How many children does Dibrov have from his last wife? Dmitry Dibrov: “I want Polina to know that youth does not end with marriage

Polina Dibrova’s small homeland is Rostov-on-Don. She was born on July 16, 1989. Having received the certificate, the girl went for higher education at DSTU. Polina completed her first year and realized that she wanted more. Without hesitation, I packed my suitcase and went to Moscow. In the capital, Polina entered Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov to the Faculty of Economics.

Possessing a bright appearance, Polina became popular in modeling business. The Miss Body beauty contest in Rostov-on-Don became fateful, where she won first place and charmed the jury. After the triumph, Polina was invited to the Moscow modeling agency"New Best Model". At the same competition, the girl was noticed by the scandalous TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov. Viewers are familiar with him from such programs as “Oh, Lucky Man” and “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” It was the man who contributed to Polina’s final move to Moscow. By the way, Dibrov was still married to Alexandra at that time. They broke up after the girl found out about the adultery.

Personal life

The wedding of Polina and Dmitry took place in 2009. Before this significant event, the lovers dated for several years. The press closely followed the development of their romance and did not hide their skepticism. After all, Dmitry has already been married four times.

The couple are happily married, although their age difference is almost 30 years. Despite everything, the Dibrovs consider their family ideal and even made a film about the development of their relationship, which premiered on a Russian television channel.

After the wedding, the couple announced an imminent replenishment. The first-born Alexander was born in 2010, in 2013 Fedor was born, and in 2015 he gave the family a third son, Ilya. According to the model, she is not going to stop there and wants to give birth to a girl.

Dmitry Dibrov rarely helps her with the children. He comes into his sons' bedroom after work, when they are already asleep, and sometimes plays with them. Polina does not condemn her husband, because fatherhood should be a pleasure. Despite three small children and household chores, Dibrova is active social life. On the Domashny TV channel, a young mother of many children shared her experience with the women of the country in the program “Pregnant”.

The girl carefully monitors her figure. It’s not difficult for her to do this, thanks to her passion in a healthy way life. It is known that before her third pregnancy, Dibrova managed to lose about 20 kg. The famous husband does not let her relax and tries to control her unobtrusively appearance spouses.

In 2017, the girl returned to her profession. The children grew up, and she had some free time to show off her unearthly beauty.

Dmitry Dibrov has been married to Polina Dibrova, nee Nagradova, for nine years. They have an almost 30-year age difference, but the TV presenter says that for a happy family life it's not a hindrance. Together the couple are raising three sons and dream of a girl.

The showman began to court future wife, when she was still 17 and finishing school. Dibrov was then 47 years old. And behind him are three marriages, one of which lasted less than a year, and two children.

“You need to take a girl straight from school. As long as it’s clean, until teachers are found... I’m just lucky! The age difference is not a guarantee of anything, it is a lottery, as if the spouses are the same age. And children have never restrained anyone before.”, Dibrov says now in an interview with Telenedelya. He advises choosing young, unspoiled women as wives.

Of course, it’s not difficult to think like that at 58 years of age. And considering that he has three personally corrupted women, the advice seems dubious and hypocritical.

Nevertheless, Dmitry and Polina are still happy and willingly share the secrets of their personal lives.

When they met, Dmitry tried to educate Polina, gave her reading necessary literature, did everything so that she would look at the world the same way as he did and move in the same direction as him.

“Dima wanted to influence my horizons, he made lists of books that needed to be read. He said: buy chocolates, crawl under the blanket and read. I ate sweets and went for a walk, because, let me remind you, I was 17!”- says Polina.

Polina is the same age as Dibrov’s daughter, Lada. And this fact greatly influences his attitude towards his wife.

“For him, I’m just another child. He even calls me his daughter. He educated me only at the beginning of our relationship: he patiently explained why you should look the salesman in the eyes and tell the waiter “Be kind!” Not to say that I was an ill-mannered girl, no. Rather, childishly spontaneous", - shares Polina.

This is also confirmed by Dmitry Dibrov: “Do you really think that Polina has not changed since she crossed the threshold of this house? Of course it has changed. She was a Rostov girl, sweet, well-mannered - don’t let her slander herself! And incredibly beautiful. But I made it myself! And I really treat her like a daughter.”

