Ekaterina Sergeevna is the official TV presenter. Biography and personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva

Looking back at all the events, I understand that everything led me to meet the person who is the most important in my life now. With real happiness, I tried in every possible way to avoid it.

Catherine's future husband, Yugoslav Dusan, was her longtime admirer. And in order to get any closer to his dream, he had to invent the most incredible ways of meeting people. He often called Katya with crazy proposals, but she remained unapproachable. And then the fan took a decisive step - he invented a non-existent job offer to cover fashion shows. Catherine, who was then just starting her career on television, could not refuse him.

I didn't like him right away. Everything seemed ridiculous and tasteless. At the restaurant, he ordered the most expensive dish, which I didn’t know how to eat. This did not make me more optimistic.

It would seem that Dusan found himself in a hopeless situation, but he never lost hope that Catherine would still yield to his advances. The lover was not even embarrassed by the fact that the presenter was married.

My husband was not so wealthy. I thought she would condemn me for exchanging it for a rich man. And then the relationship with her husband deteriorated, and Dushan continued to court her. The strategy was such that not a single woman could stand it.

Catherine resisted to the last. She was in no hurry to go to the registry office again, and Dushan was simply tired of waiting, he was tired of the unknown and unsuccessful attempts to win Catherine. Therefore, having once again invited his beloved on a date, he announced that he was leaving to work in the USA. Without demanding anything in return, he simply asked Katya to accept from his hands a family heirloom, a small medal that had been passed down in their family from generation to generation.

I knew that she was very dear to him. I knitted it, came home and started crying, I realized that I couldn’t live without him. I called him and asked to meet. The romance began to unfold progressively.

Ekaterina and Dusan have been happily married for many years. They manage to do what they love and combine their family. In their union there is no struggle for leadership and everyday disagreements. They found a compromise - the only one acceptable for two completely accomplished, independent individuals.

I don't know how long this will last. But my child and husband are the main achievements. Everything else is secondary. They outweigh everything.

A reliable family support gives her the opportunity to do as she sees fit. My beloved husband and daughter will always support and help. Ekaterina Andreeva is now in demand both in journalism and in politics. Over the years of her career, she has earned herself an honest name and impeccable reputation. And where we, the audience, will see Katya again, time will tell.

For more than 15 years, Ekaterina Andreeva has been the “face” of the “Time” program for many of us. And it seems that time has no power over this woman: at first glance, no one can tell the age of the TV presenter. However, this doesn’t really matter. The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva is quite interesting and is not limited to one television project.


The future star of Russian television was born in Moscow. The girl’s parents were quite wealthy: Catherine’s father held one of the leading positions in the USSR State Supply Committee, while her mother devoted herself entirely to raising her daughters. In addition to Ekaterina, the family also had a youngest daughter, Svetlana.

As a child, Katya was a fairly calm, obedient child. The girl studied well and played sports. For a long time, she was even a student of the Olympic reserve school. At the same time, Catherine did not plan to connect her life with sports. She wanted to get a pedagogical or legal education. After graduating from school, the girl became a student at the All-Union Law Correspondence Institute (VYUZI), enrolling in the evening department.

However, it took very little time for the girl to understand: jurisprudence is not her path. Nevertheless, she even managed to work in the prosecutor’s office for some time. From VYUZ Andreeva went to study at the Krupskaya Pedagogical Institute. Studying here, or rather the 5th year of university, Andreeva subsequently chose to forget like a bad dream. The fact is that she was always proud of her beautiful, slender figure (her sports background helped), but while writing her thesis she literally “let herself go.”

And then one day, stepping on the scales, Katya was simply horrified to learn that her weight had already exceeded 80 kg. She decided to pull herself together: a strict diet, active training in the gym - and after just a few months she lost about 20 kg. After this incident, Andreeva began to monitor her figure very carefully - and it must be said that even pregnancy and the birth of a child did not affect her.

After graduating from college, the girl faced a serious choice: go to work in her specialty or study further? Andreeva chose the second, remembering her old dream of working on television. She took courses for television and radio workers. Many of those around her, including teachers, doubted that the girl would be able to succeed. It was all her appearance that was to blame.

