Under Malevich's "black square" they found the original title of the painting. Why Malevich’s “Black Square” is art

Kazimir Malevich. Black suprematist square. 1915, Moscow.

Everyone has thought about the paradox of Malevich’s “Black Square”.

It's impossible to think of anything simpler. Like a black square. It's impossible to draw anything easier. Like a black square. Nevertheless, it is recognized as a masterpiece.

If it goes to public auction today, they will be ready to buy it for $140 million!

How did this “misunderstanding” arise? The primitive image is recognized as a masterpiece by all art critics around the world. Did they conspire?

Obviously, there is something special in “Black Square”. Invisible to the average viewer. Let's try to discover this “something”.

1. “Black Square” is not as simple as it seems.

It is only at first glance that it seems that anyone could create such a masterpiece. Both the child and the adult without art education.

A child would not have the patience to paint such a large surface with one color.

But seriously, even an adult could hardly repeat “Black Square”. Because not everything in this picture is so simple.

The black square is NOT actually black

The “black square” is not actually a square. Its sides are NOT equal to each other. And opposite sides are NOT parallel to each other.

Besides, “Black Square” is NOT completely black.

Chemical analysis showed that Malevich used three homemade paints. The first is burnt bone. The second is black ocher. And the third is another natural component... dark green in color. Malevich also mixed in CHALK. To remove the glossy effect inherent oil paints.

That is, Malevich did not just take the first one he came across black paint and painted over the drawn square. He spent at least a day preparing the paint.

There are four “Black Squares”

If this were a randomly created painting, the artist would not create repetitions of it. Over the next 15 years, he created 3 more “Black Squares”.

If you have seen all 4 paintings (two are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery, one in the Russian Museum, one in the Hermitage), then you probably noticed how different they are.

Yes Yes. Despite their simplicity, they are different. The first “Square” of 1915 is considered the most energetically charged. It's all about the successful selection of shades of black and white, as well as the composition of the paints.

All four paintings are not similar in size or color. One of the “Squares” is larger in size (created in 1923, kept in the Russian Museum). The other one is much blacker. It is the most dull and all-consuming in color (also kept in the Tretyakov Gallery).

Below are all four “Squares”. The difference in reproductions is difficult to understand. But suddenly this will inspire you to watch them live.

From left to right: 1.Black square. 1929 79.5 x 79.5 cm. Tretyakov Gallery. 2. Black square. 1930-1932 53.5 x 53.5 cm. 3. Black square. 1923 106 x 106 cm. Russian Museum. 4. Black square. 1915 79.5 x 79.5 cm. Tretyakov Gallery.

“Black Square” closes two more paintings

On the 1915 “Square” you probably noticed cracks (craquelures). The lower paint layer is visible through them. These are the colors of another painting. It was written in a proto-Suprematist style. Something like the painting “The Lady at the Lamp Post”.

Kazimir Malevich. Lady at the lamppost. 1914 Stedelek City Museum, Amsterdam

That's not all. Below it is another image. Already the third in a row. Written in the style of cubo-futurism. This is what this style looks like.

Kazimir Malevich. Grinder. 1912 Art Gallery Yale University, New Haven

That's why craquelures appeared. The paint layer is too thick.

Why such difficulties? As many as three images on one surface!

Perhaps this is an accident. It happens. The artist gets an idea. He wants to express it right away. But you may not have a canvas at hand. But even if there is canvas, it needs to be prepared and primed. Then insignificant pictures come into play. Or which the artist considers unsuccessful.

The result was a sort of picturesque nesting doll. Evolution. From Cubo-Futurism to Cubo-Suprematism and to pure Suprematism in the form of the “Black Square”.

2. Strong theory of strong personality

“Black Square” was created within the framework of a new direction in painting invented by Malevich. Suprematism. “Supreme” means “excellent”. Since the artist considered it the highest point in the development of painting.

This is a whole school. How . Like academicism. Only this school was created by one person. Kazimir Malevich. He attracted many supporters and followers to his side.

