Victoria Rydos is a psychic witch from a famous school. Victoria Rydos - biography, information, personal life Victoria Rydos gossip

It is still unknown exactly when the world-famous witch was actually born. The mystery of this date and the biography of Victoria Rydos is shrouded in rumors and controversy. A woman is not always ready to flaunt the details of her personal life and the lives of her loved ones. In this regard, the biography of psychic Victoria Raidos is very fragmentary and filled with magical contradictions.

Birth and beginning of the magical path

The most accurate date of birth for Victoria is December 27, 1976. If you believe the data from the biography, how old is Victoria Raidos, it’s easy to calculate - 41 years.

There are rumors that the girl’s psychic abilities were passed on from her grandmother, who led little Victoria into the mysterious world of sorcery under her guardianship. However, even from the symbols of the birth of a girl, it was obvious that Rhydos had a natural predisposition to hypersensitive perception outside world. Victoria was born in the year of the Dragon under the zodiac sign of Capricorn, one of whose patrons is Satan himself.

Childhood and youth of the future witch

Certain data from the personal biography of Victoria Raidos, starting with the year of her birth, is still completely unknown. The clairvoyant does not like to talk about her family for various reasons. But fans were still lucky enough to find out something about the winner of the “Battle of Psychics.” The future witch was born in the northern capital of Russia, St. Petersburg (then Leningrad), where the famous Raidos continues to live to this day. Victoria's father is Herman, and her mother is Claudia. My own grandmother Zinaida had the not entirely feminine and magical profession of a design engineer, but even this did not hinder her skill in sorcery.

Victoria and her connection with her grandmother

It was Victoria's own grandmother Raidos Zinaida who introduced her granddaughter to mysterious world of magic. Was Zinaida a strong witch? History, like Victoria herself, is silent about this. But Rhydos with youth was superior in many ways to her close relative. Despite high achievements, Victoria decided not to stop at the achieved result. Therefore, she constantly improved her skills and expanded the scope of her activities.

Magic Rhydos

From the biography of Victoria Raidos, it became known that at the very beginning of her magical activity, the sorceress decided to test all methods exclusively on herself. At the next stage, when the young witch gained confidence in her witchcraft abilities and determination in her actions, Victoria began to help friends, relatives, and subsequently strangers who needed her help.

When she acquired a wealth of knowledge and practical skills, the witch’s collection was replenished with the first official documents (diplomas) from schools of esotericism, confirming the girl’s extraordinary abilities. This gave Victoria a chance to take the path to open extrasensory perception and healing practice.

Relationship with Natalya Banteeva

In addition to grandmother Zinaida, another well-known witch throughout the country, Natalya Banteeva, was directly related to the professionalism of Raidos. Occasionally, Victoria straightforwardly stated that before women worked collectively and were even close friends - this is a confirmed fact from the biography of Victoria Raidos. In the photo, Natalya and Victoria are two winners of different seasons of the television project “Battle of Psychics.”

But after a certain time, each of the witches began their own path in the world of magic. Although they did not completely break off their relationship.

Participation in the TV show “Battle of Psychics”

Having weighed all her possibilities, Victoria Raidos decided to put them to the test by participating in the television project “Battle of Psychics”.

It was in the show that television viewers found out that while working, the witch has the skill of making contact with the spirits of deceased people. Victoria always has a book (notepad) with her, with the help of which this direct relationship is accomplished. From the afterlife, Raidos senses signs unknown to mere mortals, which help her see the past and predict the fate of living people who turn to her for help.

Life is now

Unusually, the witch turns to Tarot cards in her work. Moreover, Victoria is fluent in the technique of fortune-telling. Today, the psychic teaches a set of personal methods of prediction using Tarot cards. Clairvoyant Victoria shares her knowledge with interested people and helps to accurately interpret the meaning of the cards that appear.

Family life

Personal life outside of work in the biography of Victoria Raidos is her family, relatives and friends. They are banned from discussion in the media. A woman does not like to talk about her family. However, it became known that Victoria was married twice. Some time after the divorce from her first husband, Victoria met a man 6 years younger than herself and connected her life with him, getting married a second time.

Vasily Boykov, the current husband of the clairvoyant Victoria, has his own law firm. Not in an instant, but he accepted the fact that magic occupied the main place in his wife’s activities. The married couple is raising a daughter, Varvara, and little son. Varya - incredible creative person: reads a lot of books, has a passion for modeling and draws quite often.

