Fr chansonnier. French singers and singers famous all over the world


A symbol of elegance and refined taste, the eldest of 14 children in a mason's family and the Golden Voice of France - forever young Mireille Mathieu recently celebrated her 66th birthday. For our listeners, she has forever become one of the symbols of French chanson. Chanson, chansonnier... the spirit of Paris and the heart of France.

As a musical genre, chanson (chanson - song) has two meanings: a secular polyphonic song in the style of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance or a French pop song - cabaret music. In the classical understanding of chanson, the main thing is the text of the song; the author most often was also the performer. Maurice Chevalier, Edith Piaf, Anna Marley, Yves Montand, Charles Aznavour - big names classical chanson. But very little time passed and all performers of French-language pop songs were classified as chansonniers. The names of Mireille Mathieu, Joe Dassin, Dalida, Patricia Kaas have become synonymous with French chanson for us.

When Mireille Mathieu first appeared in front of television viewers in 1965 with the song Jezebel, her performance created a real sensation. It seemed that Edith Piaf, who passed away three years ago, was reborn. It seemed that her voice returned to the world again in this small girl, fragile like Edith. The similarity in voice and performance was uncanny. But John Sark, the impresario of Mireille Mathieu, forbade her to even listen to Piaf’s recordings; he believed that then she would not find her own style, but would become a pale shadow of the great singer.

Mireille Mathieu and Edith Piaf. One song, one music, two destinies


That's what you are, sweet little girl! And note that I won't add Piaf. Because there is a big difference between you both. Little Piaf walked on the shadow side of life, and you, Mireille, will walk on the sunny side (Maurice Chevalier)

More than 100 million records and thousands of songs on different languages world made Mireille Mathieu an ambassador of French song. Small, fragile, elegant, perfectly suited to a tender word chansonnier , Mireille Mathieu became the prototype of the symbol of France - Marianne. In 2005, a series of concerts took place in the Paris Olympia " 40 years of love and excitement."

Famous duet Eternal love performed by Mireille Mathieu and Charles Aznavour, recognized as the best pop performer XX century.

Another name on the Golden List of French chanson - Charles Aznavour, French singer and actor Armenian origin. His real name is Shahnur Vakhinak Aznavuryan. The son of Armenian emigrants from Tiflis, who began singing at the age of 9, Charles Aznavour created more than 1000 songs performed by himself and about 60 roles in films. At 82, he went to Cuba, where he wrote the album Color Ma Vie. The world premiere of new songs took place in Moscow, where he gave his only concert.

How can you talk about French pop and chanson and not remember this name? Joe Dassin - Joseph Ira Dassin. Short human life, but the long memory of his songs continues to live. Dassin's voice is a soft baritone, with a slight hoarseness, his

amazing artistry, soulful performance and elegance on stage - true mastery outstanding performer chanson.

Chanson, chansonnier... the spirit of Paris and the heart of France.

French chanson! At this word, thoughts appear before my eyes. amazing people- Serge Gainsbourg, Francoise Hardy, Edith Piaf! Amazing performers whose magnificent songs have deeply entered the world musical history and became, in a sense, the hymns of the bygone century! Their songs, among other things, were featured in their favorite films, which were successfully screened around the world. Even today, these wonderful compositions are often heard in modern films.

Undoubtedly, French chanson is immortal. Magic art makes the heart tremble, indulge in bright joy or slight sadness for the lost romance of a bygone era, wonderful talented performers, actors, musicians. But when we put on a worn-out record again, art suddenly mysteriously comes to life again, filling the world around with its amazing charm and enchantment.

It is worth mentioning that in Russia the word “chanson” is interpreted somewhat differently. Here in the 90s it was formed special genre music, which received the name “Russian chanson”. For the most part, it was a “thieves’ song” - thus, the complex, completely criminal time of perestroika was reflected in creativity, in particular in music.

