Ice Age how to pass. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Walkthrough

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown

The first level is educational. You need to read the wooden signs, they tell you what to do. You break blocks of ice with nuts by double jumping and attacking in the air. That is, you stomp on them. Having galloped through this clearing, you need to swim across the river (press the right mouse button, this is to dive, then press the spacebar to swim. The buttons are left and right, respectively, to turn, and the up button in combination with the spacebar to emerge. Opposite the mammoth Ellie, or having galloped it on the ice floes, go up through the canyon along the pebbles and climb into the glowing cave.

You get to the tiger Diego. You ride around the lake for nuts. You climb a wall overgrown with ivy. You jump down to the big-nosed pigs, collecting nuts, jump around the rock, and take the second golden nut near the pig’s dad. You climb the second wall covered with ivy. You collect nuts from the rocks and jump down to Diego.

Advice! Where you can't jump, use a double jump. Where this is not enough, do a double, stretched jump: It’s like this: a single jump, and after a second - another jump, you get a double jump, only stretched.

Chestnuts lie in ice holes. You jump on the ice with a double spacebar and attack while jumping (I use a button attack).

In the hole near Diego we take the third golden nut.

Now we crawl into the glowing cave. We get to the wild boars.

We jump around the clearing, collecting nuts. You can simply jump over boars. We climb up the rough wall (where the wall is made of pebbles), press space and the up arrow. (There will be biting bugs sitting on the next walls, you need to knock them down with stones before jumping onto the rough wall). We pass along a fallen tree. We collect nuts underwater.

Mini game with Diego. The goal is to collect all the nuts. Use the buttons to move forward, backward, right, left. When Diego turns around, you quickly lie down, pressing the space bar. The game is over when all the nuts are collected and Scrat the Squirrel moves to the next level.

Cave. You walk through the middle of the river, killing attackers bats(button - attack). To the right of the river is a cave with a rhinoceros beetle. We suppress it with an attack. We sniff out the first golden nut (I have a shift button to sniff.) We run into the right cave, climb up the stones, run around the hole and, having knocked down another beetle, sniff out the second golden nut. We run further, knocking down the third beetle, and along the corridor we reach the bear’s cave. There we dig up the third golden nut. We jump down from the bear to the icy lake. There is a rough wall there, we crawl up it, and at the top is the fourth golden nut. We run again to the lake and crawl into the luminous cave.

We meet with the cave wolf and hit him with an attack. We collect everything tasty in the clearing and run to the next cave. On her ceiling. .we knock down 3 plants and get nuts and fruits for it. We run up to the evil rhinoceros. He throws Scrat towards the mammoth Meni. We read the wooden sign near Menya, the second mini-game opens: . You need to carefully look where the mouse flew with a nut in its mouth, and then point the arrow at it and press enter. When 3 nuts are collected, the evil rhino runs away and the path is clear.

We pass two more wolves and a boar. We collect goodies, go into the next cave, kill bats, jump onto the rock with an extended jump, holding the space bar.

In the next clearing there is a wolf and a turtle. We hit the turtle with an attack, it moves, then we attack a second time and it is knocked out. We jump from it onto the rock with an extended jump, taking the nuts, we crawl into the luminous cave.

Valley near Penguin Mountain. We meet two polar bears near a frozen lake. We jump, there is a lake, on the left on a hill there is a rhinoceros beetle. You need to jump over two cobblestones to get to it. But first, we go through the valley to the end, collecting goodies. Now to the beetle. We gallop further, kill the second beetle and climb up the ivy. Following the nuts, we attack the third beetle and reach a cave from which snow is falling. Right-click to crawl there.

On the other side, you can jump down, collecting goodies. Climb back through the ivy. We jump further carefully, the boulders are slippery. We jump from block to block with a double jump. We approach the wooden sign and climb up the rough wall. At the top we suppress the fourth beetle, follow the nuts and climb another rough wall.

Mini game with penguins based on the kegel principle. A swinging arrow appears. At the right moment we stop it by entering. We also stop the second one by entering. A snow ball is flying. You need to score 100 points.

Then a mini game with Sid the sloth begins. He must slide down the ice slide, collecting nuts and without bumping into ice floes. In the middle of the game, when Sid is flying, arrows appear. When they pass through the diamond, you need to press the corresponding arrows. You need to score 7000 points. The armadillo gives Scrat a golden nut.

Green Valley of Monkeys. While collecting nuts, we go left to the grizzly bear. Having run a full circle, we approach a ravine with a wild boar. We jump down, collect nuts, and climb back over the ivy. Then we use the space bar to jump on the vine, fly over the ravine to the wild boar and use the space bar to release the vine. On the left we see another grizzly bear. It’s convenient to hit evil animals with a super attack: you press the super attack button (for me), Scrat starts spinning, and you use arrows to direct him at the animal. We return to the boar and run forward.

After the boar, we jump down to the platform to another grizzly bear and a horned beaver. There is a glowing crevice in the tree through which you can go with three golden nuts. Let's go get some nuts.

We jump across the lake on wide leaves. There, under the curved donut tree, is the first golden nut. We jump over the second lake, there is a monkey and a beaver. We jump on the web with a spacebar 3-4 times and jump onto the branch, take the second golden nut. On the right, on a hill, is a green bird. Let's jump to her. We follow the nuts and see a glowing cave on the right. Let's get into it. We see the third golden nut. But the monkey takes it away. Click on the wooden sign.

A mini game with monkeys opens. They are tedious to knock down with stones. You hold your sight (for me it’s tab) and press the right mouse button. You need to shoot down 25 monkeys.

You get the third nut.

You return to the cave, run to the green bird, and then to the very beginning, to the golden crevice.

We find ourselves in the upper tier of the forest. Bouncing on the vines, we move from branch to branch. Following the nuts, we find ourselves in a glowing cave.

We find ourselves on the site with green grass and snow-capped mountain tops. We collect nuts, approach the monkey, she takes the nut from Scrat and throws it into the vulture’s nest. The chicks scatter, and the angry mother demands to collect them back. The chicks must be attacked, picked up with the right button, carried to the nest and thrown with the right button.

Afterwards we jump onto the rope and move to the area with nuts. There we crawl into a cave. We roll along it, collecting nuts.

