Alice group - press. The meaning of the female name Alice Career and family


The Russian language has masculine, feminine, neuter, paired and general gender. I also found a mention reciprocal, but I don't remember it very well - Wikipedia says it is used for animals that have not been given a feminine or masculine version of the word - see "rat" for all types of rats and pairs like "cat/cat". My teachers called it “common” gender.

The word "helper" is a masculine word. The word “helper” is feminine and is quite widely used. This is not a newfangled feminist word like the words “author”, “actor” and “director”, which can be scary to use openly because there is a risk of shifting the discussion of the news to a discussion of an open feminist statement.

A native Russian speaker should not have any problems with the meaning and gender of the words “assistant” and “assistant”. The only potential problems are possible gender (sexist) connotations, which grammar have no relation to the Russian language.

I don’t like the fact that Yandex reinforces these connotations by deliberately choosing masculine nouns: “assistant” and “helper.”

Yandex Rules

The argument “Well, maybe it’s called “voice assistant “Alice”” won’t work - according to the Yandex guide- and style-books, its services are not put in quotation marks. I worked at Yandex.Money for two years, I know.

Yandex.Money, Yandex.Taxi, Yandex.Alice or just Alice. There are no quotation marks around Yandex or Alice.

Alice's personality

Alice was invented by a woman. The developers talk about Alice using verbs and feminine pronouns:

  • “To do this, it is necessary that it understands real human speech, and not just perfectly pronounced requests.” - Denis Filippov, head of speech technologies at Yandex. Source: Yandex released the voice assistant “Alice”.
  • “Say you asked Alice, “What’s the weather like tomorrow?” - she answered you: “+7 and that’s clear.” - Ilya Subbotin, Alice product manager. Source: How Yandex created Alice.

Alice was given a personality. Her name, according to the service team, was tested with users. Alice was taught to joke, react caustically to stupid jokes, and accumulate knowledge while interacting with users. Here are quotes from an article about this written jointly with Yandex on

To give the assistant a personality, the team had to decide on the character's gender, age, name and personality traits, describe behavior, and compose lines that the assistant would use to dialogue with the user - "editorial" responses.

The developers decided that the assistant would be a young girl who is always ready to help the owner of the smartphone, but at the same time does not allow a familiar attitude. She is correct and keeps her distance when they try to insult her, but she is not arrogant and does not boast of her knowledge.

“Users can't be asked directly which name is best for their assistant, so we asked in a subtle way. They took the characteristics we needed - and, on the contrary, completely unsuitable ones, and began to ask: if a girl has such a name, is she more likely, for example, kind or aggressive?”

The team also chose a voice for the voice acting that “fit” the character. Tatyana Shitova doubles for Scarlett Johansson in Russian films. Scarlett voiced the role of AI in the film Her (“She”). Tatiana voiced Scarlett. And by the way, a whole set strong women and the main and supporting characters, including Juno and Harley Quinn. You definitely know this voice.

The project team certainly did not miss the obvious association with the strong, brave and beautiful Alice from the childhood of a significant part of Yandex users. This Alice was, in principle, the only Sci-Fi, geek and nerd girl of the USSR (well, except for Gadget, but this was after Perestroika).

Being a woman is not humiliating

When I posted a screenshot of Alice’s main page on her Facebook, one of my friends wrote:

And some girls told me that “assistant”, “secretary”, “boss”, etc. - sounds humiliating.

This is the point of my complaint.

The feminine word is perceived as derogatory (“wrong”) even by the creators of the virtual woman, who recognize that she is a woman and endow her with feminine qualities and personality.

To put it bluntly, “it’s a shame to be a woman.” It's cool to be a boss, but it's humiliating to be a boss. Assistant is a fashionable, established expression in a world in which AI has existed in the public space for less than five years, and it’s already a shame to be an AI assistant.

This needs to be changed at the level of “public” language. It’s not even about introducing new revolutionary language norms - “bot/ka/”, “robot/itsa/” - but about feel free to use old ones.

Alice is a virtual young girl (I won’t even discuss “young” now). Assistant and assistant. It doesn't seem very difficult. Not humiliating or embarrassing.