Aristide Bruant. Photo from the site But we will talk about French chanson in a deeper interpretation, in its true sense. It was born in France and was brilliantly sung and performed by numerous talented representatives! And this magnificent music saved lives, made people’s hearts beat stronger, helped them raise their heads to the sun again and shine radiant smiles on the lips. Let's walk through the centuries-old pages of the history of chanson.

You never tire of repeating that chanson in its true content is an elegant, deeply poetic, majestic song. Historically, chanson is both a French cabaret-style pop song and a medieval secular polyphonic song. Each composition is an amazing poetic masterpiece in its own way, a unique story with deep inner content. Let's plunge into the atmosphere of French chanson and discover for ourselves the grace and beauty of this magnificent music.

Mistinguett. Photo from the site French chanson began its journey back to the distant Middle Ages. We can say that the genre started with the trouvères. Trouvères were singing poets of the late 11th - early 14th centuries. Particularly noteworthy is the amazing Guillaume de Machaut, a brilliant poet and performer, representative of the Ars Nova era. Of course, such music was a little distant from modern understanding the term "chanson". However, he can undoubtedly be considered the true founder of the genre.

The meaning of “chanson”, which is closer and dearer to us, was formed directly at the end of the century before last. It all started with small creative theaters and cabarets. It was in them that the main meaning of chanson was formed: a song performed by the author usually in a chamber room, a song inextricably linked with the text. A song that reveals the true “Gallic character”, filled with romance and at the same time causticity, internal explosive power. And this song, it must be admitted, is very susceptible and unforgiving to all kinds of injustices.

The very first chansonniers in the 19th century, recognized by modern times as stunning representatives of the genre, were Aristide Bruant and, of course, Mistenguette.

Charles Trenet. Photo from the site Aristide Bruant was a bright artistic image from Montmartre in Paris. He delightfully performed piercing anti-bourgeois compositions in the Parisian argot. On stage, Aristide was remembered as the owner of unsurpassed style: a velvet jacket, black trousers tucked into high boots. There was always a chic red scarf around his neck. The amazing image of Aristide Bruant was repeatedly used in painting; this is how he was depicted on posters. It was in this role that he was remembered by grateful listeners, and by all of us, admirers and connoisseurs of French chanson!

Mistenguett. This name is a pseudonym, originally derived from English name Miss Tengett. Mistenguette was an amazing actress - singer, clown-entertainer. Later, her pseudonym, merging into one word, sounded more in tune with her work and stage image. Mistenguette performed humorous things superbly, starred in amazing films, performed on stage with the brilliant Jean Gabin, and sang in a duet with Maurice Chevalier. It was her invention that became the pompous feather headdresses for which the Moulin Rouge is so famous.

The era of jazz was approaching with the languid magical notes of the saxophone. In pre-war Paris, chanson was introduced by Charles Trenet, who performed with jazz pianist Johnny Hess. His amazing style was somewhat different from the classics. He actively introduced jazz rhythms and gags from wonderful American comedies into chanson. His amazing song Je chante firmly entered the hearts of grateful listeners and became world famous. The composition La Mer also sounds exciting. It will later be performed by Cliff Richard and Dalida. By the way, the famous American performer Bobby Darin will sing it a little later, turning it into his legendary and sensational Beyond to sea.

After the war, chanson became more and more serious, tuning in to social, public themes, striving to enter into a direct dialogue with the listener. They come to music famous poets and writers. Boris Vian, talented poet and prose writer. Belgian poet Jacques Brel, who performed the famous Ne me quitte pas, which would later be sung by many world performers. And the talented Georges Brassin created songs based on poems by François Villon, Pierre Corneille, and Victor Hugo.

Charles Aznavour. Photo from the site The world of French chanson is developing rapidly and inevitably! New performers have appeared - Jean Ferrat, the amazing Edith Piaf with her amazing songs Non, je ne regrette rien and La Vie en rose, which are known all over the world, the Parisian Armenian Vakhinak Aznavourian, aka Charles Aznavour, the French Belgian Salvatore Adamo, a magnificent chansonnier.

