Amazing facts from the life of Kazimir Malevich. Malevich Square - Interesting facts Interesting facts about Malevich

His most famous painting, “Black Square,” is now valued at more than $20 million. The author himself called this work the pinnacle of his creativity.

Square, circle, cross

In 1913 Kazimir Malevich Together with fellow Suprematists, he prepared a production of the opera “Victory over the Sun.” All the scenery for the performance was made by the artist himself. In these works, he first sketched out the idea for the painting - in the opera, a black square replaced the sun's luminary, thereby telling the audience that Suprematist creativity now illuminates the path for those moving forward.

That is why the year of appearance of the “Black Square” itself is designated by the artist as 1913, although he painted his masterpiece in 1915.

Then all the Suprematists were preparing for the exhibition “0.10” in St. Petersburg. For them, at the Art Bureau N.E. Dobychina" was allocated two whole halls; at least 30 works were required, but so many were not collected. They say that before the exhibition, Malevich painted both day and night. It was then, in this race for the number of Suprematist paintings, that the triptych appeared - “Black Square”, “Black Circle” and “Black Cross”.

It would seem that the artist worked for quantity. But no, as soon as “Black Square” was completed, Malevich breathed a sigh of relief. He said that he created his main work - and at the exhibition he placed it in the “red corner” of the hall, the place where the viewer’s gaze immediately fell.

Black square in the “red corner” of the exhibition “0.10”, 1915 Source: Public Domain

Battle of the Negroes

For more than 100 years, all people who are not indifferent to the “Black Square” have examined the painting up and down, trying to find secret meaning. Someone thought that Malevich simply laughed at everyone. Someone saw the grandiose philosophical meaning, and someone - only a way to earn money and remembered the fabulous amount that can be received for this painting. But only in 2015, researchers used X-rays to discover that behind the black square were hidden two more drawings by Kazimir Malevich, Cubo-Futurist and Proto-Suprematist. Museum workers also discovered letters under the black paint. From them they managed to put together the phrase: “Battle of the blacks at night.”

Malevich himself said about his “Black Square”: “I could neither sleep nor eat. I kept trying to understand what I had done. But I couldn’t.”

Experts from the Tretyakov Gallery discovered a color image under the paint layer of the painting. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Vyatkin

Four masterpieces

The artist’s “Black Square” is presented in four copies, but all of them differ in some way - in color, texture, design, size - from each other. You can view and compare them by visiting Russian museums. The first "Square" lives in Tretyakov Gallery. The second, which, according to many experts, was painted by the artist’s associates under his leadership, is in the Russian Museum. The third Malevich painted already in 1929 especially for the Tretyakov Gallery, where it is stored together with the first “Square”. But with the fourth incarnation of the main figure of Suprematism came Detective story. In the 1990s, this painting was left as collateral in a bank in Samara, but the owner never showed up to claim it. I bought the canvas Vladimir Potanin, having paid, according to rumors, a million dollars for it, and gave the creation of Kazimir Malevich to the Hermitage.

A painting instead of an icon?

The funeral of Kazimir Malevich, oddly enough, is also connected with the black square. Malevich himself insisted that he be buried according to the Suprematist rite. Therefore, a special sarcophagus was made for the ceremony, with a black square painted on the lid. Those wishing to say goodbye to the creator could not only see Malevich in last time, but also to look at the painting “Black Square”, which stood next to the coffin. After the funeral service, the sarcophagus was placed on a truck, which had also previously been marked with a black square. Since Malevich died in Leningrad, and his body was to be buried in the Moscow region, the sarcophagus was transported by train to the capital. The second memorial service for Malevich took place in the Donskoy Monastery. And there, near the sarcophagus among the flowers, there was not a portrait of Malevich, but a “Black Square”. Needless to say, the monument at the artist’s grave in Nemchinovka was the embodiment of a black square on a white cube. During the battles in the Great Patriotic War the monument disappeared, and information about the exact burial place of Kazimir Malevich was gradually lost.

Kazimir Malevich is an avant-garde artist, primarily known for his painting "Black Square". Many collectors believe that


Disputes about the date of birth of Kazimir Malevich have not subsided for a long time. Some believed that the artist was born on February 23, 1878, while others believed that it was a year later, 1879. Historians are more inclined to another version, since there is an entry in the parish register of the Church of St. Alexandra about the birth and baptism of a boy in 1879. The year of birth was definitely established after the artist’s 125th birthday. It turned out that the anniversary celebration was ahead of time. Therefore, Malevich had two 125th anniversaries.

