Singer Matveychuk biography. Gleb Matveychuk: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Russian actor, singer and composer Gleb Matveychuk, known to viewers from the first season popular series "Margosha", where he played a sound engineer Ruslana, as well as by its bright theatrical works and music for the film "Admiral".

Biography of Gleb Matveychuk

Gleb Matveychuk was born in Moscow in the family of the famous film artist Alim Matveychuk. Subsequently, the family moved to Minsk, where Gleb spent his childhood until his sixteenth birthday. Immediately after school, Gleb went to Moscow and conquered the capital on his first try, enrolling simultaneously in two universities - the Shchepkin Higher Theater School and the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Two formations of Gleb Matveychuk will later become the basis of his creative work, in which both love for theater and passion for music are intertwined.

Gleb Matveychuk: “My father devoted his whole life to cinema, graduated from VGIK. My family and I lived in Minsk for a long time, raising Belarusian cinema. My mother is also involved with cinema - she is a make-up artist. In general, since childhood, there were film directors and actors at home. Therefore, the love for cinema comes from childhood. But since I was eight years old I sang in the nursery theater studio, then went to study to become a musician. Graduated College of Music, and then I came to Moscow.”

The creative life of Gleb Matveychuk

Gleb’s first film was “The Fiery Shooter” (1994), where the aspiring film actor got a small cameo role. This was followed by “72 Meters” (2004), “Papa” and other films. Gleb did not act in films very often, but, nevertheless, he always maintained close contact with the world of cinema, since he began writing in 2005. musical compositions to various films. It is his music that can be heard in such films as “Admiral”, “About Love”, “Yaroslav. A thousand years ago", "Chkalov" and others.

However, Gleb was always attracted not only to cinema, but also to theater. The young actor takes part in such bright projects, as the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” (the role of Jesus), the musical “Monte Cristo” (the role of Fernand de Morcerf), the rock opera “ Strange story Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (played by John Utterson).

“I know a lot of people who have achieved more at my age. As soon as you think that you have achieved something, from that moment you begin to regress. You should always be a little dissatisfied with yourself. But I'm stubborn. If I think about something that it is true, I will go to the end.”

In 2012, Gleb took part in the television project “The Voice” with the song “Goodbye, Mom.”

In 2013, Gleb Matveychuk agreed to take part in a television music show"Two stars 2013 (season 2)." The young actor and musician delighted viewers and listeners with his performances in a duet with rock singer Olga Kormukhina.

In addition to cinema and music, Gleb is very fond of other types of art. He often visits museums, reads books, and also gets great pleasure from traveling, which also gives food for thought.

IN In 2014 he took part in a transformation show"Exactly the same" on Channel One, in 2017 - in the musical project “Three Chords”.

Personal life of Gleb Matveychuk

In 2010, Gleb Matveychuk married young actress Anastasia Makeeva, who is known to many viewers from the musical MAMMA MIA. They met in the theater while auditioning for the musical Monte Cristo. Nastya did not immediately pay attention to her stage partner. Moreover, she then divorced Pyotr Kislov and began dating Alexei Makarov. The break with Makarov ended in a scandal in the press, and then the actress became close to Gleb. Matveychuk proposed to his chosen one, they got married in church.

The star duet existed until 2017, when Matveychuk met his new chosen one, actress Elena Glazkova. After getting to know Elena closely, Gleb decided to end his relationship with Anastasia and filed for divorce. It soon became known that Glazkova was pregnant from Gleb. This became the decisive factor in Matveychuk’s desire to propose to Elena.

In 2018, the couple had a daughter, who was named Alice.

However, Elena is still in no hurry to accept the marriage proposal, explaining that she wants to wait until her and Gleb’s daughter grows up and can become a full-fledged participant in a beautiful wedding ceremony.