It also became known that the woman prefers to have Sphynx cats at home. Close friends married couple A little. The witch is sociable and quite easily finds mutual language with anyone, but prefers to give his all free time husband and children. After all, family is the most important thing in the life of a psychic.

Victoria Raidos spoke about her criminal record from her biography in one of the episodes of the sixteenth season of the TV show “Battle of Psychics,” in which the woman participated. There she admitted to being addicted to drugs in past life.


To demonstrate your magical skills in television project“Battle of Psychics” Victoria agreed as an exception.

The jury team and those watching were shocked many times by the unique gift of the medium. With each test, it was noticeable that Victoria's abilities were improving incredibly.

Participating in the TV show “Battle of Psychics,” Victoria Raidos, whose biography interests us, entered into a fight with worthy opponents and was able to take the podium.

Advice from Victoria - winner of the “Battle of Psychics” project

For a happy and successful life, Victoria calls for adherence to the conditions that the witch describes with all the subtleties in her book “The Cult of Ancestors. The power of our blood." It is necessary to visit your deceased family members at the cemetery as often as possible, and in difficult moments turn to them for help. It is undesirable to be afraid of dead people and shed tears for them. According to the witch, the task of the relatives who have left us is to support the loved ones who remain in this world. However, they also need help from living relatives.

What does the surname say?

If you carefully analyze Victoria’s surname, it is not difficult to find the curious combination “rice”. Translated from in English this word means “to pass through a sieve.” In his own activities, the medium acts this way. She thoroughly examines the visitors who turn to her, only she looks at them not through a sieve, but through her soul.

  • the clairvoyant prefers to hide her age, so the date of birth is probably known only to close friends and relatives. Although, in fairness, we note that such “cockroaches” visit the heads of not only witches, but also the most ordinary women;
  • however, some fans of Victoria’s activities assure that she was born in 1976, but there is no guarantee that the information is reliable. For several years now, Raidos has been teaching courses in Tarot fortune-telling, and also does not forget to constantly develop herself in her favorite activity;
  • She began her first steps in magic under the guidance of her grandmother, and later met Natalya Banteeva, who to this day helps her in communicating with the other world and supports her in all her endeavors.

Personal life

  1. Victoria's personal life has always been shrouded in mystery. The woman prefers not to advertise the details of matters of the heart, and such restrictions apply not only to the media, but also to acquaintances who are not too close to Raidos’ circle.
  2. Despite all attempts to hide her relationship from the eyes of a wide audience, fans still managed to find out that she has a husband and daughter, Varvara.
  3. By the way, at the time of the tests in the Battle, the girl was only 2 years old.

Participation in a television show

The witch was noticed in the 16th season of the Battle and did not immediately find her place. For some reason, many did not take her seriously, although she passed even the most difficult tests much better than others. After just a couple of episodes, viewers realized that there would definitely be a place for her in the finals.

By the way, she even managed to surprise the skeptic Safronov. Despite the variety of strong competitors, Rydos's main rival was Marilyn Kerro, an Estonian witch. But no external factors prevented her from snatching her victory and proving her extraordinary abilities.

Secrets of the St. Petersburg witch

One of the episodes of BE especially shocked the public, because a participant in the struggle admitted that she had problems with the law. Of course, she chose to remain silent about the details of the crime, but she still spoke about the suspended sentence. It also became known that the sorceress could well have received several years in a colony, but a competent lawyer was able to save her from a terrible court decision.

Particularly attentive viewers of the program have put forward several theories regarding the reasons for the criminal record, among which we have identified several of the most probable:

  1. This is due to gambling, which led to serious financial difficulties.
  2. I could have a hand in this case ex-husband witches.
  3. And, of course, drugs, addiction to which has already forced Victoria to do stupid things.

Raidos has repeatedly emphasized to the public that they should not be afraid of the dead, wait for their arrival like a terrible plague.

It is the dead, according to Victoria, who can help us in earthly affairs, warn us of danger and save us from a terrible fate. To always be under the control of the other world, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • don't cry for the dead. Your tears will play cruel joke both with you and with the deceased;
  • visit the graves of your relatives as often as possible so that they feel your support;
  • in a difficult life situation, do not be afraid to contact the dead - they will definitely give a sign, or come in a dream.

