Beautiful epitaphs and poems on the monument. Funeral poems

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An epitaph is an inscription on a monument, mournful words about a deceased person, often in poetic form. Below are several options for epitaphs and poems for engraving on a monument and tombstone.

If the client wishes, we can engrave any other inscriptions on the monument.

Epitaphs on the monument are short / dad, mom, daughter and son

We remember, we mourn.
The world is empty without you.
The one who is forgotten is dead.
God rest your Servant.
The earth is empty without you.
The earth is empty without you...
Sleep well, dear son.
Burning himself, he shone for others...
Only memory is stronger than death.
Sleep well, our dear son.
Sleep in peace and pray to God for us.
After parting there will be a meeting.
Thank you for the years we have lived together.
Earthly path brief, memory is eternal.
And my heart hurts and my grief has no end.
The earthly path is short, memory is eternal.
With a bow to you, Mom...
The warmth of your soul remains with us.
It is impossible to forget, it is impossible to return.
It is impossible to return, it is impossible to forget.
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.
Thank you for the years spent together...
Your bright image is in our memory.
You left this life, but not your heart.
There is no greater grief than the bitterness of loss.
Dear, beloved, the only one from...
Abode of light and goodness, accept Me.
It is impossible to return, it is impossible to forget...
AND longer than a century a day goes by without you...
How little has been lived, how much has been experienced.
Everlasting memory about you in the hearts of your loved ones.
There is no greater grief than the bitterness of loss.
You are the memory of happiness that rushed away.
Lord, accept the spirit of your Handmaid in peace.
In life and death we belong to God...
Your path was not interrupted - you remained in us.
The warmth of your soul remains with us.
Dear, dear mother. Thy will be done.
And eternal battle, we only dream of peace...
Your bright, pure image is always with us.
Days pass into eternity like a sleepy river...
He was righteous and blameless and walked with God!
You sleep, and we live, you wait, and we will come...
You, leaves, don't make noise, don't wake up our mother.
When we have it, we don’t keep it, and when we lose it, we cry.
A tragic death tore you from our family.
What can you express in words if your heart is numb?
Oblivion has no power before your soul and kindness.
Thank you for being on Earth, it’s a pity that it’s not enough...
Oblivion has no power before your soul and kindness.
Remember me, God, and do not abandon Those who love You...
Those who love you... Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
Cry little over the dead, because he has calmed down!
Your memory will remain forever in our hearts.
Death selects and pulls out the best ones one by one.
All the faces in the world will not burn your face out of your heart.
I bless everything that happened, I didn’t look for a better life.
They don’t part with their loved ones, they just stop being close to them.
They don’t part with their loved ones, they just stop living next to them.
How early you left, dear, Leaving us with sadness and pain.
It is not possible for us to predict how our word will respond...
You left life instantly, but the pain remained forever.
You lived in the world smiling. You left quietly without saying goodbye.
To the one whose thoughts were incorruptible and whose dreams were chaste.
How much in life you wanted, how little life gave you.
Don’t say with sadness: they don’t exist, but with gratitude: They were.
You are always in our memory. Death is the calm for everything.
Having left a mark in the hearts of people, the memory of you is forever alive.
Lord Jesus Christ, Shade him with the quiet light of salvation.
Neither the mind nor the heart can comprehend the abyss of grief and loss.
The eternal memory of you will forever remain in our hearts.
Bright memory about you will forever remain in our hearts.
The righteous will be in eternal memory; will not be afraid of evil rumors!
Words and tears are powerless to convey the depth of our grief.
You, like an angel, soared into the sky. How little time you spent with us...
To those who were dear during life, from those who love and mourn.
Your portrait leads like a trail... there is nothing dearer or dearer in the world.
We regret, cry and mourn that you remained forever young.
A loved one does not die, He simply stops living with us.
We love you, we are proud of you, and you are always alive in our memory.
Our sun, the Lord, gave you to us and instantly took you away.
You left us early, our beloved, and took away our happiness and joy.
Sleep well, dear son, We all love you, We remember and mourn.
You left us early, our beloved. He took away our happiness and joy.
With one soul the earth became poorer, with one star the heavens became richer.
The sorrow of the soul cannot be cried out with tears, The damp grave cannot understand grief.
His rebellious and kind soul is now sighing on a cloud, slowly.
Let us remember the century that there was a man in the world who looked like an angel.
Everything went dark with you White light. Everything in the world exists. You're just not there.
How much of ours went with you, How much of yours remained with us.
I raised you, but I didn’t save you. And now the grave will save you.
Quiet, trees, don't make noise with the leaves. Mommy is sleeping, don't wake her.
Quiet trees, don't make noise with leaves. Mommy is sleeping, don't wake her...
I am not destined to live out my life as before in love and joy.
What is this monument that I see? - This is the grave of the man of God!
I loved you, I won’t forget you. I will love you forever.
In the huge book of Life, you only managed to read one title page.
The bright (eternal) memory of you will forever remain in our hearts.
The beautiful died in full bloom. Such is the lot of beauty in the world.
Our life is short and sad, and there is no salvation for man from death!
Those who were kind and agreeable in their life were not separated in their death!
I was lonely, daughter, without you. A year later I came to you too.
Oh, be quiet, trees, don’t make noise with the leaves, mommy is sleeping, don’t wake her.
My angel, I'm sorry, it's my fault. That I was not next to you at the hour of death.
He died in a good old age, full of life, wealth and glory...
You can’t express your grief, you can’t cry tears, you’ve taken joy away from home forever.
Do not express grief, do not cry tears. You took joy away from home forever.
You, like your own heart, cannot be forgotten and replaced. Those who love you...
You are always with us in our hearts and memories. Thank you for the years spent together...
Don't call me, I won't come to you. Don't rush to see me, I'll wait for you.
It’s so easy to imagine you alive that it’s impossible to believe in your death.
There is no need for inscriptions for my stone, just write here: it was, and it is not.
Here is the love that gave the truth, here is the sadness that wisdom brought.
And may young life play at the entrance to the grave and indifferent nature shine with eternal beauty.
Sleep well our son.
Eternal memory of you.
Sleep well our father.
Sleep well our mother.
Sleep well our daughter.
You are always in our memory.
Thank you for living.
I feel empty on earth without you.
Sleep well our dear daughter.
Sleep well our dear mother.
And my heart hurts, and my grief has no peace.
Your holy image is forever before us.
We love you and you are always alive in our memory.
Death chooses the best
and pulls one at a time.
To you, the one and only,
we bow our heads.
Can't express it in words
of all grief and sadness, you are with us.
Leaving a mark in people's hearts,
the memory of you is always alive.
I miss you so much to complete
human happiness.
There are no words to express my
pain and sorrow of our soul.
May the Lord reward your work, and may you have a full reward from the Lord God, to whom you came to rest under His wings!

