What Victor Drobysh said about Buzova. “She could work as a cashier”: how Samburskaya and Drobysh fight with Olga Buzova

The producer admitted that he did not want to hurt the feelings of the TV presenter. Victor Drobysh explained what meaning he put into his words, which so hurt Olga Buzova. The musician noted that he is not an ardent fighter against performing with a soundtrack, because sometimes the technical equipment cannot provide high-quality live sound.

09.10.2017 21:20

Not long ago, a conflict broke out between the famous producer Viktor Drobysh and TV presenter Olga Buzova, who discovered her talent as a singer last year. Despite the fact that many show business figures admired her work, Drobysh did not give laudatory responses to the artist, but emphasized that she allows herself to perform to a soundtrack.

After such a statement, the producer had to clarify his words. As it turned out, he did not want to hurt the feelings of the aspiring singer. Victor apologized for the fact that his statement hurt the artist.

“Olga, if you took it personally, I’m sorry,” the producer said during a live broadcast on social networks.

However, he also noted that he lives in a free country, where he can express his own opinion in the field of activity in which he is a professional. The producer does not recognize performances in which artists sing to a soundtrack. Nevertheless, for the sake of fairness, the musician noted that sometimes singers are forced to work in conditions where the equipment does not allow them to obtain high-quality sound.

“As for Buzova, I honestly didn’t intend to offend her. “I am against it when one shamelessly uses a soundtrack, although Madonna and many stars use it, for example, in television projects,” added Viktor Yakovlevich.

Drobysh also noted that he does not intend to continue to stir up the conflict; this prevents him from doing what he loves. Now Viktor Yakovlevich is immersed in the “New Star Factory” project, where every week he needs to prepare young artists for reporting concerts. “If she wants, she can come, but singing live is a condition,” Drobysh said to Buzova.

The musician noted that he had not yet crossed paths with Olga and wished the TV presenter good luck on the stage.

The other day, the musician’s ward Nastasya Samburskaya during a concert of the “New Star Factory”, after which she left a rather caustic appeal to the TV presenter on Instagram. Drobysh himself could not remain silent. He said that Buzova could easily work as a nurse or cashier, but as a singer.

The star reacted sharply to such statements. In one of her last interviews, Olga burst into tears and complained that Victor dared to insult her as a girl. The celebrity also complained that there was “no one to drag” the offender on her behalf. The producer, nevertheless, apologized to Buzova during a live broadcast on Instagram, writes Cosmo. But he pointed out that he has the right to express his opinion, since he is a professional in his field and condemns artists who perform to a soundtrack. The TV presenter's subscribers have repeatedly noticed that she does not sing live at her performances.

As for Buzova, to be honest, I didn’t intend to offend her. “I’m against it when they shamelessly use a phonogram, although Madonna and many stars use it, for example, in television projects,” said Victor Drobysh.

In addition, he invited Buzova to the “New Star Factory”, but on one important condition.

If she wants, she can come, but singing live is a condition,” the producer added.

Many stars of the domestic show business have already expressed their opinions about the TV presenter’s vocal abilities. This time, Victor Drobysh decided to discuss the artist’s career. Together with Nastasya Samburskaya, he shot a parody video, and then spoke unflatteringly about the star.

“I am very glad that at this Factory we touched the “creativity” of Olga Buzova. She is certainly a talented person, but still no one knows what her talent is. As a musician, I am sure that music is not her strong point. Moreover, by elevating plywood into officialdom, it does bad things to the entire Russian show business,” Drobysh noted.

The producer's comment divided fans of Russian music into 2 camps. Many rushed to defend Olga from such harsh attacks, but there are also those who took Drobysh’s side. “Why throw such insults? She’s still a girl, she tries, she works,” “I completely agree with Victor. This singer discredits Russian show business,” “Buzova is so popular that now many are promoting themselves using her name,” fans of the stars shared their opinions on social networks.

Olga Buzova herself could not remain silent. The producer’s words really hurt the TV presenter, since quite recently Viktor Drobysh wanted to collaborate with her and invited her to perform at the “New Star Factory”.

“In this story, I only feel sorry for the manufacturers, because their producer will never be able to tell them how to really be the first in music, since his tracks only occasionally got into at least the top 200 of Russian iTunes. And regarding the parody of me by the actress from the TV series “Univer,” I’m glad that at least after this, the country learned about Nastasya’s attempts to sing,” Buzova commented on Drobysh’s words.

Olga's songs instantly fall into the top 10 most downloaded tracks on the Internet. The other day, the girl presented her debut album, and it immediately topped iTunes. The artist claims that the reason for her fame lies in her sincerity, as well as the reliable support of her loyal fans.

Olga Buzova also stated that now Viktor Drobysh does not exist for her. According to the star, a worthy man cannot speak about a girl like that. It is not yet known how the producer will perceive the words of the aspiring singer.

07 October 2017

The producer is haunted by the fame of the host of “House-2”

Actress Nastasya Samburskaya once again decided to offend Olga Buzova. Nastasya prepared a musical number with one of the participants in the “New Star Factory”, in which she ridiculed Buzova’s dance moves, and at the end of the number she lifted up her dress and showed a pillow tied to her panties with the words “plywood” crossed out.

This issue was commented on by the producer of the musical project and Nastasya Samburskaya. Viktor Drobysh criticized Buzova on his Instagram page: “ Hi all. I am very glad that at this factory we touched the “creativity” of Olga Buzova. She is certainly a talented person, but still no one knows what her talent is. As a musician, I am sure that music is not its strongest side. Moreover, by elevating the plywood into officialdom, it does bad to the entire Russian show business, which is already not far from f... s. Therefore, the factory stage is the best place for talented ridicule of this impudent phenomenon - “Buzova”. Although, she is not a bad person and could work, for example, as a nurse or a cashier!”

Olga Buzova answered Viktor Drobysh correctly, recalling that her music album tops the charts in Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and is among the top 250 most popular artists in the world according to iTunes, but Drobysh’s tracks have never reached such heights. In addition, Buzova reminded the producer that he had recently invited her to come to the Star Factory, but now she will most likely abandon this idea.

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