And also the singer of Italian origin Dalida, who sang her song with Alain Delon famous composition- Paroles paroles. Chanson also performed brilliantly talented actress Catherine Deneuve, who played main role in the famous film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg”. And the talented actress, trendsetter, singer, astrologer Françoise Hardy. Her excellent songs: Tous les garçons et les filles, Le temps de l’amour are deeply relevant to this day!

You should especially pay attention to the amazing performer under the pseudonym Serge Gainsbourg. His real name is Lucien Ginsburg. This talented person literally changed the image of chanson, bringing new amazing shapes and images into it! He lived his life brightly, performing chanson and painting it with new musical colors.

In 2010, French director Joanne Sfara made a wonderful film about Lucien and his inimitable work, Gainsbourg, vie héroïque (Gainsbourg. The Love of a Hooligan). The film featured many of Gainsbourg's amazing hits and perfectly depicted the story of his life.

Chanson is rapidly gaining momentum, and any boundaries are increasingly cramped for him. And so the artist decides buy an electric guitar. Look, chansonnier Benjamin Biolet is already actively using electronics! Mano Solo is a great poet, he plays, in fact, real punk rock! Famous French rock legend Johnny Hallyday is an innovator of a new genre.

Nowadays all kinds of additions are being added to chanson. Music combines all kinds of styles, genres, harmonies. Chanson is actively saturated with the genres of drum and bass and bossa nova, which further reveals the indescribable sound of the music. For example, we can take the rhythms Latin America(as Dominic A) and Balkan (as the group Têtes Raides). Emily Simone performs in English, and the music is classic electropop. But still, before us is the same amazing and magical chanson, filled with aromas and azure colors of France.

At such moments you understand that French chanson is not just music, but a whole amazing world! This musical story about our destinies. This is purely French work: poetic, where through the slightly melancholy voice of a talented performer we hear the depth of life, its tragedy and at the same time joy, admiration, exciting pleasure in every second. Images, people, lives, situations, bright strokes quickly fly before your eyes - everything is intertwined in a few minutes of the song. In these seconds you understand the deep poetry, the beauty of our everyday life. You will realize its highest Spiritual principle!

Almost all genres and styles of music are represented in France. But the song genre, as well as throughout the world, is the most popular here. There are a lot of bright performers in the country working in the chanson genre, but French chansonniers are very different from the performers in our country. The bottom line is that this music retains the national features inherent only to French songs and does not allow the influence of development trends in world show business.

Perhaps the reason lies in the enormous popularity throughout the world of French cabarets, which arose in the last century and are the hallmark of the country. This type of art has become a self-sufficient movement and has characteristic, very striking features.

Synthesis with other directions is sometimes simply impossible due to inconsistency and disharmony, which is unacceptable in music. It is this originality that makes the hits of French chansonniers incredibly popular and performed at all times.

Very bright stars French jazz singers also shine on the horizon of world art. If in the 70s and 80s this style was an art for the elite and true music connoisseurs, then over time it began to use the techniques of mass art.

Although, most likely, it was the stage that began to use jazz performance techniques.

As it were, contemporary music not only in France, but throughout the whole world, it is distinguished by the fusion of all styles and trends. As a result, the most beautiful songs and bright, talented performers appear.

Many contemporary French singers have gained worldwide fame. Some can be recognized literally by the first notes, thanks to the bright, memorable timbre of their voice.

French singers famous all over the world

The name resounded throughout the world in the last century. The singer’s unique, beautiful timbre of voice and special charm drove women all over the planet crazy.

Dassin's hits such as “Excuse Me Lady”, “Bip-Bip”, “Ça m'avance à quoi”, “Les Dalton” and others are also covered by modern performers; our generation listens to these songs with pleasure, sometimes without even knowing who is their author and first performer.

