Jennifer Lawrence: biography of a talented actress. Jennifer Lawrence complained about lack of sex and excess alcohol

Actress Jennifer Lawrence gave an extensive interview to Harper Bazaar magazine and reported a number of interesting facts from her star life.

“Sitting on the sofa of a New York hotel, as if at home, while her tiny dog ​​Pippi ran around the room,” the star sadly admitted to the author of the publication that she was lonely and had almost forgotten what sex was. "Sex? Someone remind me what that is," says the Oscar winner. Adding that although she is quite sociable and tries to be friendly, people are still afraid of her. And with such an attitude, it’s not so easy to get a guy.

Another problem is alcohol. When friends and comrades manage to drag her out of the house and into establishments, the get-togethers often end in “cuddling with the toilet.” Because, as they say, a drop gets into your mouth, it can be difficult to stop. The actress calls her friend Emma Stone and Woody Harrelson, with whom she starred in “The Hunger Games” and who witnessed rather unsightly scenes a couple of times, as witnesses.

What's a typical day like for Jennifer when she's not working or hugging plumbing? “When I wake up, I walk Pippi, then I do Pilates, hang out with friends, maybe then watch TV, then go to bed - and so I live my life,” says the laureate.

What makes her laugh? “The Onion Headlines” (The Onion is an American resource for humorous news - RG). The last of them, which sincerely “smiled” at me, was “A scary girl was killed.”

Jokes are jokes, but the personal life of a young rich actress of marriageable age is really so-so. From 2011 to 2013, Jennifer dated actor Nicholas Hoult, her co-star in the film X-Men: First Class. And after the film “My Boyfriend Is Crazy” was released, a rumor spread in the media that Lawrence began dating Bradley Cooper. Who immediately denied the gossip - with the words: “But I’m fit to be her father!” On the other hand, Jennifer tries never to seriously talk about her partners at all, carefully protecting this very personal life.

Lawrence, 25, is the youngest actress ever to receive four Oscar nominations. The young lady has been repeatedly recognized as one of the most beautiful and desirable women in the world: in 2011, People magazine placed her in thirteenth place in the list of the most beautiful people on the planet, and in 2013 - in sixth. That same year, Lawrence became the most desirable woman in the world according to the men's publication AskMen. At the same time, Time magazine included Jennifer in its list of the most influential people in the world. Tops Forbes' ranking of Hollywood's highest-paid actresses, beating out Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, Reese Witherspoon, Anne Hathaway, Kristen Stewart and Cameron Diaz.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Shrader Lawrence. Born on August 15, 1990 in Louisville (Kentucky, USA). American actress. Winner of the Oscar (2013), BAFTA (2014) and Golden Globe (2013, 2014, 2016).

Father - Gary Lawrence, an employee of a construction company.

Mother - Karen Lawrence (nee Koch), a children's camp worker.

Jennifer has English, German, Irish and Scottish ancestry.

Has two older brothers - Ben and Blaine.

According to Jennifer, as a child she spent a lot of time in nature: “I was once talking to a friend who grew up in California, and I said to her, ‘Have you even walked in the woods?’, ‘Dig a hole?’, ‘Have you seen a snake? did you see?”, “or maybe climbed trees?” And she, “Well, I had a beach nearby,” and I, “Well, how did you serve it from the trees there? Or built fortresses?

During her school years, she took part in cheerleading performances. I played field hockey for some time.

She admitted that she was bullied by her peers at school: “I changed many schools when I was in primary school because some girls were very mean to me.” However, she learned to stand up for herself and exhibited a rather aggressive type of behavior: “They were less angry when I was in middle school. There I already knew how to behave. And yet there was one girl who told me to give out invitations to her birthday, despite the fact that I was not invited to this party. But I got it all sorted out. She snarled at the invitations and threw them in the trash.”

Already at the age of 14, Jennifer firmly decided to become an actress and asked her parents to take her to New York to find an agent there. The agencies she auditioned for praised her acting skills, despite the fact that she had no education or work experience.

