Which group did Alexander Dobrynin start singing for? Vyacheslav Dobrynin: biography, personal life, creativity

StarsNews.Ru, Nikolay FANDEEV (photo by Oleg Shipkov)

The name of singer Alexander Dobrynin is known to everyone primarily as the performer of the famous hit about Svetka Sokolova “Pink Roses,” which he sang superbly as a soloist of the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Veselye Rebyaty.” Also, in his performance, people fell in love with other hits - “Rita-Margarita”, “Red Clown”, “On the Canary Islands”, etc. And what a strange thing. At concerts, the public always welcomes Alexander with a bang, but on TV he is practically invisible at all... We decided to talk about this, and much more, with the artist in an interview.

- Alexander, in the second half of the 80s you successfully worked in “Jolly Fellows”. Then you left the group. And about three or four years ago you appeared again in “Merry Fellows”. Tell me, are you a member of this ensemble today?

I'm not. The second time I left “Merry Guys” was two and a half years ago. Here is how it was. A few years ago, Pavel Slobodkin again called me into his ensemble: “Let’s have a new keyboard player, a new guitarist, and only you and the drummer will remain from the old lineup.” I agreed: “Let’s try, Pavel Yakovlevich.” Well, I came there. What's the point? For two years I sat in the “Jolly Fellows” with my ass on a chair. As a result, there were no concerts, Slobodkin’s salary at the theater was meager, and there was a lot of TV filming. Once, however, they filmed us and showed us at half past four in the morning. Is this filming?! And most importantly, there was no new material. We recorded only the old songs of “Merry Fellows” in the studio. Why didn’t I sing quail there! And “Svetka Sokolov” and “Wandering Artists”. And also “Aunt”, “Cars”, “Cover Girl”, “Redheads are Always Lucky”, Tukhmanov’s “Easy to Fall in Love”, and something else. But even with these songs the album was not released! Where is he? It lies in Slobodkin’s attic. I tell him: “Pavel Yakovlevich, release the disc.” N-e-e-t! He is afraid of. Because as soon as he releases it, I will buy it and start working with him solo. There are solid hits! And they were all recorded at his good studio.

- Okay, but the first time why did you leave “Merry Guys”?

Because I was paid a small salary. I actually pulled out the entire team, and they spat in my back. They paid the same as the drummer. Even the guitarist made more than me. Why the hell would a guitarist get paid more than a vocalist who sings forty minutes for four concerts a day?!

- As far as we know, today “Jolly Fellows” continues to exist.

Today “Jolly Fellows” is like Gogol’s: dead Souls. There is no team as such. A team is when people hear it, when they hang out on TV. Here are Yuri Malikov’s “Gems” - both the first and the second - they are there, you can see them. And to be only on paper and receive a salary at the Slobodkin Theater is not yet “Jolly Fellows”. And everyone on it is too young, they don’t even fit this brand purely outwardly. Agree, playing the guitar well is not “Jolly Guys”; the guitarist must have an image. Our Sergei Pereguda had an image, he matched the “Jolly Fellows” with his hare and his jokes. And the current guitarist Vlad, although handsome, is absolutely nothing. No smile, no dynamics - there is nothing at all in the guy! And he was still stuck to the stage. Everyone constantly tells him: “At least move a little.” But he can’t... When Slobodkin finds a better soloist than me, and when he writes him a new hit, then they won’t need to re-sing “Svetka Sokolova” anymore. And what is happening now in “Merry Fellows” is all secondary. Moreover, their new soloist covers old hits very badly, I heard it myself. And others also say that this is a complete disgrace. I told them earlier: “Guys, nothing will work out without me. Because if I had been paid normally and I had stayed, we would have brought in another singer who was completely different from me. Like Glyzin and Buinov once did - so that there are two different geese.” Then everything would have worked out for them. Understand, I’m not crap on the “Merry Guys”, they crap on themselves. And Viktor Chaika once said correctly: “Slobodkin missed his time.”

- Now you work as a solo artist. Tell me, why, despite the fact that you are always received wonderfully at concerts, you are practically invisible on TV? Why are you not in such retro programs as “Disco of the 80s” and “Retro-FM Party”?