Kazimir was the first of 14 children, but only nine lived to old age: 4 brothers - Kazimir, Mieczyslaw, Bronislaw, Boleslav, Anton and 4 daughters - Victoria, Severina, Wanda and Maria.

As a child, Kazimir knew nothing about drawing. One day he went with his father to Kyiv, where he saw a canvas - a portrait of a girl sitting on a bench and peeling potatoes. The canvas left an indelible impression on his memory.

Since then, Kazimir began to show interest in drawing. Noticing this, his mother gave him a set of paints for his 15th birthday. By the age of 17, Kazimir learned to draw.

In 1895, Kazimir convinced his father to allow him to enter the Kyiv Art School. He managed to study at school for a year: the family moved to Kursk.


In 1899, Malevich married the daughter of a Kursk baker... Kazimira Zgleits. By the way, the wedding was double: at the same time, Kazimira’s younger brother, Mieczyslaw, also married, and Kazimira’s sister Maria married him.

In 1901, Kazimir and Kazimira had their first child, Anatoly (he died at the age of 15 from typhus). And in 1905 their daughter Galina was born.

Soon he, leaving his wife and children in Kursk, moved to Moscow. This marked a split in the family: Casimira did not share her husband’s creative plans and considered creativity a frivolous activity.

Malevich's attempt to achieve success in Moscow was unsuccessful. His application for admission to Moscow school painting, sculpture and architecture were rejected. He sent documents to the school several more times and was refused each time.

Kazimir did not want to return to his wife and children in Kursk. He rented an inexpensive room in an art commune in Lefortovo, where he lived for six months. When the money ran out, he returned to his family.

Over time, disagreements between the spouses became more frequent, and, in the end, Casimira left her husband and took the children. She moved to the village of Meshcherskoye and got a job as a paramedic in a psychiatric hospital. There she fell in love with a doctor and, leaving the children with an employee, left Meshchersky with him.

When Malevich came to pick up his children in Meshcherskoye, he discovered that they were living with the caretaker Mikhail Rafalovich. Here he met the daughter of the caretaker, Sofya Rafalovich, and in 1909 they got married.

Sofia supported Kazimir’s desire to engage in creativity, taking care of her husband in every possible way, taking on everyday problems and bringing in the bulk of the family’s income. During this time, Kazimir improved his ability to draw. In 1925, she died, leaving Kazimir with a 5-year-old daughter in her arms.

Two years later, Malevich married for the third time - with Natalia Andreevna Manchenko (1902–1990), who was 23 years younger than him.


In 1907, the first exhibition of Malevich's impressionist works took place, where he met the artists Wassily Kandinsky, David Burliuk, Mikhail Larionov and Ivan Klyun. From that time on, the vector of Casimir’s creativity shifted towards the avant-garde.

The artist first worked in folklore themes, then his painting became more monumental. In Malevich's work of this period one can feel the influence of the French Fauves. And a couple of years later, rigid color geometry appeared in Kazimir’s paintings. He discovered illogic.

In December 1913, Malevich and his friends staged the play “Victory over the Sun” at the Luna Park Theater in St. Petersburg. It was at this time, while developing the scenery, that Malevich first used the image of the famous “Black Square”. (Read more: )

The artist’s first personal exhibition, “Kazimir Malevich. His path from impressionism to Suprematism,” was held in December 1919. The second took place in 1923 and was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of creative activity.

In 1919, he and his family moved to Vitebsk, where he taught Suprematism until 1922. During these years, the artist practically did not paint, but worked enthusiastically on philosophical and theoretical works: “God will not be cast off. Art, church, factory”, “Suprematism. The world as non-objectivity or eternal peace” and others. He often spoke with them at conferences.


Since 1927, Malevich began traveling with exhibitions to other countries. During a visit to Germany he received official letter from the USSR demanding to return. Malevich hastily wrote a will in case of “death or permanent imprisonment.” He left a number of his works in the care of the architect Hugo Hering and the von Riesen family. Almost all the paintings that remained in Germany have survived to this day and are in the Amsterdam City Museum. Only about 15 paintings disappeared (during the war).

