How tall is Anton Privolny? Control wife of Anton Privolny

Childhood and family of Anton Privolnov

Anton was born in Moscow. His dad - former musician, a guitarist, and my mother worked as a French teacher. When Anton was only six, his parents divorced, but continued to communicate. Thanks to this, the boy was raised by both his father and mother. He has the warmest memories of his family and childhood.

Anton did not always dream of becoming an actor, much less a television producer, although he played in school productions. His dreams were different, he thought about both the profession of a firefighter and the profession of a salesman. However, as he grew up, he decided that he would be an actor.

Privolov went to the Pioneer Palace and enrolled in a theater studio. He was very tall, so he ended up in a group with guys who were two years older than him. When many of them, after graduating from school, went to enter the RATI, Anton went with them for company. Imagine the teenager’s surprise when he was accepted into Leonid Kheifetz’s course.

He didn’t even hope for it, he just tried it, being an adventurer by nature. Later, of course, he had to admit it. A solution was found - Anton purchased a fake certificate in an underground passage and handed it over to the admissions committee. After graduating from school as an external student and receiving a real certificate, he exchanged the fake for the original document.

While studying, the young student worked part-time as a waiter. For this, he chose an establishment not far from Ostankino. Celebrities were frequent visitors there, stopping in for a snack or coffee. Anton looked at them and dreamed of how he would one day become an actor.

Privolov did his military service at the Russian Army Theater, where he ended up immediately after graduating from college. It is interesting that Pyotr Krasilov served in the Theater at the same time as him, but he was, as Anton says, “a grandfather.”

The beginning of Anton Privolny's career in theater and television

Simultaneously with his work at the Russian Army Theater, Anton received an offer to try his hand as a presenter on the TVC channel. The program existed for some time, but it was soon closed. This was Privolnov's first experience working on television.

After demobilization, he decided to work as a waiter again, but did not last even a week. He decided to break into television, and for this he lacked the education. Anton entered the Ostankino Television Institute and became a student in the directing department. The next place of study was the School of Film and Television.

“Alone with everyone”: Anton Privonov

It seemed to the young man that all he had to do was graduate from the Film School, and he would immediately be able to easily find a job, but everything turned out to be completely different. Time passed, but he still could not find a job.

Privolnov's work on Channel One

Privolov, together with his friend, decided to look for work in an original way. They walked around Ostankino, knocked on all doors and reported that they had fresh ideas and interesting findings regarding TV programs. Almost all of the “senior” colleagues took their phone numbers, promising to call them back, but no one ever called back.

One day, friends opened the door to the studio where they were filming the Channel One program - the well-known “Good Morning”. The main one there at that time was Larisa Krivtsova. She, like many others, also promised to call back. The guys gave her a whole list of categories they had come up with. Time passed, but she didn’t call either. When they were again at Ostankino and met one of Krivtsova’s assistants in the corridor, as if nothing had happened, they asked if they were going to invite them in the near future, adding for convincing that the NTV channel was already interested in them. This little lie produced results. They called back almost immediately. This is how Privolov ended up on Channel One.

At first, the aspiring television producer filmed short stories for the Good Morning program. The first task could not be completed as expected. The guys had to conduct a survey among passers-by on Manezhnaya Square. Nobody wanted to answer their questions, so they started asking each other and gave the answers themselves, fooling around all the time. Krivtsova liked this manner. This is how the debut took place on the First. Anton traveled to villages, interviewed some “eccentrics,” and filmed stories about them. Soon Privonov began working at OTK, and even later as the host of Test Purchase.

Privolny’s work in the Test Purchase program

Becoming a presenter new program on the ORT channel, Anton was able to realize many of his ideas. Initially, “Test Purchase” was planned as an entertainment program, but then everything changed. Today in this program you can see the results of independent studies of the quality of certain products. Moreover, all stages are recorded by a video camera.

