Aziza - biography, information, personal life. Singer Aziza: biography, personal life, creativity and interesting facts Singer Aziza what year of birth

Aziza Abdurahimovna Mukhamedova, better known as Aziza. Born on April 10, 1964 in Tashkent. Soviet, Uzbek and Russian pop singer.

Father, Abdurakhim Mukhamedov, half Uzbek, half Uyghur, came from a family of hereditary bakers. He was a composer and an honored artist. He died when Aziza was 15 years old.

Mother, Rafika Khaidarova, is a Tatar by nationality, originally from the village of Staraya Kulatka in Ulyanovsk region, was a soloist of the Tashkent choir, taught at music school, worked as a conductor.

At the age of 16, Aziza began performing as a soloist in the Tashkent vocal and instrumental ensemble “Sado”.

In 1988, after graduating from the conservatory, she was sent to a pop song competition in Jurmala. There she took 3rd place and was awarded the Audience Award.

In 1989, Aziza moved from Tashkent to Moscow, where her solo career began. Popularity comes to her thanks to her song “Your Smile,” which immediately became a hit. In 1989, Aziza released her debut album “Aziza”.

In 1991, after participating in a brawl that resulted in the death of Igor Talkov, Aziza dropped out of musical life.

In 1993, with the song “For Your Love” (A. Ivanov - A. Devyatkin) she reached the finals of the Song of the Year competition.

In 1995, Aziza returned to the stage with new songs, and in 1997 her new album"All or nothing". In 1999, the singer collaborated with Stas Namin. As a result, pop-rock songs with the influence of oriental music appear in her repertoire.

Aziza - My dear, your smile

In 2006, she performed the song “This World” with Igor Talkov Jr.

In 2007, Aziza participated in the television project “You are a Superstar!” (NTV) and becomes the absolute winner in all categories, and in 2008 releases the album “Reflection”, most of the songs for which the singer wrote herself.

In 2015, she became the winner of the second season of “Exactly the Same.” In October of the same year she took part in the competition “ New wave" in Sochi. Since September 2016, she has been a participant in the super season of the show “Exactly the Same.”

Aziz and the murder of Igor Talkov

In October 1991, she was involved in a conflict in connection with the murder of a famous singer.

The musician was killed on Sunday, October 6, 1991 at the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg during a concert of stars Soviet stage, organized by the production company LIS "S.

Talkov's speech was supposed to take place at 16:20.

By the time Talkov arrived at Yubileiny, a conflict had already arisen over the order of Talkov and Aziza’s performance, initiated by Aziza’s bodyguard and boyfriend, 29-year-old Igor Malakhov.

According to the order of the program, Oleg Gazmanov was supposed to perform last in the concert, Talkov was in front of him, and Aziza was in front of Talkov.

In the show business of that time, the end of a concert was considered more prestigious than a performance in the middle, and Malakhov insistently demanded first from the presenter, and then from the concert organizers, to change the order of speakers (arrange Aziza after Talkov), arguing that Aziza did not have time to prepare by the time he went on stage.

The organizers of the concert pointed out to Malakhov that it would be difficult to carry out such a rotation, since the concert was not taking place in live, and in the recording and for phonograms, the order of which is pre-set in the control room, and that technically it is quite difficult to swap phonograms.

After a series of threats from Malakhov, a replacement was made, and a girl administrator was sent to Talkov’s dressing room with information about the replacement.

According to Talkov's costume designer Maria Berkova, he took the change calmly and began preparing to go on stage. At this performance, Talkov abandoned his usual white shirt and decided to dress in black.

Talkov's director Valery Shlyafman, after returning from television, went to find out when Talkov's performance began. After he was informed that Talkov had been swapped with Aziza on the initiative of Aziza’s friend Malakhov, Shlyafman went to Talkov’s dressing room and said that he was being swapped on the initiative of some Malakhov. Talkov sent Shlyafman to find out why this was done. Shlyafman went to negotiate with Malakhov, and when he returned, he said that he called him “Vasko” and called himself a “shadow economy businessman” who had better not object. After this, Talkov asked to call Malakhov to his dressing room.

