Gleb Samoilov: “Gai Germanika is a closed topic! Gleb Samoilov threw the guy to Germanicus. "Y": So the treatment helped you

Valeria Gai Alexandrovna Germanika (born Valeria Igorevna Dudinskaya). Born on March 1, 1984 in Moscow. Russian film director, actress, screenwriter.

Father - Igor Dudinsky, journalist.

Mother - Natalya Dudinskaya (nee Lazareva, in her first marriage - Chaganava).

Valeria’s name was chosen by her grandmother, who loved the novel “Spartacus.”

“My parents’ friend, the artist Zhdanov, suggested the name Dubrava, and my mother wanted to name me Matilda. My grandmother said that this was all “trash”, what the hell Matilda and Dubrava, and named me Valeria Gai, in honor of the wife of the Roman dictator Lucius Cornelius Sulla.”, - Lera explained the origin of her unusual name.

From 1st to 5th grade she went to a Waldorf school according to the Rudolf Steiner system. It was one of the first closed lyceums in Russia. The humanities, religion, ethnicity, Russian epic, music, languages, and fine arts were studied there.

Then she visited regular school in Strogino. But not for long.

“I didn’t care what grade I would get in mathematics. My head is busy with other things, I live more with emotions than with science, with this rational thing. Everyone started to smack me: how can it be, she doesn’t care, and besides, she won’t get anything Because of this, I started playing truant, and then I stopped going to school altogether.", she said.


2005 - Sisters
2005 - Girls
2006 - Left (together with Boris Khlebnikov, film)
2006 - Boys
2007 - Birthday of the Infanta


2010 - Gromozeka - girl in a taxi
2010 - School - episode (episode 69)
2011 - Short course happy life- Mrs. Fedora
2012 - Entropy - Hera Dark
2013 - Hello, I'm your dad! - director
2013 - Blizzard - episode

Music videos Valeria Gai Germanika:

Video director:

2010 - What doesn't kill you, Cockroaches!
2010 - No one survived, Gleb Samoiloff & The Matrixx
2010 - Bird, DJ Smash
2011 - I didn't kill, Jack Action
2013 - Tell me, mom, Slava
2014 - Hang Me Linda
2014 - Mental wolf, Semantic hallucinations

Filming in videos:

2012 - “To Zero”, Trash tent KAC & Valeria Gai Germanika
2014 - “Outcast”, Basota
2014 - “Mental Wolf”, Semantic hallucinations
2015 - “Walks”, Animals

Valeria spent a million rubles on Samoilov’s treatment for alcoholism

The odious and controversial young lady Valeria Gai GERMANIKA has found a man to match her. And now he directs his own film with professional care. personal life With former soloist group “Agatha Christie” by Gleb SAMOILOV, pushing him into the “frame” of life, naively believing that it is a movie.

It was not by chance that they met. 26 year old Valeria Gai Germanika calls a 40 year old Gleb Samoilova her karmic husband, that is, destined by fate.

When the director was filming the last episodes of “School”, she dreamed of Gleb. In the dream, the rocker told the girl: “I want to become a goth.” Lera replied: “I’m a Goth. I’ll tell you all about them.” When she woke up, the first thing she did was go on the Internet to find out what was happening to Gleb. It turned out that Samoilov, after the collapse of Agatha Christie, put together new group"The Matrixx" is just in gothic style. The superstitious Valeria saw this as a sign and began vigorous activity. When she received the musician’s mobile phone, she wrote him an SMS: “Gleb, this is Lera Germanika. I want to meet you. Come up with something." The subscriber did not respond. But Germanika finally got hold of Gleb through the director of the Agatha Christie group.

- Hello, Valeria. This is Gleb Samoilov. Forgive me, please, I am not familiar with your work. And I don’t even know who Germanica is. But if you want, we can meet,” the musician finally answered the call.

