Where Zadornov died. Satirist Mikhail Zadornov died

Perhaps you will not meet a person in the post-Soviet space who has not heard of Mikhail Zadornov. This talented satirist has been on stage for more than 30 years, and his sparkling jokes were taken for quotes. On November 10, 2017, Mikhail Nikolaevich died at the age of 70, after battling a serious cancer.

Mikhail Zadornov was born in Jurmala (Latvia). His father, writer Nikolai Zadornov, instilled in his son a love of literature from childhood. IN school years the future satirist took part in theatrical productions. Everyone was delighted with his comic images. In addition, Mikhail paid great attention to sports and was even a member of the Latvian youth handball team.

After graduating from school, the future satirist decided to take up serious business and entered the Riga Institute of Engineers civil aviation. A year later he continued his studies in Moscow. After graduating from the institute, Mikhail Zadornov became a design engineer, but after some time he plunged headlong into satirical speeches.

First, Mikhail Zadornov became the head of the youth theater of the Moscow Aviation Institute. This was followed by activity in the humorous department of the magazine “Youth”.

The debut on television took place in 1982. The comedian performed the monologue “A Student’s Letter Home.” In 1984 the first solo concert Mikhail Zadornov. The satirist himself has repeatedly said that one of the most important speeches in his life was the congratulations of the whole country on the New Year on December 31, 1992 central television.

Largest creative success Mikhail Zadornov fell in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The satirist toured with concerts and often appeared on television. His jokes became catchphrases. In the era of Internet development, the satirist also did not stand aside and actively maintained his blog on LiveJournal, and on his Youtube channel he collected best performances satirical

In October 2016, Mikhail Nikolaevich had an epileptic seizure right during a concert, and soon after that it became known that the artist was struggling with cancer (brain tumor). The course of chemotherapy did not bring relief to Zadornov, so the satirist several months ago decided to abandon further attempts at treatment and considered it right to spend the remaining time allotted to him with his family. Today it became known that Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov passed away.

The news that he died (the cause of death was cancer) was shocking for the public in the CIS countries.

The most famous satirist and writer, who regularly appeared on stage, made the audience laugh heartily and enjoy life. And him sudden death caused a wave of surprise among fans.

The satirist and director of films glorifying the Slavic nation and calling to honor and know their history had a lot of plans for his life. Unfortunately, like all great people, he was unable to realize them to the end...

Creative heritage

The media and fans believe that when Mikhail Zadornov died, the cause of death being cancer, the whole humorous world became a thing of the past. Russian state. After all, only this person knew how to translate people’s stupid behavior on stage into an exciting show that gives a lot of positive emotions.

Concert programs with his participation brought the channels on which they were broadcast the most high ratings by views.

The satirist regularly ridiculed foreign image life, their culture and way of life, for which it gained popularity among fans in the countries of the former USSR.

But at the same time, sarcastic criticism led to Zadornov being banned from entering the United States, which he also skillfully turned into another joke.

His speeches always contained a dose of irony and subtle humor. The artist ridiculed daily life Russians, ineptly made advertising and foreign words, applied in the case and without. His concerts attracted a wide audience, and tickets were sold out a month before the start of the performance. Many Russians and others dreamed of going to Zadornov’s concert, and for this they were even ready to come to another city.

Since 2010, the satirist began not only to communicate with the audience during his performances, but also mastered Internet sites and social media, where he regularly corresponded with his fans.

He began running his own channel on YouTube called Zadornov TV, where he regularly posted his appeals to viewers. And also started official page“VKontakte” and “LJ”, where he posted his stories, reasoning and responded to messages and comments from his fans.

Receiving letters from observant fans, Mikhail Zadornov used them in his speeches, devoting a separate humorous five-minute section for them.

Since 2016, the satirist began to broadcast new project together with Alexey Kortnev, called “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show”, where there was a lot of satire and humor. The project participants performed in real time, improvising.

Despite the fact that just a year later Mikhail Zadornov died, his endeavors can be continued by young talents and there is no reason for death from cancer to destroy all the many years of work of a researcher and comedian who wanted to change people for the better.