But of course there are connotations. A girl is sitting at a bar, you approach her and ask what she does, she says, “I’m a personal assistant.” How many initial associations, jokes and smirks do you have to wade through to see the person behind her?

If the largest Internet company in Europe somehow legitimizes this word through its natural use where fully appropriate existing the grammatical norms of the language may be easier.

I have officially asked for comments from Yandez and not very much, I will keep you posted. So far there has been no public reaction.

Russian Groups
Why are they called that?..

Journalists love to ask musicians: “Why is your band called that?” And this question, naturally, is not without meaning. After all, as it turns out, there is so much mixed in the names of the groups!.. Here you have romance, and cold calculation, and chance, and the help of friends, and the strong will of the producer... That’s why we offer our research to music lovers today.

Traveling in 1972 somewhere in Kupchino (a residential area of ​​St. Petersburg), BG comrades came across a glass beer bar, known among the aborigines as “Aquarium”... From that day on, the group was no longer nameless.

The smart girl from Lewis Carroll's fairy tale "Alice Through the Looking Glass" was nowhere near here. Just the founder of the group was Slava Zaderiy. And “in life” he had the nickname Alice (why is another question). So, in fact, it turned out that Zaderiy gave his nickname to the team. Then he went to the group NATE!, and Kostya Kinchev, apparently, was too lazy to change the name.

The name is unclear whose and unclear what. Swiss watches "Omega" - this is clear, "from alpha to omega" - too famous expression. But A-MEGA - this is not in any language. True, at first the group was called AMEGA, and this is how, with a hyphen, the name was shared by Roman Prygunov, director of the “Legs” video.

Why " The best group Empire", as rock journalists dubbed it, called itself AUCTION, no one will remember - it was a long time ago... But it is known for certain why it, contrary to the rules of the Russian language, is written with "Y". The case, as guitarist Leonid Fedorov claims , it was like this: “One day, after a concert, our drummer was signing autographs for people and signing “AUCTION” everywhere. Then he comes to me and asks: “Laziness, is that right?” I say: "Absolutely." And everyone else agreed with me. Two weeks later the joke was revealed, but they decided to change the name in honor of this. That's basically it."

It is clear that this is just an abbreviation for the name “Boris Grebenshchikov”. But, apparently, Boris Borisych is such a complex person that his fans are everywhere ready to look for a second, or even a third, meaning. As soon as they do not “decipher” these two letters. Here you have “Without a Head”, and “Boris and Gleb” (Gleb is Grebenshchikov’s son), and they even imagine something sinister, like GB. Personally, I am closer to the version of the poet Andrei Voznesensky: “In Russian ancient icons and vowels were not used in the chronicles. And “God” was designated “BG”.

The permanent leader of the group, Zhenya Khavtan, believes that it was this word that brought the team good luck, since it has “some special energy.” The name was suggested by drummer Pavel Kuzin during a brainstorming session.

The brainchild of the frantic showman Garik Sukachev was at first called very pretentiously: THE PROLETARIAN JAZZ BRIGADE. Then the matured Garik modestly christened it - BRIGADE S (not to be confused with the SS!), that is, simply - SUKACHEV'S BRIGADE.

This is the name that one of the heroes of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s story “The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants” (a graphomaniac lackey) awarded his literary opus. The boys themselves do not philosophize and do not delve into philosophical jungle. "VIDOPLYASOV'S SCREAMS?.. Sounds beautiful!" - they say. Most likely, this name was suggested to the group by bass guitarist Alexander Pipa, who is also a well-read former student.

The first team of Lesha Romanov, the founder of RESURRECTION, was called SHLINKING CLOUDS. Later, from a student duet, he turned into a full-fledged rock band. And he began to call himself completely psychedelic - THE GUYS WHO START PLAYING WHEN THE STRIPED HIPPOPOTAMUS CROSSES THE ZAMBEZI RIVER. And the current name was given to the team in 1979 by Evgeniy Margulis, who transferred to Romanov from TIME MACHINE. Then, however, it turned out that Zhenya found him in Leningrad. The RESURRECTION group almost still exists there... Doctors call this “memory provocation.”

