A woman's world. Self-session spiritualism

detailed instructions on conducting a spiritualistic seance, he will teach you how to correctly summon a spirit and get answers to your questions.

What you need to know about spiritualism in general

During a spiritualistic session, the contactee faces a terrible danger - loss of control over his own body. It can begin with the hands of the spiritist being completely in the power of the spirits. The method of “automatic writing”, “automatic drawing”, “automatic speech” is very popular among spiritualists, but its amateur use is at least undesirable. The spirits do not let go of the contactee without a fight: this should be remembered.

Alphabet circle– the main device in spiritualism is a kind of mirror in which the personality of the contactee is reflected with all its advantages and disadvantages.

The human body is capable of self-regulation. Fatigue, absent-mindedness, and a feeling of loss of strength after a spiritualistic session indicate that the contactee needs to temporarily interrupt his operations and think about both restoring mental strength and more effective protection. After a properly conducted spiritualistic session, you should feel calm, lightness, joy of victory and other purely positive emotions. The dark veil between consciousness and subconsciousness practically disappears, giving the psyche enormous resources for successful activities. However, the subconscious is several orders of magnitude more efficient than the consciousness, and excessive enthusiasm can lead to exhaustion of the psyche of even the most successful contactee spiritist. But excessive enthusiasm in spiritualism is akin to obsession - a state in which a person completely ceases to control his actions and actions. “Give freedom to the subconscious, but know how to keep it in check!” – professional spiritualists advise, and one cannot but agree with them.

When conducting a spiritualistic session, remember that the summoned spirit (image) is not able to extract from its “memory” more than what the total life (conscious and subconscious) experience of all participants in the spiritualistic session contains. It was this feature of spiritualism that caused the greatest criticism from materialistically minded scientists: they say that spiritualists do not evoke spirits, but their own subconscious memories. This point of view should not be disputed: in any case, at a properly organized spiritualistic session, you will receive answers to all your questions.

Without exaggeration, we can say that the medium is the main thing actor at a seance. Choosing a medium is not easy. Spiritualists at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries often turned to famous foreign mediums, inviting them to take part in séances. Today, choosing a medium is just as difficult. If your group has already formed, it makes sense to try all the participants in turn as a medium. ABOUT making the right choice will indicate the effectiveness of the seance. Conversely, the confusion of answers and their inconsistency indicate that the session is not organized correctly. You can increase the effectiveness of communication by seating the session participants in a different order, that is, experimentally. Participants in a spiritualistic seance are not only those who sit at the table and directly participate in communication with the spirit, but also those who are simply present in the room.

When the circle of participants in a spiritualistic session has been determined and a medium has been identified, you can proceed to the next stage of work.

Spirits can make themselves known in several ways: various sounds (knocking, creaking), the movement of objects, as well as direct appearance in the form of a ghostly flickering cloud. Let us immediately note that novice spiritualists should not seek the direct appearance of a spirit - this is unsafe.

During a spiritualistic session, you can form a “spirit of the circle”, embodying the moods, thoughts, and feelings of all those present. The answers of the spirit in this case will be addressed not to an individual person, but to the entire circle of participants in the spiritualistic session.

What does a spirit circle look like?

The picture shows a spiritual circle that you can make yourself.

The words YES and NO can be included – at the top and bottom – in a digital circle.

In the space between the alphabetic and digital circles - on the right and left - you can draw a question mark and an exclamation point.

In the middle of the circle it is necessary to depict a noticeable point that will help concentrate the attention of the session participants. The material for the circle can be ordinary thick paper.

In the amateur practice of spiritualism (mainly in Russian), it was customary to depict various additional symbols, for example, “love,” “death,” “separation,” etc. Such symbols are not needed, they only complicate the interpretation of answers.

The circle must be firmly fixed on the table during the session.

Now let's select an object that will serve as a pointer. Traditionally this is a porcelain saucer. You should choose a non-heavy saucer that will glide well on the spiritual circle. As a rule, a noticeable indicator strip is drawn on the outside of it.

Proper conduct of a seance

The session time must be chosen correctly. The subconscious is most relaxed in the evening and at night. However, experience has shown that daytime sessions can also be quite effective.

There are days on which it is not worth conducting seances. As a rule, the spirits themselves are asked about this, and they, as an interested party, report whether the time has been chosen for the session.

Before the start of the session, participants must remove everything metal from themselves: watches, rings, rings, brooches, chains, pendants, etc. The window should be opened. If the session is held in the evening or at night, candles should be used for lighting. They are needed not for the spirits, but for the participants in the session themselves: their light has a hypnotic and calming effect.

It is recommended to talk quietly during a seance, preferably in a whisper.

Before the session begins, you need to write down questions to which you would like to hear an answer.

