Musical living room. Scenario of joint entertainment for children of the second youngest group with their parents

The music room invites “Such different music...”

Meet some biographical information from the life of P.I. Tchaikovsky; Hearing individual works in music classes;

Goal: To familiarize children and parents with the work of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, a cycle of musical works "Children's Album" .

Objectives: To introduce children to the music of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky and his cycle of works "Children's Album"

To create conditions for listeners to enjoy communication with classical music, presenting auditory images to visual ones.

Instill the skills of a culture of listening to classical music.


Multimedia installation, screen, presentation for notes;

Sounds "Waltz" from "Children's album." P.I. Tchaikovsky

Children enter the hall and take their seats.

The music flows, sparkles, sparkles!

Joy and celebration! Sun and light!

It’s as if he’s telling all sorrows to be forgotten, generously giving musical greetings.

Dear guests, guys! Today you are invited to a meeting with the music of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Do you know what it can? What can music do?

(Makes you happy, sad, Can make you laugh, make you angry, calm, lull, can tell...)

Indeed, music is a real magician

Today we were invited to our meeting by the music of the famous Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Who is the composer?

(person who writes music)

In the spring of 1878, Tchaikovsky returned to his homeland from abroad and decided to stay in Ukraine, with the family of his beloved sister Alexandra Ilyinichna Davydova.

He lived in a cozy room specially prepared for him, and most importantly, what was in his room? how do you come up with what? What musical instrument?

IN free time P.I. loved to play with his little nephews. Alexandra Ilyinichna had seven children, and Tchaikovsky tirelessly came up with holidays for them with bonfires, fireworks and, of course, dancing, where he himself accompanied on the piano.

His little nephew had difficulty mastering the intricacies of playing the piano during the hours allotted for practice. Sitting on the veranda over tea, Pyotr Ilyich heard the unlucky “pianist” tormenting scales and etudes in the next room. He felt sorry for the baby, and he decided to create "Children's Album"

Do you know what could be in this album?

"Children's Album" is 24 easy pieces for piano. On title page first edition: "Dedicated to Volodya Davydov. Children's album. Collection of easy plays for children."

Here you can find pictures of nature and Fairy tale characters and names of children's games. dance tunes

All works are varied in character, with interesting names. Mother. Baba Yaga, Russian song, nanny's fairy tale, winter morning.

want to see and hear what's on the first page "Children's Album"

Bom-bom, bom-bom,

The album opens.

Now cheerful, now sad,

Not simple, but musical

He sat on his golden-headed horse and raced around the house, around the room,

Past the table, whatnot and bedside table, past the cat lying on the sofa,

Past a grandmother sitting knitting, past a ball and a box of toys.

Music is playing "Horse Game"

Girls always played with dolls, 100 and 170 years ago, when P.I. Tchaikovsky lived, but toys for boys have changed, what do modern boys play with?

(Guns, cars, robots)

They clearly mark a firm step - no, they are not afraid of the fierce enemy

With a drum, in an even formation, they march like heroes.

And don’t look at how small they are - they are battle-hardened! (A.I. Burenina)

Brand new, beautiful soldiers just attract you. They are just like the real thing, you can line them up and send them to the parade. So they know how to march like real people, and it’s so cool that you just feel like marching with them

Sounds "March of the Wooden Soldiers"

Was the sound loud or soft?

Whether the melody was smooth, melodious or clear. jerky?

What pace will be fast, rapid, or calm, moderate?

What kind of character will there be: cheerful, perky, or sad, sad?

One day, a friend came to visit Sasha’s girl’s dad. He had some kind of box in his hands.

This is for you, Sasha! - he said.

“What is it?” Sashenka thought, burning with curiosity.

An acquaintance untied the ribbon, opened the lid and handed the box to the girl...

There lay a beautiful doll. She had big blue eyes. When the doll was rocked, the eyes opened and closed. The pretty little mouth smiled at the girl.

Light curly hair fell on the shoulders. And from under the velvet dress white stockings and black patent leather shoes were visible. A real beauty!

Sashenka looked at the doll and couldn’t get enough of it.

The girl reached over and took the doll out of the box. A feeling of joy and happiness overwhelmed her. The girl impulsively pressed the doll to her chest and spun around the room with it, as if in a waltz.

