Cathedral in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Temple - memory of past victories

The icon of the Kazan Mother of God is one of the most revered in Rus'. Therefore, a huge number of temples and cathedrals were built in honor of her. In our article you will learn about the main ones.

Sometimes a person is saved in life only by his strong faith. Many have changed their lives with the help of prayers. But you need to pray not only at home, but also in church, because in some there are miraculous icons. On the eve of the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on July 21, we have prepared for you an article about the most famous churches where you can ask for protection and support from this miraculous image.

Moscow: Kazan Cathedral

The full name of this temple is the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It is located on Red Square, opposite mint. It was built under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov and was one of the first to be destroyed during the Revolution.

The miraculous copy of the icon contained in it was transferred in 1930 to the Epiphany Cathedral (Elohovo). The reliquary remains in the Moscow Kazan Cathedral itself. There are suggestions that the first, still wooden, church in honor of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God was built on Nikolskaya Street back in the 16th century. The initiator was none other than Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, who allocated funds for construction.

Many historians have doubts about this theory. But it is reliably known that it was the list of the Kazan Mother of God that was brought to help the militia of K. Minin and D. Pozharsky to fight the Polish-Lithuanian invaders.

St. Petersburg: Kazan Cathedral

Initially, the Church of the Nativity was built on Nevsky Prospect Holy Mother of God. By the time of the reign of Paul I, it had become dilapidated. A competition was announced for new project this church. As a result, recognizable columns and modern look. This cathedral was initially perceived as a symbol of victories in the war with Napoleon. IN Soviet time The cathedral became a museum of the history of religion and atheism.

Today the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg is a functioning temple. To this day one of the most noticeable parts of it interior decoration- silver-plated iconostasis. At one time, there was an Icon of the Ascension of Christ with a piece of the Holy Sepulcher and an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is to him that people often pray for help in order to get rid of illnesses and fulfill desires.

Kazan: Kazan Bogoroditsky Monastery

It is with this city and place that the very story of the discovery of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is connected. According to legend, the Mother of God appeared to a girl named Matrona in a dream and pointed to the place where the icon was located. This happened after a severe fire, and the icon itself was found under ash and earth at a depth of about a meter. The convent of the Mother of God was built on this site, in which the girl Matrona, who grew up, became the first nun.

The icon was and remains very revered, but the original itself is considered lost. The investigation into the case of her abduction confirmed that she was burned by an attacker. It was stolen along with the image of the savior in order to sell the precious frames. Nevertheless, by this time many copies had been made of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God. Since the icon is miraculous, miracles also occur next to its copies.

During Soviet times, this monastery, like many, was closed. The ensemble that included this monastery was destroyed in 1931. On this moment Some of the buildings have already been restored, but not the Bogoroditsky Monastery itself. Excavations are currently underway at its site.

There are two days on which the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated: 21 July And November 4. These days it is especially good to visit any of these temples, since solemn services are held there.

On the eve of the discovery of the great icon, the spirit of every believer becomes stronger, which means that we will all be more likely to be heard by God. At this time it is especially good to pray for financial well-being. We wish you good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.07.2016 05:10

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most powerful in Orthodox culture. It's connected...

He wished to perpetuate the memory of the country’s liberation from the Polish intervention, and in honor of this event he ordered the foundation of the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. However, his good undertaking was destined to come true only during the subsequent reign under his son, Alexei Mikhailovich. The reason for this was the birth of his first-born, Tsarevich Dimitri.

Historical documents indicate that in 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich issued a decree establishing church-wide veneration of the image of the Virgin Mary, revealed in Kazan. Its consequence was the construction of a brick church in the Yaroslavl convent, in addition, the temple of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God was built and consecrated in Kolomenskoye, a village near Moscow, where the wooden royal palace was located. Its construction was completed within four years.

Temple - memory of past victories

This five-domed brick church, decorated with a hipped bell tower, has survived to this day almost unchanged. There is information that under the cross of its central head there was an inscription stating that the icon of the Mother of God was erected on the site of a wooden church that had previously been located here in honor of the centenary of the capture of Kazan. This is fully consistent with historical chronology - the capital of the Volga Tatars was recaptured in 1552, respectively. centenary anniversary This event coincided with the period of work.

As for the wooden church that previously stood on this site, we are probably talking about the Kazan Church, built in the thirties of the 17th century and mentioned in a number of documents. Church tradition on this matter says that at one time he set up his camp here. It was the memory of the expulsion of the impostor from Kolomna that prompted the tsar to erect a kind of monument to the events of those years.