On the way out we hit the bats. While collecting nuts, we approach the fruit bear. Click on the right button, and the bear asks you to collect fruit for him. We watch a video where a rhinoceros hits a tree and an apple falls out. We bring the bear an apple. He asks for more. Teasing the rhino in front of the tree. He hits the trunk, and Scrat brings apples to the bear. When he gets enough, he starts farting. Scrat runs up to the stone platform where the bear is now and stands on the first of five pebbles. Then press the right button. When the gas image is half full, press Spacebar. Scrat flies towards the golden nut. Then he stands on the next pebble, and so on five times. With five nuts, he can go into the glowing cave, to the left of the trunk lying across the pond. But first, let's collect nuts. When Scrat sees a geyser, he must drink from it (right click). He will be blown onto a high stump with nuts.

The next story is a lake around an oak tree. We shoot down aggressive loons. We collect goodies. Jumping for nuts on the fly agarics around the oak tree, we climb the tree. Double stretched jump from branch to branch. Right-click the red bird on the tree. She throws Scrat higher. Ellie Scrat fell, you need to talk to Ellie, and she will throw him high again.

We walk through the cave. On the way out we fight three beetles. We approach Diego.

A mini game with possums Crash and Eddie begins.

Diego hits the holes from which Crash and Eddie jump out (do not touch other animals). Using the keys forward, left, right, and also 2 at once: left-forward, right-forward, and immediately press enter. After thirty hits, the game is over.

Ice river. We collect 20 nuts by jumping on ice floes with a double extended jump. Scrat survives two touches of water, but loses health, and freezes on the third touch. After the twentieth 19th nut, a golden one appears. You need to jump to it very quickly, since the ice floes are constantly moving. Once the golden nut is taken, Scrat is swallowed by Miracle Yudo.

Inside it, the main thing is to kill the green jumping drops. You also need to stock up on stones (by attacking piles of stones and collecting them). We break the closing shells by stomping on them. Scrat rides a rope (space), crawls along the wall, and reaches the wall with eyes on stalks. A mini-game begins where you need to throw stones at open eyes. As soon as 30 hits, Miracle Yudo spits out Scrat.

Among the swamps. We go back a little to collect goodies and replenish our supply of stones. After killing the red lizards with stones, we run through the swamp. On the right in the wall we see a cave. We run around the tree. We climb up on the geyser, collect goodies, and jump off. We return to the cave. Let's jump in there. We see geysers, there is a stone near them. We take it and plug one of the geysers. Immediately another geyser becomes higher. On it, Scrat climbs the rock, takes another stone there and plugs the second geyser. The first one rises even higher. On it, Scrat flies up onto a tree branch. We knock down the monkey with a stone, with the help of a vine, we jump over to another branch. From her to third. We get to the rock ledge, take the third stone, and plug the last geyser. We climb the geyser to the highest ledge and dive into the glowing cave.

From the brown clutch we take a blue egg. We go to the blue masonry straight along the ramp with two beetles. Put in the egg.

Take a green egg from the blue clutch. Carefully go down the log and place the egg in the geyser with the orange arrow. Grif takes Scrat to the glowing cave. Let's get into it.

Mini game with pigs. You need to remember, or better yet write down, in what order the pigs tumble. And, pointing the arrow at the desired pig, quickly press enter. Only 5 rounds. Afterwards Scrat jumps into the water and stands in that place. Where the pig emerges from the waterfall and jumps onto the island. With an extended jump, he jumps from it to the left bank, for nuts, then onto the back of another pig, which takes him to the other bank.

We attack two dodos. We sniff out the cherries in the bushes, pick up the nuts and climb up the rough wall. There you need to kick the piglet with an attack. But first, we jump onto the hill behind him and take away the goodies. (We jump behind the chestnut with an extended jump).

After kicking the pig, we jump down. We knock down the lizards with a stone, and, from the pig’s back, we jump onto the island. We collect goodies, climb up the rough wall, and dig up a chestnut. We jump down and crawl into the glowing cave.

Spider Cave.

We learn to kill spiders by stomping. We merge with an attack, turn to the spider, double jump and attack in the air. Kill 4 spiders. We jump onto the webs along the cave walls and collect goodies. We climb over the swamp along the web, to the left of the swamp. We also beat spiders there. If the spider has entangled Scrat in a net, you need to jerk its legs (right button). We crawl into the glowing cave.

This is the most difficult level.

We kill 8 spiders. A huge spider appears. She can only be attacked when she stands on hind legs. Then she starts stomping, and 4 spiders appear. We kill them with a stomp, attack the spider again, and so on 3 times in a row. Flowers grow around, giving life. In the middle of the battle you can replenish your health. When the spider is killed, Scrat jumps on her belly and crawls into the glowing cave.

In the swamps.

You will need to ride a pink bird. To sit on it, you first need to attack 2 times, then press the right button. The bird can jump with two spaces, attack enemies with the attack key (#У#), and also glide with an extended jump (two spaces with an interval of a second and hold down the spacebar). The bird has only 3 leaves of health. So animal attacks are dangerous for her. Animals can either be jumped over or attacked. If the petals run out, the bird drops Scrat, and he again needs to run to her island.

After talking with the pig, you need to look to the right of the wooden sign. There you can see an island with the first golden nut. Having run around the pig island, we run forward to the bird island. We jump on the bird and take off for the first golden nut. We run to the bird island again. If you stand with your back to the pig island, then just to the left of the bird island you can see a hill with a second golden nut. Without getting off the bird, we turn towards the island on which the loon sits. A bird jumps onto it from a fallen tree trunk (two spaces). Having stunned the loon with its attack, the bird runs along its island and lands on the island, where Scrat takes the stone. He carries it to a nearby island with a geyser. Shuts up the geyser, and at the next geyser rises to the top for the second stone and the third golden nut. Let's jump off. If you stand with your back to the glowing cave, you will see an orange arrow pointing to the second geyser. Scrat shuts him up, another geyser penetrates, and... on it Scrat rises for the fourth golden nut.

Having collected all the nuts, we run to the glowing cave and crawl into it.

Sloth Village:

We run around the entire valley, picking up goodies. Let's not run to the green bird yet. We jump on the web and jump to Kresh and Eddie. We press the right button and talk to them. To take the nut from Kresh and Eddie, you need to quickly dig up the golden nut. The orange arrow indicates where to dig. To run up, you need to use the arrows, and to dig, use the right mouse button. You have to do this very quickly. You can jump from arrow to arrow. It may not work out the first time. You need to memorize the route.

Now we run for the nuts, first to the right, then to the left. Hidden behind the red sloth is a cave with 3 chestnuts. There is a geyser nearby. Scrat drinks from it (right click) and is blown onto the statue behind the chestnuts.

Now we run to the green bird. There we go into a glowing cave.

You need to collect 4 golden nuts.