Filmography of Gleb Matveychuk

  1. Actor
  1. Descendants (2015)
  2. Three chords (TV series 2014)
  3. Russian Tenors (2009)
  4. Margosha (2009)
  5. Damn Paradise 2 (2008)
  6. Heavenly Life (2005)
  7. Point (2005)
  8. Fall of the Empire (2005)
  9. Children of Vanyukhin (2005)
  10. 72 meters (2004)
  11. Dad (2004)
  12. Fire Shooter (1994)
  13. Composer
  14. Nail (2014)
  15. Kill Stalin (TV series, 2013 – ...)
  16. Red Mountains (TV series 2013 – ...)
  17. Chkalov (TV series, 2012 – ...)
  18. My Boyfriend is an Angel (2011)
  19. In the forests and on the mountains (TV series, 2010 – ...)
  20. On hook! (2010)
  21. Yaroslav. A thousand years ago (2010)
  22. About love (2010)
  23. House with No Exit (mini-series, 2009)
  24. Admiral (TV series 2009)
  25. Third Wish (2009)
  26. Planet of Orthodoxy (TV series 2008)
  27. Hills and Plains (TV, 2008)
  28. Stone Head (2008)
  29. New Earth (2008)
  30. Admiral (2008)
  31. Time of Troubles (2007)
  32. 1612 (2007)
  33. Of Fire and Light (mini-series, 2006)
  34. George the Victorious (2006)
  35. Pilgrimage to The eternal City(mini-series, 2005)

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk is probably known to all fans of Russian cinema and pop music. This famous actor, singer and composer, contemporary star Russian show business. He recently became a father and is now preparing to marry his new lover.

early years

According to the biography of Gleb Matveychuk, the future musician was born in 1981 in Moscow. His father was Alimzhan Matveychuk, who at that time was a member of the USSR Union of Cinematographers. Gleb Matveychuk’s mother is make-up artist Olga Shalimovna. When Gleb was still a little boy, his family moved to Minsk.

IN theater Club Gleb Matveychuk got caught when he was only eight years old. There he became interested in vocals, which ultimately influenced the specialty that the hero of our article chose at a music college. He became the choir conductor.


Recalling the details of his biography, Gleb Matveychuk admits that he became interested in cinema as a child. Therefore, no one was surprised when, after graduating from college, he went to the capital to enroll in a theater school. His passion for music also made itself known - he became a student at the conservatory.

Both of these hobbies seriously influenced his entire life in the future. future fate. Combining his love for cinema and music, Gleb became a composer.

Film debut

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk has been updated important event when he was 14 years old. He played his first cameo role in a movie. It was little-known painting"Fire Shooter"

Almost ten years later, he appeared as a sailor in Vladimir Khotinenko’s dramatic disaster film “72 Meters.” Afterwards there were small roles in Vladimir Mashkov’s drama “Papa”, a series about counterintelligence officers in Tsarist Russia"The Death of the Empire", the drama by Yuri Moroz "The Point", the serial detective action film by Igor Korobeinikov "Cursed Paradise", the comedy melodramatic series "Margosha".


In the series "Margosha" Gleb plays the role of Ruslan Khilkevich. This is an adaptation of an Argentine film that was released in South America called "Lalola", its creator Sebastian Ortega.

In Russia the series collected so much high ratings, that after the release of episode 151, it was decided to continue the release of the project. Now the scripts were written by domestic authors, since the adapted material had run out. A total of three seasons were released, consisting of 240 episodes.

Matveychuk plays an employee of Selena radio. He is one of the main characters in the first season and works as a sound engineer.


A few years after graduating from the conservatory, the hero of our article began writing music for films. His debut work was the melodies for the film “Pilgrimage to the Eternal City”.

Experts highly appreciated his talent, and two years later Matveychuk was nominated for the Golden Eagle award for the music in the biographical drama “Admiral” about the fate of Kolchak. After this success, Gleb Matveychuk’s photo appeared in specialized publications, and in professional circles he developed a reputation as a composer working on historical and dramatic films.

In 2006, the hero of our article begins to perform as a performer. At first he sings in the group Lady Prowler, and then, together with Igor Novikov, he organizes the Flair team, his next stage is a team called “Renaissance”.

After success in the TV series "Margosha", where he played his most famous role to the cinema on this moment, Matveychuk is immersed in television projects and theater. In the show "Russian Tenors" singer Gleb Matveychuk declares himself as a talented vocalist and reaches the final of this competition.

Subsequently, he mainly works on soundtracks, although in 2009 he finally switched to television.

Work on TV

In 2012, the hero of our article goes to the show “The Voice”. But Gleb Matveychuk’s performance turns out to be a failure; he does not pass the casting.

Already on next year wins on another project. Together with Olga Kormukhina, he takes first place on the TV show “Two Stars”. Together they go on a tour of southern Russia.

