Vlad Kadoni personal life and biography. It became known who Vlad Kadoni is dating Vlad Kadoni increased his manhood

Former participant in the paranormal show “Battle of Psychics” Vlad Kadoni hid his affair with its producer for four years. This became known only after the young man became the star of the show “Dom-2”, reports “Gossip Chronicle”.

Personal life of one of the most bright participants show about psychics and the Dom-2 project, 30-year-old Vlad Kadoni has long been shrouded in conflicting rumors: the man was often credited with having affairs with beauties from a popular television series. Vlad himself repeatedly told reporters in vivid colors about his romantic relationship with Valeria Gai Germanika, as well as the participants of “House-2”: Inna Volovicheva and Nelly Ermolaeva. But, despite public declarations of love to girls, Kadoni was more than once accused of showing off.

However, as journalists managed to find out, there is no longer any doubt about the orientation of the participant and host of popular television projects, because his four-year secret relationship with the producer of the “Battle of Psychics” became public knowledge.

The magician met Anna Devitskaya, who is 8 years older than him, on the set of the show, and when management found out about their romance, the girl left her position for the sake of love. Recently, the star couple went on vacation to Dalaman, after which they posted some photos on social network Instagram.

Since then, Anna and Vlad can rarely be seen together in public. The couple does not attend social events, and chooses restaurants that are as closed as possible from prying eyes. Only during a vacation thousands of kilometers away from the bustling capital do lovers allow themselves to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Thus, Life journalists had Kadoni and Devitskaya’s tickets for the Moscow-Dalaman plane at their disposal: the couple spent a romantic vacation in one of the luxury hotels in Turkey, renting a villa. During his vacation, the showman published several intriguing photographs on his Instagram showing parts of Anna’s body, but the host of “House-2” did not show his companion’s face.

When journalists contacted the showman and asked for a comment about the affair with Anna Devitskaya, he did not deny the relationship, but did not give details.

"That's mine personal life, which I do not intend to discuss in the press. I apologize, but I have nothing more to say about this,” the magician said about his affair with the ex-producer of “Battle of Psychics.”

Let us remind you that during his participation in the TV show, Vlad Kadoni was credited with having affairs with Valeria Gai Germanika and Dom-2 participants Inna Volovicheva and Nelly Yarmolaeva. There were also rumors about the sympathy that the psychic has for men, but these speculations were not confirmed.

Vlad Kadoni – hereditary psychic, occultist, psychologist, participant in the 6th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, finalist and winner of 3rd place in the 11th season of the same project.

Ex-participant and current TV presenter of “House-2”. Thanks to his shocking antics and provocative behavior, Kadoni’s persona is still surrounded by many myths and speculations.

Childhood and youth

On August 28, 1986, a son was born on the outskirts of Novosibirsk the strongest witch Siberia – . The woman gave birth to her first child at the age of 18 and named him Victor (later, having officially changed his first and last name, he would become Vlad Kadoni). According to the zodiac sign, the newborn turned out to be Virgo. Victor did not know his own father. The parents did not live together for long. The man died shortly after his birth. A couple of years later, the boy’s mother remarried and gave birth to two more children – Dmitry and Lev.

As a child, Vlad planned to become a priest. However, disappointed in Christian religion, decided to take up black magic. It was the mother, the winner of the 13th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” who introduced her beloved child to the occult sciences and developed the child’s gift of clairvoyance.

From the biography of the ex-participant of “House-2” it is known that, in addition to the esoteric and average, the showman also has behind him higher education: Vlad is a certified psychologist. Even before leaving his home, the young man thought about a new name and surname. His pseudonym has nothing to do with the psychic’s nationality. Kadoni in the language that the magician himself invented means “warlock.”

After moving to Moscow, Kadoni spent a long time helping people solve problems by providing paid services“of a magical nature” (he cast love spells, got rid of the crown of celibacy, caused damage). The young man understood that without advertising his business would soon wither away. The aspiring sorcerer decided to make himself known publicly and went to the casting of the “Battle of Psychics.”

The fight of extrasensories

The first time the hereditary sorcerer came to the show was in 2008 (season 6). From the first minutes, Kadoni positioned himself as a black magician, but no one took the skinny 21-year-old guy, 171 cm tall and weighing 68 kg, seriously. The esotericist has more than once entered into confrontations with the TV presenter.

The skeptical magician spoke impartially not only about the magician’s abilities, but also harshly commented on the psychic’s appearance. Yes, because of a faithful companion young man(the esotericist took a spider to test) the brothers agreed among themselves to call the warlock “Spiderman.”

Vlad Kadoni and Sergei Safronov

Despite criticism from the jury and viewers, the mystic managed to enter the top five and leave the project with his head held high.

