Charles Aznavour biography family. The life of Charles Aznavour: world recognition, three wives and the death of an illegitimate son

French singer-chansonnier, poet, composer and film actor Charles Aznavour (real name Shamrooz Varenag Aznavourian) was born on May 22, 1924 in a family of Armenian emigrants. The birth of his son found his parents, who left the Russian Federation in the early twenties, in Paris, where they lingered waiting for a visa to the States. Ultimately, the Aznavourian family settled in France.

Charles inherited his acting abilities from his mother, who was a former actress. At the age of 5, he was already playing the violin in front of the audience, and at 9, he was performing Russian dances on stage. Around this time, he began singing in the chapel of the local church.

During World War II, his father volunteered for the front. To support his family, Charles performed in small Parisian cafes and theaters in occupied Paris.

He began composing songs in the early forties. In 1941, Aznavour met the aspiring musician Pierre Roche, in a duet with whom he performed in variety shows and nightclubs.

Since 1946 he collaborated with the popular French singer Edith Piaf, toured in Canada and France.

The song Jezebel, specially written for her by Charles, enjoyed enormous success in Piaf’s repertoire, but the song Je Hais les Dimanches, sung by Juliette Greco, was even more popular.

Charles's songs were performed by famous chansonniers Gilbert Beko, Patasha and others. The composition J»ai bu, recorded by Georges Ulmer, was awarded the Grand Prix as the best disc of 1947.

In 1950, Pierre Roche emigrated to Canada, and Charles began performing himself under the stage name Charles Aznavour.

In 1954, he achieved success as a singer for the first time, performing his song Sur ma vie in America. By 1954, he had written over thirty hit songs.

In 1956, the musician recorded several hits at once: Sa jeunesse, Parce que, Apres l’amour.

In 1963, the singer performed with great success at New York's Carnegie Hall.

In 1964, he went on tour to the USSR for the first time, where he visited his grandmother, who lived in a small village near Yerevan.

In 1965, Aznavour performed for twelve weeks with his solo concert at Olympia, accompanied by an orchestra. Fields of Moriah.

In December 1965, his first operetta Monsieur Carnaval was staged in Paris, which resulted in a new hit, La boheme. In 1973, he wrote the operetta Douchka, which premiered in the States.

In 1971, the song he performed, written by Aznavour for Andre Caillat’s film “Dying of Love,” became a hit.

In 1972-1973, the chansonnier gave concerts at Olympia, performing with Pierre Roche, who came from Canada to Paris for this.

In 1973 in London, Aznavour's song She was awarded a gold and then a platinum disc - an award that had never before been given to a Frenchman.

In 1977, the song Camarade was released, which topped the charts. In 1978, Aznavour's album entitled Je n'ai pas vu le temps passe was released, which included both old and new compositions.

In 1981, on the 40th anniversary of active creative activity, the singer recorded the album Charles Aznavour chante Dimey.

In November 1987, he gave a concert at the Palais des Congrès in Paris.

In 1988, after the Spitak earthquake, which took thousands of lives, Charles Aznavour created the charitable association Aznavour pour l’Armenie (“Aznavour for Armenia”) and organized several events to help the victims. For one of the events he invited Henri Vernoy and ninety others French singers and actors, in collaboration with whom he recorded the song “For You, Armenia,” which sold 2 million copies, and shot a video.

In November 2000, Aznavour was appointed Minister of Culture of France. At the same time, he continued to give concerts. In 2002, the artist toured Canada. At the end of 2003, he presented to the world an album of songs called Je voyage. In 2004, shortly before his eightieth birthday, he gave a series of concerts at the Parisian Congress Palace in Paris.

In 2006, the chansonnier organized a charity concert on the main square of the capital of Armenia in the presence of the Presidents of France and Armenia Jacques Chirac and Robert Kocharyan.

In May 2009, the head of the Armenian state, Serzh Sargsyan, appointed Charles Aznavour as the Ambassador of Armenia to Switzerland, the permanent representative of the republic to the UN office in Geneva.