Look what happens. The first time my administrator suggested me to the “Disco of the 80s” was two years ago, when I left “Merry Guys”. He told them: “Look how many hits Alexander has on the radio! “Svetka Sokolova”, “Wandering Artists” with his voice. And also “Rita-Margarita”, “Desert”, “Red Clown”, “On the Canary Islands”. They play six hits, where else can we get more?!” They don't take shit! But they film ensembles with soloists who don’t actually sing in them. And vice versa, those who really sing are not in the “Disco of the 80s”... Next, “Retro-FM”. They are told: “Take Alexander Dobrynin.” The editor replies: “Where has he been running all this time? If they called earlier, I would have taken it.” They ask her: “Isn’t it possible at least if someone suddenly gets sick or simply doesn’t come?” She replies: “Nooo! We have ironclad contracts with everyone. If someone doesn’t come, they will pay me a penalty. But on next year I’ll take Alexander.” A year passes. They again: “Oh, now we only take “firms”.” In the sense of foreign artists like Bad Boys Blue. In short, they deceived me, but in the end our artists were still taken there too. But the worst thing is “Saturday Night”. Boors, b...d! Do you understand? Hams!!! Do you know what they said? “Alexander Dorbynin has not yet risen to the required level.” Yes, I’ve been on the stage for twenty-nine years, it’s time for me to retire! There are the same five people sitting on television and fattening up! They have closed themselves within their boundaries and are not letting anyone in. As a result, the entire “golden mean” of our stage was killed by them, only the “big shots” remained. But not so long ago we had so many interesting teams! How many singers were there from the “middle management”! But they, too, are now nowhere to be seen. Everything is killed! All of us are not allowed to the “first button”. And you’ll get screwed on the “second button” too. For us, only Ren-TV, STS and Domashny - go there and film. What's the point? These are all the wrong programs.

- In general, what is your opinion about the projects “Disco of the 80s” and “Retro-FM Party”?

This is very good! Because people want to hear the same music that they listened to when they studied at the institute.

- That is, nostalgia?

Certainly! Where would we be without her? Again, not everyone wants fashionable music. You suggest a fashionable performer to someone, they will tell you: “No, we don’t know such a thing.” And everyone knows the old artists. And in general, at these concerts, our stars are often received even better than the company guys. For example, recently at the Olimpiyskiy Igor Kornelyuk did much better than Sandra or Amanda Lear. And “Merry Guys” and I did much better then than other artists. The first was Dieter Bohlen, the second were “Jolly Fellows”, the third was Kornelyuk! And only then everyone else.

- I would like to talk a little about your solo work. In the early 90s you had albums with songs by Arkady Ukupnik and Igor Mateta. Did you have anything else come out later?

I also have a few new songs, but I only use them in my solo concerts. Because I don’t have enough songs, I need to sing twenty-five things, no less. After all, my concert lasts one hour and fifty minutes.

- Why don’t you release new albums?

What for? Old songs are enough for me. People also say to me: “Sasha, why do you need new songs if your old ones are very good?” Explain why I need to make extra moves if people will listen to my old songs for another hundred years?

- Isn’t your very soul yearning to create something new?

First of all, to write a song, you need to know how to write it. Well, let’s say I did manage to make a new hit. And then what? Where will you go with him? Nobody understands that this is a potential hit. This means I need to shoot a video for it and play it on television. And then pay a lot of money on every show so that they can show me there with this hit. Well, where do I get that kind of money?!

- Yes, but besides television there is also radio.

You see, radio is not television after all. It is necessary that people not only hear the artist, but also see him.

- What if you do have a very good new song that can also become a big hit?

How about this one new song convey to the people?

- Yes, but other artists have new songs.

Right! Because these five people on television sit and command who may have what. That's the whole point.

- So try to come to an agreement with this team too.

Nooo! I already called them, knocked on the door, sang to them on the phone, told them that I had been singing for more than twenty years... Never again! Even Lev Novozhenov was surprised: “Why don’t they take you?!”

- How do they explain their refusal?

They don't say anything at all. "Absolutely no!

- But your colleague from “Merry Fellows” Alexey Glyzin often appears on TV.

Glyzin is also shown infrequently. And for big super shoots for Glyzin too entrance ticket No. And where they show it is not the same filming. I mean the coolest programs. Like "Songs of the Year".

