The initial composition of the arrow group. The former singer from the group “Strelki” defends her criminal husband, who started a family on the side

The apartment that Radio Operator Kat rented out was sold using false documents for 26 million rubles.

A whole series of all kinds of troubles haunts Lately former soloist group "Strelki" Ekaterina LYUBOMSKAYA (KRAVTSOVA), better known as Radio Operator Kat. First at common-law husband and the father of her two children, Sergei LYUBOMSKY, a business partner tried to “squeeze out” land plot in Chekhov near Moscow with an area of ​​62 hectares and involved their family in long litigation. Then the singer’s husband was arrested on charges of attempted murder. ex-lover and offered to close the criminal case if he renounced his rights to the land. And when Ekaterina decided to formalize a legal marriage with Sergei, who was in a pre-trial detention center, she was subjected to a humiliating search and forced to strip naked. Alas, the “arrow’s” misadventures did not end there.

In 2004, even before construction began, I bought an apartment in the Donstroy company building on Mosfilmovskaya Street,” recalls Ekaterina. - It was assumed that we would live there with Seryozha and our son. But construction dragged on for 10 years. During this time, we had another son. We moved to live outside the city. And we no longer really needed this apartment. I decided that I would give it to my eldest son for his 18th birthday, but in the meantime I’ll rent it out.
A realtor I knew found me a tenant - a decent-looking woman about 45 years old. According to the passport presented, her name was Bella Moiseeva. On February 11, I met with her in the presence of a realtor, signed a rental agreement and received payment, as is customary, for the first and last months. The tenant recognized me and shared with me that she was the mistress of some married high-ranking official and wanted to set up a “nest” for meetings with him.
The lack of furniture in the apartment did not bother her. She intended to bring her own. And she even volunteered to buy a kitchen set specially. And from the first month’s payment, I deducted and gave her a certain amount for this purchase.
In March and April she paid me promptly. And in May, she suddenly stopped communicating. I got worried and went to see what was happening in the apartment. It turned out that the lock there had been replaced. I had to call a special service to open it. There was no kitchen, no furniture, or any other signs inside that anyone had lived there for three months. Even then I had bad feelings. And on May 25, when I was going to Seryozha for trial, the commandant of the house called me and puzzled me with the question: “Katerina, have you sold the apartment?” “No,” I was surprised. “And I have the owners sitting here with a new certificate,” the commandant said. I called the lawyers that I couldn’t be at the trial, and went to Mosfilmovskaya.

The new owners turned out to be two young men. According to them, they purchased my apartment for 26 million rubles. “We are bank employees. We have Chechens there,” the men began to intimidate me. But I immediately stopped the conversation in this direction and suggested contacting the police. It turned out that Russian passport in the name of Bella Moiseeva, which the tenant presented when concluding an agreement with me, was invalid since 2010. This woman also had an invalid passport of the Republic of Belarus with a very strange registration in some administrative building in the name of Elena Vladimirovna Kravtsova. Since I am Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kravtsova by birth, one would think that this is my sister. Although I never had any sister. And using this Belarusian passport, she drew up an agreement to purchase an apartment from me. At the same time, I used a power of attorney to complete this transaction, allegedly issued by me and officially certified by the notary Agafonova. Then the new owner mortgaged the apartment to the bank, received cash for it and was done with it.

The police conducted an examination and found that my signature on the power of attorney was forged. I went to the notary Agafonova and submitted an application to her with a request to revoke this power of attorney. “You signed it yourself,” this woman said to my face. wonderful woman. - I remember you well. You need to think about when and what you sign.” She flatly refused to accept my application. But she dragged me into her office and did not give me my passport for a long time. To get him back, I was forced to call the police to Agafonova’s office. Now she faces a separate trial. And against my tenant with fake passports, the police opened a criminal case under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud”. True, finding her and bringing her to justice, in my opinion, will be very difficult. God grant that we can at least protest the contract and return the apartment!