At first, Shevchuk’s brainchild did not have its own corporate name. And it was simply called GENNADIY RODINA GROUP (after the name of the formal artistic director of the group). However, when the provincial group from Ufa passed the first round of correspondence music competition“Golden tuning fork,” Moscow demanded that she “name herself something.” Keyboardist Vova Sigachev accidentally blurted out: DDT. And everyone reluctantly agreed. True, no one was happy with the gloomy associations with the remedy for cockroaches. Therefore, each musician offered his own decoding of the abbreviation: HOUSE OF CHILDREN'S CREATIVITY, FOOLS FROM THE HOUSE OF TECHNOLOGY, etc.

This name can be understood both as “dead ears” and as “old people” (since the group members, alas, are not young). Initially, having emerged back in 1981, the group was called STRANGE GAMES and, since it played in the ska style, was considered the most progressive in the country. But, apparently, few people know that at the same time as DEADHOODS, Sologub and Rakhov were considering another variant of the name - POISONS. However, due to the similarity of the English yady with the name of a mafia group, this option was rejected.

It sounds strange, but the logic of the young group from Rostov-on-Don is truly ironclad. DRUMMERS - because, firstly, all musicians are actually drummers, and secondly, they “don’t give a damn!” Well, FORBIDDEN - because the word is beautiful. In addition, two letters "Ш" intersect in the name. However, other options were also considered - PROHIBITED PAKERS, STEAM BATH MAN and even a PAIR OF BATH MAN. Such good ones fashionable names with a hint of blue. But, after thinking about it, the musicians decided to remain unfashionable.

Generally speaking, it is quite difficult to choose a name for a band playing in the hardcore style - that hellish mixture of metal, rap and punk. In this troublesome task, the guys from the fashionable Moscow team were helped by... an imported can of dichlorvos. The wandering gaze of one of the musicians accidentally came across the abbreviation "I.F.K." - "Insect Flying Killer", which translates as "Flying Insect Killer". However, the group members themselves prefer to decipher I.F.K. otherwise - as a FLYING INSECT KILLER. And what?.. It’s really much cooler. Like Batman and all that...

The name of Dmitry Revyakin’s Novosibirsk group exudes an epic spirit. And indeed it is. The name was given by a Russian fairy tale, where the hero-hero fights for his brothers on the same Kalinov Bridge first with three-headed and six-headed dragons, and then the most terrible, twelve-headed serpent, intended for him, awaits him. As Dima Revyakin comments, this means that the knight took on other people’s karmic tasks. As, in fact, are the musicians of the group. It’s unclear, but patriotic!..

Initially, in 1981, Tsoi’s group was called GARIN AND THE HYPERBOLOIDS. Soon they decided to change the awkward name. There was something false about him - some kind of excessive fantasy. Victor wanted to name the group shorter, clearer, deeper. Together with his colleague Alexei Rybin (Ryba), they spent almost the whole day sorting out the words. In the end, having failed to find anything decent, we settled on the first one we found. This word - in the form of a neon sign burning opposite - was CINEMA.

For philatelists this is not a question at all. On postage stamps our ex-sister According to the socialist camp there is an inscription in Cyrillic, i.e. almost in Russian, - “Mongol Shuudan”, which means “Mongolian post”. It would seem like a common thing, but some of the participants in the Moscow group found the combination of these two words funny.

At first, students from Sverdlovsk called themselves simply NAUTILUS. Considering that the group arose under the Council of Deputies, the meaning of the name was easy to read: you guys build your communism, and we will somehow sail on our own, like the lone captain Nemo in his Nautilus submarine. But the provincial rockers, as always, were spoiled by Moscow. The fact is that in the capital there already existed an ensemble with a similar name (by the way, “machinist” Evgeniy Margulis once played there). When the Sverdlovsk residents learned about this unfortunate fact, they had to change the name of their group. But they didn’t rack their brains for long: they added just one more word - POMPILIUS. And instead of a submarine, a mollusk appeared, scientifically named in Latin.