Anton Privonov about lemons

Privolnov’s plans include new projects. He says that in any case he wants to work, improving people's mood, which is why he came to television. “Test Purchase” will forever remain Anton’s favorite child. Like anyone creative person, he wants to move forward, create programs that would make people not only smile, but also think about many things.

Privolov does not forget about his acting profession. He likes live performances. Together with Kirill Serebrennikov, Anton has joint plans; it is possible that viewers will see him in some unexpected roles.

Personal life of Anton Privolnov

Anton is married. His wife's name is Olga. They met at Film School. At first, Olga did not impress him, but later the young people began to communicate and realized that they were very interested in each other. They got married in 2007, and then their son Plato was born.

Your new one two-room apartment The spouses completed the registration at their own discretion. They wanted to make it original. Their walls and ceilings have the brightest colors. Anton did a lot of the renovations himself.

Privonov opened a restaurant, calling it “Puree”. It is distinguished by the fact that they cook exclusively from seasonal products, and the prices are quite reasonable. The restaurant purchases all its products from farmers. Privonov had a goal to create a place where people would enjoy coming, where whole families would come. He succeeded and is very proud of the result.

Anton rarely cooks at home. If he does this, then he is more interested in the design of the dish rather than its content. IN Lately he gave up eating meat, preferring vegetable dishes. Privolov prefers to spend his free time with his family. They go on holiday to Beautiful places, live in tents, sometimes travel abroad.

One day Anton took his son with him to participate in the “Time for Lunch” program. There they, together with Lyudmila Poryvai and Natasha Koroleva, assessed the food. It happens that in a store customers approach a TV presenter asking for advice, what to do right choice When buying some products, people recognize him on the streets, come up to him, and thank him.

Privolnov Anton Yurievich (born January 1, 1981) – Russian actor and TV presenter. Since 2006, he has been the author and host of the “Test Purchase” program, which is broadcast weekly on Channel One. In addition to working on television, he starred in several episodes feature films. Currently working in parallel restaurant business.


Anton Privolnov was born in Moscow on January 1, 1981. His mother worked as a French teacher at the time. And dad was a musician. When Anton was only 6 years old, his parents divorced. The boy stayed with his mother, but did not refuse to communicate with his father and still maintains contact with him.

Young Privolov never planned to connect his life with television. As a child, he wanted to become a fireman or a salesman. But while still small, he often performed at various concerts at school and actively participated in amateur performances. It is not surprising that Anton chose GITIS as his institute.

Interestingly, he managed to enter university at the age of only 15 years. Privolov decided to go to college so early, following his friends. The fact is that because of his height, the boy went to drama school with guys a couple of years older than him. And when the time came for them to act, Anton also decided to keep up with his friends. During the entrance exams, he attributed extra age to himself, and when the truth was revealed, Privonov was already enrolled in the first year. In order not to expel a talented applicant, he was advised to buy a fake certificate in a metro crossing. He did just that. And then, when I graduated from school as an external student, I brought real documents to the institute.

After graduating from GITIS, Anton Privolnov worked for some time at the Russian Army Theater. But the actor's career did not work out. Therefore, Anton decided to try to become famous in a different way and entered the School of Film and Television.

By the way, interesting fact from the biography - during his studies, Privonov worked as a waiter in a cafe, which was located on the territory of Ostankino. His clients were often well-known television workers. And as Privolov himself later admitted, during this time he had time to well study the manners and character of some of the regulars. And this was very useful to him at the beginning of his television career. By that time he had a good understanding of how and with whom he could behave.

Carier start

Anton Privolnov has been working in television since 2001. His first experience was the position of host of the “Secrets of Themis” program on the TV-Center channel. Then there was a small section “Time for your news.” But this was not enough for Privolov. He wanted to work on the main channels of the country. And already in 2003 he was taken to Channel One.

This is also related interesting story, and again the matter was not without deception. Young Privolov was then actively looking for new job, and once proposed several of his ideas to the management of the Good Morning program. They promised to call him back, but time passed and there was no answer. And then, after some time, Privolov encountered an assistant manager in the corridors of Ostankino." Good morning" And he stated quite boldly: “How are my sections doing? And then they called me from NTV, they want to see me at their place.” In fact, Privonov did not have any offers from other channels at that time. It was clean water bluff. But it was a success. Privolnov was taken to Channel One almost the same day.

