I don't want to be the mistress of a married man. How does she feel? Don't lose yourself in your lover

: the benefits of relationships

For young and poor girls, a relationship with a wealthy married man can bring tangible benefits. With the help of a rich and generous lover, you can improve your well-being. However, the main thing here is not to sell yourself short and agree only to real help. True, in this case it is worth realistically assessing your capabilities. A girl who dreams of becoming the mistress of a rich married man must be very attractive; few people want an ugly kept woman.

That is, she demonstrates to him that he does not earn enough and is not making a worthy career. There is a conflict between two people who love each other due to a mutual and completely unfounded misunderstanding, which often leads to the final breakdown of the relationship. Logically, the woman proudly leaves her husband, insulted and apologizing for saying “not one of my bare asses,” because he can make money. We all know how to make money, but we miss more important things, including love.

One of them must beat, the other must cherish! This is the truth itself, and, as a rule, it is she who understands it best. The Lord himself assigned her such a mission - all the strings and threads of the universe, which she must hold tightly in her hands. Today there is another trend - infantilization public consciousness. Young women grumbling as they open doors beautiful world who should adore them. They are not trained in patience and do not expect their lieutenant to become a general. Happy marriage- it's mostly patience and multifaceted work on yourself.

Be a lover married man profitable. For freedom-loving women, such a relationship means independence and the absence of any obligations. You can break up with your lover at any time.

A relationship with a married man does not prevent you from looking for a husband at the same time. There is no need to rush at the first person you meet, but to thoroughly choose your future life partner, with whom you can subsequently feel calm and as comfortable as possible.

And then, African passions. Such girls and women are less likely to experience true love. But in time they will find something completely ordinary that will carry them through their entire lives. All women are impulsive, some more than others. They are more likely to accept love for love, risking their family and the fate of their children. When they experience a slight headache, they are always ready to get married, guided by the slogan that everything they lived with was a habit, and from that moment on, real things happen.

It is good if such a woman has a wise husband who is able to wait for her to become intoxicated, and then, having recovered from a difficult schoolgirl, he will return and show even greater enthusiasm with his home and family. But the only thing such a woman can count on is the patience of the person next to her. However, he can be a fool or a fool. Then, of course, the family ends, and it doesn’t matter at all whether there will be a real divorce. There are only ashes around, and the “most burned” hearth of a mother’s love are the children.

For married women, relationships on the side give sensations that, alas, have become unavailable in family life. For such women, becoming the mistress of a married man means asserting themselves, proving to themselves that their feminine attractiveness is still alive.

In general, with the right approach, a relationship with a married man can bring a lot of joy. You can build this relationship in such a way that it will be beneficial for both parties.

An extremely rare reason for a woman to leave her family. This happens when suddenly, like a sunny rain or a summer storm, a real love- happy or unhappy, but married woman. Many women deliberately end dangerous relationships and then live with precious memories and grief that it is so late. But they are also grateful that they ever lived. They end the relationship because they are responsible for their children, their “old” husband, with whom they are accustomed and to whom they are also responsible.

Mistress of a married man: disadvantages and pitfalls

If everything is so good, then why is the overwhelming number of mistresses of married men so unhappy? It turns out that in such relationships there are still enough disadvantages that burden the partners.

Over time, a woman begins to understand that her lover still belongs to someone else. Sooner or later, situations will arise in a relationship when a married man will be forced to make a choice in favor of his wife. For example, lovers gathered for a concert, and then his wife suddenly called, she urgently needed something. And now, the married man is already rushing home, and he has to forget about his planned trip to the concert. The mistress of a married man remains in all alone. Loneliness on holidays is the lot of a woman who has linked her destiny with a married man.

Only a few decide, no matter what happens, to go with their loved one. The person you'll never meet? The person you dream of meeting throughout your life? A person that others have but you don’t? Is there a universal model for a person’s dream and what is it?

It seems that women live with the dream of a man's dream. At the same time, be fun, make us feel good at night and be gentle when we need it. Take care of our children, be responsible, ambitious and take care of the financial situation. At the same time, don't devote too much time to work and don't get squeezed. A man's dream should be beautiful, sexy, but not too sexy. A gentleman and at the same time a man. He should protect us when we need protection, but not be too jealous.