Keeping these “covenants,” as the clairvoyant says, will help you live your life happily and as safely as possible.


  • It is extremely difficult to call Victoria open and sociable - she rarely makes new acquaintances and prefers to contact only her family. According to the BE participant, family is the most important thing for any person;
  • the same goes for social networks. When the woman’s popularity increased, scammers rushed to take advantage of this great opportunity and created dozens of pages. It was from these accounts that criminals offered help to desperate people in exchange for a large sum;
  • Of course, these machinations have nothing to do with Rydos herself. Like almost all popular psychics, the heroine of our article does not conduct meetings online - no fortune telling by photo of the hand, love spells by date of birth and other nonsense. She prefers to contact clients in person and willingly makes appointments through her website.

The witch is partial to Sphynx cats. According to our data, several such animals live in her house.

  1. The current marriage is the second in a row - the relationship with the first husband showed a deep crack and the couple separated.
  2. Vasily Boykov, which is the name of Victoria’s wife, could not come to terms with his wife’s unusual abilities for a long time.
  3. Grandmother Zinaida, who taught Raidos witchcraft, worked as an engineer at a factory.
  4. The clairvoyant is most lucky in the casino, which she repeatedly talked about in her interview.
  5. The sorceress was born in the year of the Dragon under the sign of Capricorn. This combination is a sign of Satan.
  6. A company of St. Petersburg witches, led by Natalya Banteeva, are participating in an educational project, within the framework of which they open people’s eyes - everyone can master psychic abilities.

What do you think about Victoria Rydos? Write your answers in the comments.

Victoria Raidos is a practicing witch who won the 16th season of the show “Battle of Psychics,” demonstrating very good results in each episode. At the same time, she is a student of the very famous witch Natalia Banteeva.

In the article:

Victoria Raidos and her patron Natalya Banteeva

Victoria Rydos does not hide the fact that she is a representative of the coven of a well-known witch. This is a quite popular clairvoyant among people who participated in the 9th season of the “Battle of Psychics”.

Victoria Raidos and Natalya Banteeva

On the Internet, the witch is often called Banteeva’s good friend. But more often she is considered one of the activists of the coven. As part of Natalia Banteeva’s movement called “Wake Up,” a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” project traveled to many cities. It is known that in 2013, Victoria, together with Natalya Banteeva, gave a four-hour lecture on this project. This movement is for those who are ready to “wake up” and realize that they have supernatural powers. According to Banteeva, this is accessible to everyone.

The main goal of this project is to create a new world where people are able to exist consciously. According to Natalya, society should be based on the laws of interaction between people, nature, space, the mutual awakening of each person and the spread of goodness.

In one of the episodes, Victoria Raidos denies friendship with Natalya Banteeva, especially her patronage. Indeed, unlike Tatyana Larina, she came to the casting without Natalya. But the network contains many photographs of posters for joint events with Banteeva, as well as photographs and other materials.

In one of the episodes, Victoria said that she did not quarrel with Natalya, but their paths diverged. She did not hide the fact that she was connected by friendship with her; she had joint experience working with the witch. The latter was proven by one of the tests, to pass which you had to find a photo of Julia Wang among the photos of the other winners of different seasons of the “Battle of Psychics.” Victoria Raidos immediately found out where the photo of Natalya Banteeva was located.

It is known that Victoria Rydos has friendly or at least friendly relations with the witch Elena Golunova. She rooted for her when she participated in the “Battle of Psychics.” Elena came to support Victoria before her victory in the project.

Victoria Raidos - worldview and magical practice

Victoria is fluent. She believes that she sees and hears the spirits of dead people and knows how to communicate with them. On one of the esoteric sites her name was in the list of hundreds best psychics and healers of the country. Victoria calls herself a witch and priestess of the cult of ancestors, she knows how to control energy flows for your own purposes. She does not see anything special in sacrifices and uses the cemetery land in her work.

Daughter Varvara Rydos with her husband and prize

Victoria writes the so-called book of the dead. It is forbidden for anyone to touch it except the witch to whom this book belongs. This book helps you communicate with the afterlife, and also see the future of each person and his destiny. Despite the fact that all the pages of this book are empty, Victoria Rydos assures that this is not so. Each of them records someone's life, and Victoria is the chronicler of the afterlife.