Despite her beauty, Andreeva always looked too serious, even cold. For which she received the nickname “Snow Queen”. But it was precisely this natural rigor that played an important role in the future. It must be said that only one teacher was able to discern Katya’s hidden talent. The famous announcer Igor Kirilov, who devoted most of his life to television production, began to personally train the girl. Having mastered the profession, she went on television.


In 1991, Ekaterina Andreeva got a job at the Ostankino television company as an announcer. The talented girl was soon noticed by the management of the TV channel, and she was entrusted with hosting the “Good Morning” program. Since 1995, she has worked at ORT as an editor of information programs.

A little later, in 1998, Ekaterina became the host of the “Time” program on Channel One. The girl’s serious appearance was to her advantage: the channel’s management believed that this is exactly the kind of face the presenter should have. After all, she has to report not only joyful, but also tragic news.

However, appearance was not the main factor - Ekaterina Andreeva was a professional and knew how to control herself in any, even the most difficult situation. As the TV presenter admitted in one of her interviews, this quality was very useful to her, since sometimes she had to report truly terrible news.

Ekaterina Andreeva won the hearts of television viewers with almost her first broadcast on the “Time” program. Just a year later, she was recognized as the most beautiful presenter on domestic television. And even after many years the situation has not changed.

But, despite his dedication to the television profession, the screen star continued to develop professionally. Already famous, Ekaterina Andreeva graduated from the history department and wrote a dissertation on the Nuremberg trials.

Few people know that the famous presenter has repeatedly acted in films. “Unknown Pages from the Life of an Intelligence Officer” - the first film in which she received a role - was released back in 1990. And it is with him that the filmography of Ekaterina Andreeva begins. After that, she worked in several more films. And in 2000, the star was invited to star in a film dedicated to the terrorist attack on the musical “Nord-Ost”.

At the beginning of 2018, alarming information appeared: Ekaterina Andreeva was fired. But the presenter reassured the worried fans by answering that she would simply broadcast the program in a different time zone, not in central Russia.


The beautiful and charming TV presenter has always attracted the attention of men. The personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva has been a secret for many for a long time: the presenter does not like to talk about her own experiences and love dramas. And, unfortunately, they were.

So, for example, the presenter flatly refuses to talk about her first husband. In fact, nothing is known about him: neither his name, nor his wedding date, nor the reason for the divorce. From her first marriage, Catherine has a daughter, Natalia.

The TV presenter’s second serious relationship was radically different from the first. Ekaterina Andreeva and Dusan Petrovich met in 1989. The man, a Serb by nationality, did not know the Russian language at all. But this did not stop him: the businessman fell in love with the presenter at first sight and decided to win her heart at all costs. Soon they got married. Ekaterina Andreeva and her husband have been happy for many years and are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful couples.

Beauty and habits

Attractive and slender Ekaterina Andreeva is a role model for many. She is one of the women who have proven that age is not the main thing. At 56 years old, the TV presenter looks just great. And this is largely the result of proper nutrition. Andreeva does not like culinary delights, preferring simple and healthy food.

Her favorite cuisine is Japanese. The presenter claims that the dishes of this particular cuisine are as healthy as possible. She has not eaten meat for a long time, but does not consider herself a vegetarian. Her diet consists of fish, cereals, eggs, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, Andreeva is actively involved in sports. Gymnastics, fitness, yoga - the presenter tries to train every day.

Ekaterina Andreeva’s beauty secret is quite simple: you need to carefully monitor what you eat, sleep at least 8 hours a day and exercise regularly. Author: Elizaveta Petrova

People strongly associate the news broadcast on Channel One with Ekaterina Andreeva. For 20 years now she has been the permanent host of the Vremya program. On screen, the presenter is always focused and serious. Few people imagine her in any other way. But her close relatives and friends know her from a completely different side, as a laughing and active woman.

When you communicate with him, you understand that she achieved such success thanks to strict self-control and constant development. Over many years of working on television, the presenter managed to learn to separate the important from the unimportant and not react to the malicious comments of envious people.

Despite the fact that Ekaterina is a well-known person, she does not seek to advertise her personal life. She tells only what she considers necessary, and the rest remains her personal. But something is still known about the presenter’s family life, her preferences and hobbies.

