Participants in the fifth season of the show “The Voice”, who were known even before the project. Participants of the fifth season of the show “The Voice”, who were known even before the project Watch online in good quality

On December 23, 2016, the main vocal battle of the country took place again on Channel One. The 17th episode of the show “Voice-5” became decisive for the remaining participants in the project, who fought for their place in the finals. The semi-final of the show “The Voice-5” became a very exciting event not only for the vocalists, but also for their star mentors -, and, who, as in the first two live broadcasts, had to make difficult decisions and choose the strongest participants from the best representatives of their teams.

The 17th episode of the show “The Voice-5” included vocal battles between the participants according to the usual format of fights, only there were only two participants left in the teams. Each of them had to perform a solo song, and then, through SMS voting, TV viewers determined best performer. The mentor also participated in determining the finalist: this time 100% was divided between two candidates for participation in the final according to the 60/40 scheme.

Kairat Primberdiev was the first to take the stage of the country’s main vocal show with the song “ And I Am Telling You" Before the semi-finals of the “Voice-5” show, the star mentor described this vocalist as a person who knows how to make music beautifully. Kairat himself admitted that he did not believe that he could reach the semi-finals on this project. He thanked Dima Bilan for his “salvation” even at the stages of the “fights,” for which the mentor himself does not regret.

The second to enter the vocal battle at the semi-finals of the show “The Voice-5” was Oleg Kondrakov with the song “ Fly, Lisa" This semi-finalist, like his opponent, finds it difficult to realize that he has come so far on such a serious vocal project. Oleg emphasized that he had already won for himself. Before Kondrakov’s performance, the star mentor wished him to completely liberate himself on stage and convey himself to the audience, who actively supported Oleg from their seats.

Bilan's charges came to support at the semi-finals of the show "The Voice-5", who, together with Kairat and Oleg, performed on stage with the song " Paranoia"After the performance, the star guest wished all the participants good luck and the audience a Happy New Year.

After the performance of the first two semi-finalists, Bilan had to make a difficult decision and determine the finalist from his team. Dima divided his 100% of votes as follows: he gave 60% to Kairat Primberdiev, and 40% to Oleg Kondrakov. The audience supported Bilan's decision and voted for Kairat, who became the first finalist of the "Voice-5" show. Thus, Oleg Kondrakov left the project.

Semi-final of the show "The Voice-5": Gagarina's team

The second pair of participants in the semi-finals of the show “The Voice-5” were Polina Gagarina’s wards. In a harsh men's duel, they fought desperately - and.

Sardor Milano was the first to fight for the right to become a finalist from Gagarina's team with the song " My Heart Will Go On"The star mentor had high hopes for this participant before the performance, asking him to hold the bar on stage. Sardor himself admitted that after the quarterfinals he felt a real fortress of audience support behind him, so he promised to put all his strength into the performance.

Then Mikhail Zhitov came on stage with the song " Grandmother". A simple guy from Arkhangelsk, as the vocalist called himself, admitted before the performance that he really wanted to win the show "Voice-5". He emphasized that he would fight for victory with all his soul, which is more important than false notes. Polina set before Zhitov the task of revealing his beautiful soul on stage, which he succeeded in full.

After the performance of Gagarina’s charges, the semi-final of the show “The Voice-5” was visited by the second celebrity guest. Came out in support of Sardor and Mikhail IOWA group with the song " Beats the beat".

Despite the excellent performance of the vocalists, their mentor had to make a difficult decision. Gagarina gave 60% of her votes to Sardor Milano, and 40% to Mikhail Zhitov. The audience agreed with Polina’s decision and the majority voted for Sardor Milano, who became the second finalist of the “Voice-5” show. Mikhail Zhitov lost the semi-final battle by a small margin and had to leave the project.

Semi-final of the show "The Voice-5": Agutin's team

Daria Antonyuk was the first to begin her pursuit of her dream with the song " Somebody to Love"Before the performance of this semi-finalist, Agutin called her a strong and talented singer beyond her years. The vocalist herself was only determined to win and promised to do everything possible for her sake.