In December 2011, Aznavour presented his album “Aznavour Forever” at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow.

Last April, at the State Kremlin Palace, he presented the program “ Eternal love", where the chansonnier sang part of the composition of the same name in Russian.

Aznavour appeared in films for the first time in 1955. In 1960, after the release of Francois Truffaut’s film “Shoot the Pianist,” in which Aznavour played the role of a cabaret pianist, the singer was recognized as a talented film actor. He successfully played roles with such prominent film directors as Claude Chabrol (The Hatter's Ghosts, 1982), Volker Schlöndorff (American Rat, 1963; The Tin Drum, 1979), Claude Lelouch (Edith and Marcel, 1983 ).

In the 2000s, he played leading roles in the films “Ararat” (2002) and “Père Goriot” (2004), as well as roles in the films “The Truth About Charlie” (2002) and “My Colonel” (2006).

In total, the singer starred in more than ninety films, wrote over 1.3 thousand songs (recorded more than 1.4 thousand), which he performed in 8 languages. His CDs and albums have sold over 180 million copies.

IN different years Aznavour's compositions were sung by Ray Charles, Shirley Basie, Liza Minnelli, Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire.

Last year, Charles Aznavour, together with his son Nicolas chansonnier, decided to continue his philanthropic activities by founding the Aznavour Foundation to implement educational, social and cultural programs.

At the end of April this year, Aznavour canceled his performances in the Russian Federation due to unsatisfactory health, after which he returned to Paris.

In May of this year, the singer suffered a double fracture of his left arm. He canceled 5 concerts planned for the summer.

Later, his concert tour took place in Japan.

Aznavour’s work was awarded the “Golden Lion” at the Venice IFF (1971), an honorary “Cesar” (1997), and an honorary prize at the Cannes IFF (2006).

He was awarded the title of National Hero of Armenia (2004) with the Order of the Fatherland.

He was an officer of the Legion of Honor (France, 1997), and was also awarded the honorary title of Knight of Canada (2008).

The year before last in Yerevan he became the laureate of the first Aurora Prize.

Last August, his star was unveiled on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Last October, Aznavour was awarded the Israeli Raoul Wallenberg Medal for his participation in the rescue of Jews during World War II.

A square in Yerevan is named after him, and a monument to the chansonnier stands in the Armenian city of Gyumri.

The House-Museum of Chansonniers was opened in the Armenian capital.

In 2010, a 5250 m peak in the Pamirs was named Charles Aznavour Peak.

Charles Aznavour was married several times. In his first marriage, he had a daughter, Seda (born in 1947). In 1967, Aznavour legalized his relationship with the Swede Ulle Türsel. They had 3 children - daughter Katya (born in 1969), sons Misha (born in 1972) and Nicolas (born in 1977).

Charles Aznavour is a composer, songwriter, performer and actor. But these are not all his talents. Not long ago he started writing fiction, and in 2007 his book “My Dad is a Giant” was published. Before this, only collections of song lyrics and an autobiography were published. Thus, having reached the age of 83, he revealed himself to the world as a talented writer. The biography of Charles Aznavour and facts from life indicate that he strong personality. For my long life he created more than a thousand songs, many of which were performed by such world-class stars as Liza Minnelli, Julio Iglesias, Ray Charles, Edith Piaf, and this is not the whole list.

Biography of Charles Aznavour. Family and childhood

Charles Aznavour was born on May 22, 1924 in a family of artists Armenian origin. The parents named the boy Shahnur Vakhinak Aznavuryan. A couple of years before his birth, they emigrated to France from Georgia in search of a better life.

But even in Paris they had a hard time, and, despite hard labour father in operetta, and mother in boulevard theaters, the family counted pennies.

At a certain point in their lives, Charles Aznavour’s parents lost faith in themselves and went into business, opening a small restaurant serving Armenian cuisine. Often the owner of the establishment sang in front of visitors, delighting their ears with his colorful voice. This added a special flavor to the restaurant.