Victoria is very confident in herself and is convinced that the world can be changed. She not only has the ability to clairvoyance and communicate with the dead, but also knows how to heal people from physical and energetic ailments. In addition, it is known that according to the zodiac she is Capricorn. This sign is predisposed to clairvoyance and mysticism. According to some warlocks, the patron of Capricorn is none other than the devil himself.

Victoria Raidos conducted her first magical experiments on herself. After gaining sufficient experience, I began helping friends and relatives achieve success in various situations. Then Victoria received diplomas from several esoteric schools and only after that began open practice.

Biography and personal life of Victoria Raidos

Many people are interested in the age of Victoria Raidos, but she prefers not to indicate it either in interviews or in in social networks. However, many women try to hide this part of information, perhaps this is solely the case.

But despite this, the date of birth of Victoria Rydos recently became known - December 27, 1976. She came to participate in the “Battle of Psychics” project from St. Petersburg, where she has lived since birth. Victoria works as a teacher at Tarot divination courses at the Tarot Academy, teaching people the correct handling and interpretation of cards.

The grandmother introduced the witch to magic. She does not reveal exactly which aspects of witchcraft her practice began with. What is known is that learning began at a very young age. Later, Victoria mastered the energy of the major arcana, was initiated into ritual magic, and also mastered the healing techniques of Reiki. Now she has several students to whom she passes on her knowledge.

The witch prefers not to talk about her personal life, and this concerns not only journalists, but also not very close friends. It is only known that she is married and has a daughter named Varvara. The latter was only two years old when her mother was tested. Victoria dedicated the successful completion of the tasks of the third edition to her husband. She is known to keep several Sphynx cats. There are photographs on social networks in which you can see the daughter, husband and even cats of the witch from the northern capital.

In one of the interviews, the witch said that a friend introduced her to her husband. His name is Vasily Boykov. He's on 6 younger than wife, is a co-owner of the Boykov and Evsey legal bureau. Building a relationship with Vasily was not very easy, as Victoria admitted in an interview. But this difficult relationship still turned into strong family. This is Victoria’s second marriage; she is divorced from her first husband.

Vasily did not immediately accept his wife’s supernatural abilities. Once he was able to come to terms with the fact that the presence of magic in a witch's life is an inevitable fact, their relationship only strengthened. Victoria prefers not to talk about her daughter. As mentioned above, at the time of filming the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics, Varvara was about two years old. She goes to kindergarten and a children's development school, loves reading, modeling and drawing.

In November 2017, Victoria announced her pregnancy while in her sixth month. The couple are expecting the birth of their son in early 2018. Previously, she hid her pregnancy, preferring loose clothes. She plans to give birth in St. Petersburg. Good health allows Victoria to receive people and conduct seminars almost before the baby is born.

The witch has a very narrow circle of friends. Most of it is occupied by the family - husband, child and other relatives. Victoria has very few friends; she does not trust everyone she meets. Basically, these are her colleagues or particularly “hooked” students. The witch considers family to be the most important thing in the life of every person.

Almost nothing is known about Victoria's family. Her mother's name is Klavdia Grigorievna, her father's name is German, and her grandmother, who taught the future witch witchcraft, is Zinaida. Grandmother Zinaida worked as a design engineer.

Criminal record and other secrets of the witch from St. Petersburg

In one of the “Battle of Psychics” programs, Victoria Raidos admitted that she has a criminal record and a suspended sentence. The witch refused to talk in more detail about the crime she committed. She had good lawyer, as well as the help of friends and relatives, so Victoria Rydos did not end up in prison.

Victoria was still under investigation; there is reason to believe that the witch had to be behind bars for some time, after which she received a short suspended sentence. We can only guess what caused the trial of Victoria Rydos. Perhaps the case brought against her was somehow connected with her ex-husband, but this is just gossip. Victoria herself avoids talking about this man.

From 18 to 22 years old, like some other talented participants in the “Battle of Psychics,” Victoria Raidos was fond of gambling. Witches, as you can find out from the interviews with the winners of the project, are lucky in the casino. For example, Natalya Banteeva is no longer allowed there. From 22 to 26 years old, Rydos used drugs. According to her, the feelings that come with drug withdrawal are familiar to the witch.

Most likely, Raidos' suspended conviction was somehow related to drugs or gambling. After Victoria understood why she rushed to extremes with the need to play or experience a drug “high,” she remembered her grandmother’s instructions. This, among other things, helped the witch find the strength to “get over” her criminal and unpleasant past.

