Ben Barnes - biography and personal life. Ben Barnes

Benjamin Thomas Barnes, better known as Ben Barnes, is a British film actor, star of the best-selling books Dorian Gray, The Seventh Son and others.

The boy was born in the capital of England, into an intelligent family. Father Thomas Barnes taught psychiatry at King's College London, and mother Tricia Barnes is a world-renowned leading marriage and family counselor and the author of numerous publications on how to mend failing relationships. The Barnes also raised Benjamin's younger brother, Jack.

Ben was educated at a prestigious boarding school, after which he entered Kingston University. Initially, the young man studied English language and literature, as his parents wanted, but in student years became interested in theater, transferred to the drama department, from which he graduated in 2004. At the same time, the young man performed at the National Musical Youth Theater and sang in the boy band Hyrise.

In addition to professional vocals, Barnes can play the piano and drums. By the way, together with his own boy band, Ben Barnes recorded several CDs, and also participated in the selection for the Eurovision Song Contest in 2004, in which he took second place, losing only to James Fox. Later, the artist sang solo, and Ben’s voice can even be heard on several film soundtracks.


The aspiring actor's debut roles came in the medical drama Doctors, the television series Shattered Decision and the fairy tale film Stardust, in which Ben encountered world-famous stars for the first time in his career. In the next film, the social drama “More Ben,” Ben Barnes played the role of the Russian illegal emigrant Pavel Tetersky, and the artist’s partner turned out to be Russian actor.

In 2008, the second part of the famous fairy-tale saga “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” was released. Director more than a year couldn't find a suitable artist on main role, and I saw Ben a couple of weeks before the start of filming and immediately approved him without hesitation. Model appearance, high growth(185 cm) and a soulful look helped Barnes to embody on the screen the image that the director needed.

As Barnes recalls, he jumped for joy when he learned that he had received the coveted contract. Not only that, like every Briton, Benjamin grew up reading books about magical land Narnia, the actor immediately realized that this picture would make him famous throughout the world. And so it happened. Ben later played Caspian in the next part -. Together with Barnes, the leading actors - Lucy, Edmund, Peter and Susan -, William Moseley and.

The above saga really changed the course creative biography Ben Barnes. The actor began to be offered strong scripts. Soon the actor starred in the melodrama Easy Virtue, where he played the British aristocrat John, who married an American woman, Larita (). After the daughter-in-law meets her husband’s parents, it turns out that the mother-in-law Mrs. Veronica () is not able to communicate with Larita. Besides acting In the film, Ben Barnes delighted fans with his singing talent, performing a number of compositions for the official soundtrack album for the comedy.

In the thriller The Farewell, Ben played the main character Josh, whose daughter falls into a coma after a car accident. The musical comedy Killing Bono with Ben Barnes in the title role turned out to be a box office success. The artist portrayed the young musician Neil, a classmate of the leader of the rock band U2. Together with brother Ivan () main character goes to London to build musical career, but Bono (Martin McCann) is always one step ahead. Neil sees the solution to the problem in murder former comrade.

The actor also participated in the filming of the detective story “The Lay” and romantic comedy"The Big Wedding", where he appeared in a minor role cast.

One more star role Barnes, after which the actor was once again talked about in all corners of the world, turned out to be from the same name mystical picture, based on the writer's novel. The young man gives his soul for eternal youth and beauty. All the vices and diseases begin to appear in Gray’s portrait. Many years later, Dorian for the first time experiences a feeling of love for the young girl Emily (), but he is already overtaken by retribution.

Later, the musical drama “Jackie and Ryan” and the crime thriller “Only God Knows” were released. A significant premiere was the fantasy adventure film “The Seventh Son” directed by. Ben got the main role of the young witcher Tom Ward. The young man, trained by Mr. Gregory (), confronts the world's evil, which Mrs. Malkin () personifies. The adventure film grossed $115 million at the box office.

In 2015, Ben appeared in the main cast of the miniseries Sons of Liberty. The British actor embodied on the screen the image of an American citizen, philosopher, statesman and freedom fighter Samuel Adams. The film received high rating views - in the USA it was among the hundred best TV series season.

Personal life

Fans and admirers make up legends about the personal life of Ben Barnes. The artist is credited with romantic relationships with co-starring partners, for example, and. There is also a widespread rumor that the actor’s wife was a girl named Madina, who has Ukrainian roots.

