The savior of the world will come from Russia. Russia is waiting for a new leader

Letter Four


In previous letters I mentioned the anointed one of God, who should appear at the turn of the eras, and the New Teaching, thanks to which people will be saved. In this letter I will quote prophecies indicating the country (USSR and Russia) where the main events will take place. I have already presented this information for review, but now I will remind you again and summarize:

"Russia is the herald new era V human history"(Max Heidel, American).

“The New Teaching will come from Russia and begin its march around the world. It will cover the earth like white, and thanks to it people will be saved. New books will be published about it, they will be read everywhere on Earth. It will be the Fire Bible. The first harvest will be in 20 years ". (Vanga 1979)

“Further solution to the problems of global evolution will be begun in the next century by the Heavenly Hierarchy from Russia and on the territory of Russia. Russia of the future will reveal all the good features of spirituality. Following its own path, Russia will enlighten itself with a light that will illuminate the whole world” (Alice Bailey 1947, American ). According to Alice Bailey, it will be shortly after the year 2000.

“I can say that the main events of the 20th century, predicted in the revelation of John the Theologian and determining the fate of the world, are what is happening and what happened on the territory of the USSR and Russia” (Saulis Pechulis, Lithuanian). Newspaper "Trud" January 13, 2000

"The hope of the world, its rebirth, will come from Russia and will have no connection with what communism is. It is in Russia that the truest and greatest source of freedom will arise... It will be a completely different way of existence, based on a principle that will become the basis of a new philosophy of life." (Jane Dixon, American, born 1916).

"Watch the Soviet Union. What happens to the Russians, the whole world expects. What happens in Russia is the basis of what will happen to the economic freedom of the world." (Dennion Brinkley, American).

"The Revival of Russia is the Revival of the whole world. The death of Russia is the death of the whole world." (Elena Ivanovna Roerich).

“Hope will come from Russia to the world - not from the communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! Years will pass before this happens, but it is the religious development of Russia that will give the world hope” (Edgar Cayce 1944, American).

“Like an eagle, Russia will soar over the earth - and cover the whole earth with its wings.” Her spiritual primacy is recognized by everyone, including America." (Vanga)

"Socialism will return, but with a new face. It will be again Soviet Union, but updated." (Vanga)

“China, India and Russia will become closer. Bulgaria will only be at one with Russia if it becomes part of it. Without Russia, Bulgaria has no future.” (Vanga)

“Russia is the foremother of all Slavic powers. Those that turned away from her will return in a new guise. Russia will not turn away from the path of reforms, which will ultimately lead to an increase in its strength and power.” (Vanga 1996)

“There will be a storm. And the Russian ship will be broken. But people are saved on chips and debris. A great miracle of God will be revealed... And all the chips and debris, by the will of God and His power, will gather and unite and the ship will be recreated in its beauty and will go its own way as intended by God. So this will be a miracle obvious to everyone.” (Elder Anatoly Optinsky, in February 1917, described the future of Russia)

“Russia must still be restored: And in Russia there must be a Tsar (spiritual leader), chosen by the Lord Himself. He will be a man of fiery faith, great mind and iron will. So it is open about him... Something that no one expects will happen. Russia will rise again from the dead and the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy (the glorification of truth) will be reborn in it and will triumph. But the Orthodoxy that was before will no longer exist... God Himself will place a strong King on the Throne. He will be a great reformer and he will have a strong one. Orthodox faith. He will overthrow the unfaithful hierarchs of the Church, he himself will outstanding personality, with a pure, holy soul. He will have a strong will: He will be God's chosen one, obedient to Him in everything." (Confessor royal family Saint Theophan of Poltava)

“Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will form a mighty Kingdom. It will be nurtured by the Orthodox Tsar (spiritual leader glorifying the truth), God’s Anointed One... Even the Antichrist himself will be afraid of the Russian Orthodox Tsar.” (Elder Lavrenty of Chernigov).

“A thunderstorm will pass over the Russian Land. The Lord will forgive the sins of the Russian people, and the Holy Cross with Divine beauty will be on God's temples will shine again... The formidable adversity of its enemies will subside, Russia will win, and the name of the Russian, Great People will thunder like thunder throughout the entire universe!" (Elder Seraphim Vyritsky, the last confessor of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra)

"When the time will come purification, many spirits will return to earth and accept the norms that they already had in the past: Do not take your eyes off the East (we are talking about Russia), for from there new prophets will come. They will prepare the way for the Lord, who will also come in splendor from the East." (Confessor of the royal family, Elder Grigory Rasputin)

"Russia's liberation will come from the East." (St. John of Kronstadt)

“For just as lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” (Said by Jesus Christ. Matthew 24:27).

“And the Great Prince will rise in exile, standing for the sons of his people. This will be the chosen one of God, and on his head will be a blessing. He will be one and understandable to everyone, the very Russian heart will feel him... and he himself will confirm his calling... His name ( VLADIMIR) is destined three times in Russian history. In it is the salvation and happiness of the Russian power. Russia will then be great, throwing off the godless yoke, a great destiny is destined for it.” (Monk-seer Abel 1757-1841)

There are plenty of others Interesting Facts, indicating the decisive role of Russia in the world of the future. In particular, three children in Fatima (Portugal) had visions of the Queen of Heaven in 1917. After this, Our Lady appeared to the children (Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco) several times over a number of years. At the same time, She often mentioned that...


A lot of people always gathered to meet the children with the Mother of God. At the same time, supernatural phenomena often occurred. For example, on September 13, a large number of people witnessed a stream of bright rose petals raining from the sky, disappearing upon reaching the ground. But an even more significant phenomenon occurred on October 13, 1917, in the presence of more than 70 thousand people who had gathered in anticipation of a miracle. The crowd included journalists from various newspapers who came to celebrate the event.

There was a terrible downpour, but the children fell to their knees in the mud. The crowd followed suit, closing their umbrellas at their request, causing everyone to immediately become soaked to the bone. And then, after a flash of light, the Heavenly Mother appeared. And after some time, the sun began to spin around its axis, like a giant wheel, reflecting all the colors of the rainbow. It darted and jumped across the sky, after which it rushed to the ground, as if it was going to crush everyone. Many thought it was the end of the world. But the sun again rushed to the sky and took its normal position.

The phenomenon lasted about twelve minutes, after which the amazed crowd noticed that everything around had dried up, including clothes and soil. The sun swirl was accompanied miraculous healings from various diseases and was visible in the area of ​​600 square meters. miles, as evidenced by a large number of people who had not previously been interested in the events in Fatima. This was also reflected in many newspaper reports, including the anti-religious government newspaper "Our Century" ("Sekulo"), the editor of which was a direct witness.

The Mother of God, who made the sun “dance,” repeatedly conveyed to people through the children with whom she communicated that she devotes her heart to Russia and the fate of the whole world depends on how events unfold there.

A similar story repeated itself some time later in the Yugoslav village of Medjugorje. This time, the Mother of God chose six children for direct contact - four girls (Vichka, Ivanka, Maria and Miryana) and two boys (Ivan and Yakov). The first phenomenon occurred on June 24, 1981. Subsequently, these contacts occurred quite often over many years. Moreover, as in the first case, they were often accompanied by supernatural phenomena.

In particular, on August 2, 1981, over 150 people saw a solar swirl, after which the sun rushed to the earth and then returned to its place (the same as what happened in Fatima on October 13, 1917). On August 6, 1981, the word "Peace" was written in illuminated letters in the sky, and bright light arose around a large cross on the top of a mountain overlooking the villages. And on October 22, 1981, in front of hundreds of eyewitnesses, for half an hour the cross turned into a pillar of light with the figure of a woman at the foot.