Alexey Kortnev and Valdis Pelsh at one time kept a count of journalists asking: “Why are you called ACCIDENT?” They gave up after a cash prize was given in Kazan to a journalist who was the thousandth on this list. They brought her onto the stage (she was as red as a lobster) and handed her the old “lemon.” In fact, the name has nothing to do with any tragedy. It’s just that in the courtyard of the house where Kortnev lived, a group with the same name was rehearsing. The group soon fled, and the name was “privatized” by Alexey.

From the huge list of options that were hotly discussed, Max Pokrovsky remembers only two - ORNAMENT and SINGING ENCOUNTERS (?!!). And he clearly chose the current name because it seemed the most commercially profitable.

The name of this group appeared by accident. Almost like in the song: “It was an ordinary winter evening in St. Petersburg...” Two friends, Diana Arbenina and Svetlana Surganova, went to work in a casino, where they performed their songs. At the intersection, a car stopped next to them: “Are you going hunting, girls?” Apparently, the cases that contained the violin and guitar looked like rifles to the man.

Untied girls Inessa, Anya and Asya made their debut in a project with the strange name LUKI. Bummer!.. And then the arrogant (or naive?) girls decided that they would be gladly taken under the wing of the global “cooling” giant. They rolled out their lip!.. Even without them, the capitalists have plenty of Ricky Martins (see also TEA FOR TWO).

Initially, this St. Petersburg band playing electronic rock was called PUNCTION MARKS. The current name stuck after a tour in Denmark, as a result of a banal mistake in the poster, and that was 10 years ago.

Professor Lebedinsky
Contrary to the obvious fact of his biography, the All-Russian “boatman” was not named in honor of his professor father. It all started with a joke that Lesha made in his youth. First, he recorded the thieves' song "Masha the Fool" as a bet, and after it the famous "Boatman". Then, when he had collected a whole album of such songs, he wanted to release it, but he tried not to show his face anywhere. And to give credibility to his voice - so that people would think that he was over forty and that he was such a powerful man - he chose “Professor”. A pseudonym under which it was possible to release cassettes for fun. So I was kidding myself. He even named his studio Professor Records.

A successful example of combining a commercial approach and reflection of national roots. And if you consider that half of the musicians of this cool team are from Pskov, where Pushkin’s Boldino is located, it’s generally “in color.” At first, when the musicians were invited to Germany, the band leader Koha came up with the name LOST & FOUND (LOST AND FOUND). But then this name was “cut down” by German producers. They said that this was a non-commercial name, moreover, “too Americanized” (!). But Russian musicians They wouldn't change it unless they found a better replacement. And then one fine day a certain Martin, a German friend, arrived and said that he had a cool name for the team - PUSHKING. That's what they decided on.

Monsters of Rock. A cult group, popular in Ukraine along with BB. An example of a successful impromptu. In the summer of 1987, three Kharkov rockers who played in different groups, we went as bunnies to the rock festival in Riga. They didn’t even think about performing there - they were just going to hang out. In the evening, after drinking vodka, the boys came to the city center, to Dom Square, and, sitting there on the cobblestone street, began to take turns singing their “social-perestroika” songs on a shabby guitar. Luckily for them, a member of the festival’s organizing committee was in the crowd of spectators: “Great! I’m signing you up as a participant. By the way, what’s your name?..” - “Yes, we are completely different people, and we also play in different groups in Kharkov.” .", - "Yeah, so that's what I'm writing down: the group DIFFERENT PEOPLE." By the way, at that festival the Kharkovites took second place, losing only to the increasingly popular CHAIF.

Kazakh ravers Vitya Bondaryuk and Dima Kopotilov, having moved to Russia, for a long time could not find a name for their group. And suddenly it dawned on Bondaryuk!.. RUSSIAN SIZE is a hint at the physiology of a Russian man. Yes, yes, to this very “epic power”. However, the musicians themselves admit that what girls like about them is not their size, but the fact that both of them are “cheerful and gentle.”