In fact, Benjamin Thomas Barnes was not in an official relationship, and the artist completely denies rumors of affairs with fellow actresses. This is confirmed by photos from Barnes’ personal account in “ Instagram”, which illuminate exclusively professional activity artist.

For many years, the actor has been conducting charitable work with the Make a Wish Foundation, through which he helps seriously ill children around the world.

Ben Barnes now

The actor does not waste time on trifles, but every year he participates in the filming of the next box-office project.

Negative hero the actor played in the television fantasy western. Ben Barnes plays the depraved Logan, a regular visitor to an amusement park called Western world" According to Forbes, Business Insider, Vanity Fair, Toronto Sun, the film was among the best TV series of 2016. And the acting ensemble, which also includes Ingrid Bulse Berdal, is worthy of the best Hollywood blockbuster.

In 2017, the actor’s filmography was supplemented by work in the TV series “The Punisher,” based on Marvel comics. In the action film, Ben Barnes got the opportunity to play the character of Billy Russo, a friend of the main character Frank Castle (), who fights crime in New York.

The artist is currently filming an American thriller directed by Bruce Beresford, in which his participation has already been announced.


  • 2007 – “More Ben”
  • 2007 – “Stardust”
  • 2008 – “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian”
  • 2009 – “Dorian Gray”
  • 2011 – “Kill Bono”
  • 2012 – “Words”
  • 2013 – “Big Wedding”
  • 2014 – “Seventh Son”
  • 2015 – “Sons of Liberty”
  • 2016 – “Westworld”
  • 2017 – “The Punisher”

Ben was born on August 20, 1981 in London. Father Thomas R. Barnes is a professor of psychiatry at Imperial College London, specializing in schizophrenia, mother Tricia Barnes is a leading British marriage therapist and internationally renowned marriage and family consultant, a member of the British Association of Marriage Therapists. marriage and sexual problems(British Association of Marital and Sexual Therapists), brother Jack (3 years younger), married to Elena Riegel. The future actor grew up in north-west London, where he lives to this day. Ben Barnes studied at Homefield primary school, then moved to King's College. He graduated with honors from Kingston University in 2004 with a BA in English and Drama. From 1997 to 2003, Ben was a member of the National Musical Youth Theatre, which launched his acting career. First television work Barnes got small roles in English television shows"Liquid News", "Making Up Your Mind", "Doctors" and "Split Decision".

In 2004, Ben Barnes sang in the boy group Hyrise and participated in the British selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. The group took second place, after which it ceased to exist.

Sings, plays drums and piano.

Actor career

Ben Barnes made his film debut in 2007, playing a small role in the film “Stardust” (Sturdust). His next work was the film Bigga Then Ben, an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Sergei Sakin and Pavel Tetersky. In the film Bigga Then Ben, Ben Barnes played a Russian illegal immigrant, and the second main role was played by the famous Russian actor Andrei Chadov.

The turning point in Ben Barnes's career came in 2007, when he was cast in the lead role in the second part of The Chronicles of Narnia. According to the actor, everything happened very quickly. The casting had been going on for several months to no avail, when one of the director's assistants saw Ben's performance in one of the small London theaters. After a personal meeting with Andrew Adams and the producers of the film, Barnes passed a screen test, and just a few days later he was cast in the role. Ben Barnes has signed a contract for three films at once. For several years, Ben Barnes played in the National Theater production of The History Boys. He left the play after landing a role in The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. The film "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" was released in the spring of 2008, and Ben Barnes immediately became one of the most popular young actors. A few months later, he began filming in a new film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's novel, where he played the title role. Dorian Gray was released worldwide in September 2009, and Russian viewers were able to see this film in the winter of 2010. In 2008, the premiere of the film Easy Virtue took place, where Ben Barnes played one of the main roles. His partners in the film, based on the play by Noel Coward, were Jessica Biel and Colin Firth. In 2010, three films with the participation of Ben Barnes are expected to be released. One of them, “Killing Bono,” is dedicated to the legendary musician’s classmates who were trying to create a rock band. Filming of the third part of “The Chronicles of Narnia” and Suri Krishnamma’s film “Locked In”, where the actor played the main role, has already been completed. In November 2008 he became a trustee of the British charitable foundation Make a Wish, which grants wishes to seriously ill children.

Barnes' musical tastes are varied: The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Queen, Frank Sinatra, Stevie Wonder, Donny Hathaway, Arctic Monkeys, Mumford & Sons, Kings of Leon, Kanye West.