Mikhail Zadornov's concerts were always sold out

Disease history

Since 2016, when it became known about the comedian’s terrible illness, his fans have flooded Zadornov with letters, wishing him a speedy recovery. No one believed that a person who could make even the gloomiest person laugh was unable to defeat cancer.

But, tired of exhausting procedures that did not bring the desired result, but only weakened the body, the comedian decided to stop treatment, which had turned into real torture for him.

Mikhail Zadornov, 2017

Mikhail Zadornov died surrounded by his family; the cause of death was a cancerous brain tumor.

Fans learned that he began having health problems in October 2016. During the performance, Zadornov had a seizure, which forced him to interrupt the concert. Called doctors, arriving at the scene, convinced Mikhail that he needed urgent hospitalization.

After examinations and diagnostics, he was diagnosed terrible diagnosis and gave hope that the treatment could bring results, and doctors could win several years of life for the patient.

Having canceled his summer concerts and decided that he would beat cancer, Zadornov, together with his relatives, tried to find the best clinic where big chance recovery of patients.

After information leaked to the media that Mikhail Zadornov was undergoing treatment in Germany, the famous comedian asked journalists not to create a fuss around his person.

Chemotherapy was successful and gave positive results. After some time, Mikhail Zadornov began to feel much better. Fans waited with bated breath for news about how the treatment was progressing, and had no doubt that everything would end well. After all, the 7th decade, for the presenter healthy image The life of a person who constantly laughs and smiles is not such a big date.

But at the end of September it became known that his health began to deteriorate, and his body could no longer cope with the disease, and the chemicals greatly depleted his body. After the treatment in Germany was completed, Zadornov went for rehabilitation after chemotherapy to a clinic near Moscow, where he was provided with one of the best wards, in which a nurse was regularly on duty.

After the cause of death became known, the Orthodox Church announced that the satirist had held unction in the city of Moscow. Many fans famous comedian We were amazed to the core that a man who had converted to paganism and openly announced it 10 years ago suddenly became a Christian.

According to the church, they provided this information by agreement with the relatives. Whether this is true or fiction is anyone's guess.

The satirist's family

It is known that Mikhail Zadornov was married only once, in 1971. His chosen one was Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina, an ambitious beauty and the daughter of a famous Latvian politician. My future wife Mikhail had to achieve something still unknown to the world by all possible means, showing ingenuity and originality.

But, even though it was not easy to achieve a beautiful woman, the ice was broken from her heart and they began dating, and then they got married and lived together. happy marriage almost ten years.

Mikhail Zadornov really wanted children, but, unfortunately, examinations showed that his wife was infertile and could not please her husband with the news of pregnancy. This greatly upset the spouses and brought some coldness into their relationship. Family life satirist and his beautiful wife went awry.

The reason for the break in relations was Zadornov’s career, which rapidly went uphill. Regular absences from home and traveling around the world did not please his woman, who wanted her husband to pay more attention to her.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Zadornov began an affair with Elena Bombina, whom he met at one of his performances. The girl was 16 years younger than the popular satirist, which caused many condemning comments from the comedian’s relatives and friends.

Despite a long relationship and living in a civil marriage, Elena never became his official wife. And in 1990, Bombina gave birth to Zadornov’s beautiful daughter, whom her parents named Elena. Taking her father’s surname and inheriting his talent for acting, the girl entered the Academy of Theater Arts.

Zadornov loved his daughter very much and constantly took part in her upbringing. He collected for her a huge and varied library and taught her to love books.

The satirist tried to diversify his daughter’s leisure time and raise her to be smart and erudite. We can safely say that he succeeded in this to the fullest.

Zadornov with his wife and daughter

When his legal wife found out that Zadornov had a second family and a child, she was very upset, but did not start a scandal. Velta Yanovna was amazed that her husband was cheating on her, but at the same time she was glad that his dream of becoming a dad had finally come true.

When it was no longer necessary to hide his daughter from his legal wife, Zadornov began to take his daughter Elena with him on trips around the world, showing her the sights of Russia and other countries. Together they traveled to African countries, vacationed in United Arab Emirates, walked around romantic Vienna and plunged into the no less charming romance of Paris, and also visited Israel and beautiful Greece.