You don't have to wait long for the next success. On the show "Exactly" Gleb takes second place, receiving a prize audience choice.

It was an amazing and unusual experience. During this project, the artist had to try on quite a few completely different and not similar friends on each other's roles. Matveychuk appeared before the audience in the form of Anna Netrebko, Shura, Klaus Meine, Grigory Leps and even the leader Scorpions. In the finale, Matveychuk performed a Freddie Mercury song together with Taisiya Povaliy, who played the role of Montserrat Caballe.

Projects of recent years

In the summer of 2016, everyone paid attention to brilliant performance singer in a duet with Alexandra Vorobyova. At a concert in honor of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, which took place in Murom, they sang the song “Eternal Spring”.

It’s safe to say that Matveychuk is now at the zenith of his glory. He regularly performs large-scale concerts, drawing almost full houses, writes music for films.

He often appears on stage with a vocal program, among his most famous original songs are the compositions " New Year", "My Russia", "Letting Go", "Wilted Flowers", "Time", "When You're Near", "Strangers", " Broken love", "Siren", "Adagio", "Hope".

In addition, Matveychuk also plays theater stage. He tours the country with a musical and dramatic production called "Territory of Passion." He performed main role in the musical "The Master", played John Utterson in the rock opera "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", Julien Portal in the play "Hotel of Two Worlds", Fernand de Morcerf in the musical "Monte Cristo", Jesus of Nazareth in another opera entitled "Jesus Christ Superstar".

In 2017, he made a large-scale tour of the central part of Russia with the “Winter Ball” program. In particular, the singer performed in the Moscow region, Moscow, St. Petersburg, and since March he went on tour with new program"Spring Ball".

About personal life

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk is replete with many fateful meetings. He has always been in demand among the fair sex. It is known that for a long time he dated actress Svetlana Belskaya. But they never made serious plans, knowing that their relationship would remain at the level of passion. At the same time, they tried to hide their meetings as much as possible and never advertised them in the media.

In 2008, they broke up on Svetlana’s initiative; the singer’s mother even tried to reconcile the young people, but nothing worked out for her. Soon after the breakup with the hero of our article, Belskaya married a classmate.


Considering the biography of Gleb Matveychuk, it is worth paying attention to his personal life Special attention. In 2010, he married actress Anastasia Makeeva. The celebration took place in a country castle, and Svetlana Belskaya was among the invited guests, which surprised many.

After registering at the registry office, the newlyweds went to church to get married. The artist himself often admitted that his wife remains his muse and best advisor in his work.

That’s why the news was so unexpected for many when in 2016 Makeeva announced that they were getting a divorce. Everything happened quietly - without mutual accusations and scandals. The young people themselves admit that the reason was their high employment, which did not allow them to devote enough time life together. The couple had no children.

Soon after the divorce, Gleb radically changed his image. For example, he cut his hair long hair, appearing before fans with short hair. In addition, he went with pilgrims on a trip to Greece.

For the role of Matveychuk's new girlfriend, journalists matched singer Ksenia Dezhneva, with whom Gleb was spotted in Vitebsk at the Slavic Bazaar, but they were never able to get official comments from the stars.

At the end of 2016, a photo appeared on the artist’s social networks with an unknown brunette, who, apparently, became his new girl. Fans and journalists decided that he decided to present her to the public in such a simple way. True, it was never possible to find out her name and occupation. It soon became clear that this was not necessary. Everyone found out who new lover singer

In September 2018, it became known that the hero of our article became a father for the first time in his life. His daughter, Alice, was born to him by his fiancée, actress Elena Glazkova.

Gleb himself told fans that at first he was going to name the child Stefania, but then he realized that in combination with the middle name that the child would have, the name would not be very euphonious. A decisive role was played by his work on the project “Labyrinths of Sleep”, which should very soon appear on the theatrical stage. By the way, this is his first independent production project, created based on “Alice in Wonderland.” His girlfriend really liked the music and suggested naming her daughter Alice.

The birth was successful, mother and child have already been discharged from the hospital. It is known that shortly before giving birth, Gleb and his bride moved to new house, in which a children's room has already been equipped. The relationship between the couple began soon after the singer’s divorce from Anastasia Makeeva. With my future wife he met in Greece at Russian Cinema Week. Within a few days after they met, he realized that he was ready to take Elena as his wife. Having learned that he would soon become a father, he brushed aside all doubts.