Victoria Raidos at the “Battle of Psychics”

Victoria Raidos is not seen participating in other projects, except for the 16th season of the show “Battle of Psychics”. Despite her initial lack of popularity, she immediately showed herself to be a strong psychic. Many viewers were confident that Victoria would definitely make it to the finals. True, some of them believed that the reason for this would be not so much her magical talent as the patronage of Natalya Banteeva.

Victoria Raidos quite successfully copes with the tasks that are offered to participants in the “Battle of Psychics” project. Like all of Natalia Banteeva’s protégés, she provides excellent competition to the rest of the participants. But the talent of the witch from St. Petersburg is by no means on par with last place. She became one of the few who managed to shock the famous skeptic Sergei Safronov.

Vladimir Sychev, an actor known from the TV series “Fizruk,” was also impressed by Victoria’s talents. She was able to tell not only the facts of his biography that are widely known to the public, but also those things that no one knew about before.

During a test involving searching for a person in the trunk of a car, an extremely interesting incident occurred. After Victoria Rydos successfully completed this test by finding a person, the next participant had to do this - . He repeatedly accused other participants of dishonesty. This time Georgy said that Victoria magically harmed those who must undergo the test after her, so that they would not cope with it.

There is some truth in this, because neither Georgy Malinovsky nor all the other participants whose turn came after him, except Pakhom, coped with this task.

Victoria's main companion was the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro. The priestess of the Cult of Ancestors herself has more than once directly spoken about who she considers to be her main opponent at the “Battle of Psychics.” She never denied that Marilyn was a strong competitor. A witch from the northern capital said that Marilyn knows how to work with people and copes well with challenges. The ability to respect an opponent is a worthy quality, and she possesses it to the fullest.

Victoria Raidos denied helping Natalya Banteeva and argued that it was more difficult for her to win, because Marilyn Kerro had many fans, and Alexander Sheps could have supported her. Victoria did not have the support of a strong magician who could bring her victory. However, the witch managed to take first place in the 16th season of the “Psychic Battle” and gain a reputation as one of the strongest practicing magicians in Russia. Although she was previously considered one of the most powerful healers in the country and was on a list of hundreds of names. Now her popularity is much higher than before.

Does Victoria Rydos host VKontakte and Skype?

Like many other participants in the “Battle of Psychics” show, Victoria Raidos became a victim of VKontakte scammers. The fact is that she has earned a certain authority among the audience. Many people want to turn to her with their problem. This is taken advantage of by numerous scammers who create fake pages on the Internet in the name of well-known psychics for providing online consultations.

This not only spoils the reputation of psychics, but also encourages dishonest people to profit from those who need help. Victoria Rydos does not provide online consultations. You can find it on the Internet official page:, by writing a message to the psychic, you can make an appointment. On VKontakte you can find her profile at

Victoria Rydos has an interesting biography, and her occupation fascinates people's minds. She is a native resident of St. Petersburg, part of the St. Petersburg Witches company, and was a participant and winner of the 16th season of the television project “Battle of Psychics.” Her fans, family and friends watched her actions in the battle with bated breath. This support helped her a lot.


Many facts of the biography of the clairvoyant Raidos, starting with the year of birth, have not been fully disclosed.

The clairvoyant does not like to talk about her family and personal life for various reasons. But we managed to find out something about the psychic Victoria. She was born in St. Petersburg, where she continues to live to this day. Father - German, mother - Claudia, grandmother - Zinaida.

Grandmother had a wonderful profession as a design engineer, but this did not stop her from performing magic. It was grandmother Zina who introduced her granddaughter to the magic of witchcraft. It is not known whether Zinaida was a strong witch, but the girl was already young age could in many ways surpass her magical relative. The girl did not stop there, she constantly improved her knowledge and expanded the scope of its activities:

  • comprehended the major arcana with all their energetic potential;
  • was initiated into ritual magic;
  • successfully mastered Reiki healing techniques.

At the very beginning, the girl tried all her methods on herself. At the next stage, having gained confidence in her abilities, she began to provide help and support to friends and family.

As a result of gaining knowledge and practices, a collection of future prizes received the first diplomas from schools of esotericism, which allowed Victoria to begin open psychic and healing practice.