After two and a half years, having gained experience, the young man returned to the show. Already at the selection test, a conflict arose between the black magician Vlad Kadoni and the parapsychologist: the follower did not understand why the “House-2” participant went beyond the television set. In his opinion, a person who, in front of an audience of millions, was engaged in “building relationships” had no right to claim the title of “The best psychic in the country.” Kadoni did not react in any way to the loud statements of his “colleague” and treated what was happening around him with irony.

Vlad Kadoni in the show "Battle of Psychics"

At the first test, the self-confident brunette had to come face to face with his old acquaintance Sergei Safronov. Then Vlad did not find the man in the car, and the illusionist, who wanted to demonstrate the sorcerer’s failure to the fullest, came up with an additional task for the esotericist. He chose a girl from the crowd and asked the psychic to tell everyone present about her life.

The magician spoke in general phrases, but after a short clairvoyance session, the impressed young lady asked the sorcerer to meet with her personally. The skeptic, even after success, refused to admit that Vlad had some kind of paranormal abilities. Throughout the season, the magician showed his disdain for Kadoni and even on the day of the final, as a mockery, he put on a T-shirt with the image of his “friend.”

Although Vlad never found common ground with Safronov, he still became a people's favorite. In the 11th “Battle of Psychics” the “warlock” took an honorable 3rd place.

"House 2"

Kadoni became a participant in the scandalous TV show in February 2009. The young man came to the show not for love, but for PR. Vlad immediately realized that building relationships was not promising. To attract attention to his person, the sorcerer chose the path of “war and destruction.” Kadoni decided to discredit the white magician in the eyes of the public at all costs.

And if the fight for the title" the best psychic At home-2” the young man won without difficulty, but the esotericist failed to get the title of “Honoured Intrigue of the Project”.

Vlad Kadoni in the show "Dom-2"

When the weaving of intrigues did not work out, Kadoni decided to show an audience of millions how to build love. At first, the magician’s expression of feelings did not go well. His first chosen one turned out to be not as perfect as Kadoni wanted, therefore, having settled in a VIP house, the young man did not miss the opportunity to scold the girl for her shortcomings or teach her about life. Nellie could not stand it and changed her companion to a more accommodating candidate. In the new union she developed bright and long relationship, and the medium had to start looking for a new passion.

Most bright novel the psychic was with a girl who initially came to the project with his “occult competitor.” The relationship began long before the young people officially declared themselves a couple. While in touch with Wentz, Inna began going on dates with Vlad in secret from everyone.

The black magician became the reason why the owner curvaceous I decided to change my appearance. But along with extra pounds Romance and mutual understanding disappeared from the lives of lovers. Frequent scandals caused the couple to separate in 2010.

In the same year, the public was shocked by the news that the guy had increased his manhood. According to Vlad, he decided to have the operation not because of a lack of centimeters, but because of a natural desire for perfection.

Vlad Kadoni became the host of "House-2"

Having won the title “Person of the Year” in 2011 largely due to conflict situation since, which the public disliked, the outrageous guy left the television set. Already in 2015 he returned back, trying on a new role - presenter.

Coming to Dom-2 increased the psychic’s army of fans and allowed him to get his teeth in order in 2017, acquiring a Hollywood smile. Among other things, a well-paid job helped the showman purchase a townhouse located 10 km from the outskirts of the capital with a mortgage.

In addition to the fact that Vlad is now the current host of a scandalous TV show and often stars in other projects on the TNT channel, the man manages to develop his business outside of the TV cameras. The aspiring entrepreneur opened a luxury perfume boutique in the fall of 2016, and a beauty salon in early 2017. The establishments have a good reputation and now bring the ex-participant of the reality show a stable income.

Personal life

The showman's personal life has always been shrouded in an aura of mystery. Kadoni was credited with having affairs with both participants in the television production (,), and with the provocative director. At one time it was even rumored that the sorcerer had a wife and children.

In 2015, Vlad dotted all the i's. That year, the shocking man became the host of Dom-2. The charming brunette was popular among the fairer sex. To rid yourself of excessive attention“house” young ladies, the magician publicly declared that his heart was occupied, and there was no need to waste time trying to achieve his favor.

After that in "Instagram"“Warlock”, photos began to appear with enviable regularity in which the psychic’s beloved appeared.

True, the arms, legs, and shoulders of the chosen one fell into the lens, but the face remained out of the reach of the camera. The esotericist seemed to mock the fans. Representatives of the media, like the fans, did not like this “game”, and they set themselves the goal: to find out the name at all costs mysterious stranger.

Vlad Kadoni and his girlfriend Anna Devitskaya

In 2016, information reached the press that the mystic and his girlfriend were going on a joint trip to Turkey. Nosy journalists managed to get hold of the list of passengers on the flight, and after “mathematical calculations,” the name of the psychic’s beloved was revealed to the public. She turned out to be Anna Devitskaya. Soon Vlad admitted that his girlfriend is a non-public person, she doesn’t even have her own profile on Instagram.