However, due to Elena's pregnancy, the wedding had to be temporarily postponed. They decided to celebrate her solemnly after the birth of her daughter.

The childhood of Gleb Matveychuk

Gleb was born in Moscow. Soon the family left for Minsk. There he went to school and lived until he was sixteen years old. He always had a dream to become like his father, Alim Matveychuk, who was a famous film artist who graduated from GITIS. While studying at a music college, Gleb chose the specialty “Choral Conductor”.

The father only welcomed his son’s desire to make a career in cinema and music. Mom was a make-up artist. The family lived by creativity and art. All the less surprising is Gleb’s choice future profession. He prepared for it with early childhood while studying in creative studio, where he learned to sing.

When young man turned sixteen, he left for Moscow. He didn’t know how to choose where to look for himself, in cinema or music, so he decided to enroll in two universities at once.

He became a student at the Shchepkinsky School and a student at the Conservatory. While studying, the young man tried to carry out free time among friends whose lives are connected with music or who disappeared at rehearsals.

The beginning of the career of Gleb Matveychuk: filmography and songs

Matveychuk began trying his hand at cinema in 2004, starring in the films “72 Meters” and “Papa.” He acted in films, but big roles the actor was not given. Since 2005, he began composing music for films.

What came out of this can be heard in the films “Admiral”, “Chkalov”, “About Love”, etc. He managed to combine acting with musical direction. Having written music for twelve films, he achieved serious success.

Matveychuk is the author of music for such performances as “The Waiting Room” and “Dog in the Manger.” For creating music for the film “Admiral”, Gleb, as a composer, was nominated for the Golden Eagle award.

Matveychuk was at one time a member of the Lady Prowler group and performed with them as a vocalist. With Igor Novikov, he created the group Flair in 2007, and with the Renaissance team he performed as a vocalist.

Olga Kormukhina / Gleb Matveychuk - Two stars - “The Path” The artist takes part in musical projects - musicals and rock operas. We can say with confidence that this is the most bright moments

his creativity. In 2007, he participated in the production of the ethnic musical “Children of the Sun.” Since mid-2008, Gleb began playing the main role (the role of Jesus) in the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar,” which was staged by the Mossovet Theater. In addition, the actor played a significant role in the Russian musical called “Monte Cristo” - the main character in his youth - Fernand de Morcerf. He peculiar actor , who showed himself music, according to many critics. Matveychuk himself is used to being critical of his achievements; he does not consider them to be any significant. In his opinion, he is not yet recognized talented actor, and he still has to conquer cinema, there are still a lot of gaps in music that the musician plans to close over time.

This is exactly how he sees his biography and his immediate life. Gleb believes that he has not yet fully realized himself. Thanks to an objective view of his creativity and being demanding of himself, he manages to realistically assess his situation in life.

Gleb Matveychuk in a reality show

In 2009, the actor and musician became a participant in a musical reality show called “Russian Tenors”, in which Matveychuk was in the top six. In 2012, he tried to get on the show “The Voice”, performing the song “Goodbye, Mom,” but he failed to go further.

And in 2013, Gleb became a participant in the “Two Stars” competition, where, together with Olga Kormukhina, they performed rock and roll and folk songs. The couple managed to create interesting program and won. As prizes they were awarded microphones made of yellow and white gold, decorated precious stones. In the summer, the winning couple toured the south of Russia with joint concerts and performed at the Slavic Bazaar.

Gleb Matveychuk in the musical “Jesus Christ Superstar”.

The artist’s latest film work was filming in the TV series “Margosha”. There he got the role of Ruslan Khilkevich, who, according to the script, works as a radio sound engineer. Actors Gleb Ivanov, Nina Kupryakova, Yanina Kolesnichenko also starred there.

Matveychuk has enough work today. He writes music for cinema and theater, performs in concerts and performances, and acts in television and films.

According to European viewers, Gleb’s vocal abilities significantly exceed his acting talent. According to rumors, Matveychuk often gives concerts abroad. His priorities seem to have tilted towards vocals and music. Theater stage in given time stayed a little away.

For many years, the artist has been driven by the unbridled, bright talent of a musician and passion for the stage. The public, it seems, has been waiting for such a musician and actor for a long time. Now Gleb devotes a lot of energy to working on new musical masterpieces, improving his ideas and ideas. As he says, you can achieve anything in creativity, the most important thing is to maintain professionalism and not let it fade away.