- There is a project “Disco of the USSR”, organized by the lead singer of “Sweet Dream” Sergei Vasyuta, in which, along with other artists of the 90s, you also perform. But people have very different opinions about the “Disco of the USSR”. Some people like it, while others, on the contrary, consider this party to be a bunch of outsiders. What do you think about it?

I have nothing to do with this party. I was once asked to perform at the Admiral club, so I came. Vasyuta begged me for a long time: “Come to my birthday, help, sing.” I tried to explain to them that I was not from their crowd, that I was a pop singer. That I’m from a different time altogether, so I have nothing to do there, even if I’m worse than them. And I won’t go to these parties of theirs anymore, because, as the most brilliant Chaliapin said, only nightingales sing for free. Well, why should I go there? Eat, drink?

- You say that you don’t want to sing for free at other artists’ anniversaries. But singers often support each other for free, purely for friendly reasons. Which artists are your friends?

I have no friends among artists. In general, I have almost no friends in my life.

- Why?

I don't even have a girlfriend. Because that's the kind of person I am. Except that I consider Stas Bashirov my friend. This is a major, he works in the traffic police. He doesn’t owe me anything, I don’t owe him anything either, we just communicate with each other. Besides, he sings very well. Do you think I need a technical inspection from him? No, I have everything.

- In general, do you believe in friendship among artists?

I do not believe! You know, all those kisses between their lips are cheap! They will confess their love to your eyes, but at the same time inside they will... generally not love you too much. I believe in friendship, but not among artists.

- How do you assess the current level of the Russian stage?

There's nothing left there anymore. We had for real good stage just before my arrival at the “Jolly Fellows”. We had really good teams back then. Igor Granov’s group, “Black Coffee”... And then it never happened that a singer came to “Song of the Year” without a hit. They wouldn't let him near this program! At that time, everyone sang hits. Mikhail Muromov - “Apples in the Snow”, Alexander Dobrynin - “Svetka Sokolov”, Dmitry Malikov - “Until Tomorrow”. And Vladimir Presnyakov also had hits. And now no one has hits at all. For example, have you heard that Muromov wrote some new hit? Not a damn thing! He still has "Weather Vane", "Apples in the Snow", "Ariadne" and "Strange Woman".

- What do you think about television projects like “Stars on Ice”, “Stars in the Ring”, “Dancing with the Stars”, in which many of your stage colleagues participate?

When our singers enter the ring or skate, it is complete stupidity. Tell me, can you imagine that, for example, Phil Collins started skating in England? This is just funny! Why doesn't George Michael skate? Because he does his own thing, he gathers people to his concerts, sings for them, makes them feel good. And here they either start skating or go into the ring. There's nothing for people to do! You better do something good in music!

- Alexander, how do you feel about the Internet? After all, this is not television, the Internet is available to everyone. And for some reason you still don’t even have your own website.

Let me explain: I don’t need the Internet. Many people tell me: “Sasha, you will simply lose both time and money, because the Internet will give you absolutely nothing.” But a year ago there were only three lines about me on the Internet, but now they’ve written so much about me there that I don’t even need a website. They wrote both good and bad. And the fact that my vocal abilities are much better than those of Alexei Glyzin, and the fact that I have not become either a leader or a superstar. On the Internet I even found old clips of me and Buinov. By the way, I’m not on Odnoklassniki either. Am I an idiot or something? These “Odnoklassniki” people are filled with fucking fools, who don’t give a damn! I believe that everything should be of high quality and correct. I don't need the Internet! I bought myself a luxury laptop, but I haven’t turned it on for a month.

- Yes, but if you had your own website, you could, for example, be found by concert organizers from other cities.

If someone needs me, they will find me. Believe me, all customers have my phone numbers. The Internet was interesting to me when it first appeared. And now I don’t fucking need him!

- Which of the “Jolly Guys” participants are you communicating with today?

With no one! And they are with me too. When I left the “Jolly Fellows” two years ago, these comrades didn’t even wish me a Happy New Year. But not long before that, I dragged them out to my concert to earn extra money. He paid them more than Slobodkin pays them. But at least one of them would call later and ask if I was alive and well! Although they all know my phone number. They are all fifteen years younger than me, and already rednecks. Just fucking rednecks! Both guitarist Vlad and Konsur. So what kind of friendship is there, what are you talking about?