She graduated from school as an external student 2 years earlier in order to begin actively acting in films.

Lawrence began her career by filming various television shows and series. She played her very first roles in 2006 in the television project "City Company" and TV series "Detective Monk".

In 2007, she was approved for the role of Lauren Pearson in the series "The Billy Engvall Show"(in 2009, for her work in the show, she received the Young Actor Award in the category “Best Young Actress in a Television Series”). In addition to Billy Ingvala, in 2007 Lawrence played in one episode of the series Medium and Detective Rush.

In 2008, Lawrence's career began to take off - she played in a feature film for the first time. "Garden Party", although this role was small. The same year, Lawrence played her first leading role in the drama House of Poker, for which she received a prize at the 2008 Los Angeles Film Festival.

International fame came to Jennifer after the release of the drama "Burning Plain", where she reincarnated as young Marianne.

Despite the fact that such famous actresses as Charlize Theron and Kim Basinger were involved in the film, the film failed at the box office and was also not highly rated by critics. But Lawrence’s performance was appreciated well: at the 65th Venice Film Festival she received the Marcello Mastroianni Prize, which is awarded to promising young actors and actresses.

In 2009, Lawrence did not play in films, but continued filming in “The Billy Engvall Show.” She also starred in Parachute's video for the song "The Mess I Made".

The series ended that same year, but Lawrence had two films ahead: a black comedy "Beaver" starring and low-budget drama by Debra Granik "Winter's Bone", which came out in 2010. In The Beaver, Jennifer played a minor role, and in Winter's Bone she got the main role: she played a 17-year-old girl, Ree Dolly, searching for her father. This role became one of the most interesting in Jennifer’s career: in the process of developing the character, the actress learned to skin squirrels, fight and chop wood.

The film was highly acclaimed by critics and was nominated for four Oscars in 2011, including Best Picture and Best Actress. This was Lawrence's first Oscar nomination, and she was only 20 years old at the time. However, Winter's Bone did not win a single statuette, and the best film of the year was The King's Speech. In the second half of 2012, the comedy was released. Jennifer played the main female role - the girl Tiffany Maxwell. Besides her, Anne Hathaway, Rachel McAdams, Elizabeth Banks, Rooney Mara and Olivia Wilde were also considered for this role. The film received eight Oscar nominations, including the so-called “Big Five”: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Actor and Best Actress.

Jennifer Lawrence embarrasses herself at the Oscars

In 2013, Jennifer appeared in a small role as young Zoe in a low-budget thriller "The Devil You Know". That same year, Forbes magazine named her the second highest paid actress in Hollywood.

On November 11, 2013, the film premiered in London. "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire", where Jennifer again played Katniss Everdeen. According to the plot, Katniss and Peeta, the main characters of the previous film, are sent from the twelfth district to the anniversary 75th Hunger Games, where their opponents are the winners of the previous games.

A crime tragicomedy was released in December "American Hustle", where Lawrence played the role of Rosalyn, the wife of the main character. On the set, the actress collaborated for the second time with director David O. Russell and actor Bradley Cooper. For American Hustle, Lawrence won a BAFTA Award and a Golden Globe for the second year in a row, and was also nominated for an Oscar, this time for Best Supporting Actress. Lawrence was also nominated for the Screen Actors Guild Award in the category “Best Supporting Actress”, but lost to her closest rival Lupita Nyong’o at both ceremonies.

Jennifer Lawrence - Oscar

In February 2013, it became known that Lawrence became the face of the advertising campaign for the new collection of Miss Dior bags. As Simons noted, he first became acquainted with Jennifer’s roles in films. The actress herself commented on her impressions of collaborating with the House as follows: “I am simply delighted with the idea of ​​working with Dior and wearing Simons’ creations!” Before Jennifer Lawrence, the bag line was represented by actress Mila Kunis.

