Happy memory to Ruslan Nabiev. Radio chanson broadcast

Ruslan Nabiev began to sing differently from all popular artists pop music are starting. Usually, their story begins... I sang from childhood... or something like that. Of course, Ruslan Nabiev always liked to sing. Ruslan Nabiev always sang, but for himself, for the soul. Wherever he was, he never stopped singing; it helped him live and work, as it is sung in famous song. Such abilities are highly valued both at home and at work. By the way, according to information from the network, Ruslan Nabiev, when he served in the army, was a lead singer and his colleagues and commanders were very pleased with this quality. Ruslan studied well, like most good students at school, he did not stand out in any way; he grew up like all the boys of his age, games, jokes, etc. Over time, the ability to joke was very useful to him, he began to play KVN, which he did very well, everyone who saw his game can confirm this. According to information from the network, Ruslan Nabiev was born in Azerbaijan, in the village of Mingichaur, 1976 .r.. when the war began in Azerbaijan, we all remember these sad events, his parents had to leave the country. Then many had to leave Azerbaijan, some were leaving the war, and some were completely hopeless, there was no work, there were no normal working conditions and life, then in all republics former USSR This happened not only in Azerbaijan. His parents moved from Azerbaijan to the Krasnodar region, where Ruslan continued his studies at school, and from there he joined the army, i.e. everything went as usual. Finished school, then the army, etc. One day, while vacationing on the Black Sea coast Krasnodar region, I decided to try singing karaoke; in those years, musical settings were not widespread as they are now. While performing his favorite songs, he noticed that more and more listeners gathered around him each time: they, as it turned out, absolutely loved Ruslan’s singing. Upon returning home, he entered the vocal studio village of Tbilisi, invitations began to arrive to work at weddings and participate in concerts. In 2005, Ruslan, family circumstances moves to Pyatigorsk, gets a job in one of the local restaurants. Experiencing a failed relationship, he composes his first song, “In Restaurants,” which later becomes a hit and his “ business card" Not without the help of friends, this song ends up on radio “Chanson-Pyatigorsk” and radio “Provintsia”, where it is still in hot rotation to this day. Ruslan is thinking about creating his own album. In 2007, it hit the shelves music stores The debut album “In Restaurants” appeared, which included 11 tracks. The first concert took place in May 2007 in Cherkessk, then performances in Nalchik and Mineralnye Vody. On August 11, 2007, he presented his program “By Restaurants” at the Pyatigorsk Operetta Theater.
On January 24, 2008, returning home to Pyatigorsk from a concert, he got into a car accident... He left behind a wife and a one-year-old daughter.

Mikhail Shufutinsky: “I want to skydive!”

Mikhail Zakharovich recently, on April 13, celebrated his 71st birthday. And exactly a week later - on April 20 - the legend of Russian chanson will take the Kremlin stage to receive the Chanson of the Year 2019 award. On the eve of the celebration, the artist told why he loves Instagram and doesn’t like sports palaces, why he was afraid to work with the hit “All around” the world"and what he dreams of at 71 years old.

Time inexorably rushes forward. Already this Saturday, April 20, at the State Kremlin Palace there will be a show that all fans of “Radio Chanson” have been waiting for, all those who are not indifferent to our genre and just fans good songs. I'm talking about solemn ceremony presentation of the “Chanson of the Year – 2019” award. For the artists who will receive statuettes with a golden guitar neck, this is also not an ordinary event. Alexander Marshall believes that this is a common award for stars and fans.

It is possible that in the near future, drivers approaching an intersection will have to not only slow down and watch for obstacles on the right and left, but also dig into their wallets. At the International Navigation Forum, the idea of ​​charging a fee for unimpeded passage of busy intersections will be discussed. However, this is optional. If you have time, no one bothers you to stand in a traffic jam. For free.

Do you know what UMO is? This is not a department of mobile units, not a corner of a young optimist. This is an in-depth medical examination. A procedure that athletes are required to undergo. It’s just that the conditions for passing are somehow different. Our famous snowboarder, medalist olympic games and World Cup winner Alena Zavarzina could not pass the UMO. That is, she was informed about this after the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, where she showed the best result among Russians - fourth. This is the UMO, k...