Little Shahnur and his sister Aida obediently helped their parents, working for the good of the common cause. But the crisis that hit the country in the 30s also affected the Aznavour family, so the restaurant had to be closed.

Brother and sister were very gifted children. Little Aida played the piano wonderfully, and Charles successfully mastered the violin by the age of 5. When he grew up a little, his parents sent him to drama school. Despite the fact that the boy was very shy and homely, he could still open up in front of the public. At first he took part in extras, and later began to get leading roles like young Henry IV from the production of “Margot”.

The beginning of a creative journey

At first, Charles Aznavour wrote songs for other performers, but in the 40s, fateful meeting with young pianist Pierre Roche. The composer was waiting for his performance in one of the Parisian nightclubs and heard how the young entertainer mistakenly announced their performance as a duet. For fun, they performed several songs previously written by Charles. After which a strong, fruitful friendship began between the young people.

In 1946, the singer Edith Piaf, already well-known throughout Europe, drew attention to the duet of Roche and Aznavour, inviting the musicians to participate in a tour of America. Joint performances in Canada and the USA had resounding success, and the young musician began to be recognized on the streets. It was from this trip that I was ignited new star French chanson - Charles Aznavour.

In 1952 he continued solo performances in France, but at home he was received very indifferently. After which the composer abandoned the idea of ​​performing songs independently, remaining the author of the music and lyrics. He gained fame thanks to his collaborations with Greco, Mistinquet and Patashu. Many songs were also written for Piaf, with whom Aznavour was on friendly terms. He rewrote one American song in the French style (Jezebel), which, performed by the famous singer, became a real hit.

World recognition

By 1954, the French composer Charles Aznavour had accumulated enough material, and he decided to visit the United States again, this time solo, as a performer of his own creations. The performances were appreciated by the Americans, and the singer signed contracts with Alhambra and Olympia. Music critics, of course, slandered him, laughing at his cracked voice, but the public didn’t care much about it. Charles's natural charm took over. By 1957, Aznavour was loved and recognized by everyone. For the general public, his performances became a whole event! Soon he decided to tour different countries, and the public received him with love.


Over time, Aznavour also proved himself as a film actor, playing in such films as “Head Against the Walls” and “Womanizer.” And after the film “Shoot the Pianist,” released in 1960, Charles was invited to perform at the American Carnegie Hall. He so impressed the audience of this elite music hall with his performance that even the critics were delighted! Then Charles Aznavour went on a tour around the world and, after traveling for several years, returned home as a world-class star. He visited countries such as Libya, Greece, Africa, Türkiye and the USSR. The famous chansonnier's discs sold millions of copies.

Returning from the tour, Aznavour devoted twelve weeks to acting in the play One Man Show, which included 30 songs. The action of the play took place on the stage of Olympia. At the same time, he managed to play in the play “Paris in August”. And six months later, the world was presented with a new creation by Charles Aznavour - the comedy film “Mr. Carnival”, in which the beloved hit “La Boheme” was heard for the first time. A year later, he continued his tour and conquered Latin America. Then Charles alternated tours with performances at home, giving preference to Olympia.

Personal life

Aznavour was officially married three times during his life. He first married in 1946 to Micheline Rugel. The second was concluded in 1955 with Evelina Plessis. In 1968, the third wedding with Ulla Torsel took place in Las Vegas. A year later in Paris Armenian Church the wedding took place happy couple. According to official data, Charles has 6 children from different marriages: Seda, Charles, Patrick, Katya, Misha and Nicolas. He believes that his personal life is his fortress, and only allows a few people in there. Therefore, only what is known about the biography and personal life of Charles Aznavour is what he allowed to be known about himself. For him, family is a quiet, cozy little world in which he can relax.

