Why do you dream about green grass and trees? Why do you dream of green grass: good or bad?

Seeing grass in a dream can be associated with the past, with hope for revival, with regret or renunciation.

Seeing grass breaking through concrete in a dream means undying hope that will come true.

To see a person crawling on his knees and looking for something in the grass - you are overly curious, and this will cause you a lot of inconvenience.

To dream of a person walking through the grass, and it withers right before your eyes - there is a selfish person in your environment who makes life difficult for everyone and for you in particular, be honest and do not be afraid to tell the truth.

Admiring the shine of the grass and feeling that it feels silky to the touch is a sign of fatigue and a desire to change the situation; to memories.

The path is overgrown with grass - a meeting with an old acquaintance; resurrection of past events; change in outlook on life.

Seeing a grave overgrown with grass means problems with parents and older family members.

Mowing the grass means profit, prosperity, and troubles.

Feeding an animal grass means searching for a reliable friend, the desire to win the trust of a good person; to a declaration of love, a frank conversation.

Collecting medicinal herbs means racking your brains over a long-standing problem and looking for an unconventional solution.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Seeing Grass in a dream

This is a truly auspicious dream, promising a happy and well-off life: it portends a rapid accumulation of wealth for trading people; glory - to writers and artists; safe journey on the stormy sea of ​​love - to all who love.

Seeing mountains towering over green plains is a sure sign of approaching danger.

If in a dream, while walking through a green meadow, you come across places with dried grass, this portends illness or difficulties in business.

A happy omen is only a dream about green and lush grass.

Dried grass promises grief,

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing Grass in a dream

See - beware of deception; mow - your well-being will increase; lying on the beautiful lush grass is the beginning of a sweet relationship. Dried - illness and weakness

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

What do dreams mean? Grass

Admiring lush green grass in a dream is a sign of great and long-term prosperity. If you see dried and wilted grass, this portends illness and misfortune, but not for you, the one you love dearly.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream about Grass

This is a warning against betraying imaginary friends. Greens (lettuce, sorrel, etc.) dream of difficulties in matters that will bring you a lot of suffering. If you ate grass in a dream, poverty and illness await you. Dry grass promises that you will suffer great losses.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

What does Grass mean in a dream?

Grass - Tall, green - a successful period is ahead. Dry - can let down your health, pay attention to your stomach. Mowed - if you mowed down, that someone's death may be sudden, if someone mowed down - death awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Grass

Grass - see - beware of deception - green - success in business - sluggish - poverty, failure - mow - Your well-being will increase.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananite's Dream Book

What does Grass predict in a dream?

Green, lush grass is a sign of prosperity, pleasure and bright hopes.

Pulling grass in a dream is a sign of need or fear. Walking on soft, green grass in a dream is a sign of love, bliss, health and serenity. But if in a dream the grass prevents you from walking, clings to your legs, etc., then this is a sign that unexpected obstacles await you in business and you will not immediately guess who set it up.

Mown but not yet harvested grass in a dream warns you of misfortune in your home or in the home of your loved ones.

Mowing grass in a dream is a harbinger of illness. Dried grass in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you were unable to achieve what you wanted due to weakness of spirit or illness. After such a dream, you can give up on some business. For lovers, such a dream indicates that their desire to marry their lover will not come true. For those who want to get rich, such a dream predicts disappointment.

About medicinal herbs See interpretation: greenery, plant, medicine, arch, field.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does it mean to see Grass in a dream?

People // obstacles; walking along it means a friend will betray you, difficulties; mowed - death, failure; green – good, health, joy, hope, happiness, success, changes in life; withered - illness, poverty; collect - poverty; mowing is a big hassle, death.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Interpretation of sleep Grass

If in a dream you walk, lie, sit on green, lush grass, then this portends you success and good luck in business, at work. This means that there is “soil” under your feet that cannot be shaken, that is, what you have done before this time will serve as the basis that will ensure your well-being in the future. If the grass in your dream turns yellow, withers, or droops, then difficulties in business or health problems await you. The more space you see is filled with withered grass, the more serious and dangerous the trouble awaiting you. If in a dream you trample, trample down the grass, or it dries up behind you, then you need to rethink your life and your actions. Perhaps you are not doing exactly the right thing, which can lead to undesirable results.

If you saw in a dream some medicinal herb (mint, St. John's wort, coltsfoot or some other), when you wake up, try to concentrate and remember well the appearance of the herb, if it is unfamiliar to you, or what it is called. Your body is probably sick or weakened, and if you start drinking a decoction of this herb, you will be protected from serious illness.

By the way, Alexander the Great, during his next military campaign, his best friend Ptolemy fell ill. From childhood, Makedonsky had a strong friendship with the sick man, so he was on duty at the patient’s bedside for several days and nights. And one day, when the tired king fell asleep, he saw a turtle pointing to a healing herb. Makedonsky examined it carefully and remembered it. And the next morning, Alexander the Great went to the indicated place and found this herb, with which he cured Ptolemy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

Dream prediction Grass

Walking on dewy grass and getting your feet wet means a love quest and peace of mind. Rolling around in the thick grass means a prosperous and carefree life. Seeing freshly cut grass and inhaling its fragrant aroma - in reality you will be so overloaded with work that you will even have to postpone your vacation.