But his career on the First did not start very well. The very first shooting could end in failure and dismissal. Anton and another girl were sent to Manezhnaya Square in Moscow. The task was to film a survey of people on the street. But it so happened that that day everyone was terribly untalkative, and the young people did not succeed.

As a result, they despaired of fulfilling the editorial task, but before their likely dismissal they decided to fool around a little on camera. They began to ask each other questions and answer them themselves. Returning back to the channel, they showed the “footage” to management, and a miracle happened. The management liked it. Privolnov and his friend were immediately assigned to the leading columns on Good Morning.

"Test purchase"

As a prototype famous program“Test purchase” became the “QTK” column, which Anton Privolnov hosted on the same “Good Morning”. In 2006, it was decided to expand it to a full-scale format. Moreover, the first episodes of the program were not devoted to food at all, but, for example, to animal cages and other useful things. But very quickly “Test Purchase” reoriented itself specifically to food products.

We are not like many scandalous talk shows on our television. Unlike them, we don’t even have to search for topics for a long time. All topics are on the shelves.

The program differs in that it is not advertising in nature. They try to tell only the truth when comparing products. famous brands on a number of indicators. At first, there were cases that some producers who lost in a TV show were offended, offered money to avoid anti-advertising, and some even filed lawsuits. But today the program has already acquired such a status that famous brands are happy to undergo testing. And if they find shortcomings in the process, they consider it free advice and correct the shortcomings.

Over the years of work at Control Purchase, Anton Privolnov has become a highly qualified specialist in everything related to food products. At the same time, I made useful contacts in this area. Therefore, it came as no surprise to anyone when Privonov decided to open his own restaurant. It's called "Puree".

Personal life and hobbies

Anton Privolnov met his future wife while studying at the School of Film and Television. At first, the young people did not communicate with each other. But one day Anton invited Olga to the cinema, and from that day they never parted. At first, we lived together in a civil marriage for about a year. And then Olga became pregnant, and the couple decided to legalize their relationship and submitted an application to the registry office.

Six months later, the Privolnys had a son. They called him Plato. His wife Olga currently also works on television, she is engaged in production documentaries.

IN free time The Privolny family loves to travel and go to restaurants. Fortunately, Anton knows a lot about not only quality products, but also in tasty and healthy food.

Anton Privolnov, a charismatic TV presenter and journalist who became popular thanks to the TV show “Test Purchase,” which has been broadcast on Channel One for more than 10 years, was born on January 1, 1981 in Moscow.


He never had such a dream as a child - to be a recognizable face on television. He also didn’t have any connections or acquaintances on TV. He was no different from his peers; he planned to become either a salesman or a firefighter. His father was a guitarist, his mother a French teacher. Unfortunately, his parents divorced when Anton was 6 years old.

But in high school, Anton became seriously interested in acting and even decided to try his hand at entering theater school, without even completing his high school course.

With an impressive physique and tall 15-year-old Privolov did not stand out among the guys two years older than him. Having passed the entrance exams to GITIS, he was unexpectedly enrolled in the Leonid Kheifets faculty. They did not expel the young applicant, and he had to finish school as an external student.

Based on this episode on forums, Internet users are asking a reasonable question: maybe this is an inaccuracy in the biography of the TV presenter or documents for admission to the State Institute theatrical arts, for a minute, the largest theater university in Europe and one of the largest in the world, they don’t watch it at all.

But in fact, it is the results that play a decisive role in admission creative competition, and his Privonov passed brilliantly.


After graduating from GITIS, Anton Privolnov went to work at the Russian Army Theater, however, acting did not work out for him. Classical repertoire wasn't too exciting young artist. And in general, he had already begun to dream of a career in television.

