In what month was Hitler born? Without his sexual problems, Hitler would not have become the Fuhrer

After the armistice, Hitler returned to Munich and was enlisted in an army reconnaissance regiment. He was assigned to monitor political parties, and on September 12, 1919, he joined the German Workers' Party, one of the many nationalist and racist groups that mushroomed after the war in Munich. Hitler became member of this party as number 55, and later as number 7 he became a member of its executive committee. Over the next two years, Hitler changed the party's name to the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP). The party preached militant racism, anti-Semitism, rejection of liberal democracy, and the principle of “leadership.”

In 1923, Hitler decided that he could fulfill his promise to march on Berlin and overthrow the “Jewish-Marxist traitors.” While preparing for it, he met the war hero General E. Ludendorff. On the night of November 8, 1923, in the Munich beer hall "Bürgerbräukeller" Hitler proclaimed the beginning of " national revolution" The next day, Hitler, Ludendorff and other party leaders led a column of Nazis towards the city center. Their path was blocked by a police cordon, which opened fire on the demonstrators; Hitler managed to escape. The Beer Hall Putsch failed.
Put on trial for treason, Hitler turned the dock into a propaganda platform; he accused the President of the Republic of treason and vowed that the day would come when he would bring his accusers to justice. Hitler was sentenced to five years in prison, but was released from Landsberg prison less than a year later. In prison, he ate breakfast in bed, walked in the garden, taught prisoners, and drew cartoons for the prison newspaper. Hitler dictated the first volume of a book containing his political program, calling it Four and a Half Years of Struggle against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice. Later it was published under the title My Struggle (Mein Kampf), sold millions of copies and made Hitler a rich man.

In December 1924, after being released from prison, Hitler went to Obersalzberg, a mountain range above the village of Berchtesgaden, where he lived in hotels for several years, and in 1928 rented a villa, which he later bought and named “Berghof”.
Hitler reconsidered his plans and decided to come to power through legal means. He reorganized the party and began an intensive campaign to collect votes. In his speeches, Hitler repeated the same themes: avenge the Treaty of Versailles, crush the “traitors of the Weimar Republic,” destroy Jews and communists, revive the great fatherland.

In the situation of economic crisis and political instability of 1930-1933, Hitler's promises attracted members of all social classes in Germany. He enjoyed particular success with veterans of the First World War and representatives of small businesses, since these groups were especially acutely aware of the humiliation of defeat, the threat of communism, the fear of unemployment, and felt the need for a strong leader. With the assistance of W. Funk, the former publisher of the Berliner Börsenzeitung newspaper, Hitler began meeting with major German industrialists. Senior army officials also received assurances that the army would have a very prominent place in his model of German imperialism. A third important source of support was the Landbund, which united landowners and fiercely opposed the Weimar government's proposal for land redistribution.

Hitler viewed the 1932 presidential election as a test of the party's strength. His rival was Field Marshal P. von Hindenburg, supported by the Social Democrats, the Catholic Center Party and trade unions. Two more parties took part in the struggle - nationalists led by army officer T. Duesterberg and communists led by E. Thälmann. Hitler waged a vigorous grassroots campaign and collected over 30% of the vote, depriving Hindenburg of the required absolute majority.

Hitler's actual "seizure of power" became possible as a result of a political conspiracy with former Chancellor F. von Papen. Meeting in secrecy on January 4, 1933, they agreed to work together in a government in which Hitler would become chancellor and von Papen's supporters would receive key ministerial posts. In addition, they agreed to remove Social Democrats, Communists and Jews from leading positions. Von Papen's support brought the Nazi Party significant financial assistance from the German business community. On January 30, 1933, the “Bavarian corporal” became chancellor, taking an oath to defend the constitution of the Weimar Republic. IN next year Hitler assumed the title of Fuhrer (leader) and Chancellor of Germany.

Hitler sought to quickly consolidate his power and establish a “thousand-year Reich.” In the first months of his reign, everything political parties, except for the Nazi one, were banned, trade unions were dissolved, the entire population was covered by Nazi-controlled unions, societies and groups. Hitler tried to convince the country of the danger of the “Red Terror”. On the night of February 27, 1933, the Reichstag building caught fire. The Nazis blamed the communists and took full advantage of the trumped-up charges in the elections, increasing their presence in the Reichstag.

By the summer of 1934, Hitler faced serious opposition within his party. The “old fighters” of the SA assault troops, led by E. Rehm, demanded more radical social reforms, called for a “second revolution” and insisted on the need to strengthen their role in the army. German generals spoke out against such radicalism and the SA's claims to leadership of the army. Hitler, who needed the support of the army and himself feared the uncontrollability of the stormtroopers, opposed his former comrades. Having accused Rehm of preparing to assassinate the Fuhrer, he carried out a bloody massacre on June 30, 1934 (“the night of the long knives”), during which several hundred SA leaders, including Rehm, were killed. Soon, army officers swore allegiance not to the constitution or the country, but to Hitler personally. Germany's Chief Justice declared that "the law and the constitution are the will of our Fuhrer."
Hitler sought not only legal, political and social dictatorship. “Our revolution,” he once emphasized, “will not be completed until we dehumanize people.” For this purpose, he established the secret police (Gestapo), created concentration camps, Ministry of Public Education and Propaganda. Jews, declared the worst enemies of humanity, were deprived of their rights and subjected to public humiliation.