In her first address, the Mother of God said that She is the Queen of Peace and added:

"The world with all its present tension is heading towards destruction. If he wishes to be saved, he will need Peace, but Peace will be with him if he finds God..."

And when they asked Her: “Is Christianity, and, in particular, Catholicism, the only path to God?” - She answered:

“All religions are equal before God... In God there are no divisions and no religions. It is you who have created all sorts of divisions in the world!...”

But the most important are the words of the Queen of Heaven, which relate to Russia. Here's what they sound like verbatim:


There were apparitions of the Mother of God in Russia itself. For example, in 1984, in one of the churches in Smolensk there was a series of mass contacts between the Mother of God and the amazed parishioners who were there. In particular, the words were spoken to her:

“Russia is a chosen country, temporarily given over to the enemy. But this is faith, so as not to despair in despair... You are placed in bad circumstances so that you will despise your sins.”

They tried to suppress information about the miracle in every possible way. Only on February 8, 1991, the Moscow newspaper Rossiya published a report on that phenomenon, somewhat distorting the words of the Mother of God.

The Mother of God appeared several times to the seer Osip Tereli during the Soviet era, a former political prisoner from Ukraine. She repeatedly mentioned in her prophecies the decisive role of RUSSIA in future events and a new spiritual leader named VLADIMIR.

At the beginning of perestroika, Osip Terelya went abroad. In America, his prophetic gift was immediately recognized. He spoke before the US Congress, he was received at the White House, the Pentagon, and the CIA. His prophecies coincided 100 percent with secret intelligence forecasts. The Pope held several audiences with him. After all the coming cataclysms, Terelya sees a “GOLDEN AGE”.

Now let's focus on the key points and summarize. Taken together, all these prophecies say:

1. About the events of this time (late 20th - early 21st centuries)

2. About the emergence of a new ideology that will change the course of history and lead humanity to the Golden Age.

3. About the appearance on Earth before the decisive battle of good and evil of God's messenger, who will bring Truth, Love, Goodness, Unity, Justice to the world.

4. The place where God’s anointed should appear is indicated (the territory of the USSR and in particular RUSSIA).

5. It is specified that it should come from the east of Russia.

6. The name of God’s anointed one is indicated - VLADIMIR, as well as the signs by which He can be recognized.

The appearance in RUSSIA of a spiritual leader named VLADIMIR was mentioned in their prophecies by the prophetic Abel, the world-famous clairvoyant Vanga, as well as the Mother of God in conversations with Osip Terelei.

Moreover, the prophetic Abel and the Mother of God indicated that the new Spiritual Leader of Russia named VLADIMIR would declare war on Israel (that is, the God-fighters, the main servants of the devil on Earth).

As I said earlier, all these prophecies apply to me and this is easy to verify. Let's start in order:

1. Time – coincides.
2. Appearance in Russia coincides.
3. East of Russia – coincides.
4. New ideology – coincides.
5. The name Vladimir is the same.
6. The declaration of war on Israel (that is, the atheists) coincides.

Now let's focus on Vanga's prophecies and analyze them in detail. Let me remind you of her statements:

“The day will come when all religions will disappear! Only the teaching of the White Brotherhood will remain. It will cover the earth as if in white, and thanks to it people will be saved. A NEW TEACHING WILL COME FROM RUSSIA. She will be the first to be purified. The White Brotherhood will spread throughout Russia and begin its march throughout the world. New books will be published about him, they will be read everywhere on Earth. It will be a FIRE BIBLE." THIS WILL START IN 20 YEARS..." (Said by Vanga in 1979).

"There is no force that could stop Russia. Russia will develop, grow and strengthen. Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of VLADIMIR, the glory of RUSSIA. Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will sweep away everything with his path and not only survive, but also become the spiritual leader of the world." (Vanga 1979)

Now let us highlight the key points in the above prophecies:

1. It is in Russia that a new Teaching will appear that will unite all the peoples of the Earth and save humanity from destruction. Vanga calls it the TEACHING OF THE WHITE BROTHERHOOD.

2. New books will be published about this Teaching, and they will be read everywhere on Earth. It will be a FIRE BIBLE."

3. The one who brings a new Teaching into the world, thanks to which people will be saved, WILL APPEAR IN RUSSIA under the name VLADIMIR.

4. Events related to the new Teaching and Vladimir should begin 20 YEARS after Vanga’s prophecy made in 1979 (that is, in 1999).

5. Thanks to Vladimir and the new Teaching, Russia will sweep away all obstacles from its path and BECOME THE SPIRITUAL LEADER OF THE WORLD.

After reading Vanga’s prophecies, a number of questions arise:

1. Who is behind the name Vladimir?
2. What is behind the words “Teaching of the White Brotherhood”?
3. What is the meaning behind the words "Fire Bible"?
4. What do the words “The first harvest will be in 20 years” mean?

At first glance, it may seem that the clairvoyant was mistaken, 1999 passed, and nothing significant happened. In fact, there is no mistake; Vanga honestly conveyed to people what the Higher Powers, monitoring the development of humanity on Earth, entrusted to her. But only those directly affected will be able to decipher her prophecies. See answers to your questions below:

1. Prophecies about a spiritual leader named Vladimir apply to me.

2. In esoteric writings, the White Brotherhood is the name given to representatives of the Divine Forces who monitor the development of humanity. And it is these Divine Forces that stand behind me.

3. The Fire Bible is my Book of Life, which since 1999 has been read everywhere on Earth, thanks to the electronic Internet.

4. My Book of Life was released to the public via the Internet exactly 20 years after Vanga’s predictions made in 1979.

I will add to the above important detail. It was in 1979 (at the same time as Vanga’s predictions) that I saw in a prophetic dream the future of humanity and my role in the upcoming events. At the moment of my awakening, the Higher Powers blocked some of the information (only the general background remained in my memory). But in February 1994, when the time came, the blocking was lifted, after which I remembered the “prophetic dream” in detail, and understood my true purpose. (See chapter " Prophetic dream").

Nostradamus also indicated the appearance (or announcement of himself) of the Messenger of God in 1999 in his prophecies; moreover, he named a specific month. Let me remind you of the necessary quatrain:

In the year 1999 and seven months
From the sky will come the great king of terror
Will resurrect the great King of the angelic month
Before and after that Mars will reign
(ts.10 k.72)

In my first letter (located above) I deciphered this quatrain in detail, so I will not repeat it, but the main point I'll clarify. Nostradamus indicated the month and year (July 1999) when the Messenger of God would make his first public appearance as a spiritual leader. And so that there would be no doubt about this, he emphasized that this would happen in the period between the wars, which again clearly points to July 1999.

Moreover, I did not adjust it to this date. Minsk resident Lyudmila Leonova advised me to put the “Book of Life” on the Internet in June 1999 (until then I had not come into contact with the Internet). She also helped me find a person who promised to make a website for me. His name is Vladimir Mikiyanets. He finished work on the site on July 15, 1999, and on the same day we brought my “Book of Life” to public display.

All this clearly indicates that everything that concerns me is not accidental, and is under the control of the Divine Forces, which monitor the development of humanity and events on Earth.

Now I will touch on the clairvoyant monk Abel (1757–1841), whom I mentioned in the chapter “Salvation will come from Russia.” His prophecies always came true with incredible accuracy. He predicted the burning of Moscow by the French, ten years before this happened, as well as the day of death of Empress Catherine II, Emperors Paul I, Alexander II and Nicholas II. And everything was fulfilled at exactly the time he indicated.