Beautiful poems on the monument / mom, dad, son, daughter

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Such a pain....
Our baby is gone...
And the cup was drunk brimming with grief.
Lived for others
without sparing yourself.
We remember you
we love you.
It’s so easy to imagine you alive
That it is impossible to believe in your death.
People can't be alive forever
but happy is he whose name will be remembered.
There is one less star on earth.
There is one more star in the sky.
Do not express grief
Don't cry any tears
You took joy away from home forever.
He was a man, a warrior, a father,
served the Fatherland
and was the creator of fate.
No inscriptions are needed for my stone,
Just say here: he was and he is not!
You, like my own heart,
It cannot be forgotten and replaced.
Those who love you...
You took life on a short path,
It didn’t have time to bloom and was gone forever.
Don't call me, I won't come to you.
Don't rush to see me, I'll wait for you.
I lost my son.
But you are always with me
My boy,
cheerful and lively.
Your death burned my heart with grief.
Without you, what is peace and worldly affairs to me?
No more sorrow
than in the abyss of grief,
to remember irrevocable happiness.
Here is the love that gave the truth
here is the sadness that wisdom brought
You sleep, and we live,
You wait and we will come... Sleep in peace and
Pray to God for us.
Sorry honey,
didn't save you.
The sun has set
and darkness fell.
Blessed is he who left the celebration of life early.
Without finishing a full glass of wine.
Everyone is given life only once.
And you went through it completely and without a trace.
Don't call me
I won't come to you.
Don't rush to me,
I'll wait for you.
You passed away
But from the heart - no. No more sorrow
Than the bitterness of loss.
The warmth of your soul
stayed with us. And my heart hurts
And there is no end to the grief.
Under this sky, life is a series of torments,
will it take pity on us? Never...
Remember, dad, if the wind gets to you
someone's crying
We are crying for you.
Words cannot express all the grief and sadness.
You are always with us in our hearts and memories.
Words cannot express all the grief and sadness.
You are always with us in our hearts and memories.
The heart still doesn't believe
In bitter loss.
You closed all the doors
And he left somewhere.
The heart still does not believe in the bitter loss.
It’s like a door opened - you went somewhere.
What a pity that your life
It was so short.
But your memory will be eternal.
Why did you go, dear, to sleep in the damp ground?
Why did you leave me to suffer alone?
The horse calms down
no matter how zealous you are
The sound dies
equal to Mozart's sound.
We come from the darkness
and we go into the darkness,
don't know why,
don't understand why.
Everything was in him: soul, talent and beauty.
Everything sparkled for us like a bright dream.
Everything was in him - soul, talent and beauty.
Everything sparkled for us like a bright dream.
We come here to lay flowers,
It’s very difficult, dear, for us to live without you.
Our pain cannot be measured and cannot be poured out in tears.
We will love you forever as if you were alive.
Passing, stop, pray for me, a sinner.
I was like you, you will be like me.
Words can't express it
Tears cannot cry out our grief.
You are always in our hearts.
Sleep peacefully, my dear daughter.
You are yours shortcut passed
Honest and joyful.
When a loved one passes away,
There remains an emptiness in my soul,
Which nothing can heal.
When a loved one passes away,
there remains an emptiness in my soul,
which nothing can fill.
Your bright image
In our memory. Remember me God
And do not leave those who love you.
Why did you leave, dear?
Sleeping in damp ground?
Why did you leave me
Toil alone?
Words can't express it
No tears to cry
Our grief.
You are always in our hearts.
Everything was in it -
Soul, talent and beauty.
Everything sparkled for us
Like a bright dream.
How we suffer every hour.
But the moment will come in that life
you will meet us again.
We come here
To put flowers.
It’s very difficult, dear,
We can live without you.
We come here for flowers
It’s very difficult, dear, without you
What can be expressed in words
If your heart is numb? You, Lord, have done
Anything you like.
Our pain cannot be measured
And you can’t shed it in tears.
We treat you as if alive
We will love forever.
How early you left, dear,
Leaving us with sadness and pain. Father, into your hands
I convey my spirit.
Thank you, beloved, for your love and loyalty,
for kindness and tenderness,
for your kind and sensitive heart.
They don’t part with their loved ones,
They just stop being around.
The earthly path is short,
The memory is eternal.
Your mother's tears will always be for you,
Father's sadness, brother's loneliness,
The grief of grandparents.
Your mother's tears will be eternal for you,
father's sadness, brother's loneliness,
grief of grandparents.
Everything in the world has its time.
Everything above heaven has its time.
There is a time to be born and a time to die.
Love for you, dear son, will die only with us.
Both our pain and our sorrow cannot be expressed in words.
The candle went out in the wind,
and a funeral groan...
And you, who stepped into silence,
and an empty house.
Friends are found and lost.
They don't die for us.
And these monuments to them
the living are put as if they were alive.
No mind, no heart, no soul
They don't want to believe that the world
you left earthly
beloved son and brother.
Sleep peacefully, serenely
you are our dear person.
Took it with me to the grave
our joy and peace.
He fell as if he were running,
I didn't have time to do so much....
And it was as if he had broken a string,
I wanted so much...
Let your face become younger
we will recognize him anyway.
And we will say: “Lord, God,
receive your servant."
It's always quiet here
And the wind roams freely.
How sad, how painful it is without you
We have to live in this world.
Your voice is silent forever
and the hot heart cooled down.
Lamp of life for centuries
the breath of death was extinguished.
You loved life and wanted to do a lot,
You are no longer here, but we don’t believe you; you are in our souls forever.
We will never heal our pain from that loss.
He died, but his soul is incorruptible
She will rush off to another world
We humbly ask the Lord:
"Take her and put her to rest!"
It is not in our power to know you and there is no end to sorrow.
Immeasurable is the pain that tears orphaned hearts apart...
Quiet leaves, don't make noise, don't wake up my friend,
The question of life is over, there will be no more grief, no more tears.
Eternal memory of you
in the hearts of relatives.
We regret, we cry and we mourn,
That you remained forever young.
Even after you pass away, you still live
you are in our thoughts and dreams.
We remember you both in joy and in pain.
The grief and sadness of your loss will remain with us forever.
What could be more terrible and bitter than the loss of a husband and father.
Now, admiring you
and confessing my love,
Everyone carries with them in their souls
a piece of immeasurable soul.
Unable to overcome grief,
loss is a pain to bear.
Nobody could help you
forgive us, (name), forgive us.
Snuck up evil death to me, I left you forever.
Oh, how I would like to live, but this is my fate.
Relatives are close again.
in heavenly paradise, full of bliss.
You lived in the world in love,
This is how we will remember you.
You loved life
And I wanted to do a lot.
But the thread broke too soon,
Without letting you achieve your dreams.
Ivan and Anna - two graves,
united by one destiny.
Forgive them, Lord, have mercy
and rest with the Saints.
You lived your life with dignity,
leaving a memory forever.
Sleep peacefully in the silent sea,
the person we love.
Words and tears are powerless to convey
the full depth of our grief.
And those who did good will be called to account
Resurrection of life.
We love you,
and in our memory you are always alive.
In the hearts of people, leaving a mark,
The memory of you is forever alive.
Love for you, dear son,
He will die only with us.
And our pain and our sorrow
Can't express it in words.
You loved life
And I wanted to do a lot,
But the thread broke too soon,
Without letting you achieve your dreams.
Great sorrow cannot be measured, grief cannot be helped with tears.
You are not with us, but you will never die in our hearts.
How much of ours went with you.
How much of yours remains with us.
Eternal memory of you
In the hearts of relatives.