Not long ago, the name of Ekaterina Kravtsova, a former member of the Strelki group, nicknamed Radio Operator Kat, again became on everyone’s lips. The girl found herself involved in loud scandal in the case of her husband Sergei Lyubomsky, who was sentenced to 7 years for beating his mistress, Ukrainian model Ksenia Timoschenko.

Ekaterina and Sergei have been dating since school. The couple lived together for 15 years, the singer gave birth to two children. I found out by chance that he had another family. “It was June 2013. The text message arrived in the night. I had never read my husband’s phone number, but here I took it and... There was something about money. I don’t remember exactly: when it hurts a lot, it rubs off the memory well... In horror, I began to flip through the pages and suddenly saw a photograph of a two-year-old child. On stiff legs she approached her husband and asked: “Who is this?” He replied: “This is my son,” she told Komsomolskaya Pravda.


Despite her state of shock, Katya managed to forgive her husband: “He is smart, he is kind. He took care of me long time I didn't know. Now, instead of Sergei, I manage business affairs and understand how everything is structured for him. The heights he reached were only thanks to his mentality.”

On February 2, 2015, Sergei returned home and said that he hit his mistress Ksenia in the nose. "Why?!" - Katya asked. “She opened her mouth,” answered the husband. On February 13, he was detained for attempted murder. Two months later, Katya and Sergei registered their marriage in the office of the head of the pre-trial detention center. “The wedding was terrible,” says Ekaterina Kravtsova, “they searched me: “Sit this way, stand like this,” they undressed me... You walk around the territory in a veil, the prisoners shout at you through the bars... Then I sat in the bathroom for three days, I couldn’t wash myself. Yes, this is not how I imagined it. After all, I’m a girl, I’ve been moving towards this moment all my life...”

Six years ago, Sergei Lyubomsky, while doing business with his father, acquired a land plot of 62 hectares worth 329 million rubles in the Chekhovsky district. It was planned to organize a cottage community on this land. According to Ekaterina, the incident with the beating of her mistress was set up due to a lawsuit over land. The reason for everything is a financial conflict between Sergei Lyubomsky and Leonid Venzhik, who have known each other since they were 13 years old. According to Venzhik, he was going to buy a holiday village, but Lyubomsky began to evade registering the transaction after he received Venzhik’s money.

Everyone’s version is different, and it’s extremely difficult to understand the situation. There is an opinion that Radio Operator Kat uses this situation as a PR. After several appearances on TV shows, her career took off again, and the producer decided to reassemble the Strelki group, which had been disbanded 10 years ago.

In the late 90s, the girl group “Strelki”, created by producers Igor SILIVERSTOV and Leonid VELICHKOVSKY, was no less popular than it is now “ VIA Gra" One of their brightest soloists was young Catherine KRAVTSOVA, better known as Radio Operator Kat. Now she performs as part of the new project “Radiocat”. At one of the concerts, our special correspondents got into a conversation with her and learned a lot of interesting things.

“I got into Strelka by accident,” admitted Katya. - Before that, I had never even thought about singing on stage.

"STRELKI": did not hesitate to expose their seductive bodies (photo from Playboy magazine)

My parents and I lived in Lytkarino, near Moscow. But my mother really wanted to move to Moscow. In the early 90s, she and her dad began to transport goods from abroad as “shuttle traders”. And at some point they promoted themselves very well. We bought an apartment in Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. And then there was a default, and all the money was covered with a copper basin. Dad couldn't stand it. He started beating my mother hard. One day I came home from school and found her in the kitchen with a broken head. After that, I didn’t communicate with my dad for seven years. I couldn't forgive him for this. Mom, after leaving the hospital, began drinking uncontrollably. There was nothing to live on. The apartment was taken to pay off debts. The only thing we have left is a small batch of shoes in our warehouse. And I, a 14-year-old girl, started selling it on the CSKA market. She earned good money. I rented an apartment. I paid for my mother’s treatment from a psychiatrist. In general, little by little I began to improve my life. And then on the TV show “Klipsa” I heard that they were recruiting girls for the group, and decided to try my luck.