Only the medium communicates with the spirit. He is the one who is calling him. None of the other participants should influence in any way the work of the medium. The medium also takes the answers and puts them into a readable form.

The ability to make subconscious contacts different people different. Therefore, not all participants in the session can drive the saucer. Before starting the session, you need to stretch your fingers and rub your palms. For those who are not confident in themselves, it is better to simply put their hands on the table, but do not bring them closer to the saucer.

You need to choose someone who will record the spirit's answers. This person will not come into contact with spirits.

Please note that it is the preparation for the session that creates a special emotional atmosphere, disinhibits the subconscious sphere of the participants, and prepares them to receive astral information. The closer to the state of meditation the participants in a spiritualistic seance come, the better.

At the beginning of the session, the medium heats the saucer over a candle flame. Then he places it in the middle of the image on its side (at an angle of about 45 degrees) and says:

– Spirit of such and such (or such and such), please come to us!

This spell must be repeated three times.

Let us immediately make a reservation that the invocation of the spirit of Napoleon Bonaparte, popular in its time, looks, to put it mildly, archaic in beginning of XXI century.

After pronouncing the call, the medium places the saucer in the center of the spirit circle. Thus, he covers the spirit that came to the call. Now the remaining participants in the session carefully touch the edge of the saucer with the fingertips of one or both hands.

The medium must make sure of the presence of the invited spirit: here the saucer should begin to move. There are three possible behavior options for a saucer.

The saucer remains completely motionless. Participants need to put a little pressure on the saucer, as if pushing it. Typically, the direction of this movement, dictated astral body, is rarely wrong. Then the saucer moves of its own free will.

The saucer makes sharp chaotic movements. Participants must hold it. The reason for this behavior of the saucer may be an excess of participants. Isn't it crowded at your table? Let some of the participants try to remove their hands from the saucer. You cannot remove your fingers from all participants in the session - this usually leads to loss of contact with the invited spirit.

If the answer is yes and the spirit is in contact with the spiritualistic group (the answer is “yes” - the saucer is turned to face the answer “yes” in the center of the circle), then the medium asks the following question:

– Spirit of such and such (or such and such), are you ready to communicate with us?

Usually the spirit answers that it is ready - it is interested in continuing its existence, that is, in communicating with spiritualists. Having received a negative answer, the medium must end the session as quickly as possible. Continuing the session if the answer is negative is highly undesirable. If communication with this particular spirit is absolutely necessary, you can try to ask why he refuses to talk, and still continue communication. But this is only as a last resort.

Read the continuation of the article on spiritualism

The alphabet circle is the main device in spiritualism - it is a kind of mirror in which the personality of the contactee is reflected with all its advantages and disadvantages.

The human body is capable of self-regulation. Fatigue, absent-mindedness, and a feeling of loss of strength after a spiritualistic session indicate that the contactee needs to temporarily interrupt his operations and think about both restoring mental strength and more effective protection. After a properly conducted spiritualistic session, you should feel calm, lightness, joy of victory and other purely positive emotions. The dark veil between consciousness and subconsciousness practically disappears, giving the psyche enormous resources for successful activities. However, the subconscious is several orders of magnitude more efficient than the consciousness, and excessive enthusiasm can lead to exhaustion of the psyche of even the most successful contactee spiritist. But excessive enthusiasm in spiritualism is akin to obsession - a state in which a person completely ceases to control his actions and actions. “Give freedom to the subconscious, but know how to keep it in check!” – professional spiritualists advise, and one cannot but agree with them.

Modern types of damage

It would be naive to believe that the science of occultism stands still. Below we present two recently discovered new pantheons of demons that are the product of a modern, completely insane civilization. Quite compared to them large group spirits of darkness of past centuries will seem like a kindergarten inhabited by small children..

How to conduct a séance

When conducting a spiritualistic session, remember that the summoned spirit (image) is not able to extract from its “memory” more than what the total life (conscious and subconscious) experience of all participants in the spiritualistic session contains. It was this feature of spiritualism that caused the greatest criticism from materialistically minded scientists: they say that spiritualists do not evoke spirits, but their own subconscious memories. This point of view should not be disputed: in any case, at a properly organized spiritualistic session, you will receive answers to all your questions.

A group session of spiritualism is a magical act, the participants of which are united in a certain chain. Their attention is focused on one person - a medium who is able to awaken the imagination of the participants with his will and come into contact with the astral world. The medium places his vital forces at the disposal of the spirits, thus giving the latter the opportunity to come into contact with the human world. Without exaggeration, we can say that the medium is the main character in a spiritualistic session. Choosing a medium is not easy. Spiritualists at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries often turned to famous foreign mediums, inviting them to take part in séances. Today, choosing a medium is just as difficult. If your group has already formed, it makes sense to try all the participants in turn as a medium. The effectiveness of the spiritualistic seance will indicate the correct choice. Conversely, the confusion of answers and their inconsistency indicate that the session is not organized correctly. You can increase the effectiveness of communication by seating the session participants in a different order, that is, experimentally. Participants in a seance are not only those who sit at the table and directly participate in communication with the spirit, but also those who are simply present in the room.