The first is given by the cook, to whom Scrat brings chili peppers. To the left of the cook, Scrat finds some buried peppers. A lot of them. He digs them up. Some explode, and those that don't, Scrat takes to the cook. He digs up 2 chilies below, and 2 more on a hill, above the chili beds. You first need to jump onto the stones, and from them on a swaying vine to a higher ground.

The second nut is at the poultry house, for the collected chicks. They need to be driven into nests

Scrat runs after them, driving them into the nest. When the chicks run up to him, they sit in the nest.

The third nut on the rock. You go around the rock on the left side, there you need to jump into the water (you collect acorns under water), swim forward, jump out of the water and climb up the ivy for a nut.

The fourth nut on the idol's head. It is necessary that all his heads look in the direction where the lower, blue head is looking. Scrat takes these colorful chips and drags them into the idol’s mouth. I got one blue, 3 red and 2 green chips. From the idol you can clearly see a glowing cave, through which Scrat can now go to the next level.

To take nuts from a fallen tree trunk, and chestnuts from a tall tree, you need to use a stretch jump! It's like this: a single jump, and a second later - another jump, it turns out to be a double jump, only stretched.

To take a chestnut from under a dinosaur's paw, you need to stomp on the crook of its paw. (double jump and attack).

Rocks over a lava river.

We run to the left, kill the spider, there is a rough wall on the left. Let's crawl up. We kill 2 more spiders and run to the stump. From there we slide along the rope with a gap to the other side of the river. There is blue fire near the shaman. Let's jump into it. We press the right button and quickly jump onto the rough wall. (It's better not to jump into it right away, but to explore the route to the oil lake, which Scrat must set on fire with his tail). After the wall there is a glowing cave, behind it there is again a rough wall, and so on until the oil lake at the foot of the sloth statue. We jump into it, press the right button, the lake lights up. Scrat gets the golden nut. From the oil lake we jump to a stump on which a green bird sits. We slide down the rope. We jump to the platform below and again to the floor below. We crawl into the glowing cave through which we got to this level.

There is a video where Sid is pushed into a fiery pit. Scrat falls into the same place.

In the volcano.

You need to set fire to the web with your tail 4 times.

1 Golden nut. Just to the right of the blue light. We jump along the platforms, collecting nuts and killing spiders with a stomp (double jump and attack in the air). The first cave is high on the right. First, we jump down to the left, collect nuts, kill the spider, and jumping up on the web from platform to platform, we jump to the web covering the entrance to the first cave. We return back to the blue fire, jump into it, press the right button. Scrat's tail catches fire. We quickly run along this route and set fire to the web with our tail. The entrance is open. A squirrel rides along a slope, collecting nuts. At the end of the tunnel is the first golden nut. We jump down and find ourselves in a glowing cave. You can go there with four golden nuts. We return to the blue fire.

We pass by the fire without turning anywhere. We jump over three platforms in a row. We jump onto the wobbly stone and from it up to the platform with the second golden nut.

We return to the fire as we stood at the beginning. To the left of the fire, jump using vines. After setting the web on fire, we find ourselves in a tunnel with spiders. It’s better to run around them and take the third nut.

We gallop towards the web on which we were jumping. There we climb up the rough wall, collect nuts, and return to the fire. Set fire to the tail, set fire to the web. We quickly run further, set fire to another web, and collect nuts. We return, kill bats. We jump up on the web, kill the fireflies, there is another torch, light the tail, jump off, set fire to another web, dig up the fourth golden nut. We pass through the golden cave.

Video with Sid

We run to the left for the nuts. We jump over the platforms with double stretched jumps. We climb up the rough wall, dodging the lights. We fight the spider. We jump onto the platform where the stone is buried, which will need to be used to close the geyser. We dig it up, run back and see an orange arrow below indicating where to put the stone. A boulder appears. We jump on it with a double stretched jump (all further jumps are double stretched). We jump from the boulder up onto the platform for nuts. We collect them, pull out the nut from the ground with the right button. The lava is rising. We jump through it on the pop-up platforms. We jump on the web. We kill the spider, collect nuts, run into the cave. We run along it, waiting for flashes of fire from the walls. We run to the suspended rope and jump onto it with a gap. Having moved out, we fight with two spiders. We run for nuts and dig up a stone. We run back with the stone and stop the first geyser. The rock rises. We climb into the glowing cave nearby. We fall onto the rock from above.

With a double extended jump we jump over to the nuts. We take the second stone and plug the second geyser. We climb into the cave again. We fall onto the rock, jump again to the nuts and dig the nut out of the ground there. Lava rises again. We jump across the lava lake along the platforms to the other side. There we climb up the rough wall.

Sid asks for help.

We jump into the nearest hole with steam. Click the right mouse button. An image of steam appears. As soon as it reaches half, press jump. Scrat flies to a platform with a stone, to which a rope is tied, holding Sid. We jump onto the stone and stomp (double jump and attack). We return to the steam pits. In the middle hole, two-thirds of the steam is filled, in the last hole it is completely filled. After the third rope, we run for nuts and reach the fourth rope.

Sid takes Scrat to the glacier.

On the glacier.

Carefully! The ice floes are slippery. We move by jumping. Following the nuts, we find a rough wall and crawl along it. We climb over the snow cave.

In the ice cave by the lake, collect all the nuts on the surface. We'll take it underwater when the water goes away. We jump into the recesses above the water with a double extended jump. From the ice floe, we pull out the stuck nut with the right button, the water rises. We jump onto the ice floe, on which a snow cave is visible, and climb into it. We find ourselves on the platform to the boar. Having stunned him, we jump from the platform to the ice floe on the left, on which there are nuts. There, among others, there is a stuck nut, which must be taken with the right button. We don’t take it yet, we jump into the cave above it. We slide down the slope, collecting nuts. We fall into the water. Now we go back and pull out the stuck nut.

The water is leaving. We collect nuts from the bottom. We jump onto the ice opposite Diego. From there we jump over to Diego, talk to him, and he takes Scrat to the ice wall.

Having collected the nuts, we climb up the wall. We knock down a beetle, collect goodies, crawl into a snow cave. Cave with wolves. We collect nuts. We get drunk from the geyser and take off for some goodies. We jump down, following the nuts, we go out through the corridor to an area with 2 polar bears and a vulture in a nest. Having collected the goodies, we climb up the rough wall to the right of the entrance, where the green bird sits.