At about 16:15 Malakhov came to Talkov’s dressing room, a tense conversation took place there, after which Talkov’s guards Alexander Barkovsky, Arkady Bondarenko and Sergei Ignatenko took Malakhov out into the corridor.

At about 16:17, Malakhov took out his weapon in the corridor. According to eyewitnesses, it was a Nagant revolver.

There is an opinion expressed by Talkov’s costume designer Maria Berkova in the program “The Investigation Conducted” that he took out the weapon after Shlyafman, who followed him out of the dressing room, threw him a provocative offensive phrase that contained profanity. Talkov's guards found themselves under Malakhov's gunpoint. Shlyafman ran into the dressing room and shouted to Talkov: “Igor, give me something, he took out a gun.” Talkov, with the words “We’ll have our own for his gun,” took out his gas pistol and went out into the corridor.

In the corridor, Talkov fired several shots from a gas pistol in the direction of Malakhov. The shots did not have the desired effect because the gas cartridges with the irritant were faulty or expired.

Or Talkov himself, not knowing the peculiarities of gas weapons, fired from a long distance, which is why the cloud of pepper gas simply did not reach the target. But at this time Talkov’s security, taking advantage of the moment, attacked Malakhov.

Talkov's security guard Alexander Barkovsky grabbed Malakhov and knocked him down. Malakhov managed to fire two shots from his revolver. One bullet hit the floor, the second hit the equipment box. Talkov pounced on Malakhov and began hitting him on the head with the handle of his gas pistol. Then, according to eyewitnesses of the scuffle, the weapon was knocked out of Malakhov’s hands.

Model 1895 Nagant revolver. The alleged weapon of Malakhov, from which Talkov was killed. It was not found during the investigation.

After this, another shot was fired, the bullet hit Talkov. Eyewitnesses of the brawl do not have a consensus on who fired and with what weapon. According to the story of costume designer Maria Berkova, who refers to the testimony of bodyguards, Malakhov’s pistol was knocked out, which was picked up by Shlyafman. Stepping back, he shouted: “Everyone stand,” and then shot at Talkov. There are also opinions that the third shot was fired by Malakhov, or that eyewitnesses find it difficult to determine the author of this shot. Talkov said: “It hurts,” walked a few meters to the stage and fell. The musician's death occurred in a matter of minutes.

Who killed Igor Talkov? Sensational confession Aziz. Live

The concert was stopped. At this time, Igor Nikolaev performed on stage. The host of the concert, Sergei Kalvarsky, excitedly told the audience that Igor Talkov had been shot behind the stage, and asked doctors to go backstage, if there were any in the hall. Before the ambulance arrived, the head of the Yubileiny medical center, doctor Igor Petushin, and a nurse gave Talkov two injections: a solution of cordiamine and a hemostatic agent. Some sources claim that they gave Talkov a heart massage, which under no circumstances should have been done with such a wound.

At 16:37 the first call to the ambulance was recorded. Among the first people to call was the artist Oleg Gazmanov. Within 4-5 minutes, six more calls from Yubileiny followed. At 16:39, two vehicles were sent to the scene from the first ambulance station: a resuscitation-surgical vehicle and an intensive care team. At 16:51 doctors were on the scene. In Talkov’s medical history as of 16:53 it was written: “Heartbeat, breathing, pulse are absent. The pupils are dilated as much as possible.” Then, already dead Talkov, under the pressure of a crowd of fans demanding the immediate revival of the artist, the arriving doctors, fearing reprisals against themselves, installed an IV, carried him into a resuscitation vehicle and took him away from Yubileiny, at 17:00 he was taken to ambulance hospital No. 10, where doctors lifted the deceased into intensive care.