Malevich knew how to speak clearly and charismatically about his brainchild. He zealously campaigned for a complete abandonment of figurativeness. That is, from the image of objects and objects. Suprematism is an art that creates, and does not repeat, as the artist said.

If we remove the pathos and look at his theory from the outside, then we cannot help but recognize its greatness. Malevich, as befits a genius, felt which way the wind was blowing.

The time for individual perception was ending. What did this mean? Previously, only a select few admired works of art. Those who owned them. Or he could afford to walk to the museum.

Now the century has come popular culture. When simplified forms and pure colors are important. Malevich understood that art should not lag behind. Or maybe even lead this movement.

He invented essentially a new pictorial language. Proportionate to the time to come, which is about to come. And the language has its own alphabet.

The “black square” is the main sign of this alphabet. “Zero forms”, as Malevich said.

Before Malevich, there was another alphabet, invented at the beginning of the 14th century. All art existed according to this alphabet. This is perspective. Volume. Emotional expressiveness.

Giotto. Kiss of Judas. 1303-1305 Fresco in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, Italy

Malevich's language is completely different. Simple color forms. In which color is given a different role. It is not intended to convey nature. And not to create the illusion of volume. It is expressive in its own right.

“Black square” is the main “letter” in the new alphabet. Square because it is the first form. Black color because it absorbs all colors.

Together with the “Black Square” Malevich creates the “Black Cross” and “Black Circle”. Simple elements. But they are also derivatives of the black square.

A circle appears if the square is rotated on a plane. The cross consists of several squares.

Paintings by K. Malevich. Left: Black cross. 1915 Center Pompidou, Paris. Right: Black circle. 1923 Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

Paintings by K. Malevich. Left: Black square and red square. 1915 Museum contemporary art, NY. Middle: Suprematist composition. 1916 Private collection. Right: Suprematism. 1916 Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

Malevich painted in the style of Suprematism for several years. And then the incredible happened. He denied figurativeness for so long that... he returned to it.

This could be seen as inconsistency. Like, we “played” with a beautiful theory and that’s enough.

In fact, the language he created was hungry for use. Applications in the world of form and nature. And Malevich obediently returned to this world. But he portrayed it using the new language of Suprematism.

Paintings by Kazimir Malevich. Left: Athletes. 1932 Russian Museum. Middle: Red House. 1932 Ibid. Right: Girl with a comb in her hair. 1934 Tretyakov Gallery

So “Black Square” is not the end of art. How it is sometimes referred to. This is the beginning of a new art.

Then it came new stage. Language wanted to serve people. And he passed into our lives.

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3. Huge impact on living space

Having created Suprematism, Malevich did everything to prevent it from gathering dust in museums. And he went to the masses.

He drew sketches of dresses. But during his lifetime he was able to “put them on” only on the heroes of his paintings.

Kazimir Malevich. Portrait of the artist's wife. 1934. Wikiart.org

He also painted porcelain. Created designs for fabrics.

Left: Leningradsky service porcelain factory, created according to sketches by Malevich (1922). Right: fabric sample with a design by Malevich (1919)

Malevich’s supporters began to speak the language of the “Black Square”. The most famous of them is El Lissitzky. Who invented printing fonts and also new design books.

He was inspired by the theory of Suprematism and Malevich’s “Black Square”.

El Lissitzky. Cover of Vladimir Mayakovsky’s book “Good!” 1927

Designing books like this seems natural to us. But only because Malevich’s style has firmly entered our lives.

Our contemporaries, designers, architects and fashion designers do not hide the fact that all their lives they have drawn inspiration from the works of Malevich. Among them is one of the most famous architects, Zaha Hadid (1950-2016).

Left: Dominion Tower. Architect: Zaha Hadid. Construction 2005-2015 Moscow (metro station Dubrovka). In the center: Table “Malevich”. Alberto Lievore. 2016 Spain. Right: Gabrielo Colangelo. Spring-summer 2013 collection

4. Why “Black Square” is puzzling. And why is it still a masterpiece?

Almost every viewer tries to understand Malevich using the familiar language of natural images. The same one that Giotto invented and which was developed

Many people try to evaluate “Black Square” using inappropriate criteria. Like it or not. Beautiful - not beautiful. Realistic - not realistic.