Joe Dassin was born in 1938 in New York, the future star’s mother was a famous violinist, his father was a director, when young Joe was 12 years old, the family moved to France. Most likely, it was parental genes and upbringing that played a decisive role in choosing a profession. Joe Dassin spent his entire life acting in films and writing wonderful songs.

French-Canadian singer and actor Garou woke up famous after playing the role of Quasimodo in the musical Notre Dame de Paris. The singer's real name is Pierre Garand, he was born in 1972. His low voice with a slight hoarseness and the highest mastery of performance brought Garou into the ranks of world stars.

Her acting career is also going very well. To date, the singer has released 8 albums.

Gregory Lemarchal
born in 1983. The singer became famous at a very young age thanks to his incredible talent, agile and bright voice.

IN early childhood The boy was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease that affects lung function. Despite this, Gregory was able to achieve very high results in vocal skills and pleases his fans with very touching and honest songs.

An incurable disease claimed the singer’s life in 2007; the posthumous album “La voix d’un ange” (The Voice of an Angel) received a platinum award in 2008 for one million copies sold in Europe.

Popular French singers

WITH French music will at all times be primarily associated Edith Piaf. There is no person in the civilized world who has not heard the unique voice of this brilliant woman.

The real name of the singer and actress is Giovanna Gassion, she was born in 1915. The childhood and youth of the future world star were spent in terrible poverty and deprivation, this was the reason for poor health, which caused the singer terrible torment throughout her life and caused her premature death.

The songs “Milord”, “Padam Padam”, “Non Je Ne Regrette Rien” are known to almost everyone, regardless of age and musical taste.

The brilliant one invariably attracted the attention of the public with her extraordinary vocal abilities, scandalous events and eventful personal life.

Patricia Kaas
is one of the brightest and interesting singers our time. Despite the fact that the singer belongs to the chanson genre, her style, with the charm inherent only to the French, combines chanson, jazz and pop music.

This is precisely the special style of Patricia Kaas; the singer was able to mix incompatible styles, and she did it very tasty.

The world saw 10 albums, each of which is a standard of refined taste and high skill. The singer tours a lot and gives concerts all over the world.

Of the discoveries of our century, the stars of modern French singers, considered one of the most promising young singers, glow very brightly in the sky, and ZAZ, very boldly and talentedly mixing chanson, folk, jazz and acoustic music.

Of course, the above-mentioned singers and singers are a list of talented and popular musicians France is not limited.
Read more about classic and contemporary performers, representatives of rock and rap movements. This country has given the world an incredible amount of very high quality and wonderful music. Listening to her, we have the opportunity to touch, at least for a minute, the unique and sophisticated world of grace and charm.

French clip - VIDEO

Listen to the beautiful song “My Angel” performed by “Golden Voice” Gregory Lemarchal

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Chanson translated from French means song. At first glance, the frivolous musical genre has enough big story. As early as the 10th century, poems appeared and epic songs(chanson de geste), glorifying the brave and valiant knights - the defenders of France. And the ancestors of this musical genre French-Flemish composers of the Dutch school are considered.

Already in the 16th century, music in a style that can be considered a prototype of classical chanson was created by French composers of the Renaissance such as Janequin, Sermizi, Moulou, Serton, Cotle, Lejeune, Gudimel, and at the beginning of the 17th century these compositions were gradually squeezed out into song-romance genres . At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, pop songs appeared in France, the authors of which were chansonniers - French pop singers, performers of verses and genre songs in the style "a la Montmartre".

After the First World War, the rhythms of overseas foxtrot and tango came into fashion. In songs French performers notes of these fiery melodies are also heard. But the French always remained original, and the singers of that time - Mistenget, Maurice Chevalier, Josephine Becker - worked in the style of revue - a small theatrical and circus performance, close to cabaret, British music hall or American vaudeville. The 30-40s of the 20th century were marked by the appearance of Edith Piaf, who is rightfully considered in France the founder of modern pop song. Piaf’s songs reflected her own life and the life of every Frenchman, which is why the songs themselves are so loved in France, and far beyond its borders. Piaf's songs were distinguished by their sincerity, emphasizing in a bright voice and the sensuality of the performance. More than one generation of French performers grew up on songs such as “ Non, Je ne regrette rien », « Padam, Padam », « Milord », « La Vie En Rose"(you can listen to the compositions online by following the link).