On the same day, Lera asked the make-up artists of the TV series “School” to give her a stunning make-up, dressed up, booked a table at a restaurant and picked up Gleb in a car with personal driver. She put the rocker in the car and took him to feed, drink, and please him. At the establishment, the girl, out of excitement, ordered herself vodka, Gleb, for the sake of keeping up appearances, drank tea.

We talked for a very long time - the conversation flowed by itself,” Germanika recalls. - I fell in love even more and did not know how to demonstrate my sympathy. I also wanted to show my importance, because Gleb had no idea who I was. Apparently, that’s why I suddenly blurted out: “I have money - I can make a video for you.”

The musician was not excited by his new acquaintance, and even less so by her feelings. for a long time after the first meeting he never made himself known. Germanika herself began to write him SMS and call him. A month passed like this. And one day Gleb admitted that he had not had a woman for four months. Valeria realized that this was her chance. She immediately sent Samoilov a bottle of vodka with a driver. Gleb said that it was somehow wrong to drink it alone, and invited Lera to visit. “The fish swallowed the bait,” Germanika rejoiced. Gleb unexpectedly declared right on the threshold: “Lera, I love you.” He was already pretty drunk, so Valeria decided to come to her idol in the morning when he sobered up. As promised, she showed up with food and new drinks. The musician, exhausted from such care, finally gave himself to the purposeful girl. From that day on, Germanika settled in Gleb’s apartment and gradually moved her belongings from her parents, where she lived with her 2-year-old daughter Octavia.

Sacrifices for God

First of all, Valeria went to a tattoo parlor and tattooed a huge red heart covered with roses on her arm.

This is a memory of first love,” says Lera. - After all, before Gleb, I didn’t experience such feelings. I didn’t even think that love could be so powerful. He is my soul mate, my only and main husband!

The couple has been together for more than six months. From the first day of the relationship, Valeria lost her head in love.

Maybe this is also because I didn’t have much experience in love affairs,” the girl admitted to Express Gazeta. - I have never lived in a civil marriage. And to Gleb last time had sex with my daughter's father three years ago!

The obsession that Lera experiences is called love addiction in psychology.

“I stopped being interested in my career, my life,” says Germanika. - My only project is our relationship with Gleb. I live his problems, his affairs, his world.

Lera’s biological father is journalist Igor Dudinsky (he was against the birth of his daughter and abandoned Valeria’s mother when the girl was not even a year old. - N. Sh.) is categorically against the new fight.

friend of the heiress.

“Dudinsky believes that I have degenerated,” says Lera. - And in some ways he is right. During the months that I was with Gleb, I never filmed or came up with anything. For the first time in my life I loved someone more than myself.

Lera has found her god in Gleb, to whom she often brings offerings. The video for the first song of the group “The Matrixx” “Nobody Survived” was paid for and filmed by Germanika herself. Then I organized a photo shoot for the album, attracted famous artist for cover design. Gleb took all these broad gestures for granted.

“I am in excessive demand among women,” Gleb told us. - For me, such treatment is the norm. I even came up with a song on this topic: “A hundred vaginas - and I’m alone.”

By the way, Samoilov dedicated this song to Germanica at the concert.

He gives me one song, and I give him my whole life,” Lera throws up her hands. - This was his only gift for six months of relationship. Recently I told him that I am a woman, and women should at least be given flowers. And he immediately ran to the flower stall and bought beautiful bouquet. And the next day he gave me an iPhone, which I immediately lost.

Black sheets

Gleb Samoilov, as it turned out, is an expensive pleasure. Lera has completely updated her beloved’s wardrobe, furnished his rented apartment, hired a housekeeper, and pays for food and drinks.

“I am very far from everyday life,” says Lera, “my parents spoiled me.” I can't do anything with my hands. I can’t even heat water and make tea, much less wash my underpants and socks.

But today Germanika is slowly learning the basics of cooking, although she had previously shrugged it off:

I definitely won’t cook borscht for Gleb and make cutlets!