All of us in a room

Did your work at Strelka live up to your expectations?

Where exactly! The producers bought themselves cars, apartments, houses... And we worked like horses. We visited Moscow for a maximum of two days a month and received pennies. We were paid $15 for a 20-minute performance. Behind solo concert lasting two hours - 200 each. This despite the fact that “Strelki” cost from $5,000 and above.

I am generally silent about the conditions in which I had to work. On tour, we were often accommodated in some hostel, seven of us in one room. And they didn’t even consider it necessary to feed. Moreover, they were constantly fined for being late and other offenses. Now that I’m working on the project myself, I understand that in fact the salary at Strelka was quite normal. After all, out of these 5,000 dollars, it was necessary to pay not only us, but also a bunch of people - the sound engineer, administrator, etc. In the end, the producers didn't have much left to do.

It's no secret that in women's groups like “Strelok”, participants usually live not from concerts, but from rich fans...

That's how it was with us. But this does not mean that someone was given to rich men for a piece of bread. There were still some feelings. For example, Velichkovsky really liked Yu-Yu (Yulia Dolgashova - M.F.). But she didn't like him. And she didn't sleep with him. And here is Margo (Maria Korneeva. - M.F.) and our sponsor Alexey Potapov, CEO paging company "WessoLink", experienced mutual feelings. And it ended with him marrying her.

Knocked all over your head

Former director strip club "Dreams" Andrei Ermonin recently told us that at one of the parties your group performed naked in front of the oligarchs and then splashed with them in the pool ("EG" No. 6, 2006). Was this also done for love? Or were you forced by the producers?

The producers had their own intrigues. Of course, there was no such thing that they could come and say: “You, you and you go and serve so and so.” But attempts, with the help of the group members, to establish contacts with someone from the right people really took place. I remember once we arrived at one radio station, and the producers told us: “If you want to be played here, decide who we will send out?” In principle, this is a normal situation for show business: if you want to be somewhere, you need to do this and that. But even if someone from Strelok was deported to someone, I know nothing about it. In any case, I personally did not participate in anything like that. I had the image of being slightly knocked over the head. Everyone liked that I was so cool. But no one perceived me as a girl. Perhaps that is why all these dirty deeds passed me by.

But what about the sensational billboards with your photographs and inviting inscriptions “Do you want? Call!” with which all of Moscow was hung? We then called, under the guise of customers, your director Vadim Fishman, and he directly said that after the performance it would be possible to agree with the group members on closer communication (“EG” No. 50, 2000).

When these shields appeared, we caused a scandal. They came and said: “Guys! Either you take them off, or we leave the group.” The producers were forced to remove the shields. We already put up with a lot. Take, say, filming in Playboy, because of which I almost quarreled with my boyfriend. Or the same “second cast” with the help of which producers organized Strelok concerts in several places simultaneously. We were simply presented with a fact: “Whether you like it or not, there will be 48 more trains.” This, of course, outraged us. But we had signed contracts, and we couldn’t rock the boat.

Married to an oligarch

Maybe the so-called second squads of Strelok were recruited to please wealthy clients?

It may well be. The participants of the “second cast” received less than us - from 50 to 100 bucks per performance. And at the same time they did not pretend to get into the main team. Then these new girls changed often - about once every six months. For example, I introduced Lana Timakova to Strelki. She gave the impression of a very modest girl. Imagine my amazement when they later told me about her stormy adventures with Serov, Agutin and other stars.

What was the fate of the main cast members?