Having received dictatorial powers from the Reichstag, Hitler began preparations for war. Violating the Treaty of Versailles, he restored universal conscription and created a powerful air force. In 1936 he sent troops into the demilitarized Rhineland and refused to recognize the Locarno Treaties. Together with Mussolini, Hitler supported Franco in the Spanish Civil War and laid the foundations for the creation of the Rome-Berlin axis. He took aggressive diplomatic actions against potential opponents in both the west and the east, heightening international tensions. In 1938, as a result of the so-called Austria was annexed by the Anschluss to the Third Reich.

On September 29, 1938, Hitler, together with Mussolini, met in Munich with Prime Minister of England Chamberlain and Prime Minister of France Daladier; The parties agreed to the separation of the Sudetenland (with a German-speaking population) from Czechoslovakia. In mid-October, German troops occupied the area and Hitler began preparations for the next “crisis.” On March 15, 1939, German troops occupied Prague, completing the absorption of Czechoslovakia.

In August 1939, Germany and the USSR, with rare cynicism on both sides, signed a non-aggression pact, which freed Hitler's hands in the east and gave him the opportunity to concentrate his efforts on the destruction of Europe.

On September 1, 1939, the German army invaded Poland, which marked the beginning of World War II. Hitler took command of the armed forces and imposed his own plan for waging war, despite strong opposition from the army leadership, in particular, the Chief of the General Staff of the Army, General L. Beck, who insisted that Germany did not have enough forces to defeat the Allies (England and France) who declared war on Hitler. After capturing Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium and, finally, France, Hitler - not without hesitation - decided to invade England. In October 1940, he issued a directive for Operation Sea Lion, the code name for the invasion.

Hitler's plans also included the conquest of the Soviet Union. Believing that the time had come, Hitler took steps to secure Japanese support in its conflict with the United States. He hoped that in this way he would keep America from interfering in the European conflict. Still, Hitler failed to convince the Japanese that the war with the USSR would be successful, and later he had to face the discouraging fact of the Soviet-Japanese neutrality pact.

On July 20, 1944, the last attempt to eliminate Hitler took place: a time bomb was detonated at his Wolfschanze headquarters near Rastenburg. Salvation from imminent death strengthened him in the consciousness of his chosenness; he decided that the German nation would not perish as long as he remained in Berlin. British and American troops from the west and the Soviet army from the east tightened the encirclement ring around the German capital. Hitler was in an underground bunker in Berlin, refusing to leave it: he did not go either to the front or to inspect German cities destroyed by Allied aircraft. On April 15, Hitler was joined by Eva Braun, his mistress for more than 12 years. During his rise to power, this relationship was not advertised, but as the end approached, he allowed Eva Braun to appear with him in public. In the early morning of April 29, they got married.

Having dictated a political testament in which the future leaders of Germany called on the merciless fight against “the poisoners of all nations - international Jewry,” Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945.
Sergey Piskunov

The name “Hitler” used to be associated with something negative in our country. No one even really knew when Hitler's birthday was. And it would never even have occurred to anyone to congratulate him on his next anniversary.
But there were young people who wanted to congratulate Hitler so much that they even cut their hair bald. It would seem, what joy would Hitler get from this? But such questions are asked only by those who have something to ask. The rest shave their heads so that their heads rest in the summer, are ventilated in the fall, their hats fit better in winter, and Hitler would be happy in the spring.
It is for such people that we publish the biography of Adolf Schicklgruber-Hitler. For the first time in Russian, by the way.

