Tom Hiddleston personal life year. Tom Hiddleston and Emma Watson decided to get married

Tom Hiddleston - famous British actor theater and cinema. He gained fame among television viewers after the release of the film Thor, where he played the role of the god of cunning.

Childhood and youth

Thomas William Hiddleston was born on February 9, 1981 in the County of Westminster, in the suburbs of London (UK), under the zodiac sign of Aquarius. Tom is one of three children in the family of a pharmaceutical company director. The future artist’s mother is a housewife who devotes herself to raising children. His parents separated when the boy was 13 years old, but despite this, Tom has only warm memories of his childhood.

The family environment was artistic - the children regularly staged plays at home. Then Tom began attending a drama club, which he did not leave when he was already a student. After leaving school, he first went to college at Eton, and then to the University of Cambridge. After receiving a classical education, he decided to become a performer and entered acting at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, graduating from the institution at the age of 24.


In his first year, Tom Hiddleston begins to actively act in film. The first serious work was a role in the television film “The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby” in 2001. At the same time he starred in the TV series “Admiral”.

After graduating from the academy, he participated in theatrical productions. For one of the main roles, Mr. John Plumper in the play “The Misfortunes of Love of Jane Austen,” he received the “Best New Face” award at the prestigious . On theater stage The tall (height 188 cm, weight 79 kg) and stately Hiddleston was noticed by the actor and director. The road to Hollywood was open - Hiddleston was invited to star in the TV series “Wallander” (2008) in a duet with Kenneth Branagh.

In 2011, Tom Hiddleston signed a two-film deal with Marvel Studios, and in the same year, Kenneth Branagh's Thor was released. In this comic book adaptation, Hiddleston played the role of the villain Loki, which brought him world fame.

On the set of the film rising star worked on the same set with the Australian actor (role) and (). The plot of the film tells about the fantastic adventures of the warrior Thor, sent from the kingdom of the gods “Asgard” to Earth as punishment. On Earth, he is deprived of his divine power and is forced to fight like a mere mortal. dark forces consuming the planet.

The same year, another acclaimed joint American-Spanish film starring Tom Hiddleston, Midnight in Paris, was released. This romantic story about the journey of two lovers into the past, immersing the viewer in the atmosphere of Paris at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Tom Hiddleston in the film "Midnight in Paris"

The film was shot by the master of American cinema - director. Hiddleston appeared in the film as famous writer.

In 2012, a continuation of the story about the adventures of the mighty Thor, “The Avengers,” was released. Viewers again saw on the screens the already legendary villain Loki, for whom Hiddleston received the MTV Movie Awards in the categories “Best Villain” and “Best Fight”. He starred in the film along with,. This picture became one of the top five highest-grossing films in history (more than $1.5 billion) and set a record for opening weekend box office receipts ($204.7 million).

Tom Hiddleston in the movie "Only Lovers Left Alive"

In December 2013, viewers saw the film “Only Lovers Left Alive.” Tom Hiddleston played the role of underground musician, vampire Adam, who lives with his girlfriend Eve () in Detroit. They are already a thousand years old; they have not killed people “for blood” for a long time. But one day Eva's sister Ava (Ava) comes to the city, and a series of deaths begins.

After the release of The Avengers, Thor is moving on to new adventures, as Kevin Feige, president of Marvel, said in April 2011. And on November 8, 2013, the film “Thor 2: The Dark World” was released on big screens. The film was directed by Alan Taylor, known for “The Sopranos,” “Mad Men,” “Sex in big city" and "Game of Thrones". Thor 2 is the sequel and the eighth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Tom Hiddleston reprises his role as Loki; Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman starred on the same set with him. The film tells the story of the heroic resistance to evil of a warrior named after the Scandinavian god Thor.