in another you have found peace.
They left, leaving a trace of sadness, outbursts of grief and melancholy.
You left us very early
no one could save you.
There is a wound in our hearts forever
as long as we are alive you are with us.
You left this life instantly
But the pain remained forever. How early you left, dear,
leaving us with sadness and pain.
At the very top of the flight
in the vast expanses of the earth
An absurd chance has found you,
But we couldn’t interfere.
You are no longer here, but we don’t believe you
You are in our hearts forever.
And my pain from that loss
We will never heal.
Bright (Eternal) memory of you
Will forever remain in our hearts.
You are the memory of happiness
What sped away.
You will not return, you will not look back, you will not become wise and gray-haired,
You will always remain alive and young in our memory.
You left us very early,
We mourn and remember lovingly,
Dear grandmother and mother,
It is so difficult for us to live without you.
I can't hear my native voice,
Kind, sweet eyes are not visible.
Why was fate cruel?
How early you left us.
You gave us life in this world,
In another you have found peace.
Gone, leaving a trace of sadness,
outbursts of grief and melancholy.
Evil death has crept up on me,
I left you forever.
Oh, how I wish I could live
But such is my fate.
Grief and sadness of your loss
They will be with us forever.
What could be worse and worse
Losing a husband and father.
Can't be returned
It is impossible to forget.
There is no need for inscriptions for my stone
Just write here: he was and is not.
Like drops of dew on roses,
There are tears on my cheeks.
Sleep well, dear son,
We all love, remember and mourn you.
You left us, dear.
The mournful hour of separation has come.
But everything is still alive
You are in our heart among us.
To your untimely grave
our path will not be overgrown.
Your image, tender and beloved,
will always lead us here.
The Great Tribulation cannot be measured,
Tears won't help my grief.
You are not with us, but forever
You will not die in our hearts.
You left this life instantly.
The pain remains with us forever.
But your image is beloved, tender,
we will never forget
Nobody could save you
Died very early
But the bright image is your dear
We will always remember.
To your untimely grave
Our path will not be overgrown.
Your dear image, dear image,
It will always lead us here.
In the hearts of people, leaving a mark
their good deeds,
We don't say the word "no"
we say: “you are always with us.”
Everything in this life we ​​are not eternal
Someday our journey will end.
But leaving this life,
don’t forget about us, the living.
You gave us life in this world,
in another - you have found peace.
Gone, leaving a trace of sadness,
gusts of Sorrow and Love...
You left early without saying goodbye
and without saying a word to us.
How can we live, convinced
that you will never come back to us.
The Great Tribulation cannot be measured,
Tears won't help my grief.
You are not with us, but forever
You will live in our hearts.
A serious illness has broken you.
He passed away without living.
Our dear, beloved son,
how difficult it is for us to live without you.
Nobody could save you.
He passed away very early.
But your bright image, dear,
we will always remember.
Spiritual joy, thirst for salvation
put it in my heart,
to the kingdom of heaven, to the world of consolation
show me the straight path.
You won't come back, you won't look back.
you will not become wise and gray-haired,
You will remain in our memory
always alive and young.
I remember you constantly.
Empty and bitter, Son, without you.
And my heart always skips a beat,
that I won't meet you again.
Here is the love that gave the truth.
Here is the sadness that wisdom brought.
Dear, beloved, only
This pain will never go away
and sadness will not go anywhere.
And sadness settled forever.
Where are you, our little man?
You left early without saying goodbye,
And without saying a word to us,
How can we continue to live, making sure
That you won't come back again.
How hard it is to find words
To measure our pain with them.
We cannot believe in your death,
You will be with us forever.
How hard it is to find words
To measure our pain with them.
We cannot believe in your death.
You will be with us forever.
There will be everything - slush and powder
And more than once in the spring the snow will melt
Just don't come back, my good one,
And the person we love.
I'm sorry that we are under the starry sky
Wear flowers to your stove.
I'm sorry that we are left with air,
No matter how much you inhaled.
You passed away very early.
Words cannot express our pain.
Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound.
The memory of you is always alive.
You died too early
Words cannot express our pain.
Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound,
The memory of you is always alive.
To the one who was dear during life.
From those who love and mourn.
There are no words to express
All the pain and sorrow of our souls.
I'm sorry that we didn't save your life.
We will have no peace for the rest of our lives.
Not enough strength, not enough tears,
to measure our grief.
Why, fate, do you punish those
bypassing the laws of justice,
who was the best among his peers,
who had a golden soul.
Do not express grief, do not cry tears.
You took joy from home forever
You left this life instantly
But the pain remained forever.
A river with a simple name: Life
not as simple as it seemed.
We wish we knew sooner what we got,
At least they held hands.
These are the ashes, the remnants of existence,
Where there is no face, where the eyes have already decayed,
A lesson to those who knew how to captivate,
What prison did my soul live in?
Don’t find out where I’ve led the way,
Which aisle did you move from your life to?
Oh, friend, I have done everything on earth,
I loved and lived on earth.
Forgive us for our love.
They didn’t dare give it to you during your lifetime.
You left us, you left us,
we remained eternal debtors.
Unexpected grief, intentional grief
the most precious thing in life is lost.
It's a pity that life cannot be repeated,
to give it to you again.
You remain in my heart forever,
love is cut off halfway.
May life never repeat itself,
You can’t leave your memory.
Our dear, beloved,
we will never forget you
and our tears cannot be dried.
We are going to your grave again.
She is always dearer to us.
Looking at the white light in tears
you left us in great sadness.
We are empty without you and there is no life,
and our days have become painful.
You left us early
Our favorite.
He took away our happiness and joy.
We love you, we are proud of you.
In our memory
You are always alive.
Who waters this coffin with tears,
He in vain believes that he will return
His tear to the dry tree fruit:
After all, in the spring the dead do not rise again.
You left this life incomprehensibly early.
Parents are saddened.
There is a bleeding wound in their hearts.
Your little son is growing up without knowing the word “mother.”
The Lord said:
Hear my word and believe in him who sent it
I have Eternal Life, and no judgment
comes, but has passed from death to life.
The Lord has granted me beauty,
My parent gave me only the body;
But if what God has given has decayed,
Why will a mortal take flesh from death?
Death did not wish to inflict a wound
With weapons of years and an abundance of days
Beauty, who rested here, so that she