Little Gitlya was born in territory occupied by the Germans. But this is not what made him a fascist. First, Gitli's childhood was stolen from him. It happened like this: Gitlya was forced to go to school, and after school to walk back and stop at the store on the way. But this is not what made him a fascist. Although it made me very angry.
Then Gitli's adolescence was stolen from him. One beautiful girl(not Eva Braun, but more beautiful) did not want Gitlya to tickle her with his youthful mustache. Gitli immediately developed a cockroach complex. He began to be afraid of people in hard shoes with newspapers in their hands.
To overcome this complex, Gitl joined the army. There his youth was stolen from him, along with foot wraps and a photograph of a naked woman (possibly his mother or sister).
Gitlya could no longer tolerate this and became a fascist. In addition, he added the courageous letter “ER” to his rather flimsy name and turned from the fumbling Gitli into the Fuhrer Hitler.
At that time there were few fascists in Germany, and Hitler easily stood out among them, beating the second German fascist and two anti-fascists. From that moment on, there were four fascists in Germany.
Adolf suggested wonderful fascist names to his friends: Athos, Porthos, Aramis and Hitler. Everyone wanted to be Hitler, because the other names seemed kind of frogish.
But Adolf himself was already Hitler. Then he came up with nicknames for his friends: Borman, Shmorman and Otorman. They somehow agreed to Borman, but Shmorman and Otorman were left without owners. I had to pull out the ones I had hidden for good people the names of Goebbels and Himmler.
At this point Borman was offended. If he had known that later such Zykan names as Goebbels and Himmler would be thrown out, would he have agreed to the almost Jewish Bormann? I had to take “Bormann” back and give it NZ - the sonorous name “Goering”.
Finally, all procedural issues were resolved and Hitler, Goering, Himmler and Goebbels (sounds great, right?) could go and drink beer in a Munich pub.
It was there that these four “Ges,” as those around them called them, decided to conquer the whole world. And not with the help of smiles or some “Yesterday” song, but for real: with the help of SS divisions, Panther tanks and Messerschmidt aircraft.
When the money ran out, but the desire to drink beer still remained, the friends ordered the bartender to pour them a loan. The burry bartender refused and in the program of the angry fascists a clause appeared about special camps where such bartenders would be kept and all sorts of nasty things could be done to them. There are different humiliations there... So that you can pinch the bartender on the nose or give him a slap, and if he, such a clever bastard, decides to dodge, then burn him in the stove.
The bartender was immediately informed about this program, but for some reason he did not believe it, did not sell the bar and did not leave the country. But he had such an opportunity for another fifteen years.
Nobody immediately gave the scoundrels a hat, and they became insolent: they took it and came to power. What did the people buy? They took it and promised that the people would no longer work. The people really liked it, but the question arose: who would work then? Goebbels came up with the answer on the spot, saying that others would work. And Bormann added “peoples”. Himmler clarified that they would not be conquered today or tomorrow specifically for this purpose.
And indeed, looking ahead, let’s say that the peoples of Europe were conquered surprisingly quickly. They immediately began working for the Germans and only asked not to kill them.
But with the Russians everything turned out to be more complicated. Firstly, they are very similar to the Germans - they also don’t like to work. But unlike the Germans, they like to drink vodka, not beer. Moreover, they drink as much vodka as the Germans drink water in the morning after beer.
But let's return to Hitler. In his prime, he fell in love with Eva Braun (translated: the Primordial Brown Woman). It must be said that Eva was not a beauty, but they did not tell Hitler this. And when he realized this, it was difficult to get rid of Eve. I had to poison her. By chance, together with Eva, Hitler poisoned the dog, himself, and released water into the Berlin swastika banner named after Hitler.
For some reason, everyone decided that Hitler was so upset because he lost the war. Fascists don’t get upset over such little things. And even more so, they don’t poison themselves in vain because of this. At most: they will change their name, appearance, and go to Argentina.
No, this is a common everyday mistake when a wife is poisoned.
In general, Hitler’s life was so boring that when it ended, he only managed to say: “Halt!” that's all. There was nothing to even remember. Just one stupid animal desire for everything to continue, for everyone to have money and money. (c)

Date of birth: April 20, 1889
Date of death: April 30, 1945
Place of birth: Ranshofen village, Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary

Adolf Gitler- a significant figure in the history of the 20th century. Adolf Gitler created and led the National Socialist movement in Germany. Later the Reich Chancellor of Germany, the Fuhrer.


Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in the small, unremarkable town of Braunau am Inn, on April 20, 1889. Hitler's father, Alois, was an official. Mother, Clara, was a simple housewife. It is worth noting this interesting fact from the biography of the parents, that they were related to each other (Clara is Alois’s cousin).
There is an opinion that, supposedly, real name Hitler - Schicklgruber, however, this opinion is erroneous, since his father replaced her back in 1876.

In 1892, Hitler's family, due to their father's promotion, was forced to move from their native Braunau am Inn to Passau. However, they did not stay there for long and, already in 1895, hastened to move to the city of Linz. It was there that young Adolf first went to school. Six months later, Hitler’s father’s condition deteriorates sharply and Hitler’s family again has to move to the city of Gafeld, where they bought a house and finally settled.
IN school years Adolf showed himself to be a student with extraordinary abilities; teachers characterized him as a very diligent and diligent student. Hitler's parents had hopes that Adolf would become a priest, however, even then young Adolf had a negative attitude towards religion and, therefore, from 1900 to 1904 he studied at real school in the city of Linz.

At the age of sixteen, Adolf left school and became interested in painting for almost 2 years. His mother did not quite like this fact and, heeding her requests, Hitler, with grief and half, finishes fourth grade.
1907 Adolf's mother undergoes surgery. Hitler, waiting for her to recover, decides to enter the Vienna Academy of Art. In his opinion, he had remarkable abilities and exorbitant talent for painting, however, his teachers dispelled his dreams, advising him to try to become an architect, since Adolf did not show himself in any way in the portrait genre.

1908 Clara Pölzl dies. Hitler, having buried her, again went to Vienna to make another attempt to enter the academy, but, alas, without passing the 1st round of exams, he set off on his wanderings. As it later turned out, his constant moves were due to his reluctance to serve in the army. He justified this by saying that he did not want to serve alongside the Jews. At the age of 24, Adolf moved to Munich.

It was in Munich that the First World War overtook him. Delighted by this fact, he volunteered. During the war he was awarded the rank of corporal; won several awards. In one of the battles he received a shrapnel wound, due to which he spent a year in a hospital bed, however, upon recovery, he again decided to return to the front. At the end of the war, he blamed politicians for the defeat and spoke very negatively about this.

In 1919 he returned to Munich, which at that time was gripped by revolutionary sentiments. The people were divided into 2 camps. Some were for the government, others for the communists. Hitler himself decided not to get involved in all this. At this time, Adolf discovered his oratorical talents. In September 1919, thanks to his enchanting speech at the congress of the German Workers' Party, he received an invitation from the head of the DAP Anton Drexler to join the movement. Adolf receives the position of responsible for party propaganda.
In 1920, Hitler announced 25 points for the development of the party, renamed it the NSDAP and became its head. It is then that his dreams of nationalism begin to come true.