What a joy to receive such a gift! – thought Sasha

Listen to the play "New Doll"

What kind of music sounded, what did it say?

The music is light, danceable, joyful, bright.

The child's day is coming to an end. There were games, walks, activities, reading books about travel to different countries. And in the evening Nanny's fairy tale.

M.R.: Now guess the riddle: what is the fairy tale about?

Who's the scary one flying over the forest with a broom?

Lives in a hut with a chicken leg? (Baba Yaga)

Music is playing "Baba Yaga"

conversation (music is harsh, loud, angry)

as if Baba Yaga is circling over the forest on her broom.

The polka began to sound in the hall, there was joy everywhere, ringing laughter,

This is a light, bright dance in New Year will make friends with everyone!

I suggest taking musical instruments and performing a polka dance.

(Video illustration used)

Musical and didactic game "Guess the melody" (carried out on the basis of the plays listened to. Children and parents, after listening to a musical fragment, select the desired card and show it)

Bom-bom-bom-bom! The album is closing!

Who gave it to us, composed it for children?

(Children call the name of P.I. Tchaikovsky

Tchaikovsky's music inspired screenwriters and animators to create a cartoon "Children's Album"

(View a fragment of the cartoon)

May music always live and joy conquer everywhere!

Let the Russian heart sing! Tchaikovsky is known everywhere!

M.R. thanks everyone for your attention.

"Music lounge in kindergarten » Working group for project preparation: senior educator GBOU d/s 1641 Popovich E.I. senior educator GBOU d/s 2570 Grigorieva G.Yu. senior teacher GBOU d/s combined type 685 Kopeiko K.A. "Enlightened Parenting" Moscow 2012

Goal: To introduce the family to musical classics in a highly artistic performance, promoting the musical and general cultural development of children through concerts (15), leisure activities (musical lounge) (20) for children and parents for one year from January 11, 2012 to January 11, 2013. Objectives: Integration of formal and informal forms preschool education, ensuring the attraction of resources from the urban environment and the Moscow family to educational process in preschool educational institutions. Enrichment of educational systems implemented in preschool educational institutions by introducing personalized cultural events into the life of each child. Development in children preschool age emotional attitude and interest in culture and music.

Summary project The project is aimed at: Introducing children and parents to musical culture, cultivating interest and love for classical music; To cultivate artistic taste, a conscious attitude towards domestic musical heritage And modern music; For children to acquire a system of basic knowledge, skills and methods musical activity, providing the basis for subsequent independent acquaintance with music; To strengthen family traditions, family relations.

Justification for the need for the project: Formation creative personality child through his development musical abilities through listening to classical and folk music, strengthening family relationships, identifying gifted children. Expected learning outcomes: As a result of the project, the musical and rhythmic level of children’s development, creative potential, which will be useful to them in later life. Activation of parents to introduce children to musical culture.

Components Content of activity Result Creation of a subject-development environment on the territory Preschool educational institution Organization development centers: game center“Visiting Notka”; music lounge “Merry Carousel”; educational and research platform “Clever Men and Women”; __ Public information. Concluding cooperation agreements with parents. Plan-project. Creation slide presentations Business card project Booklets for parents Creation of visual information media Weekly newspaper kindergarten "", Brochure of preschool educational institution. Banner Public information. Creation of press releases for parents Photographic materials Cooperation in the media Internet Publication of the quarterly newspaper of the preschool educational institution "" Print publications: in the newspaper ""; magazine "", "" Posting information on the official website of the preschool educational institution Informing the public. Positioning of preschool educational institutions. Image promotion. MAIN COMPONENTS OF THE IMAGE PROMOTION PROJECT

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Project “Musical living room in a preschool educational institution”, with the aim of educating children high culture and psychoemotional health

Relevance project:

- psycho-emotional health preschoolers are the foundation of the younger generation. Healthy children – healthy nation.

Promotion cultural level of children in all areas and directions musical development.

Objective of the project:

To form in children and parents an understanding of the importance of all sound information in people’s lives, its influence on psyche, emotions and, as a result, for the rest of life. Create a need to listen and perform "useful" music and"live sounds".