The cult group of the 80s, where Max Leonidov and the now popular showman Nikolai Fomenko once shone, consisted mainly of students theater institute. During lectures on scientific communism, when they were bored and had nothing to do, they began to come up with different names on pieces of paper. At first they decided to call themselves KRISTINA (they had such a gorgeous song in their repertoire). But then everyone noticed that there was a certain “blue” bias in this. And someone once (everyone is a Beatlemaniac) wrote a phrase from BEATLES songs- "Listen, do you want to know a secret?" (“Listen, would you like to know a secret?”). OH SECRET! A normal word, beautiful, capacious. And this name was approved by voting.

Sasha Vasiliev, the leader of SPLIN, knew from the age of 12 that he would someday create his own group. In those days, he was interested in poetry solely from the point of view of whether it was possible to write a rock song to a verse or not. Pushkin was declared a “bad poet” and shelved. But one day Vasiliev read Sasha Cherny’s poem “On the Mute” and came across the mysterious word “spleen.” None of his acquaintances, to his delight, could clearly explain what it meant. And this was what was needed!.. And so the name of the group was born. Meanwhile, if Sasha looked in the dictionary foreign words, he would have learned that “spleen” is “spleen, melancholy mood,” and literally means “anger.”

St. Petersburg group, which became the favorite of Tutta Larsen and her team after the cool video “Vacation” was aired on MTV. As the guys themselves explain, the name arose spontaneously. First there was the word, then the form - capital Latin letters with dots. And only later did understanding come. It turns out that there is a lot in common between sports and music. Both here and there I want to be in the top ten.

As Denis and Stas themselves admitted, with the word TEA in the name of their duet they really hoped to lure rich sponsors. For example, the Finnish tea concern Forsman. Unfortunately, there were no takers. But practical guys, apparently, do not lose hope...

The Ural guys approached their self-name like peasants in detail. On the one hand, everyone will understand that they live in the area of ​​a tea-packing factory. On the other hand, the word CHAIF is very reminiscent of “high”. And in rock and roll, as we know, “there is no life without buzz.”

The female name Alice has been familiar to many since childhood. Everyone remembers the character in Lewis Carroll’s paradoxical works “Alice in Wonderland” and “Alice Through the Looking Glass”, the Fox from Alexei Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”, Seleznev from fantastic stories Kira Bulycheva is well remembered for her resilient character, resourcefulness, irrepressible temperament and curiosity. Such similarity of characteristics of different literary characters makes you wonder - is it not a coincidence that all bearers of the name have such a character? The meaning of the name Alice is no longer a secret - all the information is in the article.

Brief meaning of the name Alice

Origin and meaning of the name Alice

The origin of the name Alice is similar to the origin of another European name– Adelaide, so his interpretation will be the same – noble.

Alice is a short form of the French variant of the ancient Germanic name Adalheid, which according to ancient tradition consisted of two words - adal, athal (noble) + heit (gens, class). Thus, the expanded meaning of the name Alice is “from a noble family.”

The Old French name Alis and its reduced form Alison came to England thanks to the Normans and turned into Alice (Alice) and Alison (Alison). In Russia, Alice was subsequently Russified.

Name forms

The name became widespread thanks to the books of Lewis Carroll and is now popular in many European and American countries.

Name according to church Orthodox calendar is absent in the calendar, therefore, during Orthodox baptism, a girl can choose any other church name.

Spelling out her name

A – symbol of the beginning;

L – subtle sense of beauty, artistic talents;

And - kindness, peacefulness;

S – rationality, common sense;

A is the symbol of the beginning.

Characteristics of the name

The meaning of the name Alice, its interpretation, phonetic content influences the fate of a girl with that name, her successes and failures in life. The name Alice is sharp, sonorous, it contains the energy of action and the desire to reach the top.

A child is an eternal headache for parents, but also happiness. Already as a girl she quickly gains independence and self-confidence. It cannot be said that she specifically strives for leadership, but somehow it naturally turns out that she is already at the head of the company, and her desires are taken into account first of all.

A slightly stubborn character can lead to conflicts and quarrels, but her charm and subtle understanding of people smooth out misunderstandings.

She is often cheerful, but not frivolous. Common sense and rationality are important traits of her character, and the intriguing combination of a sharp mind and romance gives her additional charm.