During the first party congress in 1923, Hitler holds a parade, thereby showing his serious intentions and strength. At the same time, after an unsuccessful coup attempt, he went to jail. While serving his prison term, Hitler wrote the first volume of his memoirs, Mein Kampf. The NSDAP, created by him, disintegrates due to the absence of a leader. After prison, Adolf revives the party and appoints Ernst Rehm as his assistant.

During these years, the Hitlerite movement began to take off. So, in 1926, an association of young nationalist adherents, the so-called “Hitler Youth,” was created. Further, in the period from 1930-1932, the NSDAP received an absolute majority in parliament, thereby contributing to an even greater increase in Hitler's popularity. In 1932, thanks to his position, he received the position of attaché to the German Minister of the Interior, which gave him the right to be elected to the post of Reich President. Having carried out an incredible, by those standards, campaigning, he still failed to win; I had to settle for second place.

In 1933, under pressure from the National Socialists, Hindenburg appointed Hitler to the post of Reich Chancellor. In February of this year, a fire occurs that was planned by the Nazis. Hitler, taking advantage of the situation, asks Hindenburg to grant emergency powers to the government, which consisted, for the most part, of members of the NSDAP.
And now the Hitler machine begins its action. Adolf begins with the liquidation of trade unions. Gypsies and Jews are being arrested. Later, when Hindenburg died, in 1934, Hitler became the rightful leader of the country. In 1935, Jews, by order of the Fuhrer, were deprived of their civil rights. The National Socialists begin to increase their influence.

Despite racial discrimination and the harsh policies pursued by Hitler, the country was emerging from decline. There was almost no unemployment, industry was developing at an incredible pace, and the distribution of humanitarian aid to the population was organized. Special attention should be paid to the growth of Germany's military potential: an increase in the size of the army, production military equipment, which contradicted the Treaty of Versailles, concluded after Germany's defeat in the First World War, which prohibited the creation of an army and the development of the military industry. Gradually, Germany begins to regain territory. In 1939, Hitler begins to express claims to Poland, disputing its territories. In the same year, Germany signs a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union. On September 1, 1939, Hitler sends troops into Poland, then occupies Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Norway, Luxembourg, and Belgium.

In 1941, ignoring the non-aggression pact, Germany invaded the USSR on June 22. The rapid advance of Germany in 1941 gave way to defeats on all fronts in 1942. Hitler, who did not expect such a rebuff, was not ready for such a development of events, since he intended to capture the USSR in a few months, according to the Barbarossa plan developed for him. In 1943, a massive offensive by the Soviet army began. In 1944, the pressure intensified, the Nazis had to retreat further and further. In 1945, the war finally moved to German territory. Despite the fact that the united troops were already approaching Berlin, Hitler sent disabled people and children to defend the city.

April 30, 1945, Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun poisoned themselves potassium cyanide in his bunker.
Several attempts were made on Hitler's life. The first attempt took place in 1939, a bomb was planted under the podium; however, Adolf left the hall just minutes before the explosion. The second attempt was made by the conspirators on July 20, 1944, but it also failed; Hitler received significant injuries, but survived. All participants in the conspiracy, on his orders, were executed.

Main achievements of Adolf Hitler:

During his reign, despite the harshness of his policies and all kinds of racial oppression caused by Nazi beliefs, he was able to unite German people, eliminated unemployment, stimulated industrial growth, brought the country out of the crisis, and brought Germany to a leading position in the world in terms of economic indicators. However, having started the war, famine reigned within the country, since almost all the food went to the army, food was issued on ration cards.

Chronology important events from the biography of Adolf Hitler:

April 20, 1889 – Adolf Hitler was born.
1895 – enrolled in the first grade of school in the town of Fischlham.
1897 – studies at a school at a monastery in the town of Lambach. Later expelled from it for smoking.
1900-1904 – studying at school in Linz.
1904-1905 – studying at a school in the city of Steyr.
1907 - failed exams at the Vienna Academy of Art.
1908 - mother died.
1908-1913 – constant moving. Avoids the army.
1913 - moves to Munich.
1914 – Went to the front as volunteers. Receives the first award.
1919 - carries out agitation activities, becomes a member of the German Workers' Party.
1920 - completely devoted to the activities of the party.
1921 - becomes head of the German Workers' Party.
1923 – unsuccessful attempt coup d'etat, prison.
1927 - the first congress of the NSDAP.
1933 - Receives the powers of the Reich Chancellor.
1934 - “Night of the Long Knives”, massacre of Jews and Gypsies in Berlin.
1935 - Germany begins to increase military power.
1939 - Hitler starts World War II by attacking Poland. Survives the first attempt on his life.
1941 – entry of troops into the USSR.
1943 - a massive offensive by Soviet troops and attacks by coalition troops in the West.
1944 - second attempt, as a result of which he is seriously injured.
April 29, 1945 – wedding with Eva Braun.
April 30, 1945 - Poisoned with potassium cyanide along with his wife in his Berlin bunker.

Interesting facts about Adolf Hitler:

Was a supporter healthy image life, did not eat meat.
He considered excessive ease in communication and behavior unacceptable, so he demanded that manners be observed.
He suffered from so-called verminophobia. He protected sick people from himself and fanatically loved cleanliness.
Hitler read one book every day
Adolf Hitler's speeches were so fast that 2 stenographers could hardly keep up with him.
He was meticulous in composing his speeches and sometimes spent several hours improving them until he brought them to perfection.
In 2012, one of Adolf Hitler’s creations, the painting “Night Sea,” was auctioned for 32 thousand euros.