Psychic abilities

In addition to her grandmother, Rydos had a knack for mastery direct relation witch Natalya Banteeva. Sometimes Victoria openly says that before women were friendly, worked together. But then each of them went their own way. Very often in her practice, Victoria uses Tarot cards, which she is fluent in fortune telling.

Victoria Riders decided to test all her abilities in a battle of psychics. In this television project, viewers learned that a woman communicates with the spirits of dead people. She has a book with the help of which this communication takes place. Signs come to her from beyond the grave, using them to predict the future of people.

IN currently the witch teaches fortune telling using Tarot cards; there are such courses at the Tarot Academy. The clairvoyant imparts to people the ability to correctly interpret the meaning of the cards that appear.

Personal life

The life outside work of psychic Victoria Raidos and the biography of her personal life are prohibited for journalists. Woman doesn't like to talk about his personal life. She was married twice. After divorcing her first husband, Victoria, with the help of her friend, met a man 6 years younger than herself. Vasily Boykov has his own law office, but he did not immediately come to terms with the fact that magic occupies the main place in his wife’s work. The couple are raising a daughter, Varvara, and are expecting the birth of a son. Varenka is a very creative person, she already reads, loves to sculpt and draw.

Among pets, Victoria prefers Sphynx cats. The spouses have few friends, the witch finds contact with everyone, but family for her is the most important thing in life. During one of the battle seasons, the psychic said that she was convicted and was serving a suspended sentence. There is an assumption that the then young girl was brought to trial by her and her first husband’s passion for gambling.

In addition, Victoria was hooked on drugs for four years.

Publicity of the clairvoyant

Victoria agreed to demonstrate her skills and magical skills only in television show"The fight of extrasensories". From task to task, the jury and observers were amazed at the psychic’s talent. With each new test, everyone could see the incredible growth of her abilities. On the show “Battle of Psychics,” Victoria Rydos fought against strong opponents and managed to become the first.

For successful life Victoria invites each person to follow the rider, which she describes in detail tells in his book “The Cult of Ancestors. The power of our blood":

  • you need to visit deceased relatives in the cemetery more often;
  • V difficult situations you can ask them for help;
  • There is no need to be afraid or cry about them, they are called upon to help the people remaining in this world.

If you carefully examine the surname Victoria, you can find an interesting combination of “rice”. Translated from American language it means "to pass through a sieve." This is what a psychic does in his work. She studies in detail the clients who contact her, only she passes them not through a sieve, but through her soul. A woman looks at the essence of the problem. And then he gives advice, because the main principle of Victoria’s work is: a person must change everything himself.

Attention, TODAY only!

  1. Helps in emotional and difficult situations;
  2. Contacts the souls of deceased people, suggests what they want to convey to their relatives;
  3. Improves ruined life;
  4. Using Tarot cards, answers questions from everyone;
  5. Predicts the future, gives necessary advice;
  6. And much more.

Victoria Raidos and her patron Natalya Banteeva

Victoria Raidos does not hide the fact that she is a representative of the coven of the well-known witch Natalia Banteeva. This is a quite popular clairvoyant among people who participated in the 9th season of the “Battle of Psychics”. Victoria Raidos and Natalya Banteeva On the Internet, the witch is often called Banteeva’s good friend. But more often she is considered one of the activists of the coven. As part of Natalia Banteeva’s movement called “Wake Up,” a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” project traveled to many cities.

It is known that in 2013, Victoria, together with Natalya Banteeva, gave a four-hour lecture on this project. This movement is for those who are ready to “wake up” and realize that they have supernatural powers. According to Banteeva, this is accessible to everyone. The main goal of this project is to create a new world where people are able to exist consciously. According to Natalya, society should be based on the laws of interaction between people, nature, space, the mutual awakening of each person and the spread of goodness.

In one of the episodes, Victoria Raidos denies friendship with Natalya Banteeva, especially her patronage. Indeed, unlike Tatyana Larina, she came to the casting without Natalya. But the network contains many photographs of posters for joint events with Banteeva, as well as photographs and other materials. In one of the episodes, Victoria said that she did not quarrel with Natalya, but their paths diverged. She did not hide the fact that she was connected by friendship with her; she had joint experience working with the witch.

The latter was proven by one of the tests, to pass which you had to find a photo of Julia Wang among the photos of the other winners of different seasons of the “Battle of Psychics.” Victoria Raidos immediately found out where the photo of Natalya Banteeva was located. It is known that Victoria Rydos has friendly or at least friendly relations with the witch Elena Golunova. She rooted for her when she participated in the “Battle of Psychics.” Elena came to support Victoria before her victory in the project.