In 2014, the seventh film in the X-Men film series was released. "X-Men: Days of Future Past", in which Jennifer again played the mutant Mystique, as well as the drama Serena, where the actress played the main roles along with Bradley Cooper. Also in 2014, viewers saw Jennifer in the title role in the film The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Part 1"

On August 26, 2015, a collaboration between Lawrence and Amy Schumer was announced. Lawrence and Schumer wrote the script for the film, in which they will play sisters.

In 2015, she played the main role in the film by David O. Russell "Joy", where her partners on the set again became Bradley Cooper and. The role earned her a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical and an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress, making her the youngest actress ever to receive four Oscar nominations.

In 2016, the artist appeared in the next series of the franchise about the adventures of a team of superheroes from Marvel comics - the fantastic action film X-Men: Apocalypse directed by Bryan Singer and played Aurora in Passengers.

In 2017, the mystical thriller “Mom!” was released. directed by Darren Aronofsky, in which she played the leading role. The plot of the film "Mom!" revolves around a married couple (Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem) whose peaceful existence is disturbed by the invasion of uninvited guests (Michelle Pfeiffer and Ed Harris).

“I’ve never had roles that look like me because in reality I’m a very boring person. I wouldn’t want to see a heroine like me in a movie.”, she said.

Jennifer Lawrence scandals

She often became involved in various scandals.

Drunk Jennifer Lawrence

In August 2014, she became one of the defendants in a famous scandal in Hollywood, when hackers hacked the iCloud of a number of celebrities - besides her, the victims were Kirsten Dunst, Kate Upton, star of the series “The Big Bang Theory” Kaley Cuoco and others. Several racy pictures of Jennifer Lawrence hit the Internet.

Social and political position of Jennifer Lawrence

Although Jennifer Lawrence grew up in a conservative Republican family, she supported and actively opposed in the 2017 US elections. The actress stated that if Trump becomes the next president of the United States, the world will end.

After Trump's victory, she repeatedly participated in protests against his policies.

On the British television channel Channel 4 in early September 2017, she stated that the destructive hurricanes that hit the United States were “the wrath of Mother Nature herself” for the election of Trump and for people’s lack of faith in climate change.

In particular, there were rumors about their relationship after the film “My Boyfriend Is Crazy” was released. However, Bradley himself assured that this cannot be: “Well, first of all, I’m old enough to be her father. Yes, I love her to death, she’s incredible, but still, no.”

In addition, after the release of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Part I,” several Western publications immediately published a report about Jennifer’s affair with Liam Hemsworth (Australian actor, famous for his role in the film saga “The Hunger Games”, the younger brother of Chris Hemsworth), her ex-boyfriend.

Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth

In the fall of 2016, it became known that she was almost 20 years older than her. Aronofsky has been in a relationship with Rachel Weisz since 2001 (The Mummy, The Lovely Bones, Agora, The Fountain, etc.). In 2006, they got engaged, and the couple had a son. However, four years later, Weiss and Aronofsky announced that they were breaking up, but remained friends and would raise their son together.

At the end of 2015, the actress, in an interview with American Vogue, complained about constant problems in her personal life. One of the brightest stars in Hollywood, in her own words, cannot build relationships with men. It is the latter that she blames for her problems: “Nobody even asks me out. I spend every Saturday night alone. Guys treat me reprehensibly, and I know where my legs come from - they want to dominate, but it still hurts my feelings.". “If I meet someone with whom I want to spend the rest of my life and whom I see as the father of my children, then I will try very hard not to miss him.”, - said Jen.

