Aries woman: who she is and what kind of man she needs. Search results: favorite poses of Aries Aries girl, woman: what kind of person is she, what kind of character

Everything will be the way he wants. And he doesn’t want sex so much as theatrical effects and proof of his own power.
With theatrical effects everything is quite harmless. Aries will create a lot of noise: screaming, moaning, talking. And his favorite idea (which he finds terribly original) is sex in a car, plane, bus and other means of transportation, preferably at full speed. Clothes torn to shreds and sex on a chandelier is also his style - humanly he cannot. But it’s effective and memorable.

There will be no long foreplay, he is also not capable of long-term sexual intercourse, but 2-3 short ones are easy. Passionately and very quickly. Group sex? Yes with pleasure! In sex, Aries is more interested in himself, and not in his partner, therefore, the more spectacular the picture, the better. It was most likely one of the Aries who came up with the idea of ​​exchanging wives.

Of course, you can take some kind of initiative, but don’t be surprised if it turns into something completely unexpected. Innocent coquetry can turn into sex in the same place (and, by the way, it can be public and very crowded), and an offer to kiss the clitoris will lead to him biting you. So, if you don’t know your Aries well enough yet, be careful with your initiatives.

If you come across an Aries, for whom the main thing is to prove their power, you have problems. When contradicted, he gets irritated. He likes to shock, feel complete power and inflict pain. Prone to sadism, rudeness and violence. If his sexual fantasies do not excite you in any way, it is better to end this relationship immediately. Aries still doesn’t understand the words “no,” “don’t,” “wrong way.”
If you are prone to masochism and feel great in the role of a victim, then consider yourself lucky, Aries is just a godsend for you. But some precautions still won't hurt. Remove dangerous objects from the bedroom - if he spanks you with his hand, you might like it, but if he spanks you with a golf club, it's unlikely. If you have long hair and you hate losing it, make a bun. Always keep lubricant (intimate gel lubricant) at hand, not in the bathroom or in the nightstand (no one will let you run to them anyway), but right at hand. In the Aries bedroom you may find handcuffs, whips and God knows what else. Therefore, it is in your interests that the first date takes place on your territory, and then you will think and decide.

Whatever an Aries does in bed, he expects his partner to be submissive, inexperienced, and even somewhat complex - the process of overcoming other people’s complexes excites him. Well, of course, she is obliged to receive unearthly pleasure and tell him about it. Any hint that the pleasure was so-so or that he is not the most gigantic sexual giant in the Universe will cause either the complete disappearance of the erection (perhaps not for one day) or an outburst of rage. He generally tends to worry about his sexual abilities, and without any objective reasons.

When going on a date with an Aries, you should always (always!) have contraceptives with you. Otherwise, sex will always (always!) be dangerous - Aries does not tend to think about little things and worry about the consequences.
And don’t be surprised if even those to whom you haven’t told anything about your relationship know about it. Aries loves to brag about their sexual conquests.

Erogenous zones and favorite positions
In general, with an Aries, everything is usually through the butt, but his main erogenous zones are concentrated, oddly enough, on the head and face. Even stroking your temples or forehead can cause an unexpectedly violent reaction. It is also recommended to ruffle his hair (especially on the top of his head). The earlobes are extremely sensitive. A light touch of your fingers to his lips can also cause amazing results. Light kisses from closed eyes won't hurt either.
And after all these exciting lyrics, hard sex will come. Aries, of course, is a famous inventor and improviser, but he also has his favorite poses.
1. The partner is on all fours, he is behind.
2. The partner is on her back, he is on his knees and holds her buttocks.
Aries loves both of these positions because they allow you to take anal sex as a complete surprise (you know he loves to surprise). I repeat: keep the lubricant within reach, preferably under the pillow.
Well, like any actor, the scenery is not indifferent to him. The more extraordinary and pompous they are, the more interesting it is for Aries.