Participation in a television show

The witch was noticed in the 16th season of the Battle and did not immediately find her place. For some reason, many did not take her seriously, although she passed even the most difficult tests much better than others. After just a couple of episodes, viewers realized that there would definitely be a place for her in the finals.

By the way, she even managed to surprise the skeptic Safronov. Despite the variety of strong competitors, Rydos's main rival was Marilyn Kerro, an Estonian witch. But no external factors prevented her from snatching her victory and proving her extraordinary abilities.

Project "Wake Up!"

Together with Natalya and other followers of magical practices, Victoria takes an active part in the educational project “Wake Up!”, the goal of which is to convey to those who are ready to hear about it that absolutely anyone can master magical practices and psychic abilities if desired.

The goal of the project creators is to organize a society that exists in harmony with the laws of space and the Universe, which today as many people as possible should learn about. As part of the project, lectures and presentations were held on how to interact with people and animals in order to help spread light and good vibrations.

Admission and training

Victoria, together with her students, constantly conducts receptions, trying to help as much as possible more people to solve their problems and improve their health, improve their destiny.
She also conducts ongoing training at the school for those who want to master the basics of reading Tarot cards and extrasensory perception. Victoria believes that what more people will develop his energy abilities and comprehend the laws of harmony of the universe, the brighter the Earth’s energy field will become.

True, this does not harmonize too much with the rituals on which her own magical practices are based, but in the world of extrasensory perception, everyone goes their own way and everyone decides for themselves.

Personal life

The details of Victoria's personal life are shrouded in even greater darkness than hers. exact date birth. Very little is known for certain.

Victoria came to the “Battle of Psychics” from St. Petersburg, where she was born and currently lives. Victoria is married, and this is not her first marriage. Victoria had some not very pleasant story connected with her first husband, which she prefers not to talk about.

But there is information that she even had problems with the law because of this difficult relationship. Fortunately, all this is a thing of the past.

Now she has a little daughter. Lives in an apartment with his family and several Sphynx cats, whom he adores. Victoria believes that personal life should remain closed not only to strangers, but also to those around you. This protects your loved ones from negative energy other people.

Main life principle Victoria is that we ourselves are responsible for our choices and our actions. She encourages us not to live in the past or future, but to focus on the present. Appreciate every day and every minute, and those people who are next to us and are our teachers. It is this worldview that can make your life harmonious and successful.

In November 2017, Victoria announced her pregnancy while in her sixth month. The couple are expecting the birth of their son in early 2018. Previously, she hid her pregnancy, preferring loose clothes. She plans to give birth in St. Petersburg. Good health allows Victoria to receive people and conduct seminars almost before the baby is born.

Secrets of the St. Petersburg witch

One of the episodes of BE especially shocked the public, because a participant in the struggle admitted that she had problems with the law. Of course, she chose to remain silent about the details of the crime, but she still spoke about the suspended sentence. It also became known that the sorceress could well have received several years in a colony, but a competent lawyer was able to save her from a terrible court decision.

Particularly attentive viewers of the program have put forward several theories regarding the reasons for the criminal record, among which we have identified several of the most probable:

  1. This is due to gambling, which led to serious financial difficulties.
  2. The witch's ex-husband could have had a hand in this case.
  3. And, of course, drugs, addiction to which has already forced Victoria to do stupid things.

Raidos has repeatedly emphasized to the public that they should not be afraid of the dead, wait for their arrival like a terrible plague. It is the dead, according to Victoria, who can help us in earthly affairs, warn us of danger and save us from a terrible fate.

To always be under the control of the other world, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • don't cry for the dead. Your tears will play a cruel joke on both you and the deceased;
  • visit the graves of your relatives as often as possible so that they feel your support;
  • in a difficult life situation, do not be afraid to contact the dead - they will definitely give a sign, or come in a dream.

Keeping these “covenants,” as the clairvoyant says, will help you live your life happily and as safely as possible.

Victoria Rydos now

In 2016, Rydos returned to television screens. Victoria took part in new show about people with supernatural abilities “Psychics are investigating.” In this program, magicians and esotericists do not fight each other in staged tasks, but help people who find themselves in difficult situations. life situations and those who have lost close relatives. Rydos participated in the 6th season of the television show, called “Battle of the Strongest”. Victoria's investigative partners were Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro.