According to the most common version, after the incident, Valery Shlyafman took Malakhov’s revolver to the toilet and hid it in the toilet cistern. Then the revolver ended up in Aziza’s possession, who handed it over to her assistant Ella Kasimati, who returned it to Malakhov. Igor Malakhov, having caught a taxi at Yubileiny, fled the scene with a revolver. On the way, he disassembled the revolver and threw its parts into the waters of the Moika and Fontanka.

The singer was accused of the death of a famous singer; she was boycotted by both her colleagues and spectators and former fans. She was forced to curtail her creativity and concert activities.

However, Aziza herself categorically denies her involvement in Talkov’s death. And people who know her don’t believe it either. Just as Igor Talkov’s son, Igor Igorevich, does not believe in this. He visited Andrei Malakhov's studio "Let them talk" (01/21/2016) and.

Aziza in the program "Alone with Everyone"

Aziza's height: 172 centimeters.

Personal life of Aziza:

Since 2010, she lived in a civil marriage with Alexander Brodolin. They met romantically in 2010 during the singer’s tour in Cyprus. Aziza and her friend were relaxing on the beach, and Brodolin sent them champagne. Then an acquaintance began, which grew into whirlwind romance. And soon Brodolin, who is 5 years younger than Aziza, proposed to the singer to marry him.

Aziza and Brodolin were heading towards a wedding, there was even an engagement. Aziza managed to prepare three luxurious wedding dresses, incl. Vyacheslav Zaitsev sewed one for her. But, alas, the marriage never happened.

In the summer of 2016, at the age of 52, Aziza got married for the first time. She told about this close girlfriend- . The singer’s husband was a certain Rustam. True, confirmation and details were never received from Aziza herself.

In 2019, the singer announced that she was planning a wedding with composer Oleg Beskrovny. She stated this on the air of the show “Coming Out to People.” “I’ve known him for thirty years, we met after Jurmala. Once Oleg Beskrovny offered me a song, he is a composer. He started courting me, but I didn’t marry him then, although he proposed many years ago,” said the artist. According to her, the man became a reliable friend who supported her in difficult situations.

In 2005, she changed her religion (Islam), converting to Orthodoxy.

Aziza discography:

1989 - “Aziza”
1997 - “All or Nothing”
2003 - “After so many years”
2008 - “Reflection”
2009 - “Along the shores of chanson”
2013 - “Milky Way”
2014 - “Unearthly Paradise”

Two months ago, businessman Alexander Brodolin proposed to the star of the 90s, winner of the show “Exactly” Aziz, in the studio of Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk.” However, apparently, the wedding will not take place. The other day, the singer announced that she had broken off all relations with her fiance.

“Exactly a minute ago, Alexander and I dotted all the i’s,” the singer stunned fans while communicating with them in one of social networks. – The engagement that took place five years ago has been called off. My mother never saw her daughter's wedding. But I never became a wife and mother. Finita la comedy. Officially, we are now free from all previously given obligations to each other.

Marvelous! After all, Brodolin looked after the singer so touchingly and supported her in every possible way. For example, on the “Exactly Exactly” show, in which the star won, he was always behind the scenes, ready to lend his shoulder. When Aziza was announced as the winner, she said: “Without Sasha, I wouldn’t have been first!”

They met Brodolin six years ago in Cyprus. A handsome businessman noticed a sultry Uzbek woman and began to show her signs of attention. And although at first Aziza perceived their relationship as a holiday romance, later became attached to her lover with all her soul.

“At the moment we met, I was disappointed in love,” said the artist. - I WAS VERY ILL. Before going to Cyprus, I went to a temple and prayed: “Lord, if there is in life real love, show me her. Let me find out what it is."

Aziza did not say what caused the disagreement. It is possible that the singer’s obstinacy, accustomed to taking “all or nothing” from life, is to blame.

“Aziza really wanted a wedding,” those close to the singer told ProZvezd. – But Sasha was in no hurry to celebrate. He wanted Aziza to move to St. Petersburg with him, but she never decided to move. Living in two cities is very difficult.

