Personal life of Ruslan Alekhno today. Ruslan Alekhno secretly married

Belarusian and Russian popperformer, winner of the show "People's Artist" in 2004 atTV channel "Russia-1", participant of Eurovision 2008.

Ruslan Alekhno. Biography

Ruslan Alekhno born on October 14, 1981 in the Republic of Belarus (city of Bobruisk). Studied at a music school accordion and trumpet class. Graduated from Bobruisk State Motor Transport College.

Singer name Ruslana Alekhn he became widely known in 2004 after his victory in the television competition " National artist- 2". Then fans of the project appreciated his sincerity and singing talent. The very first song after the end of the project, “Unusual,” blew up the airwaves of all radio stations and music TV channels. The female part of the public, tired of “fatal” men, saw in Ruslan a real and faithful man.

Ruslan Alekhno: “I absolutely a common person, like all the other people around me, only with their own “extraordinary” story, with their own curious life situations, with their dreams, which they recently managed to realize. Winning the People's Artist project is perhaps my most notable achievement, but far from the most important. There's more to come."

In 2005, the singer signed a contract with the production center FBI - music. During the collaboration, the singer released the album “ Sooner or later…».

In 2012 came a new creative stage. The artist records new songs and begins to work on a new repertoire. The song " Not forget", for which a video is immediately shot. The next single is the song “ We'll stay" In May 2012, on a tour of the cities of the Republic of Belarus, Ruslan presented to the audience his new concert program.

The premiere took place in April 2013 new song Ruslana Alekhno « Darling”, which received a very good response from listeners, for which a video was shot in October.

With this song, Ruslan became the winner of the “Song of the Year of Belarus - 2013”.

On May 9 of the same year, the singer’s third album, entitled “ Heritage", which includes famous songs of the war years. The release of the album was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the Victory, and according to Ruslan, it new album- This is a tribute to the veterans who defeated fascism in the Great Patriotic War.

May 26, 2013 International Academy Public Recognition awarded Ruslan Alekhno the Order “For Contribution and Development of Russian Culture.”

The year 2014 was marked by a new milestone in the artist’s work: he recorded a duet with People’s Artist of Russia Valeria. A beautiful lyrical composition called “Heart of Glass” was written several years ago and was waiting for its finest hour. In May 2014, Valeria and Ruslan presented a video for a joint song. The video was directed by famous film director Yegor Konchalovsky. For the master, this was a kind of debut as a music video director - Egor had never filmed before music videos. He made an exception especially for Valeria and Ruslan Alekhno.

On October 21, 2014, Ruslan took part in Valeria’s concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London. The audience received their joint duet on stage very warmly.

Now Ruslan is actively touring and preparing to release another album. His solo program is in constant demand, and his tour schedule is very busy.

In 2015, Ruslan Alekhno became a participant in the transformation show on the Rossiya 1 TV channel. One to one!» , season 3- an analogue of the program Your Face Sounds Familiar and became the winner.

In 2016, the singer took part in the show “One to One. Battle of the Seasons" and received an honorable second place. In 2017, Alekhno became a member of the jury of a new music competition for children and teenagers, the “At the top of his voice” competition, which was created by Lina Arifullina. Also mentors young musicians spoke Mark Tishman, Ruslan Alekhno, Arsenium, Margarita Pozoyan, Emil Kadyrov, Alisa Danelia , Zafar Abdualimov And Madina Sadvakasova.

Ruslan Alekhno. Personal life

From July 2009 to June 2011 he was married to actress Irina Medvedeva, star of “6 Frames”, but the marriage broke up. According to the singer, the reason for the separation is one of the most beautiful couples show business was the rapidly growing career of Irina Medvedeva, and with it fame. Despite this, good relations remained between them

"We lived seven very good years. I could only open my soul to Ira. With her I started on my own, adult life in another country, we conquered Moscow together... Now we have worthily disposed of what we have acquired over time life together– a house in the Moscow region and an apartment in Minsk. When we separated, I told my wife that I was ready to give it all to her. But Ira replied: “No, let’s be honest, in half! We both earned money, but I don’t need charity.” How many girls like this will you find?” - Ruslan said in one of the interviews.