Interesting facts about Ben Barnes: - due to the time difference between England and the USA, Ben received confirmation of his participation in the film “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” at three o'clock in the morning. According to the actor, he jumped out of bed with joy and began running around the house screaming. - At the age of 17, Ben told his parents that he wanted to become an actor, but they insisted that their son first graduate from university.

Personal life

According to IMDb, Ben is 6 feet 1 inch tall and his favorite movie is This Is Spinal Tap. At the moment, Ben's heart is free. He says, "It's hard to find standing man when you're famous."

Petition to support the release of the film "Locked in" on DVD

On May 11, 2011, fans of Ben Barnes launched a petition in support of the release of the film Locked in, in which Barnes played the main role (Josh Sawyer). According to recent reports, due to disagreements between producers and sponsors, the film's release has been postponed indefinitely. The petition can be found on The Petition Site under the title Release the film “Locked In” to DVD. Anyone can leave their signature in support of this project.

February 28, 2010, 20:40

Ben was born August 20, 1981 in London. Father Thomas R. Barnes (Thomas R. Barnes) is a professor of psychiatry at Imperial College London, specializing in schizophrenia, mother Tricia Barnes (Tricia Barnes) is a leading British marriage therapist and internationally renowned marriage and family consultant, a member of the British Association of Therapists Marital and Sexual Problems (British Association of Marital and Sexual Therapists), brother Jack (3 years younger) Ben studied at Kingston University, graduating in 2004 with a B.A. English language and drama, and was a member of the National Youth Music Theater from 1997 to 2003.
Sings, plays drums and piano. He started his acting career from small roles in English television shows such as Liquid News, Making Up Your Mind, Doctors and Split Decision. However, he took part in the play “The History Boys”, where he played the role of Dakin. It is known that Ben sang in the group “Hyrise” and in 2004 took part as part of this group in the British selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. Ben later appeared in two films: Stardust (2007) and More Ben (2008). In the first of them he played a small role of young Dunstan Thorne, and in the second - Pavel Tetersky (Sobakka), where he played together with Andrei Chadov. After being offered the role of Caspian in The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Barnes terminated his contract with The History Boys. Barnes will be replaced in the West End by Jamie King. Ben signed a three-film deal with Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media. In 2010, the film “The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Morning Traveler” will be released. In May 2009, a film with Ben’s participation, “Easy Virtue,” was released, where he plays John Whittaker. In September of the same year, the film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, directed by Oliver Parker, premiered, in which Barnes played the main role.
Career: From 1997 to 2003 was a member of the National Youth Musical Theater(National Youth Music Theatre). Participated in six productions. At the age of 15 he made his debut in The Ballad of Salomon Pavey. At 16 he played drums for Bugsy Malone in the West End. He took part in the television shows “Liquid News”, “Making Up Your Mind”, “Doctors”, “Split Decision”. As part of the pop group “Hyrise” he took part in the competitive selection for Eurovision 2004. He left the group the very next day after failing in the qualifying round. He made his debut in big cinema in 2007 with the small role of young Dunstan Thorne (the father of the main character) in Stardust (produced by Matthew Vaughn). He also played a Russian troublemaker-emigrant in the film Bigga Than Ben, directed by Susie Hallwood, based on the book of the same name. the last hero"Sergei Sakin, release scheduled for July 24, 2008. Also in 2007, he toured with the National Theater's production of The History Boys. Ben broke his contract with National Theater after it was announced in February 2007 that he would play Prince Caspian in the sequel to the Disney blockbuster The Chronicles of Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, directed by Andrew Adamson, premiered on May 16, 2008). In 2008, Ben starred in the film adaptation of Noel Coward's play “Easy Virtue” (directed by Stefan Elliott), the film premiered on November 7, 2008. In August 2008, Ben began filming the film adaptation famous novel Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray (directed by Oliver Parker), also expected to be released in 2009. In November 2008, he became a trustee of the British charity Make a Wish, which fulfills the wishes of seriously ill children. In the spring of 2008, filming will begin on the third part of The Chronicles of Narnia, “The Treader of the Dawn Treader or Voyage to the End of the World” (“The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", directed by Michael Apted), release is scheduled for May 7, 2010. Ben has a beloved wife from Ukraine. They met last year and fell head over heels in love. Ben proposed to his beloved New Year's Eve. According to unofficial data, his wife's name is Madina

Benjamin Thomas "Ben" Barnes(English) Benjamin "Ben" Barnes; genus. 20 August 1981, London, UK) - English actor, famous for roles in the films “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian”, “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Treader of the Dawn Treader”, “Dorian Gray”.