The whole truth about Jennifer Lawrence

Filmography of Jennifer Lawrence:

2006 - Company Town - Caitlin
2006 - Detective Monk - Talisman
2007 - Detective Rush (Cold Case) - Abby Bradford
2007 - Not Another High School Show - Crazy Girl
2007 - Medium - Claire Chase
2008 - Medium - Ellison in his youth
2008 - Garden Party - Tiff
2008 - The Poker House - Agnes
2008 - The Burning Plain - Mariana in her youth
2007-2009 - The Bill Engvall Show - Lauren Pearson
2010 - Winter’s Bone - Ri
2011 - Like Crazy (Like Crazy) - Sam
2011 - The Beaver - Nora
2011 - X-Men: First Class - Raven Darkholme / Mystique
2012 - The Hunger Games - Katniss Everdeen
2012 - Devil You Know - Zoe in her youth
2012 - House at the End of the Street - Elissa
2012 - My boyfriend is crazy (The Silver Linings Playbook) - Tiffany
2013 - The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - Katniss Everdeen
2013 - American Hustle - Rosalyn Rosenfeld
2014 - Serena - Serena Pemberton
2014 - X-Men: Days of Future Past (X-Men: Days of Future Past) - Raven Darkholme / Mystique
2014 - The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Part 1 (The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Part I) - Katniss Everdeen
2015 - The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Part 2 (The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Part II) - Katniss Everdeen
2015 - Joy - Joy Mangano
2016 - X-Men: Apocalypse (X-Men: Apocalypse) - Raven Darkholme / Mystique
2016 - Passengers - Aurora
2017 - mom! (Mother!) - Grace
2018 - Red Sparrow - Dominika Egorova
2018 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix (X-Men: Dark Phoenix) - Raven Darkholm / Mystic

Jennifer Lawrence was born on August 15, 1990 in the family of Gary and Karen Lawrence, who had nothing to do with the acting profession. The parents of the future star raised their daughter in Louisville, Kentucky, but at the age of 14 the girl was already firmly convinced of her desire to become an actress. After graduating from school earlier than her peers, Jennifer went to New York to find an agent.

Jennifer Lawrence's roles

Lawrence's first roles did not bring her the desired success. At the beginning of her career, she starred in various series and television shows. Then she managed to get one of the main roles in “The Billy Ingval Show,” popular in the USA, but not in Russia. It is worth noting that Jennifer received an award for best young actress for her role in it. The first, but unnoticeable role in a big movie happened in 2008, when Lawrence got into the film “Garden Party”. The actress was noticed after the role of young Marianne in the film, where Kim Basinger and Charlize Theron became Jennifer's partners. She was even celebrated at the Venice Festival, awarding Lawrence a prize as the most promising young actress.

Jennifer Lawrence - Oscar

Lawrence received her first nomination for the most prestigious film award, the Oscar, at the age of 20 for her role in the film. And although she never received a statuette that year, critics began to take an increasingly closer look at this actress.

The next high-profile projects with the participation of Jennifer Lawrence were films about, produced by Marvel. In them, Jennifer played a character named Mystic, a transformative mutant capable of taking on the appearance of any humanoid.

Jennifer Lawrence in the movie "The Hunger Games"

But the greatest success and love from fans was, of course, brought to her by the franchise. The first film based on the book by Suzanne Collins was released in 2012 and immediately brought Lawrence worldwide fame. It is noteworthy that the actress reluctantly agreed to star in the trilogy, but her admiration for the writer convinced Jennifer to agree. In the same year, she was nominated for an Oscar for the second time for the film, in which she played alongside Bradley Cooper, and, to the surprise of many, she still received her statuette. There were rumors that Lawrence received her Oscar only because she was a protégé of influential producer Harvey Weinstein, who contributed to her promotion. For her participation in the film American Hustle, Jennifer was nominated for an Oscar as best supporting actress. The lead role in the biopic earned Lawrence her fourth Oscar nomination, making her the youngest actress in history to receive so many nominations. Participation in box-office projects quickly put Jennifer Lawrence on the same level as the highest paid actresses in Hollywood; she consistently ranks top in Forbes magazine.

Personal life of Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence's personal life is not accompanied by as much gossip as some of her colleagues. For a long time, Lawrence dated the actor, but the couple broke up after three years of relationship. She was credited with an affair with Bradley Cooper, but the rumors were never confirmed. Jennifer also dated Chris Martin, frontman of Coldplay and ex-husband of Gwyneth Paltrow, but the relationship did not last long.