When difficult news of loss comes to a family or circle of loved ones, relatives, friends, colleagues, one should remember the need for support and delicacy. It is very bitter to lose your loved ones, but to find the strength to find the words to express your sympathy and condolences in connection with the death loved one, necessary.

How to properly offer condolences, talk about how the deceased was loved, what human qualities were especially valued and respected for?

Funeral speech

Farewell words at a funeral should be concise and logically structured. No matter how difficult they are to pronounce, they should not be unprepared, slurred, or excessively confusing. This may be perceived as disrespect for the deceased. That's why It’s worth thinking about the words that will be heard during funerals and farewells in advance., highlight the main points in it, draw up a diagram of the funeral speech. Its main parts and examples are given below:

Main parts of a funeral speech

  1. Address to the guests gathered at the funeral
    “Dear family and friends of (name of the deceased)…”, “Dear guests!”, “Loved ones and relatives...”.
  2. Introducing yourself, indicating the degree of relationship with the deceased.
    "My name is ( given name), (name of the deceased) and I were colleagues (friends, etc.) for ... years", "We were neighbors with...", "Dad was...".
  3. Memories of a tragic event and short story about your own experiences, about your pain.
    “We met him just yesterday...”, “40 days have already passed since...”, “He has not been with us for a year...”.
  4. Characteristics of the deceased.
    “He always smiled...”, “He fought for life until the end...”, “He taught me...”.
  5. Condolences or customary funeral words.
    “My sincere condolences...”, “May the earth rest in peace,” “Eternal memory,” “Rest in peace.”

When remembering a deceased person, you should not retell his biography at the funeral. You can say a few words about any significant episode of life, interesting fact, which reflect the dignity of the deceased. It is worth focusing the attention of people gathered at the funeral on the quality that is highly valued. It is better to remain silent about negative traits, sins, weaknesses, and ambiguous attitudes towards the deceased, following the Russian proverb “It’s either good or nothing about the deceased.”

Words of grief must come from the heart. Here is an example of a funeral speech delivered by Alexander Abdulov’s adopted daughter Ksenia Alferova:

“How grateful I am to God and fate that you were in my life. You are not my real dad - I, however, have never felt this. When I found out about this, I was terribly upset. I thought it was some kind of injustice - he should have native child and by the end of his life he, or rather, she appeared! At first I was happy, and then I was afraid that I wouldn’t need you anymore. I now realized that this was stupid, I realized that you needed me no less than I needed you... It’s a pity that you understand such things too late.”

Examples of short verbal condolences

When choosing words of grief intended for well-known relatives of the deceased, it is worth thinking over a deeply personal, sympathetic phrase. Words must be sincere and delicate. In moments of bitter loss, at a funeral, the feeling of falsehood turns out to be heightened.

The choice of words and format of verbal condolences depends on the circumstances. If a narrow circle of relatives and friends of the deceased gathers, the speech can be especially heartfelt and personal.

If you conduct a person in last way When a large number of people gather, brief expressions of condolences are more appropriate, because words of sympathy and sorrow should be uttered by all those gathered.

Here are examples of such words:

  • We all hurt, but it’s worse for you than anyone. If I can help you, please contact me right away.
  • Be strong. We mourn with you.
  • I sincerely sympathize with your loss.
  • Our family feels very sorry for you. With the passing of (name of the deceased), we lost a piece of ourselves.
  • (Name of the deceased) was such a wonderful person, we always followed his example. He will forever remain in our hearts.
  • What a loss! I pray for (name of deceased).
  • (Name of the deceased) did so much for me, I will never forget him. I sincerely sympathize with you.

Funeral speech

To commemorate the deceased, it is customary to gather a circle of relatives and people close to him on and through. The words spoken at a wake are traditionally imbued with warmth and light sadness. At a wake they talk about a deceased person, they remember various stories and cases from life.

  • Funeral speeches, like mourning speeches at funerals, are drawn up according to the classical plan. At the same time, we must not forget about the need to declare a minute of silence in memory of the deceased. The role of the manager, who announces it and also gives the floor to those gathered in turn, is usually taken on by a person close to the family of the deceased.
  • According to tradition, the words of the funeral speech are first spoken by the people closest to the deceased person - parents, spouses, children, brothers and sisters, and then friends and colleagues. The host should always have a few appropriate phrases prepared in case the performance of one of the guests is interrupted by crying.
  • Funeral words always pronounced standing. Their main task is to revive bright memories of the deceased in the memory of those gathered.

Here is an example of the words of a memorial speech on behalf of children remembering their father:

“Father has always been a wonderful example not only for all of us, but also for many people around him. From him we learned to see and distinguish true life values, give kindness to others. Many people who knew him admired him bright soul. We believe that our father left us too early. Eternal memory to him!

Poems and toasts

At a funeral, poetry is categorically inappropriate, while at a wake - on the 9th or 40th day, a year after death, poetry can sound more sincere and heartfelt than ever. Poems in these cases are acceptable, but carefully and in moderation, and it is better if they are of your own composition.

Mourning is said at the table. They should not relate exclusively to the personality of the deceased. Guests making toasts can express words of sympathy and grief for all the dead.

Here are examples of poems and toasts:

You died too early

Words cannot express our pain.

Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound,

The memory of you is always alive.

My soul is worried without you,

You don't need girlfriends or friends.

Why is it possible without millions?

Why is it impossible without one?