Awkwardness sets in. Discouragement. Because “Black Square” remains deaf to such assessments. What remains? Only condemn or ridicule.

Daub. Nonsense. “A child can draw better” or “I can draw that too” and so on.

Then it will become clear why this is a masterpiece. It is impossible to evaluate “Black Square” on its own. But only together with the space it serves.


Malevich was famous during his lifetime. But he did not receive any material benefit from this. Going to an exhibition in Paris in 1929, he asked the authorities to let him go there... on foot. Because he didn’t have money for the trip.

The authorities realized that Comrade Malevich, who came to Europe on his own two feet, would undermine their authority. Therefore, 40 rubles were allocated for the trip.

True, after 2 weeks he was urgently called back by telegram. And upon arrival he was immediately arrested. By denunciation. Like a German spy.

In contact with

The painting was part of a triptych

The painting was part of a triptych that also included “Black Circle” and “Black Cross”. There were other works by the author at the exhibition (about three dozen), but, of course, they were all lost against the background of the “Black Square”: the scandalous canvas hung in the most prominent place - according to the principle of the “red” corner, where icons were placed in the huts. Naturally, many perceived the picture as a challenge to Orthodoxy and an anti-Christian gesture.

The creation of the “Black Square” was preceded by a period of experiments and searches

The creation of the “Black Square” was preceded by a period of experiments and searches. The Russian avant-garde was torn apart by numerous new artistic directions. Malevich worked simultaneously in cubism, futurism and “abstruse realism” until he reached Suprematism. The latter's method was to look at the earth from the outside. Therefore, in Suprematist paintings, as in outer space, the idea of ​​“top” and “bottom”, “left” and “right” disappears, and independent world, correlated as equal with universal world harmony.

The image of the black square as a symbol first appeared in Matyushin’s opera

The image of the black square as a symbol first appeared in Matyushin’s opera “Victory over the Sun,” for which Malevich created sketches of the scenery and costumes. Then the image meant a plastic expression of the victory of active human creativity over the passive form of nature: a black square appeared instead of a solar circle.

A scene from the production of “Victory over the Sun” - a reconstruction performed by the Stas Namin Theater

Later, for the exhibition “0.10” at the Art Bureau of N. E. Dobychina, Malevich used the image of a black square to create a painting. The artists were given the opportunity to exhibit many works. Malevich’s friend Ivan Puni wrote to him: “I need to write a lot now. The room is very large, and if we, 10 people, paint 25 paintings, then it will only be possible.” Malevich signed 39 canvases, which occupied a separate room.

Of course, as often happens, in addition to official version creating a picture, there are stories. So, Malevich allegedly did not have time to finish the painting for the exhibition, and therefore rashly covered it up by painting a black square. At that moment, one of his friends came into the studio and, seeing the painting, shouted: “Brilliant!” Whether this is true or not, we will never know.

By the way, recent research by specialists Tretyakov Gallery they say that under the black square there are colored geometric figures that are complexly connected to each other. Having taken an x-ray of the painting, the experts also saw Malevich’s fingerprints on the canvas (which is natural) and three words, two of which were read by museum staff as “Battle of the Negroes...”, the third is difficult to make out. The phrase refers to the famous monochrome painting by Alphonse Allais “Battle of the Negroes in a Cave” late at night", created in 1882, is a work that Malevich had never seen.

What was discovered under"Hblack square«

Malevich made several copies of “Black Square”

Subsequently, Malevich made several copies of “Black Square”. Now, in addition to the original of 1915, three more variants are known, differing in design, texture and color. The first copy was made in 1923 for the Venice Biennale (now kept in the Russian Museum), the second - in 1929 for Malevich’s personal exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery.