The temple is part of the palace complex

The new temple in the village of Kolomenskoye served as a house church at the sovereign's palace and was connected by a covered passage to the queen's chambers. This was done taking into account all the requirements of convenience and comfort. The Polish envoy, who visited Kolomenskoye in 1671, in his diary describes a number of passages covered with felt for warmth and convenience, muffling the steps of those walking. Their total length was fifty meters and the width was three.

It should be noted that the features given to the temple were very characteristic of buildings of this kind in the middle of the 17th century. According to many art historians, the dignity of the temple lies not in the originality of its architectural design, but in bringing previously developed forms to perfection.

When construction was completed, Kolomenskoye was decorated with luxury befitting its status. As one of the elements of the royal palace complex, it was decorated with rich paintings, expensive fabrics and carpets. The floor of the central part of the temple and its outskirts was insulated with felt, and the icons were decorated with shrouds and towels. Many of them were kept in carved icon cases made by the best Russian craftsmen.

Church of the Mother of God in the capital

Shortly before the creation of the royal house church in Kolomna, the temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was also erected. Its appearance is also associated with the beginning of church-wide veneration of this holy image, recognized as miraculous. It is known that the first wooden building was erected in 1624. The construction was carried out at the expense of Dmitry Pozharsky according to his vow. Unlike many information about the life of this patriot and defender of Russia, this information is gleaned from documentary sources.

It is assumed that, after existing for about ten years, this temple burned down, and in its place the construction of a new brick one began. This building was erected at the expense and by order of the pious sovereign Alexei Mikhailovich and was completed in 1834. Being an architectural decoration of the square, the temple eventually became an important religious center.

Events of the last two centuries in the life of the temple

In the pre-revolutionary period, the life of the temple flowed peacefully and measuredly. It was completed and updated several times with funds from wealthy donors. The fire of 1812 also spared him. A bright event In the history of the temple there was a sermon preached there in 1918 by Patriarch Tikhon.

But in 1936, by government decision, it was demolished as inappropriate for Red Square, the center of public processions and celebrations. In the vacant place, the city leadership planned to create an assembly hall for the reception of pioneers, but limited themselves to what was built. Only in the early nineties was the cathedral rebuilt according to the drawings and sketches of previous years. Like the Church of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God in Kolomenskoye, it reminds of the liberation of the Russian land from the Polish invaders.

Cathedral on the banks of the Volga

Continuing the conversation about the veneration of this holy image, one cannot help but remember that in 1926 it was completely destroyed, and long years its territory was used for economic needs, but in November last year it was decided to recreate it in the form in which it was before.

The history of its creation is very interesting. It is associated with the discovery of the holy image of the Mother of God in 1579. Subsequently, by decree of Ivan the Terrible, the Mother of God Convent was founded on this site, where a log church was founded - the predecessor of a large stone cathedral. It is interesting to note that many Orthodox people have settled within this Muslim city since ancient times. This is largely due to the fact that they were engaged in trade, and the Volga was an important transport artery along which a significant amount of goods was rafted. Naturally, they needed a temple.

It was erected in 1595. The reason for replacing the wooden structure with a stone one was the frequent fires that occurred in the city and caused significant damage to it. It underwent a major restructuring during the reign of Empress Catherine II, when significant funds were allocated for its reconstruction, and during the subsequent reign, under Paul I, it was completely demolished and rebuilt on the basis of an improved and more modern design.

In the post-revolutionary period, the cathedral shared the fate of most church buildings: at first it was nationalized and used for economic needs, and then blown up. And now work begins to recreate it. Soon the Orthodox residents of Kazan will find it in its original form. Fortunately, in state funds and private collections have preserved a significant number of photographic documents and construction drawings, with the help of which this difficult task will be completed.

On the site of the blown up shrine in the village of Orlovo near Moscow, a five-domed church of amazing beauty grew up.

Due to the fact that construction funding did not stop for a single day, temple complex was built in record time

Golgotha ​​of Father Nicholas

At the Oryol temple there has always been a strong church community, which different years They were cared for by different priests, but the last of them had a special share - martyrdom in the name of Christ at the notorious Butovo training ground.

For exactly a quarter of a century, Father Nikolai Lavrov was the rector of the church in Orlov, of which the last 18 years were a time of godlessness and repression. After the October coup, all the power of the state machine was aimed at destroying the Church. But even in such conditions, risking their lives every day, the priests continued their service.