Let me remind you of the key points from the conversation that took place between the prophetic Abel and Emperor Paul I, during which they discussed the future of Russia, the events of the 20th century, as well as the Messenger of God named Vladimir:

“About the fate of the Russian State, there was a revelation to me in prayer about three fierce yokes: the Tatar, the Polish and the future one - the Jewish one... the Jew will scourge the Russian Land like a scorpion, plunder its Shrines, close the Churches of God, execute the best Russian people.”

What? Holy Rus' under the Jewish yoke? This will not be forever! - Emperor Pavel Petrovich frowned angrily. - You're talking nonsense, monk...

Where are the Tatars, Your Imperial Majesty? Where are the Poles? And the same will happen with the Jewish yoke. Don’t be sad about this, Father Tsar: the Christ-killers will bear their toll...

“What is impossible for man is possible for God.” God is slow to give help, but it is said that he will give it soon and erect a horn of Russian salvation.

– And the Great Prince... will rise in exile from your House (that is, from Russia), standing for the sons of his people. This will be God's chosen one, and His blessing will be on His Head. He will be united and understandable to everyone; the Russian heart itself will sense Him. His appearance will be Sovereign and Bright, and no one says: “The King is here or there,” but: “This is He.” The will of the people will submit to the mercy of God, and He Himself will confirm His calling: His name (Vladimir) is destined three times over to Russian History... In him lies the salvation and happiness of the Russian state...

“Russia will then be great, throwing off the godless yoke.” A great destiny is destined for her. That is why she will suffer in order to be cleansed and to kindle the light from the revelation of tongues..."

In the chapter “Salvation will come from Russia,” I deciphered the prophecies of the Prophetic Abel in sufficient detail, so they will not be repeated, but I will once again focus on some details. Let me remind you of the necessary points from his statements:

"...About the fate of the Russian State, there was a revelation to me in prayer about three fierce yokes: Tatar, Polish and the future - the Jewish one..."

“And the Great Prince, standing for the sons of his people, will rise in exile from your House (from Russia). This will be the chosen one of God... He Himself will confirm His calling... His name (Vladimir) is destined three times over in Russian History... the murderers of Christ will suffer its own... Russia will then be great, throwing off the Jewish yoke. A great destiny is destined for it..."

Now let's highlight the key points in these prophecies:

1. Prophetic Abel predicted the capture of Russia by the Jews (this happened in 1917, and repeated in 1991).

2. He predicted the appearance of God’s chosen one under the name Vladimir, who would expose the murderers of Christ and throw off the godless yoke.

3. At the time of his release to public view, Vladimir will be in exile (that is, away from home and family).

4. He will publicly declare his calling (the salvation of Russia and all humanity).

5. Thanks to Vladimir, Russia will become a Great country and the spiritual leader of the world.

Earlier I said that the prophecies of Prophetic Abel are directly related to me, and this is easy to verify. Let's see what has already come true.

1. Under the name Vladimir, as predicted, I appeared in Russia.

2. He publicly announced his calling (the salvation of Russia and all humanity).

3. At the time of his release to public view via the Internet (in July 1999), he was far from home and family, in another country (essentially, in exile). Because I was hunted then by influential people with real strength and power.

4. In his “Book of Life” he exposed all those who do evil and, in fact, declared a war on them, in which no one’s war is envisaged.

Looking ahead, I can say that I will not lose, because behind me are the Divine Forces monitoring the development of humanity on Earth.

All that remains is to throw off the Jewish yoke from the body of long-suffering Russia and make Her the spiritual leader of the world. All this will certainly come true, and very soon, for the events that we are now witnessing are taking place according to the plan of the Divine Forces that monitor the development of humanity.

Nostradamus, in his prophecies, also pointed to the appearance of the Messenger of God (whom he calls the Great King and other high titles) in Russia. Most of all, he mentions events related to Russia in his “Letter to Henry,” and in particular that the Bolsheviks would remain in power for 73 years and 7 months, which, as we now know, came true exactly.

There, in his “Letter to Henry,” Nostradamus indicated the key moments from the life of the “Great King” before the start of His messianic activity. And in particular, that due to the mistakes of his youth, he will be in mortal danger for 18 years, without crossing the line of 36 years (that is, until 35). This is exactly what happened in my life.

Among other things, Nostradamus mentioned numbers (48 and 50), indicating the age of the Messenger of God at the most fateful moments. Let me remind you that at the age of 48 in 1999, I first brought my “Book of Life” to public display and declared myself the founder of the Spiritual Movement. And on the day of his 50th anniversary in 2001, he declared himself the Messiah, whose coming is spoken of in many prophecies.

Moreover, the Higher Powers pointed to this event not only through the prophecies of individual people, but also through Divine signs that many saw. In particular, on October 24, 1990, signs appeared in the sky above the Krasnodonetskaya station that looked like this:

Four light squares with flames inside appeared in the sky. Then the squares seemed to be projected as rays in the sky and formed a black cross. After this, the numbers 2001 appeared next to the cross, separated in the middle by a small burning circle, and the signs - ?! (interrogative and exclamation).

With the numbers 2001, the Higher Powers indicated the year when Their Messenger would publicly declare himself as the Messiah. Signs "?!" have a double meaning. The interrogative indicates that the future of humanity is in question, and the exclamation indicates the appearance of the Messenger of God in 2001.

Now let me remind you of the prophecies of Nostradamus in the Letter to Henry, where he describes the appearance of the Messenger of God, reveals the course of upcoming events and predicts the onset of the Golden Age after all the cataclysms and troubles:

“From a branch that was considered barren, one will be born who will free the peoples of the entire Earth from voluntary and obedient slavery... Then all impurities will rise to the surface, and hidden vices will become apparent... Many church leaders will reject the Divine Light and renounce the true faith ".

"From the 50th latitude there will appear one who will renew the whole church. Then there will be peace, harmony and unity between children whose domains are divided by different ideas and boundaries. And this peace will be so strong that the instigators and warmongers, using the difference of religions, will be forever chained in the deep abyss."

“And even later, the time of active good will come, and the reign of Saturn and the Golden Age will resume. God the Creator will one day say: “No more sorrows and suffering for the peoples I created.” Satan will be bound and cast into the abyss. Thus will begin the blessed era of universal peace between God and people."

Now let us highlight the key points in the above prophecies.

1. God's messenger will appear from where he is least expected, for example from the criminal world. The phrase speaks about this: “From a branch that was considered barren will be born the One who will free the peoples of the entire Earth from voluntary and obedient slavery.”

2. He will expose those who do evil and injustice, and bring out their unclean deeds for everyone to see. The phrase speaks about this: “Then all the impurities will float to the surface, and hidden vices will become apparent.”

3. This will cause opposition from agents of darkness, including religious leaders who cover up dark deeds in the name of God. This is indicated by the phrase: “Many church leaders will reject the Divine Light and renounce the true faith.”

4. The age of God's anointed one (50 years) is indicated when he will publicly declare himself in this capacity. This is indicated by the phrase: “From the 50th latitude the One who will renew the entire church will appear.”

5. He will be able to unite all peoples and bring peace, harmony and unity to Earth. This is indicated by the phrase: “Then there will be peace, harmony and unity between children whose domains are divided by different ideas and boundaries.”

6. All attempts by agents of darkness to destroy this world will be defeated. This is indicated by the phrase: “And this peace will be so strong that the instigators and warmongers who exploit the differences of religions will be forever chained in the deep abyss.”

7. An era of goodness and justice, as well as harmony between God and people, will come. The phrases speak about this: “The time of active good will come, and the reign of Saturn and the Golden Age will resume... Thus will begin the blessed era of universal peace between God and people.”

From everything stated above, it becomes clear that the Higher Divine Powers very carefully (over thousands of years) prepared the coming of Their Messenger to Earth for the beginning of decisive events. This is indicated by numerous prophecies transmitted to people in different time through various prophets and seers.