The first - a year after the creation of the group - was Leah. She studied in the 3rd year of foreign language. Translated from Japanese into English and from English into Russian. I think she's doing very well now. Then Stasya left. Got pregnant by Dutchman Peter. And she became a respectable mother of the family. Now she and Peter already have three sons. Then Mouse left (Maria Solovyova - M.F.). She married Dmitry Lipskerov, writer, creator of the Twin Peaks and Drova restaurants, and member of the Public Chamber. They have a son and daughter. The producers persuaded the girls to stay. They promised to raise wages. But they couldn't hold them back. In the end, they took it out on the remaining ones - they all were fined. Like, they suffered losses and had to be compensated. And in September 2002, our contracts ended. Yu-Yu left first, who by that time had already recorded solo album and began performing under the name Beretta. After solo career Hera began (Svetlana Bobkina - M.F.). I didn't intend to leave. But the producers hired new girls and fired me. True, then they invited me to return. Tried to put it back together original composition. Everyone was called. But no one wanted to return. Apparently, they had enough to eat in seven years.

Dobry Mitrofanov

What did you do after leaving Strelok?

She spun as best she could. For example, at one time I worked as a development director at a dry cleaner. I found wholesale clients and received interest from this. Then everything came at me all at once - my dismissal from Strelok, and a quarrel with my boyfriend. It seemed to me that there was no way out. I got into the car, drove around Moscow for hours and looked for the license plate number of his car. As a result, my psyche could not stand it, and I devoured 20 phenazepam tablets. For my 35 kg live weight this was more than enough. I lay there, looked at the ceiling and thought: “I wish I could close my eyes soon!” This ceiling shook! Fortunately, my mother found me in time, called an ambulance, and they pumped me out. After that I started writing songs. Thus, I seemed to take out the accumulated pain from myself. And then my son Danila was born, and my life began to have meaning.

Who is the father of your child?

The same young man who made me attempt suicide. I started living with him, an ordinary student, while working at Strelka. Now this person has disappeared from my life. Recently he said that I am evil and he doesn’t want to live with me anymore. I'm actually kind. I'm just really tired. He's idle. And I am busy with the child, working, cooking, doing housework. Naturally, by the end of the day I’m already all on my nerves. But now I’m not particularly upset that he left.

How did it happen that you suddenly returned to the stage again?

Deputy Alexey Mitrofanov helped me. Back when I was working at Strelka, he once came up to me after a concert in Sochi, gave me a business card and asked me to call him. “Listen, leave Strelok,” he said when I called. - You are already a popular face. Let's do a project with you." He promised to settle all problems with the contract. But then I refused. And four years later I remembered this conversation. I offered Mitrofanov one of my songs as the LDPR anthem. He immediately invited me to his place at Metropol. My songs, however, did not interest him. But he introduced me to the guys from Tallinn, with whom I made the “Radiocat” project...


The other day, the Strelki group, at the invitation of Joseph Kobzon, performed in Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug as part of the singer and politician’s report on parliamentary work.

To their hits, teenagers and young people of the 1990s fell in love, broke up, were sad and had fun. Just think, 21 years have passed since then! the site offers to remember the first composition of the team and find out what the girls look like now.

Group "Strelki": history of origin and first composition

The Strelki first made themselves known in 1997. The producers of the group were inspired by the very popular “peppercorns” from the “Spice Girls” at that time. Igor Siliverstov and Leonid Velichkovsky decided that a similar project would also be successful in Russia, and they turned out to be right.

Seven charming girls were selected for the first group. They were Yulia Glebova, Svetlana Bobkina, Maria Korneeva, Ekaterina Kravtsova, Maria Solovyova, Anastasia Rodina and Liya Bykova.

We thought about the name of the group for a long time. Among the options proposed by the producers were “Alyonushki”, “Snow White”, “Nuns”, “Seliverstov and the Seven Girls”, “Lu-lu-toys”. The girls’ choreographer came up with a great idea, proposing to name the group “Strelki”. The decision was made unanimously.

The girls’ first songs were not popular, and for a long time no one wanted to promote or finance the project. In search of repertoire, several songs were released, but none of them were particularly impressive. So a year passed.

And in 1998, the song “At the Party” was released, which immediately became a hit and soared to the top of the most popular charts. That's where it all started.