  • From the age of nine, Shahnur began his acting career, performing in Parisian theaters, and at 11 he already received his first main role, playing the little King Henry IV. 20 years later, prophetic words were spoken to him: “You will conquer the world because you know how to excite.” They were said by the great Charles de Gaulle.
  • In the 1940s, Aznavour began working part-time in city cabarets, singing funny songs about Parisian beauties and wild life. He did it perfectly, but critics clung to his squeaky voice and small in stature(160 cm). Even the father made fun of his son’s voice.
  • For all my creative path Aznavour wrote 800 songs, and among them were such hits as “Eternal Love”, “La Boheme”, “Ave Maria”, “She” and “Isabel”. Many of them were performed in six languages ​​and sold hundreds of millions of copies around the world.
  • In one of the interviews, Charles Aznavour admitted that he never devotes own songs. Neither his wife, nor his children, nor even the great Edith Piaf, believing that there should be a clear line between creativity and personal life.
  • On October 3, 2014, ninety-year-old Aznavour gave a concert in Moscow, on the stage of Crocus City Hall. The concert lasted 2 hours, and the hall was packed with an enthusiastic audience.
  • On August 24, 2017, Aznavour was awarded a star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood. Its serial number is 2618 near the Pantages theater, in which the singer gave a concert almost a year before.
  • On May 22, 2018, Charles Aznavour will turn 94 years old, but he does not like to celebrate his birthday. He believes that the main thing is to live as if you are 30 and continue to create and give love to the audience. In one of the interviews, he promised to perform on stage even at 100 years old!

Life of a chansonnier today

During his long career, Charles Aznavour has about 60 roles in films by many famous directors. The famous Armenian deeply honors his roots, despite the fact that he was born in France. The earthquake that happened in Spitak did not leave the composer’s heart indifferent. Using his own funds, he created a fund to help affected city residents. And at the end of 2008 he became a citizen of Armenia.

Charles's last album, Color Ma Vie, was released in 2007 and was presented in various cities around the world, including Moscow.

In the film "Father Gregorio", released in 2004, Aznavour played the main role.

Misha and Knar Aznavourian, unable to meet the needs of the family, doing only art (he is a baritone, she is an actress), open a restaurant on Rue Huchette. The Aznavuryan family lives in an environment of music, theater and poetry. And it is quite natural that little Charles is attracted to this family profession. During the global crisis of the 30s, Misha closes his restaurant.

At the age of 9, Charles auditions and enters the Little People's Theater. Then plays began in which Charles played roles for children: “Emile and the Detectives” in the studio on the Champs-Elysees in 1933, “Much Ado About Nothing” at the Madeleine Theater in 1935, “The Child” by Victor Marguerite, at the end of 1935 he plays the role of Henry III as a child under the direction of Pierre Freney and Yvonne Prantham.

Meanwhile, Aida, his sister, is invited to join the variety show troupe. She involves Charles, who receives his first baptism of fire. Years pass, performances follow one another. Aida sings, leading her brother to follow in her footsteps. But Charles has an unsuitable appearance and a voice that is described as “unpleasant.”

Winter is coming, we must survive: selling newspapers on the streets and filming episodes of films allow the Aznavourian family to survive. While his father enlists, Charles receives a scholarship to the Central Radio School. He skips classes to study in the aisles of theaters or music halls and spends his time at the cinema. Aida discovers her brother at the Song Club. Charles meets Pierre Roche, a young pianist and composer. They form a duet under the name "Roche and Aznavour" and sing in cabarets in France and Belgium. Charles becomes Pierre Roche's regular poet. The first song sung by Georges Ulmer, "J"ai bu", receives the Grand Prix as disc of the year. Aznavour then wrote for Edith Piaf, Compagnons de la Chanson and Jacques Elian.


Charles Aznavour is getting married.