To pave the way for a different path, Anton entered the School of Film and Television. I had to combine my studies with part-time work as a waiter in a cafe near the Ostankino television center.

While serving television stars who came to dine, Privonov carefully observed their behavior and manners. He really wanted to understand how the recognizable faces of the television screen live, what their character is, what the magical atmosphere of cinema is like. Subsequently, this undoubtedly helped him when Anton himself became a TV presenter.

In 2001, Privolnov was invited to TVC to host the “Secrets of Themis” program. Legal topics were far from him - he wanted much more to communicate with stars and cover social parties. But although it existed this transfer not for long, this allowed Anton to acquire the necessary skills in a new field. Then he was the host of the “Time for Your News” column.

It had great importance in the sense that no matter how prestigious the diploma received, everyone is interested in work experience. And thanks to one bold adventure (it was not for nothing that I studied at the acting department), which consisted of the phrase: “You take me to morning broadcast, otherwise they already called me with several offers,” Privolnov was invited to Channel One. In reality, there were no calls from NTV or anywhere else at all.

The very first assignment of the editors almost ended in complete failure. It was necessary to interview people on the street, but as sometimes happens, none of the passers-by wanted to answer the questions of the young TV journalist and his assistant on camera. Resourcefulness helped Anton Privolnov out this time too.

Worried about the fact that no one could be called to dialogue, and aware of the fear of the possibility of losing a new job, he and the girl began, in a bizarre manner, fooling around a little in front of the television camera, to take turns portraying random passers-by who answer the questions asked.

And it worked. The editor of Good Morning liked the story presented, and Anton and his girlfriend were appointed presenters.

Since 2003, Privonov began to run the “QTK” column, which after a certain time was transformed into an independent program called “Test Purchase”. At first, the objects of research were various useful things, and only then the main issue of transmission became the quality of food consumed. The TV presenter is especially proud of the fact that “Test Purchase” is original program, and not a copied or purchased foreign television project. Own idea and implementation.

Anton Privolnov's finest hour has come. He becomes famous, recognizable, popular. He already conducts master classes himself. TV viewers are impressed by his professional comments. Already well-versed in the endless world of food, Privonov decided to transform the acquired knowledge into a real business.

Today he owns an original restaurant with the simple name “Puree”, where the prices are reasonable and the products are of high quality. The country's chief expert could not have it any other way.

Personal life

Privolov met his wife at the Film School, where they studied together. Outwardly they are complete opposites; at first they did not notice each other at all. But after a friendly trip to the cinema together, Anton and Olga never parted, having decided to link their destinies.

With his wife Olga and son

U married couple in 2007 a boy was born, who was named Plato. Due to the incompetence of the doctor, the child was diagnosed with deafness after birth. But, fortunately, it turned out that the son was absolutely healthy.

It so happened that after 10 years of marriage, in June 2017 the couple decided to separate. Olga was transferred to work in St. Petersburg, and Anton remained in Moscow. The marriage simply couldn't stand the test of distance. And now the heart popular journalist free.

Plato is already an adult, and he treated his parents’ decision with understanding. He lives with his mother, but continues to maintain good relations with his father.

Anton does not stop there; he has many projects in his plans, including the dream of acting career on big screen. Moreover, he already has several episodic roles in his portfolio. For Privolnov, it is important that the viewer is in a good mood, and he always tries to add a little joy to what he devotes his activities to on television and in life.

For three years in a row, every morning Anton appears before Channel One viewers in the “Test Purchase” program. A memorable appearance, a wide smile, witty comments... Looking at him, it wouldn’t even occur to you that just a year ago a real tragedy took place in his family.