However, only the one who is mentioned in all these prophecies now knows the full course of emerging events on Earth. And the picture here is far from happy. As I said earlier, humanity is infected with an evil virus, as a result of which it is on the verge of destruction. But there is still a chance for salvation - this is the Path to the Light.

Below I will quote excerpts from the “Book of Life” (Vanga calls it the “Fire Bible”), which describes upcoming events and reveals the plans of the Divine Forces, thanks to which it is possible to avoid catastrophe and build a just society on Earth. In prophecy this is called the Golden Age:

Chapter 89

Humanity is on the verge of global change. IN beginning of XXI century there will be a sharp division of people into supporters of Light and darkness, after which the latter will be destroyed by cosmic energies approaching the Earth...

Planet Earth is sick. The source of her illness are people who carry the evil virus within them. The Universe, being a living organism, blocks the infected area in order to prevent the spread of infection. As a result of this, the Earth found itself in the center of a powerful energy (fire) ring, which is slowly but surely shrinking. Disasters, earthquakes, floods, epidemics, etc. are signs of impending events.

When fiery energies come close to the Earth, everything unclean will be destroyed. For people striving for the Light (that is, for goodness and justice), these energies are not dangerous; moreover, they strengthen their protection. The supporters of darkness (who do evil and injustice) will have their defenses destroyed under the influence of cosmic energies, as a result of which they are doomed.

Many religions call this the end of the world...

Chapter 66

It all starts at the beginning of the 21st century in Russia (which refers to all three of its branches: White, Small and Great).

The plan is the division of people into supporters of Light and darkness, followed by the destruction of the latter by cosmic energies approaching the earth.

The goal is to improve the health of the planet and create a fair society in which spiritual values ​​will be placed above material ones.

If the supporters of the Light win, then humanity will have a bright future. If the forces of darkness win, then people will have no future. The universal organism of which we are a part will destroy the sick planet and everything on it.

The Higher Powers gave us a message through Nostradamus, in which they showed options for the future, and among them there are two main ones: the first is the end of the world and the destruction of all life; the second is the advent of the “Golden Age”. And before that they predicted wars, earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, disasters, etc. All of the above troubles are evident.

Are we waiting for the end of the world? Or will we try to save the world?

Chapter 65

The moment has come for the decisive battle between the Forces of Light and Darkness for the future of humanity and the planet. The spiritual revival will begin from Russia (which means all three of its branches: White, Small and Great).

There will be no presidential boards. They will be replaced by Councils consisting of the best people. Power will become truly popular. The land and its subsoil will become the property of the entire society. Money will be abolished. Division into rich and poor, as well as by religious, national and political grounds will become a thing of the past. The initiative will come not from above, but from below. We are talking about a spiritual revolution.

After some time, the republics from former USSR, after which the unification of peoples and countries around the World will begin...

This is the plan of the Higher Powers, and I do not envy those who try to interfere. Moreover, this is the last chance for humanity, and if we refuse the path indicated from Above, then the Universe will destroy us as carriers of evil, along with the sick planet.

And so that people striving for goodness and justice do not get lost and follow the right path, the Higher Powers transmitted to Earth a New Ideology and a corresponding Movement, the likes of which humanity has never known...

The Movement is based on a spiritual core of seven steps (in accordance with which the levels of power will also work). Ideology consists of religious, philosophical and esoteric components, taking into account scientific and technical achievements.

The main task is to prepare people for the onset of the New Epoch. In this regard, everyone will have to reconsider their life again. It doesn’t matter who you were yesterday - the president of the country, a businessman, an official or a criminal, what matters is who you want to become today, and with what spiritual baggage you approached XXI century.

The time in which you and I live is the border between the kingdom of power and the spiritual kingdom, or between night and day, after which everything dark and unclean will be destroyed. And the more time is lost, the less chance the supporters of darkness have for salvation...

But do not forget that evil cannot be eradicated by evil. We must fight darkness with Light, that is, with publicity. Identify the servants of darkness, drag them out into public view and expose them publicly. At the same time, do not become embittered and look at those who do evil as sick people who can be cured. He who does not know how to forgive moves away from the Light.”

Let's forgive each other everything that was bad between us and begin new life in a new way. If yesterday's enemy comes to you as a supporter of the Light and offers friendship, accept him as your own brother. If a supporter of darkness comes to you, do not hold a grudge against him, but refrain from making friends with him. Moreover, you are obliged to bring his dirty plans and actions into public view, because the time has come to appear before each other as we really are.

Let the dark ones communicate with the dark ones, and the light ones with the light ones. After everyone chooses the habitat that best suits their inner content, the harvest will begin. The dark ones will be destroyed, the light ones will gain eternal life.

Chapter 102

the main objective Movements towards the Light are the spiritual revival of Russia and the unity of all healthy forces on Earth, regardless of gender, nationality and religious affiliation. Anyone who strives for the common good can be members of the Movement.

The internal structure of the Movement is built on hierarchy.

Stage I: (Saw the Light) is assigned to everyone who wants to join the Movement. To do this, just write an application. At the same time, a person’s past does not matter, what matters is what he strives for. These are the so-called supporters of Light. Their task is not to harm anyone and to support activities aimed at the common good.

If a person feels that he is ripe for further advancement along the path of spiritual perfection, he can write an application for transition to stage II: (I went to the Light). Those who have reached the second stage should not ignore any injustice, and are also obliged to participate in all activities of the Movement and put common interests above personal ones.

If a person proves himself positively over a certain period of time, then by decision of the Movement Council (and no other way) he will be transferred to the third stage: (Warrior of Light). Only one who proves with concrete deeds that he is a true fighter against injustice can become a Warrior of Light.

The best of the Warriors of Light will be able to rise over time to stage IV (Leader), V (Mentor), VI (Teacher) and the last, VII stage (Supreme Teacher). The levels occupied show the level of spiritual perfection.

This takes into account a set of positive qualities: honesty, decency, justice, intelligence, erudition and willingness to sacrifice for the common good.

People who have reached the third level can be elected to the City Council of the Movement spiritual development. In the regional – IV. To the council of the country - V. To the council of Europe, Asia, Africa, etc. - VI. The World Council of the Movement towards the Light will consist of Supreme Teachers (those of the VII level).

The main task of the Movement to the Light is to build a Just Society.

Basic settings: – identifying agents of darkness and fighting them at all levels; bringing honest, decent and spiritually elevated people to power; restoring social justice for everyone, not just a few.

At the same time, we must not forget that evil cannot be eradicated by evil. Our struggle is, first of all, publicity. It is necessary to tear off the masks from the servants of darkness and show their true faces, after which, through nationwide referendums, establish fair laws and bring to power honest, intelligent and decent people who will represent the interests of all people, and not a handful of “chosen ones” pursuing selfish goals.

Thus, a bloodless Spiritual revolution will take place.

Now ask yourself the question: Who are you? What do you? And on whose side? If you consider yourself a supporter of the Light, then know: The time has come! The moment has come for the decisive battle with all manifestations of darkness. Higher Powers will help us with this, but we must create a Just Society on Earth with our own hands.



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The savior of the world will come from Russia

The prophecies of the most famous predictors - from Nostradamus and Vasily Nemchin to Vanga and modern astrologers - promise Russia's well-being and a leading role in world politics and economics. However, despite the signs of strengthening of the country, it is difficult to call them fully realized. Apparently, the changes that have taken place in last years, this is only a preparatory period for future prosperity with new leader of the Russian Federation.

Since ancient times, various authors have left us their prophecies about Russia. While differing in details, they agree on one thing: having gone through periods of prosperity and decline, surviving incredible trials, Russia in the third millennium will not only achieve unprecedented prosperity, but will also become a guide for other peoples of the world.