Personal life of Gleb Matveychuk

Matveychuk has been married for three years. His wife is actress Anastasia Makeeva. Gleb met Nastya at the theater when they were cast in the leading roles in Monte Cristo. At that time, the girl did not pay attention to him.

She recently divorced her husband, Pyotr Kislov, and was in a new romantic relationship with Alexei Makarov. After the relationship with Makarov ended with a scandal, in the most unpleasant way, she turned her attention to the quiet, handsome and definitely talented Gleb. He proposed to his beloved right from the stage.

The young people got married in the church. That's already more three years they are together, although the period of grinding in was not at all easy. Nastya is a pathological cleaner. But Gleb is different, according to her, he still has his head in the clouds, believing that bread grows in a bread bin. They quarreled a lot during the first six months of their marriage.

Now everything has normalized in their relationship, and disputes arise only on the topic of creativity. They are seen together everywhere. The couple decided that everyone must decide for themselves whether they can live without their spouse. Nastya explained in an interview that Gleb is the person without whom her life would be very bad.

A year before the wedding, Gleb broke up with the girl he had been dating for four years. They are still in great relationship, she is a family friend, communicates well with Matveychuk’s mother. I must say that at first it was difficult for Nastya to both understand and accept this.

Actor and singer Gleb Matveychuk and actress Anastasia Makeeva until recently were one of the most charming and beautiful couples domestic show business. However, after 6 years of married life, their marriage broke up. And the reason for this was the alienation that arose between them. In this article we will tell you about each of ex-spouses, let's present their biographies, creative path, a love story, and we will also try to answer the question of why Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk broke up.

Gleb Matveychuk: biography, beginning of a creative career

The future artist was born in the summer of 1981. His father - Alzhiman Matveychuk - was a production designer, a member of the Union of Cinematographers Soviet Union. Early period Gleb's life was spent in Moscow, but after some time the family moved to the capital of the Belarusian SSR - Minsk. When the boy was 8 years old, he began attending where he became very interested in singing. Upon entering college, he decided to study to become a choir conductor. Gleb’s love for cinema and acting also manifested itself in his childhood: sitting in front of the TV screen, he imagined himself in the place of the actors and even tried to replay their roles. He received his first role, albeit an episodic one, at the age of 14. After graduating from music college, the talented young man from Minsk went to Moscow to enroll in theater school. This was long before Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva met and decided to live together.

Further studies and beginning of a career

While a student at the theater school, Matveychuk decided to continue his musical education. He, without leaving school, entered the Moscow Conservatory. In a word, he could not make a choice in favor of only one of his passions.

Years have passed, but Gleb still cannot figure out what comes first for him - music or theater. After graduating from the conservatory, he became a sought-after composer. He began acting in films at the age of 24, not counting his first experience 10 years ago. Little by little he got a lot of minor roles in various TV series, and after some time, having gained fame on television, he decided to try himself as a composer of soundtracks for films.

The music for the film “Pilgrimage to the Eternal City” turned out to be very successful and was appreciated by film critics. In 2006, he received 4 orders at once, and four years later, the melody he created for the blogbuster “Admiral” was submitted for the “Golden Eagle” award. Matveychuk was nominated for this award as the best composer of television music. After that, he began to receive a lot of orders both for historical films and for films in comedy and dramatic genres. In a word, in cinematic circles he was perceived not as an actor, but as a composer.

When Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva met, she also considered him talented composer and was fascinated by his works.

Vocal activity

Gleb was naturally gifted with extraordinary vocal abilities, and he certainly wanted to prove himself in this role. In 2006, he became the vocalist of the band Lady Prowler. A year later, in tandem with Igor Novikov, he created the group Flair, but after some time he joined the Renaissance group as a vocalist. In 2007, Matveychuk, a composer and vocalist, took part in the musical “Children of the Sun,” but he did not forget about television career. In 2009, he starred in the TV series “Margosha”, where he played one of the main roles. After filming this television movie, he decided to indefinitely suspend his activities as a film actor and turned his attention to theater and television shows.