When there were a couple of months left before Olga, Anton Privolnov’s wife, gave birth, the doctor, after performing an ultrasound, was stunned: “The child has serious problem with the stomach. Urgent surgery will be required. Without this he will die." There was no choice, and as soon as the baby was born, he was only briefly shown to his young parents and sent to the operating table. “My wife was crying, and I was feverishly thinking about how to calm her down and distract her. I say: “Ol, our chosen son! He has such a rare pathology that this is nothing other than a sign from above.” I understood that I was talking nonsense, but it distracted Olya from sad thoughts, she calmed down and somehow mobilized,” says Anton. The operation was successful, and soon his and Olya’s newborn son, named Plato, was at home. As soon as the young parents relaxed a little and believed that all the problems were behind them, a planned visit to the otolaryngologist plunged the young parents into a state of panic - the doctor diagnosed one-and-a-half-month-old Plato as “deaf.”

Photo: Yuri Feklistov

“We noticed that our son did not respond to sounds. But they thought that this was the way it should be for infants. And when the doctor categorically stated that Plato could not hear anything, we completely despaired. Although there was still hope that the doctor was mistaken. They took the baby home and began to experiment: they banged iron utensils over Plato’s ear and rang the doorbell. Zero reaction! It seemed that our life was divided into “before” and “after”. It became absolutely clear: cloudless family happiness would not work. We bought a bunch of literature about this disease, rushed to look for clinics in Moscow and abroad where children’s hearing can be restored, and hoped for Platoshino’s healing.” A month later, Privolnov Jr. underwent a tomography, and it turned out that he was absolutely healthy!

Photo: Yuri Feklistov

“The amazing incompetence of the doctor who made the diagnosis. He should have known that up to two months, many children’s hearing organs are still developing,” Anton is indignant. But now, when all the fears are behind, the TV presenter believes that the trials he and Olga faced only brought their family closer together, they became even closer to each other.

The story of how Anton and Olga met is no different from the stories of many other student couples: they studied together at the Internews School of Film and Television and at first did not pay attention to each other. Although, as Anton recalls, Olya looked more than extravagant. “A mane of red hair, multi-colored socks, a short dress with huge plush carrots - a freak, in a word. And I look like such a proper Muscovite in a gray sweater and jeans.

In short, outwardly complete opposites. One day we got together with our classmates to go to the cinema. Nobody came except Olga and me. We went to the session alone, then chatted all evening and realized that we were terribly interested together.” Soon the young people began to live together, and a year later the question of marriage arose naturally. “One day we started talking about a possible wedding, and suddenly one of us came up with an idea: let’s submit an application and spend the allotted two months for its intended purpose - we’ll begin to look closely at each other and give points every day - for the tenderness, care, words of love shown... We bought two mirrors, lined them into 60 squares and graded them on a five-point scale. When probation ended, it was obvious - we were perfect for each other, the boxes were all A’s.”

For three years in a row, every morning Anton appears before Channel One viewers in the “Test Purchase” program. A memorable appearance, a wide smile, witty comments... Looking at him, it wouldn’t even occur to you that just a year ago a real tragedy took place in his family.

When there were a couple of months left before the birth of Olga, the wife of Anton Privolnov, the doctor, after performing an ultrasound, was taken aback: “The child has a serious problem with the stomach. Urgent surgery will be required. Without this he will die." There was no choice, and as soon as the baby was born, he was only briefly shown to his young parents and sent to the operating table. “My wife was crying, and I was feverishly thinking about how to calm her down and distract her. I say: “Ol, our chosen son! He has such a rare pathology that this is nothing other than a sign from above.” I understood that I was talking nonsense, but it distracted Olya from sad thoughts, she calmed down and somehow mobilized,” says Anton. The operation was successful, and soon his and Olya’s newborn son, named Plato, was at home. As soon as the young parents relaxed a little and believed that all the problems were behind them, a planned visit to the otolaryngologist plunged the young parents into a state of panic - the doctor diagnosed one-and-a-half-month-old Plato as “deaf.”

“We noticed that our son did not respond to sounds. But they thought that this was the way it should be for infants. And when the doctor categorically stated that Plato could not hear anything, we completely despaired. Although there was still hope that the doctor was mistaken. They took the baby home and began to experiment: they banged iron utensils over Plato’s ear and rang the doorbell. Zero reaction! It seemed that our life was divided into “before” and “after”. It became absolutely clear: cloudless family happiness would not work. We bought a bunch of literature about this disease, rushed to look for clinics in Moscow and abroad where children’s hearing can be restored, and hoped for Platoshino’s healing.” A month later, Privolnov Jr. underwent a tomography, and it turned out that he was absolutely healthy!