“Friends, today is a day of sorrow. There was a time when we had fun and rejoiced with someone who left us. But today you and I drink this cup of sorrow, seeing off a person close to us on his last journey. But we will keep in our hearts good memory about our friend, having hope for new meeting in a new place. Let's drink to the dregs for this!

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OT ArtStone

1. R.I.P.

2. Do not express grief, do not cry tears.

You took joy away from home forever.

3. We come here

To put flowers,

It’s very difficult, dear,

We can live without you.

4. Why did you leave, dear,

Sleeping in damp ground?

Why did you leave me

Toil alone?

5. I stand, bending over your grave,

Watering flowers with burning tears.

I don’t want to believe, our dear, beloved,

That you are in this grave.

6. What a pity that your life

Was so short

But your memory will be eternal

7. Lord have mercy

8. Your bright, pure image is always with us.


From those who love and mourn.

10. How difficult it is to find words,

To measure our pain with them.

You will be with us forever.

11. You leaves, don't make noise,

Don't wake up our mother.

12. When a loved one leaves,

There remains an emptiness in my soul,

Which nothing can heal.

13. Your bright image is in our memory.

14. You left life incomprehensibly early,

Parents are saddened.

There is a wound in the hearts that bleeds.

Your little son is growing up without knowing the word “mother.”

15. Your memory will remain forever

In our hearts.

16. You left early without saying goodbye,

And without saying a word to us,

That you won't come back again.

17. Quiet trees

Don't make noise with the leaves.

Mommy is sleeping

You won't wake her.

18. There is one less star on earth.

There is one more star in the sky.


Father's sadness, brother's loneliness,

The grief of grandparents.

20. Eternal memory of you in the hearts of your loved ones.

21. Like drops of dew on roses,

There are tears on my cheeks.

Sleep well, dear son,

We all love, remember and mourn you.

22. You died too early,

Words cannot express our pain.

Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound,

The memory of you is always alive.

23. You left this life instantly

But the pain remained forever.

24. Grief and sadness of your loss

They will be with us forever.

What could be worse and worse

Losing a husband and father.

25. The sorrow of the soul cannot be cried out with tears,

A damp grave cannot understand grief.

26. Words cannot express it,

Tears cannot cry out our grief.

You are always in our hearts.

27. You left life, but not your heart.

28. To your untimely grave

Our path will not be overgrown.

Your dear image, dear image,

It will always lead us here.

29. There is no greater grief than the bitterness of loss.

30. It’s so easy to imagine you alive,

31. The warmth of your soul remains with us.

32. Everything was in him -

Soul, talent and beauty.

Everything sparkled for us

Like a bright dream.

33. You left us early, our beloved.

He took away our happiness and joy.

34. How much of ours went with you,

How much of yours remains with us.

35. To the one who was dear during life,

From those who love and mourn.

36. Don't call me

I won't come to you.

Don't rush to me,

I'll wait for you.

37. I'm sorry that we are under the starry sky

Wear flowers to your stove.

I'm sorry that we are left with air,

No matter how much you inhaled.

38. And my heart hurts, and my grief has no end.

39. The Great Tribulation cannot be measured,

Tears won't help my grief.

You are not with us, but forever

You will not die in our hearts.

40. We love you, we are proud of you,

41. Everything was in it -

Soul, talent and beauty.

Everything sparkled for us.

Like a bright dream.

42. Bright memory of you

Will forever remain in our hearts.

43 . There is one less star on earth.

There is one more star in the sky.

44. We love you, we are proud of you,

And in our memory you are always alive.

45. How early you left, dear,

Leaving us with sadness and pain.

46. The earth is empty without you...

47. They don’t part with their loved ones,

They just stop being around.

48. The Great Tribulation cannot be measured,

Tears won't help my grief.

You are not with us, but forever

You will not die in our hearts.

49. Can't be returned

It is impossible to forget.

50. Youthey gave us life in this world,

In another you have found peace.

Gone, leaving a trace of sadness,

outbursts of grief and melancholy.

51. Remember me, Lord,

Visit me with your salvation.

Blessed are those who mourn: for they will be comforted

Remember me, God

And do not leave those who love you.

52. Father, into your hands

I convey my spirit.

53. How hard it is to find words

To measure our pain with them.

We cannot believe in your death,

You will be with us forever.

54. The earthly path is short,

The memory is eternal.

55. There are no words to express all the pain and sorrow of our soul

56. We love you, and in our memory you are always alive.

57. Dear, dear mother.

58. Love for you, dear son,

He will die only with us.

And our pain and our sorrow

Can't express it in words.

59. Our pain cannot be measured

And you can’t shed it in tears.

We treat you as if alive

We will love forever.

Kind, sweet eyes are not visible.

Why was fate cruel?

How early you left us...

61. Your dear image, dear image,

It will always lead you here...

62. You lived your life with dignity,

Leaving a memory for us forever.

In a silent world, sleep peacefully,

The person we love.

63. You won't come back, you won't look back,

You will not become wise and gray-haired.

You will remain in our memory

Always alive and young.

64. It is impossible to return, it is impossible to forget...

65. There is no need for inscriptions for my stone

Just read here: “He was, he lived, and he is not” .

66. A loved one does not die,

He just stops living with us.

67 . Lord Jesus Christ, overshadow him with the quiet light of salvation.


68. Our life without you,

Like a dead midnight,

In a foreign and unknown land,

Oh sleep, our...........................

sleep, darling,

With the Lord in the bright paradise...

69. The grief and sadness of your loss will remain with us forever.

What could be more terrible and bitter than the loss of a husband and father?...

70. I stand, bow over your grave,

Watering flowers with burning tears.

I don’t want to believe, our dear, beloved,

That you are in this grave.

71. What a pity that your life was so short,

but the memory of you will be eternal.

72. It’s so easy to imagine you alive,

That it is impossible to believe in your death.


I left you forever.

Oh, how I wish I could live

But such is my fate.

74. Sleep peacefully, my dear daughter,

You've walked your short journey with dignity...

75. Thank you for the years spent together...

76. Your everlasting memory will remain in our hearts forever.

77. So leave unnecessary disputes.

He has already proven everything to himself.

He escaped reality into the mountains

And in these endless spaces

Learned to fly between the rocks.

78. Finally happy...

79. And maybe in happy dreams

You will see your love

Your naive dreams

And the roses you grew...

80. That's all... Your eyes are closed,

The lips are compressed, there is a shadow on the eyelashes,

But don't trust your parent's heart,

That you, son, passed away on this day.