Another one bright picture in Tom Hiddleston's filmography - "Crimson Peak". This is a mixture of melodrama and horror from the director, which premiered in 2015. In 2016, “Crimson Peak” received the Saturn Award in three categories, one of which was “ Best movie horrors." The plot of the film takes place in England at the beginning of the last century. Baronet Sir Thomas Sharpe (Tom Hiddleston) brings his young wife Edith (Mia Wasikowska) to the family estate, Crimson Peak.

The fairy-tale atmosphere of the film is permeated with “live” scenes of cruelty. An ancient castle with supernatural power with red clay oozing from the standom, bloody ghosts, grave cold, strange sounds - truly scary film with a happy ending.

Tom Hiddleston and Hugh Laurie in The Night Manager

Tom Hiddleston's memorable work was the main role in the mini-series "The Night Manager". The film won an Emmy in 2016 for Best Directing for a Miniseries and received 3 Golden Globe Awards in 2017, one of which was for Best Actor (Tom Hiddleston). In the series he played in a duet with the unsurpassed (“Doctor House”).

The film tells the story of the work of former soldier Jonathan Pine for British intelligence. The hero, superbly played by Tom Hiddleston, masterfully maneuvers in the chess game of two intelligence agencies - American and English, who sent him to an arms trafficking syndicate. The plot is permeated with a love thread between the story of Tom and the girl Jed ().

Personal life

Charismatic actor Tom Hiddleston has no shortage of fans. The artist’s facial features are compared with the appearance of another public favorite -.

He tries to carefully hide his personal life. However, information about the actor’s novels sometimes leaks to the tabloids.

At the end of 2011, the media “married” Tom Hiddleston to actress Suzanne Fielding. There was no wedding, according to the ex-lovers themselves, even though they had been dating for several years.

On the set of the film “I Saw the Light,” Tom met a young actress. Soon the couple began to be seen together often, although both denied rumors about their romantic relationship.

Hiddleston is credited with romances with and Scarlett Johansson, who starred with him in the films “Crimson Peak” and “The Avengers,” respectively. The press also discussed possible romantic relationships with music producer Jane Artie.

In July 2016, Tom Hiddleston confirmed rumors that he was in a relationship with an American country singer and one of the most popular performers in America. The young girl is the owner of a huge number of awards and beautiful appearance. In 2011, Taylor was ranked 20th on the list of the most sexy women world according to Maxim magazine, and in 2016 she took first place among the highest paid artists.

Hiddleston and Swift met at the Met Gala. In June, joint photos from a vacation in Rhode Island were released. But already in September it was announced that whirlwind romance the end has come. Rumor has it that love story artists are nothing more than a publicity stunt (too many candid photos for the always very reserved Briton), but the actor denies this.

Then there was a lull in the personal life of the brilliant Tom Hiddleston. The crazy success and number of new roles indicate that the actor simply has no time. Tom has no children.

Tom Hiddleston supported the campaign of the popular British actress and star of Harry Potter. As you know, the girl was appointed UN Goodwill Ambassador. Emma is an active advocate for women's rights around the world. She appealed to the public on her Twitter page with a request to support her in an action designed to fight for the equality of women and men:

“We all want to end gender inequality, but to do that we need everyone's support... We want to try to get as many guys and men involved as possible. We're not going to just talk about it."

Famous actors, including Tom Hiddleston, published photographs with a white sheet of paper on which they wrote words of support for Ambassador Emma Watson's action.

“I'm so proud of Emma Watson - she's grown from the little girl I grew up with into an inspiring woman. I'm with you",

Tom Hiddleston wrote on his microblog.

For life and career biography famous artist followed by millions of subscribers on social networks "Instagram". Tom rarely pleases fans with new photos. Videos of the magnificent Hiddleston dancing are popular among Internet users.

Tom Hiddleston dancing

Hiddleston's hobbies include table tennis.

In the summer of 2018, a rumor leaked to the press that new lover became an artist ex-wife. Allegedly, the couple met in the UK, where the second part of Maleficent was filmed. However, the artists did not comment on the novel attributed to them.