The girl is light and graceful, over the years she becomes slightly rude, but does not lose her affability of character and ease of communication. She values ​​decency and reliability in people.

Career and family

Alice's destiny will include many romantic interests and even crazy romances. As a child, she will begin to dream of a handsome prince and scarlet sails. Romanticism will not prevent her, however, from learning over the years to manipulate numerous fans, without, however, humiliating their self-esteem and skillfully turning them into her loyal friends.

Diplomacy and a sense of tact will be wonderful helpers in her professional activity. Charm, the ability to look great in any environment, communication and openness make Alice an indispensable specialist in the field of human relations. Psychologist, journalist, actress, teacher - these are the areas where she will fully reveal herself and find professional happiness.

In love, Alice is a maximalist. She needs all or nothing. In men, she values ​​physical attractiveness, intelligence, and a sense of humor. Gets married only Great love, but if the feelings go away, he will decide to break up.

She keeps her house immaculately clean and values ​​comfort, beautiful things, and tasteful interior design.


Health is good. Since childhood, she has great vital energy, and if her irrepressible character does not lead to nervous tension and an incorrect lifestyle, then her health will serve her faithfully for many years.

Famous Alices

Beautiful Alices are found in all areas of activity, but there are especially many of them in the field of art and, of course, among royalty:

  • Freidlich - Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema;
  • Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt, Alexandra Feodorovna, Russian Empress, wife of Nicholas II;
  • Alisa Koonen - Russian, Soviet theater actress;
  • Alice Pleasence Liddell is the prototype of a character from Carroll's fairy tales;
  • Alicia Alonso – Cuban ballerina;
  • Alice Hoffman - American writer;
  • Alice Fey - American film actress:
  • Alicia Bogo - Spanish actress;
  • Alice Braga - Brazilian actress;
  • Aliche Dreossi - Italian artist;
  • Grebenshchikova - Russian actress;
  • Khazanova is a Russian actress;
  • Alisa Mon - Russian singer;
  • Alicia Silverstone - American model and actress.

It was named after the heroine of Carroll's works. most popular rock band from St. Petersburg "Alice". And perhaps the most famous Alice in Russia in the early 1990s for some time was the Caucasian Shepherd, after which one of the first Russian millionaires, German Sterlingov, named the commodity and raw materials exchange he created, the first in the USSR.

A person’s name is not just an element of self-awareness and a sign of individuality. When we are born, we all receive a “personal name,” which partly becomes a kind of predetermining moment of the fateful Alice? What are its roots, and what character are its owners endowed with? You will learn all this from our article, and you will also be able to understand why your girl behaves the way she does. For those who are just deciding to give their child this name, this is a must-read!

The girl who will be called Alice

As a rule, future mothers and fathers choose a name for their unborn baby in advance. Which is understandable, since today the process of determining the gender of an intrauterine fetus does not seem difficult. Often we name our children after our parents, sometimes after our grandparents, thereby showing respect and even reverence for our ancestors, while at the same time agreeing that the “choice” is indeed worthy of continuing to exist as a new person. Do you know what the name Alice means? Moreover, such a sharp transition in the narrative is completely justified, since this feminine “beginning” really has the unique ability to clothe the girl being gifted with unpredictability itself and surround her with an aura of mystery. However, from this moment on, everything is only about her alone...

Origin of the name

The secret of the name Alice is actually hidden in short form German appeal to Adelaide. We will talk about the mystical meaning later, but onomastics sheds light on mysterious origin named informative light in the form of several more versions:

  • "transformation" of Old French Aalis;
  • we can see Latin roots in the word alis, which means “wings”;
  • variant pronunciation of the name Elisha, Elina, Elizabeth (Elizabeth).

In the 12th century in England and France, calling a girl Alice was, so to speak, fashionable. Many historical figures in the person of European monarchs they were bearers of this noble name. Therefore, if you decide that the girl definitely needs to be named Alice, be prepared for the fact that she will display royal qualities. At the same time, the delicate nature of the “princess” will definitely require certain attitude to oneself and, accordingly, the general attention of others.