“The amazing incompetence of the doctor who made the diagnosis. He should have known that up to two months, many children’s hearing organs are still developing,” Anton is indignant. But now, when all the fears are behind, the TV presenter believes that the trials he and Olga faced only brought their family closer together, they became even closer to each other.

The story of how Anton and Olga met is no different from the stories of many other student couples: they studied together at the Internews School of Film and Television and at first did not pay attention to each other. Although, as Anton recalls, Olya looked more than extravagant. “A mane of red hair, multi-colored socks, a short dress with huge plush carrots - a freak, in a word. And I look like such a proper Muscovite in a gray sweater and jeans.

In short, outwardly complete opposites. One day we got together with our classmates to go to the cinema. Nobody came except Olga and me. We went to the session alone, then chatted all evening and realized that we were terribly interested together.” Soon the young people began to live together, and a year later the question of marriage arose naturally. “One day we started talking about a possible wedding, and suddenly one of us came up with an idea: let’s submit an application and spend the allotted two months for its intended purpose - we’ll begin to look closely at each other and give points every day - for the tenderness, care, words of love shown... We bought two mirrors, lined them into 60 squares and graded them on a five-point scale. When the probationary period ended, it was obvious that we were perfect for each other, there were only A’s in the boxes.”

At this time, the housing issue was very conveniently resolved: an old house, where Anton lived with his parents, was broken down and the young family was given a two-room apartment in a new building. The apartment was a concrete box, the arrangement of which the newlyweds took on with enviable zeal.

“The first thing we did was buy a design magazine. We sat down on a bench in the Alexander Garden and began reading with enthusiasm. But they immediately abandoned this matter, because they realized - we're talking about about apartments with living space from five hundred square meters. And we have only 55. As a result, after watching several episodes of the program “ Housing problem“We drew up a plan and relied on our imagination,” says Anton.

Olga wanted something unusual, and she suggested making one room in the form of a hollow - with a round door and niches in the walls.

Anton cooled her ardor: “But we are not squirrels! This is unlikely to be convenient. If you want something original, I’m ready to paint the living room orange-green, and the rest of the walls, for example, red-orange.” His beloved wife, after thinking, agreed, and Anton fulfilled his promise, painting the walls with his own hands and upholstering the ceilings with bright linen.

The couple wanted more light in the house, so they hung lamps wherever possible and screwed in more powerful light bulbs. Due to inexperience, they did not take into account that the electrical network may not be able to withstand the load. Then we had to abandon some of the “ramp” and “spotlights”... The Privolnovs also messed up a little with the choice of color for the kitchen walls. We painted them bright yellow and were happy with the color until the fuchsia set was delivered from the store.

The “picture” turned out to be eye-watering, so I had to urgently repaint the kitchen in a calmer tone.

If in some families repairs are a reason for discord and conflicts, then the Privolnovs always find compromises. “We got married because we want to be together all our lives, so why overshadow it with quarrels over trifles, it’s better to turn it into a holiday. Olga constantly gives me surprises: she either launches a hundred colorful butterflies into the apartment, or makes a Hall of Fame out of my photographs listing my “achievements”: “Gave my wife two nights in the jungle,” “Owned a Macintosh,” “Entered a legal marriage,” “I rejuvenated the body in an Indonesian source”... When one person thinks about another, strives to surprise - it’s very pleasant and causes a reciprocal impulse,” admits Privolov.