Seda, his first child, is born. He finds Edith Piaf again, who takes him along with the Compagnons de la Chanson for a grand French tour. Edith Piaf's departure to the USA. Roche and Aznavour join to perform at the New York concert. The border has been crossed, and here is Quebec, where success is not long in coming. They are invited to the Golden Pheasant, where they stay for 40 weeks at the rate of 11 performances per week, with an average of 600 spectators each. Under the influence of Edith Piaf, Charles separates from Roche. He returns to the publisher Raoul Breton, writes “Je hais les dimanches” for Juliette Gréco and gives songs to Chevalier. In just a few years, as one journalist wrote at the time, “France is completely Aznavourian.” There is not a single concert that does not include at least one song by Charles Aznavour. Facilities mass media love these songs, but find his voice dull and his style as a singer-artist too commercial. Upon his return from a trip to northern Africa, the management of the Moulin Rouge put his name at the head of the poster for the first time. Bruno Cockatrice does not stand aside and offers him 3 weeks at the Olympia in the first part of the Sidney Bechet concerts. Then the appearance in "Alhambra", which made Charles the young "star" number 1 in France. What kind of hard labor was there before... “They booed me, threw coins, beer bottles, but I survived, and now I’m here.”

Best of the day


Charles now has more than 30 successful songs to his credit. He finally gets a contract: 3 weeks of concerts at the Alhambra. This is a success, and professionals understand that Aznavour is now something to be reckoned with.


This year marks the start of a film career; he wins the prize for best actor in "Etoile de crystal".


Charles records, composes, sings, dances: “Sa jeunesse”, “Parce que”, “Au creux de mon epaule”, “Sur ma vie”, “Apres l'amour”, etc. Charles Aznavour is now a “star” This is his first and immediately triumphant summer tour, but it ends in a terrible car accident, immobilizing him for several months, both his arms are broken.


He starred in two films: “Paris music-hall” and “La tete contre les murs” by Georges Franju, continuing his parallel career as a singer. Two performances at the Alhambra, then Charles - main participant performances at Olympia.


He starred in the film "Dragueurs", gives concerts abroad, returns to France, starred in "Tirez sur le pianiste", "Le passage du Rhin" and "Un taxi pour Tobrouk". He signs an exclusive contract with Barclay and establishes his own record label.


New York - Charles presents his concert at Carnegie Hall. The critics are enthusiastic. Aznavour is about to start his "world tour" of the song.


After Turkey, Lebanon, Greece, black Africa, he leaves to conquer the USSR. He just sold over a million La Mamma records. He never saw his grandmother, who always lived in a small village near Yerevan.


Charles presents his solo concert at Olympia - 39 songs, accompanied by the large orchestra of Paul Mauriat. Within 12 weeks... This is an achievement never before achieved in Paris in such a big hall. Charles is the number 1 French song. In the summer he stars in Paris au mois d'aout. After a short stay in the United States, he returns to Paris in December to stage his first operetta, Monsieur Carnaval, at the Chatelet, starring Georges Guéthary and Jean Richard. This production becomes a major success, a new hit comes out of it: “La boheme”. Charles travels on the roads of the whole world, and this year he is seen in Canada, Martinique and Guadeloupe, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Angola and in South America, where he triumphs and where one of the songs, recorded in Spanish, "Avec", becomes number 1.


Excited tragic story Gabriel Russier, Charles writes a song for Andre Caillatte's film "Mourir d"aimer" and touchingly performs it. This song, from the musical side, is most favorable for recognition as a hit. Venice awards the Golden Lion prize for the recording of "Mourir d"aimer" on Italian language. Another big success With the Parisian public, since the performance at the Olympia at the beginning of the year, it has again become number 1 in the hit parade. On this album one finds that quality and that interest that betray the singer’s talent: “A song is work without insurance, the success of “La mamma” or “La boheme” does not come on its own,” he admits. Charles shares with Michel Constantin and Raymond Pellegrin the poster for Jean Larriaghi's film "La part des lions". He is embodied in a novelist depicting an armed raid.

Charles plays in Sergio Gobbi's Les intrus, for which he wrote the dialogue. It is in this film that his daughter Katya takes her first steps in cinema: “For three generations, my family has been serving the spectacle,” says the singer. Another film by Sergio Gobbi, "Un beau monstre", brings together Virna Lisi, Helmut Verger and Charles Aznavour on the screen. However, another big event marks this year, 1971: on May 17, Ulla, Charles’s wife, gives birth to their second child. This is a boy, he is named Misha.