Next on stage was Ksenia Korobkova, who gave her answer to her opponent with the song " I still love"Before the performance, the participant admitted that she still could not get out of the happy coma that she fell into after winning the quarterfinals. Leonid did not hide the fact that he had set Ksenia difficult task, which, however, fully corresponds to its capabilities. Korobkova lived up to her mentor’s hopes and captivated the audience with her performance.

A star guest also came to support Leonid Agutin’s charges at the semi-finals of the show “The Voice-5”. Russian rock legend Evgeny Margulis performed with Ksenia and Daria with the song " Shanghai blues"After the performance, the guest congratulated everyone on the upcoming New Year, and Dima Bilan on his birthday, which the artist will celebrate on December 24.

After this performance, the most serious stage of the semi-final followed - the coach had to choose the best of the two semi-finalists of his team. Leonid distributed his votes as follows: he gave 60% to Daria Antonyuk, 40% from Agutin went to Ksenia Korobkova. The audience fully supported the decision of the star mentor and gave almost 80% of the votes for Daria, which allowed her to become the third finalist of the show “The Voice-5”. Thus, Ksenia Korobkova left the project.

Semi-final of the show "The Voice-5": Leps' team

Daria Stavrovich was the first to take the stage with the song " Chandelier"Before the performance of this vocalist, the mentor called her an “alien”, on whom he has high hopes. Leps admitted that Daria is the brightest representative of his entire team on the project, since at all stages of the “Voice-5” show she remains herself. The semi-finalist herself said that she cannot be a suitcase with crisp money to please everyone, but she believes in her victory.

Alexander Panayotov closed the semi-final of the show "The Voice-5" with the song " Don't disturb my soul violin"Before going on stage, the vocalist commented on his victory in the quarterfinals of the project - Alexander believes that he was lucky, since the “song-image” puzzle was completely formed during his performance, which allowed him to move on. Leps called Panayotov a talented and flexible artist, who can sing any song.

The brilliant performances of the vocalists did not save Grigory Leps from difficult choice- the star mentor, like his colleagues, had to determine the last finalist of the “Voice-5” show. Grigory distributed his votes as follows: he gave 60% to Alexander Panayotov, 40% went to Daria Stavrovich. The audience supported Leps' choice and gave the majority of votes for Alexander, who became the fourth finalist of the show. The 17th episode of the show “Voice-5” was the last for Daria Stavrovich, who left the project.

December 30, 2016 at live Channel One hosted the final of the show “Voice-5”. The 18th episode differed from the other live broadcasts of the projects in that the fate of the participants at the final stage of the vocal battle was exclusively in the hands of the Russians, who supported their favorites with SMS votes. In the finale of the fifth season of the show “The Voice”, star mentors - , and - could not in any way influence the result of the vote. The only thing they could do was support their “fighters” with warm words, wise advice and a smile during their performance.

In general, we can say that the finale of the “Voice-5” show was bright and spectacular: in duets with their mentors, the finalists really managed to reveal themselves in a new way, and the solo part pleased and surprised viewers with very interesting musical solutions.

The editors found out who won the final of the show “Voice-5” and won the title of the best vocalist in the country, and which of the participants had to leave the project based on the results audience voting.

Finale of the show "The Voice-5": Gagarina's team

A vocalist from Tashkent from Gagarina’s team made it to the finals of the “Voice-5” show Sardor Milano. Before the project, this singer was already quite famous in Russia - he repeatedly took part in vocal shows, in which he won victory against serious rivals. Sardor has a strong army of fans, whom he has captivated with his strong and incredible vocals. worked out within the walls of Gnesinka.

The first number of the finalist of the show “The Voice-5” Sardor Milano was the performance of the participant with his mentor. The vocalist performed the song " Forever"Before performing a duet with her mentee, the mentor admitted that she had not even imagined Sardor in the final. The participant himself also doubted whether he could work together with Polina, who had already formed a team even before his “rescue” in the fights.

In a solo performance, Sardor Milano presented the song " Fly away on the wings of wind"Before going on stage, the vocalist said that he did not even dream of reaching the finals of the show "Voice-5", but at each stage of the project his "fighting" qualities only strengthened and today he performs with confidence in his victory.

The first stage of the final of the show “The Voice-5” for Sardor Milano ended in defeat. After the first solo performances, viewers gave fewer votes for this participant, as a result of which he had to leave the project. However, Sardor performed his second final song" Circle of Life".