Adolf Hitler (b. 1889 - d. 1945) Head of the German fascist state, Nazi criminal.

The name of this man, who plunged the peoples of the world into the crucible of World War II, is forever associated with the most terrible, most massive crimes against humanity.

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in the Austrian city of Braunau am Inn in the family of Alois and Clara Hitler. So little was known about his ancestors, and even about his father himself, that this caused many rumors and suspicions among Hitler’s associates, even to the point that the Fuhrer was a Jew. He himself wrote very vaguely about his ancestors in the book “Mein Kampf”, indicating only that his father worked as a customs officer. But it is known that Alois was the illegitimate child of Maria Schicklgruber, who at that time worked for the Jew Frankenburger. She then married Georg Hitler, who recognized his son as his only in 1876, when he was already approaching 40.

Adolf's father was married three times, the third time he even needed permission catholic church, because his fiancée Clara Pelzl was closely related to him. Conversations about Hitler's origins stopped only after January 1933, when he came to power. According to the latest data from biographers, Adolf Hitler is a product of incest, because his paternal grandfather was also his maternal great-grandfather, and his father was married to the daughter of his half-sister.

Clara Hitler gave birth to six children, but only two survived - Adolf and Paula. In addition to them, the family raised two children of Alois from his second marriage - Alois and Angela, whose daughter Geli became great love Adolf. His Native sister, to whom he subsequently treated like a father, had been running his household since 1936, and there is information that she secretly helped people sentenced to death on behalf of her brother as best she could.

Considering that Adolf should become an official and take a proper position in society, his father decided to give him a good education. 1895 - the family moved to Linz, and Alois retired, then bought a farm with 4 hectares of land and an apiary near Lambach. In the same year, the future Fuhrer entered first grade primary school. There he, his mother’s favorite, had the opportunity to learn what discipline, compliance, and submission are. The boy studied well. In addition, he sang in the choir at the Benedictine monastery, took singing lessons in his free time, and some of the mentors believed that in the future he could become a priest.

However, at the age of 11, Adolf told his father that he did not want to be a civil servant, but dreamed of becoming an artist, especially since he actually had great abilities for drawing. It is curious that he preferred to depict frozen views - bridges, buildings, and never people. An angry father sent him to study at a real school in Linz. There, Adolf was captivated by the ardent nationalism manifested among the Germans living in Austria-Hungary, and he and his comrades, greeting each other, began to say: “Heil!” He was greatly influenced by the lectures of his history teacher, the German nationalist Petsch.

1903 - Father died unexpectedly, and the following year Hitler was expelled from school for poor performance. Three years later, at the insistence of his mother, he tried to enter the Academy of Arts in Vienna, but failed. His work was considered mediocre. Soon the mother also died. The second attempt to enter the academy was also unsuccessful, and Adolf, confident in his talent, blamed the teachers for everything. For some time he lived in Vienna with his friend August Kubizek, then left him, wandered, and then settled in a men's hostel.

He painted small pictures with views of Vienna and sold them in cafes and taverns. During this period, Hitler began to frequently fall into hysterics. There, in taverns, he became close to the radical circles of Vienna and became an ardent anti-Semite. He did not tolerate the Czechs either, but he was convinced that Austria should join Germany. A year before World War I, Adolf, avoiding conscription into the Austrian army because he did not want to be in the same barracks with the Czechs and other Slavs, moved to Munich.

Immediately after the declaration of war, he volunteered to enroll in German army, becoming a soldier of the 1st company of the 16th Bavarian infantry regiment. 1914, November - for participation in the battle with the British near the city of Ypres, Hitler was promoted to rank (became a corporal) and, on the recommendation of the adjutant of the regiment commander, the Jew Hugo Gutman, was awarded the Iron Cross, II degree.

With his fellow soldiers, the future Fuhrer behaved with restraint, with a sense of superiority, loved to argue, uttering loud phrases, and once, having sculpted clay figures, he addressed them with a speech, promising to build a people's state after the victory. If the situation allowed, he constantly read Schopenhauer’s book “The World as Will and Representation.” Even then, the basis of Adolf’s life philosophy became his statements: “Right is on the side of might,” “I do not suffer from bourgeois remorse,” “I deeply believe that I was chosen by fate for the German people.” He received deep satisfaction from military operations and did not experience horror or disgust at the sight of suffering and death.

1916, September - having received a shrapnel wound in the thigh, he was sent to a Berlin hospital, but, plunging there into an atmosphere of pessimism, poverty and hunger and blaming the Jews for all this, he hurried to return to the front in December. 1918, August - on the proposal of the same Hugo Gutmann, he was awarded the Iron Cross, 1st degree, which Adolf Hitler was very proud of. In October, he received severe mustard gas poisoning during a British gas attack and was again hospitalized. There he was caught by the news of the surrender of Germany, and he, based on the conviction of his chosenness, decides to become a politician.

This decision successfully coincided with the mood in the country caused by the November revolution, the shame of the Treaty of Versailles, inflation, unemployment and the people's hope for the emergence of a leader who could lead Germany out of the deadlock. Racist views developed, declaring the Ario-Germanic god-man the pinnacle of human development, occultism, esotericism and magic, the pillars of which were Helena Blavatsky, Herbiger, Gaushofer,. Herbiger's student Sobettendorf founded secret society"Thule", where Hitler became acquainted with the body of knowledge of ancient secret cults, mystical, demonic and satanic movements and received additional incentive for his already established anti-Semitism.