Singer Ruslan Alekhno, winner of the TV project “People’s Artist,” and Irina Medvedeva, star of the sketch show “6 Frames,” lived together for seven years. But recently their family broke up. Ruslan frankly told 7D who was to blame for this.

The future spouses did not immediately recognize each other, although fate diligently brought them together more than once. After all, they grew up in the same city - Bobruisk. We walked the same streets for years, took part in the same artistic competitions more than once. But they never met.

Ira and Ruslan did not immediately meet, even when they began working in the same group - the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Armed Forces in Minsk: Alekhno sang there, and Ira, who graduated from the Belarusian Academy of Arts, was the presenter. “The first concert that was announced by my future wife, I missed it - I took part in one music competition,” recalls Ruslan. “I come to work the next day, and my senior colleagues are just discussing: “What a beauty led the concert yesterday!” By the way, she’s from your city.” A couple of days later I saw Ira and noted that she was really pretty, with a chiseled figure. But that's all. And a couple of months later, Medvedeva even left for Moscow to film the program “Dear Program”... A year later, fate made another attempt to bring Ruslan and Irina together. In July 2004, Alekhno performed at a concert in Minsk, was preparing for his appearance in a mobile dressing room, and suddenly there was a knock on the window.

Ruslan looked out and saw Ira! It turns out that she came to Minsk for a couple of days and was supposed to return to Moscow in the morning. But her friend was already at the train and persuaded her to stay. Ira even threw a coin - right on the platform. And then fortune took over - it fell out to “stay”. In the evening, the girls came to the concert, and here Ira accidentally noticed former colleague from the ensemble, so I decided to say hello... “After the concert we went for a walk. The date lasted until half the night - I realized that I had fallen in love, so much so that I could not take a full breath from excitement! Calls and text messages began, and three months later I came to Moscow for the “People’s Artist” project. And then our romance flared up with all its might..."

The couple lived in a civil marriage for five years, and then Ruslan proposed to Ira.

He chose for this New Year, which lovers always celebrated in their homeland, together with their families. 12 o'clock struck, the first toast was finished, and it was time for the second. And then Alekhno quietly put the diamond ring, which he had bought in advance, into Irina’s glass. And then he stood up and solemnly asked her father for his daughter’s hand in marriage. “Everyone is in shock, the “bride” does not understand what is happening,” Ruslan recalls with a smile. - Finally, my future father-in-law came to his senses: “I agree!” At this point everyone raises a second toast - to the engagement. The bride drinks a glass, but does not notice the ring. I had to prompt: “Look at the bottom of the glass...” Six months later, on July 18, 2009, the couple got married. We arranged on-site registration, walked on fresh air, with the gypsies. True, five days before the wedding the groom fell ill with severe double pneumonia.

Photo: STS Channel

Temperature - under 40, injections every six hours, he was so bad that he own wedding I didn’t even take a sip of champagne. “Maybe this changing fate showed that our marriage was doomed? But we loved each other very much! Despite the fact that our characters are very different: I am an optimist, and over the years of working in show business I have built up a certain “armor” - against gossip and dishonesty of people. But Ira remained a vulnerable, fragile soul.” One day Alekhno came from Belarus from a tour, and his wife, meeting him in the hallway, instead of kissing him, threw a newspaper in her husband’s face. “I open the newspaper and it says that Alekhno is cheating on Medvedeva with singer Irina Dorofeeva. And a photo of us hugging. And this is just a still from my new video! I explain everything to my wife, but she is hysterical. And the report from our wedding?! One newspaper persistently asked us to come to us - we refused them for a long time, and then gave up.

The singer managed to recreate not only the manner of performance, but also the tired look of the great schemer Ostap Bender. Photo:


They talked a lot about you when you won the transformation show “One to One!” on Channel One. The image of Mironov turned out to be almost textbook for a theater school. When did your talent as a parodist emerge?