How can one determine which of the participants in a spiritualistic séance is the ideal medium? There is a simple test for this. The one whose performance is the best can act as a medium. But the one whose results will be the worst should give up practicing spiritualism altogether. All test questions must be answered unambiguously: “yes” or “no.”

1. Are you prone to artistic creativity– drawing, writing poetry, etc.?

2. Are you able to easily focus your attention on any subject?

3. Do you think that famous expression Is “The customer is always right” true?

4. Do you sometimes feel like someone is watching you closely?

5. Do you often have colorful dreams?

6. Do you have nightmares?

7. Do you write down thoughts and ideas that came to you during sleep?

8. Are you afraid of getting sick? incurable disease?

9. Have you ever passed gossip by word of mouth?

10. Do you often fail to meet other people's expectations?

11. Do other people often disappoint your expectations?

12. Do you consider yourself slow-witted?

13. Do you consider yourself patient and disciplined?

14. You are afraid violent death?

15. Do you like picking berries, mushrooms, herbs?

16. Are you quickly able to switch attention from one subject to another?

17. Have you ever become a victim of illusions that the material world is so generous with?

18. Have you ever acted as a free rider on public transport, in cultural institutions, etc.?

19. Do you feel like your life is going in vain? ...

20. Have you ever heard the sound of an inner voice clearly?

21. Do you believe in contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, UFOs, aliens?

22. Do you know that there is a brownie living in your apartment? 23. Have you ever experienced strong unpleasant odors, while others around you did not smell them?

24. Do small everyday troubles drive you crazy?

25. Have you ever talked out loud to yourself? Preliminary assessment of test results.

– If you answered no to questions 9 and 18, then you are prone to self-deception. Practicing spiritualism is not recommended for you - too often you will hear from the spirit exactly what you expect to hear.

– If you received at least one positive answer to questions 14, 17, 20, 21, 23, then practicing spiritualism is absolutely contraindicated for you. You are too suspicious and risk getting a nervous breakdown at the very first seance.

Your spiritual abilities

Now let's evaluate your spiritual abilities in more detail.
Give yourself one point for answering “no” to questions 3, 12, 24 and one point for answering “yes” to questions 1, 2, 5, 7, 13, 15, 16, 22, 25. Sum up your points. – from 0 to 4 points – engaging in spiritualism is contraindicated. – from 5 to 8 points – your abilities for spiritualism are at an average level.

Decide for yourself whether to come into contact with the astral plane or not. – from 9 to 12 points – practicing spiritualism can be very successful. Those with scores above 12 should be very careful.

A person who scores more than 12 points is a born medium. However, he should take care of his own safety. Being carried away by spiritualism, they run the risk of nervous exhaustion. In addition, it is precisely natural mediums who, more than others, risk falling into serious dependence on the astral world, becoming a slave to some strong spirit.

Now that the circle of participants in the spiritualistic session has been determined and the medium has been identified, we can proceed to the next stage of work.

Spirits can make themselves known in several ways: various sounds (knocking, creaking), the movement of objects, as well as direct appearance in the form of a ghostly flickering cloud. Let us immediately note that novice spiritualists should not seek the direct appearance of a spirit - this is unsafe.

During a spiritualistic session, you can form a “spirit of the circle”, embodying the moods, thoughts, and feelings of all those present. The answers of the spirit in this case will be addressed not to an individual person, but to the entire circle of participants in the spiritualistic session.

Most religions agree that afterlife exists. In this regard, a logical question arises - is it possible to come into contact with those who have already died? Tried to call spirits different peoples peace. This article contains practical recommendations for beginner mediums.

What to Expect from Summoning Spirits

What happens to a person who decides to hold a seance at home? If everything goes well, you will be able to get answers to your questions.

Of course, you should not think that you will be able to communicate with Pushkin, Diogenes, Machiavelli or other great people. The spirit is not obliged to come to your call; it has free will. But you can try to make contact with those who sympathize with you - with deceased friends or relatives.

Sometimes it is not possible to establish a connection with the other world. In this case, you simply won't succeed. If the souls of the dead are in no hurry to respond to your call, then you can try to reschedule the session to the next day.

In the worst case, the spirit will come, but will not be able to return back at the end of the session. Accordingly, he will remain in the house, which does not bode well for the household. They will be haunted by minor troubles, illnesses, various kinds troubles. Effects characteristic of this may appear - the disappearance of things, spontaneous combustion of curtains, etc.