They met Brodolin six years ago in Cyprus. A handsome businessman noticed a sultry Uzbek woman and began to show her signs of attention.

It is possible that in this way the star just decided to relieve negative emotions. Last year It turned out to be difficult for her. At the end of the year, the star’s beloved mother died. The singer hoped to take her mind off the tragedy through work. She agreed to participate in a difficult television project, which lasted almost three months and took a lot of energy. Plus, the financial crisis struck and many artists were left without income. Meanwhile, Aziza has already announced that she is going to radically change her life and emigrate from Russia.

– I decided to leave forever for another country. I will live in the mountains. Nothing holds here anymore. Mom is gone. No husband. Have no children. I wanted to move to Ruza, where mommy is now. But there is no way to finish building your house. So there is no choice. These are not emotions, these are forced life changes. Mom died, Sasha fell out of love. In this situation, there is no singing and no breathing. I - strong man, but there is a limit to everything!

Interestingly, the artist has already deleted these messages online. Have you really calmed down and made reconciliation with your loved one? ProZvezd will monitor the development of the situation.

Biography of Aziz singer

Aziza Mukhamedova is a nationally recognized artist in Russia and Uzbekistan. She took her life source from a family of musicians. Father, Abdurakhim Mukhamedov, is a representative of the reunification of Uighur and Uzbek blood, a descendant of a dynasty of bakers, but he broke the chain of his family profession and completely immersed himself in music. As a result, the accomplished composer rose to the rank of Honored Artist. When Aziza was 15 years old, her father died.

Biography. Childhood

The future popular artist was born in the city of Tashkent on April 10, 1964. Her father Abdurakhim Mukhamedov was an Honored Artist of the Soviet Union and composer. Rafik Khaidarov's mother was Tatar by nationality. She was a soloist of the chapel, a conductor, and also studied teaching activities in musical school. When the girl was fifteen years old, her father suddenly died. From that time on, she had to work constantly to provide for her family. decent life. Continuing her studies at a music school, at the age of sixteen she began performing with the vocal and instrumental group “Sado” as a soloist.

The dream of becoming a doctor, cherished since childhood, had to be hidden in a long and deep chest under lock and key. She was destined to be an artist. After Jurmala, a new extraordinary was born bright Star, completely different from others. The rapid rise came from the eastern milismatics, flowing voice and artistic abilities of the singer.

Aziza: singer

In 1989, Aziza moved to Moscow and built solo career. Aziza’s song “Your Smile” gives the performer great fame and popularity. In the same year, Aziza’s biography was replenished with a discography; the debut album bears the same name “Aziza”.

And although the dream of becoming a doctor still haunted me, all these high-profile victories, plus filming and touring in Moscow, did their job.

From that moment on, she became the favorite of soldiers, officers and generals. One could only dream about this, the mighty of the world they were ready to fulfill any whim of the sultry beauty, but...

It's 1991 tough year for the country, society. Moral reorganization, sharing of what was created by the blood and sweat of the people, views change. From behind the “hillock” comes a different culture, different values, a different order of self-awareness - anger, hatred, unforgiveness, confusion from powerlessness before spiritual fall. Someone submits, someone hides, someone simply does not notice what is happening. And here, for the first time in his life, Aziza encounters cowardice, betrayal, deceit, and treason on his way. No one stands up for her after the fateful event in October 1991. The press and television savor the tragedy of the two musicians, each in their own way, without finding the culprit in the death of Igor Talkov. But a couple of times, intentionally or unintentionally, the phrase was uttered “Aziza didn’t have time, which means she’s to blame” did its job. The people must have someone to judge. Moreover, dishonest journalists added fuel to the fire. Nobody wanted to understand what was happening. The main thing is to write your article louder and sharper and thereby earn yourself a point.

Another world was advancing smoothly but firmly. Directors and administrators fled in all directions. Those who swore friendship calmly said what they were told, or remained silent. So, the person, the singer and the talent found themselves face to face with the powerful colossus of the press and television.