Following the nuts, we pass into the corridor with the boar. Behind it is a round cave with polar bears. We go right through it. The next cave is with a boar. We also pass through it and dive under the water. We sail into a cave with beetles. There is the first golden nut. Having taken it, we dive back, following the chestnuts, we swim out to another branch. We emerge in a cave with a frozen mammoth. We crawl up the rough wall. We slide down the slope in the cave, collecting nuts into a cave with a dinosaur skeleton. We collect goodies on land and in water, dive and swim into the skeleton from the tail. We collect the nuts and take the second golden nut. There are two ice blocks on the left wall near the lake. We jump on them and crawl into the snow cave. We jump onto the block with the mammoth and stomp. The block breaks, and Scrat takes the third golden nut. We run after the mammoth. To the left of the geyser, there is a cave leading to the vulture's nest. We take the shell from the nest, and in it we pass past the vulture to the snow cave.

Again on the glacier wall. Let's go forward. We climb up the rough wall and jump from ice floe to ice floe. We climb through the snow cave.

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The first level is educational. You need to read the wooden signs, they tell you what to do. You break blocks of ice with nuts by double jumping and attacking in the air. That is, you stomp on them. Having galloped through this clearing, you need to swim across the river (press the right mouse button, this is to dive, then press the spacebar to swim. The buttons are left and right, respectively, to turn, and the up button in combination with the spacebar to emerge. Opposite the mammoth Ellie, or having galloped it on the ice floes, go up through the canyon along the pebbles and climb into the glowing cave.

You get to the tiger Diego. You ride around the lake for nuts. You climb a wall overgrown with ivy. You jump down to the big-nosed pigs, collecting nuts, jump around the rock, and take the second golden nut near the pig’s dad. You climb the second wall covered with ivy. You collect nuts from the rocks and jump down to Diego.

Advice! Where you can't jump, use a double jump. Where this is not enough, do a double, stretched jump: It’s like this: a single jump, and after a second - another jump, you get a double jump, only stretched.

Chestnuts lie in ice holes. You jump on the ice with a double spacebar and attack while jumping (I attack with the “U” button).

In the hole near Diego we take the third golden nut.

Now we crawl into the glowing cave. We get to the wild boars.

We jump around the clearing, collecting nuts. You can simply jump over boars. We climb up the rough wall (where the wall is made of pebbles), press space and the up arrow. (There will be biting bugs sitting on the next walls, you need to knock them down with stones before jumping onto the rough wall). We pass along a fallen tree. We collect nuts underwater.

Mini game with Diego. The goal is to collect all the nuts. Use the buttons to move forward, backward, right, left. When Diego turns around, you quickly lie down, pressing the space bar. The game is over when all the nuts are collected and Scrat the Squirrel moves to the next level.

Cave. You walk along the middle of the river, killing attacking bats (using the “U” button - attack). To the right of the river is a cave with a rhinoceros beetle. We suppress it with an attack. We sniff out the first golden nut (I have a shift button to sniff.) We run into the right cave, climb up the stones, run around the hole and, having knocked down another beetle, sniff out the second golden nut. We run further, knocking down the third beetle, and along the corridor we reach the bear’s cave. There we dig up the third golden nut. We jump down from the bear to the icy lake. There is a rough wall there, we crawl up it, and at the top is the fourth golden nut. We run again to the lake and crawl into the luminous cave.

We meet with the cave wolf and hit him with an attack. We collect everything tasty in the clearing and run to the next cave. On her ceiling. .we knock down 3 plants and get nuts and fruits for it. We run up to the evil rhinoceros. He throws Scrat towards the mammoth Meni. We read the wooden sign near Menya, the second mini-game opens: “Take the nut from the bats.” You need to carefully look where the mouse flew with a nut in its mouth, and then point the arrow at it and press enter. When 3 nuts are collected, the evil rhino runs away and the path is clear.

We pass two more wolves and a boar. We collect goodies, go into the next cave, kill bats, jump onto the rock with an extended jump, holding the space bar.

In the next clearing there is a wolf and a turtle. We hit the turtle with an attack, it moves, then we attack a second time and it is knocked out. We jump from it onto the rock with an extended jump, taking the nuts, we crawl into the luminous cave.

Valley near Penguin Mountain. We meet two polar bears near a frozen lake. We jump, there is a lake, on the left on a hill there is a rhinoceros beetle. You need to jump over two cobblestones to get to it. But first, we go through the valley to the end, collecting goodies. Now to the beetle. We gallop further, kill the second beetle and climb up the ivy. Following the nuts, we attack the third beetle and reach a cave from which snow is falling. Right-click to crawl there.

On the other side, you can jump down, collecting goodies. Climb back through the ivy. We jump further carefully, the boulders are slippery. We jump from block to block with a double jump. We approach the wooden sign and climb up the rough wall. At the top we suppress the fourth beetle, follow the nuts and climb another rough wall.

Mini game with penguins based on the kegel principle. A swinging arrow appears. At the right moment we stop it by entering. We also stop the second one by entering. A snow ball is flying. You need to score 100 points.

Then a mini game with Sid the sloth begins. He must slide down the ice slide, collecting nuts and without bumping into ice floes. In the middle of the game, when Sid is flying, arrows appear. When they pass through the diamond, you need to press the corresponding arrows. You need to score 7000 points. The armadillo gives Scrat a golden nut.

Green Valley of Monkeys. While collecting nuts, we go left to the grizzly bear. Having run a full circle, we approach a ravine with a wild boar. We jump down, collect nuts, and climb back over the ivy. Then we use the space bar to jump on the vine, fly over the ravine to the wild boar and use the space bar to release the vine. On the left we see another grizzly bear. It’s convenient to hit evil animals with a super attack: you press the super attack button (I have “A”), Scrat starts spinning, and you use arrows to direct him at the animal. We return to the boar and run forward.

After the boar, we jump down to the platform to another grizzly bear and a horned beaver. There is a glowing crevice in the tree through which you can go with three golden nuts. Let's go get some nuts.

We jump across the lake on wide leaves. There, under the curved donut tree, is the first golden nut. We jump over the second lake, there is a monkey and a beaver. We jump on the web with a spacebar 3-4 times and jump onto the branch, take the second golden nut. On the right, on a hill, is a green bird. Let's jump to her. We follow the nuts and see a glowing cave on the right. Let's get into it. We see the third golden nut. But the monkey takes it away. Click on the wooden sign.

A mini game with monkeys opens. They are tedious to knock down with stones. You hold your sight (for me it’s tab) and press the right mouse button. You need to shoot down 25 monkeys.

You get the third nut.

You return to the cave, run to the green bird, and then to the very beginning, to the golden crevice.

We find ourselves in the upper tier of the forest. Bouncing on the vines, we move from branch to branch. Following the nuts, we find ourselves in a glowing cave.