Hiding in the tall grass means love will flare up with renewed vigor; looking for a lover in it means a quick wedding. Collecting medicinal herbs is a successful outcome of a serious illness. Weed the weeds - get rid of the annoying suitor. Setting fire to dry grass means an accident.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Why do you dream about Grass?

Fresh, green grass in a dream is a very favorable sign, foreshadowing a happy, well-off life. She prophesies a rapid increase in prosperity for businessmen, fame for writers and artists, and a safe journey across the boundless ocean of love for lovers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does the dream Grass mean?

if an unknown plant grows in a place where grass usually does not grow, then a family relationship will develop with the owner of this place. Green grass symbolizes piety in faith. And if he sees in a dream that people are holding green grass in their hands, then this is a sign of harvest this year. And whoever among the poor sees himself among green grass, gathering it or eating it, will become rich. Seeing different herbs in a dream means impermanence.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Seeing Grass in a dream

Green, fresh - to a happy and fruitful life.

Imagine walking barefoot through thick green grass. Pick a bunch of grass and inhale its aroma.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What do dreams mean? Grass

A dream about grass promises a happy and well-off life. For businessmen - replenishment of capital, for writers and artists - fame, for lovers - serene enjoyment of wonderful feelings.

But the mountains towering above the green plains are a sure sign of approaching danger.

Dried grass in a dream foreshadows illness or difficulties in business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Dream about Grass

Green lush grass in a dream: a sign of calm, serenity and good health.

However, if the grass seems too tall or grows where it shouldn’t: such a dream warns that your excessive serenity and calmness may have a bad effect on your business.

if grass grows right on the floor of your house: this portends a threat to your well-being.

Dry grass: a sign of sadness. Perhaps you are too pessimistic about your life.

Seeing patches of dry grass on a green lawn: portends temporary illness.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing tall grass in a dream, walking across a field, picking flowers means a prosperous period in life. It’s good if you dreamed that there were a lot of green and lush plants around. Such a dream means good health and the strength to carry out even large projects. Traditional dream books clearly describe why water meadows are dreamed of.

Explanations from Miller's dream book

Walking through green and tall grass is a sign of honor and respect in the family, at work, among friends. The psychologist recommends paying attention not only to surrounding objects, but also to your feelings and actions in a dream.

To understand why you dream of plants in a field, you should remember in more detail how exactly you interacted with them and only then look into dream books:

  • mowed - to profit, winnings, receiving gifts;
  • lay and enjoy - to complete recovery;
  • tore, saw yellowed leaves - to correct mistakes;
  • made your way with difficulty - your projects will require a lot of effort, but the return will be appropriate;

All endeavors will be crowned with success

Seeing huge greenery in a dream, making your way through it, going towards your goal is always good. The dream means that a person is not afraid of obstacles, is ready to overcome any difficulties, and solve assigned tasks at any cost. A favorable outcome awaits everyone who dreamed that tall grass grew not in a meadow, but in the middle of the city, for example, or even in an apartment.

Nostradamus’s dream book explains well why you dream of overcoming the thickets. It turns out that seeing yourself among the reeds, bushes, and getting out of them is a direct path to fame, honor, respect not only from loved ones, neighbors, colleagues, but also from everyone who surrounds you at the moment.

Financial problems will be resolved

Mowing green and tall grass in a dream means major acquisitions. If for a long time you could not afford to buy something very expensive and necessary, know that the time has come when your financial capabilities will increase sharply.

The planned purchases will delight everyone who dreamed that they had the opportunity to work with a scythe, knit sheaves with their own hands, or create haylofts. In addition, dream books promise a number of successful transactions and the signing of new lucrative contracts.

Make peace with your loved ones

Seeing dry tall grass means making mistakes. Most likely, you have undeservedly offended a loved one or loved one. The dream warns that it is time to apologize and reconcile with loved ones. A disagreement can drag on for a long period if you dreamed that there were a lot of yellow leaves among the greenery.

Dream Interpretation Tear grass

Green meadows, even in a dream, inspire calm and tranquility. Since ancient times, herbs have been called silk and lush. And the attitude towards them was appropriate. But what if you had to vigorously tear up the grass in a dream? To answer the question of why you dream about picking grass, you need to analyze what you saw and look at the night dream from different angles.

Lush green growth in the meadows speaks of good health. If it is flooded with clean water in a dream, it means that you will be able to preserve it until a very old age. But an overgrown path to the house means that you will be able to achieve a respectable position in society.

In a dream, tearing green grass to feed an animal means that you have entrepreneurial talent. To see how cattle that have eaten grow right before your eyes means you will be able to make a substantial fortune out of practically nothing.

What does the dream mean?