When Malevich arrived home, he was accused of treason as a German spy. However, after a month of imprisonment, he was released and even allowed to organize an exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery. Since many of the paintings remained abroad, the artist had to recreate his works from different periods.

The authorities' distrust of Malevich grew. His personal exhibition, which took place in Kyiv from February to May 1930, was harshly criticized by the authorities. In the fall of 1930, he was accused of anti-Soviet propaganda and imprisoned in Leningrad prison. Casimir's friends helped free him in December of the same year.

After the second arrest, Malevich painted the second “peasant cycle”, more dramatic and emotional than the works of the first folklore series. Malevich continued to experiment and created “post-Suprematist” paintings, the heroes of which have flat torsos.

Some experts claim that Malevich wrote the last version of “Black Square” in 1932 for the anniversary exhibition “Artists of the RSFSR for XV Years.” Now the canvas is kept in the Hermitage.

Designed his own coffin

IN last years In life, it was difficult for Kazimir to draw - so as not to shake his hand, he leaned on a billiard cue. In 1933, it became known that Malevich was suffering from prostate cancer. The disease progressed quickly: throughout 1935 he practically did not get out of bed.

Malevich lived poorly and did not even receive a pension from the Union of Artists. Feeling the approach of death, the artist designed his own Suprematist coffin in the shape of a cross. The artist asked to be buried in this coffin with his arms outstretched.

Kazimir Malevich died on May 15, 1935 in Leningrad. Malevich's students and friends made the coffin according to the artist's sketches. They buried him in a white shirt, black trousers and red shoes. A huge number of people came to say goodbye to the great master. Funeral processions took place in Leningrad and Moscow.

According to the will, the body of Kazimir Severinovich Malevich was cremated in Moscow at the Donskoy Crematorium.

On May 21, his ashes were interred in the village of Nemchinovka under the artist’s favorite oak tree. A board was nailed to the tree with the words “Here are buried the ashes of the great artist K. S. Malevich.”

A wooden monument with a black square on one side, installed on his grave, was destroyed during the war years, and the grave was lost.

Unlike the “Black Square”, Malevich’s “White Square” is less popular in Russia famous painting. However, it is no less mysterious and also causes a lot of controversy among specialists in the field of painting. The second title of this work by Kazimir Malevich is “White on White.” It was written in 1918 and belongs to a direction of painting that Malevich called Suprematism.

A little about Suprematism

It is advisable to start the story about Malevich’s painting “White Square” with a few words about Suprematism. This term comes from the Latin supremus, which means “highest.” This is one of the trends in avant-garde art, the emergence of which dates back to the beginning of the 20th century.

It is a type of abstract art and is expressed in the depiction of various combinations of multi-colored planes, representing the simplest geometric outlines. This is a straight line, square, circle, rectangle. Using their combination, balanced asymmetrical compositions are formed, which are permeated internal movement. They are called Suprematist.

At the first stage, the term “Suprematism” meant superiority, the dominance of color over other properties of painting. According to Malevich, paint in non-objective canvases was freed for the first time from its auxiliary role. Paintings painted in this style were the first step towards “pure creativity”, equalizing the creative powers of man and nature.

Three paintings

It should be noted that the painting we are studying has another, third name - “White Square on a White Background”, Malevich painted it in 1918. Already after the other two squares were written - black and red. The author himself wrote about them in his book “Suprematism. 34 drawings." He said that the three squares are associated with the establishment of certain worldviews and world-building:

  • black is a sign of economy;
  • red represents the signal for revolution;
  • white is seen as pure action.

According to the artist, the white square gave him the opportunity to explore “pure action.” Other squares indicate the path, white carries white world. He affirms the sign of purity in creative life person.

From these words one can judge what Malevich’s white square means, according to the author himself. Next, the points of view of other specialists will be considered.

Two shades of white

Let's move on to the description of Kazimir Malevich's painting "White on White". When painting it, the artist used two shades of white, close to each other. The background has a slightly warm tint, with some ocher. The square itself is based on a cool bluish tint. The square is slightly inverted and is located closer to the upper right corner. This arrangement creates the illusion of movement.

In fact, the quadrangle depicted in the picture is not a square - it is a rectangle. There is evidence that at the beginning of the work the author, having drawn a square, lost sight of it. And after that, after taking a closer look, I decided to outline its borders, as well as highlight the main background. For this purpose, he drew the outlines with a grayish color, and also highlighted the background part with a different shade.