We find ourselves on an area with green grass and snow-capped mountain tops. We collect nuts, approach the monkey, she takes the nut from Scrat and throws it into the vulture’s nest. The chicks scatter, and the angry mother demands to collect them back. The chicks must be attacked, picked up with the right button, carried to the nest and thrown with the right button.

Afterwards we jump onto the rope and move to the area with nuts. There we crawl into a cave. We roll along it, collecting nuts.

On the way out we hit the bats. While collecting nuts, we approach the fruit bear. Click on the right button, and the bear asks you to collect fruit for him. We watch a video where a rhinoceros hits a tree and an apple falls out. We bring the bear an apple. He asks for more. Teasing the rhino in front of the tree. He hits the trunk, and Scrat brings apples to the bear. When he gets enough, he starts farting. Scrat runs up to the stone platform where the bear is now and stands on the first of five pebbles. Then press the right button. When the gas image is half full, press Spacebar. Scrat flies towards the golden nut. Then he stands on the next pebble, and so on five times. With five nuts, he can go into the glowing cave, to the left of the trunk lying across the pond. But first, let's collect nuts. When Scrat sees a geyser, he must drink from it (right click). He will be blown onto a high stump with nuts.

The next story is a lake around an oak tree. We shoot down aggressive loons. We collect goodies. Jumping for nuts on the fly agarics around the oak tree, we climb the tree. Double stretched jump from branch to branch. Right-click the red bird on the tree. She throws Scrat higher. Ellie Scrat fell, you need to talk to Ellie, and she will throw him high again.

We walk through the cave. On the way out we fight three beetles. We approach Diego.

A mini game with possums Crash and Eddie begins.

Diego hits the holes from which Crash and Eddie jump out (do not touch other animals). Using the keys forward, left, right, and also 2 at once: left-forward, right-forward, and immediately press enter. After thirty hits, the game is over.

Ice river. We collect 20 nuts by jumping on ice floes with a double extended jump. Scrat survives two touches of water, but loses health, and freezes on the third touch. After the twentieth 19th nut, a golden one appears. You need to jump to it very quickly, since the ice floes are constantly moving. Once the golden nut is taken, Scrat is swallowed by Miracle Yudo.

Inside it, the main thing is to kill the green jumping drops. You also need to stock up on stones (by attacking piles of stones and collecting them). We break the closing shells by stomping on them. Scrat rides a rope (space), crawls along the wall, and reaches the wall with eyes on stalks. A mini-game begins where you need to throw stones at open eyes. As soon as 30 hits, Miracle Yudo spits out Scrat.

Among the swamps. We go back a little to collect goodies and replenish our supply of stones. After killing the red lizards with stones, we run through the swamp. On the right in the wall we see a cave. We run around the tree. We climb up on the geyser, collect goodies, and jump off. We return to the cave. Let's jump in there. We see geysers, there is a stone near them. We take it and plug one of the geysers. Immediately another geyser becomes higher. On it, Scrat climbs the rock, takes another stone there and plugs the second geyser. The first one rises even higher. On it, Scrat flies up onto a tree branch. We knock down the monkey with a stone, with the help of a vine, we jump over to another branch. From her to third. We get to the rock ledge, take the third stone, and plug the last geyser. We climb the geyser to the highest ledge and dive into the glowing cave.

We talk with the vulture. She demands that the eggs be arranged in nests by color. At the top right we see a glowing cave. The vulture will take Scrat into it when he has laid out all the eggs correctly.

First, take a brown egg from the green clutch. Standing in the nest, with our backs to the rock, we see an orange arrow pointing to the geyser into which we need to throw the egg. We go down with the egg to the right, onto a fallen tree trunk. Then we cross the swamp along the pebble, run around the beetle, and, with the right button, place the egg in the geyser. It flies to the right nest. If someone attacks, you can throw an egg, kill the offender, and take it again. But if the egg falls into the swamp, it returns to its place.

From the brown clutch we take a blue egg. We go to the blue masonry straight along the ramp with two beetles. Put in the egg.

Take a green egg from the blue clutch. Carefully go down the log and place the egg in the geyser with the orange arrow. Grif takes Scrat to the glowing cave. Let's get into it.

Mini game with pigs. You need to remember, or better yet write down, in what order the pigs tumble. And, pointing the arrow at the desired pig, quickly press enter. Only 5 rounds. Afterwards Scrat jumps into the water and stands in that place. Where the pig emerges from the waterfall and jumps onto the island. With an extended jump, he jumps from it to the left bank, for nuts, then onto the back of another pig, which takes him to the other bank.

We attack two dodos. We sniff out the cherries in the bushes, pick up the nuts and climb up the rough wall. There you need to kick the piglet with an attack. But first, we jump onto the hill behind him and take away the goodies. (We jump behind the chestnut with an extended jump).

After kicking the pig, we jump down. We knock down the lizards with a stone, and, from the pig’s back, we jump onto the island. We collect goodies, climb up the rough wall, and dig up a chestnut. We jump down and crawl into the glowing cave.

Spider Cave.

We learn to kill spiders by stomping. We merge with an attack, turn to the spider, double jump and attack in the air. Kill 4 spiders. We jump onto the webs along the cave walls and collect goodies. We climb over the swamp along the web, to the left of the swamp. We also beat spiders there. If the spider has entangled Scrat in a net, you need to jerk its legs (right button). We crawl into the glowing cave.

This is the most difficult level.

We kill 8 spiders. A huge spider appears. She can only be attacked when she stands on her hind legs. Then she starts stomping, and 4 spiders appear. We kill them with a stomp, attack the spider again, and so on 3 times in a row. Flowers grow around, giving life. In the middle of the battle you can replenish your health. When the spider is killed, Scrat jumps on her belly and crawls into the glowing cave.

In the swamps.

You will need to ride a pink bird. To sit on it, you first need to attack 2 times, then press the right button. The bird can jump with two spaces, attack enemies with the attack key (“U”), and also glide with an extended jump (two spaces with an interval of a second and hold down the spacebar). The bird has only 3 leaves of health. So animal attacks are dangerous for her. Animals can either be jumped over or attacked. If the petals run out, the bird drops Scrat, and he again needs to run to her island.