Disagreements between the spouses arise only when Anton conducts experiments in the field of pedagogy and child psychology. “Our Plato is an extremely wayward child. He can yell for an hour, demanding his way. Recently I conducted a hellish experiment: my son grabbed the TV remote control, I took it away, firmly saying: “No, this is not a toy,” and put it on the closet. Plato screamed and fell on the carpet. After 20 minutes he turned blue, but continued to yell. Olya sat next to me, worried and convinced me to stop the “execution.” I explained to her: “You see, the crucial moment is who will win? Is he me or am I him?” It turned out that he me... Now I’m afraid of him growing up, the guy’s character is still the same!” - Anton worries.

Career issues do not really concern him today. “I don’t want to host a talk show. There are no answers to the questions, but in my program there are. Besides, I can really help a lot of people. Sometimes people come up on the street with complaints: “Anton, the store sold defective goods and refuses to exchange them, the dry cleaner ruined the fur coat, help!” And we help as much as we can.” Once, the editors of “Test Purchase” were looking for specialists to comment on a story about a doctor’s sausage. We called the Nutrition Research Institute. The answer on the other end of the line was: “We don’t know. Call... Privolnov." Anton, having learned about this, was amused: “I realized that I had become an authoritative figure.”

Privolov got into the Test Purchase, as he admitted, thanks to his “second happiness - arrogance.” Here is how it was. Having received a diploma from the School of Cinema and Television, Anton hoped that he would immediately find something to do on TV.

But weeks passed after weeks, and potential employers were in no hurry to call the graduate. “I had a pass to Ostankino, and so my friend and I wandered along the corridors and, plucking up the impudence, opened the doors at random and announced to the people there: “Congratulations! We are immediately ready to implement many of our interesting ideas and finds." Oddly enough, our colleagues reacted calmly to our sudden appearance: “Leave your contact details, we’ll call you back.” One day they knocked on “Good morning” on First. Then Larisa Krivtsova was in charge there. We jotted down a list of topics we could do and gave it to her. Nobody called us back, but somehow in the corridors of Ostankino I saw Krivtsova’s assistant.

I decided: “Eh, it wasn’t!” - and, approaching her, he casually asked: “What’s wrong with our ideas? And then NTV offers a job. Anton Arens himself called me.” Why I suddenly mentioned the name of a person I didn’t know, I don’t know. I heard that there is one on NTV, so I blurted it out. And it worked! Krivtsova’s assistant took us by the hand and led us to the Good Morning editorial office. She and Larisa Valentinovna whispered about something and hired me. Later I became the presenter of “Otk”, and then “Test purchase”.

In fact, Privolov did not plan to become a television personality. As a child, having played a bunch of roles in theater studio at the Palace of Pioneers, I dreamed of entering acting. Even before finishing school, Anton went to try his hand at the RATI. And it passed! “Since I didn’t have a certificate, I bought it in the metro for 200 rubles and brought it to the admissions office.

They said: “This is great, but we need a real one.” I managed to convince him to wait a year. So at the same time I studied both at RATI (on the course of Leonid Kheifets) and as an external student. While I was studying, I worked as a waiter in a bar not far from Ostankino. TV stars often came to see us. Pyotr Fadeev and Nastya Solovyova were very popular back then; they ordered expensive dishes and left generous tips. And I thought: “This is what a stellar life is like!”

After college, Anton was taken into the army, fortunately, not to the ends of the world, but to the Theater Russian army. “Petya Krasilov was my “grandfather,” he chased me around, forced me to pick nails out of the stage,” recalls the former private.

At the same time, he made his debut on television. Friends offered to host one program on the TVC channel, however, the project did not last long - it was closed. After demobilization, Privolov again went to work as a waiter, but quit the very next day: “Not a boy, go run and serve!” - and went to study again. Now to the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino" at the directing department, having decided that good director will always earn a piece of bread and butter. And then - to the School of Film and Television. "I am lucky. I do what I like, I write my own eyeliners, although the scriptwriters and editors are offended: “Look, Privonov, you’ve turned out to be smart!” I try to make the program become better and better, and even recently changed my tradition: I succumbed to persuasion to use the advice of stylists - I stopped going on air in my own clothes.

There is no limit to perfection.”

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