After the Second World War, a galaxy of such singers appeared on the stage: Georges Brassens, Jacques Brel, Charles Aznavour, Leo Ferret, Boris Vian, Yves Montand. Their work combines the best traditions French art song: lyrical performance, a certain intimacy and elusive musicality.

But it is difficult to talk about French chanson in general; in order to try to understand it, it is worth touching the work of the most prominent representatives of this genre.

Charles Aznavour Immediately after the end of the war, together with his friend and accompanist Pierre Roche, he hit the thresholds of Parisian nightclubs and variety shows in search of work. Sometimes they were allowed to go on stage, sing a few songs and earn a few francs. Sometimes it was possible to sell a song or two. The friends composed them in Rocha's huge apartment in the center of Paris. One of these songs, “I'm Drunk,” became a hit performed by Georges Ulmer.

Once Piaf herself attended one of their concerts in a Parisian restaurant. After meeting the musicians, she invited them to perform in the first part of her tour. However, the tour turned out to be very short, Piaf flew to America, and Aznavour and Roche remained in Paris to collect money for the trip overseas. Having difficulty reaching the USA and finding Piaf there, the musicians realized that there would be no joint tour, and on the singer’s advice they went to Canada, where they were expected unexpected success. Legendary singer largely influenced the work of Charles, he wrote several songs for her: “ Jezebel", "Compagnons de la Chanson". After breaking up with Piaf, Aznavour began solo career. His songs were performed by many talented chansonniers of that time: Juliette Greco, Gilbert Becaud, Patasha. Song " J"ai bu", recorded by Georges Ulmer, was awarded the Grand Prix as the best disc of 1947. Subsequently, Aznavour wrote more than a dozen songs that became not only the pearls of French chanson, but also worldwide famous hits, among them: “Sa jeunesse”, “Parce que”, “Sur ma vie”, “Apres l" amour”, "La Boheme" , « Comme ils disent », « She"and of course immortal" Une Vie D'Amour”, sounded in the Soviet film “Tehran-43” and sung by Aznavour himself in Russian (“Eternal Love”).

Another chansonnier well known far beyond the borders of France is Yves Montand. It can also be attributed to the discoveries of Edith Piaf. “When he started singing,” recalled Edith Piaf, “I immediately fell under his charm. The artist’s original personality, the impression of strength and masculinity, beautiful artistic hands, an interesting expressive face, a soulful voice...” Edith Piaf gave him a piece of her talent. She taught Yves Montand the beauty of singing that made him great. International hits are associated with the name Yves Montand " Sous Le Ciel" "De Paris", "Les feuilles mortes », « C'est si bon », « Les grands boulevards », « A Paris"and many, many more surprisingly melodic and lyrical songs characteristic of French chanson of the 40s - 60s of the last century.

Another prominent representative of French chanson is Jacques Brel, born in Belgium. He made his first recordings in 1953. I recorded it and went to conquer Paris. For about a year, Jacques spent the night in attics and unsuccessfully knocked on thresholds concert halls and cabaret of Paris. However, despite the merciless criticism of his songs, he continued to write songs. He was supported by the musician Brassens, the singer Juliette Greco, who included his songs in her repertoire, and, of course, Jacques Canetti, who did not heed the voices of the Philips skeptics and still insisted on recording Jacques Brel's first disc in 1954. Among the songs on this album, only one stands out - “Useful Video

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When they hear the word “chanson”, some people remember the criminal songs of the 90s, performed by our compatriots. However, what new world arises when remembering French chanson! Nostalgia, joy, slight sadness - that’s what we feel when plunging into this touching music, which, without exaggeration, can be called immortal. What is the charm of such creations? Let's look at the example of specific performers.