81. You left life

Unfathomably early

Parents are saddened.

There is a bleeding wound in their hearts,

Your little son is growing up

Not knowing the word "mother".

82. Dear angel, forgive me - it’s my fault,

That I was not next to you at the hour of death.

83 . Earth's minute settler,

Earth's momentary beauty,

Why so early, my baby,

Have you gone to heaven?

84. I seem to be dead, but the world is in consolation,

I live in the hearts of thousands of souls

To all who love, and that means I am not dust,

And mortal things will not touch me.

85. Your mother's tears will always be for you,

The sadness of a father, the loneliness of a brother (sister),

The grief of grandparents.

86. He died in a good old age,

Full of life

Wealth and fame...

87. Unexpected grief, unmeasurable grief,

The most precious thing in life is lost,

It's a pity that life cannot be repeated,

To give it to you.

88. I bequeath to live a more worthy life,

Don't rush to give it away quickly.

After all, it will be all the more calm for me here,

The longer I will wait for all of you.

89. I'm happy that I died young

Earthly torment is worse than the grave.

Death has freed me forever

And made me immortal.

90. I’m sorry that I didn’t save your life,

I will have no peace for the rest of my life.

Not enough strength, not enough tears,

To measure my grief.

91. Thank you for living (living)

92. Sometimes angels come down from heaven,

To protect you with your warmth and love,

You were such an angel, our beloved girl.

93. We'd all give a piece your heart,

Only yours would begin to beat again.

94. To our little angel who has returned to heaven.

95. The heavenly soul returned to heaven,

To the source of everything, into the arms of the Father.

She has not yet been darkened by vice here;

She captivated all hearts with her innocence.

96. May your dear ashes rest in the arms of the earth!

Heavenly soul, rejoice in heaven!

97. In radiance and in joyful peace,

At the throne of the eternal creator,

With a smile he looks into earthly exile,

He blesses his mother and prays for his father.

98. Why not to the faces, wrinkled by old age,

You came, Death, and tore off my color?

- Because there is no shelter in heaven

Stained by corruption and depravity.

99. Death did not wish to inflict a wound

Weapons of years and excess of days

Beauty, who rested here, so that she

To return to the heights without suffering a flaw.

100. I rested here as soon as I was born;

I am the one to whom I hurried so quickly

Death is like a soul whose flesh the grave has taken,

I barely noticed that there was no flesh.

101. Having passed away you still live,

You are in our thoughts and dreams.

102. Black rose - emblem of sadness,

The red rose is the emblem of love...

103. I was brought to a good fate by death:

God didn't want to see me old

And since fate has no power over a greater gift,

Everything except death was to my detriment.

These are the ashes, the remnants of existence,

Where there is no face, where the eyes have already decayed, -

A lesson to those who knew how to captivate,

What prison did my soul live in?

Who waters this coffin with tears,

He in vain believes that he will return

His tear to the dry tree fruit:

After all, in the spring the dead do not rise again.

The Lord has granted me beauty,

My parent gave me only the body;

But if what God has given has decayed,

Why will a mortal take flesh from death?

During my life I was someone's life,

And from the moment I became dust,

A jealous friend awaits death, we are tormented by fear,

So that no one warns him.

104. The waves closed over you,

The abyss has swallowed you up

And the water hid forever

Your sad appearance is from us.

And he won’t burst into a wondrous song,

He won't laugh with joy,

He won't scream angry.

You were still a girl

So naive and funny

So mysterious and strange...

You lived in pink dreams.

But what are your dreams to the enemy?

His hand did not tremble.

The reprisal was short

But your suffering is not easy.

105. No pain, fear and confusion

On your sweet face -

There's a timid smile on him

And a short bewilderment.

How unusually you are silent...

The breath of death did not touch

You - and you were not horrified,

It's like you're lying down and sleeping.

Sleep, ....(name)...!

May your dreams be sweet

No one will ever disturb you;

Nothing can break it

Oblivion of eternal peace.

And maybe be happy dreams

You will see your love

Your naive dreams

And those roses that you grew...

106. You loved life

And I wanted to do a lot,

But the thread broke too soon,

Without letting you achieve your dreams.

107. "I died as a girl, as a bride..."

108. To the man who saw an angel.

109. “Hurry to do good!”

110. We're all sitting in the gutter

But some of us look at the stars...

111. IN You will always remain in our memory,

And you are with us forever in life,

Our beloved and best of men,

You are our father and husband and grandfather forever.

112. The aching pain of losing a loving husband,

Caring daddy and grandpa

Forever settled in our hearts

113. You loved life, you were in a hurry,

You wanted to do a lot

But it was not given to you by fate

Feel sorry for yourself...

114. God grant that the world is different

Brought you peace.

115. You are gone, but we remember and love you.

116. You lived your life in worries,

Now you've fallen asleep forever.

So sleep peacefully, carefree,

Your family is always with you...

117. He loved angels and children's laughter.

Didn’t crush the snow-white lilac stars,

Even though he wanted to overcome the Lord...

In all his sins he was a gentle child,

And therefore - forgive him, Lord!

118. You left early without saying goodbye,

And without saying a word to us,

That you won't come back again.

119. How hard it is to find words

To measure our pain with them.

We cannot believe in your death,

You will be with us forever.

120. Having passed away, you are still living

In our thoughts, dreams.

You cannot survive what fate has given you.

We remember you both in joy and in pain.

121. A mother’s tears will forever be for you,

Father's sadness, brother's loneliness,

The grief of grandparents.

122. Evil death has crept up on me,

I left you forever.

Oh, how I wish I could live

But such is my fate.

123. Like drops of dew on roses,

There are tears on my cheeks.

Sleep well, dear son,

We all love, remember and mourn you.

124. Eternal memory of you in the hearts of your loved ones

125. When people forget you, all your friends forget,

Only the heart will remember you, and that heart will be me.

126. Don’t find out where I’ve led the way,

What limit have you crossed in life, oh friend,

I have done everything on earth, I have loved and lived on earth.

127. I loved you, I won’t forget you,

I will love you forever

128. Your whole life is over with you, you have no life, and we have no life,

The dearest, beloved son, beloved child has passed away.

129. Thank you, my clear one, for being in the world!

130. A serious illness broke you, you passed away without living,

Our dear, beloved son, how difficult it is for us to live without you.

131. We are endlessly grateful to you,

We don't forget about you,

We remember your souls and hearts alive.

132. You were a role model for us,

We still live, relying on you.

Let's come to you, father, on a date

Consult in good and bad times.