Mikhail Zadornov wanted to give his daughter a colorful world full of interesting impressions and events, bringing her most cherished desires to life, but he could not fully achieve what he wanted before his death, since he died due to a banal reason - cancer.

Today it became known about the death of the famous satirist Mikhail Zadornov. The author of the legendary jokes died at the age of 70.

A little more than a year ago, viewers and friends of the writer noticed that Zadornov looked very bad. The assumptions were the most terrible. Mikhail Nikolaevich himself hid for a long time what was happening to him, but in October last year he finally admitted that he had cancer.

As reported by the media, doctors discovered the disease when it was already at the last stage. For a year, Mikhail Zadornov fought for his life: he underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor and underwent chemotherapy. But, unfortunately, the disease too quickly claimed the life of the artist beloved by many.

As the co-chairman of the Union of Russian Patients, neurologist Yan Vlasov, previously told Life, tumors of the central nervous system, head tumors, especially those located in the skull area, very difficult to diagnose. Until the doctor “feels” it himself, there is always the possibility that the diagnosis is actually different.

There are cases when the tumor “hangs” for years, and then one day it grows three times in size, and the person can die, he added.

Most likely, Mikhail Zadornov had glioblastoma - this is the most aggressive type of brain tumor. On average, they live with it from nine months to a year, says oncologist surgeon Konstantin Titov.

As the doctor said, unfortunately, malignant tumors are almost always in the initial stages are asymptomatic. Especially - formations in the brain.

Despite the fact that the brain is a small organ, there is a small free space in it, said Konstantin Titov. - Most often, the tumor grows in it, pushing apart the brain tissue. When headaches, dizziness, blurred vision or gait appear, these are already large and, most likely, inoperable tumors.

The oncologist recalled which stars had or have the same disease: singer Zhanna Friske, actor Valery Zolotukhin, etc. They also had brain tumors.

Brain tumor is fatal tumor. The patient has virtually no chance of a full recovery. We know that singer Zhanna Friske was treated for a long time with the most modern medicines the best specialists Europe and America. Alas, her life could not be saved. Even surgery often does not provide any guarantee - the tumor can grow again. Unfortunately, there is no prevention for this disease. If we can at least guess what causes lung cancer (most often smoking), then in the case of brain oncology it’s just fate,” said Konstantin Titov.

Mikhail Zadornov became famous as a popularly beloved satirist, humorist, actor and member of the Russian Writers' Union. He has more than ten books to his name, including lyrical and satirical stories, humoresques, essays, travel notes and plays.

Died in a sanatorium near Moscow at the age of 69 famous satirist and writer Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov. As the media learned, Zadornov died after a serious and almost incurable disease- He was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer.

Zadornov's death was confirmed National artist USSR Joseph Kobzon. He told RT that the comedian died the night before, November 9. According to Kobzon, Zadornov was “absolutely incurable” because both hemispheres of his brain were affected.

On November 8, it became known that Mikhail Zadornov abandoned neo-paganism and converted to Orthodoxy. The rector of the Moscow church announced this step on his Facebook page. Life-Giving Trinity Archpriest Andrei Novikov on Sparrow Hills.

According to Father Andrei, he performed unction on Mikhail Zadornov. A request for this came from friends and relatives of the comedian. Unction is one of the sacraments Orthodox Church, during which the body of a sick or dying person is anointed.

Novikov reported that two months ago Mikhail Zadornov “brought repentance to God in the sacrament of confession in the Kazan Cathedral in Moscow.” He also added that Zadornov is going through this “difficult period of his life as an Orthodox Christian reconciled with the Holy Church.”

The priest emphasized that this information was published by him “in agreement with the closest relatives” of Zadornov.

In addition, after the unction of the satirist, Archpriest Novikov asked to pray for the servant of God Michael, and also wrote then on the social network: “May the merciful Lord forgive him for the years of shocking flirtation with paganism.”

On October 22, 2016, comedian Mikhail Zadornov was hospitalized in Moscow. This was reported to RIA Novosti the next morning in the capital's ambulance help service. Only then was the satirist diagnosed with cancer after an MRI examination (magnetic resonance imaging - Gazeta.Ru).