Aristide Bruant- is considered one of the first chansonniers. In principle, we can say that the prerequisites for the formation of the described genre originated in the Middle Ages. At that time, singing poets were popular, who responded quite subtly to topical events. But chanson in the usual sense was given to the world by a slacker from Montmartre - that’s what Aristide Bruant was called. It was difficult not to pay attention to this man - he stood out too much, coming out in spectacular clothes and singing anti-bourgeois songs. He was just as spectacular on the posters of Théophile Steinlen, who, by the way, was very famous artist. Despite the brightness, he sang about the street poor, conveying the most complete picture of the life of Paris at night.

Mistanget- the first female chansonnier. Her creative path was very diverse and at first included the performance of humorous songs, then there was cinema. She had the opportunity to perform with such legends as Jean Gabin and Maurice Chevalier. WITH the last woman tied up and love relationship, after which she gave the world the composition “ Mon homme" This song was destined to go down in history. And her famous feather headdresses are immortalized in the Moulin Rouge. Yes, yes, French chanson has something in common with cabaret besides medieval motifs! This is such an amazing phenomenon - a poetic masterpiece in which the emphasis is on the content, and not on the external form.

Charles Trenet– and this performer brought a little jazz to the chanson. In the pre-war era, it was difficult to resist such a step. Trenet, for example, performed in a duet with Johnny Hess, a famous jazz pianist. In addition, Trenet introduced elements of gags and good American comedies into chanson - this manner was certainly unusual, but is French chanson ordinary in itself? Moreover, if the viewer perceives it with delight - for example, this is how the song “ Je chante" “It turned out to be extremely exciting.” La Mer”, which was later covered more than once.

Boris Vian- symbolizes post-war chanson. Now chanson refuses perky and humorous notes, he prefers to communicate with his listener in an honest and serious conversation. Paradox: given the relationship between the chanson and the viewer, Vian himself wrote his first song for fun. And at first, no one really wanted to perform his “Deserter”. Except, perhaps, Muludzhi. He was able to discern a contradiction in the creation, after correcting which the composition became popular. The main anti-war song - how do you like this title? It has been translated into many languages ​​and performed by many performers.

Charles Aznavour- rather, it relates to the stage, but in chanson it’s still “one of our own”. Irony, melancholy, nostalgia - all these themes were traced in his work from the beginning, and initially they were considered to belong to the category of “taboo”. The path to his recognition was long and persistent, starting with the song “Apres l'amour”, but, in the end, he managed to achieve success. And such that many never dreamed of. The problems of people, their tragedies - that’s what worried the performer in present and reflected in creativity.

Edith Piaf- rose to the heights of popularity thanks to determination, hard work, amazing dramatic talent and unusual voice. True fame came to her with the song “ La vie en rose" Everyone could listen to Edith with equal delight - the sophisticated intelligentsia and ordinary workers, even the Queen of Great Britain was delighted with the performer. For millions of people, it was Piaf’s voice that became a symbol of France. One can also feel a constant charm in her work, which distinguishes the “French sparrow” from the galaxy of chanson talents.

Serge Gainsbourg– both the life and work of this person are filled with colors. He literally changed French chanson! New images, previously unseen outlines - this is what the genre has been enriched with the appearance of this amazing man. A unique voice and experiments in style contributed to this perfectly. The paradox is that, being a talented experimenter, Gainsbourg vehemently denied his involvement in poetry. But how else can we explain the frequent presence of puns and unusual rhymes in his work, if not by his talent in poetic craft? Old-fashionedness, conventions - the chansonnier fought against all this as best he could. But the use of English speech patterns, converted into the French way - this was practiced.

French chanson is the whole world, which cannot be described in a nutshell, and whose representatives cannot be listed in one article. This genre truly multifaceted. You just have to listen to something from him and you will see for yourself. And to also learn to understand the lyrics, we invite you to.

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