Also in 1918, one of Zobettendorf's students, Anton Drexler, founded a circle of workers, which quickly grew into the German Workers' Party. Adolf was also invited to it as a good speaker. Before this, he took a course in political education and worked among soldiers returning from captivity and largely infected with Marxist propaganda. Adolf Hitler's speeches focused on topics such as the "November Criminals" or the "Jewish-Marxist World Conspiracy."

Dietrich Eckert, a writer and poet, head of the newspaper Völkischer Beobachter, an ardent nationalist and one of the founders of the Thule Society, invested a lot in Adolf as a speaker and politician. Eckert worked on his speech, writing, presentation style, magic tricks to win over an audience, as well as good manners and the art of dressing well; introduced him to fashion salons.

1920, February - in the Munich beer hall "Hofbräuhaus" Adolf proclaimed the program of the party, which soon received a new name - the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (NSDAP), one of the leaders of which, despite the opposition of some veterans of the movement, he became. After that, he had guards with the faces of criminals. Every evening Adolf Hitler walked around the beer halls of Munich, speaking out against the Jews and the dictates of Versailles. His fiery, hateful speeches became popular.

In one of his speeches in the Austrian city of Salzburg, he outlined his program on the “Jewish problem”: “We must know whether our nation can eventually regain health and whether the Jewish spirit can somehow be eradicated. Do not hope that you can fight against the disease without destroying the carrier of the infection, without killing the bacilli. The infection will continue, and the poisoning will not be stopped until the carrier of the infection, that is, Jewry, is expelled once and for all.”

At this time, new people joined the party: Rudolf Hess, brothers Gregor and Otto Strasser, captain Ernst Rehm, who liaised between Hitler and the army. The party now has an emblem - a black swastika in a white circle on a red background. The red color symbolized the social ideals of the party, white - nationalist, the swastika - the victory of the Aryan race.

Quickly, the Nazis moved from words to deeds: they took to the streets of Munich under red banners. Adolf Hitler himself scattered leaflets and put up posters. His performances at the Krohn Circus brought him great success. 1921 - Hitler seized leadership of the party, pushing aside the previous leaders, and became the Fuhrer. Under the leadership of Rem, a “gymnastic and sports division” was created, which became impact force parties; and soon it was renamed “assault troops” - SA.

Nationalist-minded officers, demobilized soldiers, and war veterans are attracted here. From that time on, the Nazis switched to violent actions, disrupting the speeches of Hitler's political opponents with fists and clubs. For one of these acts, Adolf even went to prison for three months. Despite the ban by the authorities, numerous marches and rallies of stormtroopers take place in Munich, and in November 1923, with the support of General Ludendorff, Hitler at the head of the SA detachments began a putsch.

But the army did not support him, the police fired at the procession, and many NSDAP leaders were arrested, including Hitler. While in prison (9 months out of 5 years by sentence), he wrote the book “Mein Kampf”, where on 400 pages he outlined his racial theory, his view of government structure, a program for the liberation of Europe from Jews. 1925 - the Fuhrer began to have friction with his associates: with Rehm, who was against coming to power through legal means, with the Strasser brothers and even with Goebbels, who advocated the complete confiscation of the property of the monarchists, but the Fuhrer received money precisely from the nobility.

Two years later, SS units were created - Hitler's Praetorian Guard, of which he became one of the leaders. At the same time, the Nazis chose Nuremberg as their capital, where thousands of stormtroopers marched, the number of which reached 100,000 people, and party congresses.

At the end of the 20s. The NSDAP's struggle for parliamentary seats both in the Reichstag and in local Landtags ended in complete failure. They are not needed - the German economy is booming. However, as a result of the global economic crisis of 1929 and the depression, unemployment and poverty began to rapidly increase in the country. Under such conditions, at the next elections the NSDAP received 107 parliamentary seats and became the second faction in the Reichstag after the Social Democrats. The communists had slightly fewer seats.

Nazi deputies sat in the Reichstag in their uniforms with swastika armbands. 1931 - steel magnate Franz Thyssen introduced the Fuhrer into the circle of rich people who were disillusioned with the government and bet on the Nazis. The following year, Adolf Hitler became a German citizen and presidential elections received 36.8% of the vote, losing to Hindenburg. However, at the same time, Hitler's associate Goering became chairman of the Reichstag.

1933 is finest hour Führer: On January 30, Hindenburg appointed him Chancellor of the Reich. The Nazi regime began to be established in the country. The prologue to this was the arson of the Reichstag on February 27. The Communists were blamed for this (by the way, it later became known about an underground tunnel connecting Goering’s palace with the Reichstag building). The Communist Party was outlawed, and thousands of communists, including Reichstag deputies, were thrown into prison. Thousands of books that the Nazis considered Marxist, including G. Mann, Remarque, Sinclair, were publicly burned at the stake.

Then came the closure of trade unions and the arrests of their leaders. Jews and representatives of leftist forces were prohibited from attending public service. They adopted a law according to which the Fuhrer received emergency powers, and after the death of President Hindenburg in 1934, a new president was not elected: the chancellor also became the head of state. All parties were dissolved except the NSDAP, under whose control both the education of youth and the press were placed. The country's first concentration camp for political opponents of the Nazis opened in Dachau. A regime of terror was established in the country. In order not to participate in the Conference on Disarmament, the Fuhrer announced Germany's withdrawal from the League of Nations.