Seduction tactics
Aries loves smart and attractive women. To begin with, it is advisable to become just like that.
It is easiest to meet an Aries where there are a lot of people, where it is noisy, fun and fashionable (in the sense that the place should be considered fashionable, at least in this area). There are more than enough Aries in extreme sports, among those who like to climb mountains or crawl through dungeons. They are no strangers to beauty, especially in an avant-garde, extreme, out-of-the-box form. In general, all types of activities in which there is at least some intrigue, risk, physical activity and which, if anything, you can tell a girl about and she will open her mouth in surprise, suggest the presence of a large number of Aries.
It is very easy to spot an Aries by taking a position near the mirror. Aries cannot indifferently slip past his reflection. He will stop, and at this moment his face will shine with delight. Of course, this can happen to anyone, but only Aries is ready to perform this ritual every five minutes.
With all this, Aries considers himself a reasonable, educated person. He likes it when women talk to him about intellectual topics. If you talk to him about something smart, he will take it as a sign of respect. Just don’t argue with him (you know, it’s useless). In order for your intellectual efforts to be useful, it is advisable to end the communication by either exchanging books/CDs, or agreeing on a meeting to either exchange or go to the theater/exhibition/cinema together (not in the sense of a date, but in the sense of intellectual and friendly communication) . It is important to him that you have common interests.
Aries loves sports. If he doesn’t exercise himself, he’s probably sick. Don't forget, you must share his interests.
Aries is curious. He is drawn to everything non-trivial and extravagant. Dress in something brightly ridiculous and talk some nonsense (only confidently and with pathos) and he will pay attention to you.
Aries is a leader by nature. To avoid finding yourself in a “two bears in one den” situation, relax and agree with him in everything.
Aries loves to portray himself as a superhero and everyone's savior. If you don’t know him yet or know him very superficially, you can burden him with your problems, he will only be happy to save you.
Aries is not used to waiting. He himself may be late for a meeting, but if you are late for a date, it will ruin everything.
Aries loves attention and compliments. Crude flattery will not work. Firstly, because he values ​​sincerity and senses falseness very well. And, secondly, no matter what you tell him, he thinks even better about himself. But he will be pleased with sincere admiration.

How to drain
The simplest thing is to move to another city and change your phone number. But this option is unreliable - Aries loves to catch and catch up, and usually he succeeds.
In fact, the exit is located in the same place as the entrance. Start doing something he doesn't like:
- be late;
- argue with him on any occasion;
- question his intellectual capabilities;
- make fun of his interests (only carefully, otherwise you can do it to his face);
- try to re-educate him and dictate to him what to do;
- ignore him;
- dress modestly;
- always be either bored or tired;
- go to bed with a book.
The last step is to take the Aries to where you once picked him up - to a noisy, fun and crowded place, and, citing fatigue and a headache, disappear. Most likely, he will find someone to entertain himself. You know, there is no downtime for an Aries.

What if he actually gets married?
The biggest problem for Aries is that first he marries an actress, and then he tears up and complains because she doesn’t know how to cook borscht and doesn’t want to iron shirts, and even disappears in the evenings at her theater. Although, if you look at the situation soberly, then this is not the problem of Aries, but of the actress. Aries will not radically change their life in connection with marriage. He is so selfish that he feels great even with an unhappy, dissatisfied wife.
Aries is useless in household chores - he doesn’t know how to hammer nails, and he doesn’t want to wash dishes - not a man’s business.
He will not give away the salary - he must control the financial flows.
Not inclined to emotional attachment - he is a clinical egoist.
He expects care and obedience from his wife. If he doesn’t receive it, he becomes very angry, screams, swears, and may even hit.
Sex life in a marriage can get even better over time. If you praise him, support him and fulfill his whims, over time he will gain self-confidence and even the craving for sadism will weaken. But he feels ideal only with a woman who is unsure of her sexuality.
If he is satisfied with the sex life in the family, he will not cheat. And if not, he doesn’t feel any remorse because of extramarital affairs.
Elderly, financially successful Aries have the habit of “buying” young wives for themselves, without worrying at all that they are valued and tolerated only for money.
Aries does not dream of becoming a father, but if this happens, he will gradually get involved and even become an exemplary dad.

Aries, born from March 21 to March 31.
Brutally sexy, charming and charismatic. The most beautiful of all Aries. Crazy, aggressive and even noble in a sense. A born leader and messiah. He has punchy energy, is popular with women, and achieves success in all other areas of life, even without any special abilities, only due to his energy and personal charm.
Favorite pastime is hitting show-offs.
The weak point is discipline.
Important years: 15, 30, 45, 75.

Aries, born April 1st to April 10th.
Best of all, Aries knows how to create insurmountable difficulties for itself, and then, through superhuman efforts, overcome these difficulties. His life is not easy, hence his penchant for creative impulses and philosophical speculation. A little less self-obsessed and much more sociable. Can be a good leader. Loving and sincere. The chances of marital fidelity are slim. A relationship that can last a long time is a mixture of true friendship and good sex.
Favorite pastime: overcoming difficulties; save and help (only in the presence of grateful spectators).
Weakness is a tendency towards fanaticism (including religious) and susceptibility to dangerous bad habits.
Important years: 15, 19, 30, 35, 45, 57, 60, 76.