After the breakup with Pitt, journalists set Jolie up with one or another man, but the rumors were never confirmed.

Insiders said that Angelina introduced Tom only to the children. While the divorce litigation drags on, the woman does not plan to introduce her new chosen one to the public.

In July, the famous Briton attended the men's final at Wimbledon. Emma Watson and other popular personalities were also spotted in the stands.

Tom Hiddleston now

In 2017, British actor Tom Hiddleston appeared in yet another star role- a Hollywood film about the cult hero King Kong was released in March. In the film called "Kong: Skull Island" he played Captain James Conrad - an officer, veteran, jungle tracker and part-time adventurer.

Tom Hiddleston in the movie "Kong: Skull Island"

In November 2017, the brilliant trio returned to the screens - Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth and - in the new superhero film "".

Tom Hiddleston was involved in the filming of the film "", the release date of which was set for May 2018. The nineteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe brought together a truly stellar cast (the actor of “Sherlock” and “Doctor Strange” and the star of “Fast and Furious”). The Avengers joined forces with the Guardians of the Galaxy in an attempt to fight back.

Tom Hiddleston in Thor: Ragnarok

In June, the artist gave an interview in which he stated that he knew about Loki’s fate even before the release of Thor: Ragnarok. Then the actor met with the filmmakers, and they told Tom what scene “Infinity War” would begin with. It is known that fans of the god of cunning do not believe in the death of their favorite character. Fans began to speculate on how Odin's son could survive fatal blow Thanos.

For more than a year, rumors have not subsided that he will soon be replaced in his post. One of the contenders for the role of agent 007 is Tom Hiddleston. Other candidates include Benedict Cumberbatch. in one interview he shared that, in his opinion, he would be well suited for the role of Bond.

Then information appeared that today the writers are working hard on the second season of the series “The Night Manager”. John Le Carré did not write a sequel to the novel, but the creators decided to continue the popular project on their own. However, as it became known, the audience will not see the main actors in the first part, Tom Hiddleston and Hugh Laurie, in the sequel.

Back in 2018, the artist acted as a dubbing actor. Tom voiced one of the main characters in the cartoon “Wild Ancestors”.


  • 2008 – “The Misfortunes of Jane Austen”
  • 2011 – “Thor”
  • 2011 – “Midnight in Paris”
  • 2011 – “War Horse”
  • 2012 – “The Avengers”
  • 2012 – “Henry V”
  • 2013 – “Thor 2: The Dark World”
  • 2013 – “Only Lovers Left Alive”
  • 2015 – “Avengers: Age of Ultron”
  • 2015 – “Crimson Peak”
  • 2016 – “Night Manager”
  • 2017 – “Kong: Skull Island”
  • 2017 – “Thor: Ragnarok”
  • 2018 – “Avengers: Infinity War”

British, intellectual and simply handsome, Tom Hiddleston was doomed to success, which he achieved several years ago.

Biography of Tom Hiddleston

The future dream of women was born on February 9, 1981 in London's Westminster. His father is a chemical scientist who ran a pharmaceutical company for a long time, and his mother is an assistant director and later a casting director. opera house. Thus, healthy rationalism and creativity became Tom’s educators from childhood.

All photos 11

His early years can be called cloudless - my childhood was spent in the most beautiful area of ​​London with magnificent architecture, gardens and parks, and school years first degree in a prestigious private school Dragon School in Oxford, after which the boy was assigned to Eton, where the royal family and all English nobility traditionally study. The first thunder struck for the impressionable young man when he was 13 - his parents decided to divorce. To make it easier to survive the split, Tom began to pay great attention to sports and participation in school plays. He continues to engage in performing arts at Cambridge Pembroke College, where he receives his higher education.