Precautionary measures

It is advisable not to summon dead enemies, even if you want to ask them for forgiveness. A soul that is negatively disposed towards a medium can drain its vitality.

You cannot conduct a session while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs! Otherwise, you will completely lose control of the situation. If an aggressive astral entity appears instead of a relative or friend, the medium may become seriously ill.

Address the summoned spirit with respect, as if you were speaking to a living person. Do not try to put pressure on your “guest” or order him. It is not recommended to repeat the same question several times.

How to conduct a séance

If the calling of spirits is planned for the dark, it is recommended to do it by candlelight. In principle, bright electric light does not prevent communication with the other world, but it does prevent the medium from concentrating. You will need some equipment:

  • Stable table
  • Ouija board
  • Saucer or needle on thread
  • Photo of the person you want to contact (this is not a requirement)

If you don’t have a Ouija board at hand, you can make one yourself. Draw a circle on clean slate Whatman paper Along the circle, draw numbers from 0 to 9 and letters of the alphabet (in no particular order). Outside the circle, write the phrases “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”. An arrow should be drawn on the saucer to be used as a pointer.

Now place the saucer in the center of the circle and touch it with the fingertips of your left hand. If several people are engaged in calling spirits, then each of those present must touch the saucer.

Ask a question

Imagine the person whose spirit you want to contact. Say “Spirit (name) appear!” three times. You will know that the interlocutor has responded to the call by the following signs:

  • Slight chills
  • Air movement indoors
  • Feeling of an invisible presence
  • Voluntary phenomena, for example, rhythmic tapping

You can ask questions, and if the interlocutor wishes to answer, the saucer will begin to move around the board. Watch which letters the arrow on it points to. Instead of a saucer, you can use a needle suspended on a thread. It should be held above the board and observed in which direction the needle deviates.

When all questions have been exhausted, say goodbye to your “guest” and say three times “Spirit, (name), we are letting you go, go away!” Now you know how to conduct a seance at home. It is recommended to use this technique no more than once a month and only if the medium is completely healthy physically and emotionally.

Seance- a special action that allows you to get in touch with the other world. How to do it correctly?

What is a seance?

A seance¹ is the practice of invoking spirits, used by people with little esoteric training or professional mediums. The simplicity of the ritual and the effectiveness of the result brought spiritualistic seances great popularity among young people interested in the unknown.

But a spiritualistic session is not as simple as “knowledgeable” people might say.

A seance is usually conducted by several people, one of whom is the leader. For desired result this must be a person with mediumistic abilities and experience in conducting spiritualistic séances.

  • Optimal number for a session: 4-6 people, the medium uses the energy of attention of all people to manifest the result.
  • The sacrament is held from 12 at night to 4 in the morning. If the summoned spirit has any memorable days, then it is better to conduct a seance on this day.

For example, if the spirit of a historical character is invoked, it will be the day of his birth or death.

The full moon will also be an advantage; it activates spirits and enhances a person’s mediumistic superpowers.

  • You need a semi-dark room, candles and incense.
  • The tradition is to leave the door and window ajar so that the spirit can enter the room.
  • It is desirable to have items associated with the summoned spirit. It could be a photograph of a deceased person; if a non-human spirit is invoked², then its images, pictures, names will do.


You cannot use pentacles and spell seals! A seance is an invitation to the spirit, not a coercion.

How is a seance performed?

1. Participants in a spiritualistic seance are seated around the table, a spiritualistic circle is placed in the middle, candles are placed, and an arrow is drawn on the saucer. Next, it is slightly warmed up on a candle flame and placed in the center of the spiritualist circle.

2. Participants in the session place their fingertips on the saucer, touching lightly. In this case, the fingers of one participant should touch the fingers of another, preferably closing a circle (if possible)

3. People begin to say in unison simple formula call: “Spirit (name), come!”

The call is repeated a sufficient number of times: you need to be prepared in advance for the fact that it may take more than one hour to call the spirit, and the capricious spirit may not come at all!

4. The appearance of a spirit can be determined by the behavior of the saucer. Without effort on the part of those gathered, it will begin to turn and can rise above the table.

Participants will not be able to imitate turning the saucer: fraud is very noticeable. In addition, the appearance of a spirit is usually accompanied by quite specific sensations that are difficult to confuse with something else.

5. Now you need to ask questions. They are asked by one person, first the presenter.

To begin with, the questions should be monosyllabic, implying “yes” or “no” answers.

We must remember that spirits can be very capricious, they can get angry, swear and tell lies. When a session is conducted by amateurs, it is difficult to count on truthfulness.

In order to check how truthful the spirit is, you need to ask several questions, the answer to which is definitely known to someone present.