Gleb is a brilliant artist,” says Germanika, “that’s why I buy him flowers every day.” Yes, in relationships I am a real man.

Valeria ordered for her beloved from a jewelry workshop silver ring with a wolf and a she-wolf with emerald eyes.

At the same time, Valeria actively participates in the spiritual life of the musician: she introduces him to the capital’s creative elite and negotiates with foreign musicians.

Now my circle of friends comes down to the group “The Matrixx” and Valeria Gai Germanika, with whom I live,” states Samoilov.

We have sex for days! - Germanika admits. - The bed has turned into our habitat - here we not only sleep and love, but also eat, watch movies, listen to music, write. The bed is a calm zone. The most peaceful time is the first 15 minutes after sleep, when we lie in an embrace.

And then they begin to sort things out, and Germanika and Samoilov still communicate on first name terms.

And in general, I’m on first-name terms with all my men,” says Lera. - In my opinion, this is very erotic! During sex, Gleb says: “You, Valeria...”

Germanika let us know that during orgasm Gleb Samoilov cries, and she has to calm him down and stroke his head like a child. In general, the couple, as it turned out, have a lot of duvet deviations: “We are real goths, we even have black sheets!” Gleb is also a fan of stockings and loves to tear Lera’s tights during sex.

We both love cruelty towards our neighbors, says Germanika. - And once I cut off all of Gleb’s pubic hair, it was so funny! In general, Gleb and I have parted ways “forever” a hundred times already. Immediately we begin to thump hard. I immediately want to die and kill Gleb so that no one gets him.

Hell is with you and without you. But still, hell is worse when you’re not around,” Gleb once said to Lera.

This is striking: Germanika picked up the man of her dreams already at the end of his fame, drunk, and of no particular use to anyone. And now he really wants to go out. Save!

I'm an angel - likes to turn on Aguzarov" Lera. - I'm not from this planet.

I want but I can not

Gleb is constantly tossed from side to side: either he was on hard drugs, or thanks to Konstantin Kinchev I became passionately interested in Orthodoxy. Today Samoilov has a new direction - he has become politically and socially active. That is why the Agatha Christie group broke up: she and her brother Vadim disagreed.

Samoilov was recently seen with a broken nose - he says he slipped in the bathroom. As we were told by those around the couple, in fact the musician was injured during a fight with his lover.

Literally in September, Gleb made a difficult decision: for me to give birth to a baby for him,” says Lera. - After that he drank for two days.

And then, unexpectedly, Germanika and Samoilov began to have problems with sex. Years of drunkenness took their toll - the rocker began to develop sexual dysfunction, to satisfy the young hot girl became a problem. Then Valeria suggested that the faithful be encrypted. “I drank, I drink and I will drink,” Gleb answered.

Lera is trying to limit my alcohol intake,” the musician complained to everyone then. “But it only turns me on even more.” I don't like it when people forbid me something.

Then Germanica first introduced a moratorium on sex, and then threatened with separation. The ultimatum worked. Gleb finally got drunk to death, the girl took his lifeless body to the medical building of the famous clinic Marshak in the village of Alabino near Moscow. This happened on the eve of Samoilov’s concert in October, which had to be cancelled.

A special genetic analysis was taken from Gleb,” clinic doctor Alina Romanovna told Express Newspaper. - It was necessary to identify the cause of alcoholism at the DNA level.

From 8 am to 11 pm Samoilov is undergoing procedures. First, he was thoroughly cleansed of toxins, then a course was started: drips with medications, physical education, psychoanalysis (they prove to the patient that he is an alcoholic), procedures such as a pressure chamber, massage and a special diet (carbohydrates are excluded). Gleb Samoilov is still undergoing treatment. It was taken from him mobile phone and locked in a “safe.” First, Valeria dials the phone number of the attending physician Samoilov and tells him what time she will call her beloved. The doctor brings Gleb’s mobile phone, and he communicates with Lera in the presence of the doctor. Meetings are allowed once a week. Once, after such a visit, Valeria complained to friends that she had pumped more than a million into Samoilov: a 21-day course costs 599,000 rubles, and Samoilov has already gone to the second round.