It was in Cambridge in 2000 that Hiddleston played the iconic role of Mitch in the play A Streetcar Named Desire. Casting specialist Jilly Poole, who happened to be at the performance, noticed the talented young man and invited him to the film “The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.” In two years, Tom starred in three more television projects: "Conspiracy", "Armadill" and "Churchill".

At the same time, Hiddleston continues to improve as a theater artist - in 2002 he entered the Royal Academy, one of the most prestigious theater schools in the world. And a few years later, Tom Hiddleston shines in central roles on the stage of London's Donmar Theater and in the West End. In 2008, two of his works in Shakespearean plays were nominated for the Laurence Olivier Award in the category “Best Debut” - Cassio in Othello against Leonatus and Cloten in Cymbeline. "Cymbeline" wins, and for Cassio and Lvov in the play "Ivanov" based on Anton Chekhov's play, Hiddleston receives Theatregoers' Choice Awards.

While working in Ivanovo, Tom communicates closely with the leading actor, Kenneth Branagh - it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was Branagh who discovered Hiddleston to a wide audience. In 2011, Branagh's film Thor was released, the first of the new Marvel series, and the villain Loki, played by Tom Hiddleston, outshines almost all the other characters. Begins stellar career– Hiddleston stars in Woody Allen (“Midnight in Paris”), Steven Spielberg (“War Horse”), Jim Jarmusch (“Only Lovers Left Alive”), Guillermo del Toro (“Crimson Peak”). He returns to the image of Loki in The Avengers in 2012 and Thor 2: The Dark World in 2013 and condemns himself to the title of the sexiest man.

To the delight of a huge army of fans, the artist is becoming more and more liberated - in addition to the mesmerizing scenes in theatrical production“Coriolanus,” explicit episodes in the film “High-Rise” and the TV series “The Night Manager” earned Hiddleston the funny title “Best Buttocks of the Year.”

In 2017, Tom Hiddleston will again play Loki in the film Thor: Ragnarok, and this is said to be the hero's last appearance on screen.

Personal life of Tom Hiddleston

How a true gentleman, Tom Hiddleston tries not to put women in awkward situations and until recently about his love relationships the actor did not expand. However, without naming names, he shares his memories of university years– romantic and attentive, Tom loved to arrange surprises, and once even flew specially to his beloved in Paris.

IN different time Hiddleston was paired with actresses Kat Dennings (co-star in the Thor films), Lara Pulver, and even Jessica Chastain (even before they portrayed incest in Crimson Peak). But perhaps the first person to officially bear the proud title of “Hiddleston’s girlfriend” was the English actress Suzanne Fielding, Tom’s colleague in the series “Wallander.” The tender hugs and passionate kisses of the young people did not please the paparazzi for long - in 2011, a rumor was started about the actors’ wedding, but instead they broke up in November.

In 2013, the press tried to connect the actor with makeup artist Amanda Grossman, nicknamed “that woman in the fur cape,” but in reality Tom’s girlfriend turned out to be record company director Jane Artie. However, except joint photos There was no evidence of this from the Wimbledon stands.

In 2016, Hiddleston was repeatedly spotted with actress Elizabeth Olsen, and the media were ready to announce a new romance when the actor beat them to it by making a shocking confession for his fans: he was officially married to 26-year-old country singer Taylor Swift. Relationships develop at lightning speed - vacationing together, meeting parents, walking with friends and talking about a possible wedding. Tom probably won over Taylor at the Costume Institute Ball in May by performing fiery dance. In May, Swift broke up with her next boyfriend, musician Calvin Harris, and almost immediately found herself in the arms of Hiddleston.

In show business, Taylor Swift's reputation is not the most unambiguous - numerous novels and scandals do not add pluses to the young singer's treasury. Of course, this allows many to gossip that Swift is not a match for the intelligent Hiddleston. It was rumored that the Bond producers were extremely unhappy with this relationship, but Tom Hiddleston was considered as the most realistic contender for the role of the new Bond. But the actor was adamant. Moreover, Hiddleston even decided to get married and proposed marriage to Taylor after just a few months of dating. He said that he understood that she is the woman with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life.