Sooner or later, the wife will still find out about her mistress. It all depends on the temperament of the wife. The consequences for the mistress can be very different, up to a scandal with assault.

The mistress of a married man is forced to always remain in a “secondary role.” She will never completely possess her man. Short meetings, vacations and holidays spent alone, constant hopes that one day her beloved will leave his family - all this makes the life of a married man’s mistress sad, humiliating and hopeless.

He doesn't forget our reasons, he is always ready to make us happy, and he regularly thinks of surprising us. He knows the golden environment because he does not get tired of his attention. Disputes with a person's dream never end in a scandal, but with a tender kiss and understanding. In general, a dream man is a dream man!

Maybe some of you know such a dream person. They met him and were with him. When we are in love, the object of our feelings becomes the person of our dreams. Over time, when the flame of passion subsides, the man of dreams turns into ordinary person, which simply loves or fills our feelings. There are many women who wander in search of someone they consider perfect. Someone who meets all their requirements and makes them feel constantly in love. They live with the idea that they must find the perfect person, but they don't realize that they are far from perfect.

Many married men have an affair. And women have a question: how to behave with such a lover so that the relationship is long-term and strong? And is it possible to force a man to separate from his wife?

How to stay attractive

No matter what a lover says, first of all he wants good sex. Therefore, you should not refuse him this, citing fatigue or headache. Only an ardent and passionate lover can hope for a long-lasting romance.

In addition, you should always look beautiful and change your image so as not to get boring with a man. Under no circumstances should you meet your lover in a shabby robe, without makeup and a good hairstyle - he will see enough of this at home
But to create a strong relationship, beauty and sex are not enough.

Or, as it was in the movies, don't wait for the perfect person because when you meet him, he may be looking for the ideal woman. Perfectionism and excessive pride can be profitable in any other field, but not in love. This doesn't mean we have to be with just anyone, but let's relax and not be too critical. Small shortcomings and unfulfilled goals in life make our life even more exciting and motivate us to move forward and strive for better. For example, if the person next to you is a little overweight and not rich, it doesn't mean that one day he won't have perfect figure and will not achieve enviable professional development.

The secret to a lasting relationship

Relationships built solely on sex will sooner or later fade away. And even falling in love passes, and quite quickly. Reason gradually takes over feelings, and the married man returns to his soulmate or finds new novel on the side, the benefit of accessible, beautiful and sexy women there are a lot around. How to behave with married lover so that the relationship becomes durable?

To do this, you need to understand your lover and share his interests. Exactly spiritual kinship brings people together the most. If a man feels that he has found a like-minded person in a woman, then he will not want to exchange her for another.

It is important to have a desire. Perfect things don't exist as much as we sometimes want to be like the people around us. Trying to be perfect is exhausting and the goal seems impossible. We can only be deceived that we are a woman's dream, and the man next to us is a dream man. The ideal person for us is someone we truly love and have proven their worth. The one we dream of is one day the father of our children. Someone who, despite his own and our shortcomings, loves us in his own way.

There is a pattern of how an ideal person makes us feel happy and happy to be with him. The ideal person for us has flaws and makes mistakes that we can forgive him and that did not hurt us endlessly. However, these same shortcomings and mistakes may be unacceptable to another woman. For her, the person of dreams may be our most hated type. However, does a person have sleep? The man who made us feel like a woman's dream.

But understanding a man does not mean listening to endless complaints and agreeing with him in everything. Of course, it is important for a person to speak out sometimes; if a lover can listen and help, it is valuable. Often men looking for an affair on the side receive less understanding and support from their wives. But for relations to develop, common interest is needed. Therefore, it is useful to find out what a man is interested in and find a common hobby with his lover. This will allow you to spend more time together and share new things with each other. But a woman’s interest must be sincere and genuine.
If the mistress shares the man’s hobbies, understands and supports him, this may even force the lover to separate from his wife. However, you shouldn’t have high hopes about this: they can easily ruin everything.