It is known that the presenter is now married for the second time. And if she talks about her second husband willingly, then There is no information at all about Ekaterina Andreeva’s first marriage. It is unknown how they met their first husband, how their relationship developed and when the wedding took place. Moreover, Catherine never mentions his name.

From his first marriage Catherine has a daughter, Natalya, who is already 35 years old. The girl is very similar to her mother, both in character and in appearance. When they appear together, you might think that these are two sisters, Ekaterina looks so good for her age.

Despite her mother’s profession, Natalya did not follow in her footsteps. Becoming a presenter did not appeal to her. The girl chose a very serious profession for herself and became a lawyer.

Catherine does not hide the fact that after an unsuccessful first marriage, she was able to find happiness with another man. She and her second husband have been together for about thirty years and all this time they have practically not quarreled.

The spouses met by pure chance. Businessman from Montenegro Dusan Perovic came to Moscow on business. In the evening at the hotel, switching television channels, he stopped at the “Time” program. He was not so interested in the news, because he absolutely did not understand the Russian language, but was interested in the attractive presenter.

The man decided to try to get to know her. He succeeded. Through journalists, he found contacts of Ekaterina Andreeva. They met, but the relationship has not yet developed further. Dusan spent three years wooing the girl. He studied Russian, gave gifts, and came to visit regularly.

Catherine’s heart could not remain cold from such signs of attention. She realized that Dusan was exactly the man she needed. After the man proposed to her, she agreed without hesitation.

But then the couple ran into problems. In the late 80s, marriages with foreigners were not often concluded; the registry office employees did not want to accept the application for a very long time, demanding numerous certificates from the groom.

The man endured this steadfastly and collected all the necessary documents that confirmed that he did not have a wife in his homeland. As it turned out, there were errors in the certificates and he had to go through this whole procedure again. But for the sake of his beloved, he endured everything.

The couple not only formalized their relationship, but also got married in church. Now the couple lives in complete agreement and harmony. She does not have any common children, but for her daughter Natalya Dusan became a real father.

Subtleties of family life

Thirty years of family life are not given to every couple. Journalists, in addition to asking questions about how to maintain a beautiful appearance, also how to be happy in marriage for a long period of time.

Interesting notes:

Catherine lifted the curtain of secrecy. It turns out she and her husband are complete opposites. Dusan loves order in everything, but Ekaterina brings chaos into his life. Very often, when a woman comes home, she scatters her things. The husband calmly collects her things and puts them in their place. This is just a small example of how spouses put up with shortcomings or simply do not notice them.

This is exactly what Ekaterina is talking about. In her opinion, her husband also has minor shortcomings, but she has learned not to notice them. They feel good together. If any issue needs to be resolved, she and her husband sit down and come to an agreement. They hardly even quarrel, everything is resolved amicably. Dusan’s opinion is very important to Catherine and she listens to him.

Catherine also admitted that she is more of a romantic than her husband. According to the presenter, it is easier for him to directly ask what she wants as a gift. It’s easier to just tell Dusan about this and he will do everything to fulfill the wishes of his beloved wife.

Having learned the intricacies of the host's family life, many couples should think about whether it might be better to live happily than to express complaints to each other about things that have not been tidied up. And the couple Ekaterina and Dushan can only wish to carry their love through many years.

Ekaterina Andreeva is a famous TV presenter, actress, the face of the “Time” program, and her biography and personal life have always attracted the attention of an entire army of television viewers.


Ekaterina Andreeva was born in Moscow in 1961, or according to some sources in 1965, into the family of a nomenklatura official - her father worked as deputy chairman of the State Supply Committee. Such a high position of the father, according to current ideas, had a not so noticeable impact on the further biography and personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva. After all, she had the childhood of an ordinary Soviet girl.


Ekaterina was tall for a girl - already in high school she had grown to 176 cm, so one of the serious hobbies of her youth was basketball.

She also made progress in other sports: swimming, running, skating. If I wanted to make a sports career, I could reach heights.

Ekaterina always studied excellently, so she entered without difficulty and in 1990 graduated from the history department of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, and at the same time received a law degree while studying at the evening law department.

Ekaterina Andreeva in her youth

As happens with athletes who abruptly quit training, Andreeva had problems with excess weight during her student years. She had to resort to a strict diet and physical activity in the gym, and managed to bring her figure back to normal, losing almost twenty kilograms in a short time.