Under no circumstances should you ask questions related to death, the afterlife and details of the life of the spirit on the other side of our reality!

6. When the session comes to an end, you need to politely thank the spirit, turn the saucer over and knock it on the table three times, saying that you are releasing the spirit of such and such.

It is strictly prohibited:

  • engage in spiritualistic seances for more than one hour a day;
  • call more than three spirits in one session;
  • Before the session, drink alcohol and eat a lot, especially fatty and spicy foods.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ A seance is a mystical ritual, usually held in a special room, the participants of which seek to see or receive some message from the soul of a deceased person (

  • On-call sessions souls of the dead carried out by a group of people. They need to hold hands, thus forming a magic circle, concentrating all their attention on what is happening. It is worth knowing that the consequences can be very unpredictable, therefore, you should be extremely careful.

    Rules of the seance:

    The session should be held from midnight to 4 am - at this time the ghosts are most active.

    During the session, no electric light should be turned on; prepare candles. You can also use a regular fireplace to illuminate the room. Also, you should turn off all electrical appliances: Cell phones, TV, computer and so on.

    There should not be any jewelry or metal object on the body.

    Spiritualistic seances can be conducted no more than once a week; only one spirit can be summoned in one session.

    It is strictly prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages before the session.

    Ouija board for summoning spirits

    This board is familiar to most of us. All the letters of the alphabet, numbers, and the words “yes” and “no” are printed on it. This board is also popularly called the “Talking Board”. You can buy a Ouija board in an online store or make it yourself. It can be made from any type of wood, but most importantly, the questionnaire must be made from the same type. The questionnaire itself should be shaped like an arrow, with a hole in the middle.

    How to conduct a seance?

    Create a magic circle, light candles, heat the questionnaire on a saucer and place it in the very center of the circle. Each participant in the session should touch the saucer with his finger and say: “Spirit “name”, come!”

    If the saucer begins to move, it means that the spirit has appeared. Ask him if he wants to talk to you. The saucer will automatically move to the “yes” or “no” section. If the dead person wants to talk, continue. It is possible that in the first minutes you will get meaningless combinations of letters, but after a while the movements will definitely slow down and become understandable. During a seance, try to be tactful. Do not ask the spirit about the reasons for his death, where he lives now and whether he is well. The spirit may be offended and never contact you again.

    After finishing the conversation, be sure to thank the dead person for communicating. Hit the table three times, this will mean that you thank him for communicating and let him go.

    What if the spirit didn't show up?

    The most important thing is patience. Try again and again. It is possible that one of the participants in the seance is unpleasant to the spirit. Try to find out who it is. Selecting a team for a session is not an easy task. At least one participant must have strong energy. And most importantly, each participant must take what is happening seriously.

    What you need to know about spiritualism in general

    During a spiritualistic session, the contactee faces a terrible danger - loss of control over his own body. It can begin with the hands of the spiritist being completely in the power of the spirits. The method of “automatic writing”, “automatic drawing”, “automatic speech” is very popular among spiritualists, but its amateur use is at least undesirable. The spirits do not let go of the contactee without a fight: this should be remembered.

    The alphabet circle is the main device in spiritualism - it is a kind of mirror in which the personality of the contactee is reflected with all its advantages and disadvantages.

    The human body is capable of self-regulation. Fatigue, absent-mindedness, and a feeling of loss of strength after a spiritualistic session indicate that the contactee needs to temporarily interrupt his operations and think about both restoring mental strength and more effective protection. After a properly conducted spiritualistic session, you should feel calm, lightness, joy of victory and other purely positive emotions. The dark veil between consciousness and subconsciousness practically disappears, giving the psyche enormous resources for successful activities. However, the subconscious is several orders of magnitude more efficient than the consciousness, and excessive enthusiasm can lead to exhaustion of the psyche of even the most successful contactee spiritist. But excessive enthusiasm in spiritualism is akin to obsession - a state in which a person completely ceases to control his actions and actions. “Give freedom to the subconscious, but know how to keep it in check!” - professional spiritualists advise, and one cannot but agree with them.

    When conducting a spiritualistic session, remember that the summoned spirit (image) is not able to extract from its “memory” more than what the total life (conscious and subconscious) experience of all participants in the spiritualistic session contains. It was this feature of spiritualism that caused the greatest criticism from materialistically minded scientists: they say that spiritualists do not evoke spirits, but their own subconscious memories. This point of view should not be disputed: in any case, at a properly organized spiritualistic session, you will receive answers to all your questions.