Aries, born from April 10 to 20.
A thing in itself. All life is a struggle (with one’s own complexes). During the struggle (purely by accident) the whole world can be turned upside down. Shyness and isolation are combined with pride, a thirst for recognition and indecent pride, and touching sentimentality and love for the fine arts are combined with the harsh cynicism of a pathologist. And as for the desire to rule and all sorts of wonderful whims, then in this he simply has no equal.
Favorite pastime is to buzz about high things.
The weak point is unhealthy fantasy and mental instability.
Important years: 15, 30, 36, 40, 60, 66.

Combination with the eastern (lunar) calendar.
ARIES-RAT. The most cunning of all Aries, but at the same time just as ebullient and aggressive.
ARIES-BULL. The most stubborn and ambitious, when he sees a goal, rushes towards it without discerning the road. It's better not to stand in his way.
ARIES TIGER. The most adequate of all Aries. He knows how not to waste energy and almost always achieves success in life.
ARIES-RABBIT. The cutest. It may even appear white and fluffy, but it still remains a wild animal. Be careful with this bunny.
ARIES-DRAGON. The most integral and purposeful. Always very successful.
ARIES-SNAKE. The most cynical, secretive and cloudy among Aries. Can be very dangerous.
ARIES-HORSE. The most proud and unbridled. Harsh, straightforward, prone to outbursts of rage.
ARIES-GOAT. The most mercantile. Loves comfort, money and everything they can give. In the end, he gets it all.
ARIES-MONKEY. The most unpredictable and unexpected, often talented.
ARIES-ROOSTER. The craziest and most unrestrained. He creates problems himself and solves them himself. He himself starts an argument, he is the first to get into a fight.
ARIES-DOG. The most conscientious, loyal and honest.
ARIES-BOAR. The most positive, smart and friendly. Knows how to enjoy life.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs.
ARIES - ARIES: Bright, passionate, sparks in all directions. But not for long. But there will be something to remember. The marriage most likely will not work out. No one has ever managed to be in charge next to an Aries woman, because she is not a woman, but a loaded Kamaz. Aries also does not know how to obey, a tough struggle for power will begin, and neither of them takes prisoners. The result is divorce and division of joint property. Usually, the instinct of self-preservation still kicks in and such couples, after searching for a short time, happily run away without ever reaching the registry office.
ARIES - TAURUS: Aries likes Taurus. Very. But a Taurus from an Aries usually falls into deep shock and stupor. Well, how, being in his right mind, can he approve of Aries’s crazy ideas? How can an Aries get along without approval? Dead end. Sex can unite, but not for long. Although for some this time is enough to get married. Only joint creativity or a common cause can truly unite them.
ARIES - GEMINI: An awl and a spindle are a great pair. The most valuable (in this situation) quality of twins is the ability to disappear on time. Aries always has someone to catch and what to achieve. Both feel good. Aries' pressure can even reduce the twins' infidelities to an acceptable minimum. The idyll will last until the twins get tired of it. Marriage can be successful.
ARIES - CANCER: Powerful attraction and all-consuming passion. During the romance, both completely disappear from life, forgetting about friends, work, etc. When the first wave of passion passes, it turns out that there is nothing in common between them. What follows is either a cold war with attempts to psychologically trample the opponent, or a regular war with throwing frying pans and domestic injuries. It is better to avoid the registry office. Marriage is possible only if both signs are atypical.
ARIES - LEO: They are so close that they can be not only lovers, but also partners. It all depends on the Aries. If he really loves the lion (and never tires of proving it) - the holiday will last forever. But if the lion feels that he is not loved enough, everything will end in that very moment. The marriage will be happy if both are successfully realized outside the family.
ARIES - VIRGO: Virgo is an impregnable rock. Naturally, Aries must climb on it. His pressure can amaze the virgin’s meager imagination. But his penchant for sadism will quickly sober her up. In addition, Virgo sees right through Aries, and therefore does not respect him too much. But for the sake of material gain or simply stability, a Virgo cannot tolerate even that. A happy union is impossible, but a long marriage is very possible. Aries should only satisfy their sexual needs somewhere outside the home.
ARIES - LIBRA: It won't be easy at first. But if both really want to start a family and are even willing to make some sacrifices, everything will work out. They complement each other, and passion happily flows into friendship and partnership. Questions may arise about sexual compatibility and, in particular, about Aries’ fidelity. But even with all these issues, a marriage can be almost perfect. The chances of success are greater if both are already old enough.
ARIES - SCORPIO: Scorpio is a blow to the pride of Aries. Usually they cannot be together for more than 5 minutes - then there will be a fight. But if such an alliance suddenly arises, it will last a long time. Life together will not be a holiday: different habits, different friends. Scorpio will always be in charge. He easily manipulates the simple-minded Aries, and if he has the tact to do it unnoticed, both will be happy. A successful career for both, independence and material wealth strengthen the marriage, but comfort and tranquility can destroy it. There will be no problems with sex.
ARIES - SAGITTARIUS: Complete and total harmony. Both in the bedroom and outside it. Aries can admire Sagittarius for a very long time (or even a lifetime). Both are not inclined to fanatical marital fidelity, but after all the forays to the left, they will be happy to return home, and will hold on to each other to the last, because they still cannot find a better couple. Even quarrels only fuel their passion.
ARIES - CAPRICORN: Sexual compatibility on the face, but otherwise a complete failure. Capricorn stubbornly tries to re-educate Aries, and Aries tries to crush Capricorn under itself. Both are impossible - “the scythe found a stone.” A short romance can happen, but since sex is a secondary matter for both, it will all end there. And it won’t bring much joy to anyone.
ARIES - AQUARIUS: Both are prone to unconventional sexual behavior. If they find sexual games that satisfy both, they will be happy. And the search itself promises to be interesting. In all other areas, compatibility is absolute. Aries is the leader, Aquarius is the brain. An exciting romance easily develops into a happy marriage.
ARIES - PISCES: A very common, but not particularly happy union. Pisces have a delicate mental organization and in order to be near an Aries outside the bedroom, they need a serious incentive. Most often, this incentive is money, a joint business, or common children. But this is always a sacrifice on the part of the fish. It's better to limit yourself to a short novel. Typically, Pisces' sexual fantasies revolve around hard, rough sex, and this is Aries' signature number.