Alice: the meaning of the name

Character of a girl with youth definitely expresses practicality and an incredible will to win. However, fantasies and the world of illusions are also not alien to the impressionable Alice. She always remains friendly with her peers, but never misses a chance to once again prove her outstanding organizational skills. Despite her calm nature, Alice will always be in the thick of things. The girl's prudence and unquenchable sense of justice will become her life companions. Having transformed and matured, a woman often does not exactly “ladylike” things, representing in her person a rather serious competitor for men, who subsequently begin to understand what the name Alice means. Unfortunately, this comes too late. Responsibility and determination, coupled with perseverance and pronounced insight, allow ladies with this name to occupy quite influential positions. official positions. And yet Alice always remains the “weaker sex”, so romance and love are also characteristic of them, however, they never lose their heads. They get married late. In marriage, they usually feel like they are the mistress of the situation, and if the other half does not understand them, they declare an all-out war, in which, of course, they win a glorious victory. As a rule, they have one child - a son.

A short digression in the form of clarification

“And yet, what does the name Alice mean?” - you ask. The fact is that some sources believe that it came from the ancient German “baby”. Which is still a dubious statement, since it does not stand up to the criticism of authoritative experts in the field of onomastics. However, the short form of Old French alis is identical to the German short form Adalheid (Adelaide), where adal is “noble, noble” and “heid” is “kind, class”. As a result, we have: “noble birth” or “noble class”. And nothing else!

Psychological picture

Despite the grace and natural sophistication of feminine beauty, the “German” character of the name Alice makes its owners strong personalities who value order and accuracy in everything. Work, life and family for women of “noble origin” are a single whole. However, setting priorities is entirely within their competence. Objective and self-confident Alice is capable of achieving, if not everything, then certainly a lot. Women of this type not only love to lead and command their subordinates, but do it with special skill and innate abilities unique to them. It is worth noting that, despite the desire to be first and the “imposition” of unconscious superiority, a female leader always maintains friendly ties with her colleagues, thereby justifying her noble name Alice. The meaning, the origin of her “beginning” for her is always a source for research internal forces, which she addresses very rarely. Since, among other things, such strong ladies have the “perfect weapon” presented to them by generous nature in the form of a wonderful talent to enchant those around them with the beauty of their pretty face and sweet, charming words. Which, in principle, they never disdain in order to achieve their goals, despite some internal moral contradiction.

Name compatibility

A certain mystery of the name Alice, its mystery and mystical power hidden potential allow a woman to build her own happiness with some ease with men of almost different character. Perhaps the most important thing for her in a relationship is the partner’s sincere feelings, mutual understanding and fidelity. Only harmonious combination All these qualities allow Alice to believe that she has found true love. A girl is capable of self-sacrifice only when she has convincing evidence that her soulmate and body belongs only to her alone.

Alisa will be happy with the romantic Evgeny, Vitaly, Vyacheslav and Stanislav. Despite the extraordinary abilities and talent of submission, a woman with a noble name should still avoid Sergeev, Romanov and Andreev, since an alliance with these representatives of the stronger sex is fraught with problems. Moreover, we can say that the break in relations in this case is predetermined.

Magic combination of symbols

It is worth noting the special designation of the name Alice:

  • A - the initial letter of the Cyrillic people, personifies the beginning of something, the desire to carry out a plan and bring it to life.
  • L - artistry and talent, striving for excellence and thirst for new knowledge. Subtle understanding and perception of beauty.
  • AND - personal spirituality, sensuality and kindness. A person’s ability to hide his romantic nature behind a screen of practicality and cold prudence.
  • WITH - desire for stability and material independence, intractable capriciousness and lust for power with irritability. The only thing that matters is the life path you find on your own.
  • A - we can only add an uncontrollable desire for spiritual and physical comfort.


Of course, a person has the right to decide his own destiny, he is the architect of his own happiness. But it is stupid to disagree with the pattern of events and common sense proven truths. We did not invent this world, and the set of established rules of astral significance does not depend on us. And yet, do not panic fatalists - be more optimistic!

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