A number of media outlets then reported that Zadornov’s condition had deteriorated sharply during a concert held in concert hall"Meridian".

Mikhail Zadornov was born in 1948 in Jurmala, Latvia, into a family Soviet writer Nikolai Zadornov, laureate Stalin Prize, and a noble daughter of Polish origin, Elena Zadornova (nee Pokorno-Matusevich).

Mikhail Zadornov became famous as a Soviet and Russian satirist, humorist and actor. Zadornov is a member of the Russian Writers' Union. From the age of 50, Zadornov was a vegetarian.

IN New Year's Eve 1991-1992 Zadornov addressed Russians from their television screens with congratulations instead of the head of state.

Since 2006, Mikhail Zadornov has been actively performing numerous amateur exercises in the etymology of Russian words, which are not consistent with scientific achievements in this field of knowledge.

Mikhail Zadornov is known to the general public for his harsh statements about the Western way of life and the American popular culture. As a sign of protest “against discrimination against the Russian national team at the winter Olympic Games 2002 in Salt Lake City, Zadornov canceled his American visa, crossing it out in his passport.

In his work, Zadornov often turns to reforms in Russian education— so, starting in 2010, he actively criticized the Unified State Exam system. In addition, in his speeches, the satirist emphasized several times that, as a matter of principle, he does not vote for any of the political parties- but in the State Duma elections in 2011 he supported the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

On March 11, 2014, he signed an appeal from cultural figures Russian Federation in support of the policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine and Crimea.

Zadornov was included in the list of persons prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine.

They say that the biography of Mikhail Zadornov consists entirely of humorous philosophy and pan-Slavic zest. The satirist is loved and respected not only in Russia - he is known in all countries of the post-Soviet space. His subtle humor is sometimes so sharp that he is no longer allowed into some countries (for example, Ukraine and America), due to being offended by the barbs. The heroes of Mikhail Zadornov’s monologues are taken directly from life, which is why they are so recognizable and “convex”. Many of the writer’s expressions become aphorisms and are disassembled into quotations. He is rightfully considered the best comedian Russia.

The satirical writer comes from the most beautiful resort city of Latvia - Jurmala: here he was born in the summer of 1948. His father Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov was an actor and famous writer. Most of his works are historical in nature. For the novel "Cupid the Father" he was awarded the Stalin Prize. Mikhail Zadornov’s mother, Elena Melkhiorovna Pokorno-Matusevich, is of noble origin.

She comes from a family whose roots stretch back to the King of Poland, Stefan Batory. Her marriage to Mikhail Zadornov’s father is her second. The first husband was a ministry employee, from whom the woman had an eldest son, Lollius, the half-brother of the satirist. Elena Melkhiorovna worked as a proofreader in one of the Ufa newspapers. There she met her second husband. In this marriage were born Mikhail and his older sister Lyudmila, who became a teacher in English.

Mikhail Zadornov as a child Little Misha grew up in a world of fantasy, literature and travel. In addition to children's fairy tales, the father read to his son works by Ivan Goncharov, and.

The future satirist studied at the Riga elite school No. 10, where mainly the children of high officials were educated.

Mikhail Zadornov's theatrical career began during his school years. The little artist first appeared on stage in 2nd grade. He was entrusted to play the turnip. The audience liked the scene of pulling the turnip out of the ground so much that they asked to repeat it for an encore. Mikhail also convincingly portrayed the costumed bear from Alexander Ostrovsky’s production of “A Profitable Place.” He growled so naturally that he was accepted into the school drama club on a permanent basis.

When the young artist grew up, he actively performed at all events with his own humorous works and even created a school miniature theater.

After graduating from school, Mikhail Zadornov, at the request of his father, entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, which he successfully graduated in 1974 and received a degree in mechanical engineering. Over the next four years, he worked within the walls of the Moscow Aviation Institute at the Department of Aerospace Thermal Engineering, where he achieved considerable success: from an ordinary employee he “grew” to a leading engineer.