Are you thinking about how to seduce an Aries woman?.. Well, if you are strong-willed and feel like the master of life, if you like to keep your finger on the pulse of events and quickly respond to all attacks in your direction - then you are ready for so that an Aries woman comes into your life, or rather, bursts into your life.

This “first lady” among the zodiac signs is often called the “man in a skirt.” And no wonder! After all, she is as strong and confident as her male colleagues. She tries to conquer the world every day, but she can always find time to pause for a romantic dinner. You'll love her fire sign!

Are you capable of dealing with a woman who can confidently compete with even Superman? After all, it is ruled by the planet Mars, the god of war. For some, she may seem too selfish and focused on her own interests. She strives for instant, sometimes not deliberate actions, and if she asks for something, then she wants to receive this “something” “here and immediately.” With that said, it is important to understand that she does not need other people's advice, and when she wants something, she goes straight to the goal.

How to seduce an Aries woman?

First of all, you must be a person who can accept her for who she is. There is a fine line in a relationship with such a woman: she must feel that you want to stand with her, not above her. Don't give even the slightest hint that you want to overcome her. Remember that the Aries woman really wants to have her beloved man next to her, but she would rather remain alone than agree that it is not she who will dominate the relationship, but her man - this will not happen! Therefore, be confident, but not arrogant; if you cannot at times bear the pressure of your partner, then use your sense of humor (“we stand, smile and wave”). You will often have to cope with her attacks in your direction; do not parry her, but simply accept them with a smile. By doing this, you will tie her to you extraordinarily firmly, and achieve her affection and endless trust.

Despite all her self-confidence and bravado, the Aries woman can be a little shy when it comes to matters of the heart. At the same time, it is completely natural for her to flirt and she could probably write a book about this subtle art. On the one hand, she can tell something in a company that will make others blush. On the other hand, it can become very closed. And, if she tells you that she doesn’t believe in your sincerity, then most likely she thinks so, quietly believing that you are just trying to be nice to her. Therefore, a man must show firmness and determination in his words and actions in order to immediately make it clear to your dear Aries that you are not at all indifferent to her. Force events and start a beautiful romance with her; she will surrender to you very quickly if she believes in your sincerity of feelings and interest.

When deciding how to seduce an Aries woman, a man should always take several points into account. First, you need to constantly maintain your natural self-confidence. A woman needs to know that you are interested and that you are worthy of her attention. Secondly, show a sense of humor more often. For an Aries woman, it is important that you can make her laugh. However, remember: she appreciates humor as long as it does not concern her person. Thirdly, play with her, be gentle and attentive, don't pay attention to other ladies in her presence, and she will keep you around.