Then there were “The First Teacher”, “Handsome”, “You Left Me”, “No Love” and other compositions. The girls became recognizable, each of their songs was obviously doomed to success.

Already in the early 2000s, the group’s producer changed, and then the soloists gradually began to leave the group. Due to the turnover, many faces were not remembered and the group slowly but surely began to lose its popularity.

Let's find out what the members of the Strelka group look like now, 20 years after their high-profile debut, and what they do.

Julia Beretta - Yu-Yu

In Strelki, Julia was known by her native last name - Glebova. Having said goodbye to her colleagues in 2002, she began solo career and began to call herself Julia Beretta.

Now the girl is 39 years old. She actively participates in various projects, continues to act in films and work solo on stage. Yulia is married and has a two-year-old son, Volodya.

Svetlana Bobkina - Hera

Sveta left the group in 2003 and became the lead singer of the “Bridge” duet. The group never became popular, and Bobkina tried herself in films. She has about 10 supporting roles in films. Hera did not become a movie star, but she looks very good in the episode. Now Svetlana Bobkina is 43 years old, she acts in films and periodically pleases fans with new songs.

Maria Korneeva - Margo

Margo left the group in 2002, got married and gave birth to a son. IN this moment the girl is not active social life and rarely appears in public.

Ekaterina Kravtsova - Radio Operator Kat

Katya broke up with her bandmates in the same 2002. She was fired. The producers felt that Radio Operator Kat's teenage girl image was no longer necessary.

Catherine's life was not easy. Troubles often happened to her, such as her husband going to prison, theft, and fraud. But she never changed her youth image.

Anastasia Rodina - Stasya

Rodina left show business and Strelok in 1999, having stayed on stage for only a year. Then she married a foreigner and moved to Holland. Now she practices yoga and teaches this art to other people.

"Strelki" are back!

In mid-2015, fans of the Strelki group learned that the new Strelki girls included Ekaterina “Radio Operator Kat” Kravtsova, Salome “Tori” Rossiver, Svetlana “Gera” Bobkina, Maria “Margot” Bibilova. In May 2016, the “golden line-up” of the group presented a video clip for the new composition “Man in Love.”

At the beginning of 2017, Salome "Tori" Rossiver left the group and the quartet became a trio. The girls are unlikely to be able to repeat their former popularity, but they have enough fans who will support their favorites, no matter what happens!

In March 2015, the ex-“Strelka” again appeared on TV screens, although now without musical accompaniment. Her husband, Sergei Lyubomsky, with whom she lived in a civil marriage for 15 years and raised two children, was accused of attempted murder of his own mistress, who recorded not only beatings, but also knife wounds. Kravtsova tried to justify her husband, but in September he was sent to prison for seven years. Already in the pre-trial detention center, the singer married Lyubomsky and continues to strive to prove his innocence, appealing one court decision after another. the site persuaded Ekaterina (which, believe me, was not easy) to openly talk about her relationship with Sergei.

“Sergei and I have known each other for about 20 years. We went to school together, although he was a class younger than me. Of course, there was no relationship then, we just communicated. Then our paths diverged - I transferred to another school. We met four years later. Accidentally. We just walked down the street and recognized each other. That’s how it all started, at that time I was already in Strelka. Later, Sergei flew to America to study. I was bound by a contract, he was bound by his studies, so for a year our relationship took place at a distance. But on weekends he could drop everything and fly to me for a few hours.

"September 11, 2001. When I found out about the terrible tragedy in New York, I almost went crazy - his institute was within walking distance from the twin towers. For five days I couldn’t get through to America. These were the most difficult five days - especially with my imagination. In my head I painted the most terrible pictures of what happened. When I finally heard his voice and realized that he was alive, it was the greatest happiness!”