Ben was born on August 20, 1981 in London. Father Thomas R. Barnes is a professor of psychiatry at Imperial College London, specializing in schizophrenia, mother Tricia Barnes is a leading British marriage therapist and internationally renowned marriage counselor, a member of the British Association of Marital and Sexual Therapists. Sexual Therapists), brother Jack (3 years younger).

Ben studied at Kingston University ( Kingston University), graduating in 2004 with a BA in English and Drama, and was a member of the National Youth Music Theater from 1997 to 2003. Sings, plays drums and piano.

Actor career

Barnes made his professional debut in 2004 - he played the role Dante Gabriel Rossetti in the play "Loving Ophelia". He began his screen career with small roles in English television shows such as " Liquid News», « Making Up Your Mind», « Doctors" And " Split Decision" In 2006, he received the role of Dakin in the play “ History buffs"(The History Boys). Barnes sang in the band " Hyrise"and in 2004 took part as part of this group in the British selection for the Eurovision Song Contest.

Ben later appeared in two films: “Stardust” (2007), where he played a small role as young Dunstan Thorne, and “More Ben” (2008), where he played Pavel Tetersky (Dog).

After he was offered the role Caspian in the film Prince Caspian, Barnes terminated his contract with " The History Boys" In the West End, Barnes was replaced by Jamie King. Ben signed a three-film deal with Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media. In 2010, the film “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Treader of the Dawn Treader” was released.

In May 2009, a film with Ben’s participation, “Easy Virtue,” was released, where he plays John Whittaker. In September of the same year, the premiere of the film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's work "The Picture of Dorian Gray" directed by Oliver Parker took place, in which Barnes played the main role.

In November 2008, he became a trustee of the British charity Make a Wish, which grants wishes to seriously ill children.

Personal life

He prefers not to talk about his personal life.


  1. 2006 - Doctors (TV series) / Doctors; "Facing Up" series - Craig Unwin
  2. 2006 - Split Decision (TV) - Chris Wilbur
  3. 2007 - Stardust / Stardust - young Dunstan
  4. 2008 - More Ben / Bigger than Ben - Dog / Cobakka
  5. 2008 - The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian / The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian - Prince Caspian
  6. 2008 - Easy behavior / English. Easy Virtue - John Whittaker
  7. 2009 - Dorian Gray / Dorian Gray - Dorian Gray
  8. 2010 - Locked / Locked in - Josh
  9. 2010 - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Treader of the Dawn Treader / The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - Prince Caspian
  10. 2011 - Kill Bono / Killing Bono - Neil McCormie
  11. 2012 - Words / The Words - young man
  12. 2013 - Big wedding / The Big Wedding - Alejandro Griffin
  13. 2014 - Only God Knows / God Only Knows - Nick Tortano
  14. 2015 - Seventh Son / The Seventh Son - Tom Ward
  15. 2015 - Your Right Mind - Ryan

Ben Barnes - quotes

It's very strange when someone calls you and asks if you would like to play the main role in the film adaptation of a book that you read as a child.

This tall, brown-haired man with brown eyes made it onto the list of Hollywood's most sought-after stars before he turned thirty. He received his first recognition with the release of the fantasy “Stardust” and “The Chronicles of Narnia”, and consolidated his status with the drama “Dorian Gray”. Most of his film works are based on film adaptations famous novels, which, in turn, speaks about the future success of the paintings. What else is handsome Ben Barnes famous for? Filmography and facts from the actor’s life will become main theme of this article.

A mysterious stranger

Benjamin Thomas was born in Great Britain in 1981. What prompted him to be chosen as future profession acting remains a mystery to many fans even now. Looking ahead, it is worth noting that Barnes - a dark horse. He does not like to give interviews and, in particular, to talk about his personal life or certain moments from his childhood. However, this does not prevent admirers of his talent from collecting information about him. So who is Ben Barnes? Biography future star screen is not a secret.

He was born into the family of a psychiatry professor and marriage therapist. His mother, Trisha Barnes, has achieved considerable heights in her favorite field. She is a member of the British Association of Therapists, remaining a leading specialist consultant on family and sexual issues. Ben has a brother, Jack, three years younger than him, who has found himself in an activity not related to acting.

Patience and a little effort

Barnes graduated from the university in 2004 with a BA in Drama. He entered youth theater, where he remained until 2003. Here Ben learned to play the piano and drums.