Later, in an interview with StarHit magazine, Kadoni briefly spoke about the 6-year love story and that he met his “soul mate” at the “Battle of Psychics” (at that time Devitskaya was a producer mystical show).

Union star couple and has not lost its relevance to this day. But Kadoni still has not proposed to Anna, although he has already shared his plans for the future with reporters. According to the showman, for 10 years he plans to continue his television career, open a school of conflict management and acquire heirs. He dreams of instilling in his children a love of sports and healthy image life.

It is reliably known that famous psychic continues to practice esotericism. However, people get an appointment with a magician solely through the patronage of friends.

Despite his busy work schedule, Kadoni does not forget about his fans: every day he posts on the Internet both video clips of the behind-the-scenes life of Dom-2 and photographs of everyday realities.

Vlad Kadoni at the "Battle of Psychics"

The popular showman often becomes a participant in television shows on other television channels in the country. After the psychic, the psychic became the only colleague of the deceased who attended the “Let Them Talk” program dedicated to her death. Kadoni spoke with respect of the girl and in every possible way defended her from the attacks of critics.

The magician also monitors the performances of his colleagues. After making a critical comment about the participants recent seasons“Battles of psychics” Vlad posted an angry post on the microblog, in which he called the words of the medium “unpleasant self-promotion.”

The reality show “Dom-2” still occupies a major place in Vlad’s life. As part of the project, in the summer of 2018, the TV show “Borodina vs. Buzova” was launched, in which 2 popular TV presenters adhering to different life principles, must sort things out.

Vlad Kadoni was invited to observe the process, and... Judging by the medium’s Instagram, his favorite was. The psychic posts joint photos with the TV personality, despite the fact that he previously spoke critically about the girl. Fans of the magician consider the demonstration of the idol’s tender feelings to be a lie and express their opinions in the comments to the posts.

Vlad Kadoni told reporters about his girlfriend. Her name is Anna Devitskaya - she former producer on the project Battle of Psychics. And they have already had a long-term relationship for almost five years, which they carefully and skillfully hid, and only recently they were noticed together vacationing in Turkey, and therefore questions immediately arose for Vlad. Vlad said that he did not like media interference in his personal life and therefore tried to hide his relationship with Anna Devitskaya, but still he admitted to journalists that he dearly loved his girlfriend and tried to protect her from all kinds of gossip.

Finally, the secret became clear and Kadoni himself told the press about his beloved girl, it turns out that he had been dating Anna Devitskaya for many years, who was a producer on the TNT channel in the Battle of Psychics program, where he met her when he took part in the show.

Anna is older than him, but this does not bother the lovers at all. Kadoni said that his revelation is the first and last, he will not tell any more details, considering that this is his personal territory. But now he won’t hide his girlfriend’s face on Instagram. And Vlad also says that he is very happy and completely satisfied with this relationship.

True or not, it is unknown, but Vlad Kadoni himself admitted in one of his interviews that he has been dating Anna Devitskaya for six years. Anna also previously worked for TNT and was a producer of the show Battle of Psychics. Basically, they met on this show.

They have an age difference of eight years (Anna is older), Vlad says that he loves her, but does not want to advertise the relationship.

Or maybe it’s all PR, image and there’s no woman next to him.

Psychic and host of the Dom-2 project Vlad Kadoni has been dating Anna Devitskaya, eight years older than Vlad, for quite some time. The woman used to be the producer of the Battle of Psychics, where Kadoni participated. The couple hid their relationship, but it’s still difficult for public people, the press is lurking at every turn. As you know, Anna and Vlad recently vacationed together in Turkey.

Walks a lot various rumors about the girl Kadoni, most people think that this is some kind of girl from the TV project DOM-2, someone thinks that this is Natalya Banteeva from the Battle of Psychics, but in fact this is just PR for Vlad, that’s all, but in fact he is alone, like was always there in principle.

Perhaps this girl that Vlad protects so much is Natalya Banteeva.

A month ago they were spotted kissing at a party.

Judging by the way he described her, his mysterious lady, she fits exactly this description.

No one knows for sure, but there are suspicions that this is Evgenia Schmitd, former member At home 2. They showed up at the new restaurant Sweet Life, willingly posed for cameras, but it is not known whether this is exactly his girlfriend.

Unfortunately, this is what Vlad Kadoni attracted attention to, allegedly his soulmate is a secret sealed with seven seals.

And everyone is looking for who his beloved is, about whom he is silent.