In March, Charles makes a short appearance in Paris. He gives four concerts at Olympia over 6 weeks, during which he performs new songs for 21 days, then old hits. Another amazing fact: he gives two concerts a day during the week: at 18 o’clock new songs, at 21 o’clock old ones. Just as at the beginning, he sings together with his old accomplice Pierre Roche, who specially arrived from Canada, where he lives.

In "Comme ils disent" Charles dares to carefully examine a risky and delicate topic: perversion. In winter, a skiing accident immobilizes Charles for several months and forces him to work at home. He takes advantage of this to write with Georges Garvarenz an operetta for Marcel Merkes and Paulette Merval: "Douchka". In October he flies off for a special US premiere: An Hour with Charles with special guest: Liza Minnelli.


He receives the "Brummel" prize of elegance in England, awarded to the best dressed person in the "pop" category. "This evening Aznavour: his past and present." This disc, a retrospective of a long career, was recorded at a concert at Olympia. There you can find "Sur ma vie", "Il faut savoir", "Au creux de mon epaule", etc. For "She" Charles received a gold and then a platinum disc in London, an award never before given to a Frenchman. He is best ambassador French song abroad.


At the beginning of the year he leaves France to give a series of concerts in Japan. With Georges Garvarenz he writes "Ils sont tombes" in memory of the terrible genocide of which he was a victim Armenian people. On November 10, in the presence of Queen Elizabeth, he will experience the joy of being the "star" of the Royal Performance.


After 3 years of absence, Charles Aznavour returns to Olympia for 4 weeks. With new songs. He performs a brilliant Parisian performance: "Voila que tu reviens", "Par gourmandise", "Mes emmerdes", "Merci madame la vie"... He mentions everything big topics loves that are dear to him. The songs, full of tenderness, remind us of the passage of time. The album from concerts at Olympia is sufficient proof that Charles Aznavour remains one of the grandees of French music halls. He's doing well on the other side of the Atlantic: Ray Charles sings "La mamma", Shirley Basie and Fred Astaire - "Les plaisirs demodes", Liza Minnelli constantly sings Aznavour's songs. He is also starring in Douglas Highchox's film Sky Riders in Greece.


This year is rich in travel. The annual world tour to many countries brings unconditional triumph. In July, Charles once again asserts his voice and talent in "Camarade", a great humane and sensitive song that will not hesitate to take the top lines of the charts. Beginning of August, bright date: the Aznavour family has increased with the appearance of Nicolas; he sees the light in Paris for the first time and brings joy to his brothers and sisters. Charles ends the year as he began, that is, on a trip (Italy, Yugoslavia, Germany, Canada) and takes advantage of the trip to meet Lyra, his granddaughter, born in the USA. Songs cross borders without difficulty: Bing Crosby records "Hier encore" shortly before his death.


Another rich year for Aznavour: he is again the first line on the Olympia posters for a month. He finds his audience more and more enthusiastic, which he attracts with both unreleased and timeless songs. These new melodies are combined on the album "Je n"ai pas vu le temps passe". For example, "J"ai vu Paris", "La chanson du faubourg", "Dieu", "Avant la guerre"... Trip to 21 day in the French province, the first in 12 years, takes place on the most big cities, immediately after the end of the season at Olimpia. Then the years follow each other, as does success. He writes, he sings and acts. Eighty-one countries see it. He takes part in several films, including "Le tambour" by Volker Schlöndorff. His latest Broadway performance is a triumph, even for the journalistic public.


Triumph at Olympia


Charles Aznavour records an album entitled "Charles Aznavour chante Dimey". 40 years of career, over 600 recorded and over 1000 composed songs created over the years. Aznavour appears on stages all over the world, from Bangkok to New York, where Seda, the eldest daughter, lives.


Charles Aznavour signs an agreement with Regis Tallard and Jacques Reveau. 358 songs should be re-released.