What debut works made Ben Barnes famous? Filmography young actor begins with a cameo role in the TV series “Doctors”, and before that he plays in the productions “Fans of History” and “Loving Ophelia”, receiving his first audience applause. Screen creativity includes a number of British sitcoms that did not achieve the desired success. Barnes is not upset: he knows perfectly well that great movie sooner or later he will submit.

In move

No wonder they say that talented person uses his talent in various fields. The pop group Hyrise formed in 2004 to perform in the British qualifying round of the Eurovision Song Contest. Needless to say who became its soloist. That's right, our friend Ben Barnes.

The filmography of the actor, who slightly cooled his ardor after a musical failure, was replenished with the television drama “A Divided Decision.” The next work was a film by director and screenwriter Susie Hailwood called “More Ben”. It's disappointing to say right away that this film with Barnes has nothing in common except the title. The film, designed for a teenage audience, tells sad story expat friends who came to London to get involved in crime and drug dealing. It is noteworthy that one of the roles was played by our compatriot Andrei Chadov.

A beautiful fairy tale on screen and in life

As often happens, a project appears in the life of every aspiring actor that radically changes their life. This turned out to be “Stardust”. Ben Barnes received a small role as young Dunstan Thorne, the main character of the film - Tristan. The long-awaited conquest of American cinema began with this work. The film adaptation of the novel is in the fantasy genre; in it, as the audience admitted, there is a large amount of “magic and magic.” They received the film so warmly that they allowed the creators to collect an impressive box office from the box office. A nice touch was that Ben Barnes worked on film set with a number of famous A-list stars: Claire Danes, Robert De Niro, Sienna Miller,

And although “Stardust” made a significant contribution to Burns’s track record, global recognition he received with the release of another fantasy - “The Chronicles of Narnia”. Truly fairy tale story with incredible special effects cost the studio 225 million. But she brought much more.

We can talk for a long time about the character played by Barnes. Prince Caspian is presented as a navigator, the true king of Narnia, the emperor of the islands, the liberator of his state and even the restorer of long-standing traditions. And although the cycle of children's fairy tales includes seven works, Barnes agreed to two parts. In 2010, a sequel called “The Treader of the Dawn Treader” was released.

Press antics

In order not to remain in one image, the actor considers incoming proposals. And at this time he is occupied by crowds of fans. Ben Barnes and his (mythical) wife are often discussed in the media, but only true fans know that they are shenanigans yellow press. For some time, the actor manages to play along with the audience and create the appearance love relationship. Despite the fact that he long ago refused to give comments about his personal life, it was this issue as a sore spot that increasingly attracted the paparazzi. They caught the star at premieres and social events, but Barnes’ happy smile did not at all indicate happiness in his personal life. How well does the public know their idol, wondering what this mysterious Mr. Ben Barnes and his wife are hiding? Having finally dispelled the myth about his existing wife, the actor takes on new projects.

Portrait of the Perfect Actor

In 2008, the comedy melodrama “Easy Virtue” was released. The star cast is again impressive: Jessica Biel and Kristin Scott Thomas. Ben Barnes plays Englishman John Whitaker, who brings his American girlfriend to his parents' house.

A year later, fans are praising the adapted film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's work, called Dorian Gray. The fantasy thriller is successful in many respects, confirming that the actor can easily transform into different characters.

Having received universal recognition thanks to films sold all over the world, Barnes is receiving more and more offers from film companies for new roles. However, from now on future projects are chosen by Ben Barnes himself. The actor’s filmography is replenished with the comedy-biographical film “Killing Bono,” which he tried with all his might to get into. He gets the images of the McCormick brothers. Music fans put together a band in the late 1970s, dreaming of conquering musical Olympus. As a confrontation, their classmates do the same - the group of rivals is named U2. It's not hard to guess whose team will win. By the way, the role of U2 lead singer Bono was played by Irishman Martin McCann.

Must-see: films starring

Ben Barnes has a bit of a track record. This one has talented actor there will still be a lot interesting works, which are sure to hook even the most experienced viewer. Barnes's filmography includes films not mentioned above:

  • “Farewell” (2009).
  • “Words” (2012).
  • “The Big Wedding” (2013).
  • “In Plain Sight” (2014).
  • “Jackie and Ryan” (2014).
  • “Only God Knows” (2014).

One of latest works became the film directed by Sergei Bodrov Sr. “The Seventh Son”. Barnes was accompanied by Julianne Moore and Jeff Bridges. In 2015, the actor received the main role in the historical mini-series “Sons of Liberty.”

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