Matveychuk and television

Possessing an excellent tenor, he expressed a desire to take part in the new television competition project “Russian Tenors”. Those who were accustomed to seeing him as a composer and actor were surprised by his incredible vocal abilities. Gleb successfully passed stage after stage and reached the final. Every day, the charismatic blond became increasingly popular with both viewers and jury members. At the same time, he took part in rock operas, performing significant roles.

Competitions and shows

In 2012, Gleb Matveychuk tried himself in the television project “The Voice”, but failed the blind auditions. Nevertheless, this did not stop him from taking part in the show “Two Stars”, where Olga Kormukhina became his partner. The couple becomes the winners of the show, which adds to the popularity of the young singer-showman. After this, he and his partner tour the south of Russia. And participation in the “Exactly Exactly” show, where Matveychuk also signed up, brings him second place and the audience award. During the entire show, he managed to transform into the images of Shura, Anna Netrebko, Klaus Meine, Freddie Mercury, etc. It was his participation in these shows that brought him fame not only in Russia, but throughout the entire post-Soviet space.

But let's not stray too far from our theme of the story, that is, from the relationship between Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva, photos of which you see in this article.

biography, childhood

Nastya was born in the city of Krasnodar in December 1981 in the most ordinary family. Her parents were not people of art, although her father worked for some time as the director of a vocal and instrumental ensemble. Perhaps this had a great influence on the formation of young Anastasia’s ideas about the profession. Soon she began performing under the direction of her father and remained in the ensemble even after he moved to another job.

Musical education

The girl understood that in order to become a real musician, she absolutely needed to receive a musical education. She entered music school, became one of 4 musicians of the Harmony quartet. The girl was also attracted to participate in television projects. In this, Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva are very similar to each other.

Model career

Having matured a little, the girl began to think about a modeling career, because she had both a magnificent figure and stunningly beautiful facial features. For this purpose, Nastya enrolled in catwalk courses. At the same time, she began to be invited to various local beauty contests, which were followed by regional and all-Russian competitions. Unfortunately, she did not occupy a leading position, but these defeats forced her to work on herself and move more confidently towards her intended goal. In 1998, seventeen-year-old Nastya finally won the prestigious Miss Krasnodar competition; there were other competitions, but she highest achievement is the title "Vice-Miss Universe" (Russia). At that moment, she was studying at the Krasnodar music school, but after winning a beauty contest, she left her studies and went to conquer Moscow. There, Minsk resident Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva, a native of Krasnodar, met.

Makeeva's creative career

For some time, Nastya worked in Moscow exclusively as a model. She was actively invited to shoot for prestigious magazines and advertising videos. Then she was invited to the STS channel as a TV presenter. Having settled into the capital, the girl began to think about getting music education and entered the prestigious State Music College pop-jazz art. In parallel with her studies, she began to act and sing in musicals - “Dracula”, “The Witches of Eastwith”, etc.

Some time later, the young singer made her film debut. The first film she starred in was The Lawyer. Here she played a minor but striking role, remembered by the audience. After her successful debut, Anastasia fell in love with the world of cinema and dreamed only about it. In order to get a role in a TV series, Anastasia Makeeva often took part in various castings. Time after time, she got new roles. At the same time, she continued to act in music and commercials.

The most active period in terms of creativity for her was the period between 2004 and 2007. During this period, she starred in 9 films and graduated from the Academy theatrical arts RF. In 2008, Nastya triumphantly returned to the theater to play the role of Mercedes in the musical “Monte Cristo”. It was at this time that Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk met each other.

Personal life

Before meeting Nastya, Gleb met with actress Svetlana Belskaya. However, he had no intention of walking her down the aisle. After some time, Sveta left him, and the artist’s mother, who was very sympathetic to her son’s friend, tried to reconcile them, but to no avail.

As for Anastasia, she was married twice before meeting Gleb. Her first husband was a film artist. After the divorce, Nastya began dating another artist, Alexei Makarov. She was in a civil marriage with him and lived for several years.

She married Gleb Matveychuk in 2010. They met at the theater, played together in “Monte Cristo” - they played the main roles. It was from the stage that he proposed marriage to her. The audience was touched, and since then the couple has become a crowd favorite. Their wedding was also fabulous.

Unfortunately, the family of Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk did not last long, but at first it seemed unusually happy to everyone. The couple appeared together everywhere, the spouses often played together in plays. When talking about them, the expression “do not spill the water” was often used. Their marriage broke up after 6 years of marriage. All fans were interested in one question - why did Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva break up? Probably only the heroes of our article themselves can answer this question accurately, and we are only making an assumption.