At the same time, Germanika herself did not give up alcohol. The other day she threw a party for close friends in one of the clubs in Moscow, where she performed on stage with a St. Petersburg rapper Why. After Leroy drank several glasses of vodka, she was taken away from the establishment. The next day, she and Dudinsky got drunk in the morning. And at that time her little daughter was sleeping in the next room...

However, journalists who came to the press conference were waiting for the musicians a pleasant surprise– in addition to Gleb Samoilov himself and Dmitry Khakimov, the drummer and director of the group, director Valeria Gai Germanika, known for the scandalous films “Everyone Will Die, But I’ll Stay” and the TV series “School,” appeared before them.

Dream hero

- Valeria and Gleb, you are sitting together today, what connects you?

Gleb Samoilov: We are connected by love.

- What happens in this clip?

Gleb: Everyone dies, but we live.

- Valeria, were you a fan of the Agatha Christie group?

Valeria Gai Germanika: I have never been a fan of anyone other than a fan of Valeria Germanika. I don't understand, who is a fan? Is this someone who listens to music and falls asleep to it? Or someone who maniacally searches for information about his idol on the Internet? Personally, I just like music.

- How did you meet Gleb?

Valeria: I was filming the last 20 episodes of the series “School” and I had a dream about Gleb. I didn’t even understand why he was featured in it. The point was that I would understand what the ending of the series would be if I got to know it. In the end, I found out his phone number, we met... And it seemed like we couldn’t part.

- Will you go on stage today?

Valeria: I don't go on stage. I'm here simply because I can't part with Gleb. This happens to people.

Is there rock in Russia?

- What has changed in the group’s style compared to Agatha Christie?

Gleb: Apart from some mainstream songs, of which there will be 2-3, there is mainly a mixture of heavy music and electronics. As for the lyrics, you be the judge.

- How often do audiences ask to play Agatha Christie songs at concerts?

Gleb: You know, thank God, it turned out that as soon as we announced the existence of our new project, we said in every interview that we would not play Agatha Christie songs. Therefore, part of the audience immediately renounced, these are people over 20 years old who still went to the old “Agatha” concerts. The younger audience remained. From the “Agatha” repertoire we play only one song, which we agreed with Vadik, and which we really need. Ilya Kormiltsev, my friend, cried to this song. He specifically called me when I was in the hospital and said: “I’m crying to the song “Torn the Dream.” This song reflects the beginning of my mood, which has now developed in this program, which is called “The Beautiful is Cruel.”

Your album will be released only in the fall, but you are already on tour. Why did you decide to go on tour before the release?

Gleb: The fact is that at the end of last year, my brother Vadim and I decided that Agatha Christie was no more. Accordingly, they gave each other the green light for their personal projects. I already had the material ready for new album, which finally took shape by the end of February and I was not going to wait, I wanted to do something.

Dmitry: You also need to understand that CDs are not selling at all on the market right now. Even large groups cannot sell more than 1000 copies. Music is mainly distributed via the Internet. Whether we released an album or not, it doesn’t matter. As a big event, the release of the album lost its significance several years ago. Times have changed, the concept of the approach in general has changed. The finished album has lost its value as a work of art today. The current generation is growing up on a soulless perception of music, not as conceptual work, but as singles torn from the concept. This offends artists as artists, but these are the realities. What we are performing now, as a concept, lives precisely at the concert. And in the form of an album, these songs will reach 2-3 thousand people.

- Collectors?

Dmitry: Yes, this is for collectors. But there are very few of them, and the general public will see a video on TV, then another and a third, and then they will play these three songs in the player, along with the songs of the group “30 Seconds to Mars.”

That is, in your opinion, such convenience when a person, without buying an album, can download songs that interest him from the Internet is rather a minus?