Suprematist icon

According to researchers, when Malevich worked on the painting, which was later recognized as a masterpiece, he was haunted by a feeling of “metaphysical emptiness.” This is precisely what he tried to express with great force in “White Square”. And the color, local, faded, not at all festive, only emphasizes the eerie mystical state of the author.

This work seems to follow and is a derivative of “Black Square”. And the first, no less than the second, lays claim to the “title” of an icon of Suprematism. Malevich's "White Square" shows clear and straight lines, outlining a rectangle, which, according to some researchers, is a symbol of fear and the meaninglessness of existence.

The artist poured all his spiritual experiences onto the canvas in the form of some kind of geometric abstract art, which actually carries a deep meaning.

Interpretation of whiteness

In Russian poetry, the interpretation of the color white comes close to the Buddhist vision. For them, it means emptiness, nirvana, the incomprehensibility of existence. Painting of the 20th century, like no other, mythologizes white people.

As for the Suprematists, they saw in it primarily a symbol of multidimensional space, different from Euclidean. It plunges the observer into a meditative trance, which purifies the human soul, similar to Buddhist practice.

Kazimir Malevich himself spoke about this as follows. He wrote that the Suprematism movement it's already underway towards the pointless white nature, towards white purity, towards white consciousness, towards white excitement. And this, in his opinion, is the highest level of the contemplative state, be it movement or rest.

Escape from life's difficulties

Malevich's "White Square" was the pinnacle and end of his Suprematist painting. He himself was delighted with it. The master said that he managed to break through the azure barrier dictated by color restrictions and emerge into whiteness. He called on his comrades, calling them navigators, to sail after him towards the abyss, since he erected beacons of Suprematism, and infinity - a free white abyss - lies before them.

However, according to researchers, behind the poetic beauty of these phrases their tragic essence is visible. The white abyss is a metaphor for non-existence, that is, death. It is suggested that the artist cannot find the strength to overcome the difficulties of life and therefore retreats from them into white silence. Malevich completed two of his last exhibitions with white canvases. Thus, he seemed to confirm that he preferred going to nirvana to real reality.

Where was the painting exhibited?

As mentioned above, “White Square” was written in 1918. It was shown for the first time in the spring of 1919 in Moscow at the exhibition “Objectless Creativity and Suprematism.” In 1927, the film was shown in Berlin, after which it remained in the West.

It became the pinnacle of non-objectivity that Malevich strove for. After all, nothing can be more pointless and plotless than a white quadrangle against the same background. The artist admitted that White color attracts him with its freedom and limitlessness. Malevich’s “White Square” is often considered the first example of monochrome painting.

This is one of the few paintings by the artist that is in US collections and is available to the general American public. Perhaps it is for this reason that this picture is superior to his others famous works, not excluding “Black Square”. Here it is considered as the pinnacle of the entire Suprematist movement in painting.

Encrypted meaning or nonsense?

Some researchers believe that all kinds of interpretations about the philosophical and psychological meaning of Kazimir Malevich’s paintings, including his squares, are far-fetched. But in fact there is none high meaning they don't have it. An example of such opinions is the story of Malevich’s “Black Square” and the white stripes on it.

On December 19, 1915, a futuristic exhibition was being prepared in St. Petersburg, for which Malevich promised to paint several paintings. He had little time left; he either did not have time to finish the canvas for the exhibition, or was dissatisfied with the result that he rashly covered it with black paint. This is how the black square turned out.

At this time, a friend of the artist appeared in the studio and, looking at the canvas, exclaimed: “Brilliant!” And then Malevich came up with the idea of ​​a trick that could be a way out of the current situation. He decided to give the resulting black square some mysterious meaning.

This may also explain the effect of cracked paint on the canvas. That is, no mysticism, just covered in black paint failed picture. It should be noted that numerous attempts have been made to examine the canvas in order to discover the original version of the image. But they were not successful. Today they have been stopped so as not to damage the masterpiece.

Upon closer inspection, hints of other tones, colors and patterns, as well as white stripes, can be seen through the craquelure. But this is not necessarily the painting located under the top layer. This may well be the bottom layer of the square itself, which was formed during the process of writing it.