Finale of the show "The Voice-5": Bilan's team

Dima Bilan's team was presented by a talented performer from Bishkek in the final of the fifth season of the show "The Voice" Kairat Primberdiev. For this vocalist, participation in the main vocal battle of the country was a huge dream, which he still does not believe will come true. Having trained as an electrician and worked in a bakery, this finalist of the show “The Voice-5” tirelessly pursued his goal and, thanks to his incredible acumen, was able to win the love of an audience of thousands.

The second finalist of the show "The Voice" - Kairat Primberdiev - during his first number with his mentor, he completely "blew up" the hall with the song " Trouble"Before going on stage, Dima very highly appreciated the professionalism of his ward - according to Bilan, Kairat has no analogues and he can become a worthy winner of the “Voice-5” show.

Kairat Primberdiev entered the solo vocal battle of the finale of the fifth season of the show “The Voice-5” with the song “ How young we were". In the final preview, the participant promised to perform in such a way that the audience would believe him, because without their support, his lifelong dream would not be able to come true. The voting results showed that Kairat managed to fulfill his promise to the fullest.

Kairat Primberdiev managed to stay in the finals of the show “Voice-5” after his first performance. His second solo song was the composition " Unchain My Heart", which allowed him to move one step closer to winning the project.

Finale of the show "The Voice-5": Leps' team

For Grigory Leps, the finale of the show “The Voice” (season 5) could be victorious, just like in the fourth season. This time his ward is a finalist Alexander Panayotov has every chance of winning, since even before participating in the vocal battle he already had enormous popularity among fans as the winner of the “People’s Artist” show.

The 18th episode of the show “Voice-5” for Leps’ team also began with a performance by the mentor and mentee as a duet. Grigory Leps and Alexander Panayotov presented the audience with the song " I listened to the rain"Before going on stage, the mentor said that today Panayotov began to sing better than before. That is why he changed his better side my attitude towards Alexander as an artist. The finalist himself expressed great joy at being on Leps’ team, since, in his opinion, only this mentor could bring him to the final.

At the second stage of the finals of the show "Voice-5" Alexander Panayotov performed the solo song " Confession". The finalist admitted that 4 months of the project greatly changed him for the better, which greatly strengthened his faith in victory. The vocalist said that he always believed in himself, even if there was no success. But today the large audience of "The Voice " ensured his success.

Nevertheless, the audience support was not enough for Alexander Panayotov to win the “Voice-5” show. At the third stage of the final voting, TV viewers gave him 46.5% of the votes, as a result of which he had to leave the project without winning.

Finale of the show "The Voice-5": Agutin's team

The only girl in the finals of the show “Voice-5” was Leonid Agutin’s ward - Daria Antonyuk. 20 year old native Krasnoyarsk Territory, who is currently studying at the Moscow Art Theater School, at all stages of the project showed herself to be a professional vocalist and a worthy rival for other participants. That's why she was ready to bravely compete with male competitors in the finale of the fifth season of the show "The Voice."

Her first performance in the 18th episode of the show “Voice-5” was a duet with her mentor. Daria went on stage with Leonid Agutin, with whom she performed the song " Your voice". Before the final performance of his ward, Agutin admitted that from the first broadcasts he believed that the finale of the fifth season of the show "The Voice" would reach the finale with Daria, since this vocalist has many facets and opportunities that increase her chances of winning the project. Herself Antonyuk is very grateful to her mentor for her support.

Agutin's ward entered the solo final battle with the song " Without You". Daria Antonyuk said that the show "The Voice-5" changed her attitude towards herself - at all stages of the project she believed more and more in her success. In the finale of the show "The Voice" season 5, Daria promised to "break" the hall with her introduction in order to win long-awaited victory.

After her first solo performances, Daria Antonyuk was the first to get the chance to continue participating in the finals. At the second stage of the final, she performed the composition " The Long Road", which became the last competition song in the fifth season of the show "The Voice-5". Daria "lit up" the hall with her bright and emotional performance, which maximized her vocal potential.

According to the results of the third stage of audience voting in the final, Daria Antonyuk became the winner of the “Voice-5” show. Viewers gave her almost 53.5% of the votes, which allowed her to beat her main rival and win the final of the fifth season of “The Voice.”