When you go on dates with her, make them memorable. Your Aries woman would rather go out playing football with her friends on Sunday than spend time with a man who is boring and boring. Damn it! Yes, you can even take her to the mountains, just don’t be boring and she will appreciate your passion for adventure. Another thing that she will definitely appreciate is bold steps, and if before this your attempts at flirting, although they aroused her interest, she remained a little shy and constrained, it’s time to step up your actions. She most likely loves you but is figuring out what's best for her. Which means, my friend, it’s time for the first kiss. Steal it! Make your first kiss so passionate that her knees will weaken and her body will tremble. Don't worry if she hits you. Just react to the slap with a smile, give her a compliment and tell her how wonderful it was.

Well, sex with an Aries woman is worse than fireworks on Victory Day. The interesting thing is that outside of their bedroom, such ladies act as “alpha females.” But sometimes, behind closed doors, they would rather let someone else be that “alpha.” You just have to subtly sense her mood and act accordingly. And, if she begins to playfully and perhaps dirtyly mock you during foreplay, know that she wants you to take the initiative in sex, this time, into your own hands. Speaking about the nature of sex, it should be noted that although the Aries woman sometimes wants tender and romantic intimacy, she still prefers hard sex, and as a rule, in the first half of the day. Since she loves to be desired, she needs adoration. The more passion you give her, the more you will receive in return.

By the way, if you wish, you can read it.

Every woman can become an ideal lover for an Aries man, because the union between a man and a woman is predetermined by nature. However, with this man it is difficult to immediately figure out how to behave, what to say and do, and what not to do. In order not to push him away or scare him away, you need to understand the peculiarities of your behavior with him. For those women who want to be close to an Aries man, this article was written. So, let's take everything apart.

This man’s behavior in bed is influenced by the environment, which he himself admits. A woman needs to follow some rules of the game, for example, create a mysterious environment in which she will look majestic. You should also take advantage of music, fresh flowers and even think about dim lighting. It's easy to do all this, and the result will simply stun you.

Women's activity and initiative!

The very first and most important advice is to be active! You need to be active and take initiative. Of course, all these qualities should be in moderation, since he is unlikely to like being a victim rather than a hunter, so remember the golden mean.

This man is used to being a leader, but if his partner herself shows her strong desire to make love, this will please him and pleasantly surprise him. And a woman should remember that she needs to cede the role of leader to him. Remember this nuance. Activity on the part of a woman during intimacy is a powerful stimulus for this man, so it is important to demonstrate these qualities. If the partner is not emotional and dry, then the man can come up with hundreds of reasons for this in his head, and his own inferiority will come first.

Being a pretender in intimacy is not entirely good, but it is worse to be a lazy person who waits to receive affection and joy without participating in it. Therefore, this man admits that a feigner who fakes an orgasm is still better than a lazy person. And besides, sex is a game played between two people, remember that.

If a woman is active, she shows her partner that she cares about him, and this gives him confidence. He understands that his partner enjoys communicating with him, and this pleases him endlessly.

Tell him about your desires!

Talking about desires is very important, since getting satisfaction depends on it. You need to help him find your erogenous zones, and for this you need to tell him what is pleasant and what is not, and especially what is unacceptable. For your part, it is also important to ask about your desires and preferences. In general, you need to be attentive to your partner. Of course, you can write down a list of erogenous zones and desires, creating a kind of instruction. It should be noted that many people like creating a so-called guidebook, because it is easier than guessing about each other’s desires. This is especially important for men who would like to know what his woman’s moans mean.

However, many women prefer to leave everything as it is. It is not right. If you value yourself and your partner, asking about their desires will not be so problematic. And in response, you definitely need to tell about your desires. It is worth remembering that he will definitely like openness. In this case, sincerity is a goal in both goals.

Confidence is sexy!

Many girls often think more about their hair, makeup, and underwear. But the biggest problem is the extra centimeters on the waist and hips. At the same time, this man is not at all interested in looking for flaws in the figure of his partner, since in bed he wants to enjoy the process, the time spent with his chosen one. He thinks completely differently, and he is not at all attracted to looking for flaws in a woman. And if you think that your curvy figure or other flaws will scare him away, you should forget about it and also try to have more fun.

You should not be afraid of your desires, ashamed of your feelings, or restrain yourself. If you want to scream, you need to scream. And the most important and correct answer to the question of how to behave in bed will be getting rid of your complexes. Intimate relationships are a response to the desires of the partner. You just have to record what he likes.