Alexander spent a year seeking Aziza’s consent to become his wife. Their relationship began as a “resort romance”: the couple met in Cyprus. Then the lovers began to travel between Moscow and St. Petersburg in order to spend more time together. By that time, Brodolin was already divorced, and his adult son had a boy, so at 42, Alexander became a grandfather.

In 1995, Aziza returned to the stage with new songs, and in 1997, her new album “All or Nothing” was released. In 1999, the singer collaborated with Stas Namin. As a result, pop-rock songs with the influence of oriental music appear in her repertoire.

In 2007, Aziza participated in the television project “You are a Superstar!” (NTV) and becomes the absolute winner in all categories, and in 2008 releases the album “Reflection”, most of the songs for which the singer wrote herself.

Along with her career, the singer’s personal life began to improve. She met her soul mate. Her heart was won by 40-year-old St. Petersburg businessman Alexander Brodolin. They met last July in Cyprus, where the singer came to give concerts. “In the few days we spent together, I felt how much unspent love and tenderness this man had! I became a child who has no problems in my head. From his hands came a warmth that I had not experienced for a long time. I said to myself: “He is the one I’ve been looking for for so long,” the singer admits.

Father - Abdurakhim Mukhamedov - classical composer, teacher, Honored Artist of the USSR, WWII participant.

Mom is a music school teacher, soloist of the Tashkent choir, conductor.

At the age of 16, Aziza begins performing in the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Sado” as a soloist. Soon after her father's death, before graduating from music school, she has to get a job to provide for her family. Mom insists on entering the conservatory. At the same time, Aziza continues to work, providing her family with a comfortable existence.

Since childhood, Aziza dreamed of becoming a doctor, but as they say: “Man proposes, but God disposes.”

Tours, concerts, and festivals across countries began former USSR. And also all over the world: Asia, Africa, Vietnam, China, France, Germany, Austria, Afghanistan.

Unexpectedly for Aziza, after graduating from the conservatory, she is sent to a competition in Jurmala. Thanks to nine years of experience as a member of “Sado”, she was not at all worried before performances. The result was 3rd place in Jurmala and the Audience Award.

And although the dream of becoming a doctor still haunted me, all these high-profile victories, plus filming and touring in Moscow, did their job.

Best of the day

A bright, extraordinary, completely unlike anyone else, new pop and television star was born. The takeoff was so powerful and rapid that it became clear to many that it had no competitors. Eastern milismatics, beautiful voice, the talent of a dramatic actress and singer, did their job. One after another they begin to shoot videos, which even now surprise with their originality and mystery. In “Morning Mail” she is shown three times in a row. Most people consider it an honor to work with her. famous composers and poets. The stars incredibly favor this eastern girl.

Sacrificing love for the sake of the stage is banal. But now Aziza regrets that she said: “No” to that handsome Siberian guy, an Afghan in military uniform(they met on tour in Afghanistan), who knocked on the door of her house early in the morning. To this day, she dreams of his sad eyes when he last time looked at her, saying goodbye forever.

The first folk hit "Your Smile", written by composer and friend Oleg Beskrovny, became a megahit.

The military theme in the songs is also very close to Aziza. She knew and saw what war does to people, especially someone else’s war. The song “Marshal's Uniform” is being written, and a video for it is being filmed. For all military men and just young guys, this is the voice of conscience and pain sounded from the lips of an oriental girl.

From that moment on, she was the favorite of soldiers, officers and generals. One can only dream about this, the powers that be are ready to fulfill any whim of the sultry beauty, but...

1991 is coming, a difficult year for the country and society. Moral reorganization, sharing of what was created by the blood and sweat of the people, views change. Because of the “hillock” there is another “culture”, other values, a different order of self-awareness - anger, hatred, unforgiveness, confusion from powerlessness before spiritual fall. Someone submits, someone hides, someone simply does not notice what is happening. And here, for the first time in his life, Aziza encounters cowardice, betrayal, deceit, and treason on his way. No one stands up for her after the fateful event in October 1991. The press and television savor the tragedy of the two musicians, each in their own way, without finding the culprit in the death of Igor Talkov.