- What is your relationship with those who played in “Merry Fellows” with you in the 80s? For example, do you communicate with Alexander Dobronravov?

I don't want to hear about him at all! He recently ruined my broadcast. Last year I was shown on NTV. And then Dobronravov got in there, and because of him I was cut out of the replay. As I understand it, Slobodkin asked me to spoil it. That's why they cut me off the air. As a result, they first showed me performing “Svetka Sokolova,” and then Dobronravov came out and also began singing “Svetka Sokolova.” Allegedly he wrote it, supposedly he has something to do with this song.

- It really doesn't. Music by Pavel Slobodkin, lyrics by Natalia Prostorova (Plyatskovskaya), you sang.

Right. By and large, no one is interested in who wrote what. There is a performer who sang a song, here is his face - and that’s it! People come up to me and simply say: “Sasha, thank you for the song!” Therefore, no one will take “Svetka Sokolova” away from me! And I always tell them: “Don’t touch this song!” After all, not a single b...d has quailed her properly... By the way, not so long ago I found out that another Dima Dobrynin had appeared from somewhere. He tells everyone that he's mine brother. I had to come with the police and arrest him because he was singing “Svetka Sokolova” to my soundtrack in some club on Taganka.

- Alexander, what are your plans? Will you continue to perform “Svetka Sokolova” and “Red Clown”?

The main thing in my plans is to work well. Now I'm invited to go on tour with solo concerts. So it turns out that even though I’m not shown anywhere, my concerts are full. Moreover, they look at me not as “Jolly Fellows,” but as Alexander Dobrynin. Recently I performed in Arzamas, Vyazma, Leningrad region, and everywhere I was received with a bang. And if people don’t want an artist, they won’t go see him for free. Invite me now for free to see Kirkorov. I will not go. Why the hell do I need him? I won’t go to Depeche Mode for free either.

Nikolai Dobrynin was born on August 17, 1963 in Taganrog. Father Nikolai was an honored investigator of the city police, and his mother worked in trade. Nikolai grew up with his half-brother Alexander Naumenko from his mother’s first marriage and her relatives in a sedentary gypsy camp in the village of Krylovskaya.

Dobrynin’s father was fond of music, in particular, he played the accordion excellently, so young Nicholas sent to study at a local music school. The boy studied piano, but did not finish his studies. The whole family was involved in raising the child. His maternal grandmother taught the boy to sew; from childhood, Dobrynin could earn pocket money by selling self-sewn potato bags. In classes high school the future artist earned money by knocking together mailboxes and unloading wagons. Dobrynin grew up as an active child, activities ballroom dancing And church choir he combined it with the usual street fights for the town.

Grandmother Anastasia Kondratievna worked in drama theater and gave her beloved grandson his first theatrical costume. The love for reincarnation manifested itself in early childhood: He loved to put on his father’s uniform and portray various characters, performing entire performances in front of the mirror. But to really decide on your future profession to a young artist his older brother Alexander helped. It was he who insisted on entering the capital’s theater university.

In 1980, Nikolai moved to Moscow and entered GITIS for an acting course. In parallel with his studies, the young artist worked at night in the metro and eventually received the specialty of a sixth-class drainage specialist. He also worked part-time as a teacher and dance teacher. During his studies, Dobrynin, together with his brother Alexander, who studied at the conservatory, sang in the choir of the Novodevichy Convent, for which they almost lost the opportunity to continue their studies at the university. Then a famous person stood up for the students Soviet pianist Svyatoslav Richter.

In 1989, Nikolai Dobrynin was drafted into the army and served in the air defense forces. However, after the incident with the landing of the Rust plane on Red Square, their part was disbanded, and Dobrynin ended up in another, where he staged several performances.

After demobilization, Nikolai returned to his native theater “Satyricon”, where he immediately received a role in the provocative play “Maids” by Roman Viktyuk. The artist had to play on the same stage with Konstantin Raikin, Alexandra Zueva and Sergei Zarubin in a rather controversial production, which could become either a complete failure or a breakthrough in theater arts. The premiere of the play “The Maids” completely turned the artist’s life upside down: people began to recognize him on the streets, ask for his autograph, fans appeared who literally fought for his attention after performances and came to all the artist’s performances.