Television career

Already working in the General Prosecutor's Office as an assistant, Ekaterina Andreeva saw an advertisement for recruitment to the school of announcers at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and entered there.

Her teacher, the legendary announcer Igor Kirillov, already noticed that Andreeva’s seemingly cold manner, impassive facial expression, and voice with notes of metal were very well suited for news broadcasting. The announcer, unlike the columnist, must, first of all, convey news to people, and emotional overtones can only be harmful.

Ekaterina Andreeva in the studio of the “Time” program

Since 1991, Andreeva began working as an announcer at the Ostankino TV channel and at the same time hosted the “Good Morning!” program.

In 1994, Andreeva began working in the directorate of ORT broadcast programs. She went on air with “News” and hosted the “Big Race” program.

In 1998, the director of the information service, Sergei Dorenko, appointed Andreeva as the permanent presenter of the “Time” program, and for twenty years now she has been the face of the country’s highest-rated information program.

Ekaterina Andreeva in the program “Alone with Everyone”

In 1999, Andreeva was recognized as the most beautiful TV presenter in the country, and in 2006 she was awarded the Order of Friendship. In 2007 she became a laureate of the TEFI Prize.

In addition to the “Time” program, Ekaterina Andreeva has been hosting the “Alone with Everyone” program in recent years.

Film roles

Andreeva did not receive a professional acting education, but offers to act in films followed her since childhood.

The future news broadcasting star starred as an actress in six films. Ekaterina Andreeva received her first roles back in the early nineties, at a time when the whole country was not yet interested in the biography and personal life of the presenter Ekaterina Andreeva.

Ekaterina Andreeva in the film “Unknown Pages from the Life of an Intelligence Officer”

Her first film works:

  • "Unknown pages from the life of a scout"
  • "Fiend of Hell"
  • "Hearts of Three"

In the 2000s she starred in two films:

  • "First ambulance"
  • "Personal number"

In the film “Star” Ekaterina Andreeva appears in a cameo role, that is, she plays herself. This film by the famous director Anna Melikyan was very warmly received by the audience.

Ekaterina Andreeva in the film “Fiend of Hell”

Bad habits, hobbies

Ekaterina Andreeva is a public figure, the main TV presenter of the country, but at the same time she always emphasizes that she remains a living person with her weaknesses and shortcomings.

  • She lists her bad habits as loving chocolate and smoking. However, she smokes exclusively ultra-light types of cigarettes.
  • Useful hobbies include a love of sports. She is seriously involved in fitness, yoga, and Chinese Tai Chi gymnastics.
  • Ekaterina is very deeply interested in Chinese medicine, as well as in creating various healthy eating plans.
  • Ekaterina Andreeva’s passion is antiques; she is already a real expert in this matter.

Hobbies of Ekaterina Andreeva

Personal life

It is known that in the biography and personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva there was a first husband, but the name of this husband and in general any information about him is unknown to anyone.

In 1979, in her first marriage, Andreeva gave birth to a daughter, Natalya. By the way, this is why there is a version that Andreeva increased her real age by four years in order to hide the fact that she gave birth to a daughter at the age of nineteen.

It is known about the biography and personal life of Natalya Andreeva, the daughter of Ekaterina Andreeva, that she graduated from MGIMO and connected her career with international jurisprudence.

Ekaterina Andreeva with her adult daughter

Ekaterina Andreeva understood that women with children have much less chance of building a new, happy personal life, but she was lucky and a second husband appeared in her biography.

Andreeva’s second husband was Serbian businessman Dusan Perovic. He saw her on television, immediately fell in love and came to the Union. He did not study the Russian language, but what saved him was that Russian and Serbian are related languages, they have many common and similar words.

For three years, the persistent Serb won the heart of the Russian beauty. Finally, in 1992, Ekaterina and Dusan got married, and for more than a quarter of a century the couple has lived in love and harmony.