In the same telephone conversation he said that he was flying to Moscow. I arrived at the airport and saw him with suitcases. He decided to quit his studies and return to Russia, which was a complete surprise to me. Over the course of a year, I got used to the idea that he was there and I was here. Sergei understood that no amount of persuasion would force me to move to America - here I had my own life and career, which I did not want to give up. So he dropped everything and came himself.

So we began to live together in Moscow. In 2002, when I was fired from the group, he was there. But then no one could get me out of the state in which I was. Of course, this was not the first loss in my life, but the first one so significant. I was in an emotional vacuum and for a long time I couldn’t get out of it. She kept repeating: “You don’t understand! It’s easy for you to say - you weren’t in my shoes!” Then the presence of Sergei in my life did not change anything, but only added disappointment.

“Later, I looked at everything from the other side and went into business - I opened a culinary business. Then Danka was born. Sergei and I chose the name long before pregnancy. Danila Sergeevich is the hero from “Brother”. Then Fedka appeared. At first I called my second son Nikita. And suddenly on the fifth day Sergei said that it was Fedor (smiles)».

For many years we lived together. Conflicts have happened, but who doesn’t have them? I have not seen a single family where everything is smooth. However, it seemed to me that we were doing well. They say that when a man cheats, a woman immediately feels it. Intuitively. It’s all the more surprising to me that for many years I had no idea about the existence of another woman in Sergei’s life.

I found out about the betrayal in June 2013. By accident. Our family is not in the habit of looking into each other’s phones; we have never set passwords. But then something clicked inside me - at night Sergei received a text message, I took his phone and read the message several times, still not understanding what was written there. At first I thought it was his mother writing. I re-read it. I re-read it again. Finally I realized that this didn’t look like my mother.

Then I found a photograph of a child - it was much worse. Cheating for me is an act that you can come to terms with. We are all people - impulsive, malleable. Especially men. Most betrayals happen out of stupidity. But the presence of a child indicates the seriousness of what is happening.

“I woke up Sergei and asked who was in the photo. He immediately replied that it was his son (the boy was born in 2011, - website note). I listened to him calmly, although it was only apparent calm - completely different emotions were raging inside me. I went upstairs, somehow waited until morning, gathered the children and went to see dad.”

Sergei arrived a week later, we talked for a long time about how we should live further. He assured me that there was no relationship with this “Ksyusha” (that’s the name of Sergei’s mistress - website note) he doesn’t have one, but he will provide for the child. He said that we were his family and asked for forgiveness. And I forgave. At that moment, I thought not as a woman, but as a mother - I wanted the children to live with their dad. It was decided that I was returning, and he was doing everything possible to make me forget about the betrayal.

So we existed quietly for about six months, during which time if she appeared in our lives, it was only for financial matters. I don’t know if she loved Sergei, but all her manifestations concerned one thing. It seems to me that it is low to destroy someone else’s family because of money. Everything will come back to her - I believe in the boomerang effect.

“Six months later, in February 2014, Sergei left me for her. It was not easy for me to accept this, but I did not try to return him. For what? I took a step forward, but there was no response. Our breakup did not affect the children: they also saw their father, as before. At first, the sons didn’t even realize that their dad no longer lived with them.”

They lived together for about a year. Before New Year's holidays Sergei decided to return to his family. I didn’t ask anything then, but simply accepted him back. I was thinking about children, which may not be entirely correct. And my feelings for him have not gone away.

We decided to get married and looked for a church that would do it without a stamp in the passport. From the age of 15 I knew for sure that I would have three children: two boys and a girl. We have sons, and we were talking about our daughter. But higher powers decreed otherwise.

A month and a half after Sergei’s return, his conflict with Ksenia occurred (Ekaterina talks about an incident that occurred on February 2, 2015. According to investigators, Sergei was waiting for Ksenia at the entrance of her house. When she approached the apartment, he hit her in the face, breaking her nose, and then inflicted multiple stab wounds. Before that, he had threatened to kill her mother, - website note).