In one of the interviews, Vlad said that he could not reveal the secret, because many would not understand his girlfriend from another society and his connection with her, but one of Kadoni’s close friends let slip that he had no one, he needed it for the sake of PR , and it’s true, he’s alone at all the social parties, and he’s constantly hugging someone, if he had a girlfriend, she obviously wouldn’t like it.

But these are all rumors, as it really is unknown, these stars are difficult to understand.

Although Vlad himself once said that it is difficult for him to find such a person to love him more than himself, I will believe this, so I think that his friend is right.

Vlad Kadoni has a girlfriend and has been for quite some time.

For four years he has been dating ex-producer of the Battle of Psychics Anna Devitskaya, who is eight years older than Vlad.

They never advertised their relationship, did not attend various social events together, Vlad appeared alone everywhere, and they most often met in closed restaurants or went to foreign resorts.

Vlad and Anna met on a show of paranormal possibilities.

The company's management, noticing these relationships that went beyond workers, presented Devitskaya with a choice - work or love, and Anna chose Vlad.

Vlad himself never talks about his personal life, preferring not to let the curious into it. I don’t think that he is embarrassed by the age of his beloved, he probably just doesn’t want unnecessary publicity.

Vlad Kadoni hides this information. Neither his Instagram nor the news of the Dom-2 TV project says who his girlfriend is. They tried to set him up with Deryabina, but nothing worked out - he said that he did not want to turn his relationship into window dressing and another show.

The personal life of one of the most prominent participants in the show about psychics and the Dom-2 project, 30-year-old Vlad Kadoni, has long been shrouded in conflicting rumors: the man was often credited with having affairs with beauties from the popular TV show. Vlad himself repeatedly told reporters in vivid colors about his romantic relationship with Valeria Gai Germanika, as well as the participants of “House-2”: Inna Volovicheva and Nelly Ermolaeva. But, despite public declarations of love to girls, Kadoni was more than once accused of showing sympathy for men.

For the last four years, Vlad has been carefully hiding his new passion from inquisitive journalists. However, Life We managed to find out that the chosen one of the 30-year-old magician and showman was 38-year-old Anna Devitskaya, a former producer of the “Battle of Psychics.” According to a source close to the couple, the lovers met on the set. However The relationship between the TV show participant and its organizer began only after Anna’s dismissal. The project management, having learned about the budding romance, gave the producer a strict ultimatum to prevent the leakage of information about the tests for psychics. As a result Devitskaya sacrificed her favorite job for the sake of a man dear to her heart. Since then, Anna and Vlad can rarely be seen together in public. The couple does not attend social events, and chooses restaurants that are as closed as possible from prying eyes. Only during a vacation thousands of kilometers away from the bustling capital do lovers allow themselves to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Thus, Life had at its disposal tickets for Kadoni and Devitskaya on the Moscow-Dalaman plane: the couple spent a romantic vacation in one of the luxury hotels in Turkey, renting a villa. During his vacation, the showman published several intriguing photographs on his Instagram showing parts of Anna’s body, but the host of “House-2” did not show his companion’s face.

Life contacted Vlad Kadoni, who did not deny his relationship with Anna Devitskaya.

This is my personal life, which I do not intend to discuss in the press. I apologize, but I have nothing more to say about this,” the magician commented on his romance with the ex-producer of “Battle of Psychics.”

Journalists brought the star of the projects “Battle of Psychics” and “Dom-2” Vlad Kadoni to clean water. The magician tried in vain to hide his long affair with the producer of a show about clairvoyants from the ubiquitous paparazzi.

If TV viewers had found out that a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” had an affair with the producer of the project, a scandal would have been inevitable. The public would question all of Kadoni's test results. If he has his own person among the channel’s employees, many would doubt the honesty of the parapsychologist and occult practitioner, as Vlad positions himself.


That is why, according to journalists, the project management fired the psychic’s sweetheart in order to prevent the leakage of information about tests for clairvoyants.

According to the website Life.ru, 38-year-old Anna Devitskaya became the chosen one of 30-year-old Kadoni. She worked as a producer of "Battle of Psychics". The young people saw each other film set. Having fallen in love with the witcher, the lady sacrificed her work for the sake of simple female happiness when her sweetheart is nearby.

Vlad and Anna successfully hid their relationship for four years. The occult practitioner took the girl thousands of kilometers away from prying eyes. Once Kadoni arranged a romantic vacation for his beloved in one of the luxury hotels in Turkey, renting a villa.

Photo published by Vladislav Kadoni (@domkadoni) Dec 27 2016 at 6:31 PST

It is noteworthy that Kadoni is known as a loving guy. There were rumors about his romantic relationship with the shocking director Valeria Gai Germanika and Dom-2 participants Inna Volovicheva and Nelly Ermolaeva. And some also gossiped that the magician showed interest in representatives of his own sex.

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