Charles Aznavour adds another leaf to his wreath with the screenplay "Yiddish connection", directed by Paul Bogin and starring Andre Dussollier and Ugo Tognazzi. New album, entitled "Aznavour", where are "Embrasse-moi", "Toi contre moi", "Les emigrants", "Deja". 180,000 copies sold of the first 9 re-released albums released in parallel.


From May to July, a triumphant trip to the USA with Pia Zadora.

September - release of a new album, "Je bois". After 7 years of absence, Charles Aznavour performs at the Palais des Congrès from September 29 to November 9, 1987. Trip throughout France. Release of a double live album recorded at the Palais des Congrès. When asked what projects he has, he says: “I have no projects, I fill my life,” and adds: “And I have the impression that everything is just beginning.”


Palace of Congresses: week. Compilation "20 chansons d" or ". December 7, 1988: Earthquake in Armenia. The "Aznavour for Armenia" movement unites 89 artists around Charles: "Pour toi Armenie" becomes number 1 in the Top 50 in the first week and stays there for 13 weeks; over a million records sold.


Trip to Armenia. Three compilations re-recorded in London: "L"eveil", "L"elan", "L"envol". New album released: "Les plus grandes chansons".


"Chinese", TV series, hour-long episodes on TF1... "Laura": film made with Mireille Darc.


"Des mots a l"affiche", a book published by Cherche-Midi, written by Charles himself. "Ribot, le cheval du siecle": an Italian two-part film. "Il maestro", a film by Manon Ancel with Malcolm McDowell. "Les memoires des cendres": in Bulgaria with Dominique Sanda. "Aznavour 92": album, new songs made by Aznavour in collaboration with Georges Garvarenz and Jacques Revau. "Les annees campagnes" by Philippe Leriche. Tour this year, for which he composed the music." Aznavour-Minnelli": performance with Liza Minnelli at the Palais des Congrès in Paris from November 20 to December 15, before the world tour.


Tour throughout France.


Trip throughout South America. June: trip with Liza Minnelli in the USA and Canada. Filming of the film "Un alibi en or".


Shooting of the film "Baldipata" with Anni Kordi. September: release of a new album "Toi et moi", containing 12 new songs. Paris performance at the Palais des Congrès from October 19 to November 26, followed by a tour of France, Belgium and Switzerland until the end of March, with a break for the only Christmas concert in Vienna with Placido Domingo.

Well-known French chansonnier, Charles Aznavour celebrates his birthday today, May 22. The maestro turns 91.

He was named best singer XX century and during his lifetime a monument was erected. More than one generation has grown up with the compositions of Charles Aznavour. Composer, poet, writer, actor - one of the most talented Armenians in the world, even at this age, continues to delight the audience with his unique voice and performances.

Aznavour was born on May 22, 1924 in Paris. The artist’s parents emigrated to France from Western Armenia during the years of the genocide. Aznavour’s real name is Shahnur Vaginak Aznavuryan. Born into a family of ethnic Armenians, emigrants from Georgia who came to France in 1922. Father was born in Akhaltsikhe, Tiflis province Russian Empire(Aznavour’s paternal grandfather was the governor’s cook in Tiflis). Aznavour's mother came from an Armenian merchant family who lived in Turkey. Charles studied at a children's artistic school, and later at the TSF central school (Paris). From the age of 9 he sang and played on stage, and already in 1936 he made his film debut.

Aznavour initially performed in a duet with composer Pierre Roche. Both were noticed by Edith Piaf, and in 1946 Aznavour and Roche took part in her tour of France and the USA. From this time Aznavour's professional career as a chansonnier began. However, a decisive breakthrough on musical Olympus occurred in 1956, after successful concerts in Casablanca and Paris, where famous hall For a long time he performed at Olympia three times a day. In the early 1960s, Aznavour gave concerts in New York's Carnegie Hall and Ambassador Hotel, and later released his first American album on Frank Sinatra's Reprise Records.