However, the romantic proposal did not happen: the singer accidentally discovered a diamond engagement ring in a desk drawer. And at first Tom was upset that the surprise was not a success, and then also because Taylor, as it turned out, was in no hurry to get married.

“She feels terrible, because at the beginning of their acquaintance she told Tom that she was already ripe for family life, - one of the American magazines reported the words of her friend. “But she’s not sure she’s ready to start right now.”

Swift asked not to rush her into an answer, and Hiddleston gave her an ultimatum. As a result, the singer decided to break up with the actor.

Interestingly, fans unanimously condemned Taylor on the Internet. It’s understandable: why isn’t Tom a match? Handsome, promising, seriously aiming to become James Bond... And Swift gave the reason for the breakup as something incomprehensible: on the one hand, she doesn’t like that the relationship is developing too quickly, on the other hand, Tom went off to filming in Australia and doesn’t pay attention to her due attention... They say this is not the first time the singer herself runs away from serious men.

Smile man. Shakespeare Man. Man of Charm. This year Tom Hiddleston was unforgivably quieter than water, lower than the grass. We will not be surprised that the reason for this was not very successful, from the point of view of public image, (whatever is actually hidden behind this word) with Taylor Swift and during the Golden Globe Awards ceremony. Therefore, we look back at the past 2017 and the achievements of Tom Hiddleston with a slight bit of sadness (we saw a little less of Tom in him than we would like), but certainly with hope for new achievements in 2018. , care in and , progressive or maximum? What we will remember 2017 through the prism of Tom Hiddleston.



If a film had been released in 2017 that gained fame among critics and film gurus, with a 99.9% probability it would have topped Tom Hiddleston's filmography. But the past year was rich only in blockbusters. We have become quite accustomed to Loki, although we always happily await the return of the sly man to the big screens. But Jordan Vaughn-Roberts made an attempt in the spring to show us a different side of Tom. Not a sophisticated, stately Briton, but a warrior with powerful masculine charisma.

"King Kong: Skull Island" showed that Hiddleston has some chances in this path as well. Although the rough male brutality still needs work. Years of Shakespeare mania don't just pass...

About 550 million dollars in fees worldwide. Powerful promo. Very Nice picture(we recommend joining Skull Island through big screen). Gigantomania from a good artistic point of view. Breathtaking landscapes. And in general, a tolerable plot that does not eat up Tom, but shows him from a new side.



November 2017

November 2017

Summing up the results of 2017, there is a certain craving for everyday British looks. Well, you must admit, these classics, to the core of their personalities, are able to surprise on the red carpet only in isolated cases. And therefore, other, more mundane photographs and ordinary everyday life are remembered.

So Tom Hiddleston is remembered for his a) jogging, b) trips for coffee and c) doggies. More precisely, incredibly touching photographs. As they say, the only thing better than Tom Hiddleston and cats is Tom Hiddleston and doggies.


GQ, MARCH 2017, Photographer : Nathaniel Goldberg

The determining factor in favor of Tom Hiddleston's photo shoot for the March issue of GQ became color. Simple Brown color, as a symbol of moving away from the eternal blue, which Tom is usually dressed in for public events and which the actor himself actively uses in Everyday life. And this time, Tom Hiddleston demonstrated not only the very squeak of men's fashion, but also that it was time for him to give up 50 shades of blue.

Tom Hiddleston's photo shoot on the streets of London was published at the very moment... But these two just became friends, chatted "much book", and did a long-winded interview - in the style of Tom Hiddleston himself. We covered many topics: Tom's exceptional culinary talent, expressed in divine spaghetti with Bolognese sauce; Tom Hanks, love for long walks and... an affair with Taylor Swift.