    Without exaggeration, we can say that the medium is the main character in a spiritualistic session. Choosing a medium is not easy. Spiritualists at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries often turned to famous foreign mediums, inviting them to take part in séances. Today, choosing a medium is just as difficult. If your group has already formed, it makes sense to try all the participants in turn as a medium. The effectiveness of the spiritualistic seance will indicate the correct choice. Conversely, the confusion of answers and their inconsistency indicate that the session is not organized correctly. You can increase the effectiveness of communication by seating the session participants in a different order, that is, experimentally. Participants in a spiritualistic seance are not only those who sit at the table and directly participate in communication with the spirit, but also those who are simply present in the room.

    When the circle of participants in a spiritualistic session has been determined and a medium has been identified, you can proceed to the next stage of work.

    Spirits can make themselves known in several ways: various sounds (knocking, creaking), the movement of objects, as well as direct appearance in the form of a ghostly flickering cloud. Let us immediately note that novice spiritualists should not seek the direct appearance of a spirit - this is unsafe.

    During a spiritualistic session, you can form a “spirit of the circle”, embodying the moods, thoughts, and feelings of all those present. The answers of the spirit in this case will be addressed not to an individual person, but to the entire circle of participants in the spiritualistic session.

    The picture shows a spiritual circle that you can make yourself.

    The words YES and NO can be included - at the top and bottom - in a digital circle.

    In the space between the alphabetic and digital circles - on the right and left - you can draw a question mark and an exclamation mark.

    In the middle of the circle it is necessary to depict a noticeable point that will help concentrate the attention of the session participants. The material for the circle can be ordinary thick paper.

    In the amateur practice of spiritualism (mainly in Russian), it was customary to depict various additional symbols, for example “love”, “death”, “separation”, etc. Such symbols are not needed, they only make it difficult to interpret the answers.

    The circle must be firmly fixed on the table during the session.

    Now let's select an object that will serve as a pointer. Traditionally this is a porcelain saucer. You should choose a non-heavy saucer that will glide well on the spiritual circle. As a rule, a noticeable indicator strip is drawn on the outside of it.

    Proper conduct of a seance

    The session time must be chosen correctly. The subconscious is most relaxed in the evening and at night. However, experience has shown that daytime sessions can also be quite effective.

    There are days on which it is not worth conducting seances. As a rule, the spirits themselves are asked about this, and they, as an interested party, report whether the time has been chosen for the session.

    Before the start of the session, participants must remove everything metal from themselves: watches, rings, rings, brooches, chains, pendants, etc. The window should be opened. If the session is held in the evening or at night, candles should be used for lighting. They are needed not for the spirits, but for the participants in the session themselves: their light has a hypnotic and calming effect.

    It is recommended to talk quietly during a seance, preferably in a whisper.

    Before the session begins, you need to write down questions to which you would like to hear an answer.

    Only the medium communicates with the spirit. He is the one who is calling him. None of the other participants should influence in any way the work of the medium. The medium also takes the answers and puts them into a readable form.

    The ability to make subconscious contacts varies from person to person. Therefore, not all participants in the session can drive the saucer. Before starting the session, you need to stretch your fingers and rub your palms. For those who are not confident in themselves, it is better to simply put their hands on the table, but do not bring them closer to the saucer.

    You need to choose someone who will record the spirit's answers. This person will not come into contact with spirits.

    Please note that it is the preparation for the session that creates a special emotional atmosphere, disinhibits the subconscious sphere of the participants, and prepares them to receive astral information. The closer to the state of meditation the participants in a spiritualistic seance come, the better.

    At the beginning of the session, the medium heats the saucer over a candle flame. Then he places it in the middle of the image on its side (at an angle of about 45 degrees) and says:

    Spirit of so-and-so (or so-and-so), please come to us!

    This spell must be repeated three times.

    Let us immediately make a reservation that calling on the spirit of Napoleon Bonaparte, popular in its time, looks, to put it mildly, archaic at the beginning of the 21st century.

    After pronouncing the call, the medium places the saucer in the center of the spirit circle. Thus, he covers the spirit that came to the call. Now the remaining participants in the session carefully touch the edge of the saucer with the fingertips of one or both hands.

    The medium must make sure of the presence of the invited spirit: here the saucer should begin to move. There are three possible behavior options for a saucer.

    The saucer remains completely motionless. Participants need to put a little pressure on the saucer, as if pushing it. As a rule, the direction of this movement, dictated by the astral body, is rarely erroneous. Then the saucer moves of its own free will.

    The saucer makes sharp chaotic movements. Participants must hold it. The reason for this behavior of the saucer may be an excess of participants. Isn't it crowded at your table? Let some of the participants try to remove their hands from the saucer. You cannot remove your fingers from all participants in the session - this usually leads to loss of contact with the invited spirit.

    If the answer is yes and the spirit is in contact with the spiritualistic group (the answer is “yes” - the saucer is turned to face the answer “yes” in the center of the circle), then the medium asks the following question:

    Spirit of so-and-so (or so-and-so), are you ready to communicate with us?