In 1935, the Kuntsevsky District Council decided to convert the Oryol church building into a school. They demanded the keys to the church from Father Nikolai. Instead, the shepherd gathered believers from the surrounding villages and wrote a collective petition on their behalf asking to suspend the decree on closing the temple.

The attempt to save God's house had the most tragic consequences for Father Nicholas. Investigators accused him of leading a “counter-revolutionary kulak group.” By decision of the troika under the NKVD of Moscow and the Moscow region, Nikolai Yakovlevich Lavrov was sentenced to death.

Finding the Cross

After the closure of the church, local authorities ordered the church utensils and icons to be transferred to neighboring churches, but the parishioners acted differently: they took apart the shrines dear to them from home in the hope of preserving them until better times. The Committee of the Poor Peasants regarded these actions as sabotage and ordered the “accomplices of the counter-revolution”, under pain of execution, to return the church property down to the last icon, so that they could then start a demonstration fire in front of the entire village.

It seemed that on that terrible day everything had burned to the ground, and there was no longer any hope of finding any genuine thing from the Oryol temple. But a miracle happened. Eight years ago, while examining the foundation of a destroyed church, a wall cross, darkened with time, was discovered, as if it had been specially waiting in the wings.

Three temples - one priest

For a long time now, the village of Orlovo, together with the surrounding villages, became part of Moscow, and their residents became Muscovites. Generations have changed, but people have not forgotten their roots, including spiritual ones. Among local residents There were devotees who created a church community and set out to revive the destroyed temple.

Mikhail Kolyupanov was born in 1977 in Moscow.
In 2000 he graduated from St. Tikhon's Theological Institute. In 2001 he was ordained a priest. From 2001 to 2004 he served in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary on the Krylatsky Hills. Since 2004 – rector of the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Orlov

There is a community, but there is no church or priest. Is this right? And in 2004, the young priest Mikhail Kolyupanov became the shepherd of a “group of church activists.” The first prayer services, as long as the weather permitted, were held under open air- on the foundations of an old church. And then the question of temporary premises arose. Management of the rehabilitation treatment clinic on the street. Rodnikova in Solntsevo kindly provided Father Mikhail with... her assembly hall. The priest set up an altar on the stage, placed candlesticks in front of the altar, and hung icons on the walls.

“Local grandmothers initially treated our temple with distrust. They thought that we were some kind of sectarians,” Father Mikhail smiles, “but now there are up to 60 communicants at Sunday services. In addition, people with disabilities who come to the clinic for treatment. They are looking here for support, consolation and, of course, God’s help.

The complex in Solntsevo is a generous gift to Muscovites from the Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5 company. Its general director Sergei Kachalin considers temple construction a contribution to the future

Words of consolation are expected from the priest in another hospital church - at the Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Care for Children with Developmental Defects of the Craniofacial Region and Congenital Diseases of the Nervous System.

The assigned Church of the Holy Trinity is a small room in the building of the Scientific and Practical Center, and services are held here once a week.

But for big ones church holidays Father tries to serve in all “his” churches.

By common prayers, the Temple in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on Staroorlovskaya Street, designed for 500 people, together with the clergy house, was built according to the “200 Temples” Program among the very first. And although the construction is not finished yet, there is already an idea of ​​what the temple complex of the 21st century should look like. On the one hand, its architecture does not go beyond the framework of traditional church architecture, and on the other hand, modern technologies are used wherever appropriate.

The clergy house has a mother and child room. Here you can feed and change babies. And he will move to spacious classrooms Sunday School parish, huddled in the hospital library for many years.

Thanks to the fact that construction funding did not stop for a single day, the temple complex was built in record time. CEO organization "Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5" Sergei Kachalin became not only the curator of the facility, but also its only sponsor. For which we bow to him from the entire parish of the church and from the residents of the microdistrict, who are constantly wondering when the new church will open.

“Only the interior decoration of the temple remains,” says the rector, “but in order to quickly begin the services, we decided to install a temporary iconostasis with reprinted photocopies of the icons.

Local residents, wanting to contribute to the decoration of the temple, bring home icons and church utensils to the priest, and one of the long-time parishioners volunteered to finance the purchase of bells for the belfry.


Investor and general contractor: Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5

Project: State Unitary Enterprise "MNIITEP"

Technical customer: State Unitary Enterprise "URiRUO"

Address: st. Staroorlovskaya, 106

Rector: priest Mikhail Kolyupanov

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