In order to understand where such visions come from, it is important to remember two fundamentally important points:

If you tore up the grass

  • what condition was it in when you tore it (fresh, juicy or dry, blackened):
  • for what purpose was it needed (to feed an animal, to eat yourself or to prepare a healing decoction).

What kind of shoots had to be plucked?

If in a dream the lush growth was familiar to you by name or variety, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to put into practice the previously acquired knowledge. Going through, putting aside only what you need, will take a long time to find an assistant.

Seeing unknown, but beautiful and succulent plants in a dream means fruitful cooperation with foreign investments (both financial and human).

It’s worse if it was yellow or dried out in a dream. In this case, you should devote more time to your own health. There is no need to think that the cause of the malaise is a banal lack of sleep. It is better to consult a doctor, the modern dream book advises.

Silk herbs

Tearing fresh green grass in a dream means making a profit.

If she was in places familiar to you, and you enjoyed touching her, get ready for the fact that you will have to do what you like most.

Perhaps you will be able to turn your favorite hobby into a decent source of income. Or you can discover a long-dormant talent within yourself.

If you dreamed of high mountains behind green plains, you can expect some obstacles in promoting your own business. And dried out or trampled in places means the evil machinations of competitors.

Withered greens

If in a dream you tore up green shoots, but found hay in your hands, no efforts of yours will be able to save the work you have started. At first you will suffer minor losses, but every day they will grow like a snowball. Subsequently, it will be difficult for you to pay off creditors.

You dream that you step on green grass, but it immediately turns black - a bad sign. Serious health problems await you. Yellowed grass under your feet means illness in relatives or children.

Seeing how the mop you plucked is eaten by locusts means serious losses, a debt trap or loss of housing, warns the esoteric dream book.

For what purpose

To interpret such a dream, it is very important to remember for what purpose the herbs were collected in the dream.

Own impressions

As a rule, dreams in which you see green, lush grass evoke pleasant impressions. But even if it is yellow or dried out, it almost never frightens and does not cause strong negative emotions. Unfortunately, this is precisely the reason that such a night dream is not taken seriously and they are in no hurry to take care of their own health.

It is very important to pay attention to visions in which the grass turns yellow right in your hands - this indicates the asymptomatic development of a serious disease. If such a picture is etched in your memory, you need to urgently visit a doctor, the esoteric dream book recommends.

Tall silky fragrant herbs mean good health and financial well-being, the family dream book promises. Walking through a meadow and picking off some blades of grass you like is a sign of a high leadership position.

If you are happy that lush grass has grown in your own meadow, you will be able to organize work well in your own enterprise.

Beautiful green grass can become a real decoration of a dream. But besides this, this symbol is very informative. Therefore, you need to know what green grass means in a dream in order to be able to prepare for certain events in reality and react to them correctly.

In order to understand what a dream with green grass could mean, you must definitely pay attention to its appearance.

Grass in a dream

Tall green grass

Tall green grass is always a very good sign. It foretells the onset of a happy period of life when there will be no difficulties.

Some features of the interpretation of such dreams:

  • For people involved in business, such night dreams foretell good profits.
  • If a person is engaged in creative activities, then thick green grass in a dream promises him fame.
  • For lovers, lush green grass is a symbol of the fact that you can fully enjoy your feelings.

The exception is the dream plot, in which green grass spreads out in front of a mountain range. Such a dream indicates that a person is in serious danger in reality.

You can also find other interpretations of dreams in dream books:

  • Young grass that grows in spring clearings indicates the end of a difficult life period, which was associated with various deprivations and restrictions.
  • If tall grass prevents you from moving forward, it means that in reality you will have to overcome obstacles.
  • When grass appeared in a dream immediately after a rainstorm, this foreshadows pleasant surprises in the near future.

Why do you dream of green grass and trees?

A particularly favorable dream is to dream of green grass and trees. This indicates that your life will have favorable conditions for personal development.

In addition, when interpreting sleep, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Deciduous trees indicate the possibility of developing mental abilities.
  • Coniferous trees emphasize that you will be able to enrich yourself emotionally.
  • Fruit trees emphasize that the desire for development will lead to financial benefits.
  • Exotic trees portend that you will be able to make your dreams come true.

Green field of grass

A green field of grass indicates that you wish to increase your self-esteem and demonstrate this. You strive to do this with the goal of changing the attitude of the people around you. A field of grass is interpreted differently in dream books. Sometimes this is a symbol that all work in real life will be crowned with success. But also in dream books there is an interpretation that endless grass foreshadows a quarrel with close friends. Moreover, even if it is possible to reconcile, the relationship will remain strained.

Meadow with green grass

A meadow with green grass is a good sign in a dream. It symbolizes material well-being and confidence in the future. But if it is hilly, then this may portend serious health problems that will arise for the dreamer’s loved ones.

Why do you dream of green grass in winter?

Very often the question arises about why green grass is dreamed of in winter. If it is covered with snow, then you should expect big changes in life, both in your personal life and in the business sphere. If the grass breaks through the fluffy snow, then this portends a good profit.