Despite stiff competition in the category " Best Actor"When Hugh Laurie, Tom Hiddleston and Olivia Colman began to crack the awards in the miniseries category, our surprise knew no bounds. For Tom Hiddleston, this is the first serious nomination and the first award high level for work on television.

The smiling and charming Tom Hiddleston stupefied many of his colleagues, journalists and spectators with his winning speech at the Golden Globes. In a completely unexpected moment even for himself (this can be seen from the footage from the audience), the actor, stunned and probably already celebrating the victory of others;) entered the stage almost following his colleague Hugh Laurie. The first serious victory in his career - naturally, nerves were in the atmosphere. After thanking the creators of the series, his fellow actors and agents “in addition to what Hugh Laurie had already said,” the actor launched into lengthy discussions that were interpreted far from in his favor: a story about his trip to “the youngest of the UN countries” South Sudan, about a meeting with employees of Doctors Without Borders, who, according to him, said that they were big fans of the series, etc. In general, the speech was quite confusing, awkward and was regarded by many as hypocritical.

The uproar on the Internet continued for two days, after which Tom finally could not stand it and posted the following message on his Facebook page:

"I just wanted to say... I completely agree that my speech at the Golden Globes last night was inelegantly expressed. The truth is, I was very nervous and my words simply came out wrong. My only sincere intention was to welcome the incredible bravery and courage of the men and women who work tirelessly at UNICEF UK, Doctors Without Borders and the World Food Programme, and the children of South Sudan who continue to find hope and joy in the most difficult of circumstances. I apologize that my. my nerves are stronger than me."

Let us repeat our point of view. Many actors use such ceremonies as a platform for various kinds political statements (you don’t have to look far - Meryl Streep devoted her entire speech in response to the honorary award to criticism of Donald Trump). But spontaneous and unexpected victories can confuse even the brightest thoughts. When you're reading a prepared speech from a teleprompter (hello, Meryl Streep) and don't have innate sarcasm and a well-honed sense of humor (hello, Hugh Laurie), the words may not always form into sentences that will be clearly interpreted by a pompous audience. It’s better to prepare your speech in advance (even without expecting to win) and it’s better to thank your mom, dad, and great-grandmother, in order to avoid bullies who can be ragged for trying to draw attention to the problem on a global scale. Moreover, many somehow very conveniently missed the middle part of Hiddleston’s speech and his words that “The Tonight Series” is a film about an arms dealer, of which there are just too many in South Sudan, not for the good... Or conversations about charity are, in principle, intended to drive people into depression and ignorance?

Tom Hiddleston is a famous British theater and film actor. Talented man starred in these cult films, like Thor, Midnight in Paris, The Avengers and Crimson Peak. Holder the most prestigious award The Golden Globe continues to delight its fans and regularly participates in best projects. Today you will learn the most amazing facts about the biography, career and personal life of a celebrity.

Photo: (CC BY-SA 2.0)

14. Polyglot.

Tom can speak several languages. His knowledge is not limited to two varieties of native English. He can communicate comfortably in Greek, Italian, French and Spanish. This skill helps the actor when presenting various films to foreign audiences.

The celebrity never ceases to improve himself every day. He plans to learn a number of other languages, among which Russian should be highlighted. Tom does great success in the study, at one of the shows the presenter was sitting in a T-shirt, where in Russian it was written “love conquers all.” The Englishman read and read this phrase without any problems.

15. Charity.

The celebrity does not forget to invest his money in useful things. For several years he has been the UK's ambassador to the UNICEF (UN Children's Fund) humanitarian aid groups. In 2013, the actor flew to Guinea to tell people about the problem of hunger and malnutrition. The man also visited several other third world countries.

16. Scandal.

Hiddleston's speech at the Golden Globe Awards caused great resonance. Having received a prize for his role in the mini-series “The Night Manager,” Tom did not talk about films, but talked about his achievements as part of charity events. Journalists considered such an act not entirely appropriate; the star had to apologize on her Facebook page.