Nikolai Dobrynin became famous actor theater, he was invited to the “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova”, and later to the Roman Viktyuk Theater. In Viktyuk’s productions, Nikolai played rather complex psychological roles: Herod from the production of “Salome”, Pontius Pilate from the play “The Master and Margarita”. The constant combination of theatrical tours and filming forced Dobrynin to leave the Roman Viktyuk Theater after 16 years of cooperation.

In 2005, Nikolai Dobrynin was invited to main role in the production of “Maupassant in Love”, which was staged by the Theater Center on Kolomenskaya in St. Petersburg. Nikolai liked the new troupe, and he continued to collaborate with them, playing in the production of “Pajamas for Six.”


Nikolai Dobrynin first appeared on screens big cinema in 1986 in the musical melodrama " Necessary people", where he played a simple builder Kolya. A year later, he received his first leading role in the film drama “Farewell, Zamoskvoretsk punks...”, where he played Vitka, nicknamed Gavrosh. This role brought him considerable fame and opened the door to participation in other film projects. Dobrynin has firmly established the role of a strong, self-confident hero.

In 2009, the third season of the popular comedy series “Matchmakers” was released on television, where Nikolai played the role of Mitya Bukhankin. In his new comedy role, Dobrynin achieved unprecedented success and won the love of the TV viewer, from minor character his Mityai became almost the main character of the series. The popularity of the artist and the character was so high that in 2011, a separate 20-episode series “Mitya's Tales” with Nikolai Dobrynin in the title role was released.

Every year several projects featuring the actor are released. Of the latter, we can note the multi-part television film "Orlova and Alexandrov", in which Dobrynin played the role of Leonid Utesov, "Lyudmila Gurchenko", where the artist appeared in the image of the father of the legend of Soviet cinema, as well as the biographical television series "Margarita Nazarova". In the latter, Dobrynin also appeared in one of the main roles - a family friend of the legendary tiger tamer.

For thirty years acting career the artist took part in the filming of more than a hundred different films, from comedies to crime melodramas.

Personal life

While still a student at GITIS, Nikolai Dobrynin proposed to his classmate Oksana Barsheva, better known as Ksenia Larina. Ksenia was the daughter of the Soviet diplomat Andrei Nikolaevich Barshev, but, despite his wife’s successful parents, Nikolai independently fed and provided for his young family. In five years life together Dobrynin and Larina filed for divorce.

In the mid-1980s, Nikolai met his future second wife Anna Terekhova. They met in the dressing room after one of the performances. In 1988, the couple had a son, Mikhail. But this marriage was not successful for Russian artist, a few years after the birth of the child, the couple filed for divorce. The divorce was initiated by the wife. Dobrynin continued to communicate with his son and often invites him to his filming.

In 1998, Ekaterina Komissarova appeared in the life of Nikolai Dobrynin, who later became his third wife. Ekaterina was a fan of Dobrynin’s work and really wanted to please her favorite actor. They got married in 2002 and have lived in peace and harmony ever since. For a long time the couple could not have a child, but after Nicholas’s trip to the monastery of St. Thecla in Damascus, a miracle happened: Ekaterina Komissarova became pregnant, and in 2008 the couple had a daughter, Nina.

Around personal life of Alexander Dobrynin, popular singer In the 80s and 90s, there were always a lot of rumors. His last wife turned out to be a brawler and told reporters about the antics of the famous artist.
Alexander was officially married three times. The first marriage was concluded out of youth, and, as the singer claims, out of stupidity. The singer just returned from the army and proposed to his girlfriend. The marriage quickly broke up because the young people could not find mutual language together. In addition, the first wife was also a musician, so there were a lot of creative quarrels in the family.
The second wife, Olga Shorina, was a well-known dancer in certain circles. Alexander fell in love with beautiful girl at first sight. He was attracted to absolutely everything about her. Some time after the first meeting, he realized that he could not live without Olga for a day. The couple began dating and soon got married. Olga and Alexander's marriage was full of emotions and quarrels. The spouses cheated on each other and did not hide it. At first, they gave each other complete freedom in their relationship. But then they both got tired of this situation, and the couple divorced. After some time, Olga told her ex-husband that she had given birth to a child from him. Alexander wanted to help his ex-wife, but the girl refused all gifts and money.