Dry grass

Dry grass in a dream predicts temporary apathy in real life associated with stagnation in business. But if you dreamed of dry medicinal plants, then this indicates that peace will reign in your personal life. For people who are sick, such a dream portends a speedy recovery.

If withered grass appears in a dream, this indicates that the dreamer should rethink his own life and look at his behavior from the outside. Perhaps something needs to be fixed urgently. In addition, in the coming period you cannot spread yourself thin; you need to concentrate on the most important things.

You should pay attention to possible interpretations of dream options with dry grass:

  • If you have to rake dry grass, this means that you will not be able to make the right decision at a crucial moment.
  • When, according to the plot of your dream, you use dry grass to create a bouquet, this indicates that in real life your hopes and aspirations will not come true.
  • If you dream that you are weaving dry grass into a wreath, then this is a cooling of the relationship with your loved one.
  • If you dream of grass scattered on the floor, then this portends illness.

Mow grass - dream book

For correct interpretation, it is very important to remember what actions were carried out with the grass. Very often dreamers are interested in the question of why they dream of mowing grass.

It is important to remember where you cut the grass:

  • If the mowed grass was on the lawn in front of the house, this means that a period of life is beginning, filled with vivid emotions and impressions.
  • If you had to mow green grass on a high mountain plateau, then in reality you will be able to realize all your ideas.

Cut grass

In most cases, freshly cut grass in a dream means that the dreamer will have to work a lot in real life. It is imperative to take care of your own health during such a period in order to avoid nervous breakdowns.

If you dream of mowed green grass, but you did not mow it, then this is not a very good sign. He warns that in life one should expect troubles and worries in a variety of areas.

Mow the grass with a scythe

Mowing grass with a scythe in a dream means that in real life you will have to experience anxiety and worry.

In addition, such a dream could mean the following:

  • If a woman dreams that she is mowing the grass, then in reality she may become a victim of gossip.
  • For a girl, such a dream may portend the receipt of favorable news.
  • After the dream, you should expect to meet a pleasant person in the near future.

When, according to the plot of your night dreams, you have to watch a stranger mow the grass, then in reality you can count on part of the profit that your business partner will receive if the project is successfully implemented.

Collect grass

If, according to the plot of your dream, you have to collect grass, this means that in reality you are in a state of solving a problem that has been troubling you for a long time. But such a dream suggests that you first need to relax and unwind.

Tearing grass - interpretation of sleep

When you have to tear the grass with your hands, you need to pay attention to the nuances of the dream plot:

  • If you have to tear up grass for a specific purpose, for example, in order to feed animals, then this indicates that with the help of partners it will be possible to successfully complete the work started.
  • If in a dream you are tearing up grass on someone else’s property, then you will have to borrow other people’s ideas to solve your own problems.
  • If you have to tear up grass for your own food, then this portends troubles in real life or health problems.
  • If in a dream you have to tear up all the grass in a row, then this symbolizes the dreamer’s fear of some circumstances or indicates that he is at a crossroads.

Walk on the grass

If you have to walk on the grass in your dreams at night, then in reality you will be immersed in feelings of love and experience real bliss and happiness.

Be sure to take into account various nuances of the plot:

  • Walking on green grass and experiencing pleasure at the same time means preparing for a wedding in reality.
  • Walking along the green grass towards a loved one means that you will soon part with him.
  • Walking barefoot on the grass in night dreams means expecting a deterioration in your health in the near future.
  • Running on the grass means you will soon achieve success in life.

Walking on grass in a dream

If you have a dream in which you have to walk on the grass for a very long time, then this foreshadows a quarrel with a friend. Sometimes this can be a warning about the betrayal of a loved one. If you often have a dream in which you walk on grass, then this means that in real life you are constantly disappointed in people. Until you can surround yourself with trusted friends, you will not have peace of mind.

In addition, walking on grass in a dream characterizes the dreamer as an open person. If you had such a dream, it means that you always strive to help people and never stay away from other people’s problems and troubles.

Burning grass

Very often people have dreams in which they set fire to grass. Burning grass portends health for many years. In addition, when the grass burns, this may mean that the dreamer will finally be able to realize his desire to become rich. In addition, if the dreamer personally sets fire to the grass in a dream, then he should be careful in real life.

Other dream plots can be interpreted as follows:

  • If you have to plant grass in a dream, this indicates that you are striving for independence.
  • Weeding the grass in the garden in your night dreams means that in reality you will win a victory over the enemy.
  • If you have to weed out weeds, this means that unexpected obstacles will arise in your work.
  • If a stranger is engaged in weeding in a dream, then this foreshadows that the feelings of a loved one will cool down.
  • For a girl, a dream associated with weeding a vegetable garden may mean that she will be able to get rid of an annoying admirer.
  • If in a dream you have to look for a lost thing among tall grass, then this warns that a certain fact of your own life will need to be hidden from others.

Dreams with grass are always warning in nature. Therefore, after such nightly dreams, the dreamer always has a chance to influence certain events and thereby minimize possible negative consequences.