The second husband of Ekaterina Andreeva is Dusan Perovich

The life of a TV star is a continuous kaleidoscope of events, and, of course, in such a life there are more than enough interesting facts. We have selected only those that help to more fully imagine the image of the TV presenter:

  • Ekaterina Andreeva, as a rule, writes all text summaries for her programs herself.
  • As a historian, Ekaterina Andreeva defended her dissertation on the Nuremberg trials.
  • When Ekaterina Andreeva was still working in the prosecutor’s office building on Kuznetsky Most, in the evening criminals blocked her in the gateway. Threatening with a knife, they demanded to take out the case hidden in the safe, for which one of the defendants was threatened with a “tower.” Catherine was saved by the appearance of random passers-by. After this episode, Ekaterina Andreeva decided to change her profession.
  • Andreeva has no piercings, no tattoos and no pierced ears.
  • Once upon a time, Yuri Kara offered Andreeva to star in the film “The Master and Margarita”.

Ekaterina Andreeva on Channel One
  • Ekaterina and her husband Dusan are passionate travelers. During their travels, they often found themselves in extreme situations. One day, in the savannah, they were chased by a mad elephant, and only the skill of the driver-ranger saved them. In Angola, the balloon they were flying in was caught in a tornado and made a hard landing. Thank God everyone survived. The third case occurred in India, in Jaipur. The Indian fakir seemed to hypnotize Andreeva and force her to pick up a poisonous cobra.
  • As a means of rejuvenation, Ekaterina Andreeva tested masks made of gold leaf.
  • Ekaterina Andreeva mastered the art of windsurfing.

Ekaterina and her husband love to travel

Ekaterina Andreeva now

The famous TV presenter is an active user of social networks. 289 thousand people follow her Instagram page. Using Ekaterina Andreeva’s regular posts, you can follow all the changes in her biography and personal life, as well as many joint photos and videos with her daughter.

It must be said that Andreeva has an excellent command of Internet slang, writes freely, uninhibitedly, cheerfully and witty. Quite often, her posts become the cause of small online scandals.

This happened when Andreeva ironically played with the print on her T-shirt, ridiculing those who see in this design the secret message of the Illuminati and traces of the world behind the scenes. Some users did not understand the humor, and comments began to appear on her page in the spirit of “Are you completely out of your mind?”

TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva

To Ekaterina’s credit, she always responds to attacks from Internet trolls without malice, but subtly and gracefully, and is capable of putting any online boor in its place.

However, some pages of her life remain closed. For example, Ekaterina Andreeva does not publish any information about the biography and personal life of her daughter.

One of the secrets of Ekaterina Andreeva is her unfading youth. In joint photos with their daughter, they look like sisters. Andreeva states that the secret of eternal youth is simple: constant movement, proper nutrition, love for people and love for oneself.

Ekaterina Andreeva with her daughter

Andreeva is against visiting solariums - they dry and age the skin. In her more than fifty years, she has never resorted to the services of plastic surgeons.

Andreeva’s publications are not just interesting, but also educational. In Italy, he and his daughter took part in the ancient Etruscan ritual of sun worship, and posted a video about this mystical sacrament of stunning beauty.

Ekaterina Andreeva devotes a lot of effort and attention to caring for homeless animals. Thanks to her efforts, many cats and dogs found new owners. According to Andreeva, cats and dogs are extremely noble creatures who give love to their owners unselfishly, and sometimes are ready to give their lives. Therefore, they certainly deserve their dog-cat happiness.

Ekaterina Andreeva loves animals

From time to time, the Internet is filled with rumors that Ekaterina Andreeva was “fired”, “excommunicated from the air”, etc. The presenter herself considers this a manifestation of unscrupulous competition.

It’s difficult to call Andreeva an “old school announcer”, she looks so young, but this is nevertheless true. Nowadays in news programs you can increasingly see “talking heads”, robots droning monotonously without thought or feeling in their eyes.

Old-school announcers mastered the art of playing without playing, expressing their emotions and attitude to what was happening on an incomprehensible, subconscious level. There was a personality behind each of them.

Ekaterina Andreeva now

It is surprising that with such work Andreeva managed to preserve not only her physical youth, but also her youth of soul, charm, spontaneity, love of life and sense of humor.

Meanwhile, the work of the announcer of the “Time” program is always stressful and has enormous mental stress. Through her heart, the country's main announcer missed all the most painful events in the modern history of the country and the world: Budennovsk, Beslan, the capture of the theater center on Dubrovka, the explosion of the twin towers...