Nabiev Ruslan born in the Azerbaijani city of Mingichaur in 1976, with the outbreak of hostilities, he and his parents moved to the Krasnodar Territory, to the village of Tbilisskaya. While studying at school he was in good standing, actively participated in concerts, played in KVN, was a company singer in the army, and was best at famous hits: “Katyusha”, “Russia”, “After Two Winters”.
One day, while vacationing on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, I decided to try to sing karaoke; in those years, musical settings were not widespread as they are now. While performing his favorite songs, he noticed that more and more listeners gathered around him each time: they, as it turned out, absolutely loved Ruslan’s singing.
Upon returning home, he entered the vocal studio of the village of Tbilisskaya, invitations began to arrive to work at weddings and participate in concerts.
In 2005, Ruslan, for family reasons, moved to Pyatigorsk and got a job in one of the local restaurants. Experiencing an unfulfilled relationship, he composes his first song, “In Restaurants,” which later becomes a hit and his “calling card.” Not without the help of friends, this song ends up on radio “Chanson-Pyatigorsk” and radio “Provintsia”, where it is still in hot rotation to this day, Ruslan is thinking about creating his own album.
In 2007, the debut album “By Restaurants” appeared on the shelves of music stores, which included 11 tracks. The first concert took place in May 2007 in Cherkessk, then performances in Nalchik and Mineralnye Vody. On August 11, 2007, he presented his program “By Restaurants” at the Pyatigorsk Operetta Theater.
January 24, 2008, returning home to Pyatigorsk from a concert, he gets into a car accident...
He is survived by his wife and one-year-old daughter.
Ruslan NABIEV, Baku Armenian by origin. Lived in Pyatigorsk. He has just begun to gain heights in his career and has released two albums, including Armenian and Azerbaijani songs. The song IN RESTAURANTS did not gain fame immediately, but having already achieved success, the singer gained universal popularity.

On January 25, 2008, Ruslan Nabiev died in a car accident. , 2 guys were traveling with him, one of them, Sapar Abakarov, escaped with a slight fright. The singer did not live to see the birthday of his little daughter Vika. His work is a memory of him, we listen to song after song, realizing that one is better than the other. It’s just a pity that we are now talking about him in the past tense. He WAS and REMAINS one of best singers.. .
He truly was a genius in his field. His songs are a masterpiece, He will always be the idol of many, young and old.

Born in the Azerbaijani city of Mingichaur in 1976, with the outbreak of hostilities, he and his parents moved to the Krasnodar Territory, to the village of Tbilisskaya. While studying at school he was in good standing, actively participated in concerts, played in KVN, was a company singer in the army, and was best at famous hits: “Katyusha”, “Russia”, “After Two Winters”.
One day, while vacationing on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, I decided to try to sing karaoke; in those years, musical settings were not widespread as they are now. While performing his favorite songs, he noticed that more and more listeners gathered around him each time: they, as it turned out, absolutely loved Ruslan’s singing. Upon returning home, he entered the vocal studio of the village of Tbilisskaya, invitations began to arrive to work at weddings and participate in concerts.
In 2005, Ruslan, for family reasons, moved to Pyatigorsk and got a job in one of the local restaurants. Experiencing an unfulfilled relationship, he composes his first song, “In Restaurants,” which later becomes a hit and his “calling card.” Not without the help of friends, this song ends up on
radio “Chanson-Pyatigorsk” and radio “Province”, where to this day it is in hot rotation, Ruslan is thinking about creating his own album.
In 2007, the debut album “By Restaurants” appeared on the shelves of music stores, which included 11 tracks. The first concert took place in May 2007 in Cherkessk, then performances in Nalchik and Mineralnye Vody. On August 11, 2007, he presented the program “By Restaurants” at the Pyatigorsk Operetta Theater.
On January 24, 2008, returning home to Pyatigorsk from a concert, he got into a car accident... He left behind a wife and a one-year-old daughter. Mikhail Shufutinsky: “I want to skydive!”

Mikhail Zakharovich recently, on April 13, celebrated his 71st birthday. And exactly a week later - on April 20 - the legend of Russian chanson will take the Kremlin stage to receive the Chanson of the Year 2019 award. On the eve of the celebration, the artist told why he loves Instagram and doesn’t like sports palaces, why he was afraid to work with the hit “All around the world” and what he dreams of at 71 years old.

Time inexorably rushes forward. Already this Saturday, April 20, the State Kremlin Palace will host the show that all fans of Radio Chanson, all those who are not indifferent to our genre and simply lovers of good songs, have been waiting for. I’m talking about the solemn ceremony of presenting the “Chanson of the Year – 2019” award. For the artists who will receive statuettes with a golden guitar neck, this is also not an ordinary event. Alexander Marshall believes that this is a common award for stars and fans.

It is possible that in the near future, drivers approaching an intersection will have to not only slow down and watch for obstacles on the right and left, but also dig into their wallets. At the International Navigation Forum, the idea of ​​charging a fee for unimpeded passage of busy intersections will be discussed. However, this is optional. If you have time, no one bothers you to stand in a traffic jam. For free.

Do you know what UMO is? This is not a department of mobile units, not a corner of a young optimist. This is an in-depth medical examination. A procedure that athletes are required to undergo. It’s just that the conditions for passing are somehow different. Our famous snowboarder, Olympic medalist and World Cup winner Alena Zavarzina was unable to pass the UMO. That is, she was informed about this after the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, where she showed the best result among Russians - fourth. This is the UMO, k...

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