Dmitry: This is monstrous!

Gleb: But, nevertheless, we continue to release albums...

- What do you think about the state of modern rock in Russia? What period is he going through?

Valeria: Is there rock music in Russia? Isn't this absurd?

Gleb: Yes. There is rock in Russia!

- But what we have now cannot be compared with the 90s and even the early 2000s?

Gleb: You know, on the contrary. There was no rock in the 90s. It was a stagnant party of people, those who had already become luminaries: Chaif, Garik, DDT, Alisa, etc.. But, no matter what they were good groups, it was standing still. Now there is rock, young people have appeared. If a person is born for whom rock music is the main thing in life, then there is rock.

- Who do you think is the underrated player of the Russian rock scene?

Gleb: Unfortunately, this is Vanya Demyan. I can’t say anything about Lyosha Nikonov, because he has his own loyal audience. Therefore, after all, Demyan, for me, is a wizard, but why he is underrated, I myself cannot imagine.

Parents left the show in tears

- Valeria, are you planning to make films about others? social institutions, for example about the army?

Valeria: I have never filmed, and I will never film, either for social events or for political topics. I'm interested in people and interpersonal relationships.

Gleb: Valeria and I watched the last episodes of “School” together, I’ll be honest, I cried.

Valeria: I cried myself during the last three.

The series “School” immediately after its release not only came into the spotlight, but had the effect of a bomb exploding. When you filmed it, did you expect such a result?

Valeria: When I was filming, I was only thinking about work. I had absolutely no time to think about anything else. My producers, colleagues and friends prepared me for some kind of resonance, but I didn’t even think that everything would be so strange.

- Do you think this resonance is strange?

Valeria: No, it was just very interesting for me. The morning after the first episode of “School” was released, I constantly had two calls on the line on my phone and this lasted for three whole days. I've never had anything like this. I couldn’t even work or shoot normally. Thank God, now it’s all over, it’s subsided, but I think it will resume again. Although now I'm ready for it.

What is it like the target audience your film “Everyone will die, but I will remain”? Are these people nostalgic for their school days?

Valeria: Not really. I studied the audience. This people of three generations. Schoolchildren recognize themselves, or, on the contrary, do not know themselves, because they have not yet had time to reflect on themselves at this age and it is still strange for them to look in this mirror. In addition, these are students who are nostalgic, naturally, and parents. When parents leave the show they always cry. There are a lot of reviews from them. Moms, dads, grandfathers, grandmothers came up to me and said, thank you for being able to understand our children. I didn't expect this.

Mystic calls for protest

Gleb, back when you were Agatha Christie, in one of your interviews, you said that the main task of your work is to encourage people to protest. Hasn't she changed now?

Gleb: She became a priority.

- Has it become more difficult to implement it?

Gleb: No. I look at the country and understand that something is changing, people are waking up. But I still want to encourage people to protest, and I always wanted to.

- Do your listeners understand this?

Gleb: Judging by our forum, yes, they understand. Of course, I can sing about Law 121, about how it hit my mother, about how the pension reform hit my mother. And she, by the way, is a doctor with 30 years of experience, of the highest qualifications, and she, like her friends, lives in poverty. I, of course, can write about this, but my mindset is such that I don’t write in such a way that “in the morning in the newspaper, in the evening in a verse.”

- Your concert in Nizhny Novgorod fell on May 1st, what does this holiday mean to you?

Gleb: This is a historic day for me. For the first time, it was not just the police who fired into the crowd, but the crowd responded to the shots by throwing a bomb at them. Then people realized that, it turns out, not only they can do it, but we can do it too. After this, the capitalist world made some concessions to the workers. That's what this holiday means to me.

“AiF-NN” thanks the concert company “All Stars” for their help in organizing the interview.