Ekaterina Andreeva continues to go on air on Channel One and is already perceived not only as the face of the “Time” program, but also as her soul and heart.


Ekaterina Andreeva is one of the most famous TV presenters on Channel One, who has been hosting the news program “Time” for more than 20 years. Her appearance on television became a symbol of stability, and viewers appreciated her calm and professional manner of presenting information. The biography of TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva includes both difficult periods and all-Russian fame with recognition, including from President Vladimir Putin, who calls her one of his favorite journalists.

Childhood and adolescence

Katya Andreeva was born in Moscow in 1961. Her father Sergei Andreev held a high party position, working as deputy chairman of the State Supply Committee of the Soviet Union. Mother Tatyana Ivanovna is a housewife who devoted all her time to raising Ekaterina and her youngest daughter Svetlana.

As a child, the future TV presenter spent most of her time with her mother, and could communicate with her father, who was constantly busy with work, only on weekends. It is a known fact that the father taught the child to play chess, and today the journalist notes that she has the appropriate mindset, which allows her to count on many moves ahead.

In her youth, Andreeva was interested in:

  • figure skating;
  • dancing;
  • chess.

Ekaterina Andreeva was involved in figure skating in her youth, even performing at various republican competitions. However, already as a teenager, she was forced to leave training due to her height. After a while, the girl decided to return to sports, she played basketball and was enrolled in an Olympic reserve school for some time. It is known that the TV presenter has an operatic voice, but Andreeva did not plan to connect her destiny with music.

After graduating from school, Andreeva entered the evening department of the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law, while simultaneously working at the General Prosecutor's Office as an assistant in the office management department. Already in 1990, she graduated from the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of History, having written a scientific work comparing Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

At the same time, she entered advanced training courses for television and radio workers, studying at the school of announcers with Igor Kirillov. It is about Kirillov that Andreeva speaks most warmly, claiming that this legendary announcer became her mentor and trustee, helped her in mastering this complex profession, and played an important role in her development as a TV presenter.

During her studies, Ekaterina meets many aspiring journalists who will soon shape the new look of Russian television, including on the ORT and RTR channels. Her good friends in those days were such famous TV presenters Alexander Vasiliev and Ivan Urgant.

Television career

According to Andreeva, she got into television by accident, having learned that training courses for television and radio workers had opened in Moscow. Initially, the girl was not confident in her abilities; institute teachers argued that she looked too cold on camera and simply would not be able to work as an announcer. Subsequently, such an inaccessible and strict appearance became the famous calling card of Channel One presenter Ekaterina Andreeva.

Katya Andreeva first appeared on television in 1991. Working at the Ostankino television company, she hosts the “Good Morning” program. And already in 1995 he moved to the newly created ORT channel, where he began working in the news department. Initially, Ekaterina was involved in editing news programs and also hosted the “Big Race” program.

It was originally planned that Andreeva would make her debut on the evening news back in the summer of 1995, but Ekaterina refused to go live with tragic information about the death of the hostages in Budennovsk. She first appeared on the evening news in September, immediately winning the love of the public.

According to the journalist herself, this first evening broadcast became a real stress for her. Her heart was beating wildly, she could barely breathe, but at the same time she understood that she must always remain calm and professionally perform her duty. Since 1998, Andreeva began to constantly host the “Time” program aired on Channel One.

Andreeva also has several films to her credit. The actress starred in the following films:

  • "Fiend of Hell."
  • "Unknown pages from the life of an intelligence officer."
  • "In the Mirror of Venus"

If initially Catherine starred in episodic roles, then in the film “In the Mirror of Venus” she played the main character of the novel. Film critics and viewers positively perceived Andreeva’s role in the movie, but the TV presenter herself noted that for her this was only an interesting experience, and in the future she had no plans to connect her fate with cinema.

In 2015, rumors appeared that the management of Channel One was planning to expel Ekaterina Andreeva, who had disappeared from the Vremya news program for several weeks. However, the TV presenter herself denied these rumors, saying that she did not think of leaving television, but disappeared for several days, going on vacation. She has no conflict with management and will continue to work as a newscaster.