The third option became the hero mysterious story. It was probably written in 1932, but it was not known then. Information about the painting first appeared in 1993, when a person whose name remains unknown brought the painting to the Samara branch of Inkombank as collateral for a loan. Subsequently, the owner did not claim the canvas, and it became the property of the bank. After the collapse of Inkombank in 1998, Malevich’s painting became the main asset in settlements with creditors. By agreement with the Russian government, “Black Square” was removed from open bidding, acquired by Vladimir Potanin and transferred to the Hermitage.

By the way, there are two more basic Suprematist squares - red and white. The artist argued: “The Suprematist three squares are the establishment of certain worldviews and world-building... black as a sign of economy, red as a signal of revolution, and white as pure action.”

"Red Square"

Malevich's funeral in 1935 was a performance

Malevich's funeral in 1935 was a kind of performance. At the civil memorial service in Leningrad, a “Black Square” hung at the head of the coffin; the body was covered with white canvas with a black square sewn on it. A “Black Square” was painted on the coffin lid from the side of the head. During the funeral procession along Nevsky Prospekt, the Suprematist sarcophagus was installed on the open platform of a truck with a black square on the hood. On the carriage of the train transporting Malevich's coffin to Moscow, a black square was painted on a white background. At the civil memorial service in the Donskoy Monastery in Moscow, the “Black Square” was mounted on a podium among flowers.

Malevich's daughter Una and widow Natalya Andreevna at the artist's grave in Nemchinovka

Malevich bequeathed to bury his ashes surrounded by nature, in open space. The Suprematist coffin was sent by train to Moscow, where Malevich was cremated. His ashes were buried in a field near the village of Nemchinovka. Instead of the monument, a white wooden cube with the image of a black square was installed. To the Great Patriotic War the grave disappeared, and now a residential complex has been built on that site.

“Black Square” by Kazimir Malevich is an icon of the Russian avant-garde, one of the most famous paintings Russian painting. Brought worldwide fame to the picture and its author deep meaning, put by the artist into the painting.

The meaning of Kazimir Malevich’s “Black Square” is inseparable from its creation. The painting was painted by Malevich on June 21, 1915 - that was the time of peak development of the avant-garde in Russian painting, the time of historical revolutions, collectively expressed - the time big changes in all areas of life.

In 1914-1915, one of the main movements in Russian abstract art and the term that defines it appeared - “suprematism” (from the Latin supremus - highest). The ideological inspirer, the main theorist and brightest representative of Suprematism was K. Malevich, who united his followers into the artistic society “Supremus” to spread the ideas of Suprematism. The key to understanding Malevich's method is his theoretical work“From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism” (1916), in which he substantiated his belief that the actual transmission physical world and drawing from life are “characteristic of savages.” According to Malevich's idea, Suprematism became highest degree development of art through the identification of the non-objective as the essence of any type of art. A true creator must abandon the imitation of reality and intuitively discover the true reality contained in simple geometric forms - the basis of all things. Suprematism in its content was a geometric abstraction and therefore was expressed in combinations of the simplest geometric figures, devoid of pictorial meaning, painted in different tones. Having abandoned figurative creativity, Suprematist artists also abandoned “earthly” reference points: in their paintings there is no idea of ​​“up” and “down,” “left” and “right” - as in space, all directions are equal. Artists expressed their aesthetic ideas through compositions in which the construction of form did not imply the need for color and figure: the knowledge of color and form occurred through the sensations not so much of the artist as of the one looking at the picture. Feeling the energy of objects and images, the Suprematist artist worked with form and color within the framework of the laws of economy, which in his work became the fifth irrational dimension. The quintessence of such economy was Kazimir Malevich’s “Black Square”.

“Black Square” (1915) Kazimir Malevich

Malevich unveiled the concept of Suprematism at the “Last Futurist Exhibition 0.10” in St. Petersburg (1915). At this exhibition, the artist presented 39 of his canvases depicting human figures in simple geometric shapes. Among the paintings was the famous triptych, on which, in fact, the entire system of Suprematism was based: “Black Square”, “Black Cross” and “Black Circle”. Of this triptych, only the “Black Square” became famous famous work world avant-garde. It is quite possible that attention to the painting was attracted by Malevich’s discouraging statement that with this work he completely completed the history of the development of world painting. The artist himself considered the square to be the primary figure, the basic element of the world and existence. Even the monument to the artist, according to his will, was made in the form of a square—a copy of his famous painting. “The square,” wrote Malevich, “is the creativity of the intuitive mind. The square is alive, a royal baby.” The artist called the “Black Square” an icon and at the exhibition he placed the painting high in the corner, just like icons are hung.