“When I found out about the beating, I was shocked, because such aggression should have been visible in Sergei’s behavior all the time. But I never noticed anything like that about him. It was the other way around: I, as an emotional person, could throw keys at him, hit him, but (!) I never received anything in response.”

It is difficult to say what exactly happened that day. I wasn't there. I know that Sergei was infuriated by the appearance of Ksenia’s boyfriend (we're talking about about Pavel Pyatnitsky, - approx. website). There are bad rumors about this man; there are many unpleasant facts about his life on the Internet. They are freely available, anyone can study and form their own opinion about a person.

Ksenia is raising a child, Sergei, and it is understandable that he was concerned about such a fan of hers. She personally sent him links to information about her boyfriend. For what purpose is unclear. But from the outside it looked like a provocation. Naturally, he felt the child was threatened. I assume that during the meeting she said something that offended him manhood and thus drove me crazy.

Yes, he really beat her, but his actions were considered many times more serious than what actually happened. I don’t know about the knife wounds attributed to Sergei... She had a small abrasion on her face, but it is not known exactly where it came from. There is a medical examination, the report of which says that Ksenia suffered minor harm to her health. As a result, his actions were regarded as attempted murder... This defies any logic. I get the impression that someone tried to ensure that a more severe sentence was passed. What else to think when a criminal case is initiated under Article 116 (beatings - website note) and in three days it develops into article 105 (attempted murder - website note)?..

“The trial in Sergei’s case lasted from May to September 2015. For me, the worst thing was not even the day of the verdict - the worst thing was to hear at one of the hearings that the prosecutor was demanding a sentence of imprisonment for a period of 11 years and three months. This was the first time I cried. The lawyers tried to calm me down, they said that they would figure out how to get him out. I didn’t hear anything - the numbers 11 and 3 were spinning in my head.”

In the end, he was sentenced to seven years. The fact that the deadline was missed did not make it any easier, believe me. For Sergei's actions, a fine of 5,000 rubles is imposed. Is there a difference - 5,000 rubles or 7 years of life?.. Yes, he did something bad, he hit a woman, but it’s not worth so many years behind bars.

When the proceedings in Sergei’s case were just beginning, he made me an offer through a lawyer, and I responded positively. 12 years later. To be honest, there was no particular romance in our decision to get married. By the fact that I became his legal wife, Sergei freed my hands. Until we were in an official relationship, I was not allowed to go on dates with him, and even the presence of common children was not an argument for the investigator.

We signed on April 25, 2015. I try not to remember this day - everything was so terrible. A day before the wedding, my friend convinced me to buy Wedding Dress. I succumbed to her argument that this was my first (and hopefully last) wedding. With difficulty, we still found a suitable outfit, and the next day I went to the pre-trial detention center. An unpleasant atmosphere reigned: a million checks, searches at every step. I remembered one corridor along which I was led for the rest of my life. It is divided by bars: building workers, lawyers and visitors walk on one side, and prisoners are led along the other, and they are there like hunted animals. The 30 minutes I spent there was enough for me to understand what circles of hell they were going through.

“I was taken to the interrogation room, where the registry office employee and Sergei were already waiting. During the ceremony, his handcuffs were removed. In addition to us, there were two more guards in the room. They allowed me to put the ring on his finger, although I later took it off. After the wedding, we were not allowed to talk; he was taken away almost immediately.”

After the court decision came into force (this happened in January 2016), Sergei was transferred (transported in custody - website note) to Mordovia. Dates with him are regulated - no more than twice a year, that is, you cannot go to him whenever you want. We write letters to each other. The fact that he is far away complicates everything. I have an eternal bustle between courts, concerts, family, so there is no romance in my letters. I briefly describe what happened during this time, how his business is progressing, how the boys are growing up.

We didn’t lie to our sons about where their dad was. Maybe someone will judge me, but I believe that children should know the truth. There is no point in creating illusions - this is life. Once I even went on a date with them to the pre-trial detention center. When the sons saw dad on the other side of the glass, the eldest became hysterical, so we decided not to bring them anymore.

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