After talking with the pig, you need to look to the right of the wooden sign. There you can see an island with the first golden nut. Having run around the pig island, we run forward to the bird island. We jump on the bird and take off for the first golden nut. We run to the bird island again. If you stand with your back to the pig island, then just to the left of the bird island you can see a hill with a second golden nut. Without getting off the bird, we turn towards the island on which the loon sits. A bird jumps onto it from a fallen tree trunk (two spaces). Having stunned the loon with its attack, the bird runs along its island and lands on the island, where Scrat takes the stone. He carries it to a nearby island with a geyser. Shuts up the geyser, and at the next geyser rises to the top for the second stone and the third golden nut. Let's jump off. If you stand with your back to the glowing cave, you will see an orange arrow pointing to the second geyser. Scrat shuts him up, another geyser penetrates, and... on it Scrat rises for the fourth golden nut.

Having collected all the nuts, we run to the glowing cave and crawl into it.

Sloth Village:

We run around the entire valley, picking up goodies. Let's not run to the green bird yet. We jump on the web and jump to Kresh and Eddie. We press the right button and talk to them. To take the nut from Kresh and Eddie, you need to quickly dig up the golden nut. The orange arrow indicates where to dig. To run up, you need to use the arrows, and to dig, use the right mouse button. You have to do this very quickly. You can jump from arrow to arrow. It may not work out the first time. You need to memorize the route.

Now we run for the nuts, first to the right, then to the left. Hidden behind the red sloth is a cave with 3 chestnuts. There is a geyser nearby. Scrat drinks from it (right click) and is blown onto the statue behind the chestnuts.

Now we run to the green bird. There we go into a glowing cave.

You need to collect 4 golden nuts.

The first is given by the cook, to whom Scrat brings chili peppers. To the left of the cook, Scrat finds some buried peppers. A lot of them. He digs them up. Some explode, and those that don't, Scrat takes to the cook. He digs up 2 chilies below, and 2 more on a hill, above the chili beds. You first need to jump onto the stones, and from them on a swaying vine to a higher ground.

The second nut is at the poultry house, for the collected chicks. They need to be driven into nests

Scrat runs after them, driving them into the nest. When the chicks run up to him, they sit in the nest.

The third nut on the rock. You go around the rock on the left side, there you need to jump into the water (you collect acorns under water), swim forward, jump out of the water and climb up the ivy for a nut.

The fourth nut on the idol's head. It is necessary that all his heads look in the direction where the lower, blue head is looking. Scrat takes these colorful chips and drags them into the idol’s mouth. I got one blue, 3 red and 2 green chips. From the idol you can clearly see a glowing cave, through which Scrat can now go to the next level.

To take nuts from a fallen tree trunk, and chestnuts from a tall tree, you need to use a stretch jump! It's like this: a single jump, and a second later - another jump, it turns out to be a double jump, only stretched.

To take a chestnut from under a dinosaur's paw, you need to stomp on the crook of its paw. (double jump and attack).

Rocks over a lava river.

We run to the left, kill the spider, there is a rough wall on the left. Let's crawl up. We kill 2 more spiders and run to the stump. From there we slide along the rope with a gap to the other side of the river. There is blue fire near the shaman. Let's jump into it. We press the right button and quickly jump onto the rough wall. (It's better not to jump into it right away, but to explore the route to the oil lake, which Scrat must set on fire with his tail). After the wall there is a glowing cave, behind it there is again a rough wall, and so on until the oil lake at the foot of the sloth statue. We jump into it, press the right button, the lake lights up. Scrat gets the golden nut. From the oil lake we jump to a stump on which a green bird sits. We slide down the rope. We jump to the platform below and again to the floor below. We crawl into the glowing cave through which we got to this level.

There is a video where Sid is pushed into a fiery pit. Scrat falls into the same place.

In the volcano.

You need to set fire to the web with your tail 4 times.

1 Golden nut. Just to the right of the blue light. We jump along the platforms, collecting nuts and killing spiders with a stomp (double jump and attack in the air). The first cave is high on the right. First, we jump down to the left, collect nuts, kill the spider, and jumping up on the web from platform to platform, we jump to the web covering the entrance to the first cave. We return back to the blue fire, jump into it, press the right button. Scrat's tail catches fire. We quickly run along this route and set fire to the web with our tail. The entrance is open. A squirrel rides along a slope, collecting nuts. At the end of the tunnel is the first golden nut. We jump down and find ourselves in a glowing cave. You can go there with four golden nuts. We return to the blue fire.

We pass by the fire without turning anywhere. We jump over three platforms in a row. We jump onto the wobbly stone and from it up to the platform with the second golden nut.

We return to the fire as we stood at the beginning. To the left of the fire, jump using vines. After setting the web on fire, we find ourselves in a tunnel with spiders. It’s better to run around them and take the third nut.

We gallop towards the web on which we were jumping. There we climb up the rough wall, collect nuts, and return to the fire. Set fire to the tail, set fire to the web. We quickly run further, set fire to another web, and collect nuts. We return, kill bats. We jump up on the web, kill the fireflies, there is another torch, light the tail, jump off, set fire to another web, dig up the fourth golden nut. We pass through the golden cave.

Video with Sid

We run to the left for the nuts. We jump over the platforms with double stretched jumps. We climb up the rough wall, dodging the lights. We fight the spider. We jump onto the platform where the stone is buried, which will need to be used to close the geyser. We dig it up, run back and see an orange arrow below indicating where to put the stone. A boulder appears. We jump on it with a double stretched jump (all further jumps are double stretched). We jump from the boulder up onto the platform for nuts. We collect them, pull out the nut from the ground with the right button. The lava is rising. We jump through it on the pop-up platforms. We jump on the web. We kill the spider, collect nuts, run into the cave. We run along it, waiting for flashes of fire from the walls. We run to the suspended rope and jump onto it with a gap. Having moved out, we fight with two spiders. We run for nuts and dig up a stone. We run back with the stone and stop the first geyser. The rock rises. We climb into the glowing cave nearby. We fall onto the rock from above. With a double extended jump we jump over to the nuts. We take the second stone and plug the second geyser. We climb into the cave again. We fall onto the rock, jump again to the nuts and dig the nut out of the ground there. Lava rises again. We jump across the lava lake along the platforms to the other side. There we climb up the rough wall.

Sid asks for help.

We jump into the nearest hole with steam. Click the right mouse button. An image of steam appears. As soon as it reaches half, press jump. Scrat flies to a platform with a stone, to which a rope is tied, holding Sid. We jump onto the stone and stomp (double jump and attack). We return to the steam pits. In the middle hole, two-thirds of the steam is filled, in the last hole it is completely filled. After the third rope, we run for nuts and reach the fourth rope.

Sid takes Scrat to the glacier.

On the glacier.

Carefully! The ice floes are slippery. We move by jumping. Following the nuts, we find a rough wall and crawl along it. We climb over the snow cave.