When Dibrov is asked what doesn’t suit him or upsets him in life, it turns out that it’s just mere trifles: “There are things that get in the way, yes. In winter we were in Miami, living in an apartment overlooking the ocean. A straight Hemingway setting. I started writing a novel. And everything went well until we returned home. It's been a month now - not a line..."

How can this be, since it is human nature to be dissatisfied with at least something?

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Dmitry and Polina Dibrovy for a long time excited the minds of Russians with their “unequal” marriage. Many said that this was just another fun of Dmitry Dibrov, and knowing a lot of details about his personal life, one could really say so. Plus the age difference is thirty years. But what’s the point - Polina Dibrova, whose biography is not as rich as her husband’s, became the mother of his three children. And, judging by the statements of the spouses, this is far from the limit.

Polina Dibrova (Nagradova) was born on July 16, 1989. I graduated from the ninety-second school hometown Rostov-on-Don, where Dmitry Dibrov himself is from. In 2006, having received secondary education, the girl went for higher education to the Don State Technical University, choosing the faculty of innovative business and management. But, after studying for only a year, the girl leaves for Moscow and takes the economics department at Moscow State University by storm. M. V. Lomonosov.

The girl had excellent appearance before pregnancy, and now she looks no worse. In 2006, she took part in the Miss Body competition and took first place in the heart of one of the jury members, who has been her legal husband and father of three beautiful boys for six years now. Polina Dibrova, whose biography is now tied to children, does not forget about her figure, she is intensively losing excess weight, formed after childbirth, with the help physical activity and some special cocktail. But she also takes into account her husband’s wish not to lose weight to the point of being “skinny.” Girls are capable of wearing themselves down to the point of fluff, and Polina’s husband takes this under his careful, unobtrusive control.

Polina's biography was supplemented by the birth of her third son. The event happened recently, on May 27, 2015. The baby was named Ilya. Earlier, on December 6, 2013, a son, Fyodor Dibrov, was born, and Polina gave birth to her first child, Alexander Dibrov, in 2010, on February 10. After the birth of their second child, the couple told the press that they were not going to stop there and wanted to have another child, a girl. And since it turned out to be a boy again, we should probably expect more news about Polina’s pregnancy soon.

Despite the indignation from the “experts,” their marriage with a thirty-year age gap is an example to many. Dibrov found himself a girl who could become his ideal wife, - beautiful, economical, cheerful. She became a wonderful mother. Nowhere in the press is there even a hint of disagreements between the spouses. As Polina herself said in one of her interviews, none of them is trying to pull the blanket over themselves in resolving any family issues. They discuss any issues and listen to each other's opinions. Isn't this the key to a normal family life - mutual respect and the ability to listen?

A fairy-tale life is exactly how many girls imagine it, and this time the princess turned out to be Polina Dibrova. Her biography is similar to the story from women's magazine: beauty pageant, rich famous man notices her alone, falls in love and makes her his wife. This, as it turns out, happens in life. They even filmed documentary about my life together, which premiered two years ago

ago, October 20. All that remains is to wish that everything continues to be fabulous in the life of the spouses, and that a little daughter finally appears in their family.

By the way, Polina is not only a mother, but also a grandmother. Thanks to Dmitry’s nephew, who gave birth to a baby, the Dibrovs officially became grandparents.

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Viewers know the impressive Dmitry Dibrov as the first host of the show “Oh, Lucky!” With its help, people became richer until 2001, when the program was renamed “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, and asked questions. After 7 years, everything returned to normal. During this time Dibrov came up with a number of new television projects and founded the Chimes radio.

Dmitry wanted to put things in order in the “talking box” at the age of 6. Jokingly or seriously, he said that even then he understood how the words sounding from the screen diverged from the way the people lived.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Dibrov was born on November 14, 1959 in Rostov-on-Don into an intelligent Soviet family. When asked about nationality, he openly answers that there were Don Cossacks in his family, and his aunt is half Jewish, but he does not identify himself with any specific nationality. Father Alexander Afanasyevich held the honorary position of dean of Rostov State University, and mother Tatyana Valentinovna was responsible for the household and raising children.

