting out of the current situation.

Decent behavior

A wife is a man's pride. Agree, there will be no peace in the family if a woman behaves inappropriately. This will lead not only to scandals, but also to the husband’s reluctance to go somewhere together.

To prevent this from happening, follow these rules:

  • do not flirt with other men;
  • don't make a scandal;
  • don't swear;
  • be modest;
  • smile;
  • do not try to show yourself smarter than others, especially your husband;
  • don't argue;
  • do not express your opinion until you are asked about it.

In general, stick to the principle: “I look from the side, blink my eyes, smile and think about how to hold the fork correctly.” And khabalka women who try to insert themselves into any man’s conversation always cause negativity from those around them, and such behavior becomes a consequence of the husband’s bashfully lowered eyes.

Plan your family budget

It is very important to be a thrifty wife! Men don't like spenders. To become one, you need:

  • give up many of your desires (shopping);
  • gently and carefully ask permission for any purchase intended only for you;
  • warn about upcoming large expenses;
  • discuss together the need for certain purchases;
  • do not purchase too expensive products and everything that you can do without today.

If you take care of your money, your husband will definitely appreciate it!

But in cases where your spouse buys something for himself without warning you (for example, accessories for a car), do not start nagging him, but calmly say that it would be better if he warned you in advance so that you were able to reschedule the budget.

Geisha principle

One of the common mistakes a wife makes is not caring about her appearance when she is at home. Remember when you tried to put on your eye makeup as evenly as possible and put on your best outfit to impress your husband? Don't let this go to waste!

Your goal is not to win other men, but to keep yours. After all, if he always sees you in an old robe, he will have a desire to find a woman in a sexy dress. And as you understand, it won’t be you...

Bed area

Sex between spouses is also very important. Often it is because of sexual dissatisfaction that a man gets annoyed with his wife throughout the day. How to fuel your love through sexual relationships? You need to become a good lover for him.

Remember the following rules here:

  1. Don't deny your husband sex! Never! If you don’t want this process (and women develop an “appetite” much less often), it is unacceptable to make this a hindrance. You should always be available to your husband. Even when you are tired or you had a fight. A wife's frigidity will always be a consequence of her husband's irritability, his nagging and - obviously - infidelity. In rare cases, refusals may still occur, but this must be said kindly and gently: not “Leave me alone! I’m busy right now!” and “Darling, maybe not now? I'm just a little busy…". And yes, the fact that a man wants sex is not a problem. The problem is when he no longer wants...
  2. Come up with something new. To do this, you can read relevant articles, watch training lessons, etc. Order sexy lingerie from an online store and surprise your husband. Offer sex in an unusual place.
  3. Follow his sexual fantasies. Pay attention to all his hints and “kind of jokes” on the topic of bed. He wants to do all this to you. Become perfection for him, and then there will be no point in looking elsewhere.

How to be a good mom

It is worth considering that a good wife does not forget about children. To combine the roles of an ideal wife and mother, you must:

  1. Give time to children. Don’t brush them aside in a rush to do something quickly. If you give your child 5 minutes of attention while doing housework, you will not suffer much from it. Don't forget to also play with them and take them for walks. It is very advisable to involve your husband in this (with persuasion and tenderness, but not with claims!). It will be great if you engage in the comprehensive development of your child: organize his classes in sections and clubs. Just without fanaticism!
  2. Be an affectionate mother. To do this, it is enough to love your children and not raise your voice at them. In most cases, calmly explaining the entire situation to the child is a much more effective method than spanking the butt and screaming. Also look for tricks (“If you pamper, Santa Claus will not bring gifts,” etc.).
  3. Show your love for your husband in front of your children. This will be pleasant for both the spouse and will benefit the children - they will form a family model based on your couple.
  4. Don't say anything bad to your children! There is no need to set them up against their grandfathers, dad, their girlfriend, etc. Such gossip with a child will lead to mental disorders or moral decay of the individual. It is also worth controlling yourself in terms of how you approach children. Never call them names or say unpleasant things (“Why did I even give birth to you?”, “I’ll change you for another boy!”, etc.). If you can’t control yourself, go to another room and calm down.
  5. Find common solutions in education. When mom allows something, but dad is categorically against it, then scandals often happen between them. And the child himself suffers: he gets lost, doesn’t know who to listen to.

There are still many, many nuances of upbringing. Most of them you can work out with your husband/grandparents etc. to find the best and most effective ways to raise good individuals.

How to become a better housewife

An ideal wife is not only one who can satisfy her man mentally and physically. She must also be a good housewife.

What is needed for that:

  • keep the house clean;
  • prepare food for your husband’s arrival or in advance (so that he doesn’t go hungry);
  • wash clothes promptly;
  • do general cleaning regularly, etc.

For all this you need to plan your affairs. Moreover, you need to be prepared that sometimes you will have to sacrifice your personal time, which was allocated for relaxation or meeting with friends, etc. But it's definitely worth it!

However, it must be borne in mind that there is no need to become an ardent fan of ideal cleanliness. In many cases, you can only create an appearance - put all things in their places and vacuum them. It only takes half an hour.

And you shouldn’t be angry with your spouse if he violated the idyll by scattering all his things in search of the right T-shirt. Your 15 minutes to put them together is better than a two-hour scandal and the low mood of both spouses.

Little secrets

Little tricks will help you secure the result:

  • talk to your husband about love more often;
  • be affectionate;
  • never raise your tone at him (to be honest, such women look disgusting);
  • do not forget to make surprises (breakfast in bed, a gift for no reason, an erotic surprise, etc.);
  • be cheerful;
  • complain less;
  • feel sorry for your spouse like a child;
  • do not bother with unnecessary conversations;
  • give in;
  • give more freedom;
  • don't be overly jealous;
  • keep him talking.

  1. Move yourself to the background. The wife should always take second place, but not last. After all, she will first of all try not for herself, but for her husband. How can you not love someone like that? But you shouldn’t completely forget about yourself, so as not to feel disadvantaged and lost.
  2. Don't be proud. There is no place for pride in relationships. An ideal wife should understand this. How easy it is to avoid conflicts if you don’t turn up your nose, but meet them halfway! There is nothing humiliating about this!
  3. Humble yourself. Even one of the commandments says: “Let the wife fear her husband.” That is, you need to be afraid of upsetting him, causing harm to what is dear to him. Yes, a man should be the head of the family. This is his nature. Only by standing in his place will he be happy.
  4. Don't be offended. If your husband talks about some of your shortcomings, do not take it as an insult, a desire to find fault with you. Unfortunately, many men do not know how to speak delicately. But, if something was said, then it’s worth paying attention to. This is your flaw that you need to work on. Be reasonable.

It is clear that it is impossible to always be perfect: sometimes health does not allow this, sometimes due to lack of time or simple fatigue. There can be many reasons.

But only that woman who wants to make her man happy will reduce them to a minimum and will try and improve again and again.

And in the end, I would like to advise you to save this article or print it out so that you can return to these tips from time to time. After all, now you focused only on the minimum. It takes more than one day to understand each point and implement it into your life. Good luck!

Video: How to become an ideal wife

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