Don't try to hit him!

Many girls try to impress a man the first time by choosing a special position, buying special underwear or other love paraphernalia. However, if there are no real feelings inside, then all this tinsel will not help. This man will like natural behavior more, when a girl floats on a wave of feelings and instincts. He has a sense that will allow him to recognize lies. If you behave naturally, you can conquer a man forever. There is no need to follow erotic cliches, as this can only ruin everything.

Be emotional!

Many girls are too shy, so they express their temperament awkwardly. Of course, a man may like this, but only at the beginning of a relationship. Over time, he will want more fire. The shy woman will quickly get bored, as it will simply be boring to be with her. To be desired by this man, you need to give up modesty and constraint. A woman’s love should be expressed freely, liberated, screams and moans should not be suppressed. Of course, you should be moderate in everything, but you still can’t be a dumb doll.

Have sex to the fullest!

Of course, it is very important that you feel some kind of feelings for this man because you are going to have sex with him. However, the important point is how well you can do it. He is quite romantic, he likes foreplay, candles and other paraphernalia, but in some cases he welcomes sex as a physiological necessity. And if you are a real woman, you should understand this. In addition, it is worth remembering that sex is a great alternative to going to the gym or morning exercises.

It is strictly forbidden to remain silent with him in bed. Of course, you shouldn’t chat incessantly either, but you need to somehow show that you like the process and like being with him. You can whisper pleasant words in his ear, suggest what will please you. It's so simple, but the action itself will become much more enjoyable.

The love bed is not a place for selfish people. You need to think about your other half. If you think only about yourself, believing that your man should do everything himself, you are unlikely to end up with him again. It is worth remembering that he also loves caresses and kisses, which often drive him crazy. And if these emotions are present, then the pleasant sensations will simply double. It should be noted that physical satisfaction is directly related to moral satisfaction, especially if the man is trying just for you.

Touch him after intimacy!

Behavior after sex is as important as behavior during and before sex. Psychologists believe that men need touch just like women. You can touch not only with your lips or fingers, but with your whole body. Such a touch relieves fatigue. In general, caresses before and after intimacy indicate that there is a strong attraction between partners.

Have conversations with him after intimacy!

Experts believe that the bed is not just a place for sex, but also for friendly conversations. Thanks to active action, partners can tune in to frankness. Many couples discuss common interests in bed and can forget their problems. You can talk to this man about everything except everyday problems, shopping and work. In addition, scientists note that sex at night is an opportunity to have a good conversation afterwards, as well as set yourself up for a good night’s sleep.

If you want to make intimacy with this man more tender, pleasant and affectionate, you need to talk about your love, desires, and thank him. As a result, you will strengthen your feelings, and your sex life will become more varied.

The most important!

All of the above rules are not difficult to follow if you have the desire. And besides, there is a good incentive - a varied and pleasant sex life. You need to pay attention not only to yourself, but also to your partner, because this is the key to a long and happy relationship.

Aries are always straightforward in sex and open in their intentions to the opposite sex. We’ll tell you what else distinguishes Aries in bed in our sexual horoscope.

Aries sexual horoscope: main characteristics

For an Aries partner, it is important to constantly ignite the fire of passion in the eyes of your soul mate, only then will you be able to hold it and get closer to your Aries. Remember that for him, interest in the process of achieving his goal is much more important than the goal itself.

shows that for Aries, sex and love have the same meaning. Their desires are mundane and carnal. Representatives of this sign always take the initiative in sex. When the passion passes, Aries moves towards a new goal without regret. Under no circumstances should you make such a partner wait, otherwise sensuality will fade away for a long time, and you will be faced with rudeness and aggression. Aries' favorite pastime is to take his partner by surprise. Therefore, when planning a date, always be prepared for intimacy. Aries love to surround themselves with the attention of the opposite sex, deliberately evoking jealous feelings in their partner. This is how they emphasize their dominance. Often, Aries provoke scenes of jealousy and violent conflicts, the way out of which is always unexpected and violent sex. At heart, representatives of this Sign are vulnerable and touchy; they can accumulate their jealousy for a long time and try to hide it, waiting for the right moment to unleash their rage and discontent.

One of Aries' deepest desires is “express sex” with an ideal partner. The path from acquaintance to intimacy is usually short. The surroundings do not matter, only a strong flash of passion matters. That is why Aries are excited by risk and excitement, preferring the most inappropriate environment: a scene of love passion can be a car seat, a cinema hall, a park bench...