It should be noted that there are a very large number of similar versions regarding the artificial excitement around all of Malevich’s squares. But what really? Most likely, the secret of this artist will never be revealed.

A brilliant artist, one of the most misunderstood (or incomprehensible?), endlessly discussed (and condemned), but certainly recognized (especially abroad), innovators of the Russian visual arts– Kazimir Malevich, was the first of 14 children of the nobleman Severin Malevich, who lived with his wife Ludwiga Galinovskaya in the Vinnitsa province.

And until the age of 26 of his life, he was no different from many people, combining work as a draftsman with his passion for painting in his free time.

But the passion for creativity eventually prevailed and Malevich, who had managed to get married by that time, left his family and went to Moscow in 1905 to enroll in a painting school (where he was not accepted!).

From here begins his path to the domestic Olympus of great names, which was interrupted on May 15, 1935 by the death of Kazimir Severinovich - philosopher, teacher, theorist, renowned Soviet artist, who left his descendants a revolutionary legacy that had a huge impact on modern architecture and art; the founder of an entire movement in painting – Suprematism (the primacy of one primary color over other components: for example, in some of Malevich’s works, figures of bright colors are immersed in a “white abyss” - a white background).

Let's today, remembering the brilliant giant artist who once blew up the world with his works and ideas, let's get acquainted with the most interesting facts from his difficult and colorful life.

The most famous work Kazimir Malevich. There are only four paintings created in different time. The very first one, written in 1915, is in the Hermitage, where it was transferred by billionaire V. Potanin for indefinite storage (purchased for $1 million from Inkombank in 2002. It is surprising that low price immortal, the most famous Russian painting in the world, difficult to compare with prices for other works by Malevich, for example, “Suprematist Composition” was sold on November 3, 2008 for $60 million).

Two more versions of “Black Square” are in the Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow) and one in the Russian Museum (St. Petersburg).
In addition to the Suprematist “Black Square” (first invented by Malevich as a setting for the opera by M.V.

Matyushin “Victory over the Sun”, 1913) “Black Circle” and “Black Cross” were created.


Never entered any educational institution the great self-taught Kazimir Malevich became the author of a number of scientific works, a promoter of his own direction in art, the creator of a group of like-minded avant-garde artists “UNOVIS” and director of the Leningrad State Institute of Artistic Culture!


Married in at a young age(his wife bore the same name as him - Kazimira Zgleits), Malevich was forced to dissolve the marriage after moving to Moscow. Having taken two children, his wife left for the village of Meshcherskoye, got a job as a medical assistant in a psychiatric hospital, and then ran away, getting mixed up with a local doctor, dropping off the young children with one of her colleagues, Sofya Mikhailovna Rafalovich.

When Kazimir Malevich found out about this and came to pick up the children, he also took Sofya Mikhailovna to Moscow, who after some time became his second wife.


In 1930, an exhibition of the artist’s works was criticized, after which he was arrested and spent many months in an OGPU prison, accused of espionage.


Malevich's body was cremated in a coffin made according to his design. An urn with ashes was lowered under an oak tree, near the village of Nemchinovka (Odintsovo Moscow district region), installing a wooden monument over it: a cube with a black square (made by Kazimir Malevich’s student, Nikolai Suetin).

A few years later, the grave was lost - during the war, lightning struck the oak tree and it was cut down, and a road for heavy military equipment passed through the artist’s grave.

Kazimir Severinovich Malevich (1878 - 1935) is an artist famous in the genre of avant-garde, impressionism, futurism, and cubism.

Biography of Kazimir Malevich

Kazimir Malevich was born in Kyiv on February 11 (February 23), 1879. His parents were of Polish origin. His father, Severin, worked as a manager in Kyiv at the plant of the then famous sugar manufacturer Tereshchenko. But according to other data, the father of Kazimir Malevich was the Belarusian folklorist and ethnographer Severin Antonovich Malevich. However, if the identity of the artist’s father raises questions, it is known for certain that Kazimir’s mother, Ludwiga Alexandrovna, was an ordinary housewife.

Fourteen children were born into the family, but only nine lived to adulthood, and Casimir was the eldest among this noisy gang.

He started drawing with light hand to his mother, at the age of fifteen, after she gave her son a set of paints. When Malevich turned seventeen, he studied for some time at the Kievskaya art school N.I. Murashko.