Before participating in the show, I had no idea that I had such talent. I have musical education, I never studied acting. I remember the project now with a smile and slight nostalgia. What I definitely don’t miss is prosthetic makeup. You sit for four hours while silicone is glued to your face. Drinking is not allowed, eating is not advisable - the makeup may come off.

- You look similar to Mironov even without makeup.

I hear about this often. But when Celentano He pretended to be, they said that he looked like a teacher (laughs). Andrey's image turned out well. But he was the most difficult. To remove my brown eye color and make me blue-eyed, they used two lens colors - blue and green. I've never worn contact lenses; they were terribly uncomfortable. It was not easy to make his gaze - deep, cold, unblinking. But after I was made up, I went up to the mirror and... got scared - Mironov was standing in front of me.

I have long had the idea of ​​acting in a good movie. Maybe it will be a movie, just like that dedicated to Andrey Mironov? I dream of playing such a role.


The One to One project brought new friends into my life. We began to communicate closely with Sasha Rybak. We met after Eurovision in 2008, and are now constantly in touch. (At these words, he takes out his phone and shows the correspondence in the Watts App.)

This year your fellow countryman appeared on the Eurovision stage again. Why do you think he needs this, since he has already become a winner?

It got boring. I wanted people to talk about him again. Have you ever heard of Sasha Rybak? last time? And here is such a great occasion. His song and number are wonderful.

- At Eurovision, who did you root for - Russia or Belarus?

For both countries. Belarus raised me and gave me a chance, and Russia provided me with the opportunity to realize my dream. These two countries are my home.

- In 2008, you yourself tried to take this Olympus. Ten years have passed, a kind of anniversary.

Exactly! Need to mark. Every year I watch the national selection. I keep track of who represents Belarus and Russia. It’s interesting how people change, what trends, music. You need to have information, this is also part of the profession.

- Don’t you want to dare again?

- There are no such plans yet.

- How do you like the performance of singer Nikita Alekseev, who represented the republic?

Unlike the participants who traveled to last years, this guy is at least visible on stage. He is doing something, working. He was voted for by the audience and the jury of the national selection. Decent guy, great number, great song. He is promoted, young, handsome. We need to thank him for his courage.


My daughter’s first word was “daddy”!

- You can be called an eternal student; at 36 years old you continue to study.

Currently in my second year of master's degree. I also take master classes from Andrea Bocelli - the Italian singing technique is famous for its special flavor. Alfredo Dzhenadze is working with me. He is 75 years old, bass, performed on the main opera scenes peace. Bocelli's sons, and he himself, work with him.

- A big event happened in your family a year ago - your daughter Varvara was born. What was her first word?

I can’t hide anything from you (laughs). The first word was “dad”!

- Personal life in first place now?

I try to combine. There are many good examples. For example, Joseph Kobzon. He has fame, a wife, children, grandchildren. And there are a lot of famous but lonely artists who have no family. This is not what you should strive for.



- We don't hear much about you now. Did you go to work?

I am creative. The premiere of the duet with Diana Gurtskaya took place. We'll shoot a video. I also want to make a video for the song “We Are Connected,” which was released last year. I've been waiting for it to get warmer, now is the time. This year I held a charity marathon to raise funds for the renovation of a children's hospital in Bobruisk.

- Why did you decide to help?

I was born in Bobruisk. I have simple family: father is a military man, mother is a seamstress. I was in this hospital back in 1982, when I was one year old. Even then, everything was not very rosy there. So I decided to hold a charity concert.

Diana Gurtskaya, Denis Klyaver, Anastasia Stotskaya, Yulia Mikhalchik, Lolita, Anatoly Yarmolenko, Dmitry Koldun, Yadviga Poplavskaya... So many artists have never been on one stage in Bobruisk in the entire history of the city. The stars performed for free. We collected about sixty thousand dollars - everything was transferred to the hospital account. The collection continues. We are negotiating with enterprises.