Exhibition "0, 10". St. Petersburg, December 1915

The “black square” has neither top nor bottom. Deviations from pure geometry indicate that the artist painted the square “by eye”, without resorting to a compass and ruler. The painting was the final result of numerous experiments, as evidenced by the color compositions that appeared over time in the cracks of the black surface. Now the legendary “Black Square” is located in the State Tretyakov Gallery. Malevich himself divided his Supremastic work into three periods according to the number of squares—black (“black period”), red (“color period”) and white (“white period,” when white forms are painted in white). The works had complex, detailed titles. Thus, “Red Square” was originally called “Pictorial realism of a peasant woman in 2 dimensions.” Looking for something new artistic language Malevich was ahead of his time. A theorist and practitioner of art, he became an iconic figure for the 20th century, a symbol of the Russian avant-garde. K. Malevich stood at the origins of new art, most vividly embodying the searches and paradoxes of his time. Having gone beyond the borders of Russia, Suprematism had noticeable influence throughout the world artistic culture. Like no other direction of the avant-garde, Suprematism extended its system to all types artistic creativity: textile and porcelain painting, book graphics, design and even holiday decorations.

Even people far from art know who painted the “Black Square”. She became a kind of antipode of professionalism and artistic value, as well as the plot of many jokes. In fact we're talking about about a completely unique phenomenon in creative world and “Black Suprematist Square” (the real title of the painting) is far from being as simple as it seems to the average person. What is the meaning of Kazimir Malevich’s Black Square is still not known for certain, but there are many interesting theory, which we will try to figure out together.

History of creation and possible theories

The author of “Black Square” - a sensational work that has excited minds to this day - is Kazimir Severinovich Malevich. Long-term searches and discoveries of a new direction bore fruit, and it is Malevich who is credited with the destruction of traditional foundations. Now there are no usual forms, color combinations and the proportions of the “golden section”. An exhibition of paintings with the futuristic title “0.10” (zero-ten) brought him world fame and gave fame to the Black Square. The discovery was not only the superiority of simple lines and figures (three are considered the main ones: square, circle and cross), but also the deep meaning. It should be noted that the Suprematist movement was a real breakthrough and opened A New Look on traditional art. Subsequently, the book “Black Square” by Kazimir Malevich was published, in which the author creates even more mystery and does not provide an explanation for his work. However, there are several noteworthy theories related to the creation of the work.

Theory 1: hidden meaning

The simplest explanation is this unusual work- the artist simply painted it over with black paint failed picture. This can be supported by the multi-colored “veins” that appear against the background of the canvas. Numerous studies with special instruments in order to detect a genuine painting under a black background are still being carried out, but have not yet yielded any results. Art historians do not allow restoration of the painting itself and restoration of the supposedly existing lower image. However, their intentions are just clear, because if another painting is discovered, the price of the painting “Black Square” will be very doubtful.

Theory No. 2: the evolution of futurism

Fascinated by the theories of Cubism and having founded his own direction - Suprematism, the author brought to life the idea of ​​complete formalism with his work. Malevich’s manifesto “Black Square” is a rejection of content and a balance of clear forms. Not everyone can understand this phenomenon of art, but it also has plenty of followers. This work is even called “the pinnacle of non-objective art,” which emphasizes the complete separation of the image from reality and the absence of any artistic message.