Last fall, former frontman of the Agatha Christie group Gleb Samoilov was treated for alcohol addiction at the Marshak clinic, where Valeria Gai Germanika placed him. Then the young people met. But vodka, which, according to Lera, remained the main thing in the musician’s life, crossed out this relationship. Correspondent "Ytra" and asked whether alcohol really interferes with his communication with women.

"Ytro": Gleb, you have such a rich creative life. Do you want to publish your memoirs?

Gleb Samoilov: So far I have tried to write only short forms of memoir type. It happened at the Marshak clinic. Typically, psychologists practice this type of work in the treatment of anonymous alcoholics and drug addicts. I was simply asked to describe my experience... Yes, in some places this experience was negative, but in many ways it shaped me. In general, everything happened to me. But my health doesn’t allow me to take drugs now, that’s all I can say.

"Y": So the treatment helped you?

G.S.: When I was being treated, I didn't drink. I generally drink from time to time, but I cannot call myself a binge alcoholic. I just realized that you can’t get rid of my desire for everything unhealthy: lifestyle, creativity, what is considered painful, decadence. It is impossible to refuse this, otherwise there will be no Gleb Samoilov - the way he is.

This is just an option to escape from reality when it becomes wildly sad and lonely. Alcohol transforms that terrible emptiness that is inside into some more sentimental state. In this state, you can turn on a movie or music and cry. In general, a hellish emptiness periodically rolls in, and you have to somehow fight it.

"Y": So you still have problems with alcohol?

G.S.: Basically, I have problems with the perception of life. And alcohol is just one of the manifestations of this.

"Y": Did you break up with Valeria Gai Germanika because of this?

G.S.: We have different points of view on our separation. I don’t want to talk about Lera, neither bad nor good. Valeria was in my life, but now she is absent from my life. Lera, I don’t want mine. It is true that the initiative to separate was mine. I remember Lera without malice... Now I don’t have a permanent girlfriend, but I’m in no hurry to do so.

"Y": I suspect that you do not suffer from a lack of female attention?

G.S.: That's for sure, I'm not suffering. Although I cannot be called a womanizer. In fact, when I have a permanent relationship, a period of falling in love, I remain faithful. I just don't want to change.

"Y": What kind of girls do you like?

G.S.: It's hard to say, because perfect girls doesn't happen, just like ideal men. I don’t walk the streets and ask: “Girl, are you my love or not?” Love can be different, it is multifaceted and new every time... Of course, I always want an ideal, but I am well aware that love does not live forever, and staying together with a person out of habit or because of a joint household is not my thing .

"Y": Is it important for you that your girlfriend shares your views on creativity?

G.S.: It's nice, but absolutely not important. It’s interesting when your girlfriend became successful in her creative work. This was the case with Lera. And my second wife became famous fashion designer. She developed before my eyes, in our marriage. Now we are friends, and we did not have and do not have any creative jealousy.

"Y": You have a son, whose name is also Gleb. Do you communicate with him often?

G.S.: We communicate when I come to Yekaterinburg or when he comes to Moscow. Gleb is now 14 years old, he has good hearing, There is musical abilities, he also draws beautifully and loves technology. By the way, he also wants to be a musician, but I don’t interfere in his life with advice. I'm a bad teacher - I don't know the answer to many questions.

"Y": Who supports you?

G.S.: Probably mom. She lives in Yekaterinburg, but often visits me in Moscow. Mom worries about me, about Vadim, listens to our music, tries to understand it. This is not to say that she likes everything, but, knowing me well, my mother understands perfectly why my songs cannot be exactly the same and different.

"Y": Did your parents forbid you anything as a child?

G.S.: For a long time, my mother did not want Vadik and I to become musicians, to play in a group, in a school ensemble. She was worried about our future. At that time, a professional musician could only work as a restaurant labourer. Therefore, at rehearsal school group, I remember leaving secretly, inventing some non-existent reasons for my mother. She used to say: “Songs are songs, but you need to have a profession.” Vadim and I received a profession, but still became what we wanted since childhood.

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