In 2017, Victoria’s debut book on spiritual practices, “The Cult of Ancestors,” was published. The power of our blood." On the pages of the publication, Raidos shares the secrets of psychic practices, talks about the power of blood and how the actions and lives of ancestors influence the fate of a person today.

On April 16, 2017, Victoria and her husband appeared on the intellectual and humorous television game “Where is the Logic?” This year, the psychic began to hide her family less from ill-wishers and even gave an interview to journalists, where she told fans about Everyday life a person with psychic abilities.

In the summer of 2017, Victoria will give a series of seminars on extrasensory perception. Raidos will give a short course on rites and rituals and talk about the cult of ancestors and conduct practical classes where he will show how to get rid of generational curses and neutralize energy vampires. The seminars will be held on July 22 in Almaty, August 10 in Krasnoyarsk, and August 13 in Novosibirsk. The witch also plans to release a modified Tarot deck and a magical diary with tips on interacting with the ancestral system.

Fragments of the interview

Viewers noticed that on camera, when communicating with the hero of a particular test, you do not try to tell the person what he wants to hear, but tell it as it is. Aren't you afraid of hurting people?

I tell people what I have to say. I am here a Priestess of the Cult of Ancestors and I do not belong to myself. As a person, I can empathize with them or feel sorry for them, but in this case I will cease to be a professional. For example, would you like to be pitied? To always be stroked on the head, no matter what you do? I think no. I believe that any self-respecting person deserves to hear the truth.

TV viewers are used to seeing you calm, taciturn, and not too emotional. Therefore, taking the floor at a meeting when one of your colleagues, Pakhom, announced his intention to leave, you surprised many. Then you said that you admired his nobility. Since then, he has been accused of wanting to promote himself and so on. Have you changed your attitude towards what happened? Or do you still think it was a noble gesture on his part?

Do not judge and you will not be judged. By virtue of my gift, I know more than others and I can say that nothing has changed in my attitude. I will not comment on this further.

Your fans are well aware that you are happily married and have a wonderful daughter growing up. How did you meet your husband? Did he initially know that he was connecting his life with not the most ordinary girl, but with a witch? Does your daughter notice that she has a special mother?

I don’t want to let anyone into my family deeply. I met my husband through my friend. But before we built any relationships, we needed time to resolve issues related to the lives of each individual. Everything was not easy. He accepted my abilities immediately, but at first he didn’t take it seriously. More precisely, I didn’t understand how serious this was in my life. Once he realized the extent of the presence of magic in my life, it became more difficult for him to accept it, but at the same time it strengthened our relationship and increased our love. Our daughter is too young, and I don’t want to speak for her.

It seems that you are enough closed person. Do you have girlfriends with whom you go through life together?

This is true. In the world of the living, I have a very narrow circle of close people - my family. I also have colleagues and those who need me. Friendship for me is love. And I don’t love often. (Smiles).

Have you ever regretted having such abilities? Have situations ever turned against you because of them?

My whole life is subject to my abilities and how I use them. But only what was supposed to happen happened to me - what's the point of regretting?

Tell us what the thoughts of one of the most powerful participants in the “Battle of Psychics” are occupied with outside the project? What are you thinking and worrying about? What can make you suffer?

I miss my family very much. This makes me, in a sense, uncomfortable. I wanted them to be close. I am also interested in issues related to the problems and pain of other people, and the opportunity to help them get out of crisis situations with the help of the knowledge that I possess. What can make me suffer? Hmm... I think after what happened in my life, I won’t be in more pain. So - I don't know.

  • The witch is partial to Sphynx cats. According to our data, several such animals live in her house.
  • The current marriage is the second in a row - the relationship with the first husband showed a deep crack and the couple separated.
  • Vasily Boykov, which is the name of Victoria’s wife, could not come to terms with his wife’s unusual abilities for a long time.
  • Grandmother Zinaida, who taught Raidos witchcraft, worked as an engineer at a factory.
  • The clairvoyant is most lucky in the casino, which she repeatedly talked about in her interview.
  • The sorceress was born in the year of the Dragon under the sign of Capricorn. This combination is a sign of Satan.
  • A company of St. Petersburg witches, led by Natalya Banteeva, are participating in an educational project, within the framework of which they open people’s eyes - everyone can master psychic abilities.
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