Nostradamus also predicted that in the 21st century. Russia will become the center world civilization. His contemporary, the Swiss physician, alchemist and philosopher Paracelsus, argued: “In that very country of the Hyperboreans, which no one ever thought of as a country in which something great could happen, the Great Cross, the Divine light from the mountain, will shine over the humiliated and outcast and all the inhabitants of the earth will see him.”

Modern soothsayers are no less categorical. , for example, she has repeatedly said that no one can stop Russia, which is destined “not only to survive, but also to become the ruler of the world.” American clairvoyant Danton Brinkie suggested: " Follow Russia: what Russia will go the way, the rest of the world will follow her in the same way.” His compatriot Jane Dixon predicted that Russia would have the possibility of rapid and powerful development, as a result of which the revival of the world would begin from here.

Similar predictions were made not only by astrologers and clairvoyants, but also by people who based their predictions on knowledge of the laws of socio-historical development. Thus, the Russian scientist-ethnographer, employee of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, Lieutenant General Valentin Moshkov, based on the theory of 400-year cycles he developed, concluded that after a period of turmoil and decline, the end XX V. An unprecedented rise in science and economics awaits us. Literally - the Golden Age in the terminology of Moshkov himself.

However, the third millennium has already arrived, and the first children of the new era will soon step into adult life, and we are still painfully extricating ourselves from the bedlam of the violent 90s. Were the prophets wrong?

I think not. Moreover, the latest conclusions, in particular, of astrologer Sergei Popov, indicate that the vector of development historical process did not change. “New people will come to power, patriotically oriented and with mental potential corresponding to the tasks facing Russia. Russia is a global locomotive of development, pulling everyone else along with it; a monopoly on the most Newest technologies, Russia has a “bright future” and the heyday. Exactly The center of world politics will shift to Russia“, he is sure.

So it's probably not a matter of prediction errors. Maybe we should once again carefully re-read the legacy they left behind? Let's say, the same Nostradamus in his quatrains draws attention to 2025 as the start date Russia's powerful flourishing. But this must be preceded by a certain process, which he described as follows:

“Difficult changes are good for the country.

They expelled the clever ones, but he rules the country

Cautious with a noble heart.

People’s lives are changing everywhere.”

It is immediately noticeable that the date indicated by Nostradamus is very close to 2024 - the year of expiration of the powers of the new president, whom we have to elect in March 2018 and who, obviously, is called upon to carry out some changes and “drive out the clever” (by which they probably mean corrupt officials). Apparently, it will not be Vladimir Putin.

Despite the fact that Putin's support level in Russia ranges from 80 to 86%, it cannot be denied that he has already carried out almost all the changes that were in his power. And, if he could “drive out the clever,” this would have been done long ago. Add to this age and a long tenure in an extremely responsible position - and it becomes clear that changes are really coming to the country.

By the way, Vladimir Vladimirovich himself is still silent about the possibility of his re-nomination. His name will forever remain inscribed in history Russia, but it is possible that someone else will lead the country further.

But who? This is a question that staff propagandists and officials often like to ask. Oddly enough, the answer to this can be found in predictions, although this is not easy to do. The fact is that many predictors see the future fragmentarily and only in general terms. In the case of past prophets, such as Nostradamus, they often deliberately obscured their predictions for fear of persecution. After all, many prophecies are still hidden - sometimes accidentally lost, and more often deliberately hidden.

However, if we analyze the corpus predictions about Russia, some conclusions can be drawn. First of all, absolutely all predictors agree that the ruler of Russia, who is destined to lead the country to unprecedented greatness, will appear as if out of nowhere, and until the very end no one will know anything about him.

The famous Edgar Cayce believed that “he will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day he will unexpectedly come into power.” But long before the “sleeping prophet,” the Russian monk Abel, who lived in XVIIIXIX centuries, predicted that the name of this person “will be hidden until time.” This immediately cuts off everyone who is now on the powerful Olympus.

Abel also makes a hint direct name new leader: “In the distant future Russia The Chosen One of God will reign, and his name will be destined three times in Orthodox history Russia, and on his head is the Blessing of God.” It is unlikely that the elder had in mind the pre-imperial period of the country’s history, and among the emperors the names appeared three times Peter And Alexander.

This version is partly confirmed by the testimony of the Archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad Seraphim. In 1959, he visited Palestine, where in one of the ancient Greek monasteries a Russian monk-researcher found manuscripts of the 8th-9th centuries. With prophecies about Russia. Unknown holy fathers also write about future greatness Russian state, making an important caveat: flourishing will occur under a leader - a protector and unifier.

It is not surprising that the clairvoyant of the 15th century. Vasily Nemchin foresaw the emergence in the third millennium of a leader who would “unite 15 leaders and create great Russia within new boundaries." Seraphim of Sarov shared the same opinion, writing: “Russia will merge into one great sea with other Slavic lands and tribes, it will form a huge universal ocean of the people.”

However, it is unlikely that this will be a unification into a single state, but rather into a union of states. Vanga spoke about this, predicting: “ the Soviet Union will be restored, but a new one».

There is another important prophecy, found among completely different seers: the new leader will own “hitherto unknown technologies.” But we are hardly talking about the fact that this will be some great inventor: in our time it is impossible to invent anything alone without having powerful laboratories.

The meaning of the prophecy is that the new leader will support scientists and promote new technologies. As Maria Duval wrote: “All of humanity is on the verge of the birth of a new world, in which new inventions await us, including a cure for old age that increases life expectancy up to 140 years, and Russian scientists and researchers will play a key role in all these discoveries.”

Another hint was found quite unexpectedly - on one of the literary sites of the mystical poetess Aniri Sorino:

“In the beauty of the forests of Siberia, on the border of a new era,

The flame of life ignited and the seed of faith grew.

Despite the madness of the world and for souls ready to grow,

Paths to the ancient churchyard open in the Ether.”

Let's summarize. New leader of Russia will propose a plan for transforming the country, as well as a plan for uniting the currently separated states, and will actively support science and technology.

This politician will have to promote the idea of ​​creating a Eurasian Union, which should include not only the former republics of the USSR, but also some European and Asian countries, which will transform the Eurasian continent into an almost unified economic and political space. Secondly, it will have to have a transformation plan based on the latest technological advances.

Why is it important that soon Russia is headed by a new leader? The fact is that, as Vanga and other seers warned, “The Earth is entering a new period of time - the time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us; it is coming whether we want it or not.”

Scientists who are far from mystics say the same thing. For example, British sociologist and philosopher Arnold Toynbee developed a theory according to which humanity is periodically faced with a choice - to change or perish. But today humanity stands on the threshold of one of the greatest civilizational challenges.

The problem is that absolutely all the basic systems of civilization have gone haywire - economics and culture, education and scientific progress, social and political structure. We can talk at length about the origins of crises (including resource hunger, environmental degradation and climate change), but it is obvious that man himself – and his creations – bear responsibility for their occurrence. Therefore, it will not be possible to “roll back” to relatively “grand” times, to horse-drawn carriages, kerosene lamps and class classes.

Experts say that we are on the threshold of the transition to the sixth technological order. This means not just maximum robotization of industry and the widespread introduction of computers, but also a complete restructuring of social and political systems, and even a change in the mentality of society.

Such a transition can be planned, controlled, or natural - chaotic, long and harsh. A difficult confrontation between everyone and everyone - and clairvoyants of the past also spoke about this - is an extremely undesirable alternative to planned entry into new world. The world is still ruled by the elites of the previous, fifth technological order, and they will cling to money and power to the last.