Theory No. 3: psychological technique

Such manipulation of consciousness is successfully used in many areas. modern life. Subsequently, the term “Malevich square effect” even appeared. Its essence is that any person can be influenced public opinion and cannot consciously determine the value of an object, nor can it recognize truth and lies. Why is Malevich’s “Black Square” famous? By analogy with the “naked king,” the essence and meaning of this painting is determined not by the artist’s idea or even by the proportions, perspective and color used, but solely by the opinions of others. This role is played by art critics who found more meaning in it than was originally intended.

By the way, this theory is also supported by the fact that initially the exhibition did not have such resounding success. Only with the appointment of Malevich to the post of People's Commissar of Fine Arts in 1929 did his paintings become widely known and popular. Thus, the artist literally forced recognition of his work, even through abuse of his official position.

Theory #4: Challenge to Religion

The reason for this opinion was the location of the painting. The exhibition included 49 works by the artist, and the famous “Black Square” was part of a triptych, which also included a circle and a cross. At the same time, the painting hung in the “red corner”, where Orthodox customs there was an icon. All critics paid attention to this moment, which is why they called “Black Square” a new icon of the coming century. It is known that Malevich actively supported the ideas of communism and held leadership positions under the new government. This is what fully contributed to his popularity.

Theory #5: Mystical insight

The author himself, when asked about the creation of his painting, answered that he acted unconsciously, almost in a trance. Whether this is actually true is unknown, but most people agree that there is some mysterious attraction in this work. Many see other figures in the depths, and none of them are painted black. In addition, especially impressionable people feel bad next to the canvas and experience attacks of panic and causeless fear. Affirm the mystical origins of creation and secret meaning, which means Malevich’s “Black Square” is very difficult, but attributing everything to the psychological impact described earlier is much more reasonable. It’s not for nothing that many people admire this canvas, but it can’t be an ordinary square!

Interestingly, “Black Square” is essentially a misnomer. Form displayed geometric figure is incorrect, because neither side is parallel to the opposite. In addition, when painting the painting, black was not used at all. The required shade was obtained by mixing paints of different tones. That is why the effect of craquelure (the top cracked layer of paint) is clearly visible on the canvas, under which multi-colored stripes are visible.

Interesting fact about the “Black Square”:

It is known that Malevich was far from the first artist to position such minimalism in art. Several authors can be named as pioneers:

  1. Robert Fludd painted the painting “The Great Darkness” in 1617, which is also made in the form of a black square.
  2. In 1843, the work “View of La Hogue (night effect)” by the artist Bertal appeared.
  3. In 1854 - “The Twilight History of Russia.”

Predecessors can also be called the humorous sketches “Night Fight of Negroes in the Basement,” dated 1882, and its outright parody “Battle of Negroes in a Cave in the Dead of Night” (1893). An equally interesting opus was the creation of the canvas “Philosophers Catching a Cat in a Dark Room” by the French journalist Alphonse Allais (1893). As you can already guess, all the canvases described above are a black rectangle.

Where is Malevich’s “Black Square” now?

The original painting has changed many owners, but now belongs to the Tretyakov Gallery Foundation. It was bought and transferred into ownership by an influential and very wealthy Russian philanthropist. It is believed that the cost of the canvas was $1 million. How much does Malevich's "Black Square" cost? According to the international auction Sotheby's, the cost is more than 20 million, but its artistic value is simply immeasurable.

By the way, in total Kazimir Malevich created four paintings of the Black Square.


I really love this question!

As always, I’ll start from afar))

The answer to the question about the “Black Square” is somewhat deeper than it might seem.

First, you need to plunge into the history of art, namely at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. So, the Impressionists, they were the first to declare and began to depict the world around, not as the academicians did, but as they saw it: with the play of light and shadow, with a non-classical composition, with a completely different approach to depicting the world.

It was the Impressionists who served as the starting point for modern art. Then the Post-Impressionists appeared, who continued to experiment, first of all with color (for example, the Fauvists, represented by Henri Matisse) and then with the shape of objects (for example, the Cubists, represented by Pablo Picasso).

All these experiments simplified the depicted objects as much as possible (but by no means in a bad sense of the word). This was all a kind of normal evolution of painting and art in general; it was quite logical that after many thousands of centuries, starting from ancient art, by disassembling the depicted object into its component parts, shape, color and line, art will come to the basis of the foundations of everything - to the black square.