Many TV viewers reacted differently to this rumor: some were worried about the absence of their favorite announcer and wondered what happened and where their favorite had gone, while others were sure that such an aged presenter should leave and give way to young journalists.

Personal life

The TV presenter manages to be a wonderful wife, mother and business person at the same time. Andreeva does not hide the fact that her first marriage was unsuccessful, she was married to her school friend Andrei Nazarov, and in 1982 her daughter Natalya was born, who today successfully graduated from the prestigious MGIMO University and works as a lawyer by profession. According to Ekaterina, the birth of her daughter completely changed her, she reconsidered her values ​​and became an excellent mother.

She met her second husband Dusan Perovic, a businessman and lawyer from Serbia, in 1999. It is known that Dusan Perovic first saw Ekaterina on TV and soon found her through mutual journalist acquaintances. When they met, the Serbian businessman could barely speak a few words in Russian, but then for three years he persistently, beautifully and nobly courted his beloved woman.

Husband Dusan was able to win over not only the famous TV presenter, but also her daughter Natalya, with whom he has an excellent fatherly relationship. He even offered to give his last name to the girl. According to him, family is the most important thing for him, and Ekaterina is a wonderful mother and wife.

Ekaterina is interested in:

  • travel;
  • loves risk and adrenaline;
  • goes in for sports and fitness;
  • studies the life and culture of other countries.

Andreeva claimed that she and her second husband are complete opposites: she is the embodiment of chaos, and he is order and calm. They were able to build their life together on common agreements and compromises. A wealthy businessman quickly solves all the difficulties that arise for Catherine, providing her with a comfortable and largely luxurious life.

Andreeva spoke about her life in the TV show “Alone with Everyone,” in which she appeared in a bright red jacket and told many interesting and unusual facts about herself. She is interested in Soviet history, loves books, practices martial arts, and knows how to repair various equipment.

This cold and stern-looking TV presenter turned out to be an extremely interesting and cheerful woman. Catherine admitted that she has two weaknesses - smoking and a love of sweets. She tried to quit smoking many times, but to no avail. Andreeva gives preference exclusively to special ultra-light cigarettes, which she orders from Israel.

Ekaterina Andreeva on social networks

At the end of the 2000s, with the development of social networks, numerous fake Instagram pages appeared on the Internet, where advertising posts were made on behalf of a successful TV presenter and content of a provocative nature was posted. All this forced Andreeva to create her own Instagram and Twitter accounts, where she began to publish pictures from her tourist trips. And now on social networks, Ekaterina posts various photos from her travels, communicating with her subscribers and fans in the comments.

In the past, Andreeva also had a page on LiveJournal, but then, according to her, she got bored with this social network and decided to focus her attention only on Instagram. It is on this page that the personal life and biography of Ekaterina Andreeva is described in detail. At the same time, all other accounts on Facebook, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki are fakes that have nothing to do with this famous TV presenter.

Despite the fact that Andreeva has been working on television for more than 20 years, according to her, she never watches the news, preferring only TV shows about animals. In particular, she loves the Animal Planet channel and National Geographic. Ekaterina notes that today there is a lot of negativity on television, and the truth is extremely rare, so she tries to isolate herself and her loved ones from such unnecessary information.

Ekaterina with her husband - avid travelers, they have traveled to all European countries, were in Israel, Southeast Asia, America and other countries of the world. Future plans include visiting Latin America, Peru, Australia and New Zealand. Andreeva notes that during such trips she prefers active recreation, does not like to spend time on beaches, but tries to discover as much new information as possible about unfamiliar countries.

The famous TV presenter's horoscope is Sagittarius and fully corresponds to this zodiac sign, which is characterized by physical risk and increased emotionality. Andreeva told how in Africa she had to escape from a mad elephant, and she once almost died after surviving a hard landing of a hot air balloon. And in India, where she posted a photo in a swimsuit, she took a poisonous snake in her hand, one bite of which would immediately lead to death.

Ekaterina leads a healthy sports lifestyle, keeps a diet, does Pilates with a trainer, loves boxing and yoga, and practices breathing exercises. All this allows her to look fit and beautiful without plastic surgery. Andreeva notes that her secret is constant activity and a positive mood, which allows her to always remain cheerful and happy, look young and attractive.

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