In any case, there is no reason to doubt that Russia in the near future will be headed by a person who has a thoughtful, justified and balanced translation plan Russia- the first, if not the only country in the world - in the reality of the sixth technological structure.

Unlike most other states (with the possible exception of the USA and China), we have the resources for this. All that remains is to find a responsible, strong and effective leader to take a leading position in the world.

Elizaveta KOLOSOVA

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The prophecies of the most famous predictors - from Nostradamus and Vasily Nemchin to Vanga and modern astrologers - promise Russia prosperity and a leading role in world politics and economics. However, despite the signs of strengthening of the country, it is difficult to call them fully realized. Apparently, the changes that have occurred in recent years are only a preparatory period for future prosperity under the new leader of the Russian Federation.

Since ancient times, various authors have left us their prophecies about Russia. While differing in details, they agree on one thing: having gone through periods of prosperity and decline, and having survived incredible trials, Russia in the 3rd millennium will not only achieve unprecedented prosperity, but will also become a reference point for other peoples of the world.

Nostradamus also predicted that in the 21st century. Russia will become the center of world civilization. His contemporary, the Swiss physician, alchemist and philosopher Paracelsus, argued: “In that very country of the Hyperboreans, which no one ever thought of as a country in which something great could happen, the Great Cross, the Divine light from the mountain, will shine over the humiliated and outcast and all the inhabitants of the earth will see him.”

Modern soothsayers are no less categorical. Vanga, for example, has repeatedly said that no one can stop Russia, which is destined “not only to survive, but also to become the ruler of the world.”

The American clairvoyant Danton Brinkie suggested: “Watch Russia: the way Russia goes, the rest of the world will follow the same way.” His compatriot Jane Dixon predicted that Russia would have the possibility of rapid and powerful development, as a result of which the revival of the world would begin from here.

Similar predictions were made not only by astrologers and clairvoyants, but also by people who based their predictions on knowledge of the laws of socio-historical development. Thus, the Russian scientist-ethnographer, employee of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, Lieutenant General Valentin Moshkov, based on the theory of 400-year cycles he developed, concluded that after the period of unrest and decline at the end of the 20th century. An unprecedented rise in science and economics awaits us. Literally - the Golden Age in the terminology of Moshkov himself.

However, the third millennium has already arrived, and the first children of the new era will soon step into adulthood, and we are still painfully extricating ourselves from the bedlam of the violent 90s. Were the prophets wrong?

I think not. Moreover, the latest conclusions, in particular from astrologer Sergei Popov, indicate that the vector of development of the historical process has not changed. “New people will come to power, patriotically oriented and with mental potential corresponding to the tasks facing Russia. Russia is a global locomotive of development, pulling everyone else along with it, the monopoly on the latest technologies will pass to it, Russia will have a “bright future” and a period of prosperity. It is to Russia that the center of world politics will shift,” he is confident.

So it's probably not a matter of prediction errors. Maybe we should once again carefully re-read the legacy they left behind? Let's say, the same Nostradamus in his quatrains draws attention to 2025 as the date of the beginning of the powerful flourishing of Russia. But this must be preceded by a certain process, which he described as follows:

“Difficult changes are good for the country.
They expelled the clever ones, but he rules the country
Cautious with a noble heart.
People’s lives are changing everywhere.”

It is immediately noticeable that the date indicated by Nostradamus is very close to 2024 - the year of expiration of the powers of the new president, whom we have to elect in March 2018 and who, obviously, is called upon to carry out some changes and “drive out the clever” (by which they probably mean corrupt officials). Apparently, it will not be Vladimir Putin.

Despite the fact that Putin's support level in Russia ranges from 80 to 86%, it cannot be denied that he has already carried out almost all the changes that were in his power. And, if he could “drive out the clever,” this would have been done long ago. Add to this age and a long tenure in an extremely responsible position - and it becomes clear that changes are really coming to the country.

By the way, Vladimir Vladimirovich himself is still silent about the possibility of his re-nomination. His name will forever remain inscribed in the history of Russia, but it is possible that someone else will lead the country further.

But who? This is a question that staff propagandists and officials often like to ask. Oddly enough, the answer to this can be found in predictions, although this is not easy to do. The fact is that many predictors see the future fragmentarily and only in general terms. In the case of past prophets, such as Nostradamus, they often deliberately obscured their predictions for fear of persecution. After all, many prophecies are still hidden - sometimes accidentally lost, and more often deliberately hidden.

Nevertheless, if you analyze the corpus of predictions about Russia, some conclusions can be drawn. First of all, absolutely all predictors agree that the ruler of Russia, who is destined to lead the country to unprecedented greatness, will appear as if out of nowhere, and until the very end no one will know anything about him.

The famous Edgar Cayce believed that “The new leader of Russia will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day he will unexpectedly come into power.” But long before the “sleeping prophet,” the Russian monk Abel, who lived in the 18th-19th centuries, predicted that the name of this man “will be hidden until time.” This immediately cuts off everyone who is now on the powerful Olympus.

Abel also makes a hint about the direct name of the new leader: “In the distant future, Russia will be ruled by the Chosen One of God, and his name is destined three times in the history of Orthodox Russia, and on his head is the Blessing of God.” It is unlikely that the elder had in mind the pre-imperial period of the country’s history, and among the emperors the names Peter and Alexander appeared three times.

This version is partly confirmed by the testimony of Archbishop Seraphim of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. In 1959, he visited Palestine, where in one of the ancient Greek monasteries a Russian monk-researcher found manuscripts of the 8th-9th centuries. with prophecies about Russia. Unknown holy fathers also write about the future greatness of the Russian state, making an important caveat: it will flourish under a leader - a protector and unifier.

It is not surprising that the clairvoyant of the 15th century. Vasily Nemchin foresaw the emergence of a leader in the third millennium who would “unite 15 leaders and create a great Russia within new borders.” Seraphim of Sarov shared the same opinion, writing: “Russia will merge into one great sea with other Slavic lands and tribes, it will form a huge universal ocean of the people.”

However, it is unlikely that this will be a unification into a single state, but rather into a union of states. Vanga spoke about this, predicting: “the Soviet Union will be restored, but a new one.”

There is another important prophecy, found among completely different seers: the new leader will own “hitherto unknown technologies.” But we are hardly talking about the fact that this will be some great inventor: in our time it is impossible to invent anything alone without having powerful laboratories.

The meaning of the prophecy is that the new leader will support scientists and promote new technologies. As Maria Duval wrote: “All of humanity is on the verge of the birth of a new world, in which new inventions await us, including a cure for old age that increases life expectancy up to 140 years, and Russian scientists and researchers will play a key role in all these discoveries.”

Another hint was found quite unexpectedly - on one of the literary sites of the mystical poetess Aniri Sorino:

“In the beauty of the forests of Siberia, on the border of a new era,
The flame of life ignited and the seed of faith grew.
Despite the madness of the world and for souls ready to grow,
Paths to the ancient churchyard open in the Ether.”

Let's summarize. The new leader of Russia will propose a plan for transforming the country, as well as a plan for uniting the now disparate states, and will actively support science and technology.

This politician will have to promote the idea of ​​​​creating the Eurasian Union, which should include not only the former republics of the USSR, but also some European and Asian countries, which will turn the Eurasian continent into an almost unified economic and political space. Secondly, it will have to have a transformation plan based on the latest technological advances.

Why is it important for a new leader to lead Russia in the near future? The fact is that, as Vanga and other seers warned, “The Earth is entering a new period of time - the time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us; it is coming whether we want it or not.”

Scientists who are far from mystics say the same thing. For example, British sociologist and philosopher Arnold Toynbee developed a theory according to which humanity is periodically faced with a choice - to change or perish. But today humanity stands on the threshold of one of the greatest civilizational challenges.