133. No... They didn’t go away, but they repeated themselves in the children.

134. Lord, we give you our littlest angel.

135. Wonderful child, unfair fate did not give you to me,

But she just showed it and immediately took it away.

136. No, I will not come to terms with the terrible burden of existence until my death.

That children die before adults, that you died, only I remained.

137. Life separated them, but death united them.

Two pure souls now in the same grave.

138. You were taken away from us so hastily, breathing injustice.
And on your native land, even if it is a sinner, your soul could live.
Now we just have to gain patience and strength.
Relatives and loved ones everywhere are quietly crying at their graves.
We now live in human pain, in flowers, breathing greenery.
We all have one big grief - we will come to it slowly.
Let's water the flowers, wipe the fence, kiss the cross, and be silent.
What more do we need in life? But we shout in silence.
You now live under heaven. You are with us, friend, and we are with you.
With love in your heart, with sorrow in your soul, rest in peace, dear!

139. Light roses, having died, a funeral crowd
They sparkle in lush bouquets, like a star in the sky;
So I'm separated from you, but your image is sad
In my heart, lulled, it always sleeps. (Balmont K.D.)


K.N. Batyushkov


No inscriptions are needed for my stone,
Just say here: he was and he is not!

A.S. Pushkin

My epitaph

Pushkin is buried here; he is with a young muse,
With love and laziness spent a cheerful century,
He did not do good, but he was a soul,
By God, good man.

Epitaph for a baby. "Prince N.S. Volkonsky"

In radiance and in joyful peace,
At the throne of the eternal creator,
With a smile he looks into earthly exile,
He blesses his mother and prays for his father.

M.Yu. Lermontov


Simple-hearted son of freedom,
He did not spare his life for his feelings;
And true features of nature
He often liked to copy.

He believed dark predictions
And talismans, and love,
And unnatural desires
He sacrificed his days.

And in it the soul kept a reserve
Bliss, torment and passion.
He died. Here is his grave.
It was not created for people.

Epitaph of Napoleon

Yes, no one blames your shadow,
Man of rock! you are with people who have doom over you;
He who knew how to lead you, only he could overthrow you:
Nothing changes great things.

V.S. Soloviev

Vladimir Solovyov lies in this place. First there was a philosopher. And now he has become a skeleton. He was kind to others, He was also an enemy to many; But, loving madly, He himself plunged into a ravine. He lost his soul, not to mention his body: the devil took it, and the dogs ate it. Passerby! Learn from this example how destructive love is and how useful faith is.

I.A. Bunin

Inscription on the gravestone

There are no sins and atrocities, O Lord, greater than Thy mercy! To the slave of the earth and vain desires, forgive his sins for his sorrows. I kept the covenant of love sacredly in my life: In the days of melancholy, in spite of my mind, I did not harbor enmity against my brother, I forgave everything, according to Your word. I, who have known the silence of the grave, I, who have accepted the sorrows of darkness, From the depths of the earth I preach to the earth the Verbs of Everlasting Beauty!

M.I. Tsvetaeva


To the one who lies here under the spring grass,
Forgive, Lord, evil thoughts and sin!
He was sick, exhausted, not from here,
He loved angels and children's laughter.

Didn’t crush the snow-white lilac stars,
Even though he wanted to overcome the Lord...
In all his sins he was a gentle child,
And therefore - forgive him, Lord!


Funeral poems and words for a woman, mother, sister, grandmother, mournful words in verse from family and friends

2:1307 3:2663

Without saying goodbye to anyone, without saying goodbye to everyone, you disappeared into the darkness, only leaving sadness. The pain burns, the soul hurts, a tear rolls down from grief. You left us very early, we could not save You, a deep wound in our hearts, while we are alive, You are alive too. Eternal peace for your soul and the Kingdom of Heaven. Swan down to you, earth.


Words cannot express our pain and grief, a deep wound in our hearts. Never forget that terrible day, which brought us so much grief and sadness. Tears tear our souls apart, and every day we remember You. May it be easy for You there, and may the memory of You remain here with us. In sorrow we bow our heads at Your grave. Sleep well, our dear mother. The earth is swan down for you, and the Kingdom of Heaven is for your soul.


You have gone into bright eternity. And our pain cannot be helped, and the name of pain is infinity... You left us for another WORLD - where there is no return, leaving behind the memory of yourself, love, sadness and the pain of loss. The Lord called you to himself and left us with sadness and tears. You will reign in Heaven, and we will carry roses to the grave. May God protect your kind soul. May you rest in peace, and your soul - eternal peace and the Kingdom of Heaven.


Words cannot express our pain and grief, a deep wound in our hearts. We will never forget that terrible day that brought us so much grief and sadness. Tears tear our souls apart, and every day we remember You. May it be easy for You there, and may the memory of You remain here with us. In sorrow we bow our heads at Your grave. Sleep well, our dear mother. The earth is swan down for you, and the Kingdom of Heaven is for your soul.

6:1969 7:503

That day when the light of Your eyes faded and your heart stopped beating became the most terrible day for us and we could not come to terms with it. A tear rolls from the heart, pain burns, the soul cries. We so want to bring you back, but this cannot be done. You left us very early, but we could not save you. A deep wound in the heart. You left us and left us with pain and sadness. Eternal peace to your soul, our dear. Kingdom of Heaven, may you rest in peace on earth, remember with us all who remember it.

7:1353 9912

Epitaph - literally "inscription on the grave", from the Greek "epi" - "above", and "taphos" - grave. At first this was the name of the funeral speech, and then the inscription on the gravestone. The word came from Ancient Greece, but inscriptions were left on graves in all countries.

First Granite Corporation LLC offers a variety of tombstones made of granite (natural granite), made by high-class craftsmen. In addition to the standard engravings of the portrait of the deceased, we propose placing epitaphs on monuments in verse.

The epitaph itself for a son or husband has been a tombstone inscription since the days of Ancient Greece. A succinct quatrain or several lines of prose reflect the main character traits of a living person and what he achieved during his life. This is a kind of summation of life. An example of such an epitaph is the phrase: “Your rapid takeoff is over in an instant. All that was left was a scream in my heart.” At the same time, these inscriptions are able to cheer up loved ones, capturing light sadness for a deceased father or mother.

The first author's epitaphs began to appear in the 16th century, and the art of epitaphs in Russia reached its true flowering already in the 18th century, and this, of course, concerned mainly the graves of the aristocracy. In Russia there was great literature, in the 18th and 19th centuries many wrote, and many did it very well, and, of course, this left its mark on everything, including gravestones. Until now, people go to ancient cemeteries, admire the skillful monuments, elegant engravings, read the inscriptions on the grave in verse - this is a kind of book of memory of long-gone lives...

