Admission to the Suvorov Military School. FGKO "Moscow Suvorov Military School"

I, Dmitry, are calling me names. I want to drop out, but I can’t because of my parents. I live in Nizhny Novgorod. Please help, it's very bad.

Hello, I am a mother and would like to know if you accept children from the CIS countries (Moldova, Gagauzia) for training and under what conditions?? Our son is finishing 8th grade this year, and we want to enroll next year! We study well, play sports (boxing), champion of Moldova, bronze medalist of Europe! What documents are needed and would you like to know more information? Thank you!

I study in 8th grade. Fine. I want to become a military officer. Defend the Motherland. Help me please. How to contact you? Where to begin?

Passing scores in 2016? Good afternoon. My child entered that year, scored quite high points, however, he was not accepted! I scored 27.5 points, as far as I understand, out of a possible 30. Fizo passed - average score - 4. (5 - pull-up, 5 - 1 km run, 3 - short-distance running). It was not possible to find out what the passing score was. I would like to understand what the reason is, and is it possible to act “honestly”?

I want to enroll in MS SVU! Moscow Suvorov Military School. 12 years old, Karina German, 7th grade. All standards in physics are excellent, history 5, Russian 4+.

I, Trifan Dimitri, a citizen of the Republic of Moldova, wish to enter the Moscow Suvorov Military School. Do I have the right to enter the SVU or tell me how I can get a military education in the Russian Federation?

Hello! My son is still 3 years old. Tell me, please, at what age do they start at SVU? Tel.: 89261969658.

Good afternoon I would like to know if it is possible for a 12-year-old girl to enroll in the 6th grade of the school in 2015? Thanks in advance for your answer.


The first requirement is age. Since 2008, all Suvorov schools in the country began a gradual seven-year period of study, and the age limits for applicants changed every year, which greatly confused applicants. Since 2011, schools have accepted children who have completed the 4th general education.

The first stage of admission is, essentially, documents. In order to get into the Suvorov School, a substantial set of papers is required - the list includes a copy of the personal file from the school, and a conclusion, and a copy of the outpatient card. The full list can be found on the school’s website. To ensure that all the necessary documents are correct, you can contact the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence. Papers must be submitted by June 1st.

All documents are reviewed by the admissions committee, and those candidates who are recognized as “suitable” in all respects (health status, level of education, age, etc.) are invited to take the entrance exams.

Tests take place in the first half of July. Potential Suvorov students must demonstrate their physical fitness (ultimately a decision is made whether the applicant is “fit” or “unfit”) and psychological readiness for training (psychological and psychophysiological examination). In addition, a Suvorov student needs to know mathematics and the Russian language - tests in general education subjects are also included in the program.

Based on the results of the entrance exams, each candidate is given a single score (points). By the way, when assigning points, the child’s sports, creative or social achievements are also taken into account, so diplomas of participation in competitions and competitions will increase the chances of.

The final lists of candidates look like this: first, children who qualify for preferential admission are enrolled (these are orphans, as well as children of certain categories of military personnel, including former ones), after which applicants with the highest number of points are admitted.

Upon enrollment in the school, a written agreement is signed with the parents (or guardians) of Suvorov students, which describes in detail all the conditions of training, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties.


  • Procedure for admission to Suvorov military schools

Entering school is an important step for a future first-grader and his parents. It is the school that has a serious influence on the future formation of personality and the development of intelligence of the future member of society. Therefore, every parent should approach their child’s admission to first grade with the utmost seriousness. To begin with, it is important to know the minimum required, namely, how to enroll in first grade.


Choose the school where your child will study. This is a very important point, because now there are many specialized schools - lyceums and gymnasiums of different directions. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that after several stages of education you or your child will want to change schools, but this is always associated with some stress, so it is better to think through everything in advance and choose the school that is right for you.

Pay attention not only to the profile and quality of education, but also to the territorial indicator - it is important how far from home the first-grader is enrolled. You won’t always lead your child by the hand; there will come a time when you have to let him go this path on his own. Therefore, take this point into account, try to choose a school with the most convenient and safe route to your home.

Gather your documents. To enter the first one, the following documents are needed: parental passport, birth certificate (original and its copy), medical certificate and application. Some schools may require additional documents, but the basic list is the same as above.

Make sure your child is ready to learn. No tests will be carried out with the child - if you go to your place of residence, you are required to be accepted without any entrance exams. However, there is one problem - if a child comes to school without basic basic knowledge, it will be much more difficult for him, and you will have to spend much more time helping with homework. Therefore, it is most advisable to send the child in advance to training courses, where he adapts to the new learning process.

Prepare your child for the admissions interview. It is the last and only obstacle on the way to first class. At this interview, children are asked basic questions about him, his parents and where he lives. The child is then given several tests to check his thinking and intelligence, as well as his memory and level of speech development. Do not worry about the results, because, as already mentioned, the only reason for refusal to enroll in a school may be the lack of free places in it.

The military profession has always been considered honorable and respectable, so many parents want to send their sons to study at military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Entering the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs schools is not so easy, but it is there that a guy becomes a man and acquires all the necessary skills in order to defend his fellow citizens with honor.


Remember that military training lasts 3 years. Citizens of the Russian Federation who are not older than 15 years of age, who have graduated from 8 classes of a secondary school, have a referral from the personnel apparatus of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or another body, are fit for health reasons and meet the requirements of professional selection, can enter it. To find out all the requirements for candidates, download instructions for organizing the admission of students on the military website (

Start by writing a report (application) for admission to the school and submit it to the admissions committee between April 15 and May 15. Since your son is not an adult, you will become his legal representative and will handle all negotiations with the admissions committee.