In the ice cave by the lake, collect all the nuts on the surface. We'll take it underwater when the water goes away. We jump into the recesses above the water with a double extended jump. From the ice floe, we pull out the stuck nut with the right button, the water rises. We jump onto the ice floe, on which a snow cave is visible, and climb into it. We find ourselves on the platform to the boar. Having stunned him, we jump from the platform to the ice floe on the left, on which there are nuts. There, among others, there is a stuck nut, which must be taken with the right button. We don’t take it yet, we jump into the cave above it. We slide down the slope, collecting nuts. We fall into the water. Now we go back and pull out the stuck nut.

The water is leaving. We collect nuts from the bottom. We jump onto the ice opposite Diego. From there we jump over to Diego, talk to him, and he takes Scrat to the ice wall.

Having collected the nuts, we climb up the wall. We knock down a beetle, collect goodies, crawl into a snow cave. Cave with wolves. We collect nuts. We get drunk from the geyser and take off for some goodies. We jump down, following the nuts, we go out through the corridor to an area with 2 polar bears and a vulture in a nest. Having collected the goodies, we climb up the rough wall to the right of the entrance, where the green bird sits.

Following the nuts, we pass into the corridor with the boar. Behind it is a round cave with polar bears. We go right through it. The next cave is with a boar. We also pass through it and dive under the water. We sail into a cave with beetles. There is the first golden nut. Having taken it, we dive back, following the chestnuts, we swim out to another branch. We emerge in a cave with a frozen mammoth. We crawl up the rough wall. We slide down the slope in the cave, collecting nuts into a cave with a dinosaur skeleton. We collect goodies on land and in water, dive and swim into the skeleton from the tail. We collect the nuts and take the second golden nut. There are two ice blocks on the left wall near the lake. We jump on them and crawl into the snow cave. We jump onto the block with the mammoth and stomp. The block breaks, and Scrat takes the third golden nut. We run after the mammoth. To the left of the geyser, there is a cave leading to the vulture's nest. We take the shell from the nest, and in it we pass past the vulture to the snow cave.

Again on the glacier wall. Let's go forward. We climb up the rough wall and jump from ice floe to ice floe. We climb through the snow cave.

The first level is educational. You need to look at the tree signs, they tell you what to do. You break blocks of ice with nuts with an attack and a double jump in the air. In other words, you stomp on them.

Having galloped through this clearing, you need to swim across the river (press the right mouse button to dive, then press the space bar to swim. The buttons are left and right, respectively, to turn, and the up button in combination with the space bar to emerge. On the contrary, the mammoth Ellie, or Having galloped across the ice floes, go up through the canyon along the pebbles and climb into the luminous cave.

You get to the tiger Diego. You'll go for nuts near the lake. You climb a wall overgrown with ivy. You jump down to the nosed pigs, collecting nuts, jump around the rock, and take the second golden nut near the pig’s dad. You climb the second wall covered with ivy.

You collect nuts from the rocks and jump down to Diego.

Advice! In the place where you cannot jump, use a double jump. Where that is not enough, do a double, stretched jump: It’s like this: a single jump, and after a second - another jump, you get a double jump, only stretched.

Chestnuts lie in ice holes. You jump on the ice with a double spacebar and attack while jumping (I attack with the “U” button).

In the hole near Diego we take the third golden nut.

Now we crawl into the glowing cave. We get to the wild boars.

We jump around the clearing, collecting nuts. Kabanov perhaps. We climb up the rough wall (in the place where the walls are made of pebbles), press the space bar and the up arrow. (Biting beetles will sit on the next walls; they must be knocked down with stones before jumping onto the rough wall).

We pass along a fallen tree. We collect nuts underwater.

Mini game with Diego. The goal is to collect all the nuts. Use the buttons to move forward, backward, right, left. At the time when Diego turns around, you soon lie down, pressing the space bar.

The game is over when all the nuts are collected and Scrat the Squirrel gets to the next level.

Cave. You walk along the middle of the river, killing attacking bats (using the “U” button - attack). To the right of the river is a cave with a rhinoceros beetle. We suppress it with an attack.

We sniff out the first golden nut (I have a shift button to sniff). We run into the right cave, climb up the stones, run around the hole and, having knocked down another beetle, sniff out the second golden nut. We run further, knocking down the third beetle, and along the corridor we reach the bear’s cave. In that place we dig up the third golden nut.

We jump down from the bear to the icy lake. In that place there is a rough wall, we crawl up along it, and there is a fourth golden nut on top. We run again to the lake and crawl into the luminous cave.

We see the cave wolf and hit him with an attack. We collect everything tasty in the clearing and run to the next cave. On her ceiling. We knock down 3 plants and buy fruits and nuts for it. We run up to the evil rhinoceros. He throws Scrat towards the mammoth Meni.

We read the tree sign near Menya, the second mini-game is revealed: “Take the nut from the bats.” It is necessary to closely observe where the mouse flew with a nut in its mouth, and then point the arrow at it and press the input. At the time when 3 nuts are collected, the evil rhinoceros runs away and the path is clear.

We pass two more wolves and a boar. We collect goodies, go into the next cave, kill bats, jump onto the mountain with an extended jump, holding the space bar.

In the next clearing there is a turtle and a wolf. We hit the turtle with an attack, it moves, then we attack a second time and it is knocked out. We jump from it onto the mountain with a stretched jump, taking the nuts, we crawl into the luminous cave.

Plain near Penguin Mountain. We meet two polar bears near a frozen lake. We jump, there is a lake, on the left on a hill there is a rhinoceros beetle. You need to jump over two cobblestones to get to it. But first, we go through the plain to the end, collecting goodies.

With the right button we crawl in that direction.

On the other side, it is possible to jump down, collecting goodies. Climb back through the ivy. We jump further with caution, the boulders are slippery. We jump from block to block with a double jump.

We approach the wooden sign and climb up the rough wall. At the top we suppress the fourth beetle, follow the nuts and climb up another rough wall.

Mini game with penguins based on the kegel principle. A swinging arrow appears. At the necessary moment, we stop it by entering. We also stop the second by entering.

A snow ball is flying. You need to collect 100 points.

At the end, a mini game with Sid the sloth begins. He must slide down the ice slide, collecting nuts and not bumping into ice floes. In the middle of the game, while Sid is flying, arrows appear.

While they pass through the diamond, you need to press the corresponding arrows. You need to collect 7000 points. The armadillo gives Scrat a golden nut.

Green plain of monkeys. While collecting nuts, we go left to the grizzly bear. Having run a full circle, we approach a ravine with a wild boar. We jump down, collect nuts, and climb back over the ivy. After that, we jump with a space bar on the vine, fly over the ravine to the wild boar and use a space bar to release the vine.