Aznavour wrote more than a thousand songs, performed by himself, as well as by Ray Charles, Bob Dylan, Liza Minnelli, Julio Iglesias and others. Aznavour performed in a duet with Frank Sinatra, Celine Dion, L. Pavarotti, P. Domingo, P. Kaas, L. Minnelli, E. Segara and others. Aznavour is the author of music for the operettas “Monsieur Carnaval” (1965), “Douchka” (co-author, 1973) and “Lotrek” (2004). Among the worldwide famous songs Aznavour - “Bohemia”, “Mother”, “Eternal Love”, “Unfashionable Joys”, “Youth”, “Yesterday”, “Isabella”, “She”, “As They Say”, “Ave Maria”, “No, I haven’t forgotten anything”, “I already imagined”, “Because”, “Two Guitars”, “Carry Me Away”, “You Must Be able to”, “To Die for Love”, etc. Charles Aznavour recently went on a farewell tour around the world.

The musician’s connection with Armenia has always been very strong. Aznavour often visits Armenia, takes part in many issues regarding his historical homeland, and helps it in every possible way. Since May 2009, Aznavour has been the Ambassador of Armenia to Switzerland and the country's permanent representative at the UN headquarters. “I was born in France, lived all my life in Paris, but since childhood, when they asked me where I was from, I answered - I am Armenian. We were born Armenians, we will die Armenians,” says the great chansonnier.

Father of five children, caring and loving husband Charles Aznavour is happy. “My secret is optimism, and the key to my happiness is my family,” says the singer.

Charles Aznavour (French Charles Aznavour, pseudonym; real name Vahinag Aznavuryan; born May 22, 1924, Paris) is a French singer and actor of Armenian origin. Being one of the most popular performers in France, he is also well known far beyond its borders.

To this day, Aznavour has created approximately 1,000 songs, played in 60 films and sold more than 100 million discs. According to a joint poll by Time magazine and CNN (1998), Aznavour was recognized as the best pop performer of the twentieth century.

Musical: conversational genre for those who cannot sing and musical - for those who cannot speak.

Aznavour Charles

Born into a family of Armenian emigrants who moved to France in 1922, Aznavour’s mother came from an Armenian merchant family living in Turkey, his father was born in Georgia (Aznavour’s paternal grandfather was a cook for Tsar Nicholas II).

Charles Aznavour studied at the children's artistic school, and later at the TSF central school (Paris). From the age of 9 he sang and played on stage, and already in 1936 he made his film debut. Aznavour initially performed in a duet with composer Pierre Roche. Both were noticed by Edith Piaf, and in 1946 Aznavour and Roche took part in her tour of France and the USA. From this time Aznavour's professional career as a chansonnier began. However, a decisive breakthrough to the musical Olympia occurred in 1956, after successful concerts in Casablanca and Paris (where for a long time he performed three times a day at the famous Olympia). In the early 1960s, Aznavour gave concerts in New York's Carnegie Hall and Ambassador Hotel, and later released his first American album on Frank Sinatra's Reprise Records. Aznavour wrote more than a thousand songs, performed by himself, as well as by Ray Charles, Bob Dylan, Liza Minnelli, Julio Iglesias and others. Aznavour performed in a duet with Frank Sinatra, Celine Dion, L. Pavarotti, P. Domingo, P. Kaas, L. Minnelli, E. Segara and others.

He married for the first time on March 16, 1946 to Micheline Rügel, for the second time - on October 28, 1955 - to Evelyn Plessis, for the third time - on January 11, 1967 - to Ulla Thorsel. Children - Seda (Patricia), Patrick (died), from the latter marriage - Katya, Misha, Nicolas

In 2006, 82-year-old Aznavour went to Cuba, where, together with Chucho Valdez, he wrote the album Color Ma Vie, which was released on February 19, 2007. The world premiere of the new songs took place in Moscow, where Charles Aznavour gave his only concert on April 20, 2007.

Charles Aznavour - photo

Charles Aznavour - quotes

Musical: a conversational genre for those who cannot sing and a musical genre for those who cannot speak.

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