Aries sexual compatibility

An ideal union is possible with Libra, which is due to the attraction of opposites. Such an alliance can be stable and long-term. The compatibility of Aries in sex with other signs is such that Aries can conduct love affairs and hidden sexual relationships with representatives of different signs, with the only difference being that Scorpios, Aquarius and Capricorns can be the first to challenge and break off relations with Aries.

To keep a partner like Aries, you need to sacrifice yourself. You should be aware that representatives of this Sign, first of all, expect sex to satisfy their desires, and will never allow you to take the initiative. Aries in bed are driven by impulsiveness and animalistic sexual desire. Nothing else is included in their idea of ​​intimate relationships. If you have entered into a love affair with an Aries, you should not expect anything, much less suggest him how to behave better in bed. The best strategy is to accept it and have fun. A very important feature of this Sign is fixation on the first sexual partner. Therefore, in order to win over Aries and find out his secret sexual desires, try to find out what your partner’s first sexual experience was like.

Extravagant, bright, passionate - the Aries woman is inimitable and reckless in sex. But often she hides her emotions under a mask of cold indifference. This is her tactics, the developed strategy of a real predator. If you come across the coldness of a girl of this sign, do not rush to turn your back on her. Accept the rules of her game.

The Aries girl prefers to engage in active sports: tennis, skiing, yacht sailing. Everything she doesn't do in life brings her pleasure. And intimacy for her is also one of the ways to receive pleasure. That is why she is matched by a bright, temperamental man who can tame her obstinate character

Girls of this sign often suffer from narcissism. She loves it when people admire her flawless figure. She often looks in the mirror and loves sensual gifts such as lingerie. She is confident in her irresistibility. Therefore, she prefers minimal makeup on her face. For what? After all, she is already the best. It is difficult for a man to be married to such a companion, because he will always be in her shadow. She will always be admired, idolized and obeyed to her will. In addition, she is a typical spender. If there is money, she will spend it.

Why do men love such women? For their dazzling brightness, which they do not lose over the years. For the unbridled energy that makes a man go forward. For optimism and romantic nature. Because an Aries woman is always different and “tasty” in sex. For one night with such a sexual partner, men are ready to sell their souls. Because you simply cannot find a more skilled lover. Men love her for her indomitable character, integrity of nature and integrity. It can be difficult with her, but it is always fun and unusual. She's not like everyone else.

Men are hunters by nature, so they like the inaccessibility of such girls. However, you should carefully study the character of your future chosen one until she herself drives you into a cage. She can hurt you, step over you and move on. She doesn't care much about your suffering.

Sexuality of an Aries woman

Left alone with a temperamental representative of the first sign of the Zodiac, you are incredibly lucky. After all, she has a wild sexual fantasy. In fact, she needs the sexual contact itself more than you do, so she strives to get the maximum pleasure out of it.

The representative of this sign is the ultimate dream of anyone, because she is always ready for sex in any environment: on the street, in the car, in the office. If she wants a man, she will achieve him at any cost and will demonstrate to him in bed all her insatiability and ingenuity, because for her there are no prohibitions.

If you want to show your chosen one who is the boss of the house, then do it firmly and firmly, otherwise the initiative will always be in her gentle hands and imperious gaze. During sex, the Aries woman loves to scream, moan, scratch, preferring the cowgirl position. It would be a good idea to check the length of her claws, so as not to have bright stripes on her back later. Such a girl needs regular sex with her partner, otherwise she will find him on the side.

She may be jealous at times, but don't think that this feeling comes from fear of losing you. Can't wait! This is her wounded pride speaking. She cannot stand loneliness and often suffers from her hot temper. By making others unhappy, she becomes unhappy herself. She is also selective in the craft of love, just like in choosing her future husband. She will never marry a simple loader or driver, although she can enter into an intimate relationship with them if animal passion suddenly awakens in her.

Often, the Aries woman loves role-playing games in sex. BDSM is her theme. She is a mistress with a leather whip, humiliating the pathetic slave, forcing him to satisfy her dirty desires. She will set the rules of the game. In bed with a man, she doesn’t think about anything and does what she wants. She teases and beckons, her goal is to constantly attract men, drive them crazy, and subjugate them to her power.

In bed, such a girl always intrigues with her shamelessness and depravity. You will never see her in a long nightgown, but in a lace belt and stockings or a bra with cut-out cups exposing her breasts, you are always welcome! There's never a dull moment with her. This is the girl you will remember for the rest of your life after spending just a night with her. The Aries woman loves to have short affairs that do not oblige anyone to anything. This is how she asserts herself at the expense of others. If a man cheats on her, then she is more concerned about her rival than her partner. She is no longer interested in him, she is trying to find the reason why the man left. And eliminate it, become better and stronger than your rival.