At this time, disagreements intensified between Rehm, who sought to strengthen his power and relied on the SA, and the Fuhrer, who was supported by the army, which demanded that Hitler take action against the stormtroopers. Remus, preparing to seize power, brought his troops into combat readiness. And then Hitler made up his mind. 1934, June 30 - with the help of the Gestapo (secret police), arrests, executions and simply murders of SA leaders were carried out. Rem was arrested by Adolf Hitler himself, and he was killed in prison. In total, about 1,000 SA leaders were killed. Now the Fuhrer relied only on the SS, led by Himmler, who had distinguished himself during these events.

And then the demolition of the Versailles system begins. Introduced universal military service. German troops occupied the Saar region and occupied the left bank of the Rhine. Intensified rearmament of the army began. Selected units of it were sent to Spain to help General Franco. The Fuhrer created the Anti-Comintern Pact, which included Japan and Italy. Germany began preparing for a war for “living space” both economically and militarily. At the same time (1938), Adolf Hitler put the army under his control, dismissed the Minister of War Field Marshal von Blomberg and the commander ground forces Fricha.

In the same year, the Germans occupied Austria without resistance and, with the consent of England and France (conference in Munich), began to dismember Czechoslovakia. At the same time, laws on citizenship and marriage were adopted, directed against Jews: they were deprived of citizenship, Germans were prohibited from marrying them, they are now subhuman. Soon the gypsies were equated with them. And then the Jewish pogroms began. They smashed synagogues and shops and beat people. And then the deportation of Jews from the Reich began. Was the Fuhrer an anti-Semite? Undoubtedly, but by no means the first. All this happened before. Only the scale of anti-Semitism, elevated to the rank of state policy in Germany, many times exceeded everything that had happened before.

1939, September 1 - by attacking Poland, the Fuhrer started World War II. By 1943, almost all of Europe lay at his feet: from the Volga to the Atlantic. With the beginning of the war, at the instigation of R. Heydrich, the “final solution to the Jewish question” began. There was talk of the extermination of 11 million people. It is curious that the Fuhrer refrained from giving a written order about this. But on his orders, the crippled, terminally ill and mentally handicapped were destroyed. All this was done to preserve the purity of the Aryan race.

Since 1943, the decline began, Hitler began to be haunted by only failures. And then a group of conspirators decided to put an end to him. This was not the first. Back on November 8, 1939, when he performed at the Munich beer hall "Bürgerbraukeller", an explosion killed eight people and injured 63. But Hitler survived because he left the pub an hour earlier. There is a version that the assassination attempt was organized by Himmler, who hoped to blame the British for this. Now, in 1944, the top of the army took part in the conspiracy.

On July 20, during a meeting at Hitler's Wolf's Lair headquarters, a bomb exploded, planted by Lieutenant Colonel Stauffenberg. Four people died and many were injured. Hitler was protected by the lid of an oak table, and he escaped with shell shock. A brutal reprisal followed. Some of the conspirators were mercifully given the opportunity to commit suicide, some were executed immediately, and eight people were hanged from piano wires on meat hooks.

At this time, the Fuhrer's health deteriorated sharply: nervous tics, trembling of his left arm and leg, stomach cramps, dizziness; bouts of frenzied rage were replaced by depression. He lay in bed for hours, quarreled with generals, and was betrayed by his comrades. And Soviet troops were already near Berlin. Meanwhile, on April 29, 1945, the marriage of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun took place.

Little is known about Hitler's relationships with women in his youth. During the First World War in 1916–1917. he had an intimate relationship with the Frenchwoman Charlotte Lobjoie, who gave birth in 1918 illegitimate son. In the 1920s in Munich, Adolf was considered a “Don Juan.” Among his fans were the wife of a piano manufacturer, Elena Bechstein, and the wife of a publisher, Elsa Bruckman, and Princess Stephanie von Hohenlohe, and Martha Dodd, the daughter of the American ambassador. But his great love became his niece, whom he moved to Munich in 1928. Geli was 19 years younger than him. He spent money on her from the party treasury and was jealous of everyone.

By the way, in the future Hitler did not make much difference between personal money and state money, whether collecting art collection for his summer residence in Bavaria or while reconstructing the palace in Poland where he was planning to move. (By 1945, about 20 million marks from the state budget were spent on reconstruction.) After Geli’s suicide in 1928, Adolf experienced a deep shock and even wanted to shoot himself. He became depressed, withdrew into himself, tormented himself with reproaches and stopped eating meat and animal fats; forbade everyone from entering her room and ordered her bust from the sculptor Thorak, which was eventually exhibited in the Reich Chancellery.

True, he himself expressed the Fuhrer’s attitude towards women, believing that great person can afford to “keep a girl” to satisfy her physical needs and treat her at his own discretion. He met Eva Braun in 1929 in the studio of his personal photographer Hoffman. Since 1932, she became his mistress, being 23 years younger. Eva was jealous: in 1935, out of jealousy, she even tried to commit suicide. And then Hitler “officially” confessed his love to her. But the wedding took place only ten years later, and family life theirs lasted less than a day.

On April 30, the couple committed suicide: according to one version, Eva took poison and the Fuhrer shot himself. Their corpses were taken out into the garden and set on fire. Before bequeathed his entire personal fortune to his sister Paula. In his political testament, he transferred power to the new government led by Goebbels and again blamed the Jews for everything: “Centuries will pass, and from the ruins of our cities and art monuments, hatred will be revived again and again against the people who are ultimately responsible for this, to the one to whom we owe everything, to international Jewry and its collaborators.”