Tasks project:

1. Provide for children and parents necessary information about the influence of sounds on nervous system of people.

2. Introduce various musical directions.

3. Expand listening experience in the field of traditional, classical, church, modern children's song and dance music.

4. Enrich children's knowledge through musically-theatrical productions, educational and entertainment events and competitions with the direct participation of children and parents.

Participants project:

Group teachers, children, parents.

Type project: educational and entertaining.

Project designed for the period from October to April.

Expected results project:

1. Development of the concept of importance in children and their parents mental health.

2. Upbringing musical culture .

3. Enriching children and parents with knowledge in the field musical directions of song, instrumental and dance creativity.

4. Cultivating love for native culture and respect for the Fatherland.

In the process of implementation project the following Events:

Consultations for parents;

Conversations with children;

Getting to know musical material;

Homework for children and parents;

Conducting educational and entertainment events and competitions;

Project divided into four stage:

The first stage is organizational (month of October).

Selection of literature;

Conversations with parents;

Themes: “Metrorhythmic and sound influence on psyche of preschool children", "Listen "correct" music», “The influence of folklore on the development of speech”, “The influence of folklore on the development of various abilities of children”, “Why does a child need dancing?”, “We develop our horizons and interest in the Kuban culture» . "Background" music in a child's life. "The world of dance through the eyes of a child".

Development of questionnaires;

The second stage is practical (November – April).

Conversations with children about the influence of sounds on mental health, about the existence "useful" And "harmful" music, as well as various sounds, about the dangers of television programs.

Getting to know musical material;

Learning songs, nursery rhymes, ditties, carols;

- music games;

The third stage is final (end of every month).

Conducting competitions and educational and entertainment events.

Questioning parents (month of May).

Exhibition of children's drawings "I'll draw music» , as a result of the work carried out on the subject psychological test about the state of psycho-emotional perception of music by children.

Stage four – protection project(presentation).

Publications on the topic:

January 27 MBUK "Usolsky Historical - local history museum" “We must not forget the siege of Leningrad” - a literary and musical living room within the framework.

Musical living room Music is playing. IN music hall parents and children gather. Musical director Good evening, dear parents! We have gathered here.

Musical lounge “We are Russians” Scenario for the music room “We are Russians!” Purpose: To educate good relations To home country, the concept of traditions, its history, instill.

Musical lounge "Children's music by S. Prokofiev" Goal: Formation of the foundations of musical culture through classical music. Materials and equipment: - Multimedia equipment: projector,.

The musical workers of our kindergarten "Berezka" gave the children a wonderful musical festival. The living room is held for the purpose of instilling.

Musical lounge “Gennady Gladkov is 80 years old!” The author of music for the most popular Russian films and cartoons, Gennady Gladkov, is 80 years old (senior groups) V. – Hello, dears.

Musical living room in the senior preparatory groups e kindergarten. Scenario

Entertainment scenario for kindergarten "Musical living room"

Target: Promote development creative potential children in performing activities.
Tasks: Expand children's understanding of ways to perform songs (in an ensemble, using children's musical instruments, to a soundtrack), dancing (in a group, using instruments, in pairs); Encourage children to share their hobbies and discuss the performance of their comrades. Arouse interest in the performance of guests of the music room.
Manuals and materials: metallophones, spoons, domra, multimedia presentation.

Progress of entertainment

To the music “Magical Country,” children enter the hall and take their pre-prepared seats.
1 Presenter.
Hello, dear music lovers!
Yes, yes, exactly amateurs, because today in this hall those children from our kindergarten who have a musical hobby have gathered.
Without music, without music,
There is no way to live.
Can't dance without music
Neither polka nor hopak.
2 presenter
And you won’t be able to dance around,
And you won’t be able to march
And a funny song
You won't sing on holiday.
1 presenter
So let today into this hall
Music will come to us,
And everyone along with the music
He will dance and sing!
And I even know guys who really love to sing. And I’ll tell you a secret, there are a lot of such children in our kindergarten! For example, children from senior group. The three of them came to us. Tell me, guys, will you all sing together? This means we will hear the song performed by a trio. What song will you sing for us?
There are many songs in the world
They sing about everything
My brother gave me a handkerchief
We will sing to you about this.
Song “Gave a handkerchief” by muses Aleksandrovsk Wow
2 Presenter
And I see guys who have metallophones on their desks. I wonder if they will sing
or play on musical instruments? Guys, tell me with what
musical number did you come to us?
We thought together for a long time
How to sing a song more interesting?
And then Anton said:
We need to take a metallophone!
2 Presenter
So, are you going to sing and play metallophones now?
I understood you correctly?
So, the children of the preparatory group sing a song...
Farewell to the rain
Song using metallophones “Farewell to the rain” music. And Evtotje howl