Creative career

In 1974, Mikhail Zadornov created the student propaganda theater "Russia", whose creative activities won fans throughout the post-Soviet space, and also passed the test of strength in government agencies, which resulted in prestigious award Lenin Komsomol.

Along with theatrical creativity Mikhail also developed his writing activity. After the publication of the bold work “ Open letter Secretary General" they began to recognize him not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

Zadornov's debut on television took place in 1982, but great popularity came two years later, in 1984, after reading his satirical story"The Ninth Car".

Since the early 90s, the writer and artist became the author-scriptwriter and host of the famous television programs “Funny Panorama”, “Full House”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “Satirical Forecast”.

The humorist-satirist considers his most famous performance New Year's greetings Russians in 1991, due to which the broadcast of the chimes had to be shifted by a minute. During that difficult period in the fate of the country, it was he who was entrusted with the main television performance of the year.

Since 1990 creative career Zadornova gained momentum, and many of his books were published. The legendary works of the satirical writer were “I don’t understand!”, “Zadorinki”, “The End of the World”, “The Return”, “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi”.

For his creative work, Mikhail Zadornov received many prestigious awards. He is the winner of the Ovation, Golden Calf and Cup awards.

Thanks to his unique talent, the artist received an apartment next door to high-ranking officials, such as Alexander Korzhakov and.

The achievements of the humorist writer include the library he opened, named after his father, as well as his appearance on the big stage, who is still friends with Zadornov.

The episodes of the program “Neformat with Mikhail Zadornov”, which air on Humor FM, are extremely popular. The satirist’s sharpest, “unformatted” jokes are heard here.

Mikhail Nikolaevich is also known for his sharp attacks and dislike for America and its inhabitants. He devoted many jokes to this topic, accompanied by the meme “Well, stupid!” There is a whole program called “American Stupidity” dedicated to America. In it, Zadornov discusses the influence of the United States on the culture and psychology of Russians, ridiculing the ridiculous imitation and thoughtless copying of the American way of life.

A few years ago, Mikhail Zadornov at the competition “ New wave“I met a young musician and performer from Germany, Brandon Stone. He not only sings himself, but also writes songs for many famous European artists. In collaboration with Brandon, Mikhail Nikolaevich performs at many of his concerts. For example, in 2011, at Zadornov’s “Laughter Through Laughter” concert, Brandon Stone performed response lines from new songs, complementing the comedian’s performances.

The friendship between Mikhail Zadornov and, which has grown into cooperation, has long been known. Often the two stars met to joke together. Many of their meetings appeared on YouTube and became popular among Internet users. The satirist and the director met on Mikhalkov’s author’s channel “Besogon TV”, where they talked about politics and some of the ugly events of modern life.


Throughout creative activity The satirical writer was repeatedly subjected to merciless criticism. He was accused of plagiarizing historical and humorous stories, for which he sometimes had to pay impressive amounts of compensation.

In 2009, Mikhail Zadornov was caught plagiarizing from the blog of Israeli writer Victoria Reicher. The satirist admitted that he borrowed Reicher’s retelling of the story about the cat scientist and settled the dispute monetary compensation amounting to 100,000 rubles.

Adaptation is also widely famous story Mikhail Zadornov entitled “Notes of a Brick Hunter”. It is based on an American urban legend.

In 2010, at one of his concerts, which was broadcast on Channel One, the satirist allowed himself to insult the female population of Vladivostok. He said that in the city all the women are dressed like in glossy magazines, “that is, all the girls in Vladivostok look like prostitutes.” The satirist did not apologize for this “joke,” although a considerable online community in the northern city demanded this from him.

Residents of Vladivostok “punished” the artist in a unique way: in the spring of 2010, “Bully Bear” and “Paper with a Hitch” toilet paper, on the packaging of which the satirist was depicted, went on sale.

Mikhail Zadornov insulted the women of Vladivostok

Not everyone welcomes the historical and philological “research” of Mikhail Zadornov, calling them pseudo-historical and ignorant. For example, Viktor Zhivov, Doctor of Philology, professor at Moscow State University, specializing in the history of the Russian language, told the satirist in the program “Gordon Quixote” that he was a layman and was bringing “ignorance to the masses.”