In addition to Daria Antonyuk, a Muscovite won the fifth season of the show “The Voice”, who became the winner of the game in mobile application show "Voice-5" and the best virtual mentor for participants. The famous statuette was presented to her by the semi-finalist of the show. Anna said that she watched all five seasons of the project and shared her impressions of the audience, the presenter and the atmosphere at the final broadcast.

semi-finalist of the project (Pelageya team)
semi-finalist of the project (team of Leonid Agutin)
quarterfinal (team of Bilan Dmitry)
> quarterfinals (team of Agutin Leonid)
quarter-final (Bima Bilan's team)

quarterfinals (team of Leonid Agutin)
quarterfinals (team Gradsky Alexandra)
quarterfinals (team of Leonid Agutin)
quarter-finals (Pelageya team)
quarterfinals (Dmitry Bilan's team)
quarterfinals (team of Leonid Agutin)
project participant (Dmitry Bilan's team)
project participant (Pelageya team)

The vocal television show project “The Voice” has existed since 2012. This talent show is designed to find a unique and talented voice.

The participants had high demands on the level of vocals, thanks to this, the participants of “The Voice” are mostly professionals with amazing vocal abilities.
The project’s mentors do not set the participants the task of changing, breaking their traditional approach to repertoire and style, but work with them as equals, support and help the vocalists become even stronger. The show itself is very emotional.

The composition of the mentors for the first three seasons are absolute authorities: Alexander Borisovich Gradsky, Pelageya, Leonid Agutin and Dima Bilan.

The winners of the “VOICE” project of different seasons were:
first season 2012 - Dina Garipova
second season 2013 - Sergey Volchkov
third season 2014 - Alexandra Vorobyova

All the winners of three seasons of the “VOICE” project are members of Alexander Gradsky’s team.

Today, the VOICE project has become one of the popular projects on Russian television. It differs radically from all other shows in that people with outstanding vocal abilities can become participants in the VOICE project. And that is why at your holiday you will hear the most best voices. We are pleased to offer you a performance by the participants of the Voice project at your celebration. Their participation will give you and your guests great mood, wonderful music and will present many varied and interesting rooms.
You can organize concerts or invite a participant or participant of the “VOICE” project to a holiday by calling the numbers on our website or sending a request - an order form. To order a participant (participant) of the Voice project, you can choose any of the methods that are most convenient for you.


winner of the project (team of Gradsky Alexander) semi-finalist of the project (team of Gradsky Alexander) second place (Pelageya team)
third place (Team of Bilan Dmitry)
fourth place (team of Leonid Agutin)
semi-finalist of the project (Team of Bilan Dmitry)

Good day to all. The new and long-awaited fifth season of this series has already started on our screens. music show, like "The Voice". To be honest, I'm not a big fan of the show in general, but this music TV show managed to interest me. Still, it’s interesting to look at the abilities and talent of people “as if from the street.” It is clear that each of the participants in this project is already well acquainted with music, some have been studying music and singing since childhood, and others discovered their singing talent at a fairly mature age. There are, roughly speaking, “professional” singers who have their own audience, their own listener, perform at cooperatives and thereby earn their living, but there are also participants who have so far stopped at the level of singing and impressing only their own with their voices. friends and household members. Of course, on this show everyone is equal, especially in the first stage - blind auditions, and for me this stage of the competition of participants is the most interesting. It’s worth saying that sometimes I don’t really like the way the contestants sing and perform this or that piece, but strangely enough, they are chosen by the mentors, and sometimes I’m just delighted with the way it was performed musical composition, but none of the mentors or jury members turned to the participant-performer. It is worth saying that this season, members of the jury were Polin Gagarina, the constant Dmitry Bilan and Leonid Agutin, and Grigory Leps also took part in this season. By the way, it is worth noting the fact that in the previous season it was Grigory Leps’s ward, Hieromonk Photius, who became the winner of this show. This time, one can only guess which of the mentors will be the winner. Until all participants are recruited into teams by mentors, it is too early to judge this. And of course, this show is given some piquancy by the amazing host of the show, like Dmitry Nagiyev. which in last years became very popular, thanks not only to this show, but also to the amazing youth television series called “Fizruk”. The show is quite interesting, not pretentious. I liked this show precisely because the people who take part have the hope of being more famous, noticed or something. After all, I am sure that this show will be able to give many a good push towards the desired future. And mentors will help their wards in training, which is also very important, and will only good experience for each of the contenders for victory. I would recommend this show, because it doesn't force you to do anything. While watching it, you can really relax to many songs you know and have fun at the same time. Thank you for your attention!