Green grass according to the dream book

Dreams help us look into the future without the help of a professional fortune teller. If you know what this or that plot is about in your dreams, you can interpret it yourself using a dream book. Seeing green grass in a dream usually signifies a prosperous and calm period in life.

But a dream with such vegetation can be deciphered in some other way. An explanation for this dream is given in many sources. Some of these explanations are quite controversial.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books

Dream book of the 20th century. Seeing green grass in a dream in this case means peace of mind and good health. But, if it grows in the wrong place or if it is too high, then beware, your excessive serenity will negatively affect the state of current affairs.

Why do you dream about grass growing on the floor in an apartment or house? The interpreter in this case warns of a serious threat to existing well-being. If in a dream you saw withered areas on a beautiful lawn, then you will probably feel unwell soon.

Family dream book. Tall green grass predicts a happy life without any financial difficulties. If a businessman had such a dream, then he should expect a replenishment of his capital. It promises quick fame for writers, as well as artists. Lovers will be able to enjoy their feelings without struggling with obstacles. If a living carpet extends at the foot of the mountains, then danger should be expected.

Dream book of a gypsy. Walking on green grass to get married in real life. If, as you walk, the surface gradually or even quite abruptly changes to yellow and withered, then you will encounter many difficulties. Some of them will cause a huge amount of trouble.

French dream interpreter. According to this source, a lush green carpet warns against betrayal of people you consider friends. It also explains why you dream of lettuce or sorrel. They promise difficulties in matters from which you will seriously suffer. Eating greenery in a dream means illness and tangible material problems.

Dream book of Zhou-gong. Green grass and trees growing on the field promise profit. Vegetation right in the house on the floor indicates that this home will soon be empty. Greenery growing in front of large or small gates promises appointment to a high position.

Universal interpreter. A good pasture promises in real life an increase in status and/or monetary well-being. If the grass grew indoors, then in reality you are very homesick for your home and long to return to the place where you are loved and where they are waiting. Another option for why such a plot is dreamed is a thirst for escaping problems.

Miller's Dream Book. According to Miller's dream book, green grass promises a prosperous and very joyful life. Lonely people will certainly meet their long-awaited soul mate, and those in need will improve their financial situation. Lying on a living carpet marks the beginning of a pleasant love relationship.

Esoteric reference book. Fresh and fairly dense vegetation predicts a successful and prosperous period ahead in all respects. Mowing green grass personally means the sudden death of someone around you. If you watched someone mowing it down, then you should be afraid of a quick unexpected death.

Thank you, I dreamed that I was walking on green grass.

I dreamed: men were mowing grass in a field. What is this for?

I dreamed that I was eating 2 bunches, one huge bunch of grass and a huge bunch of some hallucinogenic wildflowers. But in my dream I never felt bad.

I dreamed of water and green grass on it. I go into this water. Very deep, I'm afraid of drowning. But immediately there is soil under my feet and I easily emerge and get out of the water. Satisfied. For what?

A summer garden, young green trees with their branches on the sides and above surround a table covered with oilcloth after the holiday. The ground is covered with green grass. I look at all this, touch the table and the grass with my hand, like in childhood, and thank the Universe for such a dream.

I dreamed of very green grass, it grew in the kitchen of the apartment.

Dream Interpretation Grass, why do you dream about seeing Grass in a dream?

From this article you can find out what Grass dreams about from the dream books of different authors. An analysis of dreams on Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about Grass: interpretation of dreams according to 75 dream books

Why do you dream about grass in the fall?

Why do you dream about grass in summer?

Grass - To loss of strength.

Why does a child dream about Grass, interpretation of sleep:

Grass - You will have the opportunity to have a good rest, this is the interpretation of what you dream at night.

Why does a woman dream about Grass, what is this dream about?

Grass - Fresh, green grass in a dream is a very favorable sign, foreshadowing a happy, well-off life. She prophesies a rapid increase in prosperity for businessmen, fame for writers and artists, and a safe journey across the boundless ocean of love for lovers. Seeing mountains towering over green plains in a dream is a sign of impending danger. Dried, sun-bleached grass promises grief, illness or difficulties in business.

Russian folk dream book

Why do you dream about Grass - interpretation of the dream:

Grass – Seeing grass in a dream can be associated with the past, with regret and hope for rebirth.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

Why do you dream about Grass in an everyday sense?