Alexander met his third wife at the Metelitsa club. Elena worked as a prostitute, but this did not bother Alexander. He fell in love with Elena and offered to live together, but demanded that her beloved leave her profession and take up housekeeping. At first, everything was smooth in their life, but soon the singer began to notice that the girl was starting to come home late. At first Alexander did not show it, but then he created a scandal. Elena packed her things and left in an unknown direction. A few days later, Alexander managed to find the girl, but when he called, an unknown man answered the phone and said that Elena was in this moment In bathroom. Alexander understood everything without unnecessary words. After he filed for divorce, Elena announced that she was expecting a child from Alexander. But nothing could stop the famous singer. He no longer wanted to put up with his wife’s constant cheating.

After Elena, he met Catherine. He met a young girl by chance on the street. The couple began to live together, and after some time Catherine gave birth to the singer’s son Stanislav.
Elena was jealous of happiness ex-husband, so she soon gave an interview in which she wanted to talk about all the secrets of Alexander Dobrynin’s personal life. The woman said that famous singer refuses to acknowledge them common child. Elena believes that the singer’s mother was to blame for their separation, who insisted that Elena would not be able to give birth. The woman got tired of such speculation and left.

Elena claims that after the divorce, the singer wrote and called the girl for a long time asking her to return. They couldn’t just break up, so they dated for several more years. After the birth of her daughter, Elena met with Alexander and showed him photographs of Lisa. The singer was not against meeting her, but did not show much initiative.

The wife of the lead singer of “Jolly Fellows” confessed

56-year-old Alexander DOBRYNIN, who became caliph for an hour after the hit “Pink Roses,” said a year ago in an interview with Express Gazeta that his ex-third wife, Elena GUSEVA, worked as a prostitute. The other day, Elena for the first time decided to tell the truth about her relationship with the faded pop star.

Dobrynin worked in several VIA, but real fame came to him in “Jolly Fellows”. Fans stacked up in Dobrynin’s bed. Alexander tried three times to build family happiness and, as he himself admitted, last time- With lung woman behavior of Elena Guseva, whom he met in Metelitsa.
“I was really married to Dobrynin,” Mrs. Guseva confirmed to me. - After our divorce, this man bothered me with calls, demanding meetings, as he says, with his “unloved” wife. Apparently, his personal life never took place...
We actually met in “Broom”, where I was relaxing with a friend. I wonder if he still has a magazine with pictures of me naked? And then he tells it in colors. I'd like to take a look. Even if I was, as he writes, a prostitute, why put myself in a bad light? Clever man I would have remained silent. I have a daughter who loves me, family, friends.

- So he lied to you?
- He came up with a lot of things. For example, he said that he dressed me in foreign clothes and trinkets. So, he didn’t even buy me panties! I came to him in a fur coat and gold. His mother Margarita Maksimovna accurately noticed: “Sasha, get married, she’s rich.” Dobrynin proposed to me on the third day. Although there is a 12 year difference between me and him. But to this Sasha remarked: “This is done either right away or never.” And he always lied. When we met him, he hid the fact that he had been married twice. He kept silent about his existing child from his second marriage with Olga Shorina. I only found out when court documents arrived regarding child support. I'm not a stupid person. I understand that Sasha’s ex-wife wanted to prepare a gift for our wedding in the form of alimony.

Pathologically greedy drunk

- Did you understand what awaits you in a marriage with a spoiled showman?
- At the time of our relationship, Dobrynin could not be called rich. On the eve of the wedding, my mother wailed: “Lena, come to your senses! You don't need this person. Where are you going? To a communal apartment where you will sleep on the floor!” Indeed, Sasha brought me to a small room in a communal apartment on Prazhskaya, and we lived in the same room with his mother. Margarita Maksimovna, a teacher of Russian language and literature, poked her nose in everywhere: how I wash, cook, clean...
- Did your mother-in-law play an important role in your separation?
- When we married him, his mother said: “She is empty-bellied, she cannot give birth.” Of course, I loved him, I admit honestly. But she couldn’t live with his mother at all. And she left. Sasha then said: “Live your life, I live mine, I don’t need a divorce.” But I applied. He didn’t come to the trial; they divorced him without him. A couple of months later his calls started and we started dating. I loved him for some time. That’s when I fundamentally decided: “I’ll give birth and prove to my mother that I’m not empty-bellied.” Sasha remembers very well that we met after the divorce, but for some reason he insists that the daughter is not his.