On December 23, the names of the finalists were announced on Channel One fifth season of the show "The Voice". For 4 months, vocalists from all over the country, as well as near and far abroad, tore their throats under karaoke to get to the finals of the main television vocal competition Russia. They went through blind auditions, fights and knockouts. We listened to the indistinct muttering of Leonid Agutin, admired the antics and mimicry of Grigory Leps, marveled at Dima Bilan’s tongue-tiedness and were a little taken aback by the idiotic optimism of Polina Gagarina. The time has come to determine who will become the winner of the Voice 2016 show. Who will be oblivion the very next day. In whose career will the show “The Voice” become the most important and only achievement?

THE VOICE Season 5. Finalist names

The first to perform in the semi-finals were Dima Bilan’s wards - Kairat Primberdiev with the song “And I’m telling you” and Oleg Kondrakov with the song “Fly, Lisa”.

Dima Bilan gave 60% to Kairat, 40% to Oleg Kondrakov. TV viewers also gave the majority of votes for Kairat. The first finalist of the show Voice-5 is.

The second two are singers from Polina Gagarina’s team. Sardor Milano sang Celine Dion's hit "My heart will go on" from the movie "Titanic" in Italian. Mikhail Zhitov sang the song “Grandma”.

Polina Gagarina gave 60% for Sardor and 40% for Mikhail. Viewers also voted for Sardor. The second finalist of the show Voice-5 is.

The third deuce is a protégé of Leonid Agutin. The first to perform was Daria Antonyuk with the song “Somebody to love” by Queen. The baton was picked up by Ksenia Korobkova, who sadly whined Viktor Drobysh’s song “I Still Love.”

Leonid Agutin gave 60% to Daria and 40% to Ksenia. TV viewers agreed with the mentor’s opinion. The third finalist of the show VOICE-5 is.

The last two of the semi-finals are performers from the team of Grigory Leps. The first to howl the mega-hit “Chandelier” was Daria Stavrovich (Nookie). Alexander Panayotov ended the battle of the semi-finalists with Meladzev’s ballad “Don’t disturb my soul, violin.”

Grigory Leps gave 40% for Daria and 60% for Alexander. The audience agreed with Leps' opinion. The fourth finalist of the show Voice-5 is.


For those who do not have a TV, and the Internet is too weak for online broadcasting from the Channel One website, the text version of the final episode will be broadcast on this page. Stay tuned for updates after 21.30 Moscow time. The name of the winner of the show The Voice (season 5) will also be announced here.

The final episode began with a mannequin challenge - the audience, participants, jury and everyone froze in place. The first song performed by the four finalists is about New Year. The first was Daria Antonyuk, then Kairat Primberdiev, Alexander Panayotov and Sardor Milano. Sardor, as always, was false in his part.

The finalists will perform in the following order: 1. Sardor Milano; 2. Kairat Primberdiev; 3. Alexander Panayotov; 4. Daria Antonyuk.

First duet of the final: Polina Gagarina and Sardor Milano “Forever” (Meladze’s song). Very weak performance in Sardor's part.

Second duet of the final: Dima Bilan and Kairat Primberdiev “Trouble”. Kairat did not sing the song.

Third duet: Grigory Leps and Alexander Panayotov “I listened to the rain.” Panayotov sang better than Leps.

Fourth duet: Leonid Agutin and Daria Antonyuk “Your Voice”. Terrible song, Agutin was very out of tune.

First solo performance: Sardor Milano “Fly away on the wings of the wind.” Not impressed.

Second single number: Kairat Primberdiev “How young we were.” Not his repertoire.

Third solo: Alexander Panayotov “Confession”. Amazing number.

Fourth solo album: Daria Antonyuk “Without you”. 50/50.

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