17. Image.

Curly hair is an integral element of a guy's image. As a child, Tom was teased by his sisters for such a detail of his appearance. In some films, the Englishman had to act in a wig (for example, he tried it on for the role of Loki). Also, many fans note the actor’s athletic physique. His height is 188 centimeters and his weight is 83 kilograms.

Information regularly appears in the media about the relationship between Emma Watson and Tom Hiddleston. Tom is British, a romantic, a gentleman, and Emma is a famous young actress, a fighter for gender equality. Such different poles. Each of them has already been to serious relationship. And each of them already had experience preparing for a wedding. And they both do not like to make information about their personal lives public. But then information appeared in the media that Tom Hiddleston and Emma Watson decided to get married. But is it? Let's figure it out.

Tom Hiddleston: actor, true gentleman and romantic nature

Tom Hiddleston is a rational and creative actor. Intelligent and true gentleman. Therefore, he prefers not to advertise his relationships with the opposite sex, so as not to put the ladies of his heart in an awkward position. Volume romantic nature. Once, as a student, he surprised his beloved and came to Paris. He is often credited with having affairs with his colleagues. film set. But officially only a few could be called girls.

One of them was his co-star in the film, Suzanne Fielding. But after hearing about the wedding, the couple broke up. Then the actor was credited with an affair with Jane Artie, but apart from joint photos there was no evidence of this fact. Taylor Swift won Tomi's heart almost immediately. Vacationing together, hanging out constantly, meeting family, all this spoke of a future wedding. Even the singer’s frivolous reputation could not convince the actor. But by coincidence, Taylor accidentally finds the ring and refuses Hiddleston. Explaining the refusal by his not being ready for a serious relationship.

Emma Watson: actress and fighter for gender equality

Emma Watson is a popular, wealthy young actress. Growing up, she was called a formidable feminist because of her strong stance. But, having matured and started her career as an actress, Emma falls in love with the main actor "". The relationship between colleagues did not lead to anything serious.

Emma often appeared with rocker George Craig, but there was no confirmation of their romance. The actress herself at that time called men – and Duke William – her standards. The actress's wedding to William Knight was supposed to take place in 2017. The couple was preparing for the wedding. They say that Emma did not wait for a proposal from the guy and made it herself. But recently it became known about the breakup. The reasons are unknown, as Emma keeps her life a secret.

The wedding of Tom Hiddleston and Emma Watson: true or false

More and more often, information appears in the press about the relationship and connection between Tomm Hiddleston and Emma Watson. But a study of many sources indicates the opposite. They were never a couple. And especially not preparing for the wedding. This kind of information is nothing more than a myth. This information is fiction and has nothing to do with reality. Such rumors are not uncommon in the acting community.

Personal life of Tom Hiddleston

Charismatic actor Tom Hiddleston has no shortage of fans. The artist’s facial features are compared to the appearance of another public favorite, Jared Leto.

He tries to carefully hide his personal life. However, information about the actor’s novels sometimes leaks to the tabloids.

At the end of 2011, the media “married” Tom Hiddleston to actress Suzanne Fielding. There was no wedding, according to the ex-lovers themselves, even though they had been dating for several years.

On the set of the film I Saw the Light, Tom met young actress Elizabeth Olsen. Soon the couple began to be seen together often, although both denied rumors about their romantic relationship.

Hiddleston is credited with romances with Jessica Chastain and Scarlett Johansson, who starred with him in the films “Crimson Peak” and “The Avengers,” respectively. The press also discussed a possible romantic relationship with music producer Jane Artie.

In July 2016, Tom Hiddleston confirmed rumors that he was in a relationship with Taylor Swift, an American country singer and one of the most popular performers in America. The young girl is the owner of a huge number of awards and beautiful appearance. In 2011, Taylor was ranked 20th on the list of the sexiest women in the world according to Maxim magazine, and in 2016 she took first place among the highest paid artists.

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