But a couple of times, intentionally or unintentionally, the phrase: “Aziza didn’t have time, which means she’s to blame,” did the trick. The people must have someone to judge. Moreover, dishonest journalists added fuel to the fire. Nobody wanted to understand what was happening. The main thing is to write an article louder and sharper and thereby earn yourself a point.

Another world was advancing smoothly but firmly. Directors and administrators fled in all directions. Those who swore friendship calmly said what they were told or remained silent. So, the person, the singer and the talent found themselves face to face with the powerful colossus of the press and television.

But life went on. I had to live somehow. Aziza’s father’s upbringing did not allow him to try to prove anything to people. She often recalls how as a child he took her fishing and hunting, how in the long evenings he talked about his life, about the orphanage, about how he fought.

There is a lot that remains in children's memories of those days. The feeling of his soul, talent and fortitude, which the father seemed to bequeath to his beloved daughter, remained especially strong. last minutes life. Thus ended her childhood, but she had no idea what she would still have to go through. “I still have talent, and music will always be in demand, and this gives me the strength to live on,” says Aziza.

AZIZA's first record was released in huge numbers before the beginning of the nineties. The double album “All or Nothing” was released in the mid-nineties. The album “After So Many Years” was released at the beginning of the new millennium and is dedicated to my father. The song “Dedication to My Father” was written to his music. Initially, it was a lullaby that he sang to his beloved daughter before bed.

2006 Over the course of three months (August–November), an album was recorded in the style of Russian folk chanson entitled “I am leaving this city,” the songs from which for some reason are very popular with the French. Now work in progress on the album "Reflection", which is due out in 2007. Many secrets are hidden in the singer’s fate, and one of them is that she is a very religious person. Let's hope that everything she wants to tell us will be expressed in her songs.

Aziza Mukhamedova represents famous singer from Uzbekistan, which also became very loved and popular in Russia. Starting your creative path, she showed herself perfectly at the start, after which she did not slow down for a moment. She released the most diverse albums, which were very favorably received by listeners, and they were listened to not only in Russia and Uzbekistan, but also in Europe, Africa, and even Asia. That is, a spectacular woman managed to declare herself as a singer. She also looks good, bright and stylish, despite the fact that she is no longer the age of young girls. However, for a public person this is not surprising.

Height, weight, age. How old is Aziza Mukhamedova

Height, weight, age. How old is Aziza Mukhamedova? This is the question all fans ask themselves when they are interested in their idol. Today, Aziz is 53 years old, height is 172 centimeters, and weight is 72 kilograms. That is, one cannot say that she looks too much like a model, but she doesn’t need it. After all, a woman attracts her attention with her bright appearance, charisma, pleasant smile, amazing talent. Listening to her songs, you can immediately understand that she puts her soul into them and treats everything she undertakes with responsibility. But where did it all begin? How did an ordinary girl decide to become a singer and what contributed to this?

Biography of Aziza Mukhamedova

The biography of Aziza Mukhamedova begins in the city of Tashkent, in the sixties. The fate of the little girl was predetermined from the very beginning, because her father was an honored composer, but her mother taught music at school. Therefore, she devoted her entire childhood to music, although she had a dream of becoming a doctor. At first, Aziza's life was carefree, but when she was fifteen years old, her father suddenly dies. His death radically changed the family's lifestyle. Young Mukhamedova had to constantly work, although previously she could only study music. So what about youth, the future singer found out what it is hard labour that not everything in life comes easy and simple.

But Aziza did not give up studying at the music school, she continued to actively study, take lesson after lesson, improving her skills. Already at the age of sixteen, she became the lead singer of the Sado group, and it was here that the life of the poor girl changed dramatically. She couldn’t even immediately enter the conservatory because she didn’t have time for it. There were constant tours, and not only in Soviet Union, but also abroad. But the singer still graduated from the conservatory in the late eighties. At one time, the singer came to Moscow, where she debuted with various albums, met famous singers that time, for example, with Igor Talkov.