The rest are just dreams! Dessie Velikova. What attracts modern men? Perfect skin. Take care of your body first and then your face. Use a cleansing mask that will leave your skin smooth and soft. Apply some kind of cosmetic agent to the fake tan and let it absorb well. The final touch is a body lotion with shine and a slight scent that will give the skin a “glossy” effect. Flawless curls. Men have already embraced unnatural hair colors and elaborate hairstyles with lavish hair dye.

But they prefer natural color, natural shine and softness of hair. If you want to transform your hair in a very short time, use a time-tested tool - Iranian henna. Various types Colorless henna is available to preserve natural hair and give it strength and shine. The bag should last 1-2 hours.

Common Mistakes

It is not enough to know how to behave with a married lover; you also need to understand what not to do.

Many mistresses try to interfere in personal life men: ask about his wife and children or even ask him for a divorce. This should not be done under any circumstances. If a man himself starts talking about his family, it is better to remain neutral and not show excessive curiosity.

If you repeat the procedure once a week, you will achieve a truly shocking effect. Beautiful manicure. Almost all men find an attractive manicure of medium length and “moderate” colors, i.e. absence of any “piercing” tones. Modern manicure fashion is completely consistent with men and dictates the rules of absolute naturalness. If you opt for a French manicure, you won't go unnoticed!

How can you understand the main characteristics of your new person? Last but perhaps most important rule: Even if he looks a little thin and unsupported, often dressed in his old jeans, sneakers and his favorite worn shirt, give him a chance!

If love affair secret (and this almost always happens), then a woman should take care of this secret. This often causes a lot of inconvenience: you can’t appear together in public, you can’t be the first to call or write to your lover. However, otherwise there may be a big scandal and, most likely, the mistress will be abandoned.

Another common mistake is constantly asking for help or money. This will make a man think that his mistress is trying to take advantage of him and will undermine his trust in her. If a lover wants to give an expensive gift, he will give it himself; you cannot beg for it. Small household requests can be addressed, but only occasionally; a man should not get the impression that his mistress is encroaching on his freedom.

Why do men most often fall in love? It all has to do with people's desire and desire to hunt. Some call it hunting, others call it fishing and skillfully fall and take the bait, but ultimately the goal is the same: to win another trophy. We don't want to say that men only think about sex and are completely insensitive. No, they just want them to change things faster. It's nothing personal, it's a hunt. Code "Fear". Another possibility is that he left you simply because he is afraid. Fear of being the last one and still not feeling ready to be tied down forever.

Often mistresses start scandals because a man does not show up for a long time or does not come to an appointed meeting. You can't do this either. Firstly, a married man does not manage his time independently and depends on his family. Especially if the relationship is secret and the wife is jealous. Secondly, the lover has enough conflicts at home. Therefore, it is better not to make scandals with him at all. A man finds a mistress to have a good time, and not to solve her problems and explain to her where he was, what he was doing and why he didn’t come earlier.

When in love, people tend to forget the rest of the world and become immersed in their new relationship. This applies to both men and women. However, “Drowning” can drown relationships due to too strong emotions and rapid exhaustion of feelings. A man calms down when he realizes that he has a woman with whom he is involved. Of course, we don't force you to drag your feet, but maintain your autonomy. Don't rush into "we" plans and don't forget your friends. And no matter how good it is, don't allow yourself so much that you end up disappointed when it turns out you're not the wife of his life.

So, to maintain a romantic relationship with a married man, you need to follow a number of rules. But we must not forget about ourselves. It is important to remember that the partner is married and, most likely, will not want to end the marriage in order to start a family with his mistress. This means that a woman must continue to look for her love, who will become her legitimate soul mate.

If you choose martial arts, the chance to impress the male part of the group is greater because men are impressed by women who are interested in “male” activities. Planes and Trains Low-cost carriers have made air travel affordable. The only inconvenience is that you often have to fly by bus and spend several hours at the airport between cities.

Going to a concert can be your ticket to the land of love. Fan sites are also convenient place for communication, and why not meet people who are close to your musical interests. Online meetings. And secondly, because there are enough men who also run in the morning or go to the gym. And having a glass of shake after a tiring workout in good company is an offer that's hard to resist. Dinner outside. You know very well that on a Friday night it is very difficult to find a table where you can only be with friends.

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