    Usually the spirit responds that it is ready - it is interested in continuing its existence, that is, in communicating with spiritualists. Having received a negative answer, the medium must end the session as quickly as possible. Continuing the session if the answer is negative is highly undesirable. If communication with this particular spirit is absolutely necessary, you can try to ask why he refuses to talk, and still continue communication. But this is only as a last resort.

    In order to ensure the correctness of magical operations, the spirit is asked to introduce itself. The name must match the name of the spirit you wish to question.

    Saucer in response to asked question should walk in a circle, pointing with a line at certain letters. The sequence of these letters is the spirit’s answer to the question of the session participants. Sometimes it happens that the saucer cannot immediately orient itself in the circle, and you need to give it time to “calm down”. How better spirit orient himself in the symbolism of the circle, the clearer his answers will be. Remember: the answers from the first spirit will be the most detailed and valuable.

    The spirit evoked by different composition of participants will give different answers. This is important for precision lovers to know. Unfortunately, this quality is only to a small extent inherent in the inhabitants of the astral world. However, it is very difficult for spirits to fit their answers into the framework of human language, limited by the rules of vocabulary and grammar.

    Take care of the medium! Help him! For the duration of the session, he abandons himself, becoming an instrument in the hands of the forces of the astral world!

    The spirit does not always “speak” the entire phrase. The medium must guess the ending of the phrase begun by the spirit. Otherwise, the spirit interrupts the “speech” and the risk on the saucer turns to “no”. In this case, you need to start recording the answer again.

    The inhabitants of the astral world cannot stand rudeness. Be tactful! Those who have patience and politeness get much more more information than those who demonstrate rudeness and haste.

    Questions addressed to the spirit must be formulated extremely precisely. It is best if the answer to each of them is “yes” or “no”. By building a chain of such questions, you can get virtually any information you are interested in. Take your time interpreting the answers! In order to understand them, in some cases you need to wait at least a few days. Records of the spirit's responses must be kept very carefully.

    The creation of the spirit occurs not only at the beginning of the session, but also throughout it. The spirit must be tamed by the participants, and only in this case will you be able to obtain sufficient information.

    Fear is what often hinders participants in a seance. We have already said that perfumes, by definition, are much weaker than a man and are beings less perfect. So fear at a spiritualistic session is simply meaningless: the spirit is not capable of physically influencing a person.

    It is possible that the spirit you have invited simply does not have the information you need. Then it would be quite correct to ask which other spirits should be disturbed in order to resolve the issues that have arisen. Know how to expose an incompetent spirit trying to lie to you! Show special tact with particularly “touchy” spirits.

    When the answers to the prepared questions have been exhausted, it is time to complete the seance. The medium should very politely thank the spirit for its help and say goodbye to it. All other participants in the session should say words of gratitude and farewell to themselves. The speech formula pronounced by the medium may be as follows:

    The spirit of such and such! We are grateful for your help. Goodbye! (Or "Farewell!" if the specific spirit was intended to be used once.)

    Then the medium must turn the saucer upside down, thus releasing the spirit to freedom.

    Communication with spirits for beginners should be short-lived. You should not communicate with the spirit for more than an hour (and more than 4-5 hours a week). You cannot summon more than two spirits in one day. Before a seance, you should not drink alcohol or drugs, or eat a lot of food. After the session, you should definitely eat to replenish lost energy. Will also be useful physical exercise within 10-15 minutes. A spiritual contactee must sleep at least 8-9 hours a day and spend more time in the fresh air.

    We live in a society of rigidly imposed behavior and way of thinking. Therefore, the sensations that arise after the session can cause some discomfort in the spiritualist. It's about about a sharp increase in intuition, improvement of logical and creativity. What was inhibited by upbringing and training turns out to be activated through the practice of spiritualism.

    Beginning spiritualists often ask the question: “Is, say, the spirit of Golda Meir capable of understanding the Russian language and adequately answering the medium’s questions?” It is not difficult to answer this question. Spirits do not speak any of the human languages ​​and at the same time understand questions asked in both Swahili and modern languages ​​equally well. international language- English. When asking a question to a “foreign-language” spirit, you will receive a completely adequate answer, except that the saucer will spend a little more time navigating the alphabetical circle.

    A seance at home is the practice of summoning spirits of the other world, especially popular in mid-19th century. Its popularity has not diminished to this day. The external simplicity of this ritual and its external effectiveness have gained great popularity among young people.

    However, a seance is not as simple, and certainly not safe, as they say.

    I think each of you has an idea of ​​who spirits are, what they are and where they come from. These are entities of another world that carry information, and also, if they are demonic entities, a terrible ancient power and thirst. As a rule, when a medium is called, it is an energy hunter.