On the left we see another grizzly bear. It’s convenient to hit evil animals with a super attack: you press the super attack button (I have “A”), Scrat starts spinning, and you use arrows to direct him at the animal. We return to the boar and run forward.

After the boar, we jump down to the platform to another grizzly bear and a horned beaver. In that place in the tree there is a glowing crevice through which it is possible to pass with three golden nuts. Let's go get some nuts.

We jump across the lake on wide pages. In that place, under the curved donut tree, is the first golden nut. We jump over the second lake, in that place there is a beaver and a monkey. We jump on the web with a spacebar 3-4 times and jump onto the branch, take the second golden nut. On the right, on a hill, is a green bird. Let's jump to her.

We follow the nuts and see a glowing cave on the right. Let's get into it. We see the third golden nut.

But the monkey takes it away. Click on the wood sign.

A mini game with monkeys is revealed. They are tedious to knock down with stones. You hold your sight (for me it’s tab) and press the right mouse button.

You need to shoot down 25 monkeys.

You get the third nut.

You return to the cave, run to the green bird, and then to the very beginning, to the golden crevice. We find ourselves in the upper tier of the forest. Bouncing on the vines, we move from branch to branch.

Following the nuts, we find ourselves in a glowing cave.

We find ourselves on an area with snow-capped peaks and green grass of the mountains. We collect nuts, approach the monkey, she takes the nut from Scrat and throws it into the vulture’s nest. The chicks scatter, and the angry mother demands to collect them back.

The chicks need to be attacked, picked up with the right button, carried to the nest and thrown with the right button.

At the end, we jump onto the rope and move to the area with nuts. In that place we crawl into the cave. We roll along it, collecting nuts.

On the way out we hit the bats. While collecting nuts, we approach the fruit bear. We press the right button, and the bear demands to collect fruit for him. We watch a video where a rhinoceros hits a tree and an apple falls out. We bring the bear an apple.

He demands more. Teasing the rhino in front of the tree. He hits the trunk, and Scrat brings apples to the bear. When he gets enough, he starts farting. Scrat runs up to the stone ledge where the bear is now and lands on the first of five pebbles. After that, press the right button.

When the gas image is half full, press the space bar. Scrat flies towards the golden nut. After this, it is done on the next pebble, and already five times. With five nuts, he can enter the glowing cave, to the left of the trunk lying across the pond. But first we collect nuts.

When Scrat sees a geyser, he must drink from it (right click). He will be blown onto a large stump with nuts.

The next story is a lake near an oak tree. We shoot down aggressive loons. We collect goodies. Jumping for nuts on the fly agarics near the oak tree, we climb the tree. Double stretched jump from branch to branch.

Right-click the red bird on the tree. She throws Scrat higher. Ellie Scrat fell, you need to chat with Ellie, and she will throw him high again.

We walk through the cave. On the way out we fight three beetles. We approach Diego.

A mini game with possums Crash and Eddie begins.

Diego hits the holes from which Crash and Eddie jump out (do not touch the second animals). Using the keys forward, left, right, and also 2 at once: left-forward, right-forward, and immediately press enter. Once thirty hits are completed, the game is over.

Ice river. We collect 20 nuts by jumping on ice floes with a double extended jump. Scrat survives two touches of water, but loses health, and freezes on the third touch.

At the end of the twentieth 19 nut, a golden one appears. You need to jump to it very quickly, since the ice floes are constantly moving. When the golden nut is taken, Scrat is swallowed by Miracle Yudo.

The main thing in it is to kill the green jumping drops. It is also necessary to stock up on stones (by attacking piles of stones and collecting them). We break the closing shells by stomping on them.

Scrat rides a rope (space), crawls along the wall, and reaches the wall with eyes on stalks. A mini-game begins where you need to throw stones at open eyes. When 30 hits, Miracle Yudo spits out Scrat.

Among the swamps. We go back a little to collect goodies and replenish our supply of stones. After killing the red lizards with stones, we run through the swamp. On the right in the wall we see a cave.

We run around the tree. We climb up on the geyser, collect goodies, and jump off. We return to the cave.

Let's jump in that direction. We see geysers, there is a stone near them. We take it and plug one of the geysers. Immediately the second geyser is made higher.

On it, Scrat climbs the mountain, takes another stone from that place and plugs the second geyser. The first one rises even higher. On it, Scrat flies up onto a tree branch. We knock down the monkey with a stone, using a vine, and jump over to another branch. From her to third. We get to the mountain ledge, take the third stone, and plug the last geyser.

We climb the geyser to the largest ledge and dive into the glowing cave.

We talk to the vulture. She demands that the eggs be arranged in nests by color. At the top right we see a glowing cave.

The vulture will take Scrat into it, at the time when he has laid out all the eggs correctly.

First, we take a brown egg from the green clutch. Standing in the nest, with our backs to the mountain, we see an orange arrow indicating a geyser into which we need to throw the egg. We go down with the egg to the right, onto a fallen tree trunk. After that, we cross the swamp along the pebbles, run around the beetle, and, with the right button, put the egg in the geyser.

It flies to the required nest. If someone attacks, it is possible to throw an egg, kill the offender, and pick him up again. But if the egg falls into the swamp, it returns to its place.

From the brown clutch we take a blue egg. We go to the light blue masonry straight along the ramp with two beetles. Put in the egg.

From the light blue clutch we take a green egg. We carefully go down the log and place the egg in the geyser with the orange arrow. Grif takes Scrat to the glowing cave.

Let's get into it.

Mini game with pigs. It is necessary to remember, or better yet write down, in what order the pigs tumble. And, pointing the arrow at the desired pig, soon press enter. Only 5 rounds.

At the end, Scrat jumps into the water and goes to that place. Where the pig emerges from the waterfall and jumps onto the island. With an extended jump, he jumps from it to the left bank, for nuts, then on the lower back to the second pig, which takes him to the second bank.

We attack two dodos. We sniff out the cherries in the bushes, pick up the nuts and climb up the rough wall. In that place you need to kick the pig with an attack.

But first, we jump onto the hill behind him and take away the goodies. (We jump behind the chestnut with an extended jump).

After kicking the pig, we jump down. We knock down the lizards with a stone, and, from the pork loin, we jump onto the island. We collect goodies, climb up the rough wall, and dig up a chestnut.

We jump down and crawl into the glowing cave.

Spider Cave.

We learn to kill spiders by stomping. We merge with an attack, turn to the spider, attack and double jump in the air. Kill 4 spiders.

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