When the boy was 4 years old, his parents separated. Soon the mother remarried, and upbringing little Dima became the responsibility of Nikolai's stepfather. Huge influence on worldview and later life The TV presenter was assisted by his older brother Vladimir, who worked as a correspondent on one of the local channels. Dibrov admired him and strived to be like his brother, this explains his further choice of a journalistic profession.

After graduating from school, the future TV presenter submitted documents to the Rostov State University to the Faculty of Philology, where my own father taught. Dibrov received his diploma in journalism in 1981.

A television

From the very beginning work history Dmitry understood that if he wanted to achieve fame and success, he should go to the capital, where there were more opportunities and scope for action. Dibrov’s career developed very rapidly: in his youth he changed one editorial office to another, moving to more and more famous and significant printed publications like Moskovsky Komsomolets and news agency Russia "TASS".

In 1987, the journalist was already working on television, where he was in charge of programs for young people and made stories on musical themes for the “Vzglyad” project. A year later, Dmitry made his debut as a host and co-author of the program. Together with his colleague and friend Andrei Stolyarov, the artist came up with a comedy project, which was a selection funny stories in news format.

The “Montage” program was popular among viewers, and the channel’s management decided to extend it for several more episodes. On December 27, 1993, the last episode of the show aired.

Dmitry Dibrov created the "Anthropology" program

In 1998, Dibrov had a real breakthrough in career growth. He invented and created the “Anthropology” program, which was broadcast on the “Teleexpo” channel at night in live. In many ways, the show was innovative.

A TV viewer or radio listener, since the program was simultaneously sounded on the “Silver Rain” wave, could call or dial a message via pager directly to the studio. People expressed painful issues without fear of censorship, and the presenter was able to maintain an informative conversation with any person. Dmitry created a real exemplary talk show.

Dmitry Dibrov in the show “Oh, lucky!”

After a year of broadcasting, the program moved to the NTV channel, which greatly pleased the presenter. According to him, working on private television is always much more convenient, especially since NTV did not chase popularity and incredible ratings, allowing talk shows not to change the format.

In 1999, Dibrov became the host of the program “Oh, lucky guy!”, which brought him all-Russian fame and popularity. To a large extent, the success of the project was influenced by the image of Dmitry, charisma and acting holding the public's interest and excitement. After a change in the channel's management, Dibrov left the program and NTV.

However, the talented and progressive journalist was not left without work. Literally immediately he and the entire Anthropology team invited him to their place. CEO Channel One.

Dmitry was appointed head of the night broadcast, and he headed the “Night Shift” program. Later it was renamed "Apology". By 2003, the TV presenter was completely disillusioned with the show, as it turned into praise and advertising of the program’s guests, which did not suit Dmitry at all. The ratings also left much to be desired, and Dibrov left the project, and soon Channel One.

Dmitry Dibrov on Channel One

In 2003, the TV presenter founded the Chimes radio station, main feature which included a wide range of styles - from classic rock to popular hits of the 60s. Dmitry himself took the position of editor-in-chief, his responsibilities included creating the image and unique style of the radio station. A year later, the radio was closed because the new owners intended to change the concept and repertoire of the station.

For some time, Dibrov worked on the Rossiya TV channel, where he hosted the programs “ProSvet” and “I’m ready for anything!” But they were not as successful as previous projects, and one after another they ceased to exist. In 2006, the journalist left the channel and disappeared from television for 2 years.

In 2008, Dibrov returned to the “first button” again, where he became the host of the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” With the appearance of Dmitry, the program’s ratings began to climb again.

On the TVC channel, owned by the Moscow government, the journalist hosted the program “Temporarily Available” for 7 years. Stars of sports, politics, show business, and theater were invited to the studio. Topical topics were discussed, often unrelated to the guest’s profession. The program was awarded the TEFI in 2014; the TV presenter himself became a “TV academician” back in 2001.

Dmitry Dibrov returned to Channel One

The project “XX Century with Dmitry Dibrov” was available to viewers of the Retro channel, owned by the STREAM company. The presenter's interlocutors talked about how the past century was remembered, what they would like to leave in it forever, and what they would like to preserve and pass on to future descendants.