Write the application to the head of the internal affairs agency in your region. The candidate’s personal file will be generated between April 15 and June 1. The personal file must also contain a personal statement of the person wishing to study, copies of other documents, extracts from the educational institution and characteristics of the candidate, photographs, medical and, if available, documents for the provision of benefits.

Now all that remains is to pass the entrance exams, and, if successful, your son will be a student at the military school. Prepare your child to pass the following exams: testing, and foreign languages; testing for psychological readiness and physical tests. If your child has studied a foreign language, it will be given preference.

Admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs school will open up broad prospects for personal growth and self-development for your child. The structure of classes and disciplines is built in such a way as to harmoniously develop a person’s personality, making him persistent, hardy, and well versed in.

- the dream of many boys and their parents. Discipline, excellent education and clear prospects for future life - all this is guaranteed to future Suvorov students. However, joining their ranks is not easy. There are a number of conditions for successful admission.

Secondary military educational institutions do not position themselves as a source of sufficient education for a professional military man. They see one of their main tasks in preparing cadets for admission to military universities.

Features of education in military schools

Pre-university educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense provide the primary knowledge and skills of military affairs necessary for a more accurate choice of military specialization. Secondary military education develops in young people composure and discipline, organizational talent, endurance and perseverance - all these qualities will be required in further professional training and in life. Plus bearing!

If boys and girls dream of becoming a military man from childhood, they can enroll in cadet corps, which accepts children no older than 11 years old, and then military education in itself will become an educational profile. In general, girls are not accepted into all secondary military educational institutions, and if they are accepted, then according to a quota - no more than 25% of the total composition. Young ladies who decide to devote themselves to a military career can study at the Boarding School for students of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Profiles of military secondary education:

  • nautical;
  • ground troops;
  • railway troops;
  • airborne troops;
  • missile forces;
  • Cossack;
  • military-technical;
  • military justice;
  • military-musical.

What is the Suvorov School

The Suvorov School is a special educational institution for school-age children, where they study under the secondary education program and at the same time prepare for admission to the highest command schools of the ground forces. The first specialized military educational institutions appeared during the Great Patriotic War, in 1943, and were named in honor of the great Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. Graduates of Suvorov military schools are called Suvorovites.

You can read more about Suvorov schools .

Requirements for candidates

At the time of admission to a pre-university military educational institution, the student must not be older than a certain age; the acceptable limits may vary from year to year and are established by a specific school, so it is better to check the information on the website of the selected institution. The restrictions are strict and should be studied carefully.

Cadet corps, which accept the youngest students, are less demanding of applicants. Such organizations, despite the military wisdom they teach, are equal in status to secondary schools, which do not have the right to conduct exams for admission. In the practice of admission to cadet corps, entrance tests for children are often replaced with preliminary summer training: if a child does not withstand the given regime, then it is worth considering whether he is suitable for subsequent “paramilitary” education?

Read more about .


If a military educational institution conducts entrance exams, then there is a dictation in Russian, and a test in mathematics. For high school students, the number of exams may be reduced to one, but they must pass five. With a lower score - exams on a general basis.

The admissions committee will check your physical fitness. Soft option: careful study of grades in physical education for the last year of study and certificates of victories in sports competitions, if any. Hard version: 1000 m cross-country, 100 m run, pull-ups (excellent - 11 times). Based on the results, a verdict will be given: “ready to learn” or “not ready to learn.” You will also need a psychologist's report with a recommendation for enrollment.

Read about in military schools.

In light of recent historical events, Suvorov schools are attracting more and more young people. Parents also understand the prospects for studying in schools. By studying in such an institution, children receive not only the knowledge provided by the high school course, but also a good upbringing, and possibly preparation for a future profession. In this regard, parents of potential Suvorov students are looking online for all possible information about the features of admission to Suvorov schools in Russia. This article combines the most important questions about admission to Suvorov military schools and provides detailed answers to them.

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Suvorov Military School - how to apply?

In the most general case, the process of admission to the Suvorov Military School is as follows. The applicant’s parents prepare a package of documents about the health status, academic success and other advantages of their child. This package of documents is submitted to the admissions committee of the Suvorov Military School. Based on the results of the preliminary examination, a decision is made on the applicant’s admission to take the entrance examination and a personal file is created.

After preliminary selection, applicants are called to take entrance tests. The tests include testing knowledge in general education subjects, testing physical fitness and analyzing psychological readiness to study at the Suvorov Military School.

A competition is held between applicants who have passed all the tests for admission to the school for further education. The competition may take into account not only success during the tests, but also additional factors.

It is better to look at the official websites of educational institutions for more complete information about admission to Suvorov schools. In this case, it is better to study the question on the website of the particular school you plan to enroll in. You can find links to sites here.

At what age are students admitted to the Suvorov School?

At what age can one enter the Suvorov Military School? This question worries many people. The fact is that previously, almost all schools accepted admissions after the 9th grade. Now the situation has changed. The selection of applicants to Suvorov schools takes place among graduates of the 4th grade of secondary schools. Training starts from 5th grade. Thus, Suvorov schools accept children aged 9 to 11 years. Most students in the 5th grade of the school are 10 years old.

Is it possible to get into the Suvorov School after the 9th grade of a comprehensive school?

Previously, schools recruited students starting from the 9th grade. Currently, most educational institutions enroll students from the 5th grade of general education (after completing 4 grades).

However, it is possible to enter the Suvorov School after 9th grade. First of all, schools periodically recruit courses for 10th and 11th grades. In addition, after 9th grade you can enter the school by transfer. True, the latter option is fraught with significant difficulties and must be agreed upon with the administration of the educational institution, and possibly with other governing bodies.

Option: Nakhimov School.

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