At the very beginning of the nineties, a tragedy occurred. Talkov died during a brawl on stage, and among the crowd was good friend Aziz. For this fact, the singer was persecuted so much that she disappeared from the stage for four whole years. And only four years later she was able to cope with her grief and sing new hits. In the 2000s, Aziza continued to release albums and take part in various television programs. Now she tirelessly continues to work both on herself and on new creativity. He releases albums and performs new songs, which are successful. For an ambitious and bright woman, nothing is impossible.

Personal life of Aziza Mukhamedova

The personal life of Aziza Mukhamedova is interesting, somewhat sad, but still, with happy ending. The first feelings happened when the woman came on tour to Afghanistan, where she was noticed by a handsome young man. The next morning he knocked on the door of her house. But the relationship didn’t work out, because at that time in her life the singer was only interested in her career and nothing else. Therefore, this time it didn’t work out, but the gorgeous woman can’t help but enjoy the attention.

When she toured Cyprus, a young businessman came to her concert and simply listened to her songs in fascination. As soon as they looked at each other, they immediately realized that they couldn’t live without each other. Therefore, when we returned home, we started calling back, reaching out to each other, and in the end we realized that there was no need to delay the wedding. In 2011, a solemn event took place in the homeland of men. His name is Alexander Brodolin. He was already married and had a child, but this did not stop him from starting a new relationship with Aziza.

Family of Aziza Mukhamedova

Aziza Mukhamedova’s family today consists of herself and her beloved husband, whom she met on tour in Cyprus. They immediately realized that they should be together, so they did not delay the wedding. The man had already been married before, he also had a child, but still, he built a relationship with his new beloved woman. Aziza has very warm feelings for him and wants them to have joint child. But she is afraid to give birth on her own because she is no longer young. Therefore, he is seriously thinking about finding surrogate mother. But be that as it may, Aziza has a family and she is very happy next to the one she loves.

Children of Aziza Mukhamedova

Children of Aziza Mukhamedova for her closed topic, because the singer doesn’t have them. It is difficult to name the reason why this happened. But most likely it can be explained by the fact that, carried away by her career, the woman somewhere forgot about simple joys. Although she has a beloved husband, in whom she dotes, she still has not yet decided to have children in the family. But Aziza dreams about it, thinks that perhaps she will seek the services of a surrogate mother. Will it work out for you? married couple or not, but for now they are quite happy together. Especially considering that Mukhamedova’s husband already has a son, therefore, he does not particularly suffer about the fact that there are no children with Aziza yet. But, again, it is quite possible that a new addition to the family is still to be expected.

Aziza Mukhamedova's common-law husband - Alexander Brodolin

Common-law husband Aziza Mukhamedova - Alexander Brodolin became the chosen one who won the heart of a beautiful woman and singer. I must say that he succeeded in something that no one else could, because Aziza has a lot of fans. It so happened that young people themselves knocked on her doors, but the woman at that time was only concerned about her career, and not her personal life. But apparently you can’t escape fate, because during a tour in Cyprus, a handsome young man came to a concert and watched with bated breath the beautiful woman on stage. Having accidentally met their eyes, they realized that they were destined to be together.

After we returned home, we began to actively correspond and call each other. After which they decided that there was no point in delaying the wedding. Alexander Brodolin is a successful businessman; he already has a marriage behind him, from which a child was born. Despite all this, Aziza dreams that they will also have children together, but due to her age she is afraid to give birth herself. Therefore, the couple is thinking about having a surrogate child. So, maybe we will hear about how a bright married couple had children who continue the work of their parents. For Aziza Mukhamedova, nothing is impossible, and if she decides to become a mother, she will do everything that depends on it. It is important for her to be not only popular singer, but also a good wife and mother.

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