A forensic medical examination of the remains of “presumably Hitler’s corpse,” carried out by representatives of the Soviet Union on the jaw, was soon called into question. Stalin even stated at the Potsdam Conference that no corpse had been found and that the Fuhrer was taking refuge in Spain or South America. All this gave rise to a lot of rumors. Therefore, publications sounded sensational that until 1982 the remains of Adolf Hitler were kept in Moscow, and then, on the orders of Yu. Andropov, they were destroyed, only the skull was preserved. To this day, many strange and unreliable things remain in the history of death.

Adolf Hitler, whose biography is full of brilliant achievements and heinous crimes, has become an integral part of European and world history. He is one of those people who literally managed to push in a certain direction. Of course, the last statement does not in any way relate to the moral side of his philosophy and activities.

Adolf Hitler: biography

Adolf Schicklgruber was born in a small town located on the border of Austria and Germany. Already at an early age, the idea of ​​​​the greatness of the German nation was planted in his head. The first significant efforts in this matter were made by the school Fuhrer, Leopold Petch, who himself was an ardent supporter of Prussian nationalism and a pan-Germanist. After graduating from school, the young man goes to Vienna, cherishing the dream of entering the art academy of this city. Many people are well aware of the story of how a young man failed his exams in 1907, after which the rector of the academy recommended that he take up architecture rather than fine arts. Young Adolf then returns to his native Linz, but a year later he tries his hand again and fails again. It was during the next period that Hitler, later known throughout the world, was formed. The biography of these years is filled with extreme poverty, constant vagrancy, living under bridges and in flophouses, odd jobs and other pages from the bottom of life. But at the same time, the young man finally formed his political views during this period, in which he himself

admitted and described the process in detail later in the book “My Struggle.” Speaking about the reasons for the emergence of such a violent ideology, it is imperative to take into account the specifics of the Weimar period, when nationalist sentiments and ideas of anti-German conspiracies were so popular in society, and many small Judeophobic political forces were widespread. At the same time, the young man had the opportunity to observe how, under the onslaught of the Slavs and Hungarians, the Germans were losing their absolutely dominant position in Austria-Hungary. All this came together in a very, very unique way, and then was rethought in the head of young Adolf.

Adolf Hitler: the path to power

After the First World War, being extremely disappointed, the young corporal again returned to his odd jobs, but in Munich. His fate here was abruptly turned around by chance. As fate would have it, he was destined to end up in one of the city's beer establishments, where the local patriotic party (then called Workers' Party Germany). The guy, passionate about politics, became interested in their ideas, and in 1920 he joined this still small society. And soon, thanks to his own charisma and perseverance, he became its most important person. Hitler's first attempt to come to power dates back to 1923. We are talking about the famous November Beer Hall Putsch, which ended in failure. As the coup column marched through the streets of Munich, they were stopped by police forces who opened fire on the rebels. Interesting story from the memoirs of eyewitnesses, the famous researcher (and former journalist in Weimar and Nazi Germany) William Shirer reports: under a barrage of fire, the putschists were forced to lie down on the ground; Immediately after the shooting by the police stopped, the party leader was the first to jump up and start running from the scene of the collision, then got into the car and drove away. Strange, but Adolf Hitler’s flight did not affect his authority in any way. Moreover, having coped with the first fear, he behaved very boldly

the subsequent trial, which even added to his sympathy. However, for attempting a putsch, the young politician was nevertheless sent to prison in the Landsberg fortress. True, he spent less than a year there.

Adolf Hitler: political biography

And when he was released at the end of 1925, he again began his struggle for power. With incendiary speeches, cunning political actions, outright blackmail of other political forces, violent reprisals against their opponents and outright deception in Nazi propaganda, after just a few years, the NSDAP became the most influential force in the country. And in Adolf Hitler forces the then President of the Republic, Paul von Hindenburg, to make himself chancellor. From this moment on, the NSDAP rapidly becomes a single political force in the state, their ideology is the only true one, and Germany is immersed in

The brilliance and enormity of the Fuhrer's biggest struggle

Having come to power, the new head of state did not hide his true face for long. Within the country, opposition forces were quickly eliminated. The Fuhrer did not spend long preparing for foreign policy actions. Already in 1936, in violation of the Versailles agreements, he sent his troops into the demilitarized Rhineland. The obedient disregard for this violation was only the first cowardly silence of the great powers in a long chain. This was followed by outright blackmail and the seizure of first Austria, then Czechoslovakia and Poland. In 1940, France also suffered the same fate as the occupation. England was barely saved. It probably makes no sense to retell the further biography of Adolf Hitler in detail. It is hardly possible to find a person in our country who has not heard about the German invasion of the USSR, about the first successes of the Blitzkrieg and the subsequent gradual complete loss of any adequacy by the Fuhrer, who could not come to terms with the defeats - first at Moscow, then at Stalingrad, and then on all fronts. The ideologist of the Nazi Party threw more and more batches of German soldiers into battle (which is often attributed to Zhukov and Stalin), sacrificing an entire generation of Germans on the altar of his idea. However, the victorious march of the Allies completely drove the Fuhrer crazy. IN last days In his life, he, sick and broken, but with his former fanaticism, the last thing left of the former Hitler, declared that the German nation must perish if it could not win this war. Adolf Hitler found his death by taking poison on April 30, 1945.

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