    Before you figure out how to conduct a spiritualistic session, you need to remember and understand the main thing: you can call the spirits of the other world into contact only with a pure heart and good intentions. Only this will avert serious dangers from you. I think many of you will have to work on yourself.

    How to conduct a real spiritualistic seance yourself.

    A spiritualistic session can be carried out either by a group of people who, holding hands, form a magic circle, concentrating energy in it, or alone. However, you will have to be well prepared for this. Firstly, it is forbidden to drink alcohol or eat a lot before the session, especially fatty and spicy foods. It is better to endure a short-term fast, without eating food for several days, making do with only water - this will cleanse your energy. Secondly, you can practice spiritualism no more than one hour a day, and during a session you can call no more than three spirits.

    To conduct a seance you will need some tools.

    Magic circle. The circle is best divided into 32 sectors. In this case, one of the letters of the alphabet - “е” or “ъ” — has to be moved outside general circle what doesn't have of great importance. Inside the alphabetic circle, a second, slightly smaller diameter, digital circle is drawn, with numbers from 0 to 9, also located along the entire circumference. In the same circle, the words “YES” and “NO” are written large. For fortune telling you will need a saucer. It should be small, light, preferably porcelain, and glide well on the paper. An arrow-pointer is drawn on the outside of the saucer, pointing down.

    You need to do the following when conducting a seance at home

    Place the magic circle on the table, light the candles, heat a saucer over the candle flame and place it in the center of the magic circle. All participants in a spiritualistic seance at home should touch the saucer with their fingertips, saying: “Spirit (the name of the spirit is called here), come!” Soon you will feel the saucer begin to move. This indicates the appearance of a spirit. Greet him and ask if he wants to communicate and if he will answer questions. If you receive an affirmative answer, then you can ask further.

    When communicating with spirits during a free spiritualistic session, you must be delicate and tactful. Spirits do not like questions about death, where they are now and how they live. Therefore, these questions are taboo for the medium. Do not keep the spirit close to you for too long, otherwise you may not have enough energy to keep the passage between worlds open. Otherwise, you will have to bear responsibility for the fact that the “door” has slammed shut and the spirit cannot leave the human world. This, by the way, is where the phenomenon of poltergeist - “noisy spirit” - comes from. This is a kind of revenge for the impossibility of return.

    After conducting a seance at home, thank the spirit for communicating, say goodbye to it, turn the saucer over and lightly tap it on the table three times as a sign that you are letting go of the spirit.

    It is theoretically possible to conduct a seance alone, but I do not recommend it simply because the effect will be weak. And in some, especially dangerous cases, simply no one will help you. A group of people is optimal; the presence of observers is also welcome. The time of greatest activity of spirits is from midnight to 4 am. The full moon is also an advantage because full moon activates both the activity of spirits and the abilities of mediums.

    How to conduct a seance at home alone?

    A spiritualistic seance at home is performed in a dimly lit room, by candlelight. Traditionally, a door or window is left ajar. It is believed that in this way the spirit enters the room. Participants in a spiritualistic seance are seated on opposite sides of the table, and a spiritualistic circle is placed in the middle. The saucer is slightly heated over a candle flame and placed in the center of the spirit circle. All participants in the session lightly touch the saucer with their fingers, but without pressing, while the fingers of one participant should touch the fingers of another, as if closing a circle. The invocation formula is pronounced: “Spirit, come!” You will understand the appearance of the spirit by the behavior of the saucer; it will begin to turn, and may even rise slightly above the table. But that's not all. The appearance of a spirit is accompanied by specific sensations that are difficult to describe. Now you can ask questions. This is done by the leader of a seance at home. You should start with the following questions: is the spirit here, is he the one who was called, does he agree to answer questions?

    Spirits are capricious; you shouldn’t count on them telling you the truth. You can test the spirit, but it is not safe, especially if a demon has appeared. You should not ask questions regarding the afterlife, details of the life of the spirit on the other side of reality, since an aggressive reaction of the spirit is likely. At the end of the spiritualistic session, thank the spirit, turn the saucer over, knocking it on the table three times. Tell the spirit that you are letting it go. A spiritualistic seance can be carried out not only using a saucer, but also a needle, as well as a pendulum. The principle of operation is the same as with a saucer.

    I strongly disapprove independent studies spiritualism. Practicing magic, I know what forces are involved in the work. This dark forces, and they shouldn’t just be disturbed, especially by unprepared people. The appearance of weakness at the end of the session is the least trouble that awaits you. Mental disorders, occurrence serious problems With physical health, and in some cases, death are very common consequences of this kind of “entertainment”, and the value of the information received is negligible. It is especially difficult for an untrained medium.

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