Divorce of Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk: reasons and reasons

From the very beginning, their family life did not go well. Gleb was absolutely unadapted to family life. As Nastya said, he thought that “bread grows in a bread bin.” In addition, he was very absent-minded and did not pay attention to the disorder, while Nastya, on the contrary, was pathologically tidy. Because of such dissimilarity, disputes often arose between the spouses, but they managed to overcome this difficult period.

In addition to everyday troubles, the young wife was shocked by the fact that her husband’s former passion, Svetlana, was a welcome guest of her mother-in-law. But Anastasia coped with this too.

She was much more worried about the fact that she and Gleb had no children. Nastya, as they say, was already in her fourth decade, so the issue of motherhood was quite acute for her, but her husband was of little concern. Perhaps the marriage of Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva, if they were born, could have been saved from divorce, but this did not happen.

Gradually, alienation settled in their relationship. The couple hardly saw each other. Each of them lived his own own life. This situation came to a head logical conclusion- Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk broke up.

Reasons for divorce

According to Nastya’s version, she was the first to decide to take this step, although for a long time I tried my best to save my marriage. She invited her husband to do something interesting with her, then made an appointment with a psychologist, but Gleb did not want to attend these visits. Every day she became more and more aware of her uselessness in her and Gleb’s small family. Later, the young woman admitted that she was jealous of her husband for his success. And he devoted himself entirely to his work.

After his wife informed him that they needed to get a divorce, Gleb accepted this statement very calmly, did not sort things out, but simply packed his things and left. We can say that the divorce of Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva was quite civilized, although painful for Anastasia.

Gleb speaks with restraint about the breakup of his family. He explains that at some point he suddenly felt cramped in their apartment, and Nastya stopped exciting him as a woman. Despite this, he cherishes every memory of his happy family life.

Gleb Matveychuk and Nastya Makeeva celebrated their wedding in a luxurious castle outside the city. I sat among the guests and watched the groom spin the bride around in a dance. At the end, he spectacularly lifted Nastya in his arms, all the guests applauded, and I looked at the bride in a white dress beaming with happiness and didn’t understand: I was still happy for them or my heart sank when I imagined myself in Nastya’s place...

Some time after the wedding, newspapers came out with catchy headlines: “ Anastasia Makeeva- a homewrecker!”, “The TV series star stole someone else’s fiancé!” It spoke in detail about our love triangle and that Nastya allegedly took my fiancé away from me on the eve of our wedding...

I remember that after reading this, we all started calling each other and discussing where the wind was blowing. How journalists yellow press» found out that he was attending the wedding ex-girlfriend Gleba, that is, me? Gleb’s mother was called by her friends and, laughing, asked: “I wonder who made such a PR move for Sveta?” It turned out that in this situation I had the most advantageous role: I am the unfortunate victim whose fiancé was taken away by an insidious homewrecker.

In fact, Gleb and I broke up at the end of November 2008, and he and Nastya got married in the summer of 2010. Moreover, it was I who suggested that Gleb break up and was the first to marry a classmate.


I remember how Gleb’s mother tried to figure out why we suddenly decided to separate. She probably thought that since I was the first to talk about it, it means that the problem was me, and, as an experienced person, she tried to stop me. She sent me signals: stop! But I ignored them. After all, she didn’t say this out of some impulse; she sat and thought for several weeks until she decided to leave.

Gleb’s mother said: “The best adviser is time. Don't make hasty decisions that you will later regret. You need to be alone, figure it out, so that there is no chaos in your head. Think again!” Maybe, the main problem The fact is that I expected these words not from my mother, but from Gleb himself. If he had given me a good shake and said, “Stupid, what are you thinking? Lost her mind! We love each other!”, everything could have turned out differently. But Gleb remained silent, which means he agreed with me. This is how our lives sometimes change from a spoken or unspoken word...

Because I was young and inexperienced, I didn’t obey wise man and didn’t do as she advised: lock yourself up and think. I reasoned like a child: I’ll decide for myself, I’ll figure it out myself, I don’t need anyone’s advice. She also urged Gleb not to rush, to come to his senses. But we two fools didn’t hear her. And my resentment prevailed! Or maybe it was infatuation, not love?

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