In addition to the concert, we held two football matches. The first brought together a team of artists from Russia and Belarus on one side of the field against a team of Bobruisk football veterans. The second match was played by the team of foreign embassies against the team of the chairman of the Bobruisk city executive committee. The Ambassador of the Republic of Venezuela and the ex-President of Slovakia took to the field - he is now the Ambassador to the Republic of Belarus, he is 64 years old. At one time he played football professionally.

This may seem surprising to some, but blind players have been playing football in the world for a long time. You, too, became a participant in the game “in the dark.”

Unforgettable experience. It’s not that I’ve never seen such football, I’ve never even heard of it before. We went out onto the field, put blindfolds on our eyes, and we were left in complete darkness. Not only are you locked in the confined space of a football box, you are deprived of one of the most important human functions - vision. All that remains is to follow the voices of your colleagues, who tell you where the ball is - it is smaller than usual, and there is a ratchet sewn inside. And also for tips from the goalkeeper (he is sighted) and the coach who is behind the goal. Our opponents are strong in spirit and constantly overcome themselves. They have families, jobs, hobbies. Such moments are a chance to look at many events in your life differently. Why are you complaining, because you are alive and well.

- Many people don’t know, but a few weeks before the 2018 World Cup the FIFA World Cup is taking place. Among the artists.

It’s interesting that this year, for the first time, a team of Belarusian artists in a group met with Russians. By the way, in this league the Russian team is one of the favorites (laughs). Professionals play for the national team together with the artists. The legendary Belarusian football player Alexander Gleb took to the field with us. We tied with Russia - 2:2. Parallel to the matches, charity concerts. So from the locker room - straight to the stage.

- Solid football. Have you decided to change your profession?

I don't prove anything to anyone. I ride horses and swim. I'm just doing this for myself. Everyone must do their job.

  • 1996 Graduated music school accordion and trumpet class.
  • 2000 Winner of the Vivat-Victory competition
  • 2001 First prize at an international competition in Poland
  • 2001 Grand Prix International competition military-patriotic song of Russia
  • 2002 Laureate of the Belarusian song and poetry competition
  • 2003 Second prize at the Golden Hit festival
  • 2003 “Pure Voice” of the festival “At the Crossroads of Europe”
  • 2004 Second Prize at the International Song Festival “Malvy” (Poland)
  • 2004 Winner of the television competition of the Russia channel “People’s Artist - 2”.
  • 2005 First Prize All-Russian competition patriotic song
  • 2008 Representative of the Republic of Belarus at the Eurovision Song Contest
  • 2013 Order “For the contribution and development of Russian culture”
  • 2013 Laureate of the competition “Song of the Year of Belarus”
  • 2015 Winner of the transformation show “One to One!”, Season 3, on the channel “Russia 1”
  • 2016 Finalist of the transformation show “One to One! Battle of the Seasons" on the channel "Russia 1"
  • 2016 Diploma “For the creative embodiment of the ideas of friendship between the peoples of Belarus and Russia”
  • 2019 Francysk Skaryna Medal

The name of singer Ruslan Alekhno became widely known in 2004, after his victory in the television competition “People’s Artist - 2”. Then fans of the project appreciated his sincerity and singing talent. The very first song after the end of the project, “Unusual,” blew up the airwaves of all radio stations and music TV channels. The public, tired of “fatal” men, saw in Ruslan Alekhno a real and faithful man.

In 2005, Ruslan Alekhno signed a contract with the production center "FBI - music". During the collaboration, the singer released the album “Sooner or Later...”. In 2008, Ruslan represented the Republic of Belarus in the Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Hasta la Vista”. At the same time, the singer’s second album of the same name was released, and a video was filmed.

In 2012, a new creative stage began. The artist records new songs and begins to work on a new repertoire. The song “Don’t Forget” is played on radio stations, for which a video is immediately shot. The next single is the song “We Will Stay.”

In May 2012, on a tour of the cities of the Republic of Belarus, Ruslan presented the audience with his new concert program.

In April 2013, the premiere of Ruslan Alekhno’s new song “Beloved” took place, which received a very good response from listeners, for which a video was shot in October. With this song, Ruslan became the winner of the “Song of the Year of Belarus - 2013”.