In the fall of 2016, it became known about Jennifer's affair with the famous director. The age difference between the lovers is 21 years. Darren and Jennifer started dating while filming the movie Mom!, where Lawrence played the lead role.

Jennifer Lawrence scandal

In 2014, a big scandal erupted with the leak of personal photos of stars from the iCloud network. Among the victims was Jennifer Lawrence, whose candid photographs were scattered throughout the Internet.

Jennifer Lawrence is a fast-rising actress who is famous for her outspoken jokes and easy-going personality. Since 2013, she has also been the face of the Dior brand.

Jennifer Lawrence Awards and Honors

- Academy Award
Nomination: Best Actress (“Joy”)

Golden Globe Award
Winner: Best Actress (Comedy or Musical) (“Joy”)

MTV Channel Award
Winner: Best Hero (The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part II)
Nominations: Best Actress (“Joy”) and MTV Movie Award~Best Action Performance (“The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part II”)

- MTV Channel Award
Winner: Best Musical Moment (“The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part I”)
Nominations: Best Actress (The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part I) and Best Hero (The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part I)

Saturn Award
Nominated: Best Actress (“The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part I”)

year 2014
- Academy Award

Golden Globe Award

MTV Channel Award
Winner: Best Actress (The Hunger Games: Catching Fire)
Nominations: Best Kiss ("American Hustle"), Best Musical Moment ("American Hustle") and Best Fight ("The Hunger Games: Catching Fire")

British Academy Award
Winner: Best Supporting Actress (“American Hustle”)

Saturn Award
Nominated: Best Actress (“The Hunger Games: Catching Fire”)

Actors Guild Award
Winner: Best Actor (“American Hustle”)
Nominated: Best Supporting Actress (“American Hustle”)

year 2013
- Academy Award

Golden Globe Award
Winner: Best Actress (Comedy or Musical) (“My Boyfriend is Psycho”)

MTV Channel Award
Winner: Best Actress (“My Boyfriend Is Crazy”) and Best Kiss (“My Boyfriend Is Crazy”)
Nominations: Best Performance in Scared the Shit (House at the End of the Street), Best Screen Duo (My Boyfriend Is Crazy) and Best Musical Moment (My Boyfriend Is Crazy)

British Academy Award
Nomination: Best Actress (“My Boyfriend Is Psycho”)

Saturn Award
Winner: Best Actress (The Hunger Games)

Actors Guild Award
Winner: Best Actress (“My Boyfriend Is Psycho”)
Nominations: Best Actor (“My Boyfriend Is Psycho”)

year 2012
- MTV Channel Award
Winner: Best Actress (The Hunger Games) and Best Fight (The Hunger Games)
Nominations: Best Actor (The Hunger Games) and Best Kiss (The Hunger Games)

- Academy Award

Golden Globe Award
Nominated: Best Actress (Drama) (“Winter’s Bone”)

Actors Guild Award
Nomination: Best Actress (“Winter’s Bone”)

- Venice Film Festival Award
Winner: Marcello Mastroianni Award (The Burning Plain)

Celebrity biographies


15.08.14 10:39

Already approaching the 25-year mark, Jennifer Lawrence was a four-time Oscar nominee (Jennifer did win one statuette) and a three-time Golden Globe Award winner. Incredible success!

Biography of Jennifer Lawrence

Stubborn girl

Ordinary residents of the largest city in Kentucky, Louisville, Gary, a construction worker, and Karen Lawrence, who works at a children's camp, were very puzzled by their daughter's persistence. Their Jennifer, born on August 15, 1990, decided to become an artist by all means. Of course, many girls dream of a career in Hollywood, however, sooner or later, this pink smoke dissipates, and grown-up dreamers choose a completely “earthly” profession.

With Jennifer, everything was different. At the age of 14, she insisted on traveling to New York and visited several reputable firms in search of an agent. To the surprise of her loved ones, agency employees saw undoubted talent in the girl. And since then, all her efforts have been aimed at starting work as soon as possible. She even finished school two whole years early so as not to miss time and chances.