Grass - Seeing grass in a dream can be associated with the past, with hope for rebirth, with regret or renunciation. Seeing grass breaking through concrete in a dream means undying hope that will come true. To see a person crawling on his knees and looking for something in the grass - you are overly curious, and this will cause you a lot of inconvenience. To dream of a person walking through the grass, and it withers right before your eyes - there is a selfish person in your environment who makes life difficult for everyone and for you in particular, be honest and do not be afraid to tell the truth. Admiring the shine of the grass and feeling that it feels silky to the touch is a sign of fatigue and a desire to change the situation; to memories. The path is overgrown with grass - a meeting with an old acquaintance; resurrection of past events; change in outlook on life. Seeing a grave overgrown with grass means problems with parents and older family members. Mowing the grass means profit, prosperity, and troubles. Feeding an animal grass means searching for a reliable friend, the desire to win the trust of a good person; to a declaration of love, a frank conversation. Collecting medicinal herbs means puzzling over a long-standing problem, looking for an unconventional solution, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

Seeing Grass in a dream - If in a dream you walk, lie, or sit on green, lush grass, then this portends you success and good luck in business, at work. This means that there is “soil” under your feet that cannot be shaken, that is, what you have done up to this time will serve as the foundation that will ensure your well-being in the future. If the grass in your dream turns yellow, withers, or droops, then difficulties in business or health problems await you. The more space you see is filled with withered grass, the more serious and dangerous the trouble awaiting you. If in a dream you trample, trample down the grass, or it dries up behind you, then you need to rethink your life and your actions. You may not be doing the right thing, which could lead to undesirable results. If you saw in a dream some medicinal herb (mint, St. John's wort, coltsfoot or some other), when you wake up, try to concentrate and remember well the appearance of the herb, if it is unfamiliar to you, or what it is called. Your body is probably sick or weakened, and if you start drinking a decoction of this herb, you will be protected from serious illness.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why does Grass appear in dreams?

Grass - Obstacle; green – hope, this is the interpretation of Grass according to the dream book.

Why do you dream about Grass, according to popular beliefs in Little Russia:

Grass - Grass - people. If you dream of green grass - fortunately, success. Cutting the grass is a big hassle.

Why do you dream about grass in spring?

Grass - Your condition will be such that you will want to give a damn about everything.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

In a dream, what does Grass dream about:

Mow the grass - To your husband, intimate friend.

Grass – Especially viscous, entwining the legs. Green grass, green meadow (may simply serve as a sign that the dreamer’s soul is entering the other world).

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Grass – Waiting and hope; high – difficulties; green, beautiful - well-being; eating, chewing - disappointment; in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dream about.

What do you dream about and how to interpret Grass according to the dream book?

Grass - Grass in a dream is a warning against betrayal of imaginary friends. Greens (lettuce, sorrel, etc.) Dream of difficulties in matters that will bring you a lot of suffering. If you ate grass in a dream, poverty and illness await you. Dry grass promises that you will suffer great losses.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about Grass according to the dream book:

Grass - This is a truly auspicious dream, promising a happy and well-off life: it portends a rapid accumulation of wealth for trading people; glory - to writers and artists; safe journey on the stormy sea of ​​love - to all who love. Seeing mountains towering over green plains is a sure sign of approaching danger. If in a dream, while walking through a green meadow, you come across places with dried grass, this portends illness or difficulties in business. A happy omen is only a dream about green and lush grass. Dried grass promises grief.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of Grass, why?

Grass - See - beware of deception; mow - your well-being will increase; lying on the beautiful lush grass is the beginning of a sweet relationship. Dried - illness and weakness.

What does grass mean in dreams, interpretation:

Grass – Tall, green, a good period ahead. Dry food can ruin your health, pay attention to your stomach. Mowed if you mowed down, that someone's death may be sudden, if someone mowed down death awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about Grass according to the dream book?

Grass - See - beware of deception - green - success in business - sluggish - poverty, failure - mow - Your well-being will increase

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

What do you dream about and how to interpret Grass?

Grass (meadow) – Grass symbolizes vital energy and health. Green grass - health, success, inspiration. Dry, brown grass - hard, unsuccessful work, illness.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about Grass, interpretation of sleep:

Grass (see Meadow) – People // obstacles; walking along it means a friend will betray you, difficulties; mowed - death, failure; green – good, health, joy, hope, happiness, success, changes in life; withered - illness, poverty; collect - poverty; mowing is a big hassle, death.

Why do you dream about Grass in a dream?

The grass is green - Health.

What does grass mean and why do you dream?

Grass - Seeing green foretells joy, fulfillment of desires and hopes, and for the sick it foretells recovery; seeing withered grass foreshadows illness; seeing mown grass for the sick signifies death, and for a healthy person failure in his affairs.

Why do you dream about Grass by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of Grass in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream about Grass according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream about Grass from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about Grass according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about Grass from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream about Grass in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about Grass in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Sun April 23, 2017, 12:56:12

Mon February 13, 2017, 14:12:14

Sun November 06, 2016, 15:20:02

Wed March 30, 2016, 10:51:20

Sat March 05, 2016, 09:44:40

Grass in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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If you dream of green grass, the dream book describes what you should prepare for in reality.

Dreams in which green grass was present are considered a good sign for the one who saw them. Such visions represent positive life changes, material well-being and good luck in financial matters.

The dream intensifies its meaning, if the sleeper felt the aroma emitted by the grass. The presence of additional details and characters in a dream will help to interpret it correctly and predict future events.

Waist-deep green grass

To see green grass in a dream that reaches the sleeper's waist symbolizes happiness in life. The person will be unfamiliar with financial difficulties. For businessmen, the dream portends significant income, increasing capital several times. Creative people will receive recognition and become famous thanks to their activities. A couple in love will be able to fully enjoy their feelings, as all barriers will disappear.