Let me tell you!
Singing together is good!
It's better with a metallophone!
Nothing in the choir either,
Well, it’s cooler with dad!
1 Presenter
So, Kira, you came with your dad today?
Hello, we have musical family. Therefore, music is often played in our house. And now Kira and I will prove this to you.
Dad and I will sing the song “Puppy”
The song “A puppy was walking down the street” is accompanied by a dance composition yeah

preparatory group teacher
This is all very interesting, but I want to tell you about my pupil
Arina Khodos. She was also very interested in singing.
She sang even when the guys were dancing
2 Presenter
And we can remember how it was.
Watch the video ika
And today Arina is our guest. Hello. Arina, tell me, do you continue to sing? Will you sing for us today?
Song “Eccentric Man” by A. Petrishchev Ouch

1 Presenter
And I see two girls with an instrument that we don’t have in kindergarten.
And these girls are also our pupils Arina and Polina.
Girls, what kind of tools are these? Are you studying at a music school?
Why do you play the domra?
Since childhood we listened to guitar, domra and accordion
Because our mother is a musical champion!
My sister and I would like to learn guitar
While your hands are growing
Let's master this tool
2 Presenter
Together with Arina and Polina, our guest is the accompanist from the nursery music school Galina Sergeevna. She will help our girls fulfill musical works on this folk instrument.
Playing the domra “The Cheerful Peasant” music. Noise ana

And I see guys in chef’s hats, I wonder if they will sing too?
What did you come with today?
Now get to know us!
My friends and I will cook porridge.
We will cook porridge while dancing.
What don't you believe?
Dance "Cook, Porridge" music. A. Petrishchev Ouch

1 Presenter
Indeed, it is immediately clear that these guys really love to dance.
2 Presenter
And I know guys who not only dance, but also play musical instruments, but which ones?
Let's hit the spoons together,
How to stamp your heel.
And we'll play and we'll dance,
And let's spin like a top!
Dance with spoons “Snow Snowball” rn. m.

1 Presenter
Yes, in our kindergarten a lot of children are interested in dancing. I also want to tell you about one boy who went to our kindergarten 5-6 years ago. Look how he was, well, just like you. He loved to perform, he loved to dance. Today this boy is also our guest, this is Danil Shankin. Not only is he very serious about ballroom dancing, but is also a winner of many dance competitions. Danil, tell us how many years you have been dancing.
Short story Dan silt
2 Presenter
And, of course, today we will see the performance of Danil and his partner
Dance "Sam" ba"

1 Presenter
The last notes, alas, sounded,
At least the hall is filled with good music
Today we are even a little tired,
But everyone, I think, learned a lot!
2 Presenter
Every day from the heart
Sing songs, play, dance,
Paint a picture with a musical palette!
1 Presenter
Let's hold hands
Let's merge with the music,
Hearts will beat in unison.
May our souls be illuminated
May it never be silent
Beautiful sounds, harmonious choir.
Children leave the hall to the song "Anthem of Music"

In kindergarten No. 29 in Verkhnyaya Pyshma ( Sverdlovsk region) approached the preparation of the autumn matinee in a very unconventional way. The coincidence of dates and love for the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin also played a role. This year marks the 215th anniversary of the birth of the classic. And teachers, abandoning the usual autumn fun, decided to hold a musical and literary lounge " Pushkin autumn" Arina Radionovna was played by the teacher of the group, Lyudmila Nikolaevna Gornova.

Prepared by:

  • KOROBKINA Elena Ivanovna, music director of the highest qualification category.
  • TSAREVA Marina Vitalievna, teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category.

Holiday scenario

Children's entrance.

DANCE WITH LEAVES “AUTUMN WALTZ” (words by E. Astakhov, music by K. Derr).

Presenter: — Hello, dear children, dear guests! Today, on this autumn day, we have gathered with you to celebrate the autumn holiday.