The Malevichs decided to move the whole family to the city of Kursk in 1896. What prompted this decision to move is unknown, but what is known is that Kazimir worked there for some time as some minor official, languishing from routine melancholy.

This could not continue for long, so he finally abandoned his clerk career for painting.

His first paintings were painted under the influence French impressionists and themselves, of course, were also created in the style of impressionism. After some time, he became passionate about futurism. He was almost the most active participant in all futurist exhibitions, and even worked on costumes and scenery, in a word, he designed a futurist opera called “Victory over the Sun” in 1913. This performance, held in St. Petersburg, became one of the most important stages in the development of the entire Russian avant-garde.

It was the geometrization of forms and maximum simplification in design that prompted Kazimir Malevich to think about creating a new direction - Suprematism.

Malevich's work

The artist made a revolution, took a step that no one in the world could take before him. He completely abandoned figurativeness, even fragmented figurativeness, which had previously existed in futurism and cubism.

The artist showed his first forty-nine paintings to the world at an exhibition held in Petrograd in 1915 - “0.10”. Under his works, the artist placed a sign: “Suprematism of painting.” Among these paintings was the world-famous “Black Square”, painted in 1914 (?), which caused fierce attacks from critics. However, these attacks do not subside to this day.

Already in next year Kazimir Malevich published a brochure entitled “From Cubism to Suprematism. New pictorial realism,” in which he clearly substantiated his innovation.

Suprematism ultimately had such a huge influence not only on painting, but also on the architectural art of the West and Russia that it brought truly world fame to its creator.

Suprematism Musical instrument Flower girl

Like all artists of a non-standard, “left” movement, Kazimir Malevich was very active during the revolution.

The artist designed the scenery for Vladimir Mayakovsky’s first play “Mystery Bouffe” in 1918, he was in charge Art department under the Moscow Council. When he moved to Petrograd, he headed and taught at the Free Art Workshops.

In the fall of 1919, Casimir went to the city of Vitebsk to teach at the People's Art School, which was organized by Marc Chagall, and which soon transformed into the Art and Practical Institute. He left Vitebsk only in 1922 to return to Petrograd and work for porcelain factory, invent more and more new forms of paintings, and studied the possibilities of using Suprematism in architecture.

In 1932, Malevich achieved the position of head of the Experimental Laboratory at the Russian Museum, where he developed the theory of the “surplus element in painting”, which he had put forward earlier.

In the same year, 1932, Malevich suddenly turned again to traditional realism. Perhaps this was due to the trends of the new time, but, one way or another, Kazimir Malevich was never able to finish this new period of his work. In 1933, he became seriously ill, and two years later, in 1935, he died.

Almost 100 years have passed since Kazimir Malevich created the famous “Black Square”, and the hype around it has not subsided. To a consensus on exactly how famous painting was created, they still haven’t arrived. About the history of the origin of the masterpiece, on this moment, there are two versions: prosaic and mystical.

The prose version tells how Malevich was preparing for a very large exhibition. But circumstances were not in his favor and the artist either did not have time to finish the work, or simply ruined it. And in a panic, not knowing what to do, he grabbed dark paint and painted a black square on top of his work. As a result, the so-called “crackle” effect formed on the canvas - this is when the paint cracks. This is what happens as a result of applying paint to another one that has not dried. It is in this chaotic arrangement of a huge number of cracks that people find different images.

But the mystical version says that Kazimir worked on this work for more than one month. Through a philosophical understanding of the world, when a certain deep understanding and insight was achieved, the “Black Square” was created.

After the painting was finally completed, the creator could neither sleep nor eat. As the creator himself wrote, he was busy peering into the mysterious space of the black square. He claimed that he saw in this square what people once saw in the face of God.

Why is this picture known throughout the world? There are few people who don't know about it. Maybe the whole point is that no one had done this before Malevich? Maybe it's just a matter of innovation?

But! The thing is that Kazimir Malevich was not the first artist to paint a black square on canvas.

In Paris, in 1882, an exhibition was held called “The Art of the Inconsistent” and the works of six artists took part in the exhibition. The most extraordinary painting was recognized as the work called “Night Fight of Blacks in the Basement” by Paul Bilchod. Guess what was depicted on it? Many artists fail simply because they failed to present their work correctly.

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