Grass and trees

When trees rise above the green grass, such a dream foretells good profits. Grass growing right in the middle of the room symbolizes a change of place of residence. Previous housing will remain empty.

Greenery and flowers

If in a dream flowers grow along with green grass, in real life the sleeper will meet interesting people. The acquaintance will be very useful, therefore, when in the near future you receive an invitation from colleagues or friends to attend any celebration or any other event, need to accept it. A change of scenery and a good rest is exactly what you need.

See the earth among the grass

If you see in the plot of a vision how bald spots of the earth break through the green grass, in reality the sleeper will begin to correct the mistakes made. This is a very important moment in life; it does not allow a person to move on and conduct business properly. Ultimately everything will be returned quickly into place and no major losses are expected. It will take a lot of time to do everything about everything, but the results obtained will compensate for everything.

Mow the grass

Mowing grass in a dream means that in real life the status and dignified existence of the sleeper will be confirmed. Exceptionally favorable events will occur in life.

This time is very suitable for beginnings, marriage, concluding lucrative contracts.

Tear with your hands

If in the plot of the vision the dreamer was tearing up low-growing grass with his hands, in reality he needs to take care of his health. Stomach problems or the resumption of an old illness that has not manifested itself for a long time are possible. When grass has grown on the road, it symbolizes a joyful meeting with an old friend, which will bring many pleasant moments.

Cut grass

Walking along freshly cut grass in the plot of the vision foreshadows the onset of a period of major failures. Perhaps someone will want to appropriate the results of the dreamer’s work in order to benefit. There is no need to negotiate a new business in the near future; get involved in dubious undertakings and follow the advice of strangers. You need to wait a little and then everything will cost minimal losses.

fold it

If in the plot of the dream the sleeper was putting green grass in a stack, in reality he will go on a trip. It could be a business trip or a pleasant trip. If it was dry, it means prosperity. It is likely that an inheritance or a large win will help to obtain it; it is possible that the sleeper will be rewarded with a significant sum of money. In any case, the vision foreshadows positive events.

The dream is a warning. In real life, the dreamer may suffer from an accident. In the near future, you should refrain from long trips and do not use your own vehicle. In addition, you should be careful when handling electrical appliances. Vigilance will help avoid serious consequences.

Lying on the grass

Favorable dream for lonely people. In the near future, the dreamer will have a pleasant acquaintance. The development of events will be rapid and the sleeper will plunge headlong into a new relationship. You should take a closer look at your chosen one, maybe it's fate. If a married couple has been feeling tension lately, it’s time to sort things out. There is no need to keep everything to yourself; if you speak out and listen to the opinion of the opposite side, everything can be corrected.

walk on it

If a young unmarried girl had such a dream, then soon a young man will propose to her.

They are quite capable of causing trouble, which will force you to abandon your current affairs.

Growing in the yard

To see in a dream how the yard is overgrown with bright green grass foreshadows a waking experience of disappointment in a person who has long been the dreamer’s ideal. If traces remain on it that are clearly visible, the dreamer will soon have a good opportunity to increase the level of his knowledge and abilities. Perhaps he will do study at a prestigious institution or he will be sent from work to advanced training courses.

In the near future, conflicts between close relatives will be resolved. Everything will happen gradually, relationships will become the same. If the dreamer wants to change his place of work, then the time has come to start looking for it. A new place will provide an opportunity to provide for oneself well financially, and there will be an opportunity to show everything that the sleeper is capable of. Perhaps this will provide him recognition and respect in the team.

At the cemetery

A favorable dream, predicting that the dreamer, who has lost all hope for the best, will find it again and believe in himself. There is no need to despair, if you do not make efforts and work, achieving your goal will be impossible. Only actions aimed at improving life will make the sleeper a successful person. You shouldn’t bury your talent; it will come in handy very soon. If the grave is overgrown with grass, then in reality the dreamer is expected to problems with parents.

See in winter under the snow

When the dreamer saw during a dream how the first snow covered the green grass, one should expect good life changes. They can affect not only work, but also personal life. If the snow was clean and fluffy, the vision is favorable, promising to receive a large sum of money. When the snow carpet has melted immediately, you shouldn’t wait too long quick fulfillment of desires, obstacles will arise on the way to the goal.

Looking for a lost item among the grass

When the dreamer was searching for something in a dream and was on his knees, in real life he will become an eyewitness to certain events that should not be made public. It’s better to pretend that you didn’t notice anything than to suffer the consequences later. Sometimes it is very bad to know the facts from the lives of strangers. They can be vengeful and vindictive.

Feed grass to animal in meadow

The vision indicates the loneliness of the sleeper. In reality, he needs the support of friends and loved ones.

If the dreamer watched a herbivore grazing in a meadow, he will soon find a very valuable thing. You need to try not to miss the moment and make the most of this event. Perhaps the hero of the dream will receive a material reward for returning the found item.