With such a partner, a man should be on his guard and have a spare trump card with him. Otherwise you will just bore her. Don't try to scare her by leaving. Believe me, she won’t be upset at all, but will start another romance. People like her never lose. She knows how to love and is ready to teach this to her inexperienced partner. In bed she is a goddess, a queen, a seductress, a depraved innocence. By giving pleasure to her man, she, first of all, satisfies herself. Such is her selfish nature.

Erogenous zones of an Aries woman

In order for sex with an Aries woman to be enjoyable, you need to learn how to give pleasure to your temperamental partner. To do this, you need to know her erogenous zones. The girl of this sign is prone to narcissism. Her G-spot is located in the head area. It gives her pleasure when they touch and stroke her beautiful hair, playing with the curls of her flawless curls. Tickle her behind the ear and she will purr gratefully to you. The erogenous zones of the Aries woman also include the lips, eyes and ears. Massaging her head with light, gentle movements will bring her extraordinary pleasure.

Sexual compatibility of an Aries woman with other signs

Aries woman in sex with Aries man. Be stubborn! This couple will never be able to agree with each other in bed and relationships. A man will not want to obey a woman, and she will never yield to him the leading role in the family. The created marriage dooms the family to constant quarrels and scandals. Aries woman in sex with Taurus man. If she is temperamental and unpredictable, then the calculating Taurus man is unlikely to be capable of rash actions. This disharmony in relationships will always irritate and quarrel partners. Aries woman in sex with Gemini man. An ideal union! Her brightness and passion will always find a response in the inventive, subtle nature of the Gemini man. The marriage will be long and harmonious. Aries woman in sex with Cancer man. These two signs are characterized by powerful sexual energy. However, the tireless Aries may soon become fed up with her partner. She'll just get bored with him, and he'll get bored with her. There is no future for such a marriage. Aries woman in sex with Leo man. Good partnerships. A marriage can be quite successful, thanks to the predatory nature of the representatives of these zodiac signs. But she will have to learn to indulge the king of beasts, and Leo should not limit the lady of his heart in her desires and actions.

Aries woman in sex with Virgo man. The Virgo man is usually reserved in relationships, elegant and courteous. The tactful and reserved character of Virgo can attract such a girl and even captivate her. Their sexual relationship can be quite enjoyable. But her extravagance may alienate a conservative partner. Marriage is quite possible if the future spouses manage to find a compromise in the relationship.

Aries woman in sex with Libra man. The Libra man is prone to long courtships and romantic dates under the moon. This man is used to living in illusions. And she is assertive, she wants everything at once. That is why the relationship between these two signs is short-lived. They can date, make love, and then go their separate ways in search of their ideal soul mate. A successful marriage between them is unlikely.

Aries woman in sex with Scorpio man. A complex union! Both representatives of these zodiac signs have enormous strength and persistent willpower. In this union, partners can either complement each other, or their marriage is a priori impossible. The independence of spouses and the need for personal space can divide them on both sides of the marital barricade.

Aries woman in sex with Sagittarius man. People of these zodiac signs have a tendency to quarrels and conflicts. The Sagittarius man can be boring and monotonous in his desires. Only her irrepressible energy and optimism can dispel his melancholy. Their union may well be successful. True, problems in bed related to ways of satisfying each other are not excluded.

Aries woman in sex with Capricorn man. He has a traditional outlook on life. He is reserved in intimate relationships and prefers the traditional missionary position. And in bed she is extremely inventive in her fantasies. She can stir up the slow-moving Capricorn and awaken passion and desire in him. If she succeeds, then their further relationship will invariably lead to a reliable and strong marriage.

Aries woman in sex with Aquarius man. Perhaps the most unusual union! The Aquarius man will try to dominate the relationship with her, but he is unlikely to succeed. He will be forced to submit to his treacherous mistress. But their union will be full of surprises with a touch of romance and emotion. A marriage can be very strong if future spouses can find mutual understanding with each other.

Aries woman in sex with Pisces man. He is very shy in bed and can hide his desires behind external coldness. However, she is able to find an approach to the secret desires of her chosen one, having satisfied which, she has the right to count on vibrant sex and an enchanting orgasm. Thus, having overcome the difference in temperament, these representatives of the zodiac signs can claim a long and happy marriage.

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