Filming in the series began for Jennifer when she was not quite sixteen. And this was not a low-grade “soap”, but quite decent TV shows, for example, “Detective Rush” or “Medium”.

Quick take off

The actress was noticed after working in the full-length films House of Poker and The Burning Plain. Of course, these films are far from blockbusters. But the girl also received her first Oscar nomination for playing the leading role in a low-budget film by independent director Debra Granik. The harsh reality, gloomy landscapes - all the “charms” of the shtatovskaya outback - were shown in the drama “in all its glory”. Lawrence's heroine, Ree, had to face difficult trials for a young girl. Film academics were touched by this story, and quite unexpectedly, the film with a budget of 2 million dollars began to qualify for 4 Oscars. This is largely the merit of young Jennifer Lawrence, whose biography and personal life immediately attracted journalists.

The very next year, Jennifer “tried on” the constantly changing guise of the mutant Mystic. It was a real success to get into the cult X-Men franchise! The blockbuster with the subtitle “First Class” spent 160 million dollars and earned 353.6 million. Everyone was looking forward to the sequel. And mixing the past with the present, the film “Days of Future Past” was just around the corner - it was released in 2014, and Lawrence again portrayed Raven Mystique.

Bypassing competitors

By this time, Jennifer Lawrence’s biography included the following “long-running” project. It was she who was chosen from many worthy candidates for the central role in another franchise, “The Hunger Games.” Other equally young and talented artists dreamed of playing Katniss Everdeen - from Chloë Grace Moretz to Saoirse Ronan. But the author of the original source, Suzanne Collins, was delighted with our heroine. Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson may not be the best movie couple (the guy doesn't look very impressive next to the rather tall girl), but the franchise is incredibly popular!

The first film in the series collected a huge box office. It was followed by three sequels, and all of them were loved by the audience.

Filmed almost simultaneously with the first part of The Hunger Games, the film My Boyfriend Is Crazy brought Jennifer an Academy Award. A funny love story, directed by David O. Russell, attracted the attention of many more experienced stars than Lawrence even at the casting stage. Anne Hathaway, Rooney Mara, Rachel McAdams, Kirsten Dunst saw themselves in the role of Tiffany. And the movie starred a couple, Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper.

Personal life of Jennifer Lawrence

The main thing is work!

By the way, rumor immediately connected the forty-year-old handsome man with the young performer of the role of his beloved - as if the actors were having an affair in real life. But Jen denied these rumors, and Cooper only laughed at them - they say, the girl is good enough to be my daughter. After that, Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence met twice more on the set, a very fruitful union!

In fact, the actress had the most tender feelings for another colleague - with him she starred in the “mutant” franchise. Since 2011, Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult have been dating, in 2013 they took time out from their relationship, and at the end of the same year they reunited again.

Jennifer Lawrence does not tolerate interference in her personal life, but the ubiquitous tabloids will always come up with a reason to dig into her “dirty laundry.” Hence the various rumors, including about Cooper. In the fall of 2016, new gossip appeared: that Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky were dating. Photographers have repeatedly caught the couple together, despite the age difference, they looked very happy with each other.

But it seems that for now the main thing for the young Oscar-winner is what she loves. She was named the highest paid performer several times, but there will be more!

Perhaps the most titled young actress in Hollywood: she won the Oscar for Best Actress at the age of 22. Lawrence received the highest American film award for her role as an unbalanced girl in the film My Boyfriend Is Crazy. And another character brought her worldwide fame - the warlike Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games. The director did not immediately recognize the right type in the actress, but the author of the story, Suzanne Collins, was delighted with Jennifer. This determined the choice.

All photos 17

Biography of Jennifer Lawrence

Since childhood, the future star has been more accustomed to communicating with boys: her two older brothers, Ben and Blaine, and their friends taught her to do this. Jennifer's parents are far from art: her mother worked in a children's camp, her father worked in a construction company. However, by the age of 14, the girl had firmly decided to become an artist. And she not only decided, but also convinced her parents that she definitely needed to go to New York and make a film career there. For the sake of this dream, Jennifer even graduated from school as an external student - two years earlier than her classmates.