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Why do you dream of green grass? We will learn more about this by reading the dream book.

Dreams with such plots have different explanations. Much depends on the additional circumstances of the dream. Only tall and green grass brings good news.

Interpretations of various dream books

Spring dream book

This symbolizes your complete indifference to everything that happens around you.

Autumn dream book

This dream is preparing you to feel sad.

Summer dream book

The vision symbolizes a breakdown.

Children's dream book (applies only to children)

This dreams of a wonderful holiday.

Women's dream book (only for women)

  • Green, lush grass is a sign with a positive connotation. It promises prosperity.
  • Entrepreneurs are foreshadowed by a stable financial condition.
  • For creative people, fame awaits you.
  • For couples in love - romantic life.
  • We saw meadows with green grass, and in the distance mountains towering above them - a possible threat.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

  • It breaks through asphalt or concrete - you don’t lose faith in better times, and it will come true.
  • I dreamed of a man looking for something in the green grass - a warning about your excessive curiosity. This can cause unpleasant situations.
  • A person walks on such grass and it withers before your eyes - there is an egoist among your friends. It ruins the life of those around you and you personally. We need to talk to him about this topic.
  • Admiring its appearance and feeling it while touching it means that you need rest, a change of scenery. The memories took over you completely.
  • Seeing a path that is almost overgrown with grass means meeting an old friend, changing your worldview.
  • I dreamed of a grave overgrown with green grass - a domestic showdown with parents or other family members.
  • They mowed it down - to a lucrative offer, a decent and prosperous life.
  • Feeding some animals with it portends a desire to find a reliable friend, a heart-to-heart conversation, a declaration of love. This also indicates your intention to gain the trust of an authoritative person.
  • Collecting medicinal herbs means you have a long-standing problem that you want to solve in an unconventional way.

Family dream book

Walking, sitting, lying on fresh green grass promises success and achievements at work and in all other matters. You have a solid foundation to move forward with financial stability.

Dream book of esotericism by E. Tsvetkova

A dream with such a vision foreshadows an obstacle and hope for the best.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Green grass dreams of happiness.
  • Mowing it means worries.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

  • If you mow it down, you will either get married or find a lover.
  • A meadow with thick green grass predicts to the dreamer that his soul will end up in another world.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

  • This is a sign of anticipation and hope.
  • It is tall and thick - to difficulties.
  • A lawn with beautiful, smooth and green grass promises complete well-being in all matters.
  • Eating or chewing it means a feeling of dissatisfaction.

French dream book

  • Such a vision warns against betrayal of your close friends.
  • Edible grass dreams of unpleasant events that will cause your suffering.
  • Eating it means poverty and poor health.

Interpretation by psychologist G. Miller

  • A dream with green and lush grass is a sign with a positive connotation. Foretells a good future.
  • Seeing such grass on the lawn and places among it where it is already drying up means poor health and financial problems.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

  • Seeing her means beware of deception and fraud.
  • Mow - to increase prosperity.
  • Lying on a green lawn - to a romantic relationship.

Esoteric dream book

  • Green and tall dreams of the beginning of a new successful stage in life.
  • Seeing it mowed down by you means someone’s sudden death.
  • If she was mowed down by another person, this awaits you personally.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

  • This vision denotes your close connection with your family. You are always happy to see your loved ones.
  • Mowing it warns you not to rush things. This will cause unpleasant consequences. Show restraint and calm.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Walking barefoot on it portends illness.

Explanation of the sorceress Medea

Such a vision promises good health, success and elation.

Universal dream interpreter

  • A beautiful large field with such grass promises an improvement in your position at work and a stable financial situation.
  • Seeing vegetation indoors speaks of longing for your home, your desire to quickly return to where you are loved and always welcome.
  • This dream scenario is also interpreted as a desire to forget difficulties and problems.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • Mowing it portends death and worries. Collecting means poverty.
  • Walking on it means problems, possible betrayal of loved ones.
  • Seeing green grass means good changes in life, a happy future.

Lunar dream book

The dream promises health.

Gypsy dream book

  • Seeing green grass means having fun and bringing all your plans to life.
  • For the patient - quick healing.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou - Guna

  • Green grass in the meadow portends a profitable business.
  • She grew up right in your house - this home will be empty in the near future.
  • Seeing it growing in front of the gate means you will get a more profitable job.

Interpretations from other sources

  1. For business people, this promises an increase in capital.
  2. Representatives of creative professions are foreshadowed by the imminent recognition of their works and fame.
  3. The grass at the foot of the mountains predicts impending danger.
  4. Eating greens in a dream means illness and tangible material problems.
  5. For lonely people, this prophesies a long-awaited meeting with their soul mate.
  6. For people living in need - to improve their material condition.
  7. Lying on a living carpet means the beginning of a pleasant love relationship.
  8. Walking on such a green carpet promises a real wedding.
  9. If during such a walk the grass withers and turns yellow. There are problems ahead. They can cause you a lot of trouble.
  10. A lot of green grass in a dream symbolizes your desire to improve your status in society.
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