- Did he know that you were pregnant?
- It was 1997. Dobrynin did not immediately find out that I was expecting a child. His musician Sergei Vorozhbit called me and said: “Sasha is in the infectious diseases hospital. Can you come to him? I refused: “I won’t go. Firstly, I don’t want to, and secondly, I’m pregnant.” Dobrynin never showed up to me after this news! And only when his daughter Lisa was two years old did he come.
I didn’t pursue him: I didn’t apply for alimony, I didn’t ask for anything. But he suddenly appeared on the threshold. I showed him photographs of Lisa. We talked and discussed everything. I wanted my daughter to have a dad, and I started taking the child to him on Saturdays. The girl began to cry hysterically: Lisa didn’t want to see her father. We stuffed her into his car when we had to go to Sasha.

Sasha bought another room in his communal apartment and suggested: “Since we have a child, we need to start a family.” My mother-in-law accepted my granddaughter, but Sasha, feeling that she was annoying me, decided to buy a separate apartment. And suddenly Lisa swallowed the hairpin! We were both admitted to the hospital. The doctors decided to wait three days, hoping that she would come out on her own. I’m on edge, but Papa Dobrynin never came! And when we were discharged, he called and, as if nothing had happened, decided to come. I put an end to it: “Forget the number and don’t call.” He was silent for a month, then he took up his old ways again. Years later, I learned from the newspapers that he had another child at the same time: at the same time as me, he lived with someone else, Katya!

- Did Dobrynin drink?
- And how! Scandals occurred mainly because of his drinking. One winter I threw a bottle of vodka out of the window. She fell on the snow and did not break. So Dobrynin ran downstairs and, out of spite, brought me two bottles in revenge. He was raised that way. For example, he walked around naked in front of his mother. “She,” she says, “gave birth to me, what’s wrong with that?” We have different perceptions of the world. Either he breaks a light bulb in the toilet, or he starts a row. And pathologically greedy. When there were concerts, I gave all the money to my mother. He left it for me for food and rent. I didn’t create any scandals because of his girls. Well, you took a walk, so don’t be a fool - don’t leave your phone. Once one such tour girl called, and I calmly handed the phone to Sasha point. The girl was very surprised.

Lisa's father was replaced by a cat

- Lisa and Dobrynin are dating now?
“I didn’t hide anything from my daughter. Lisa just doesn't know that she illegitimate daughter. But I'll let you know when I get older. A child doesn’t need such a father, and especially not now. Once I asked Lisa: “If I met my dad, what would I do?” The daughter replied: “I would pass by, why do I need one?” Lisa lives her life and the cat who replaced everyone else. She supports me: “Mom, you are beautiful, smart, chic, and you got involved with such a man.” I really regret it. But Lisa took the best from Dobrynin. She is spectacular beautiful hair, like his mother, she studied dancing, knows Spanish...

My brother insisted that I get DNA done and file for child support. But why? After the divorce, I went to live with myself. She didn’t ask or demand anything. We don't need such a father. He can then sue his daughter when he doesn’t have concerts so that she can help. I don't need his apartments. Lisa, when she received her passport, said: “Mom, why didn’t I change Dobrynin’s last name?” I just want the person to forget me and not mention my daughter’s name.


Biography Alexander Dobrynin

After Alexei Glyzin left “Merry Fellows”, the position of soloist was taken by another blonde, Alexander Dobrynin. Charming, sincere, the type of person about whom they say: “He’s on board,” Dobrynin was soon singing the new hit of the group “Pink Roses,” thanks to which he soon became loved by a large audience. But after successful work in “Merry Fellows”, at the turn of the 90s, Dobrynin was too hasty to go into a solo career. It didn’t turn out so well, although in 1992 the singer released the vinyl disc “Night Flowers” ​​and sang a new hit (as if about himself) “Red Clown”. However, we were able to give few concerts, due to the shortage of good songs. In 1995, Alexander Dobrynin released the compilation disc “Pink Roses,” which included both songs performed during the singer’s work in “Jolly Fellows” and songs from the period solo career. However, this release did not bring Alexander Dobrynin to the top national stage. And now the singer rather has the status of “the last idol of the VIA era,” although he sometimes performs solo concerts in nightclubs.
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