Lawrence started with various shows and series. In 2006, she appeared in the television projects “City Company” and “Detective Monk”. In 2007, she made her way into “The Billy Ingval Show” and showed herself so clearly that in 2009 she received the Young Actor Award for this project in the category “Best Young Actress in a TV Series.” Television roles led to film work. In 2008, Jennifer Lawrence so impressed the Venice Film Festival jury with her performance in The Burning Plain that she was awarded the Marcello Mastroianni Award. And even though the film did not gross well, film professionals remembered Lawrence.

A landmark role in the actress’s career was the main character of the film “Winter’s Bone” (2010) – a girl looking for her father who had recently been released from prison. To make the tests look as authentic as possible, Lawrence herself did all the grunt work on camera. No doubles! We need to chop wood, so Jennifer does the chopping. You need to skin a squirrel - you know who is doing this. This role brought the 20-year-old actress her first Oscar nomination. As well as nominations for the Golden Globe and the Screen Actors Guild Award.

The next stage was getting into the X-Men universe: in 2011, Jennifer Lawrence played Mystique in the film X-Men: First Class. Fans of the comic series received it very well. And for the actress herself, the film became the first truly expensive project: the budget was $160 million.

Leap year 2012 was Jennifer Lawrence's breakthrough year. Two movie hits were released at once, where she played the main roles. The actress got into the film “My Boyfriend Is Crazy”, beating out serious rivals - Rachel McAdams, Kirsten Dunst, Olivia Wilde and others. The filming partner was Bradley Cooper. The girl gave her 200%, and it worked: at the age of 22 she won an Oscar. Rising onto the stage to get the treasured statuette, Lawrence tripped over the long hem of her dress and almost fell. But she wasn’t upset or embarrassed, she just laughed at her clumsiness.

The same year saw the launch of the Hunger Games franchise. Jennifer Lawrence played the main character of this dystopia - a resident of the poorest district, Katniss Everdeen, who participates in survival games. Lawrence's acting skills were appreciated by both ordinary viewers (the first and subsequent parts were among the highest-grossing films) and film critics.

Due to this success, in 2013, Forbes magazine named Jennifer Lawrence one of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood, placing her in second place after Angelina Jolie. And the crime film “American Hustle” was released, which collected a large box office.

In 2014 and 2015, viewers saw two more films where Lawrence and Bradley Cooper played the main roles together - “Serena” and “Joy”. Jennifer played the role of the founder of a business empire so well in the film Joy that she received another Oscar nomination. And she became the youngest actress with four nominations (and one win)! In addition, this brought her another Golden Globe Award (she had already received this award for the films My Boyfriend Is Crazy and American Hustle).

Personal life of Jennifer Lawrence

For several years, from 2011 to 2013, and after a break in 2014, Jennifer dated actor Nicholas Hoult. The romance began while filming together in the film X-Men: First Class. It was Holt who became the unintentional culprit of the sex scandal associated with Lawrence: hackers posted intimate photos on the Internet that the actress sent him. “I have nothing to apologize for. I was in a great, healthy, loving relationship for four years. It was a long-distance relationship, so your boyfriend either watches porn or watches you,” Lawrence later explained, who was very upset by the situation.

There were rumors about Lawrence's romance with Bradley Cooper - it's not for nothing that they portray lovers so well in several films! But the actors themselves denied this. Cooper also added that Jennifer is too young for him.

But the age difference did not bother Gwyneth Paltrow's ex-husband, Coldplay leader Chris Martin: in 2014, the 37-year-old musician began dating the 24-year-old actress. True, this did not last long.

In 2016, rumors appeared about Lawrence having an affair with an even older man, 47-year-old director Darren Aronofsky. This has not yet been officially confirmed, but members of the crew of Aronofsky's new film say that passions are running high on the set.

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