The journalist managed to get on the religious channel “Spas”, where, in tandem with the poetess Olesya Nikolaeva, he introduced the audience to the basics of Orthodox culture.

In 2016, Dmitry Dibrov launched a new TV show on the Zvezda channel. The show "Secret Folder" is dedicated to amazing and mysterious events and intricate, unsolved cases. Topics include the biography and history of the creation of the Buran ship, behind-the-scenes intrigues of the times Cuban missile crisis and the preparation of an assassination attempt and other secrets that were previously kept deep in the archives and memory of eyewitnesses.

Personal life

The personal life of a screen star is a constant source of information for the media. Few public figures talk so openly and in detail about numerous marriages.

Dibrov's first wife was a girl named Elmira. In 1985, their son Denis was born. Dmitry worked hard to support his family, and the young wife, unable to bear the constant absence of her husband, left.

The next chosen one was Olga, who was much younger than her husband. The journalist in love proposed to the girl, but this marriage also broke up after 6 years. In this union, he had a daughter, Lada, who moved with her mother to France, where she lives to this day.

After breaking up with Olga, Dibrov often appeared in public, accompanied by attractive ladies. The press immediately started talking about the TV presenter’s affair with Alexandra Markvo, known for her work on the youth magazine “Molotok”. The couple soon separated, Alexandra got married, and Dmitry found a new companion.

The wedding took place on March 28, 2009. In 2010, the family’s first son, Alexander, was born, 3 years later, Fedor, and in May 2015, the third Dibrov Jr., Ilya, was born. A father with many children dreams of a daughter, and has already chosen a name - Elizabeth. Polina talks about her children and her famous wife from her Instagram page. The account of the head of the family is more strict and restrained; the photos mostly depict work moments, friends and colleagues.

In the summer of 2016, Dibrov and his wife took a vacation to Spain. Married couple argues that it is of great importance for happy marriage has the opportunity to relax together, without children and older relatives. Polina, according to the TV presenter, is the person with whose help he “puts in order the cluttered warehouses that his head makes up.”

Dmitry’s wife gained 23 kg during her third pregnancy, but six months later she already looked like her former beauty. Looking at Polina, the TV presenter pulled himself together and lost 20 kg; now, with a height of 170, the TV star’s weight supposedly hovers around 72 kg.

Dmitry is very much interested in music. He plays a rare instrument for Russia - the banjo. In 2001, together with the group "Anthropology", the journalist published the first and only record called "Rum and Pepsi-Cola", which included 13 songs in the genre of rock and Blues-Rock.

In one interview, the TV presenter shared that he had found a new passion: and. The role of co-host was taken on by a legend Soviet television.

On the TV channel, “Secret Folder” was conceived as a project based on documentary evidence, and not on speculation and unconfirmed publications in the media. It is known that archives do not always open their doors welcomingly to journalists, and it is no coincidence that the program is supervised by Russian Ministry defense The law enforcement agency has its own, exclusive sources of information.

Dmitry Dibrov also participates in the new Channel One show “ the main role", along with 11 media persons, including,. For the most part, they are far from cinema, but they will have to find acting skills in order to convey scenes from popular films on the screen. It was entrusted to evaluate how successful the reincarnation was, and. The fourth jury member is fickle.

Dmitry Dibrov with his wife in 2019

In 2019, the showman will become a father for the sixth time and a grandfather for the first time. About your " interesting position“Polina said, and daughter Lada shared similar news when Dmitry and his family came on vacation to Monaco. In a conversation with journalists, Dibrov complained that he could not establish contact with his son Denis.

TV projects

  • "Sight"
  • "Installation
  • "Anthropology"
  • "Oh, lucky guy!"
  • "Night shift"
  • "Apology"
  • "Who want to be a millionaire?"
  • "Dibrov-party"
  • "Cruel Intentions"
  • "Marriage Games"
  • “My address is Rostov-on-Don”
  • "Secret Folder"
  • "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture"
  • “The 20th century with Dmitry Dibrov”
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