The problem is that absolutely all the basic systems of civilization have gone haywire - economics and culture, education and scientific progress, social and political structure. We can talk at length about the origins of crises (including resource hunger, environmental degradation and climate change), but it is obvious that man himself – and his creations – bear responsibility for their occurrence. Therefore, it will not be possible to “roll back” to relatively “grand” times, to horse-drawn carriages, kerosene lamps and class classes.

Experts say that we are on the threshold of the transition to the sixth technological order. This means not just maximum robotization of industry and the widespread introduction of computers, but also a complete restructuring of social and political systems, and even a change in the mentality of society.

Such a transition can be planned, controlled, or natural - chaotic, long and harsh. A difficult confrontation between everyone and everyone - and clairvoyants of the past also spoke about this - is an extremely undesirable alternative to a planned entry into the new world. The world is still ruled by the elites of the previous, fifth technological order, and they will cling to money and power to the last.

In any case, there is no reason to doubt that Russia will in the near future be led by a person who has a thoughtful, justified and balanced plan to transfer Russia - the first, if not the only country in the world - into the reality of the sixth technological order.

Unlike most other states (with the possible exception of the USA and China), we have the resources for this. All that remains is to find a responsible, strong and effective leader to take a leading position in the world.

© Elizaveta KOLOSOVA

“The Russian Dialogue publication reported that one of the works of the world famous soothsayer Michel Nostradamus mentions Vladimir Putin and talks about the fate of Russia. This is how experts interpreted Nostradamus’ description of the fate of the “northern king” - “the ruler from Aquilon”, in which they see modern Russia.

“The northern king from Aquilon will help set everything right,” Russian Dialogue quotes another quatrain of Nostradamus.

“Experts associated this saying with the events that are about to happen in Syria. The Russian leader will intervene in the settlement of unrest in Syria and restore order there. Thus, Vladimir Putin, under whom the Russian Federation actively began to fight international terrorism in Syria, is destined to become that person , which will rid the world of the global terrorist threat,” talks about the investigation.

Let us note that according to the predictions of Nostradamus in 2017, “military tension between Turkey and Iran will only increase, where the latter will dominate.” 2017 will also be a terrible year for the already tense relations between adherents of Christianity and Islam. In addition, the famous soothsayer wrote about the change of governments in Germany and France.

The media also talked about the discovery of a new, previously unknown prophecy of the blind Vanga - it talks about Syria, the fall of Damascus and “a man from Russia.”

“It was a Lebanese journalist. He asked her a question: when will peace come? She answered: when Damascus falls, and the Bible says: the day will come, in Damascus there will be no stone left beside another stone. This statement by Vanga has remained in the shadows until today,” - shares Vanga’s friend, journalist Dimitry Gachev.

“It is from Russia that a man will soon come, and he will save us. He will save us all. Russia is the mother country!” the soothsayer really always told her friends.

Evil will grow like thistles and tear apart cities, shake continents,” Vanga shared with the journalist about “the new century, and even a damn dozen and four years” (interpreted as 2017). “The world has never known a worse time,” she allegedly told the Bulgarian journalist and cried.

“Vanga clearly named Syria as the epicenter of the devastating war - the cradle of many civilizations and cultures, a country where different religions have coexisted for thousands of years. And when asked when it would begin, the clairvoyant gave a specific answer: “Syria has not fallen yet...”

If we talk about Russia, then Vanga argued that our country “will have to experience a lot, move forward from last bit of strength, but the efforts will not be in vain - the country will be saved."

Here are her words: “Many more cataclysms and turbulent events are destined for mankind... Difficult times are coming, people will be divided by their faith... The most ancient teaching will come to the world... They ask me when this will happen, will it be soon? No, not soon . Syria has not fallen yet..."

"No one will attack Russia, no one will attack the United States. The war will begin with a small country, smaller than Russia. There will be an internal confrontation that will develop into a civil war, a lot of blood will be shed, and into this funnel civil war a small country will involve Russia and the United States and many countries. And this will be the beginning of the third world war,” said Archimandrite Jonah of Odessa before his death.

Let's remember the other most famous predictions.

The same French medieval healer and astrologer Michel de Nostradamus (1503 - 1566), according to interpreters of his predictions, also believed that at the beginning of the 21st century a terrible destructive war would occur in the world.

In his mystical poems, Nostradamus described the catastrophic consequences of the war: “Blood, human bodies, reddened water, hail falling on the ground... I feel the approach of a great famine, it will often subside, but then it will become worldwide.”

According to Nostradamus, the trials will be long: “The bloody war will last twenty and seven years.” And during this time, as interpreters of Nostradamus’ texts say, climate change will allegedly occur on Earth with devastating consequences.

One of the first Russian astrologers, who lived in the 16th century, predicted that a world war would begin after a “black man” became the 44th ruler of a powerful overseas power. It was assumed that the astrologer, by saying this, meant a cruel ruler with a black soul. However, when Barack Obama, a black man, became the 44th President of the United States, this prediction took on new meaning.

The prediction of the tragic role of Syria is also attributed to our contemporary - the late Greek Bishop of Sisania and Siatitsa, Father Anthony. According to the disciples of Father Anthony, the holy elder allegedly said: “Grief will begin with the events in Syria. Everything will begin from there... After this, expect grief for us too, grief and hunger... When events begin there, start praying, praying hard...”

The English soothsayer Joanna Southcott once said, “When war breaks out in the East, know that the end is near!” An extraordinary Englishwoman who lived in the 19th century uttered this phrase in 1815. It is unknown what she meant. But many of Joanna Southcott's predictions came true: this woman was able to predict the French Revolution, the rise and fall of Napoleon.

Let us remind you that clairvoyants all over the world have long been expecting the most difficult and terrible trials, but she must survive them and “shine” over the planet.

For example, the American clairvoyant Jane Dixon stated that the natural disasters of the early 21st century and all the global disasters caused by them will least affect Russia, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less. Russia will have the opportunity for rapid and powerful development. The hopes of the world and its revival will come precisely from Russia.

There are also predictions from the Italian clairvoyant Mavis. She wrote that “Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia.”

“It is the Russians who will begin the rebirth of the whole world. And no one can imagine how profound these changes will be in everything huge world caused specifically by Russia. The former current Western path of development of earthly civilization will very soon be replaced by a new and precisely Russian path,” Mavis was sure.

“Before the 20th century ends, the collapse of communism will occur in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis. However, after 2010, the former USSR will be revived, but it will be revived in a new form,” - convinced the clairvoyant Edgar Cayce.

"Hyperborea in its stormy future history they will experience a lot - both a terrible decline with a great variety of all kinds of disasters and a powerful great prosperity with a great variety of all kinds of blessings, which will come at the beginning of the 21st century, i.e. even before 2040,” sounds like the predictions of Paracelsus.

“Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised...The Orthodoxy that was in Russia before will no longer exist, but the true faith will not only be reborn, but will also triumph,” this is precisely the prophecy of St. Theophan of Poltava from 1930.

You can also remember more exotic things. For example, a quote from Beikirch's books“Prophetic voices” from 1849: “The month of May will be seriously preparing for war, but it will not come to war yet. June will also invite to war, but it will not come to it either. July will be so serious and formidable that many will say goodbye to their wives and children. In August, in all corners of the earth there will be talk of war. Autumn will bring great bloodshed."

Here's a prediction Abbot Couriquier from 1872: “A strong struggle will begin. The enemy will literally pour in from the East. In the evening you will still say “peace!”, “peace!”, and the next morning they will already be at your doorstep. In the year when a powerful war begins -no confrontation, spring will be so early and good that in April the cows will be driven out to the meadows, oats will not yet be reaped, but wheat will be possible.”