When ordering a memorial, not only dates of life and farewell words are engraved on the stone, but also portraits of the deceased, often very artistic, using both mechanical and laser engraving. Such portraits can themselves be called objects of art.

Before ordering a monument, you can familiarize yourself with the models of monuments we produce on our website. And in the “Ritual Pictures” section, get acquainted with the options for images and epitaphs themselves, which can be applied to the selected monument.

Our specialists are ready to undertake not only the production and design of the monument, but also its delivery to any region of the Russian Federation. The low cost of the monument is due to the fact that the company itself is engaged in the extraction of granite, its processing and further use as a material for the manufacture of the monument, which significantly reduces the total cost of the products we offer.

As well as texts that our master can engrave on the monument:

1) We remember, we love, we mourn.

2) You died too early
Words cannot express our pain.
Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound,
The memory of you is always alive.

3) Do not express grief, do not cry tears.

You took joy away from home forever.

4) You left life instantly,

But the pain remained forever.

5) We come here

To put flowers,

It’s very difficult, dear,

We can live without you.

6) Grief and sadness of your loss

They will be with us forever.

What could be worse and worse

Losing a husband and father.

7) You are always in our hearts.

8) What a pity that your life was so short,

But your memory will be eternal.

9) You left life, but not your heart.

10) Your bright, pure image is with us forever.

11) To your untimely grave

Our path will not be overgrown.

Your dear image, dear image,

It will always lead us here.

12) To the one who was dear during life,

From those who love and mourn.

13) There is no greater grief than the bitterness of loss.

14) How difficult it is to find words,

To measure our pain with them.

You will be with us forever.

15) It’s so easy to imagine you alive

That it is impossible to believe in your death.

16) You left us, dear.

The mournful hour of separation has come.

But still alive

You are in our heart among us.

17) Having passed away, you are still living

In our thoughts, dreams.

You cannot survive what fate has given you.

We remember you in joy and pain.

18) Love for you, dear son,

will die only with us.

And our pain and our sorrow,

cannot be expressed in words.

19) Words cannot express all the grief and sadness.

You are always with us in our hearts and memories.

20) No one could save you,

Died very early

But the bright image is your dear

We will always remember.

21) Happy memory of you

will forever remain in our hearts.

22) You are no longer here, but we don’t believe you,

You are in our hearts forever.

And my pain from that loss

We have no time to heal.

23) You loved life,

And I wanted to do a lot,

but the thread broke too early,

Without letting you achieve your dreams.

24) Unexpected grief, unmeasured grief,

The most precious thing in life is lost.

It's a pity that life cannot be repeated,

To give it to you.

25) Our pain cannot be measured

And you can’t shed it in tears.

We treat you as if alive

We will love forever.

26) The warmth of your soul

stayed with us.

27) Your bright image is in our memory.

28) How much of ours went with you,

How much of yours remains with us.

29) Your memory will forever remain in our hearts.

30) The Great Tribulation cannot be measured,

Tears won't help my grief.

You are not with us, but forever

You will not die in our hearts.

31) Eternal memory of you in the hearts of your loved ones.

32) We love you, we are proud of you,

And in our memory you are always alive.

ZZ) The warmth of your soul

stayed with us.

34.Sleep well, dear son,

We all love you,

We remember and mourn.

35.Sleep in peace and

Pray to God for us.

36. You are like your own heart;

It cannot be forgotten and replaced.

Those who love you...

37. They don’t part with their loved ones,

Only nearby life ceases.

38.You sleep, and we live,

You wait and we will come

39.You left us early, our beloved.

He took away our happiness and joy.

40. The Great Tribulation cannot be measured,

Tears won't help my grief.

You are not with us, but forever

You will not die in our hearts.

41.Can't be returned

It is impossible to forget.

42.You died too early,

Words cannot express our pain.

Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound..

The memory of you is always alive.

43. Do not express grief,

Don't cry any tears

You took joy away from home forever.

44.How early you left; native,

Leaving us with sadness and pain.

45. They don’t part with their loved ones,

They just stop being around.

46.You gave us life in this world.

In another you have found peace.

Gone, leaving a trace of sadness,

outbursts of grief and melancholy.

47. Remember me, Lord,

Visit me with your salvation.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Remember me, God

48. And do not forsake those who love you.

49.0tche, into your hands

I convey my spirit.

50. How difficult it is to find words,

To measure our pain with them.

We cannot believe in your death,

You will be with us forever.

51. The earthly path is short,

The memory is eternal.

52. The warmth of your soul remains with us.

53. Eternal memory of you in the hearts of your loved ones.

54. And my heart hurts, and my grief has no end.

55. Eternal memory.

56. Great sorrow cannot be measured, grief cannot be filled with tears.
You are not with us, but forever, in our hearts you will live.

57. We would all give a piece of our hearts,
Only yours would begin to beat again.

58. The earth is empty without you.

59. Leaving a mark in the hearts of people with your good deeds,
We don’t say the word “no”, we say: “You are always with us.”

60. You are gone from life, but not from your heart.

61. With one flower the earth became poorer,
The heavens have become richer with one star.

62. The heart still does not believe in bitter loss,
It’s as if you didn’t die, but went somewhere.

63. Unexpected grief, immeasurable grief,
The most important thing in life is lost.
It's a pity that life cannot be repeated,
To give it to you again.

65. Love for you, our dear, will die only with us,
Both our pain and our sorrow cannot be expressed in words.

66. You left us, dear,
The mournful hour of separation has come,
But everything is still alive
You are in our heart among us.

67. Let the fire not go out until the end, and let the memory of the one remain
What awakened hearts for life, and now has found eternal peace.

68. How could we have thought that on this day,
You will step from childhood into eternity...

69. You were like an angel soaring into the sky, how little time you spent with us.

70. No, I won’t resign myself until I die,
With the terrible burden of existence, -
That children die before adults,
Even though you are gone, I am left...

71. Words cannot express all the grief and sadness,
You are always with us in our hearts and memories.

72. No... - They didn’t go away, but they repeated themselves in the children.

73. Rest in the kingdom of heaven.

74. It is not in our power to bring you back, and our sorrow has no end.
Insane is the pain that tears orphaned hearts apart.

75. Grief for you and the bitterness of loss,
Will be forever in our hearts.

76. The bright memory of you will forever remain in our hearts.

77. Sleep well, dear,
We remember you, love you and mourn you.

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