On May 9 of the same year, the singer’s third album, entitled “Heritage,” was released, which includes famous songs of the war years. The release of the album was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the Victory, and according to Ruslan, his new album is a tribute to the veterans who defeated fascism in the Great Patriotic War.

On May 26, 2013, the International Academy of Public Recognition awarded Ruslan Alekhno the Order “For Contribution and Development of Russian Culture.”

The year 2014 was marked by a new milestone in the artist’s work: he recorded a duet with People's Artist Russia Valeria. A beautiful lyrical composition called “Heart of Glass” was written several years ago and was waiting for its finest hour. In May 2014, Valeria and Ruslan presented a video for a joint song. The video was directed by famous film director Yegor Konchalovsky. For the master, this was a kind of debut as a music video director - Egor had never made music videos before. He made an exception especially for Valeria and Ruslan Alekhno.

The song resonated with listeners and for several months took leading positions in various charts on music TV.

On October 21, 2014, Ruslan took part in Valeria’s concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London. The audience received their joint duet on stage very warmly.

In 2015 and 2016, Ruslan Alekhno became a participant in the transformation show on the Russia 1 TV channel “One on One!”, Season 3 and “Battle of the Seasons” - the Russian version of the international format “Your Face Sounds Familiar”. In 2015, he became the winner of 3 season, and in 2016 - a finalist of the project.

2017 became a new stage in creative life Ruslana Alekhno. In May 2017, he shot a video for the song “Thank You,” which became the official soundtrack to feature film“Red Dog” (dir. U. De Vital, A. Basaev), which tells about tank destroyer dogs who heroically fought alongside people on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War. In the summer of 2017, Ruslan becomes President international festival arts “Talantiada”, which takes place in children's center“Eaglet” in days autumn holidays. In September 2017, the author's vocal school of Ruslan Alekhno opened at the Moscow Institute of Culture. In November 2017, the show “At the Top of Your Voice” was released. This is an international music competition for young performers, in which Ruslan took part as a mentor for the team of the Republic of Belarus.

Also in 2017, the artist released a new album called “I will give you love” and presented a concert program of the same name in cities of Russia and Belarus.

In 2018, the artist released a new single called “We Are Connected.” The song was written by a popular Ukrainian tandem - composer Ruslan Kvinta and poet Vitaly Kurovsky. The premiere of the video for this song is expected soon.

On January 11, 2019, the President of the Republic of Belarus awarded Ruslan Alekhno the Francis Skorina Medal, which is awarded for excellent achievements in professional activity, significant contribution to the development and multiplication of spiritual and intellectual potential, cultural heritage Belarusian people.

Now Ruslan is actively touring and preparing to release another album. His solo program is in constant demand, and his tour schedule is very busy.


IN Lately, Ruslan Alekhno secures his status as a Russian folk performer. By participating in many competitions, the young man tries to gain recognition from the public. Acting activities faded into the background.

New filming is scheduled only for the beginning of 2019, before this time, there is an opportunity to develop your vocal abilities. The last TV channels on which Ruslan appeared were Channel Five and Russia 24.

Everywhere he sang along with famous performers– Diana Gurskaya, Mikhail Oleino. The patrons prepare a worthy replacement, showing the viewer exactly the vocal abilities of the student.

In 2009, the actor married actress Irina Medvedeva. The young people were together even before the conquest of Moscow. But the wife’s career developed more rapidly than Ruslana’s. Therefore, the marriage could not withstand two rival stars.

Now the artist has new love, but he carefully hides it from the public.

In addition, Ruslan Alekhno is involved in charity work. Together with his brother, the actor founded a personal foundation that helps sick children. At the same time, there is no clear division of who exactly the money goes to first.

Anyone can apply to the fund, and if their candidacy is approved, the money will be allocated for a good cause. At the beginning of 2019, filming of a new series will begin. Ruslan will perform main role, and will work on site for three months. During filming, he will also travel to new stages. music competitions, continuing to work on my own voice.

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