Child 1:

— On a sunny, bright, autumn day
A leaf torn by the wind is spinning.
The leaves are falling, falling all around,
Covering the earth with a golden carpet.

Child 2:

— Autumn comes unnoticed,
He walks towards us with a cautious step.
Paints the leaves on the branches,
He will collect migratory birds.

Child 3:

— Autumn comes in its turn.
In it every month, without a doubt,
He gives us what we wait for all year,
A wonderful holiday - an autumn day!

SONG “WHY DOES AUTUMN CRY?” (words and music by E. Sokolova).

After the performance, the children sit down in their seats.

Child 1:

— Autumn lays down in yellow carpets,
Marble statues froze in the garden.
And a thin cobweb over the ponds
The raindrops were jumping on the pond.

Child 2:

- And again Pushkin’s muse began to sing,
And again my soul is joyful and light.
We'll go to Pushkin's time,
We will go to Tsarskoye Selo.

Presenter: — Many poets praised autumn, but the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin especially loved this time of year! More than 200 years have already passed since the birth of the poet, but the spirit of his works, his fairy tales lives in every Russian person. No wonder he is called the “sun of Russian poetry.” Listen to how beautifully and figuratively Pushkin wrote about autumn, performed by Maxim Vasilyevich Kharin and Anton Yuryevich Dubogryzov.

Parents (fathers) read a poem against the background of music (“Romance” - music by G. Sviridov to the story “Blizzard” by A.S. Pushkin).

Anton Yurievich:

- The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often.
The day was getting shorter
Lesov mysterious canopy
With a sad noise she stripped herself,
Fog lay over the fields,
Noisy caravan of geese
Stretched to the south: approaching
Quite a boring time;
It was already November outside the yard.
(A.S. Pushkin, excerpt from “Eugene Onegin”)

Maxim Vasilievich:

- It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant threats of gray winter...
(A.S. Pushkin, “Autumn”)

Presenter: - Tell me, guys, do you like fairy tales? (Children's answers.)

— Pushkin was once small
Loved playing like you guys.
And he loved to sing and dance,
And in the evening with fairy tales
Fall asleep quietly.

— And his nanny Arina Rodionovna told him fairy tales.

Child 1:

- The old lady lived a long time ago
And she was Pushkin’s nanny.
And how many fairy tales has she composed?
Yes, I told all of them to little Sasha.
And Sasha grew up and became a poet,
I rewrote magical stories in verse.

Child 2:

- He didn’t do it in vain:
Listen to how wonderful it sounds:
“Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree,
Golden chain on oak vol.
Both day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes around and around in a chain.
He goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - he tells fairy tales.
There are miracles there, the devil wanders there,
A mermaid sits on the branches...”

Presenter: - Yes, it was these fairy tales that little Sasha was ready to listen to endlessly! They carried him to Magic world fairy tales

The lights go out... Arina Rodionovna enters, holding a candle.

The romance “Don't sing, beauty” sounds (music by S. Rachmaninov, lyrics by A.S. Pushkin).

Arina Rodionovna: - Oh-ho-ho, it’s as empty as a house without Father Alexander Sergeevich. I was overcome with sadness and sadness, and I had no one to talk to, poor thing. (Sighs.)

He approaches the table, takes the portrait of the poet, looks at him tenderly and lovingly.

Presenter: - Excuse me, please…

Arina Rodionovna (shuddering): - Oh, there’s someone in the living room! Let me take a better look. (Takes a candle.) Oh, how many guys have gathered!

Presenter: — Hello, Arina Rodionovna!

Arina Rodionovna: - Hello, good people. What did you come with?

Presenter: - Dear nanny, there are children gathered here who really love the work of A.S. Pushkin, and especially his fairy tales. They know that you told little Sasha a great many of them.

Arina Rodionovna: - Your truth. So, you say you love and know the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich?

The children answer.

Arina Rodionovna:

- But first, for the sake of order,
I'll tell you riddles.
Agree without fear!
Let's remember Pushkin's tales,
And heroes, and names.
Are you ready? Attention!

Arina Rodionovna approaches the table with the chest.

- There under the tall tree
The squirrel sings songs
Yes, he gnaws all the gold,
Emerald takes out
And puts it in a bag.
And the large yard is sown
Golden shell. (Squirrel nuts, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”)


The game is played to a cheerful melody, optional music director. Two blindfolded children are sorting out cones and nuts.