“Evil will grow like thistles and tear apart cities, shake continents,” Vanga told the journalist about 2016-2017. The world has never known a worse time,” the blind woman allegedly complained seer Vanga journalist.

According to students Bishop of Sisania and Siatitsa Father Anthony, the holy elder allegedly said: “Grief will begin with the events in Syria. Everything will begin from there... After this, expect grief for us too, grief and hunger... When events begin there, start praying, praying hard...”

“The war will begin with a small country, smaller than Russia. There will be an internal confrontation that will develop into a civil war, a lot of blood will be shed, and Russia and the United States and many countries will be drawn into this funnel of a civil war of a small country. And this will be the beginning of the third world war" - stated before death Archimandrite Jonah of Odessa. .

Believe it or not - Predicting events in the near future

From the author of the post:
It seems to me that if we analyze how VVP began to act when he became the head of Russia, and discard the second Chechen company that was started at the time of his coming to power, it turns out that economic and administrative methods of management are closer to him than military actions. It is these management methods that form the basis for reshaping the world pie. This is Putin’s asymmetrical response to all kinds of bullshit, although they expect something completely different from him, and this can be seen from the events taking place around Syria and Ukraine.

The following material confirms this:

“When I come across the prophecies of modern seers or read the forecasts of astrologers, I feel embarrassed because they absolutely do not correspond to upcoming events. I am especially sad about the inconsistency of the predictions of eminent astrologers. Events in Ukraine pushed me to look at the future of the planet for the next three or four decades Having received a completely unexpected result, I fell into great doubt - is it worth disclosing this future? Many people believe only in their own idea of ​​​​the future, having received confirmation of their visions through the Crimean events, I decided to publish. Having predicted to people what they do not want or what they are not ready for, I will definitely cause fire on myself and my loved ones. And although I am publishing only now, all the forecasts remain relevant. Having shown my loved ones what I managed to manifest from the space of the future. I realized that for them this information turned out to be timely and very necessary. People literally came to life and began to feel confident in their future. Realizing that I am biased and can unconsciously manipulate facts or misinterpret them, I specifically conducted three independent diagnostic works with groups of volunteers using the method of constellations for the future. The people who participated in the constellations live in the cities of Nikolaev, Kyiv, Simferopol, Kharkov, Odessa and Yakutia. The roles were chosen and assigned by the participants in the constellations themselves. The work took place in three separate groups and was further clarified by individual sensitive people. Thus, I double-checked my predictions and clarified the details of future events. Without going into explanations, I will simply outline the essence of forecasts of future events.

The roles played by the participants in the constellations and the results obtained:

The European Union – the beginning of destruction 17-21 years. Provides support to the authorities of Central and Western Ukraine until 17. Since 17, he has been forced to cooperate with Russia. At the end of the 19th, the Baltic states went into the zone of Russian influence. Since 21, the Balkans have come under Russian influence. 26 Germany and Poland join the New Economic Entity led by Russia.

The USA - since the end of the 14th year has ceased to play the role of a world leader. The beginning of the collapse of the American colonial system. The dollar is feeling insecure. The third (information) world war is ending. The crisis of 15-16 leads the United States to focus on its internal problems. There will be a small war with Mexico in the future. It will end with US concessions. The English-speaking world will gradually lose its dominant influence. It will remain within Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK and Canada.

Russia has been on the rise since August 14 and will in the future lead the confederation of states of the new world order. The new political and economic Union will be based on mutual respect of all members of the alliance and mutually beneficial cooperation. Over time, it will cover most of Eurasia, Africa, South and Central America.

China will support Russia in all endeavors and will strive to unite economies. He will give leadership in the external arena to Russia, while maintaining his individuality. He will maintain a positive but wary attitude towards Russia.

Japan - since 24, has been gravitating towards a new economic and political alliance. From '26, political agreements will also be signed.

India – since 21, has been especially close to Russia.

The shadow world government reacts negatively in '14 to Putin and Russia. Since January '14, no one mystically has lost the main levers of controlling the world and is eliminating itself. In 21, he begins to establish relations with the new Union.

Islam. 16th year; active cooperation with Russia Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan. There will be widespread unrest in Pakistan in the late 20s and the threat of war will be felt. In general, the Islamic world will be in full swing, but there will be no global conflicts, with the exception of Pakistan.

God supports the egregor of Rus', common to many European nations.

Demons - the government led by Turchinov in Ukraine by the end of May 2014 will be completely devoid of trust. There is a high probability of mutual aggression between the clans of the right sector and the Turchinov government with the death of some leaders. I don’t name names, but almost all the leaders of the Maidan and some politicians Ukraine quickly falls off the pedestal and ends quite sadly.

The south and east of Ukraine - from the end of May 14th year goes under the protectorate of Russia. Further, there has been steady economic growth and political stability in these regions.

The center of Ukraine - until the 17th year will be in an alliance with Western Ukraine and Europe. A time of unrest, establishing relations with the European Union. Since 17, it has been under the protectorate of Russia.

Western Ukraine - until the 17th year will be in an alliance with Central Ukraine. From the age of 17 it is more of an independent education. Since 1919, ethnic cleansing begins, and there is an internecine war. The war will end in the year 20 and tension will remain until the year 21. The former South and East of Ukraine, and especially the city of Kharkov, especially empathize and strive to help Western Ukraine. Russia's new leader will have a huge impact on peace in this region. His peacemaking influence will be of a passionate - superconscious nature. 19-21 years, Western Ukraine and the Baltic states will come under the influence of Russia.

The new leader of Central Ukraine will be revealed by the end of the 14th year. The name of the country - "Ukraine" - will be questioned. The leader will profess pro-Western values ​​and will create more disasters than benefits for the people. By 17, he will be forced to cooperate with Russia.

Egregor of Rus' - this was the name of the new spiritual force that awakened in January of the 14th year. It corresponds to the ancient - Slavic-Aryan egregor and Vedic faith. Egregor will unite and unite the world in accordance with Vedic laws.

2021 Active economic cooperation between the Scandinavian countries and Russia.

2022 Active economic cooperation with Russia in Central America.

2026 - humanity will join the Cosmic Coalition.

Peace - no global cataclysms are expected. Until the year 36, the main stresses and weather anomalies will be in the Atlantic and North America.

Kharkov - from the end of May 2014 finds peace; included in Russian Federation and is quickly becoming one of the most modern cities on the planet.

The Ukrainian army will be in the greatest tension until the end of May. Since the end of May the tension has subsided. In the South and East of Ukraine, he goes over to the side of the Russian Federation.

Military operations - until the end of May 14, there were no active hostilities in the territory of the South and East of Ukraine.

Social protection - upon joining the Russian Federation, the social protection of citizens of the South and East of Ukraine is already improving by the end of the 14th year.

Putin V.V. – at the time of the Ukrainian crisis he will be calm and confident. Popularity ratings among the peoples of the world will be the highest. He will be in power until the 19th year. Putin will be replaced by a new leader of Russia who will have enormous spiritual strength.

Dollar – the dollar will fall at the end of the 16th year. From the end of the 14th year it will constantly fall. 17th – collapse of the US economy. New global economic crisis.

Euro – the collapse of the euro in 1717. New world crisis.

Yuan is constantly strengthening.

Ruble – the ruble has been strengthening and becoming a world currency since 1515. In 2017 there was a decline due to the global crisis, but the ruble will quickly recover and gain strength.

2036 All global community restores the ecology of the planet. There will be a change in development priorities. Democracies with market economies will become a thing of the past. New discoveries will lead to progress in the development of science, spirituality, economics and human values."

Best regards - Roman Dolya

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