Let's return to Art History, the Cubists - they dismantled the world into simple shapes, their art is based on a set of simple fundamentals (sphere, cone, cylinder). These figures form the basis of any still life and nature in general. Cubism is the study of form and its emotional content. In the works of Henri Matisse we see the beauty of color, form and ornament. In his works big role paid attention to lines and rhythm.

Futurists go in parallel with cubism and fauvism. The latter were characterized by the theme of the speed of time. Look at the works of Umberto Boccioni, his works are reminiscent of “the view from the window of a passing train.” In 1905, the first Futurist exhibition took place, at which the Manifesto was announced, they said that they were clearing the way for a new perception of time. They destroyed everything that existed (in art) so that new, future artists could come.

A little later (1915), but almost in parallel, constructivists began to appear and develop. A prominent representative of the constructivists was Rodchenko - he was fond of pure form (this was especially at its peak, since the revolution ended in Russia, everything was permeated with a new, pure form, new life).

BUT all of the above artists are looking for themselves on the “base” of the old arts. And now we come to the most interesting, at the same time a group of artists begins to form, which has found absolutely new way– This is Wassily Kandinsky and Kazimir Malevich. The first in his innovative ideas was Wassily Kandinsky, with his theory abstract art, color and movement without plot or illustrations, harmony and dynamics due to color spots and lines. The artist’s emotion is directly transmitted to the viewer. Look at his work and you will immediately understand everything.

By 1915, Kazimir Malevich created the theory of new art. A little earlier, Wassily Kandinsky created his theory of absolute art. His main idea is color and movement without plot or illustrations, a balance of harmony and dynamics, his works are color spots and lines. In this way, the artist’s emotion is directly transmitted to the viewer, without any retelling or distortion.

K. Malevich's idea was somewhat similar to Kandinsky, but still different. K. Malevich and Suprematism is a very clear idea, art goes through stages of maturation and reaches the pure form of Suprematism. Malevich called this path “From Fauvism and Cubism to Suprematism.” The idea of ​​Suprematism is a return to the beginning of art, to the origins of color and form, a complete departure from imagery (this is similar to Kandinsky). According to the theory of Suprematism, there are 3 forms: square, circle and cross, triangle only within the composition. Pure colors: black, white, red, blue and yellow. The famous “Black Square” is the idea of ​​concentration of Suprematism.

Kazimir Malevich with the idea of ​​Suprematism - in his theory, art goes through stages of maturation, reaching the pure form of Suprematism. Returning to the beginning of art - the origin of color and form. Harmony, proportions, rhythm combined with simple colors, an absolutely complete departure from illustration.

The black square is the concentration of the idea of ​​suprimatism. Black color – macro/micro space, reference point. Malevich’s art fit perfectly into the new Soviet life. This is a completely different art, it is very philosophical, a theory is written to understand and explain it. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to consider the Black Square without any context and consider this image primitive. To understand it, you need to study all past eras and then everything will become logical and understandable.

Kazimir Malelevich was an innovator, and at the beginning of the 20th century. His theses and art were something incredible. Art cannot be viewed from the position of “and I can draw like that...” Malevich was the first with his Manifesto, and that is why he is an innovator. He has other works where it is clear that he is truly an artist. A certain turning point began to occur at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, the main thing became not art and aesthetics, but the concept, and even those who did not really know how to draw began to call themselves artists.... But time passed, and artists were again in demand, capable of creating a canvas of amazing beauty, and at the same time, these same artists can create something simple, write a concept and it will be brilliant.

Kazimir Malevich presented his famous “Black Square” in 1915 at an exhibition called “0 10”. The black square is a manifesto, it is a new art. Malevich reduced all the art of past eras to zero and took a completely different path. Suprematism is translated as higher/overcoming - these adjectives can also characterize Malevich’s work. It is worth noting that Malevich deliberately hung his square at the exhibition in the red corner; in Russian houses the icon always hung in this place.

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