Arina Rodionovna: - You completed this task easily. And that squirrel was a prankster: she sang songs and made people laugh.


- Come on, musicians,
Quickly disassemble the painted spoons,
Have fun, people, have fun.

ORCHESTRA “IN THE GARDEN, IN THE VEGETABLE GARDEN” (Russian folk song “Is it in the garden, in the vegetable garden”).

Arina Rodionovna:

- It’s not simple:
Sparkles with scales
Swims, dives,
Fulfills wishes. (Goldfish, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”)

Arina Rodionovna reads a riddle against the background of the music of C. Saint-Saens “Aquarium”.

Arina Rodionovna: - In what fairy tale? gold fish made wishes come true? Do you want to catch a magic fish?


The attraction is performed to a cheerful melody, at the choice of the music director.

Presenter: - Now let's see how our dads will catch the goldfish! They are our avid fishermen!!!

Arina Rodionovna: — Try to guess the following riddle...

- It’s full of ripe juice,
So fresh and so fragrant
So rosy, golden,
As if filled with honey -
You can see right through the seeds! (Apple, “The Tale of the Dead Princess.”)


Children stand in a round dance, pass an apple, and when the music stops, the child with the apple comes out and performs free dance movements.

Arina Rodionovna:

- This girl is not simple,
Yes, what a beauty
During the day the light of God is eclipsed,
At night it illuminates the earth. (The Swan Princess, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”)

Arina Rodionovna reads a riddle against the background of the music of the Ural lyrical round dance “Ural Gems.”


- Oh, princess, like a peahen,
So beautiful, majestic.
And the girls match her
They will also dance.


Arina Rodionovna:

- Who walks around the chain?
He goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - is he telling a fairy tale? (Scientific cat.)

- And now the next task, “Questions from the Scientist Cat.”


— What is the name of the island lying on the way to the kingdom? glorious Saltan? (Buyan Island.)
— In this fairy tale, one sister became a queen, another became a weaver, and the third became what? (A cook in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”)
— Name the squirrel’s favorite song from the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan. (“Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden.”)
— How many brothers did the Swan Princess have? (Thirty three.)


- How many years did the old man and his old woman live near the blue sea? (Thirty years and three years.)
— What did the net come with the first, second and third time? (In the first - with mud, in the second - with sea grass, in the third - with goldfish.)
-Who gave King Dadon a golden cockerel? (The Stargazer in The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.)
— The Swan Princess performs three miracles at the request of Prince Guidon. Name these miracles! (First: The squirrel sings songs, but gnaws everything on the nuts, and the nuts are not easy, all the shells are golden. Second: In the scales, like the heat of grief, there are thirty-three heroes. Third: The Swan turned into a princess “The moon glitters under the scythe, and the star burns in the forehead. This "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".)
— Prince Guidon turned into insects three times in the fairy tale. Name them! (Into a mosquito, a fly, a bumblebee in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”)
- What item did the proud, capricious, jealous queen receive as a dowry? (Talking mirror in "The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes.")
— What is the name of the dog of the seven heroes? (Sokolko.)

Arina Rodionovna: “I see that you children know Alexander Sergeevich’s fairy tales well.” There is only one fabulous thing left in my chest:

- Golden this bird
He put Dadon on the knitting needle.
If that bird sits quietly,
Everything is peaceful around the king. (The Golden Cockerel.)

Gives gifts to the presenter.

Arina Rodionovna:

- Read Pushkin, friends!
Read fairy tales!
And then life will be full
Warmth and affection.
Read Pushkin always -
Here's a hint for you
And you will carry it through the years
You are the joy of a fairy tale!
Says goodbye and leaves.

They read against the background of music (“Echoes of the Waltz” - music by G. Sviridov to the story “Blizzard” by A.S. Pushkin).


- My Pushkin! My poet! My joy!
Thank you for your love for your native word.
We were very happy about this meeting.
We will read your poems again!


— We dedicated our holiday to Pushkin,
Filling the hall with wonderful poems.
We talked about Pushkin today
Poetry through magical lips.

To the music of Sviridov’s “Blizzard,” the children leave the hall.


We thank Elena Ivanovna Korobkina for the photographs provided.

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