Mikhail Zadornov is used to being the center of tabloid attention

IN Lately satirical writer Special attention paid, for which he was included in the “black” list of persona non grata of the Ukrainian government, prohibiting him from entering the territory of Ukraine. Let us remind you that many other stars of Ukrainian and Russian show business also fell out of favor.

But Mikhail Zadornov did not consider his ban on entry into Ukraine a tragedy. “It would be worse if I were banned from leaving this country,” the comedian commented on the Ukrainian political decision.

Zadornov was banned from entering not only Ukraine, but also the United States.

Personal life

Officially in his personal life Mikhail Zadornov was married only once. His chosen one was the daughter of the ex-Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia, Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina. The future satirist studied with her at the same school, and then at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Velta, a beautiful and intelligent girl from a wealthy family, knew her worth. Mikhail had to look after her for a long time and win her favor. The beauty “gave up” only in the early 1970s. Then the couple got married. And although there were no children in this marriage, all the acquaintances of the satirical writer considered the family strong.

Mikhail Zadornov and Velta Kalnberzina

As it turned out, the marriage began to fall apart at the seams in the late 1980s, when the artist’s career was rapidly gaining momentum. It was then that Mikhail Zadornov met a beautiful young woman who worked as an administrator at the festival in which he took part. Elena Bombina was younger than the artist for 16 years. The romance did not become a simple affair, as many thought, but grew into something more.

The personal life of Mikhail Zadornov and Elena Bombina turned out happily. They lived in a civil marriage. In 1990, the woman gave the artist his only daughter, Elena.

Mikhail Zadornov with his wife Elena and daughter

The wife, with whom Mikhail Zadornov lived for 38 long years, found out about her husband’s second family when his daughter was born. Velta Yanovna, of course, was upset by her husband’s “double” life, but managed to cope with her feelings. In the end, she even found the strength to be happy for her husband, because he had a child, which she could not give him.

Rumor has it that Mikhail Zadornov never dissolved his legal marriage with his first wife.

Mikhail Zadornov and Elena Bombina

The artist's friends said that he was at the height of happiness when he had a daughter. He tried to give her everything that he was deprived of as a child. Elena Zadornova with youth traveled with dad around the world. She visited Vienna, Paris, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Greece and Africa. Traveled to all corners of Russia.

The daughter inherited his artistic genes from her father. Elena Zadornova graduated from a theater university (RATI-GITIS). It is noteworthy that the girl managed not to get sick " star fever", as happened to many children famous artists. She does not appear on TV, does not use her father’s influence to achieve any goals, does not give interviews and does not go to various rating shows to become recognizable.


In late autumn 2016 it became known that. The artist first felt unwell at a concert in the capital's Meridian Palace of Culture. Doctors diagnosed him with a brain tumor. The artist himself announced this on his page on the social network. He said that most concerts, especially those that require long flights, had to be canceled because doctors recommended that he urgently undergo chemotherapy. Zadornov was forced to leave the “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” program, which was successfully broadcast on NTV.

At the beginning of the winter of the same year, Mikhail Zadornov underwent a course of treatment in a German clinic. He had a brain biopsy in December.

The alarming news that the artist beloved by millions was ill and had cancer instantly spread across the information space. He confirmed the rumors in his program. After this, there was no point in hiding the diagnosis, although the satirist did not want to advertise the state of his health.

Mikhail Zadornov did not deny the information, but asked his fans not to worry and not to make unnecessary noise. He also assured everyone that he was following the recommendation of Daria Dontsova, who had the same illness, “not to give up and keep yourself in good shape.”

And his loyal fans helped Mikhail Zadornov stay in good shape. They send their favorite artist humorous videos, which he enjoys watching on the Internet. Zadornov even asked his subscribers to send him more videos, the best of which he promised to reward with prizes.

At the very beginning of 2017, she informed about the health of the legendary satirist. She confirmed that Mikhail Zadornov underwent a complex operation and underwent a long course of treatment and rehabilitation.


Shortly before the death of the satirist, the media reported that Mikhail Nikolaevich had chosen Archpriest Andrei Novikov as his mentor. On November 8, the priest administered unction to Zadornov.

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